20 MOST OVERLOOKED Flight/Airport Hacks - 2021 BEST Flight Ever

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so today we're gonna share with you 20 airplane and airport hacks to help you save time and money after two years of full-time travel we will cover everything from the best and the most up-to-date booking heck baggage hack checking hack and flight hacks. this is something that took us years to learn after making hundreds of mistakes. Make sure you watch till the end so your next flight can be the best flight that you've ever had most of the time we found out that the airline check-in counter assistant they don't normally weigh our personal bag. So the only thing they weigh is the carry-on luggage so if you carry on end up being overweigh, you can take the heavy stuff and squeeze it into your personal backpack instead I don't know about you but you know that point in time where the plane starts doing one of these and the babies start crying and all the people start screaming yeah that's like my worst nightmare to cut down on terror of turbulence just sit near the wings because planes are designed to rock like seesaws and turbulence conditions you'll experience less movement in the middle you know physics and stuff also fly in the morning if you can because the plane tends to get less turbulence during this time of the day sorry guys this won't solve the baby crime but it might make it better so once we have to flight from Taiwan to Kazakhstan but there is no direct flight so we have to do the connecting flight in China and to make sure that we will be on time in catching the next flight we ask the staff at the check-in counter to help move us from the seat way back up to the front where it closer to the door so then we can be some of the first person to get on the plane and that totally works so if you have a short connecting flight or layover flight make sure you don't forget to ask the person and the check-in counter to move or adjust your seat in that case you just have to show proof that you have the connecting flight or you have the layover and you don't have to pay extra to move the seat especially from our experience if you fly and have connecting flight in China the process in China tend to take way longer than everywhere that we happen to because we went to immigration they sent us back to this transfer lounge transfer lounge sent us back to immigration immigration sent us back to the transfer lounge and it's been in the last 2 and 1/2 hours of our life back before trying to figure out so bloating is a really common issue I'll fly like so much that in the airplane industry they've named it jet belly it's caused when you're on a flight and drop in cabin pressure and the gases expand inside you well fairly inevitable you will get some amount of bloating but there are ways you can cut down on the pain before boarding the plane just try and avoid all carbonated drinks if you have a soda at the airport you might leave your experienced gastric distress also eat a meal that is really high in protein low in salt and has few carbohydrates sometimes if you eat too much before boarding the plane and it's the wrong type of food it can cause you a stomach ache even though a lot of people we know love the idea of being the last person on board to the plane because you don't have to basically spend in line while boarding and you could potentially be able to pick any empty seats at the end however what we have learned is that being the last person on board is not always a good idea it had to get on the plane first this last time we tried getting on last see if we get upgraded we didn't have any room for our luggage so we decided to be the first ones on the plane this time to make sure once we had to even put our luggage 10 rows behind OSE and that becomes an issue when we have to get on the plane so for us we have come to the conclusion that being the first person or one of the first person on board is much better because when it comes times for us to get on the plane we don't have to worry about our luggage to the last step before we get off the plane if nobody's sick - I know I'm I'm over in the middle right now just like waiting praying that nobody else comes up I'm just gonna all right so this is a new hack and one that we've absolutely come to love so this one is for booking flights it's a company called soar fair comm and it's basically a Netflix account for travel so what we are is jetsedder we have chosen the jet setter at $100 a month and you get two international flight so instead of paying a large sum of money for your flight all at once using soar fare is a little like saving money over a long period of time and while you collect the points as time passes by soar fare will also generate the best time so you can get a cheaper fare as well so while we've been home for three months we've been able to save up these points in order to get the flight and generally it's still cheaper than putting it on a credit card and paying them crazy high interest rates so we have a total savings of thirty four dollars and seventy six cents which is great so if you are a traveler and you're looking to take a flight check the description box below for soar fair comm you can sign up for a completely free profile and even if you don't have the points and somebody that you know uses a site they can transfer their points to you at no extra charge you can transfer them to anybody that you want to as long as they create a free account they've actually offered you a discount that you can find in the description box below you want to know something really cool anything that's been in the lost-and-found for over 90 days is basically up for grabs so if you need anything desperately like a phone charger just be honest and ask if there's one available for you to borrow chances are not only will they let you borrow it but they tend to give it to you if one's been unclaimed for over ninety days so one thing that took us a little bit too long to learn is some cheap flights come with connection flights with less than 45 minutes to connect to them which in most cases some of them come with different terminals that is quite far from each other so you have to take a bus or a train to transit within the airport moreover some airports are just huge and they're bigger than you could ever expect yes huge the New Delhi Airport at least the duration is not that far but he is and it can be filled with different cue lines and long walks so do yourself a favor and avoid the 30 to 40 minute connection flights the rule of thumb for us is no matter how cheap the flight is but if the connection is less than one hour in 30 minutes we don't take that flight at all so let's talk a little bit about the rule of left when you arrive at the immigration check-in or security make sure you turn left the line tends to be shorter there because most people would likely go to the right which is the dominant signs we have test this out multiple times and it does work all right the last thing you want to do is be putting your headphones in sitting at the boarding gate and missing your flight this is one of the top reasons people miss their flights the fact that we experience all the time is that the flight can change at any time the gate for the flight can also change the flight may get cancelled so whether there's the announcement on the loudspeaker or somebody just shouting depending on the size of the airport you're in you always want to make sure that you can hear what's going on because if something does change you definitely want to be up-to-date well if you plan on making the flight actually some airlines provide mobile applications that allow you to keep yourself up to date on boarding information as well so make sure you have it downloaded before the day you fly the fact that you need to know about the airplane is that is very dry and humid in the plane so some of the drink to avoid on the plane if you can is coffee some sort of the drink that contain caffeine or even alcohol alcohol dehydrate you and make you feel much more excited and groggy when you arrive your destination so for me for example because it's so dry on the plane I always avoid wearing contact lens on the plane so whether you wear contact lens or not you will notice that your eyes and your skin will feel dry during the flight wear glasses instead of contacts and bring the small bottle of hand lotion or I drop will help you stay moisturized so for easy access to your flight materials just go to google and type in my flight it will show you all your upcoming flight details this trick has saved us so many times while trying to access quick flight details in this case you don't have to go back to your email and dig through your email to try and find that one ticket that they're requesting you give information about yeah these are both this is Sri Lanka visas fucking logged on it's not a big log returned to get no continuation to get past mr. so there you go it worked out so at the luggage check-in counter you can ask the staff to put a photo tag on your luggage making your luggage as fragile not only means that your back is more likely to be handled correctly but it's also fine itself and the top of the pie in the storage compartment of the plane the result at the end you will also tend to get your back first before anybody else on the planet saw one of the dirtiest place is the tray in front of you and the seat belt buckle Oh seat belt buckle so most of the time you can ask for sanitizer wipe on plane for free or to be safe if you fly with some budget airline make sure that you pack the sanitizer wipe so then you can use that for yourself because some air lighted on provide you the sanitizer why if you love legroom or sitting near the power outlet yes some planes even have USB ports so you could also use something like seat guru to see all of your seat airplane and airline details this app is usually used prior to booking your seat so that before you booked you can see which ones are the best seats from there you can also check if a seat map populates with a color-coded key that details three levels of seating good be aware and just plain bad if you happen to feel like you're getting sick on the plane do you know that you can also ask for some basic medicine stuff from the flight attendant I used to have diarrhea and upset stomach on the plane and up the flight attendant even have the pews for that they have the shark off you for your food poisoning they have the basic painkiller stuff and they also have the medicine to deal with your headache to deal with your flu so if you have this issue make sure you ask from the fire tendon you'd think that the airport bathroom is really nasty right and like full of germs no actually a new study says that you find more nasty microbes when you're going through security the most germ land in places are those plastic bins where you drop your shoes in you know the time that they force you to take your belt off and your shoes and your sunglasses and like everything else you're wearing where they put liquids and your shoes and all that those are full of germs these trays are not routinely disinfected and the researchers point this out so bring your own hand sanitizer and gel better yet as soon as you get through security just one right to the bathroom and wash your hands with soap and water so next here is the tips for you if you have long-haul flight actually sleeping on the planes will never be easy for us but you know you can also trick your brand into sleeping by carrying out your normal routine like you would do before your bedtime for us for example changing into the confucian wash our face brush our teeth before we go to bed that way we convince our mind to think that it's time to actually rest all right while you're waiting to take off or before you board the plane make sure you sync up your watch and your cell phone and all them other crazy devices you got with your destination timezone so you can follow in your destinations rhythm by getting your brain used to it early that way you can adjust your sleeping schedule on the plane accordingly this is honestly one of the best tacks for us sometimes you may have to stay up 24 hours but if you can set your sleeping schedule prior to landing in your destination you're more likely to not experience that crazy jetlag and miss an entire day of your trip doing this tends to make you less confused when you land so like when you get there you're not all confused okay it's six o'clock at night but actually it's supposed to feel like 3:00 in the morning because at 3:00 in the morning where you took off just make sure you do this prior to boarding your flight the liquid limitation that you can bring on the plane is pretty strict in any Airport and that caused many people to think they have to buy water once they are through the security which most of the time the water there tend to be twice or three times more expensive you can bring the empty reusable bottle water through the security and you can fill it up at one of many water fountains throughout the airport you can also ask the flight attendant to actually refill the water in your bottle of water you can also even pack your own pack of tea or your favorite coffee as well if you want I do it all the time because on the plane or even at the airport you know one thing for free that you can ask is the hot water so one last tip from us is for international flight if you want to go to the new destination on the plane normally the flight attendant will hand you the arrival card or the custom card and in that case always the information that is required on those card the address so make sure that before you board on the plane you have the information of your address ready so then you can fill it in easily so those are the tips based on our experience of two years in total of traveling full time if you have any extra tips that we didn't mention in the video make sure that you share with us in the comments below also if you want to get more travel advice with location specific you can head over to our website at that we live in calm so thank you so much for watching this video guys we hope this one is helpful for you we will see you in the next video which we will cover travel essential that we could not travel without so make sure that you subscribe and turn it bere notification on so you won't miss any video from us
Channel: Divert Living
Views: 389,264
Rating: 4.789331 out of 5
Keywords: Divertliving, travel hacks, airplane tips, airport tips, travel essentials, traveling hacks, flyings tips, hacks, how to get what you want at airport, travel advice, airport hacks, air travel tips, how to travel, how to find cheap flight, how to find cheap flights, cheap airfare, how to get cheap flights, cheap flight tickets, flight hacks, cheap tickets flights international, cheap airfare hacks, cheap flights, how to book cheap airline tickets, travel guide, travel tips
Id: lWBxEjLkhbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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