20 Interesting Ways To Get Kicked Out Of Disney Theme Parks!

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from setting up your folding chairs to setting off fireworks there are some interesting ways to get kicked out of Disney's theme parks and we've got 20 of them for you today on DFP Guide hey everybody it's AJ for Disney food blog and we have got some very interesting ways to buck the rules I guess at Disney's theme parks things are not allowed to do things you shouldn't do and things that will definitely get you get kicked out of the park so the first I'm going to talk about is setting off fireworks so that's right unless you're being paid thousands of dollars as one of Disney's official pyro technicians who are responsible for the fireworks shows that happen in the parks nightly don't even think about bringing your personal toppers and peonies Disney explicitly prohibits guests from setting off fireworks anywhere on property including your Resort Hotel oh and you also can't bring your smoke or fog machines so if you are planning on recording your new rock music video or creating some personal ambiance to go along with your Halloween costume it's not a good idea at Disney now another way to get in trouble in the Disney parks and this is a brand new one based on some new changes in theme park policy in the past couple of months bringing your giant stroller can get you in big trouble at Disney parks oh yeah thanks to those latest park rules your stroller can now get you in trouble at Disney World and Disneyland strollers must be no more than 31 inches in width and 52 inches in length and there are stroller measuring guides at some parks but it's best to get out the tape measure before you leave home to be sure you're within the guidelines also note that stroller wagons are a no-no so anything you have to pull and even wagons you can technically push cannot come into the parks regardless of size now Disney notes that there are no wagons allowed multiple times in their park rules so they are pretty serious about that so yeah no wagons and remember that you can rent strollers at Disney World they are recently testing a new program in Animal Kingdom where guests can rent strollers are a little more comfortable than the typical hard plastic ones that Disney is known for and you can also rent strollers from several local stroller companies who will guarantee their stroller Disney's guidelines next thing you can get kicked out for sneaking onto rides so whether you're trying to cut the lines or padding your kids shoes to get them to reach the height requirement sneaking onto rides is a definite no-no in Disney parks the only way to skip that line is to have a fast pass and don't just try hopping in line you'll need to scan your Magic Band to be in that Fast Pass line and they usually have to tap style points in that line just in case you decide to hop over after the cue entrance you will probably get caught there when you get up to the actual ride and remember height requirements for little ones are there for safety reasons it's not safe for them to ride if they're not tall enough so while you might be bummed they can't ride Space Mountain it's much better to wait until they're tall enough rather than trying to trick the cast member into thinking they're tall enough so also kids under 14 are not allowed to be in the parks without supervision and kids under 7 cannot ride any ride without someone over the age of 14 riding with them next way to get kicked out of the park using that megaphone that you bring everywhere you go okay so it's officially not cool to bring your giant megaphone into the parks everybody got that everybody cool with that even if you're trying to herd your 20 person family reunion no megaphones and along with the not being allowed to annoy hundreds of other guests with your megaphone you also can't bring in horns whistles or artificial noisemakers so stay quiet and stop trying to organize a revolution from the Haunted Mansion line okay now speaking of organizing a revolution you also could potentially get kicked out of the park for unfurling political banners and banners of any kind of this rule started in the 60s to keep protests from happening in Disneyland but it's continued throughout the decades since that politically charged time now in addition to not being allowed to rustle up converts to your new political party you also can't distribute any kind of pamphlets political or not or give speeches there's that megaphone again or demonstrate in the parks there have been a few instances where a certain gentleman has been escorted from the parks after unfurling pull signs just don't be that dude next thing you can get kicked out for going for a swim on Splash Mountain or any other water ride and do not try to get out of a moving vehicle at any attraction seriously it's just not safe so standing up on a ride vehicle will likely cause the ride to stop and yes cast members are monitoring the ride vehicles throughout the entire attraction there's cameras so just because you're in the middle of the ride doesn't mean you'll get away with it they'll still see you they'll stop the ride they'll make everybody sit down now if you decide to hop out of the ride vehicle you will almost certainly be escorted from the park also it's not fun to swim in the ride water because it's only like a foot deep so you can't really swim in there anyway next thing you can get in trouble for in Disneyworld wearing your Healy's okay tell your tween right now that the Healy's have to stay at home for those of you who are not fully indoctrinated into tween culture Hayley's are those shoes with wheels in them and you can't have them in the parks you also can't have skateboards scooters the two-wheeled ones not the ecv scooters or inline skates so if you were planning on enjoying any 1980s themed wheel based recreation you are out of luck my friends now something else that can get you kicked out of the park shop lifting this one should be very obvious but sometimes the Disney bubble takes you out of the world so much then it doesn't feel like there's real law enforcement in Wan foof new world but we promised as these still operates under the same laws as the rest of the country so if you shoplift you're gonna be meeting with an Orange County officer we can guarantee that so keep your hands to yourself when you're in the park shops don't mess around with that not worth it next weird thing they can get you in trouble in Walt Disney World and potentially kicked out of the park is setting up your folding chairs now I know I know you were thinking how relaxing it would be to bring your folding beach chair and watch the world go by from the middle of Main Street but according to Disney nope not allowed for serious it would be great if we could use our own folding stools or chairs to wait for the parade or fireworks although maybe a bit of a hassle carrying them around all day but you know you do you but folding chairs are officially prohibited in the parks by Disney it is in the rules they actually say in the rule don't set up your folding chair so clearly someone's tried to do this before and this one seems like a no-brainer but sometimes it's hard to manage having too much to drink now this is definitely something to keep in mind with the Food & Wine Festival coming up in Epcot having a few drinks on your vacation is a-ok just make sure you don't take it too far when you're in Disneyworld public intoxication is frowned upon it is neat and you will likely be asked to leave and come back once you've sobered up if you are causing a ruckus or offending other guests after you've drunk too much in Walt Disney World now remember if you have been drinking please be responsible don't get into a car Disney has tons of transportation options you can take taxis you can take lifts ubers there's lots of opportunities to get yourself back home or back to your hotel without getting behind a wheel next thing you can get you kicked out of Disney World using someone else's ticket now tickets and annual passes are linked to a specific person these days there biometrics are on their their photo so Disney's gonna know pretty quickly that you're using someone else's ticket and you won't get past the gates now if you're very unlucky security and law enforcement may be brought in as well because you're impersonating somebody else so just don't do it go buy your own ticket not worth it interesting way to get kicked out of Disney World sneaking backstage now you just want to see how the magic is made right sorry no dice Disney strictly prohibits guests from going into backstage areas without explicit permission for example when you're on a VIP tour they may take you backstage or Disney's open the backstage area once in a while to allow easier traffic flow through the park but if you're not to be back there you can get kicked out besides do you really want to see what goes on back there talk about seeing how the sausage is made better to stay on stage my friends next weird and totally useless way to get kicked at a Disney World is harassing the characters or cast members okay I don't care how mad you get don't hit the characters don't talk to Cinderella inappropriately like a weirdo this should really be common sense but these things still happen in the most magical place on earth so always be nice to the cast members they're constantly working to make your vacation perfect and often don't get the respect they deserve for doing so so even if things are going wrong stay positive and remember they're there to help if you're talking to a character try to keep things appropriate we know you can do it all right another interesting way to get kicked out of Disney World trying to scatter your dead relatives ashes somewhere you know Haunted Mansion is the top spot for trying to sneak someone's ashes into the parks but it's probably happened on nearly every ride everyone's got their favorite right not only is this not allowed the rides get cleaned pretty regularly so you're loved and will likely end up in a vacuum bag so if you get caught you'll probably be escorted off property for doing that so it's probably best to not even try another way to get escorted out of Disney World and get kicked out straight up getting in a fight now this is another no-brainer if you start throwing punches in Magic Kingdom you're gonna be thrown out of the park we know that tensions can be high at Disney World you're paying a lot of money for what's supposed to be a perfect vacation and when things aren't perfect there can be a domino effect that ends in serious frustration so if you happen to tussle with someone who's had a similar day and is it a similar place emotionally and things come to a head let's just say I've seen some stuff go down in the parks but try to keep your wits about you if you need a cool-down or a breather take one and I guarantee you won't get your money back if you lose your temper and our escorted out of the park see you might as well take it down a notch and try to enjoy the rest of your day in Disney World next way to get kicked out of the park dressing up as a character so costumes for kiddos under the age of 14 are totally okay but as an adult you can't impersonate a character and you'll get in extra big trouble if you start signing autographs as a character so adults are allowed to wear costumes during certain special events like Mickey's not-so-scary Halloween party and Mickey's very Merry Christmas party and Star Wars galactic nights those special event costume guidelines do apply costumes may not drag on the ground have any pointy bits or contain weapons and capes cannot go past the waist masks are never allowed for anyone over 13 and lots and lots of layers may result in extra long security checks next way to get kicked out of Disneyworld bringing your furry friend so sorry Fido and petunia cannot write Pirates of the Caribbean with you while Disney does allow service animals into the parks any furry friend designated is just a plain old pet and who doesn't have service animal certification is not allowed through the park gates now if you can't bear to be without your fur babies if he does have a few dog friendly hotels where dogs are allowed to stay with their owners and best friends pet hotel is also available on property to house furry friends while their owners are on a Disney vacation note that if you do bring a service animal into the parks animals are not allowed to play in water features or fountains so make sure you have other ways to keep your animal cool all right this one's brand new another way to get kicked out of the parks smoking in the park so Disney parks are very strict about where you can and cannot smoke this includes vaping too and you are not allowed to smoke anywhere in Walt Disney World or Disneyland theme parks any longer as of a couple of months ago so you'll find smoking sections outside of each of the parks and these are the only place it's okay to smoke around the Disney theme parks you'll also find designated smoking areas at resort hotels and it Disney's shopping and dining districts but for the first time in forever you cannot smoke anywhere inside Disney's theme parks alright next interesting way to get kicked out at Disney World climbing the pyramid or anything else that's not meant to be climbed this one's a pretty obvious safety measure so no matter how great the view might look from the top of Mexico's pyramid or Disneyland's Matterhorn you'll want to stay on the ground now this one's especially important if you've got those ninja warrior kiddos who want to climb everything just keep an eye on them and make they stay on the ground and the last interesting way to get at a Disneyworld flying a drone so parts of Walt Disney world including Magic Kingdom and parts of Epcot and some of the resort areas are no-fly zones so drones are not allowed now even if you're not in the actual no-fly zone security will still ask you to stop flying your drone and the same goes for remote-controlled vehicles or toys except of course your Droid Depot Droid over there in galaxy's edge so there are a few interesting ways to get kicked out of Disney World or at least get in a lot of trouble at Walt Disney World and Disneyland so let us know in the comments what you guys think some of these are brand new rule additions to Disney's park rules some of them are old hat and harken back to a different time but no matter what you're not allowed to do them thanks for listening and thanks for watching everyone this is AJ for Disney food blog animals see real soon
Channel: DFBGuide
Views: 3,519,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disneyfood, disney, disney world, disneyland, disneyvideo, disneyvacation, food, disney parks, disney park rules, don't do this at disney, disney planning, disney tips, disney hacks, behind the scenes disney, disney vlog, disney vlogger, how to disney, magic kingdom, disney tickets, disney rides, fastpass
Id: RWv99Jbr1Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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