20 Luxury Rolls Royce Cars You Must See

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there are many things in our world that people dream of having and it's certainly a great thing to have those dreams many would dream of having a high-paying job a luxury yacht a sports car or even Financial Freedom they want to live in a nice house where they can decorate it however they want or even have a large family and then there are the Gearheads the people who want the best out of luxury cars possible and there are many brands for them to choose from Rolls-Royce is easily one of the best luxury car brands in the world and over the years they've made a long list of Epic cars for people to own but have you seen everything that they have to offer here now are 20 luxury Rolls-Royce cars that you must see number 20 rolls Roy Dawn Silver Bullet we begin with the Rolls-Royce Dawn Silver Bullet this luxury vehicle was an offshoot of their Dawn line of cars which were meant to be Oceanside Cruisers they made the Silver Bullet variant to be for those who wanted a more personal ride and Driving Experience the original Dawn was able to set up to four people but the Silver Bullet only seats two and that's fine because it is a beautiful car for you and your significant other to have a great time in driving around soaking up the sights and knowing that other people around you don't have the car that you have that may sound mean at first but I'm being serious here Rolls-Royce only manufactured about 50 of the Silver Bullet so if you are one that owns this vehicle consider yourself to be rather lucky being that this is Rolls-Royce everything about the car is luxurious even if you just look at the inside of it you're going to see what I mean everything is of the highest quality and it was people and not machines who put it all in there equally as important is the detail that this is the first collection car that Rolls-Royce ever made within this decade as it came out in the year 2020 there meant to be a tribute to the cars of the past and when you see the videos of this car cruising down the road with the driver not having a care in the world well you can't help but wish that you were behind the wheel before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification Bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping now it's time for the fancy topic have a look at this photo and try not to make your jaw drop to the floor while there's obviously some clear signs that this is a fake photo of an equally fake car I do have to admit some things right off the bat mainly while it appears to be a diamond encrusted Beast of a car it's actually one that is not really out of the realm of possibility the story that comes with this image is that this Rolls-Royce was built for an unknown man in the 1950s and given that this time period was a great Boom for people in the UK and the United States due to businesses receiving a great post-war boost it is possible that somebody may have wanted a car to put all the others to shame and that's when they asked Rolls-Royce to make this custom ride for them and for the record roll Rolls-Royce did begin in 1906 so by the year that this story is said to have happened they had already made a name for themselves the reason why I'm pointing out that the concept of this car is not fake is because people have actually seen something like this in the past if you look up Diamond Rolls-Royce you would see various versions of such a ride popping up all over the place from Saudi princes to celebrities who decided to get an upgrade and it's all a little bit over the top but when has that ever stopped any anyone who had money in the past the real downside to having such a vehicle is that it's an instant Target for thieves and maintaining it likely is not as easy as you would believe thanks to the diamond exterior now I don't know if the one from the picture is actually real but as you can see it is plausible in the end as always you can comment down below using the # fancy topic and let me know what you think about what you just saw on the screen number 19 rolls Roy Spectre if that sounds familiar it's because yes Spectre is an evil organization that James Bond fought in both versions of his timeline and Rolls-Royce is nothing if not loyal to its roots as they have supplied James Bond with a few cars over the years the reason that you need to see the Rolls-Royce Spectre is because this is the first fully electric luxury vehicle that Rolls-Royce ever made and shipped and in fact as of right now you should be able to get one for yourself the car had its release date in the final quarter of 2023 so how does it Stack Up in terms of range it can get about 425 km on a single charge and it's meant to be the most aerodynamic ride that Rolls-Royce ever produced which is saying something given all of the vehicles that they've come up with in the past if you go to the Rolls-Royce website you're going to find that the Rolls-Royce Spectre is a prophecy fulfilled likely referring to how the brand kept on saying that they were going to do an electric vehicle but took time in making one that would fit into their own brand so there it is and it is indeed a stylish ride some might fairly point out that while it is quite cool looking it doesn't have the highest of electric mileage per charge that certain other lower tier cars may have but you have to think about the context of the vehicle itself they are not going for any kind of world record range here they know that those who would get this vehicle are not going to go across the country with it but instead they may go Go and show it off and Flash it around and make people jealous that they don't have a luxury car like this of their own and the fact that a top brand like Rolls-Royce is doing this proves the continued shift in the car industry to try and make everything electric and I'm sure that that makes a whole lot of people out there rather grateful number 18 Rolls-Royce ghost from the Rolls-Royce Spectre we now transition into the Rolls-Royce Ghost it seems as though the people at Rolls-Royce might believe in Supernatural elements or maybe they just like how the names of their vehicles sound regardless of the reasoning behind the names the Rolls-Royce Ghost is one of the best Rolls-Royce vehicles that you can get on the market today which is why it is also one of their most popular models in fact it has a CD rating of 9.5 out of 10 and you don't get that unless you make an incredible car from tip to tail this luxury limo exudes Glamour and sophistication which you could say are the Hallmarks of the brand as a whole now whether you're driving the ghost or simply riding inside of it you'll be treated to all kinds of great luxury and Innovations for example the passengers are not going to feel the road as they go over it and that allows them to have a smooth experience then for the driver there are cameras attached to the ride to help ensure a safe traversal from one location to the next a can even scan the road for things like potholes and then alert the car suspension so that it can always perfectly be tuned to take them on that is a skill of mechanical quality right there now it is true that the ghost is not an electric vehicle but that's because all of those efforts went into the Spectre however over time it would not be inconceivable for Rolls-Royce to change over to that or possibly even go for the hybrid route with its next iteration the only drawback if you want to get one of the 2024 Rolls-Royce ghosts you'll need to have over $350,000 that begs the question do you take a check give me two number 17 the Rolls-Royce Phantom now on to a Rolls-Royce that has another name of an apparition this is the Rolls-Royce Phantom easily one of their biggest and best models and I would just like to emphasize the biggest part of that statement look at the car it's simply huge and if you are one of the ones who are fortunate enough to have this as your ride well you're going to be making everyone that you pass by turn their heads because of how honking big this thing is there are some people out there who would even call it a testament to old money mainly because it costs over $500,000 to get but by that token if you are able to afford it you're going to be in for one heck of a ride and experience plush leather handsome ear and beautifully heed metal trim surround you in the capacious interior coach rear doors power themselves open and close regally at the touch of a button and plus since this is your Phantom to drive you can have it customized to meet your needs in terms of color and other kinds of functionality that also means that it will be a truly personal ride for those who have the money to spare so really that begs the obvious question do you actually need a ride like this in your life well if you do have the money then why not it may sound rather elitist to say but the reason that people with large cash flows would get a vehicle like this in the first place is because they want to experience the best of luxury vehicles that are out there and the Rolls-Royce Phantom is one such vehicle that may offer them the feeling that they've made it however that's not the only Phantom Menace that you can get if you have enough dough number 16 the rollsroyce Phantom drop head Coupe when the tagline of a vehicle is roof down romance well you know the kind of person or people that Rolls-Royce is appealing to with their vehicle the Rolls-Royce Phantom drop head Coupe is indeed a convertible version of the car that I just spoke about the luxury car maker gives you the option to either enjoy the vehicle in its natural form and feel safe and comfy inside or you can simply take things to the next level by dropping down the head and feeling Wild and Free with the wind in your hair while embracing the elements that are all around you plus since it's a luxury vehicle you'll also have all of the stylings and amenities that you could ever ask for features are handcrafted in the most finest of material leather seats teak veneers and luxurious cashmere blend Hood protecting you from adverse weather conditions the five layer soft top provides excellent soundproofing while opening in just 25 seconds and like the main model of the Phantom you can get this ride customized to fit your artistic style so that you'll be complete as you take it down the road mon you have drop Rolls-Royce does boast that this ride begs for long weekends and vacations and you can see why they would say that they want people to see the vehicle as it goes down the road and no doubt make them long for having such a romantic Rendevous inside of it themselves but you could also save your money because it costs a whole hell of a lot number 15 the Rolls-Royce Phantom stretch limo in addition to the regular Phantom and the coupe there is also a limousine version the Rolls-Royce Phantom stretch limo is one of their most high-end vehicles and it's apparently incredibly popular your first question in this might be well why would someone want to own a luxury limo the easiest answer is because they can the second answer answer is that while many people do want to drive a luxury vehicle for themselves a lot of people are just fine with hiring a driver and having them to chauffeur them and their party or whoever they're with to the location that they desire when you look at the interior of this vehicle you'll see that it is not only a limo it's a high-end limo that's meant to both keep you comfortable and to keep you entertained there are games inside of the thing not to mention plenty of play to store all of the fine drinks for your Excursion in other words if you're entertaining guests for a weekend or you simply want to make a showing at a party that you're going to you're going to want to arrive in this big vehicle because in comparison regular limousines are just not enough number 14 the armored Rolls-Royce cinin some of you might be thrown off by that title so allow me to explain there is another side to luxury vehicles that you might not think about or even realize depending on how knowledgeable you are about the world specifically for people of more High standing you know like a member of the royal family or an elected official driving around in a regular old Toyota Corola is a nogo it attracts attention and if the wrong people know that you're the one who's in it you could get attacked and potentially suffer really really bad consequences and that's where companies like Classen come into play they are a Specialty Company that takes Vehicles like the Rolls-Royce and outfits them to be armored bulletproof bombproof and all sorts of other kinds of proof to ensure that you and whoever else may be in there with you is kept safe and free from harm the armored Rolls-Royce Colin is just one option that you have for this kind of armor protection the irony is that even though it's meant to be a driving tank based on its protection they still have all of the luxury things that you could imagine inside so to the untrained eye it may just look like a regular old vehicle but on the inside it is a true luxury experience and yes not everyone will have a need for such an experience but for those that are out there that do they will never leave home without a vehicle such as this and remember that limousine that I showed you while Classen was up for making an armored version of that as well it just might cost you $3 million in the end number 13 rollsroyce Phantom Hyperion the Rolls-Royce Fantom Hyperion is the last of the Phantom line that we'll talk about and it does have some features that separate it from its Brethren first of all it's a special one-of-a-kind vehicle the Hyperion was not only an offshoot of the Phantom brand but it was one that was given to a person who decided to take things back to a more simple time with its design and the results in end up speaking for themselves so what would be different about it you may ask well quite a bit if you have a closer look a chopped two-seater Phantom with all new rear bodyw workk and a part Morgan part Lan likee posterior a bespoke roof of course because why wouldn't it have that and the irony of the ride is that while it may be stylish it's also one that has trouble in finding an owner that's because at times it can cost around $3 million and you can get several luxury cars for that amount in the end number 12 the rollsroyce sweptail but what's more outrageous than a single Rolls-Royce being worth $3 million well how about one that's worth $13 million I am not joking in this it is a true story about the infamous Rolls-Royce sweptail the car was not actually manufactured to be part of a line of cars to be made but rather it was made for one single client this was part of rolls-royce's desire to get back to their coach build style of design that they had done in the earlier days of their run in 2017 they had decided to do that and show just how far that they could go with this particular client the client who remains nameless had asked for a lot of features from past Rolls-Royce vehicles and other car models and the result became the Rolls-Royce sweptail to name all of the details that the car would make special would take too long but I will say that it's a beautiful mixture of both vintage stylings with modern advances and it also has high performance incredible styling an insane attention to detail and the $13 million price tag that emphasizes that it's worth each and every cent while it might be all right for you to have a luxury vehicle yourself one day I don't recommend going down this route I mean Vehicles lose their value as soon as they drive off the lot number 11 the rollsroyce boat tail following in the footsteps of the sweptail the Rolls-Royce boat tail is a luxury coach build division ride that is not only a perfect luxury car to drive but one that you can actually dine in by the beach or another location that you desire are you confused well if you look at the rear deck of the car you're going to soon see that it can actually unfold to become a full-on dining area complete with the place to put your umbrella to keep you in the shade while you dine with your friends or loved ones it may be a completely outrageous concept and yet the Builder behind it said that it is the Pinnacle of his career and it's something that likely won't ever be duplicated but you know it's great that he admires his own work at all number 10 the the Rolls-Royce droptail heading into the top 10 we now have the Rolls-Royce droptail a car that the luxury maker is so absolutely proud of that they actually call it Art In Motion because of course they do they're trying to sell it to you after all they actually compare this vehicle to a rose and they also note how dark and daring that the vehicle is and how it's meant to emphasize romance and wow they're really trying to sell the car now I am not going to deny that it is a cool car for the record The Styling is impressive and the roadster body type is one that many will be drawn to and like others on this list you can enjoy it either with the hood on or the hood off number nine the Rolls-Royce Wraith our next ghostly guest is the Rolls-Royce Wraith and I'll let you know right off the bat that this car comes in at a measly $600,000 so just be sure that you can afford it before you even think about buying it this is yet another incredible luxury vehicle that Rolls-Royce can provide for you and a lot of people have gotten on board with it to try and put on their own spin that includes companies like masonry who want to show off their own incredible details inside of the car you can style this car however you like and then get ready for an incredible luxury experience as you go down the road and make everyone else jealous that that you're in the vehicle and that they are not I mean come on you can't sit there and think that they wouldn't do the same thing to you if the shoe was on the other foot number eight rollsroyce Phantom extended wheelbase the rollsroyce Phantom extended wheelbase is a really weird name for a luxury vehicle but it's also one that's meant to take the standard model of the Phantom that I've already talked about and give it just a little bit more space but would a little more space really matter all that much well you have to think about the vehicle that you drive or that you've ridden in with friends don't you sometimes wish that it just had a little bit more room to stretch out your legs and unwind in well luxury vehicle owners apparently have that same need and that's where this one comes into play now we may all have different bank account statements but we all have the same needs at the same time number seven Rolls-Royce Phantom Metropolitan collection with the Rolls-Royce Phantom Metropolitan collection it adds a touch of sophistication to the luxury car market it's a limited edition model and part of the renowned Phantom Line featuring Exquisite design elements that are inspired by the bustling metropolises of the world the exterior of the car boasts a unique celby gray metallic paint finish that's complemented by a handp painted Coach line that features an intricate motif representing the architecture of modern cities and of course because it's a Rolls-Royce the interior exudes opulence with leather upholstery and a seashell color scheme accented by navy blue piping and stitching The Starlight headliner adds a Celestial Ambiance to the cabin depicting the night sky over a bustling cityscape and even though the vehicle is part of the Phantom line it was not meant to be a spin-off only 20 of these Phantoms were ever manufactured and the point of them was not only to show luxury but to also highlight the changing landscape of all of the metropolitan cities of the world today it was crafted to reflect the cities that we all now live in and in some people's minds it's an example of a driving Art [Music] Exhibit it's definitely for all of those customers who are seeking exclusivity and unparalleled craftsmanship number six the Rolls-Royce f pH serenity now we'll have a look at the Rolls-Royce Phantom Serenity and unlike many of the more recent cars that you've seen the serenity is one that was unveiled in 2015 at the Geneva Motor Show and while it may be an older car it's also one that turns heads even to this day on the outside it may seem like just another Rolls-Royce but they actually teamed up with a renowned artist to create an interior that screams opulence and wants the passengers to be in a true state of serenity Chinese silk would be used to make this artistic interior and when you mix that with all of the tiny touches on the outside that gives it a flowery look well you can see why people are still talking about this car number five Rolls-Royce Dawn black badge when you have a look at the Rolls-Royce Dawn black badge you may get a dark and brooding feeling but the real beauty of this car is on the inside the car is meant to be entirely soundproof from the outside so you will definitely have a peaceful time as you're driving around in it the black badge is put forward by a formidable 6.6 L twint turbocharged V12 engine delivering quite the driving experience and with an impressive output of 593 horsepower and 620 ft-lb of torque the PowerHouse accelerates from 0 to 60 in just 4.6 seconds this rear wheeel drive 8-speed automatic transmission fueled car ensures smooth and effortless acceler ation combined with a renowned engineering prowess and meticulous attention to detail that Rolls-Royce is known for this is a car that people literally dream about so if you're able to get one you're going to be in rather special Company Number Four The Rolls-Royce cornes now how about a change of pace sometimes you have to take a step back before you can go forward as noted the Rolls-Royce brand has been around for a really long time now and that also means that they've made all kinds of models and vehicles over the years the Rolls-Royce cornes was one that lasted from 1971 to 2002 in various forms and models and it was a true classic that many still appreciate today as time went on the car got upgraded and restyled and even would be used by Bentley for a while as they had transformed it into a vehicle brand for themselves it may not have all of the class and super luxury that today's Vehicles feature but it was one of the coolest Vehicles you could get back in the day number three the rollsroyce Phantom centopia the Rolls-Royce Phantom centopia comes painted in an exclusive liquid Noir color with purple blue magenta and gold accents depending on the angle at which you're viewing it they spent over 3,000 hours just to make sure that the lighting and the feeling was correct inside of the car the centopia is a limited edition luxury vehicle which Min feel exemplifies the Pinnacle of Automotive craftsmanship and Innovation said to be inspired by the futuristic visions of urban Landscapes it features distinctive design elements that evoke a sense of modern times along with sophistication with Sleek lines and striking Contours along with its opulent interior this exclusive model offers a truly unparalleled Driving Experience and featuring a 6.75 L twint turbocharged V12 engine it delivers effortless performance and power delivery every single thing about this ride is meant to be high-end sophisticated and Illuminating and I think that they succeeded with that goal number two the Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupe Aviator collection The Aviator collection was meant to be a tribute to the days when the car company had helped to make airplanes for the British back during the second world war they made SE planes if you didn't know the car is outfitted with special Art Deco touches in order to take people back to the 1930s and many would agree that it is one stylish vehicle only 30 of them were ever manufactured which made it yet another limited edition collector's car kind of thing but the company also wanted to pay tribute to its past while embracing the present and the future and that's the kind of luxury design that a lot of people will drool over number one the Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit we began this list with the Silver Bullet so now we in with the Silver Spirit the Silver Spirit was a vehicle that was made from 1980 to 1997 and had a lot of features that you can see transferred into later models all throughout the years its size was rather impressive meant to be long luxurious and comfortable for everyone who rode inside of it eventually the Silver Spirit was meant to be built as a touring limousine and you can very easily see why that would be something that people would be interested in the car was the basis for a lot of vehicles that Rolls-Royce would come to produce later on in their manufacturing lines including several that are on this list so again the company just loves to use its past in order to create a more bright and even more luxurious future that's all from the realm of luxury Vehicles via your good friends at Rolls-Royce were you impressed by the variety of luxury cars that they've created over the years and the various types of vehicles they've manufactured to satisfy their clients if you had your choice in any of the vehicles on this list which one would it be be sure to let me know all about it in the comments section down below check out the other cool things that are showing up on the screen and I will see you next time
Channel: The Fancy Banana
Views: 95,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: future cars, cars, future car, concept cars, car, concept car, cars of the future, future, top 10 future cars, top 10 concept cars, future technology cars, cool cars, new cars, new car, bmw vision next 100, bmw, bmw car, future cars of 2050, 2050 cars, 10 future cars, future concept cars, concept cars 2050, top 10 cars, futuristic cars, autonomous car, rolls royce vision, best concept car in the world, future transportation, future technology, most expensive car, innovation
Id: fem2o3GlyGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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