20 RAINBOW FRIENDS Best Animation Compilation!

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oh this sandwich looks delicious are you for real I'm being serious you know let's spend some time with Dad you're so cute together here let's finish the tower oh I'm starving uh food all right hey boy check my dance moves I'll be quick you think you're smart you should have seen his face [Music] are you ready for this one son such a nice day I must say we are pretty good at this huh I've been watching you guys what is he talking about are you thinking what's up you are trapped oh what's going on something occurred to me oh red what did you want your experiment sucks why would you do that dude um I'm sorry Dr red don't you have something to explain what are you up to guys are you having a good time son yes nothing just chilling it's okay bro you can go with Mom say goodbye to them I love you kiddo huh your kids been causing trouble my son I don't know what you're talking about I believe my son [Music] no no wake up later I've got a mission for you do you think you must gather all of Blues cubes he is a sweet creature he loves to play with them you must find them all and build a tower for blue he'll be really happy oh okay that doesn't sound that hard I'll be done in no time not that hard huh you're never blue is missing his cubes really impressive no way we gotta find those cubes hey better be fast around ouch well that's the first one now we gotta find the rest of you oh my new friend who said that it's the mouse are blue nice here's another one that one's up there he needs mine now and here's an M weird placement I thought he was a trap I'll leave this game here and this one there this one over here this one over there finally they was all together what a beautiful Tower oh no I'm missing one I gotta find it before blue oh before blue Finds Me [Music] wait a minute he doesn't look so aggressive actually he's kind of friendly right hey blue how are you nice to meet you buddy thank you for not eating me though what are you doing with my cubes where is she going is he the new Super Sonic or something like that oh I know he left me because I look scary hmm oh don't say that Mr Blue you're not scary at all oh thank you player Where Have You Been can't you slide up your back I wanted to look at your crown it's really fancy you look like the near King of England my Royal friend did you really think I'm not scary thank you player you're so Charming let's be best friends you know that I'm out of danger I gotta find the last Cube oh the last Cube I know what you're looking for this where would it be oh blue you've got it the mission is done what is going on here and my first Tower is ready goodbye kids see you next week oh no this video isn't finished yet stay alone kids what because now you have another mission are you listening Punk now it's time to find the Food Packs they're hitting all throughout the map you must find them immediately okay delicious once you find them you must place them inside the food dispensers they're pretty much empty are you listening Kid sweet food bags I mean sir yes sir steal it oh and I forgot to tell you there is also a green monster coming after you and you're telling me now [Music] it's right behind me isn't it that green monster I hear an imposter here this is my end uh what the am I alive who's even looking at me hello he must be too excited I better take advantage of him and fool the dispensers oh my it smells really good guess I'll take one for the ride just on telling me all right well Mr red this was easy as pie don't get cocky kid let's go for the next mission okay sure but I gotta do something before that um hi green here's some glasses Chicago used to wear them to read books but maybe they will help you well what do you think huh wow this is phenomenal now I can see I can really see my body the colors this peace now they can see how they slow you playing no please [Music] my friend thank you Ali you saved my life I'm so grateful to see you now what is going on and also he's befriending everybody nobody matters of course who needs friends anyway do you want some do I what of course not next mission for you there's a light booth at the teether and you must find all of the missing fights but beware there's a monster a dinosaur he's very fast hungry and friendless good luck player oh no that sounds really scary he oh wait a minute these are the lights of the monster oh oh that means he's coming oh I see a fresh meat for the Lord of bring his beers oh I see you I'm gonna eat you it's over I'm gonna hit you my life is over prepare your body I'll leave my left meal don't eat me please who look like a dog so you don't want to eat me you wanna eat this right yes please give me the cookies give me the cookies so you really want the cookies huh I have a proposal for you do you really want this yes please please please well they're mine why but they could be yours if you gather all the lights for me [Music] okay sounds fair to me all right let's do this okay that was an easy way to finish my work and no monsters around anymore uh what was that are you sure player well that was easy it only took me two minutes I can already smell the cookies hey player huh oh no help me orange he wants to take me oh my God they are in danger don't worry I'll rescue you I'm coming for you please hurry up do it for me wait for me don't worry what oh my God it's too late layer on the floor now my precious this can't be true my cookies this can't end up like this [Music] what happened I finally catch someone hey buddy do you think you can help me with my leg I accidentally fell off on a trap you know I was having a good day now in this place I entered the event tonight too but then when I was walking over there my feet was cowed by a trap it was really painful and when I was trying to leave someone put the door is my sad story please don't leave me huh oh what are you let's go your legs finally free my friend and the pain leaves too and finally thanks to you player sorry it was a pleasure wow I'm really sorry about the cookies orange don't worry here's another package give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me Mario hungry that hurts thank you so much player you're welcome the last Spotlight hand my niches are done what how is that even possible I gotta find a really impossible mission for him but what oh I have an idea you better focus player your happiness is getting dark I can't do anything good turn off the light I'm scared oh take this land somebody cut the generator your next mission is to find all of the batteries to turn the lights on this sounds easy wait a minute did you hear that what are those who are those no size oh my God why is that red well I I hear stories about Creepy Monsters lurking in the dark but there's nothing we can do about them oh no no more monsters this is a red player Goodbye cruel world hello guys we saw the lights turn off so we decided to found all the batteries on the maps monsters um no no no whoops we thought this was one of those scary episodes with lots of monsters around yes I'll keep this episode for another time you guys are my heroes saving us well of course we're here Blair you ended up all the missions we have to celebrate let's go they're throwing a party for player but they never throw parties for me okay do you have a piece of cake huh blue well player it's better not talking no blood when blue is sleeping we have to act and talk very softly if he woke up he'll be furious we better be going to another place no no guys stay here the board is right here and all of the guests must be awake who wake me up it's delicious oh blue you're awake they organize the party for me do you want some cake friend my cake what is wrong with you blue blue The Party Starts Now I'm not with you I'll destroy your life who scared me blue blue you scare me [Music] who what are that noise stop [Music] stop this is the real end Over My Dead Body blue [Music] please no don't do this player useless this potion could actually help him clear on time oh he might be all right please what is happening ah friends but what are you a player you woke up I guess you're alive I'm sorry to hurt you don't worry friend um red pleasure you you saved my life thank you my friend oh you guys are so sweet let's take a picture foreign [Music] with the rainbow friends it was a really fun experience for me I enjoyed it I think Aggie came for me we tagged each other and said goodbye to our friends after all all Adventures come to an end right but who knows maybe we can go back another time [Music] I already miss you guys you will always until next time friends oh I'm kind of nervous for my first day is it here [Music] laughing my eyes four kids Mr Blue you're up I think I know the answer no actually I don't know finish in one hour where's my pencil who who took my things everyone keeps making fun hey what give me that oh my God they also took my food why are they so mean we're gonna do something about them bullies don't worry [Music] that makes me feel a little better how you doing classmates come over here what is the solution for lips it's 68 done well done [Music] um is anyone here please I'm freaking out hello where is everybody oh look a key let's see where this takes us open up really another door what the heck is that who's there holy spaghetti I thought I heard someone hmm he gone I better leave this room what the you made it pleasure I saw nothing hey you're with ice this is insane come back here just just leave me alone I've got nothing for you close it go where could he be oh man this is one scary looking dude he's gone oh God damn it just leave me alone dude I'm finally sick who's there oh this place is full of monsters wait a minute a golden lock I wonder what's in there jeez I think he's a bit blind I gotta be quick give me that [Music] got it just gotta put the combination now or never and done oh crap huh I messed up holy meatballs he's coming for me damn this was close what what is that sorry man didn't mean to step on you bye-bye gee so many doors what is happening well thank God I brought my sunglasses see you later you didn't even see me that looks like an elevator it's my way out I can smell fresh human meat he's back a little time come out [Music] welcome to control my heart otherwise he'll hear me I'll slowly get to the elevator [Music] I made it I finally survived oh my God [Music] it's today oh I got it the vital potion I can finally bring life to my children we're almost there wake up my girls thank you what happened it it worked I am so confused what happened to our new Rainbow girls this will make some money I think I love this new look yeah girls look over there [Music] I know I know but we're against the boys now we hate them so it's that what he wants are you complaining about my tasks you must kill them I will do it we are together in this we're just finishing my Cube Tower as usual say goodbye forever [Music] I know I can do it what the heck I hurt myself [Music] oh please don't hurt me I'm begging please I'm not sure it's supposed to happen let's see how orange girl is doing it's over hmm yeah well here um [Music] looks so cute what happened whoa this is awkward I freaking hate this green girl do not disappoint Meister will lend him in 10 seconds hey do you want something that was craving for some chocolate cupcakes huh can't believe I did that oh no stop that um um I'm gonna eat it she looks so gorgeous you girls are only one job and what am I gonna do with you do you want me to press the button you're the serve it let's do it now right now it was very painful look over there okay version of him I'm doing it oh girls Roger what the heck boy and you what oh my God look at that you want to go on a date of course or better no I've got the power now come back here boys oh boy what was that all about huh no freaking way his I come inside oh my God oh my God I need to hide myself wait maybe that closet is my solution great plan player let's go hey you what do you think you're going huh it seems like there's nobody here I look somewhere else finally he's gone huh who are you are you player and you're new bright I guess we're in this together I'll tell you how we ended up kicking on my own pace I was looking for food actually but then as soon as I crossed the door I found myself in another world and I was really creepy uh what is this place oh my God what is that holy macaroni boy am I hungry he's too close what kind of monster was that oh that wardrobe is a little suspicious hello holy ravioli I don't want to play this game anymore please play seems like a labyrinth full of doors um net blinking light doesn't seem friendly uh-huh what is that oh look a sweet ghost I mean it's still weird but it looks kind of friendly what's your name [Music] oh I'm sick for you what a nightmare actually this is a hotel wait is that a talking eye oh no something's coming oh my God hey talking hi excuse me he's getting closer by the minute buddy help me please I was so scared to play yes okay I got this we gotta cross all of the doors in this hotel this Mission won't be easy and we're gonna find many monsters in the way let you and I gonna do this together all right okay purple monsters super players are coming for you I'll take the first one I wonder what's inside huh what the oh no it's that creepy eye monster all right player we better watch your site this time sorry had to go for number two what what is that what the holy mother of eyes don't open your eyes player oh no too late hey friend wait a second you're hypnotized oh man what can I do who's completely out of himself ah that shiny mirror could be helpful oh stop right there evil thing why don't you charm yourself I'm so Charming it's over are you okay buddy come on the monster has gone already look mess he's right in front of us [Music] I'm sorry I was really nervous that hurts well I'm going back to the mission let's go buddy you know I was thinking we need to find please don't make any noise player I'm trying to think of something important pleasure stop maybe we need to find oh that's right Iggy hey masterkey can open any door yeah are you still hypnotized or something what's wrong with you [Music] um buddy I'm here are you okay oh hi buddy you almost called me for a second that was scary huh hello there little friend how are you doing Jesus Christ oh buddy you're completely destroyed I'll beat you got it what what is that blink again oh gee that means they're coming we are gonna eat you here comes Rush come on let's hide wait for me oops sorry buddy what was that I'm afraid his wardrobe is only for one character look that's what it says sorry bro what the really dude I hate this place oh geez I need to find somewhere to hide but where maybe here who's that what hey uh you can't come in buddy this is just for one person I'm sorry yeah yeah nice flight oh that was rude am I alive I'm still alive yay suddenly it gets cold in here oh for sure sorry dude let's see what's going on outside macaroni hey who's still there oh my God almost leaves my body um okay maybe now he's gone this is getting ridiculous why are you doing this Ambush it's unfair all right third time's a charm what if I take out my arm yep what about my leg I knew it and my wheel kid really this dude this Ambush is getting annoying I don't care if he eats me or what I want to get out of here I'm coming player I'm gonna eat you oh wait the door is open I'm gonna crash what was that hey boss oh no hand boss I'm really sorry oh player he wrecked Ambush dude oh I see biscuits are mad hyper girl let's just move on we need to find that ghee otherwise we won't get out of this place so weird there are no monsters in this room don't worry friend to dinner is one of us coming thanks for telling us I on the wall wait what player listen to me there's an eye on the wall what are you serious holy geez it's happening again but there can only mean one thing he's coming too I have a surprise for you whoa let's go back wait a second running us tired me please I need some water oh thank you boys I really need it [Music] what a relief okay guys wait I'm supposed to catch you come here he already noticed door let's go [Music] oh my God we don't have the key we can't run and seek is closer wait for me please please have mercy on this beautiful door whoa I have something for you all right time for an explosive exit finally you were on my hand I have to admit it you did a great job running away from me but please I'm not gonna hurt you guys I just wanted to give you this key ah wait are you serious you want to get out of the hotel you need this key to open the door I'm sorry if I scared you anyways take it and don't come back well it feels good trying to help hi it's great how are you huh no no wait you just been sucker boy [Music] blue wants to play oh no he's coming who dropped that huh you better see this what is he talking about I can feel this action holy mother of look at him I don't want to catch that you're coming with me I can smell the coloring you guys it's gone I think I guess so I'm freaking out I'm losing my friends just look at them [Music] it all started with Red's experiment everything is almost ready all my Creations will bring great results Eureka [Music] look at that perfect shape it's time to witness my geniusness expected I can't believe it I'll create the perfect what what's the meaning of this danger oh no the experiment but who is it them cute about or even hit this huh YouTube My Cube I was just [Music] what what did she do I can't see a thing what's that smell ah what's that color suction [Music] ah freshly colored skin away from me [Music] oh no I'm bro don't hurt me buddy what's going on up there dollars he's something kind of weird what can I uh very yummy run for your life dude what's up with them come on follow me till you're coming huh [Music] holy crap that was fast but not enough what's happening to my skin thank you don't touch me guys I'm making and that's the story hit someone called me [Music] please oh no no no no we must find your way out what ah be careful don't touch that no what dude [Music] where's the exit I know how to make time come get inside what no make a Bluetooth oh no I better hide go on what the look at all this paint there's not even space just in time for you uh what's going on I feel alive again [Music] did I just save them oh hey guys it's the paint here help me out let's do it [Music] let's go we did it guys you saved us Mommy it's finally lunch time Naughty Boy you stole my food come back here oh we are did you stole my lunch is that true baby my baby nice starwork looks so good what did you do get back here you brought where are you I swear I'll find you huh oh I'm starving uh food hamburger so delicious let's try it out [Music] you're so dumb I can't run how did you instead I got him this is your last game what are you doing to my kids put him down now [Music] baby you're okay now you need to be more careful young man oh you're too cute to be grounded he's right behind me isn't he you have nowhere else to go I'm tired of your little pranks that's right in the picture look at this what's that foreign I had such a great childhood [Music] do mommy don't forget your lunch you guys are the best see ya another boring day at school look at the one night [Music] this stupid classmates [Music] have you seen his face [Music] mail for you oh thanks dude oh Dad it's so rude I hate everyone [Music] hey Blue Boy wanna hang out just save your comments for yourself I've got an idea what are you doing hi I'm pink nice to meet you you're very late lady you should be more responsible what is that thing if hold on well it was nice what do we have here oh I always end up being like Hey kid heard of the rainbow friends not really it's a place full of colorful emotions nobody will ever make fun of you in there well it looks fun I wanna feel better but my parents but these bullies fine take me you made the right choice whoa whoa who's playing hey are you new have you seen this dude actually I can't see I'm sorry dude I wasn't aware I have one missing eye then you're just like me write this way please oh okay he seemed nice I'll be with you in a sec I love this place hey what you doing in there you're not supposed to be here she's near go away wait what are you talking about who were you talking to I was oh it's fine I was overreacting over here fine be close call and you stay quiet what are all these machines this is kinda weird who's there The Reincarnation is that green stick are you ready for this you lied to me no no it was the only way [Music] what happened I lost my hands the bird and I I became that toy I remember it like it was yesterday it's okay buddy I'm here with you and I found the exit it's right here I'm not sure come on help me move it dude well done you're not going anywhere what oh come on hurry stop right there yeah don't just stand down what he made it guys of course I am this is exhausting wait no look at you time for some makeup my turn geez ah what did they do to me I know what you did not hurt messed with the wrong boy get ready what are they up to over here oh geez they're messing up with my love rods how can I solve this I think I know exactly what to do oh I Was Defeated myself come on you have work to do you too my boy I'm giving you the power and you get some too [Music] [Music] Nobody messes with my lab rats [Laughter] what are you doing what you looking now hey guys who should be thanking me get out of here you old man oh no they're turning against me [Music] what the heck where's everybody where did everyone go hmm what is a black liquid oh no is that moving so much oh boy they're gonna hurt him I'm not used to beat them I gotta do something are you ready to feel the pain here's the reverse potion take some of this something's changing huh I don't know [Music] am I dead you're safe now buddy oh thank you you're gonna pay for this hi what are you doing you're not allowed to see this you must stay quiet hear me I'm being serious did you not pay attention to me um oh I forgot well I'm watching you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] do you guys hear that was that a bomb one more oh [Music] Wow Let's get back here look what you did to me are you trolling me don't make fun of me I actually enjoyed this new look on me you're gonna write are you guys for real take a look oh not bad at all you are saved so now what is all that noise [Music] you guys I'm sorry you're grounded nutty boy back to normal [Music] [Music] ready to play huh what's up with the lights gonna hide now who is this holy spaghetti I don't want in front of you be gone who did you beat your bands holy crap that was close hello it's a safe room I'll take you back I take it back you're not getting away gonna find a new door fast it's everywhere it'll be great promise me they're gonna be faster phew that was hella close is he gone jeez I could swear words that dude is pretty scary I'm right behind you you don't make my head thank you oh no it's a blind dude that was close huh is that a book yes I'll take it I know you're there rebellious [Applause] and another one Revere yourself I made it alive again what's in here oh no he's hypnotizing that poor boy to death I should avoid his eyes luckily I brought these sunglasses I can't avoid winning now that is a smart move I know right I gotta find those keys huh oh something bit me just leave me alone no freaking way hello I really miss my family I wonder how they're doing today I'm a monster they probably won't recognize me that's the missing piece huh looks like we have work to do did I get lost la look at that purple Cube it looks really shiny well don't mind if I do got you there's no Escape now what's happening where are you taking me what is this place they tied me up what's that Mom I'm scared operation transformation almost complete no my body Heats it's changing yeah I remember like it was yesterday huh what's going on look at her new keyword did I go wrong hey what's up look at you you'd be trapped in that basement forever there's nothing for me take your cue buddy it's all yours really oh I love playing with you guys this kid's always up for something a Red Cube you don't deserve it but I have no friends wait there's a way to solve this there's nothing you can do I'm trapped give up now wait please look over there oh my God [Music] so what are they doing to her hold up I'm thinking oh it's true wake up don't you see she said stop right there buddy okay Mommy destructive mode activated player buddy it's me someone hypnotized me [Music] destructive mode on [Music] we've been going just as I planned Let's Help clearance he's getting stronger I can't oh I'm right here I'm trying to but it's getting on my nerves they don't know what's coming Johnny would like to hear this yes it's me my wife's doing what I couldn't control her we should take a look oh this is making me pretty upset [Music] that was pretty fun guys [Applause] [Music] [Music] we were just trying to save her oh I see I try to kill your wife and blue save her from dying oh I wasn't aware of that I'm sorry buddy you're an apology huh what do you have something to explain [Music] it I can't help it I'm a winner who's there you're inviting myself I got no place to go come here come on dude stop that you'll never mess with my love again no no no no ah does it even work yeah the end is near it's beautiful you gonna kill blue time to get some work done this is gonna be for fun look at this pigs I miss my butts we had such great moments what the heck what happened to players stuff until you're dead he's coming foreign what's this no way it's all over now uh as long as I can no dude I want to help you have to run fun stop getting in my business you get what you deserve I must find help over there there must be a potion huh where did that insect go I can still smell him near huh he's footsteps this cube is not bad at all buddy who did this to you that player dude is possessed I see these must be Red's work I will stop him oh where can it be oh it must be this oh there is no love potion left how you preparate it let's do it these are the ingredients [Music] what stay away from my butt stupid lizard stay away from me it's a hurry what's missing huh the among us here oh look at that I think it might be ready oh I told you to stay away what now don't worry player I have the Cure take it stupid blue so you don't want to be saved I see yeah where is he now right here [Music] for this moment oh my God it's your last prayer I have to do it this better work yes what happened I'm confused basically you almost killed everyone oh no [Music] no thanks for saving me bud but what about green and orange oh I got an idea this will make you feel better buddy oh what happened it's all over now come on bud wake up please we are normal again buddy everything turned out well hurry she's right behind us we're gonna do something yes come on you can make it you're the one knowing it's liquor we need more strength come on um [Music] your eyes are better than white [Music] it's over for you guys I see the way out close the door come on that was exhausting who's here [Music] there's so many of them I know exactly what to do guys we've got this oh my God take it off take it off somebody please oh sorry you did okay huh behind you who's next [Music] time no one messes with my friends oh my God please don't thank you this time I can smell him oh so you are here please oh I know where he's he's gone I gotta Curry come on buddy you can do it what's up with this box you will buy for dogs please don't leave me in here I told you not to mess with me damn that was close laughs look over there whoa is he even alive he looks very real for a statue oh I'm confused there's something fishy going don't look at me dude hello guys hey guys hey found the sound box yellow player you should see this I'm getting tired look over there it's not a joke box you're all falling into my trap [Music] hold on shall we happen where's everybody [Music] [Music] I'm not playing anymore uh I'm not even touching it what the heck did it stop holy spaghetti oh no it's it's alive hey buddy wanna play a game that was tasty [Music] come on dude what did I ever do to you where did he go now make any noise dude he almost got us oh my God you won't get away from me thanks for that buddy is still there don't do it no don't worry he can reach us where are you boys how did she get inside she's right there get out from wherever you're hiding look over there let's do it holy God of Dreams come on [Music] I'm sorry bud I did everything I could I could I get to the train hold on what's that oh no the Monster Box he's coming come on Curry oh I wonder if he's here oh are you okay dude he woke up please don't care at me I can barely breathe it hurts pretty fast can't you see my body oh I think don't leave me in here please I got your bullet but I can't leave him here [Music] take this it's getting worse hurry no oh no I think I'll what what do I do let me look for a light bulb with the right materials I can bring him back to life yay hand game they're blue hell fix you all right all right a little bit here and a little bit there just a few arrangements and ta-da his leg is still missing and he's hanging with my friend blue what is he doing here oh no I think he saw me the missing piece come on come on [Music] sorry got things to do okay gotta hurry come on come on I can do this let's get to work time to show off my skills you'll be done in no time my friend gotta cut this looking at us phew that was exhausting all right let's finish it [Music] beautiful what are you doing to my body blue hey for what you did to him nobody players whoa Maddie [Music] bro I'm not gonna wait she's the one who repairs careful baby steps blue hold on oh perfect oh very well done who's behind ah I swear they heard something what you're doing in here all by yourself I don't care at all um hey don't touch my stuff I'm faster than you think ouch why are you running in my hallway little lady and get me back my crown [Music] you dummies whoa she has some nerves I know no one is willing to play with me with me what's going on he sucks who's that crying chicken next to Barbara's house it looks yummy and what do you want I wanna eat oh wait I have something for you hold on are you for real good boy um I'm kind of hungry too please you're feeding the bad guys that oh wait that's not that's not fair you shouldn't mess with kids he'll get back in that hole I'm thinking Hmm hey guys have you seen this little girl nobody she just run from us oh it was nice meeting you oh well that sounds like her I hate feeling like this lady what do I [Music] what do I call we were just testing you you guys made her laughs after all come on I want to talk to you so unfair open sesame [Music] what oh so what now I'm sorry bud oh no please turn it off at least do it for me please who is she that's the cutest girl I've ever seen oh um you're right let's do it yay for this told you that mommy whoa [Music] help me please what do I do huh don't you worry my dear oh hands attack huh you won't take her [Music] time to get serious tickle punch finally whoa huh oh oh what's going on my body is mutating Operation is almost complete ready oh my why the long face see for yourself huh the time has gone I feel kinda weird my hand oh my God what's happening oh uh he's gonna be so happy he'll get back to his beautiful life oh [Music] come on this the operation was a success you should see this I feel so amazing oh look at him and now is that a mirror my face normal I'm so happy he looks so good you can tell he really likes my long face just look at this he has a family oh I've got a solution let's do it huh what's happening now oh my God those are my parents son you're alive this is so beautiful what is that oh my God oh my god did I hear something whoa look at that shiny blue box it's so mysterious I wonder what's inside oh it has a handle on it it makes pretty sounds hey hmm let's find out well this is kind of fun actually hi [Music] um he's massive come inside uh hold on I'm not going to oh oh poor box everyone is just too afraid I'm gonna do something um hey boxy boo I'm sorry if I offended you you're back take a look what is that huh you should take it out ah I wonder what it is let's find out please don't hurt me you're gonna be just fine I guess I'll be useless forever I hate my life are you hurt I will fix you please don't hurt me sir [Music] everything will be fine oh hey little lady will be my biggest creation hold on a second so that's your story do you get it now oh I'm sorry if I ever told you I hate this case what's this now what can I do hmm let's see his file okay this will be easy it's time to do it ah something is changing this is great huh what is happening in here oh no oh this is burning I have to do something but first I need to learn about him let's read about Killy Willy and find who he really is kids let me see your grades the best score in my class awesome and I had the worst oh my God when I try okay I know this one but I can't remember [Music] I gotta get out of here I need to find my way eh what is playtime place my plan is failing because of this pleasure I need to get rid of him but how that's it I need a real human for this experiment where can I oh what is this place Don't Panic I'm sorry I just came up with a new experiment and you're perfect for it come on don't you wanna feel powerful oh yeah excellent drink this sure oh I feel something weird oh my God my experiment is working oh my a monster now your mission is to find him I can't believe it this is so tragic oh it's happening I feel something weird okay what who is this real I don't like this at all at least I'm free to do some evil things where do I start no way the cage who's doing this now that I think about it he's a danger as a human being I can't let him go you see weirdo these missions are getting harder than before huh oh it's nothing never mind no one feeling scared oh you meant hello right yes hi nice green oh I gotta go now bye I need to surprise for me what a nice guy oh thank you another friend hello hello don't let this kindness make you forget about your mission I love being a mean girl I can't hit the mark come on player you can do this [Music] no it's open oh pleasure I missed you that hurts come on come on come on let's play with the toys okay oh she's beautiful I have to be ready I'm so in love Hello darling lot these flowers are pretty just like you thank you yes the mission is to destroy players what's happening no stay away from us uh no my little darling wait look she ruined the flowers he gave you good idea she's so mean we have to help us hey don't worry we are here for you I love to see others go bankrupt what he's I think my cubes are missing what was that oh never mind but he seems sad the professor albergo wasting your time as usual flying games why would she do that not just do that oh no my cubes are broken so we can feel better [Music] fine let's do it [Music] almost finished look at all these colors what have you been doing kids what did I say about cubes and you miss I believe oh you saved the cubes hug me what is happening what's this subject presents wrong headaches he's ready the operation begins everything according to plan Miss what are they doing to me is that my answer oh so that's his story I really hope that everything goes fine ah that was exhausting let me go I'm back to normal the door am I allowed to leave oh look at [Music] look at now [Music] huh who's that oh were all these people I I we are on schedule Miss there's no time left what am I gonna do now oh hello hello there is nothing more gratifying to my soul than being the reason for a child's smile to the spark that ignites all their thoughts and dreams this company and its toys are nothing without them oh BJ that is why it is with enormous pleasure that as the founder of playtime call I announced playcare our very own on-site orphanage a child should never be left unloved never without a hand to hold when they see a monster in that closet what is that make play care bring joy inspiration and smile to every child who enters these doors Mommy [Music] what's this all about creepy whoa ouch ah what maybe I should um play your weight ah come here whoa look there's something it's easy look maybe it opens that door you don't have any idea how much I miss my family my dear Mommy my sweet baby I lost them all and it's all my fault this is so painful whoa whoa what is this this whoa I didn't know platon had a Pet Shop awesome now I want a bed there are animals here which one is a special one I have to accept it nobody wants a spider like me hey hi little spider do I like you and and would you like me to be okay 100 like you daddy look there's a beautiful spider over here and it can talk can you buy it please it's kind of expensive I can buy it for you let me check um maybe I have something in my wallet or maybe not so where's the money you see you won't regret it I promise it looks and I really want to buy you the spider but I don't have that here's someone who wants to buy something but there's no money don't worry this is Poppy and I'm here to fix your problems what are you looking for I'll give you a free bag s and everything oh well that sounds good for me I think we have a deal lady [Music] now we're going to be best friends look baby what's right that spider is amazing you see I resolved the problem well what do you think if we had a serious trouble no our babies all right if you really dare to touch my son I promise you won't see the sun again I'm really sorry to tell you dancing here I'm afraid you'll have to go now what are you supposed to do you won't get away with it well well it's funny because I always win what's going on we're just I'm so scared poor little kid you will see them soon when we finish with you [Music] where am I where's Mommy oh my darling I'm so sorry this is all my fault oh no wait what stay away from her don't touch her now please have mercy I have never seen myself in this position [Music] [Music] you pay for this puppy [Music] oh we are a monster family and it's all my fault [Music] Smiley hello is anyone here you can hear something that voice is Mommy it's my family mommy baby look at us now we are Creepy Monsters I'm really sorry please forgive me oh honey you don't have to apologize come down we are your family we will always love you are you serious of course daddy oh wait they forgive him just because they love him I wonder what that family feelings will be like I'm feeling lonely I better keep going oh I'm so happy to have you guys you are the most important thing in my life help us please see the blood the time for the baby experiment has arrived please what are you you're about to this is your end Mommy Long Legs just in time little kid let's see what you got you won't get away with it what the feeler you're a puppy now oh my friends I booked myself they're all babies now don't worry friends I love to be a baby but I miss my oh I don't know what to do let's fix this this machine causes everything okay take your positions are you sure of what you're doing never been so sure in my life ready let's do this no no and now the action huh what is happening [Music] everything is doing great come on stupid machine ah is that a heart oh that must be the battery it's out of charge look there's another one here fantastic come to play your little darling yes ah no you fixed the machine over my I can't do this but I gotta do this for my friends their faces are screaming for help I gotta be a hero yeah go away I think it's working [Music] back Mommy oh [Music] yes that's what friends do you're such a cute little boy here I am going to cook take care of your child now let's see I'm right here look at this doggy foreign [Music] what is this kid talking about and now let's just wait is there something you want to tell me look who's that kid [Music] [Music] and me and heavy oh and just tell for God's sake almost lost it so confused oh this is your fault just look at him playing around with those stupid hands told you oh well I guess he's right get away to me I'm just trying to tell you oh it's closed come on open uh play your weight holy spaghetti stop running oh where is she like yeah I was trying to tell you no keep talking and you're dead but I I don't get it I'm telling you to stay back so you don't want to be my friend anymore that's it hmm fine do it uh what do you mean if we can't be friends I don't mind dying or not easy but yeah I don't mind buying me no I can't do this oh what buddy oh you okay buddy ah are you good I'm so sorry it's okay thank you Casey holy name is sagging you kissy almost free uh what no wait stop the train come on oh no no no who did this player come on answer me oh you're fine buddy I lost my new hand well never mind thank you huh what is this place this place is the play care it's been a while since I last saw this place can we go please oh I'm not allowed to go in there why you can go if you want all right just be careful get ready player here I come it's a really big door let's open it here's the key huh what it's a it's a place Stacy you can meet your new playmate it's right there um hello sorry oh is that for me thanks and you can't please no problem whoa we will be good yes bud you like it done too oh good boy you little Joker get asleep now the experiment can continue [Applause] [Music] initiating the evolution process what but how do we have to report this where are the subjects oh what Have We Become pillar posters we are in this together [Music] we have to do it where is that player uh oh amazing Place huh who are you can be shh let's get out yay mommy close bug [Music] hi brought your friend [Music] I love you guys Wanna Know My Story this is not really me that's me the girl I was dead but not for today experiment one zero zero six initiating is it working what no heart [Music] how do I the hand this is my only chance I have to do whatever it takes it wasn't that hard please work please experiment one zero zero six take two this is it [Music] where am I oh my god it worked poopy you are back I'm so sorry we can start again my turn we win we can be friends I love that and the end [Music] Daddy I'll make him feel better with this letter um Dad stop please [Laughter] Daddy poppy I'm sorry I I um are you oh doors Daddy please you are grounded we are here again I'm trapped [Music] um hey who are you I'm the one who's taking you out of here okay poppy yes of course we're gonna be best friends I promise I'm sorry bud oh I have a family Pete you must do it sorry [Music] whoa well let's see I'm going to create a Frankenstein with you and they'll see the worst thing ever what did you want me to do you must destroy him [Music] are you monsters I destroyed a family this is wait what did you miss me guys yellow [Music] huh mommy I'm really sorry I regret everything I did oh what [Music] oh please let's end this huh oh what's going on [Music] please wake up Mommy oh no I knew it huh [Music] dramatic yeah nobody plays with me they'll see I will have their Revenge where is he laggy where are you huh what is this time to take your medicine what you have to go be soon I'll be like that he's truly like this these things he's not what am I gonna do huh it's the Cure the love cure they are dead player [Music] there's the Cure I finally got you Daddy please let me go shut up I'm not that Huggy look taggy a really cool monster and a really good friend buddy what am I doing [Music] hi P you broke out of your cage amazing [Music] hey buddy maybe they don't like me that much sure [Music] love Hi-Fi you did amazing guys now who wants pancakes I need to get out of here but where's the exit is that a lever I come to try it huh what is that this is it back here stay [Music] you're really felt but not enough [Music] foreign [Music] come on hurry up please [Music] [Music] say goodbye I didn't mean to scare you that much it was just a game please don't let me die could you try to kill me I'm so sorry fine I can grab you now I can finally grab you oh play with you thank you so much buddy we are eating now what do you know no me please help me you wish Mommy I wasn't born yesterday let's finish this now see ya you can't do this to me hmm of course I can't um what how did that oh okay let's see what's on the other side [Music] what what is all this and who whose place is this I'll stick you mummy I'll make you better no I who's there [Music] what the hell never mind come on come on let's go is he crazy or what come on keep huh what no no no no no no what's going on Jackie where are you cocky huh is this a toy uh what is that oh my God Bobby [Applause] terrible things have happened where do I even begin I need to find hockey you are perfect I'm ready you're perfect to lose Danger she's watching your every move so you better be careful [Music] it's been so nice there's the exit oh no it's closed it's impossible uh who's coming who are you this is I'm kissy oh okay kissy I'm player so what are you doing here oh I need to open this door but it's impossible oh I see hmm maybe I [Music] I can try it I must find another way uh my friend it was nice to see you kissy wait sure no holds on please don't leave me here you are uh she she's gone she just helped me my only friend here what a toy it's easy I'll never forget you kissy thank you my little baby he seems so sweet when he sleeps honey I arrived oh look at him don't you think this is the sweetest baby in the world we are very lucky to have we are really sorry to interrupt I think you have something we want the child if you touch my family I will kill you yeah well let's start this fight don't worry I'll protect we need more and more [Music] too late what's going on who are these people and why are they taking me away more questions baby finally we got our new toys [Music] all right let's see my missions for today oh I know this one green goes here good oh where do those sounds come from I think it's from oh that hurts huh I can't believe this is that my baby whoa hell look like Chayanne what do you think got this fancy hair he looks like his father oh my little boy it was so long to love each other something is going to kill me come where is he I gotta hide oh no I'm done wait a minute is that a week the hair of my child has to be perfect and that head seems like like a fruit hey bold child who looks like you but with hair um I don't know what you're talking about I don't see anyone here who looks like me that means my my chat you lost I'm never gonna find my family those simple persons took them away they stole my happiness don't cry mommy I don't have a family either but I'll always be with you huh are you serious of course oh I got an idea this mysterious bug seems fun let's open it together playing with toys will surely make you smile so what do we have over here all right close your eyes now they look like you kill your Among Us to leave my eyes yeah you just found my family please let me see they really are oh my God my my husband my nice I wish I could pack them again simple is that my dear Mommy Long Legs [Music] yes honey I can't believe this The Power of Love on the street towards us together again well my job here is done good for them but I don't have a family yet I have nothing to do here huh hello darkness my old friend whoa you're here what are you playing look wow what he said can you know it's super dangerous I'm stupid hi [Music] [Music] there you are okay [Music] I'll save you hey what mother you were good Brothers always messing around having so much fun until you drink that black slime I'm so sorry I I hurt my brothers [Music] [Music] see you guys [Music] I'm so lonely nobody wants to be my friend Everybody's scared of me I'm so sad is somebody here I'm I'm Huggy hmm Huggy huggy nobody likes me what haki and nobody ever gave you a hug actually no we are friends now haggy Now where's the exit do you have an idea hug huh foggy where are you I don't see you anywhere are you trying to to harm me I have a friend she should show yourself there you are I understand if you are scared I'm scared too nobody wants to be near me but I will never harm you you're not gonna kill me I know I'm tall and kind of scary but I will never harm anybody I was searching for this okay let's see freak nobody will ever be your friend I understand if you want to leave it's okay thank you so much Bob that's what I need [Music] huh time to charge oh who's there huh uh I'll better be going where did I put it nope that's not it what oh not you again here I need to hurry I know you're there I don't understand [Music] are you supposed to be a cat ew huh what is this place no idea huh this is mine I knew it were because me come here but I just want to hug oh yes you can help me there's nowhere to run wait huh please help me I know I've been bad but it's cause I'm all alone here I don't have friends I I just need a hug oh okay fine bro come here huh yummy hello there hmm huh I don't remember where I put my grab back and where is Huggy get ouch we are even now come here and they hug the end oh good dreams oh look that's when we met when you tried to eat me when you met kissy and her trip to Hawaii I heard something I'll be back wait here oh you can watch Friends while I check yay thank you I hope it's a Christmas special huh where's the TV control [Music] time to get that player out of my place ugh friends this movie is so much better I'm ready oh my God it's easy wait what's the problem you killed those players you you can't I don't want to hurt you I saw your evil tape my evil tape I just want to hug my friends but I was made for about purpose I can't hug without hurting that's why I never hug you my friend huh you can't hug me but I can have you thank you pal [Music] kissy and player are good friends now kissy forgive player I wonder what they are planning oh oh they are so cute hi guys what's the plan for today well we actually have to go see you later okay bye friends it's delicious yeah it's good here you are I was looking for you you were having ice cream I want some yeah oh you are sharing secrets that's fun I guess you are good alone [Music] wow it's fantastic kissy I made it myself you can't watch this are they avoiding me here's the room coming in sorry but you're not invited hug you are alone again you have no friends well maybe I can be your friend really but wait look we had to play a little game first okay sure I love games I love playing Simon says or rather puppy says now give me food I'm hungry sure puppy and here you are [Music] you're not a good friend no please I'll do anything okay now we're gonna play the little dog you're my dog now doggy nobody bothers my friend what were you doing with Bobby I I didn't want to disturb you oh can you go with us come here hug what is it I really don't want oh oh what but I don't have a birthday we know but we wanted to surprise you because you deserve it hug thank you so much friends disgusting huh where is here I am get back here you can run player uh I I found you what look behind you with more watchless friends I'll catch you oh got you is that Poppy smart one you are trapped I am gonna end you oh yeah well come and get me [Music] watch out come here I can't [Music] hold on you're fine huh huggy Rocky are you okay friend can you please answer me please please be okay Jackie stop playing and stand up okay I'm I'm fine oh my God it's okay I got you I thought you were dead I'm glad you're fine it's okay I'm getting better at this I'm getting a little tired me too actually let's watch some movie I'll choose one there's too many oh let's watch The Godfather a classic huh whoa what's this a photo album yay let's watch it did you give me that why sorry you can't see this bad but I wanna see it fine thank you that's my mom and dad oh that's my first birthday I always like to dance oh playing football whoa you grow really fast I don't like my teenager look huh what what is is that you okay I didn't want to remember that sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you you can see this there was something evil inside me but somebody took it away he called it X that's the thing that made me evil that's it hug sure Bud thank you friend forget the movie Let's watch Friends [Music] yeah yeah oh they're in Las Vegas [Music] watch this [Music]
Channel: Hornstromp Games
Views: 6,104,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hornstromp, hornstromp games, huggy wuggy, doors, roblox, rainbow friends, rainbow friends compilations, rainbow friends fnf, roblox compilations, blue, rainbow friends roblox, roblox animation, rainbow friends animation, huggy wuggy vs blue, raibow friends green, poppy playtime chapter 2, rainbow friends chapter 2, huggy wuggy playtime, poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, roblox rainbow friends chapter 2, fnf vs rainbow friends, gametoons, boxy boo, project playtime, aphmau
Id: tgofdKokhFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 2sec (7202 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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