20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 11)

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all right welcome to the friday q a i'm pastor mike winger answering your questions in the live chat right now dealing with theology apologetics the christian life and just trying to give you the best answer i can to try to help you learn how to think biblically about everything as always i'll say i don't promise to know everything understand everything that's definitely not the reality situation but i want to share whatever i do have that might be a benefit to you and as always we're going to be taking your questions and then putting timestamps in the video description as well as in the first comment down below once this is done so that you guys can navigate through this video to find exactly what you're looking for the first question i'm dealing with today is one that i have received a number of times it's the who do you think you are question because i have videos refuting the teaching of people in in various and i should say analyzing it's not like i refute everything these people say or do but challenging the teaching of guys like bill johnson or todd white um or in in his case miracles the the youtube miracle videos that he's posted um or brian zond who i think has a very dangerous and bad theology and um brian simmons who has you know the author of the passion translation who probably thinks i'm persecuting him which really that's that's not what's happening but the question i get is mike who do you think you are you know matthew 18 it says that you you have to go to the individual christian you can't you can't just do a video refuting public teachings you have to go to them so mike did you go to bill johnson did you go to brian simmons did you go to todd white did you go to these guys and in some cases i did actually try to reach out to them and even have conversations but it's irrelevant it doesn't matter if i did or not because that is a complete abuse of matthew 18. matthew 18 is being used all over the internet to keep christians from using real and normal discernment in dealing with and handling issues that come up in in being able to evaluate accept or even reject some of the teachings of people that they find online and so we're going to look at matthew 18 and we're going to see where jesus actually talks about this and i'll just briefly show you how this doesn't apply and then i'll talk about the touch touch not the lord's anointed pardon me that verse stop just stop all right if i was trying to stab bill johnson then you'd be right and for not just because he's anointed but because it would be wrong uh at any rate matthew 18 15 jesus says if your brother sins against you go and tell him his fault between you and him alone if he listens to you you have gained your brother but if he does not listen take one or two others along with you that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses if he refuses to listen to them tell it to the church okay that's when it becomes public after those first two steps then it becomes public if he refuses to listen to even the church let him beat you as a gentile and tax collector which is effectively excommunication you're you're saying we still love you we care about you but you're not part of our fellowship because you will not receive correction on these important areas but this has no application to me evaluating a video from todd white on whether or not these miracles are legitimate which i'm always hopeful that they are um it has nothing to do with me evaluating bill johnson teachings or chris vollen valetin i always pronounce his name wrong sorry chris is not on purpose um not like he's watching this video he blocked me on twitter anyway that's another story and um and it has nothing to do with any of that that's that's all irrelevant why because the context is if your brother sins against you this is not about teachings it's about personal sin issues this is if if a brother if another believer sins against you personally first go to him and tell him his fault not his false teaching his fault between the two of you alone you're not going to gossip you're going to deal with it between them now this is a very under practiced teaching in scripture i think for us as christians we do well to realize that before i go to others to tell them about what you did i should go to you and tell you about what you did and seek restoration it's just uncomfortable it's con confronting and all that but it's seeking restoration if he doesn't listen you take two or three if he still doesn't listen to them then you tell it to the church if he still doesn't listen to them then you effectively excommunicate but this is obviously talking about grievous sin issues not some oh you you offended me thing but like some grievous serious sin issues nothing to do with public teachings public teachings are reviewed publicly in scripture all the time the prophets do it constantly they're they're dealing with the teaching there's prophets dealing with teachings of false prophets rebuking them publicly openly in front of everybody um peter is rebuked by paul because his behavior not his teaching was wrong but his behavior was inconsistent with the teaching of the gospel and so in galatians we we read in galatians 2 about paul rebuking peter to his face in front of a whole crowd of people because paul cares about the impact this behavior is having on the christians around him and that is why i will continue to make videos that occasionally it's not my main thing mainly i'm doing teaching content but occasionally doing videos that will deal very straightforwardly with teaching from other pastors other leaders in in the christian church and some of them are heretical and some of them they're my brothers and i i support them in many ways and i just disagree in some areas but because i care about you okay this isn't about me being pious i just want to i want you to know that you can do this too is the point if your heart is love love for god love for others then yes you can confront openly teaching issues that are going on now there's a lot of discernment ministries that do this really poorly right they're looking for flaws and errors and they want to they want to find something wrong they delight in it in a perhaps a sense of carnality that's there they exaggerate they misrepresent the people that they're refuting i hope i don't do that i certainly try not to do that and all that now when it comes to the to the idea of um do not touch the lord's anointed this is a phrase from the old testament right where david will not touch the lord's anointed what he means is he's not going to kill murder saul that's what it means so the simple application is that i will not murder other people because i have problems with them all right easy problem solved right now that doesn't mean i want to be creating division and being divisive in the body of christ and i'm not going to be gossiping about my pastor behind his back and things like that but where there is public teaching and the teaching is in error and it's bringing harm to the body of christ it is entirely appropriate to publicly carefully rationally and graciously confront it which is of course what i try to do with my teaching content on occasion i'm going to be taking your guys questions now i hope that you know and maybe we'll get a question on that topic as well but we're going i have no prep that goes into well little prep that goes into the friday q a um that's because you guys have asked for this q a content but that means i've not read these questions before so i'm going to read them try to understand as best i can and give you the most thoughtful answer i'm able to um hey pastor mike this is from max bolser who says i was wondering if you could talk about and help me understand mark 16 17-18 specifically verse 18. i haven't seen those two signs played out perhaps it could be metaphorical now this is a question i've gotten a number of times but often what that means is that it's a question a lot of people have and they still have it it's not like everybody watches everything i do um okay verse 15 of mark 16 and he said to them jesus now after the after the resurrection speaking to the disciples he says go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation i'm reading from the esv by the way whoever believes and is baptized will be saved and whoever does not believe will be condemned actually this is i thought you were going to ask about the the the next couple verses but you're asking about these verses um oh no no you are asking about the next couple verses 17 18 it says here um and these signs will accompany those who believe in my name they will cast out demons they will speak in new tongues they will pick up serpents with their hands and if they drink any deadly poison it will not hurt them and they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover now i'm going to answer this with a bit of complexity because i think it's a complex issue first we have the question of what does this mean how would it apply into our like churches and lives today and second we have a question of whether or not this is actually original now i know that can be like a really bothersome question but look here's me i'm a very conservative christian i trust and love the holy word of god i believe it is god's inspired inerrant word i however think that most likely mark 16 at least my current thinking on this is not original and that's the majority of what scholarship thinks if you check the footnotes in almost any bible you've got it probably says that in the footnotes that not all of mark 16 but the last 12 verses of mark 16. i'm going to actually be doing a little research project on this topic to refresh myself on it to just double check myself see if i should change my mind when i get here in the marks in the mark series i'm doing verse pipers through the gospel of mark so it'll be like you know sometime next year in 2021 i'll cover this in detail so i'm inclined to think that this is not original that this is something that was added as a way of you know making mark feel more complete and it's a long and complicated issue um again i'm gonna ask one of my mods to post the playlist to the video series i have three videos on textual issues related to the scriptures and if i need if you can't find it and put in the live chat i will put it in the video description afterwards textual issues related to the scriptures it will answer the 100 000 questions that just popped into your mind if you've never heard this before um it shouldn't waver your faith or anything it's just a complicated issue now let's suppose though that it is original and that these signs are supposed to accompany those who believe my basic interpretation would be that these signs accompany those who believe doesn't mean every believer but it means that there's going to be miraculous signs that in general will be seen amongst those who believe it doesn't necessarily mean it will be happening for all time in all seasons in all geographies so we would only see this at least on some occasions and in particular we see it in the book of acts right they will cast out demons okay we see this in the book of acts they cast out demons and still this is ongoing in the church today i mean this is this there's there's maybe some fabrication that goes on you know calling things demons that are not um but there is the reality of demonic possession and casting out demons going on in the church today i would think that that is happening i think we don't talk about all that much and that's that's okay why would we sit there and just talk about that all the time that would be strange to me um this you know we're not treating these things like it's like some entertainment thing they'll speak in new tongues we also see this especially in the book of acts but we do see it often where the gospel goes out into new locations we see the demonic being cast out and we see speaking in tongues more often even nowadays where the gospel is going into new locations new places places where it's never been before and that's what's going on in the book of acts as well they will pick up serpents with their hands and if they drink any deadly poison it will not hurt them this is not a prescription for snake handling snake handling is idiocy snake handling is utter idiocy it's tempting the lord jesus in the temptation with satan satan tried to pull this trick on him right satan's like oh yes god promises to protect you in psalms psalm 91 so jump off this build this building and and god will command his angels and they'll protect you and jesus responds do not tempt the lord your god so the application of in oh i'll be protected if i pick up serpents now i'm going to pick up serpents to prove god's protection in my life like that's a satanic idea like literally satan like look here's satan with that idea and now you're doing it too like that's that's what i mean by that right um so yeah that drinking poison deadly poison that is is going to kill you and thinking god has to protect you and you'll prove his power by doing this is folly you're tempting the lord where we see this play out in the book of acts so speaking of divine protection god can divinely protect his people it doesn't mean he always will because jesus also spoke of us being martyrs of us suffering of us being killed and put to death so it's not like he's always going to protect us but you will see god's god's hand protecting his people if this is to be a modern application um i just don't think it's across every individual and i think you can't take jesus's word seriously and think it applies to every person all the time but specifically the book of acts paul takes up serpents with his hands um he's starting a fire and a serpent bites him and he shakes it off and all the islanders know he's going to die and he doesn't die and they realize that god is protecting paul so it becomes a proof of the miraculous proof of the legitimacy of his message and then they'll lay hands on the sick and they'll recover we see that in the book of acts we do see this occasionally in the church not as much as i'd like and not as much as i think some hyper charismatic groups claim but i do think we absolutely see it and i've heard too many testimonies and seen too many things to think it doesn't happen at all and so yeah if you if you reduce math mark 16 to an expectation that happens in the church at least on occasion as a verification of the gospel especially when it's going into new places then that looks like it has been happening throughout the years if you think it's supposed to happen in a snake handling sense you're clearly violating scripture all right let's look at the next question this is um tori and andre guerin's goran's rude i'm sorry i know i pronounced your name wrong but um at any rate your question is how should we interpret second corinthians 12 2 are there levels in heaven has it got anything at all to do with the phrase seventh heaven all right let's check this out second corinthians 12 2 and i'll see if i can remember it wasn't too long ago i was actually looking up these terms discussing heaven levels of heaven and stuff like that and in a teaching i don't remember which teaching it is i actually went into detail on this topic but i'll tr i think it was in my teaching on mormonism i did i did two hours on mormonism that was it with lisa lazur but i also posted it on my channel so it's called like um mormonism defending the faith i think is the name of the video and i go into more detail on this i'll see what i can recall off the top of my head right now so paul says i must go on boasting though there is nothing to be gained by it i will go on to visions let me put it on your screen too i will go on to visions and revelations of the lord i know a man in christ which is clearly paul he just feels so uncomfortable talking about these things he puts it in third person i know a man in christ who 14 years ago was caught up to the third heaven whether in the body or out of the body i do not know god knows and i know that this man was caught up into paradise whether in the body or out of the body i do not know god knows so the the short answer is this that my my research on this topic is that say um you know compared to say mormonism which i don't think your questions about mormonism but morbidism believes believes there's three levels of heaven and the first level of heaven would be not outer space right would actually be we're talking about like um a distant far away location that is an afterlife destination right that's the three levels of heaven or those things but with paul and with the jews of his time and with rabbis of his time when they talked about levels of heaven they would use three or sometimes they would say seven in his case he talks about the third heaven it what's clear is that he just means the place where god is that the first heaven in all of these situations however many layers they put on heaven the first heaven is always just the atmosphere just the atmosphere around us like where birds fly that's always the first heaven it's not like some separate location that corresponds to like levels of heaven so someone's like i was caught up into the first heaven the second heaven and they're describing um things that where angels are and sort of a spiritual realm or that kind of thing that's not consistent with what paul's talking about i don't think at all the research i did on this showed that first heaven is is consistently when you're talking about three heavens especially first heaven is consistently the atmosphere beyond that we're talking about like where the where the stars and stuff like that are so we're thinking like space and then third heaven would be god's actual presence right being caught up into the location where god's throne is where angels are that sort of thing so that that should i mean that should just answer that question um modern prophetic things describing like the levels of heaven and different degrees of glory and stuff like that it really honestly strikes me as a bunch of just made up stuff and it makes me i'm just being completely straight with you guys it makes me personally very suspicious when i hear people talk about that stuff if they're like well then i went up to the second heaven and you have to know in the second heaven there's there's no water but there's but there's a lot of uh mist or and they if they start doing this kind of thing i'm just thinking i don't trust them anymore um paul would have thought the second heaven was more like a physical reality in space and the third was just with god that's my research on it check out my mormonism video if you want more details i spent some time actually researching that to answer questions in that video um fourth question from cat chat who says mike winger are christians who believe that genesis 1 through 11 is allegorical you wrote allergical but you're probably like me i just type quickly and don't check what spellcheck does to my words um so is it allergical no definitely not okay but are christians who think genesis 1-11 is allegorical unintentionally or no denying the divinity and validity of christ considering what jesus said in john 5 44-47 let's look at the passage and let's try to answer this question all right how can you this is what jesus said let's think how does it relate to genesis how can you believe when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only god do not think that i will accuse you to the father there is one who accuses you moses on whom you have set your hope for if you believed moses you would believe me for he wrote of me but if you do not believe his writings how will you believe my words i'm gonna i'm gonna say and let me try to build a case for it but that i i think in my opinion that this john passage has no application to the question of genesis so or or of your view of genesis so if you think genesis is allegorical and let's say you're wrong let's say that you think it's allegorical and you're wrong does that mean that you fall into the condemnation of john 5 44 because you're not believing something that moses wrote and i i would say no because i think that that reasoning is based on on a disconnected idea so the idea is that they're rejecting jesus and jesus says this is because you didn't really believe moses because if you had believed moses you would have believed me okay the application we're taking from that is if there's anything in moses the pentateuch if there's anything that moses wrote that you don't believe you therefore do not believe in jesus because you have to believe every individual thing that moses wrote about correctly or you are rejecting jesus because believing in moses is a prerequisite believing moses what he wrote is a prerequisite for believing jesus i don't think that's what jesus is getting out at all here i don't think he's he's saying that that would effectively mean that any anything you think in your head that is inconsistent with the pentateuch means you're not a christian so there's going to be perfect theology in the first five books of the bible your theology has to be perfect and so i think this is this is a dangerous perspective in my opinion i would not encourage people to hold that view i think that people can simply be wrong about things like creation and they can be saved still i i don't see any any problem with that i think that being wrong on creation can have other consequences but i would not question a person's salvation um you know maybe you you think uh like me that evolution is is not something you you hold to at least common common descent and abiogenesis i think there's a lot of room for variation and adaptation and stuff like that speciation even it's my opinion here um but you don't hold to the theory of evolution common dissenting biogenesis in particular but yet francis collins does francis collins he's a christian right far as i know francis collins loves the lord and i believe he's saved but he holds an absolutely more materialistic kind of perspective on creation and on evolution not just creation initial moment but of biological evolution i wouldn't for a second question his salvation i would just disagree with him on that and i don't have the credentials to enter that debate i'm not going to try to but i i have an opinion about it so yeah let's major in the majors and let's recognize secondary issues and i do think this this may come as a surprise i do think that creation is actually a secondary issue it doesn't mean it doesn't impact primary issues because it can you can have denials of the doctrines of creation and then that can impact your theology in other areas and then those become essential issues so that's possible but let's not just force that to happen let's not just assume that that's happening and that isn't i think an error we make we we should not discount the salvation of christians who believe in um evolution or or maybe they take john walton's view and they believe in like this sort of temple language and um the creating things is really about assigning them purposes you know here's a name and here's a purpose now it exists in in this hebrew mindset that this that he that he talks about or you take william craig's view that he's pushing which is um i would call uh archetypal historical view that's my term for it because i don't like his term for it um and i think he should change the term for it um i would call it archetypal history i think that's an accurate way of uh presenting it so i think that these are all these are all perspectives that we can say look these are all within christian faith that doesn't mean they're all true that doesn't mean they're all right right you have the seven day creation like answers in genesis pushes and i have questions about that myself whether i whether i hold to that to be honest um because because i'm just i'm kind of on the fence in fact i'll say this because i'm on the fence you you might have to say that i'm not saved because i look at genesis 1 through 11 and i say i'm not i i believe it i just don't know how to interpret it right now okay does that mean i'm not saved i'm not really believing moses and you get my point we're cutting off body parts in the body of christ when we do that grayson fuller says um what is the biblical principle if any in keeping our bodies physically healthy and to what extent think smoking piercings eating or exercise habits the biblical principles i think are very broad they're very broad and because of that when it comes to applying them there's a lot of variety and there's a there's a layer of complexity there so let me talk about the principles first corinthians 6 talks about it like all things are lawful for me but not all things are helpful okay does that mean i can only do that which is actually helping me in some way i don't know if i would take it that strictly but it's an observation that we should care about whether what i'm doing is helping me or not all things are awful for me but i will not be brought under the power of any it says in first corinthians six so i should be aware of the the um the bondage that can come into my life when i commit to certain things and this is not just addictive substances like alcohol or something like that this is talking about i think when when behaviors and desires just take too big of a place in our lives a hobby becomes an obsession that's not healthy that's not helpful and it's bringing you under its power so i i think that the the rules are hey yes there's a sense in which all things are lawful so like for okay for smoking marijuana i think that this is something that inherently gets you stoned so you're not sober minded and so you shouldn't do it recreationally or you know uh medicine's a whole separate issue i'm totally fine with morphine as as a proper use of medicine i think that's an honest exception i'm talking about recreational use okay that seems obvious to me maybe i'm wrong on something this seems obvious to me i'm not asking how well you can get along while you're high i'm asking if you're sober minded in a biblical sense and i don't think you are so that's easy but what about tobacco like what if someone smokes a pipe and the effects of tobacco and i've did some research on this the effects of tobacco are not actually they don't make you lack sobriety so then we have other concerns like okay well you know health well-being and bondage okay so as long as you're not doing this in an addicted fashion like if it's not a pack a day habit i think that would become into a sinful area but if it's not a pack a day habit and you just occasionally have a pipe of tobacco then i don't think i have a biblical case against that now i know that's not a popular view in at least in my circle i don't i don't care i i care about the people who who would be hearing me say it i care about you a lot but what i care about is that i do think that that's actually fairly applying scripture i think it is right just like alcohol alcohol is is appropriate as long as it's not in any way threatening your sobriety and you're old enough and all that now i don't even drink and i say that okay i don't drink alcohol and that's because of some things in the past um that i don't do that it's a personal conviction thing but i can't in good conscience can tell others that they can't and then try to twist in all honesty twist the scriptures to try to support that view so i think there's there's more liberty in the christians behavior then the more conservative christians like myself would like to admit but i think there's more restrictions in that behavior than the more liberty-minded christians would like to admit that we're somewhere in the middle that so often we have on one side those who are like abstain abstain abstain and they're they're asking you to abstain from more than you need to and then you have on the other side liberty liberty liberty and they never stop and say but is it glorifying god but is it bringing me under its power but is it helpful and they don't even ask these questions because they i just see this over and over again as there's people who are abstain mindsets and there's people who are liberty mindsets now here's the thing the person who's an abstain mindset they will never sin by abstaining from these things they can do that to the lord for his glory but the person who's of the liberty mindset they're at the greater risk to be abusing substances or abusing things um they're at the one they're the ones who are more likely to be gluttonous more likely to be lazy more likely to be those things so we need to try to meet in the middle a little bit more on those issues when it comes to bodily health and exercise you're a steward of your body it doesn't mean you can't do anything unhealthy right you can eat a gummy bear i eat gummy bears but that doesn't mean that you're then doing something sinful because that's not healthy for you but there's obviously some balance of moderation that needs to be in place so i hope that helps exercise i think it's the same thing when you know your body needs exercise to be healthy then you should exercise when you neglect that knowingly it can move into a moral place of actual sin i it just seems obvious to me all right i'm going to move forward for the sake of time but lucas callahan says how do you respond to matthew 16 28 well i would have to read matthew 16 28 i do not have that off the top of my head how do i respond oh i have a video on this actually i have a video on this i really hope you'll take a an opportunity to to look at it it's i think the video is called like was jesus a failed apocalyptic preacher i think that's what it's called i'm gonna find it real quick because i want you to be aware of it um yeah so yeah okay it's actually called this was why jesus was not a failed apocalyptic prophet i know that's a weird title i probably should give it a better title than that but i went through this passage and several others to deal with this um so here's my brief answer to just this verse but i give a much longer answer it's like over an hour long all kinds of stuff on this and i dealt with rc sproul in his content because he is has a different view on this than i do and i like to engage with other views than my own so please check that out um we will link it in the video description um i can uh link it right now i hate for the give you guys a delay i'm gonna put in the live chat for you guys oh there you go and sarah zimmerman did as well so um okay so check this out in all the gospels every gospel that has this statement of jesus that that there are some who are standing there with jesus right in his presence i admit that who will not taste death until they see the son of man coming in his kingdom every single gospel the same thing happens next there's remember chapter breaks are new right chapter breaks are new but the transfiguration of jesus these this thing happens in every case immediately after jesus says there are some meaning a minority there's a group of people who are standing with jesus right then that will see the son of man coming in his kingdom and the next thing that happens is the transfiguration and after six days jesus took with him peter and james and john his brother and led them up a high mountain by themselves and he was transfigured before them and his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as lightning who are they going to see they're going to see the son of man in his kingdom there he is glorified he's he's his glory's being revealed before them i should say and behold there appeared to them moses and elijah talking with him i mean that's him in his kingdom you know he's he's their boss and he's talking to them and peter said to jesus lord it's good that we're here if if you wish i'll make three tenths um here one for you one for moses and one for elijah he was still speaking when behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and a voice from the cloud said this is my beloved son with whom i am well pleased listen to him yeah every single gospel has this account after jesus makes that statement three gospels do that why is it it's because that's the fulfillment of the prediction it wasn't um most of you will see me coming again it was some won't taste death until they see the son of man and the very next thing they do is they see the son of man with moses and elijah and with god the father saying this is my beloved son and they see him in glory in his glory so yeah that to me seems like the most obvious answer and i didn't get this from commentaries although it's in a bunch of commentaries i got it because someone asked me the question and then i looked at the passage in all the gospels and was like wait a minute look at the context and i love that that we can we can come to those conclusions just through the scripture nathanael h does isaiah 14 and ezekiel 28 speak about satan thanks for your evidence for the bible series really helpful so i do have a bible study on the topic of satan uh i keep referencing other studies i just want you guys to be aware because there's a lot of old content i've done and spent a lot of time on that many of you've never seen because you probably just click on whatever youtube happens to surface for you well you might want to go into the archives sometime and see what you might be missing on that might be a blessing but i will say i do think isaiah 14 and ezekiel 28 do speak about satan i deal with it in that video i realize that i think among scholars the majority view is different the majority of you is not that um but i'm going to say that one of the reasons that this might explain that is because in my view scholarship often operates as though the doctrine of inspiration is not present and so they're christian scholars they believe in inspiration but as they're doing their scholarship they operate as though that doctrine is not present and when i see the bible i do see a cohesive whole where god is revealing things that are in his mind that may or may not be in the mind of the authors every time i think that's an important principle of interpretation that we if we set that aside then we lose some of the meaning of scripture so that might be one of the operating principles that's causing me to come to a different conclusion than some others on those i think isaiah 14 and ezekiel 28 are both talking about satan and i deal with it in that video what the bible teaches about satan from like 30 years ago that's not that old it's it's a few years back um sally richardson has a question can you explain what lordship salvation is it's an unfortunate term in my opinion so you've got these two camps sally where um in one camp they they want to de-emphasize the idea of repentance and they want to say that when you come all you need is belief you don't need repentance and they want to separate the two which i think is problematic that you have faith but you're not you're not turning from sin you're just believing in god then you have the other side that says hey believing in god part of that is turning from sin we're turning from sin to god this doesn't mean that you perfect yourself this doesn't mean you do any great works because repentance is a change of mind and heart but then the other camp responds wait a minute repentance means you're going to do better and doing better is works so you people are saying that we need works to be saved and then the camp i'm in over here says no we're not you didn't listen you're defining repentance wrong and that's why you are allergic to it and why you won't preach it we're saying that jesus preached it repent and believe repent and believe and that repentance and belief are just two sides of the same coin you're turning from sin you're turning to god you're turning away from the dark and to the light that's the camp i'm definitely in now the term lordship salvation i think was coined by john mcarthur and it's an unfortunate term because it does lead people to imp to build their case that you're saying people have to be good to be saved and that's not what we're saying here we're talking about a turning an internal turning away from sin to god that's what i mean and so lordship salvation is an unfortunate term and i i don't i don't really want to be labeled with that because i think it's so misleading but i do think repentance is is something we must preach i have plenty of teaching on that topic as well so i hope that helps give you a quick um overview now let's see we have um oh i don't know what it is about messenger sometimes it just jumps up like two a week ago i have to scroll around this question is from arno how would you react if someone said that all truth is subjective there's no concept of truth except what works for you this is also why i don't have to convince others of what i believe arno in the first question of last week's live stream i dealt with this in more detail like i went on for like 10 minutes or so on that exact question what do they what if they reject objective truth and it's just look for the same title of this video except episode 10. here's when episode 10 is from a week ago today and i dealt with that in detail arno i'm just going to redirect you to that except i will mention this every sub claim about subjective truth is itself self refuting including the claim you you said that they give you how would you react if someone said that all truth is subjective that would be a an objective reality about all truth objectively all truth is subjective which means all truth is not subjective because you were able to make an objective statement about all truth now if they fight you on this it's because they don't want to know the truth whatever they say next it's going to be a truth claim one way to handle this is to simply keep pointing out that they're making truth claims well that's true for you wait is it objectively true that it's true for me well i mean i think it is is it really true that you think it is do you really think it is is that true objectively i mean you just keep challenging them because subjective truth is the weakest most horrible view in the world and it's but it's really self-serving because as soon as i say truth is subjective it means i can make the rules up as i want i can live my life as i want i can do whatever i want and i have no accountability except myself because i'm the one inventing my truth and it's it's just incredible folly question number 10 praise god has a question when you first accept jesus into your life is that when you become born again and baptized with the holy spirit or are they two different things um so i probably don't have as fully thought out theology on this topic as i should um i think i'll answer this from my perspective um when somebody accepts christ and i mean genuinely puts their trust in christ which includes turning away from the dark when they do this i do believe they become filled with the holy spirit in i should say indwelt with the holy spirit i think also so so right then they are in union with god they are connected to god they are filled with the spirit in in the inner indwelling sense uh but there's another question about can you receive more of the holy spirit than you already have and i think that this seems obviously true from the book of acts and so like in acts when they when they have this issue with the widows some of them are getting some of the you know hellenistic widows or the greek oriented widows are not getting taken care of as well as the others so they hire these seven men to be deacons and oversee the the food distribution to these widows the requirements for the men is that they have to be full of the holy spirit and wisdom now if every christian was equally full of the holy spirit that wouldn't make sense there's something about these men that they are more spirit-filled than and though every christian is filled with the spirit in the sense of being indwelling the indwelling of the spirit so some people say wow well the indwelling and the filling of the spirit are different or indwelling in baptism of the spirit are different and i in that i'm gonna i'm not gonna argue about the terminology um i will say in addition to that that there's multiple times where say peter is filled with the spirit and it seems like it happens in multiple different occasions so he's initially jesus breathes on them says receive the holy spirit later on you know they're they're in acts 2 that's in the end of john then in acts 2 there they are they're praying and the holy spirit descends upon them and they speak in tongues and then later on again peter it says filled with the spirit which seems to be something that's happening in the moment so i'm just saying you can have the indwelling of the spirit and have moments or times or individuals that have a greater amount to use a charismatic term of the holy spirit and i think that that seems to be biblical to me it seems to be biblical to me so there's my perspective on that um sarah p has a question my bible teacher said my family is saved because i believe in jesus citing acts 16 31. i think she's misused scripture she has let's we'll look at it together if so how do i address the issue does forgiving mean trusting her again okay let's look at this passage at acts 16 31 i have an idea of what the passage is and they said um believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household and they spoke the word of the lord to him and all who were in his house and he took them at the same hour of night and washed their wounds and he was baptized at once he and all his family then he brought them up to his house and set food before them and he rejoiced along with his entire household that he had believed in god this is uh the jailer that they're preaching the gospel to and i won't get into the whole story question is can you use this as a text to say that people who who believe in christ that their families are automagically saved and oh how i wish it were so how i wish it were so this is definitely not the case there's there's no way to support this in scripture that your faith saves other people that's just no way jesus says like you know who are my my mother i mean if you think if anybody's family is going to be automatically blessed because of somebody it'll be jesus right but he says who are my mother and brothers and sisters it's those who do the will of god so even jesus it's not they're not like included by virtue of their family relation to jesus right they they ended up being some of his brothers leaders in the church but only because they did get saved later not because of jesus being a believer well i believe in the analogy i'm giving he was a lot more than a believer acts 16 31 and they said believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household so the command is he is to believe in jesus and he will be saved and i think the obvious interpretation of the second part is he and his household what if they believe in jesus they will be saved you get that like that's that's where this this mistake is made when we think that the requirement is he believes in jesus and the result is his whole household is saved instead i would say he believes in jesus he gets saved and guess what that applies to his household they believe in jesus they also get saved and did they believe yes because look individually at the end verse 34 he rejoiced along with his entire household that he had believed in god now he probably was very much an unbeliever perhaps his household was already you know more postured to believe in god but they're of course believing in christ now very specifically but they would not rejoice with him unless they shared the same faith right when dad becomes a christian the family is not excited if they are not also believers so there's evidence even in this passage that this family was believing so yes we each we each need to have faith in christ to become part of the family of god not just be related to someone who has faith in christ paul refutes that in romans as well because in the in the book of romans he's trying to show jews that their familial relationship to abraham does not save them they're children of abraham but they aren't really unless they have the faith that abraham had and so if it doesn't work for them it doesn't work for for our families sadly because we want them to be saved but we also know that we're there to be lights to them to share the truth with them to try to try to see them come to christ and don't lose don't lose that mission now you said how do i address this issue and should i if i forgive her does that mean trusting her again i'm like no i mean it doesn't mean trusting her judgment with scripture if she shows poor judgment you should be aware of that and you should keep it in mind not as a way of being critical of her but as a way of keeping yourself from falling into mistakes right you just you go okay well maybe i'll take what she says with a grain of salt in the future because she said something that was obviously unbiblical and she misused scripture to say it and taught it to me okay she's a bible teacher and this is a problem so yeah she missed you scripture um how do you address the issue i i think you go to her and you show her you you do your bible study and you show her you you could go to romans look for these passages like they're not really they're children of abraham if they have the faith of abraham that familial relation is not good enough show that in verse 34 the family also evidences belief choosing to believe on a side note it was really common especially in less individualistic societies when a father comes to faith the family often does come to faith too because they trust him and then they say okay it must be legit and they trust in christ so that's like a pretty common thing in non-western cultures that are less individualistic isaac floyd has a question is it a salvation issue oh by the way i would take that to your your to other leaders in the church if she won't listen to you i would go to them with the concern i think it's a big enough issue to talk about do it graciously but do it with with a conviction isaac floyd is it a salvation issue if someone rejects the idea of jesus being one and the same with god i think um the terminology is isn't my concern here of your question but let's say they reject the deity of christ um yeah i think that's a salvation issue because jesus himself says in john 5 if you do not honor the son you do not honor the father who sent him and to take god's son who is god with us emmanuel and to say he's not god with us is to not honor the son and to not honor the father jesus is the mediator between god and man and so our beliefs about god the father aren't going to be the things that mediate us to god it's going to be our reception of the son this is seen in the reception of the the jews who did receive christ they believed in who he was his messianic identity hit the deity of christ from right at the beginning and those who rejected these things they weren't christians they were they were not called by his name so i think the id the identity of jesus is a central issue so i mean you have to have every single detail right about the identity of christ i don't think so but if you reject the core of his identity then you've rejected him and therefore the father reid has a question are unbelievers forgiven to some degree i'm looking at luke 23 34. interesting question i wonder what the text is going to bring to us here luke 23 34. um interesting interesting perspective here okay so jesus is on the cross and there he is is one of the statements of the cross he's he's there being crucified and he says father forgive them for they know not what they do so the appeal is father forgive them for they know not what they do um the uh the question is does that mean that unbelievers are like they're unbelievers they're crucifying jesus are they actually forgiven i guess it depends i mean let me let's survey some options here some theological options since i don't know perfectly the answer here um one is to think that they're forgiven in some sense but not in the salvific sense so it's one thing for god to forgive them in a sense of the at least the offer of forgiveness which is delayed punishment delayed punishment i'm not going to punish you for this i'm waiting for you i'm giving you time to repent time to come to christ time to to because if he judged them right then they would be killed on the spot for crucifying the son of god so this could be a sense of that attitude of of delay this god is long suffering uh not willing that any should perish so it may just simply be that in that case it's it's it's forgiveness offered the father is offering the forgiveness and the reception of it is dependent upon them eventually trusting and receiving christ that seems pretty consistent with other things in scripture i think um another option you might try to say is well they're forgiven for the crucifixion of jesus but they're not forgiven for sins in general and which you were kind of leaning out like are they forgiven for some sins and for this i would say there could actually be some merit in it because those who sin without knowing while they still have sinned they are not held accountable in the way that those who knew what they were doing sinned and this is different difference between manslaughter and murder right manslaughter is like i was at fault what i did killed somebody but it wasn't on purpose versus i chose to try to one to two and ended up killing somebody these are very different scenarios and the punishments for the for the scenarios are different as well in the in the old testament there's a vivid example of this with the cities of refuge the the levite cities scattered throughout israel called cities of refuge were especially located there for manslaughter right the idea is this if a man kills another man but he didn't do it deliberately and there it doesn't seem like this was a murderous thing then the man can run to the city of refuge and there he hides he hides there stays there he can't leave that city and he's protected within the boundaries of the city when the high priest dies the man can go free and nobody can can come after him this whole thing is a picture of jesus christ so in a sense jesus is saying they're killing me but they don't realize they're slaying the son of god like you know we're delaying we're delaying the judgment i think is perilous maybe what i said earlier so i i don't know if that helps i think those are some interesting things to think about what i i don't think it means is that non-believers are actually saved so even if there is some degree of forgiveness and grace being given to them that they will not be held accountable at least to the same degree for sins they committed without knowledge that doesn't mean that they're saved which i don't think you were implying anyways all right let's look to another question here whatever is lovely says hi pastor mike my daughter was baptized in 2018 and came out as bisexual in 2019 any thoughts on how to talk to her about this i've tried well i i i would really need to know your daughter to give you really good personalized advice the general things that i'm thinking are um the the culture that promotes homosexuality bisexuality sexual liberties promiscuity fornication that culture it it connects sexuality to identity and this makes it a very difficult thing to talk to people about their their sexual sins because they think you're talking to them about their core identity notice the terminology she came out as bisexual this is like um like somebody coming out as adulterous i just found out that i just am adulterous that's just the nature of who i am and then if you try to talk to them about that you're attacking their very nature see this is a total misperception what the bible calls a sin that comes from our sin nature the they're thinking of maybe your daughter is thinking of this as a a um a proclivity or a a design thing this is who i really am i am just naturally it's almost like a glorified holy holy type thing that i'm attracted to both sexes it's like a virtuous thing even so that is the thing that needs to be discussed i think is the difference between identity versus sin um i think that trying to understand what she thinks about these things is key asking her questions finding out where she's coming from trying to create a space where she can talk to you about it you can you can have conversations and you're not getting angry um i think that's key showing her that you still love her but not by offering her approval because that's what that's what she's probably going to want is approval but there can't be approval there but that doesn't mean you don't love her and then that in that you're modeling god who loves her deeply cares for her incredibly you know sin is son to die for her but does not approve at all of the sinful choices that she's making so i think that trying to build those bridges and have those conversations um don't be alone in this there's books that have been written they're speakers that have talked you might read christopher yuan's book holy sexuality i think that might give you some perspectives he was a homosexual tempted living that lifestyle who came out of it and now he's following jesus christ he wrote a book holy sexuality you might check that out use these resources to help equip you to have these conversations because your daughter's very important john earnest says hello mike what do you think about the noahide laws i've been told that if they're enacted christians will be found guilty of idolatry and executed should we be worried john ernest i'm going to give you the short answer because i know we're got to be going along yeah we're like running out of time so my short answer is this um what i i did look into this a bit the noah had lost stuff to my knowledge this is very much anti i'm just being straight with you anti-semitism uh you know prejudice against jewish people fear of jewish power behind the scenes and and a misunderstanding of even what the jews believe and teach on these topics so no they don't have that power no they wouldn't use that power and and no they don't even want to use that power the noahide laws aren't really that sort of thing that that's my honest opinion about it there are those who this is their whole world is they focus they obsess with this topic and the fact that i've mentioned it it means i'm targeted as i'm part of the conspiracy that kind of thing um if that's you i'm not interested in what you have to say i'm sorry but if you are a sincere person like like you are john then you can share your guys comments and your thoughts and stuff like that on this yeah i don't think there's any legitimacy to it i think it's shadows being turned into realities alexander duncan hi mike i've seen your mormon series and met with mormons quite often and i'm wondering what is a good approach to address addressing their belief in sons and daughters of god and pre-mortal existence i'd have to meditate on that for some time alexander what is what is a good approach like so when i when i do a video on mormonism um i have to be thinking whether i'm talking to mormons or i'm talking to non-mormons because i'm going to approach it very differently you're asking okay approaching mormons on the doctrine of pre-existence um the first thing i would do is i would probably want to let them make their case like if i could sit down with them and say make your case show me the verses you use to prove pre-existence and i just want to write them all down are there any others are there any others are there any others and just let them talk don't fight them then say can we go through these and look at them then say can we now go through some passages that i think challenge that view i think that might be one way to approach it if you have the time to spin with them there's my short answer for you olivia hartland says what are the seven spirits of god um so yeah the the seven spirits of god in the book of revelation some connect it to the book of isaiah where it's like the spirit of the lord is anointed to me um and it has a list of the spirit of this the spirit of that i don't think that that's probably the case i think that in i wouldn't use that connection what i would say is the spirit the seven spirits of god is a way of describing um the universal the universal omnipotence and and omniscience of the holy spirit and so we have the number seven if you look at the word seven in the book of revelation how you have the lamb it has like seven eyes and things like this the seven spirits um there's seven churches and i think that this is a it's it's not speaking of there are seven individual spirits of god that are the holy spirit or something like that i think it's just a poetic way of describing the omniscience of the holy spirit that's my view short answers for the rest of this stream here today jackie rock says my in-laws are word of faith leaders and church owners and it's a constant name name it and claim it around them should we have a doctrine sit down or just ignore it's tough i don't know jackie um when you say their word of faith leaders and church owners my first thought is they're very likely to be the kind of people who will not listen to you who will become loud and potentially aggressive and will start to i'm just going to be honest my fear is they'll start to just demonize you you have a spirit of fill in the blank you have a spirit of rebellion you have a spirit of of skepticism you have a spirit of whatever and i think that the book of proverbs um i'm going to say word of faith content the stuff that i've encountered has been pretty problematic so let's assume that you're these people that you're discussing um your in-laws they're in the camp of the stuff that i try to refute okay well i would i think that what they're teaching is folly and proverbs says that you need to be careful when you're addressing people's folly right and it has these two verses next to each other like don't um don't rebuke a fool in his folly according to his folly and then the next verse is like rebuke him according to his folly and the point of the proverb is there is to show you there's there's danger either way all i can say is i don't know whether you should or not but if you do if you do here's my counsel don't just do it uh because you have a knee-jerk reaction to something they say i would say really prayerfully thoughtfully get into it like think about things like should i write them a note or should i talk to them in person would it be better one-on-one or would be better as a group would it be better to start by asking them questions and listen for a while along certain lines before i say things are there things i can say that will build a bridge like talking about how much i love them and how much i love the word of god and how much i care about the authenticity of the holy spirit like are there ways i can affirm them that will help me be hearable to them later what are the things they care about that will help lead them out of these false beliefs can i find those things that they care about i'm just saying be as clever and thoughtful and careful and wise as you can if you do talk to them about these things kumbo munsaka says greetings mike uh should christians drink alcohol wine uh oh alcoholic wine at the commemoration of the lord's supper we must use unleavened bread or must we use unleavened bread um so i think that um it's in my brief opinion it's fine to have grape juice that's fine i i think that unleavened bread seems like more of a big deal to me than whether the wine has alcohol in it or not because i don't think that it would have mattered to the people at the time whether the grape juice was fermented or not so they did use wine um but they would use wine at varying strengths and things like that so i don't think the strength is is important i think it's appropriate for churches that want to use alcohol i think that's totally okay i wouldn't have a problem even though i don't drink that would be the one time i would it'd be like okay we're doing communion that's the one time i mean i'm thinking i'm not going to have any kind of effect in my life that way i think it's appropriate i i accept that but i also think that paul says that in romans 14 i believe it is there are there are those who don't drink and they don't have to and that they can observe their conscience well obviously those people are still partaking of communion so they must be partaking of grape juice the reason why i like the leaven the unleavened bread in communion is because that actually has real symbolic value in the sinlessness of christ and so the meal that he's at the the wine being alcoholic i think is incidental and can't be required because look at romans 14. and they were still having communion but the unleavened bread is not incidental it's symbolic the unleavened bread right the wine symbolic too but i mean it's symbolic because it's grape juice not because it's alcoholic that's my point the alcohol content is not the symbolic part the unleavened bread the the lack of leaven is symbolic and i do think that that i want to preserve that i wouldn't condemn somebody who has leaven bread at that meeting um i would think it's a mistake i wouldn't condemn it i wouldn't think the lord rejects it or anything like that adriano has a question last one for today if i live in habitual sin from addiction and i really want to overcome it but i keep backsliding am i still saved or am i using it as a license to sin if i don't stop before i die what happens now adriano here's here's a question i don't know how to answer and i i want okay pastorally i want to i want to comfort you i want to encourage you and i want to encourage you about the grace of christ and about how john 2 1 if any of us sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous he's my advocate he is my righteousness i'm not righteous but he is and jesus is still righteous even though you're not he's still righteous i want to encourage you with that but i also read in 1st john these these warnings about habitual sin and about habitual sin the life of a believer and i don't know where the line is drawn on that i just honestly don't know but one thing i would say don't do don't sit there and despair i guess i'm lost i'll give up that is absolutely not from the lord the i quit mentality is not from god in any way shape or form i mean that was judas right he he hung himself i mean i think if the guy had just stuck around he could have he could have been saved he could have been used by god i mean peter could have gone and hung himself but instead he hung around and he waited on and appealed to and trusted in the grace of christ who restored him so my concern is this stop thinking if i continue doing these things will i be saved and start thinking what have i not done to stop this sid and do those things focus on that focus on that and i'm sorry that i don't know your situation i know one sentence of your life and i i don't know how to counsel you on these things i i don't know when somebody's that genuine believer versus that false believer and sin is giving evidence that they're actually a false believer or if they're a genuine believer who's just dealing with major sin issues and i don't know how to make that distinction god does and god will make it i don't know i'm i'm sorry but no matter what the answer is no matter what your situation is the answer is going to be jesus christ is going to be appealing to christ trusting the grace of god coming and trusting in him and believing in his forgiveness and then taking steps and measures to avoid the sin and steps that maybe you've never taken before steps that are more extreme or more serious than you've taken in the past because you if you if you just ask yourself if i was really serious about quitting the scent what would i do what would i do differently and then get serious about it um you guys listen on my second youtube channel you know this i started a second youtube channel and it's all about training and equipping christians to do uh evangelical questions to make youtube content like make your own channels so i'm just going to give you tips and things i've learned i don't know everything about youtube but i've learned a lot over the years i've spent many many hours studying it i mean countless hours studying how this thing works and how to make content i do successful on the platform and it's not just an accident like a lot of it's been strategy stuff so i'm gonna be sharing a lot of that stuff in that youtube channel so if you're interested or if you know a believer who's like starting or already has a youtube channel and you're like boy i want you to do better subscribe to my channel it's called youtube tactics with mike winger you could just google it youtube tactics with mike winger i'm going to probably go live later today to talk about um i think it's value proposition and um yeah how to how to get subscribers not just views i'm probably gonna go live today to talk about that issue and if that interests you i encourage you to check it out i don't care how big that channel gets so much is that we find the right people so i can help them grow and reach more people for the kingdom of god because i like to see 10 000 christian youtube channels here so thank you all so much for joining i do not have a video on monday this monday i will be on vacation with my wife i may not even have a video next friday there may be very little in the next week nothing bad has happened to me i promise i'm just taking a little vacation which i'm very happy about um and i'm just gonna refuel my batteries and recharge and spend some time with my bride so thank you all so much for being here and i think that's all the announcement stuff i've got yeah um i think that's it so god bless you and we'll see you i don't know maybe later today on my other channel if not i might not see you for like a week and a half or two weeks we'll see we'll see maybe i'll just pop on suddenly and surprise my mods all right take care
Channel: Mike Winger
Views: 91,870
Rating: 4.8660436 out of 5
Keywords: 20 questions with pastor mike episode 11, 20 questions with pastor mike, 20 questions, pastor Q and A, Q and A, episode 11, matthew 18
Id: bYOvtx-E_a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 40sec (3940 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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