What to Pack for a Long-Haul Flight | My In-Flight Essentials

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what up nomads today i'm sharing my top things to pack for a long-haul flight i'm talking those must-have items that will turn a painful 10-hour flight in economy into what feels like a two-hour flight in first class let's go [Music] welcome back to the capsule suitcase i'm andrea and i love to share my packing and travel tips to make your trips easier and more comfortable speaking about comfort how about those eight plus hour flights huh you know the ones where you might feel trapped squished antsy and miserable in my experience a bit of preparation can ease the trip and i've compiled a list of things i bring with me in my personal carry-on that really help ease the journey let me know in the comments below what your longest flight ever has been all right my first item that i want to talk about is your personal item bag now there are so many ways you can go with this a backpack a duffel a large tote purse there's no right or wrong option since it really depends on your personal preference and travel style but i have two universal recommendations make sure it's roomy and make sure it's easy to get things in and out of it i find there are two types of travelers the ones who keep their personal item at their feet and the ones who maximize leg room by putting their stuff in the overhead bin if you're in the window seat don't expect the people in your row to be super happy with you getting up and out every time you want to get something out of your bag in the overhead compartment if you're in the aisle seat that's a little bit more permissible but still generally disruptive to the people around you and to the cabin crew trying to get up and down the aisles so with that in mind choose wisely what kind of traveler you want to be and where you want to store your bag when you're on your long-haul flight the reason i recommend something that has large openings extra pockets and makes it easy to get things in and out is that planes are dark and hunching over to find your phone charger at the bottom of your bag is annoying and if the person in front of you has their seat reclined which most often happens on these long flights you have even less freedom to rummage through your bag and access your stuff without bringing your bag onto your lap personally on short flights i bring a tote bag or a backpack that has enough room for my laptop and on longer flights i typically have a backpack or my way everywhere bag i like it because it's not too tall so i can still push it under the seat or to one side so there's some room for my feet comfy clothes for a long flight are a must and i also like shoes that you can slip on and off if you feel like a slob wearing pajamas to the airport bring a pair of sweats or leggings to change into once you're on the plane whether you're wearing loose comfy trousers or straight up pjs it's important to not have anything too tight around your stomach plain bloat is a thing and i'd rather not suffer shoes are another part of the equation on a long flight i am that person who takes off their shoes i'm sorry i do i keep my socks on though because otherwise you but i like to use my bag as a footrest to elevate my feet and if i'm really trying to get relaxed and comfy on a long flight i have to take my shoes off i do need my shoes to be super easy to get on and off though because of course i'm not the person who walks to the bathroom in their socks i do put my shoes back on before visiting the restroom on the topic of clothing definitely wear or pack something to stay warm i find airplanes quite cold and i don't love the airplane fleece blankets that they give you so i like bringing my own large scarf or wrap or a cozy hoodie that i can just kind of disappear into compression socks are so underrated they really aren't just for the elderly or people with circulation problems now you may not immediately feel the difference or even at all but trust me there's a reason doctors recommend them if you google deep vein thrombosis you'll be convinced like i was i'll leave a few links below for some merino wool ones that i love i do try to sleep on long flights i'm not always successful but i find some rest is better than none i have no problems hauling around a bulky travel pillow because for me the inflatable ones just don't cut it my two favorite models are the infinity pillow and the cabo pillow i also bring a sleeping mask to help me fall asleep it's so easy to get dehydrated on flights so i pack a water bottle that i can refill at the airport or purchase a few bottles once i'm past security i've also started packing eye drops because i recently have started getting itchy eyes on longer flights don't rely on your airline's in-seat entertainment sometimes you might get a seat with a dud of a tv or you may hate all the movies load up your tablet or e-reader with movies games books whatever you're into i love having some audiobooks and podcasts to listen to so i can be entertained while i rest my eyes to be able to enjoy that entertainment make sure you bring some noise cancelling headphones planes are noisy so i would recommend investing in something that can really cut out that constant hum and maybe pack some earbuds as well if you want something that you can fall asleep with you can also pack your choice of sleep aid if you can't naturally fall asleep maybe pack some melatonin some valerian root or straight up ziquil i used to take benadryl to fall asleep on planes until i read a scientific paper that said that it was actually bad for you so i'm not a doctor please ask yours about what's safe to take i like to pack easy to eat bars and high protein snacks on the plane for in between those meals i also bring some powder mixes for drinks both hot and cold i don't always ask but if offered tea or coffee and if the flight attendant looks like they're in a good mood i'll ask for some hot water to mix in my own coffee packets tea or matcha mix i find what i bring usually is a lot better than what's served on the plane pre-pandemic this section would probably have only included sanitizing hand wipes but now there's a lot more to it with covet in mind here are my two cents i don't recommend a long-haul flight if you haven't been vaccinated if you still want to travel unvaccinated or want to take extra precautions because of different variants i would recommend packing a few masks and even considering a uv sanitizing wand for more covet and flying tips i'll leave a link to my video about that above the last but maybe the most important thing to pack for a long haul flight is your toiletries toothbrush face wipes or cleanser your contact solution glasses all that good stuff and i saved my sephora samples of creams and serums for this very purpose and that's it those are my favorite things to pack for a long haul flight what are yours let me know in the comments below happy travels [Music] thanks for watching this video until the end for more content like this 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Channel: The Capsule Suitcase
Views: 80,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capsule wardrobe, packing tips, travel tips, digital nomad, packing, travel blogger, andrea zoellner, the capsule suitcase, capsule suitcase, travel
Id: dOeBwldO5S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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