20 Minute Garlic Beef & Broccoli stir fry.

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have you ever got done making a dish and you're just like damn that hit the spot and it was shockingly easy too well that happened to me with this beef and broccoli dish it's super thinly sliced beef mixed with a bunch of garlic ginger and some spicy chili flakes to round it out it only takes like 20 minutes and we're gonna make it live so sit back and relax or you can make it with me [Music] hi everyone so welcome to the live kitchen we're going to make beef and broccoli from start to finish i have the ingredients out because i kind of have to but i have nothing pre-prepped i'll show you everything you can go through and i'll even pop the recipe up if you want to cook this along with me feel free to or just watch me and then you can decide if you want to make it but yeah let's get this thing started so first up i did one thing of prep and that one thing of prep was i threw our beef in the freezer about i don't know maybe an hour and a half or two hours ago and my idea behind doing this is to make it a little bit easier to slice thin when it's frozen and a little bit firmed up it makes it just easier to slice so i'm going to switch off just to this cutting board also the packaging is very different here in france and basically what i'm doing with this beef and broccoli disc why i'm making okay one other thing i should mention too i'm using leftover rice that's kind of why i decided to make this dish in the first place i had some leftover rice and i was like oh what can i make so i made beef and broccoli the other week and i was like oh i should film this because it's super easy and delicious so if you don't have rice and you're making this with me you need to start that first poorly cooked leftover rice i should say as well um but you can see here so it's not completely frozen like i said i only tossed this in like an hour or two ago but it is firmed up which just makes it a little bit easier to slice very thin [Music] so just taking this and then using my finger is is very important for getting thin slices here i'm going to use it kind of as a guide as i just very thinly slice through these and also if you do have a very thin or sharp knife this also helps a lot too but using very thin slices like this is a great way to kind of tenderize maybe a tougher cut of meat and this dish can be made with any cut of meat um the goal is just again super thin slices like you can see these are like ridiculously thin i don't even know um but i'm just gonna keep on cutting these up and again you don't need to go too fast just make your cuts using my finger as a guide [Music] to get those really thin slices also yes i should have probably put a towel down underneath this so the cutting board didn't slip as much i had no idea you were doing this well now you're in it we also have my brother gabe on the uh the second cam so hopefully he is he's capturing the b-roll where it needs to be captured then i'm gonna get rid of just because this cutting board is so small because i need to use the other one for our vegetables i'm going to toss this into our bowl and then we'll keep cutting the rest okay so we got all the beef cut and now i'm gonna throw some salt on this make a quick marinade throw our beefy chopping board back in the sink and then i'm also going to again not the best setup we have right now but we're making making do with what we can okay so knife is all clean ready to go and now to this i'm actually just going to get some salt added to it and then we're going to prep all our vegetables next so got that nice and salty that's just gonna sit there i'm gonna mix it up later we've still got more stuff we're gonna add to that so back to our other cutting board i've got some ginger a couple of cloves of garlic we're going to use this red pepper in that as well and then i've got this maggie seasoning which i'll explain in just a second so first up we got the garlic i'm gonna do i think actually two cloves will be fine it's a little bit bigger and i'm just gonna micro grate these in here or regular grate too this is just kind of a little bit of a better form factor for doing something like a marinade with this it's going to disperse better than you know just like slicing it up or you could do just the fine mints if you don't happen to have a grater on hand both work very well and let me know what you guys think of kind of this live cooking idea i've been wanting to do some of these videos um kind of in between the more complex ones that take a lot more time because a lot of the time when i am cooking it's just very simple dishes like this that i just kind of get in the mood for and i think you know being able to see someone cook in real time you kind of pick up on these little things that maybe you wouldn't normally you know like just what what stuff i have on hand or maybe how i'm washing things or you know when i'm adding spices when i'm eyeballing things versus when i am trying to you know maybe more finely measure something so we've got the ginger we're gonna do the exact same with the i'm sorry we have the garlic we're gonna do the exact same with the ginger and it already smells amazing in here and what i really love about this dish is the simplicity of like our actual ingredients but how much flavor we get out of it as i've you know become a better cook myself over the past couple years and kind of learned how flavors work i really start to notice that choosing a couple of spices to really showcase in dishes like this is in my opinion a lot better a lot cleaner you get the very noticeable flavors rather than if we added like you know a bunch of different spices and everything to this i find that keeping it simple oftentimes leads to a more enjoyable dish at least for me so we have the garlic ginger paste that's going partially on the floor almost on the floor that's going in the bowl um got a little bit by my feet there that's okay um then i'm using some cayenne pepper and then this would be great with you know maybe thai chili flake or some kind of asian you know chinese red chili flake i'm just using cayenne it's what i've got and then i also normally would be using soy sauce but i'm going to use this maggie seasoning and this maggie seasoning it's similar to a soy sauce it's a very salty substance i'm actually not sure exactly what this is made out of i think it might be like some kind of wheat or like gluten extract something but anyway a lot of salty kind of umami flavor in this sauce so that's kind of what i'm using instead of soy sauce if you have soy sauce you can go ahead and use that and then just mixing this up together and that is as simple as the beef marinade is it's incredibly delicious again the big thing you want to do is just make sure you have um enough salt content in there and that's really all you're after i forgot i'm going to add like a tiny just a little dot of oil that's probably about a teaspoon and that's just going to help everything kind of lubricate up and get those flavors moving in with each other once we throw it in the wok it smells amazing okay like i said all we have to do is cook this so if you're not doing vegetables you're literally done um one thing i need to do is just chop up this broccoli because i'm going to pan fry the broccoli after the beef is done so we've got our broccoli i'm just going to cut off the heads and then chop the big pieces into slightly smaller pieces something like this and then make sure you say this um i probably haven't released it yet but i'll have a link to something that i made with this on my instagram account um you can chop these up they're great for like standalone stir fries but today i want to go with the heads and i'll be saving this for something later on and then with that we're done with all of our prep and now you guys get to see what i've been working on which is this big suitcase mainly just so i could get a little bit of a better shot because the the table was too low again we're working with what we got so let me know down in the comments if you realized or wondered what i was cooking on because yeah it was this big suitcase so i've gotta slide this induction burner over and adjust the shot one second i will have to cut this part out we can't do it completely live okay so we've got our induction burner with the wok beef is ready to go in a second and then we'll cook our broccoli after and then one thing that you want to do with stir-frying is make sure you're using enough oil now i know that's kind of if you're trying to eat you know a little bit on the healthier side restaurants are going to use ton more oil than you would ever think one thing that i like to do if i am trying to you know maybe just cut back on a little bit of fat here or there um sometimes i don't care so other times i do i actually will just measure out like two tablespoons into a bowl um which is this much that's like 30 milliliters which is basically two tablespoons and then i'll just use some of it and kind of eyeball it as i go but yeah so i'm going to use maybe a third of this right now and just kind of see how that looks again you don't need as much as you think but you definitely do need a lot to get everything the flavors in there and get it working really nicely [Music] now i'm going to be bumping this heat up as high as i can so right now i actually do have a temperature on this this is 240 um centigrade which is probably 404 fahrenheit if i had to guess something something around there for 450 460. um and i'm going to bring this completely up to temp before i toss in my beef and then we'll get uh straight frying this and one thing that is great about induction is it comes up to temperature very fast it's already at like 320 on the oil so i can see it smoking that means yep i'm already at 400 so that's good enough for me and then i'm just going to toss in the beef and stir fry everything together so hopefully the audio you can still hear me it's a little bit loud what i like to do is just let it sit on the bottom and start to crisp up a little bit normally with a stir fry you know on like gas heat you would be stirring everything constantly but with induction you have to leave the pan on there so to do that i just kind of let it start searing everything on bottom then i'll flip it over once and you know it takes like one to two minutes all right just like that our beef is literally done um just those super thin slices take a minute so freaking delicious too and now we'll do the broccoli as well so what i'm going to do first is actually lay down some of more this maggie seasoning again you could just use your soy sauce if you wanted and then i'm going to throw in a little bit of salt or sorry a little bit of water and bring this back up to heat and we're actually just going to steam this broccoli i'm not even going to add extra oil i'm just going to use what's left over in the pan there to kind of steam it up really quickly and make like a pseudo sauce out of it [Music] [Applause] again adding some more of this which is really just my salt source instead of adding salt i'm using that maggie seasoning and this also is cleaning up my pan all those little bits and pieces that we're getting stuck on there from the beef um you know like the garlic the ginger all of that is now going to be infused into this and it's really just a simple flavoring technique nothing crazy and it takes you know all of two seconds all right just like that like i said i still want this crunchy it's super quick and easy still tastes good hot but now we are ready to serve so we got the beautiful broccoli so we have the beef and the broccoli done now i forgot i need to warm this up and i actually don't have a microwave so i am just going to toss this back in this pan to kind of stir fry everything up so i'm going to do that which normally you probably wouldn't do then i'm gonna plate it up take a thumbnail and then i'll meet you guys back here in just like 20 seconds for a taste test because i cannot wait to dive into this thing [Music] alright everybody let's do our taste test i already know the rice is terrible because i didn't realize it was risotto rice until after i bought it well actually after i cooked it so that's why it's super mushy so if anyone was about to flame me for the rice i know it's not ideal but the beef and broccoli that's what we're after [Music] so rice aside absolutely winning dish like i said the simple flavors the ginger and the garlic comes through so much the super thin slices and then adding the extra spice in there from just the cayenne or again whatever chili flake you can find super great addition the simplicity of this broccoli is so nice it's salty and then it's just captured up those kind of pan and the fawn from the actual steak so hopefully you guys give this one a try again this will be up on our website it's a super easy dish i mean i don't know how long this video is but there's no way it's more than like 20 or 25 minutes incredibly easy so that's gonna wrap it up for me in this one i will catch you all in the next one you
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 266,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ethan Chlebowski, beef and broccoli stir fry, beef and broccoli, beef stir fry, garlic beef recipe, garlic beef stir fry, ginger beef stiry fry, chinese beef and broccoli, steak stir fry, steak dinner, steak and broccoli dinner
Id: KgMYPs_-k4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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