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today i'm going to show you 20 diys from dollar tree i put a compilation video together of my most favorite dupes and inspired diys [Music] i decided to use two chargers they just put these out at my dollar tree and they are a pretty gold color but i'm going to spray paint that and i'm also going to use four of these bases i just found these as well at my dollar tree and they're also gonna be spray painted so i use my black matte spray paint on the chargers and a white matte spray paint on the vases so i'm gonna have one charger upside down like you saw and even though that was already black i went ahead and spray painted just so it could be a matte black and then i sprayed the top of the other one so what we're gonna do after everything was dried i'm going to use my a6000 and hot glue like we've been doing so these items are sturdy we're gonna glue these bases together so the first one's gonna be this way and then i'm doing the second one upside down and then we'll do the same thing with the other two and have all four of them glued together to assemble everything i have the first charger upside down like we had mentioned and this is the side i spray painted i'm going to mark it with my pencil because i have to move the vases out of the way to add the glue so i'm marking it and then we'll add the glue and then add the vases on top so that's going to be the base and then we'll add the other charger facing the right side up and it will go at the top without any thought i keep moving on i don't even care if my soul is gone [Music] how gorgeous do the vases look glued together i love the design of that it is so so pretty to me let me know what you would do differently if you would add a pizza pan i also thought of that but i really liked the design of the chargers so that's why i decided to go with those what i have on top is a hobby lobby wait did i get it from hobby lobby or michaels oh shoot i don't remember um because i had been going to bose because they have you know good sales right now especially michael's with i think 75 for 70 off anyways i got that because i was obsessed with the rustic look of it and it i'm into the cottage look right now so i love that and i added my amazon tulips in there and this came out to be almost two feet tall at 23 inches on to diy number three this next one was super super fun to do i could not believe it worked out so um yeah let's get started with this one i'm using a canvas art piece from dollar tree and i'm just gonna remove the whole canvas so i'm left with the frame [Music] so once i removed everything from that frame i'm going to bring in two shower caddies from dollar tree and i forgot to tell you i'm gonna make basically like a lantern slash tray so i'm gonna use the two parts at the top of these caddies and i'll show you on a second i'm just going to take some stem cutters and the easiest way i found it was to grab the piece that you want to remove just twist back and forth just for a few seconds i did it too long because i wasn't sure how tough it was going to be but once i twisted it back and forth you can just pop it off so you can bend it and it pops right off once i have those off as you can see right here i have one bent the way i want it to be bent so it's gonna go like this at the corner and what i'm gonna do is just show you how i do that so this type of um shower caddy from dollar tree is really easy to bend so just play around with it and i'm going to insert a photo right now so you can see kind of where the inspiration came from i'm sure you've seen tons and tons of these lanterns so i thought it'd be really cool to try to create at least somewhat of the way it came out and i mean it doesn't look exactly like it but i thought it'd be really fun to try and recreate something like that so to give this a bottom i'm going to add these giant craft sticks [Music] i have seven of them so all i'm doing is just cutting one side of it and then hot gluing it to the outside bottom nowhere a stormy rain tried to wash away the dreams staff now that i have the whole bottom part covered i'm gonna use my hot glue and some heavy duty clamps they actually just started selling some from what i saw in my local dollar trees um heavy-duty clamps but these are from home depot they were a dollar each and i've been having them for a while so i'm just setting it up like this to show you how it's gonna look so what i'm gonna do is just let you see how i put this together so i'm just gonna add hot glue on the corners add one side of this top shower caddy and then clamp it in place [Music] now that i have both of those pieces glued on here as you can see i am going to use some more burlap for this diy i have clamps on one side still and the other one i removed them because i'm gonna go ahead and add this so you'll see me cut a piece off right here and add it to the caddy that's connected to the frame just for a better hold [Music] man so i added the burlap to just those two sides for right now now what i'm gonna do is take some yarn or you can use twine ribbon whatever you like just secure the top so i'm gonna wrap this around here a well multiple times and then i will remove those clamps and add the burlap to those corners so you could leave it just like this but what i want to go ahead and do is take some dollar tree beads and hot glue it along the top part of this lantern and then we'll go outside and spray paint it with that white matte spray paint oh so sweet i've been traveling alone but now there's your [Music] i have five dollar tree canvases these are all five by sevens i actually got inspired by this from a hobby lobby one it looks almost identical the one i'm about to make except mine is gonna be turned horizontally and the one i saw was more of a vertical frame so i'm going to get confused i moved one to the side because that one i'm not going to remove the canvas and then the four frames i have the one including in my hand i am removing the canvases because i want to expose that wooden frame and then whatever is stuck under the staples because i'm not removing the staples i'm just going to trim it off now i have used tons of canvases like this and i have recycled many and i never know what to do with all of them so that's why i didn't bother to try to save these and then i'm gonna sand them down with my sanding block from dollar tree so i can paint them now i'm going to use this hazelnut chalk paint from waverly i got it at walmart for about five dollars i believe and i paint all four frames to give it more of the look that i want i'm adding some of this antique parchment from apple barrel in matte and i'm just going to kind of dry brush some on top and wipe off the excess you can do this however you want but i do dry brush it at first and it kind of seemed a little too harsh so then i did start dipping the brush in a little bit of water and remove some of the excess water before brushing it on because then it would just take longer to dry i have those four frames on the side the fifth canvas that i am going to leave the actual canvas on i'm gonna use my moss chalk paint on here and so what i'm gonna do with this is again i'm going to add a little bit of water to it and i also i'm taking that same brush that i have some of the antique parchment creamy paint on and so that's going to help lighten up the green a little bit and look more spring-like now i'm going to take this dollar tree wall decal and i'm gonna cut out the word eight and i'm gonna apply that to the center of the green you canvas so i have made many many window panes on my channel even though this is not really a window pane it's practically a whole big sign that i'm making so that's why through this part i'm just going to fast forward and show you it's just gluing all four together it's really simple if you haven't done it before then i will definitely just show you real quick how i glue all of them together i'm measuring about four inches on the size and three inches on the top and bottom so once i get that i'm gonna mark where the frame is at so i can pick up the frame and add hot glue to keep it in place [Music] for a little extra support i like to add craft sticks or in my case right now tumbling tower blocks to the back right here just to keep the frames all together oh my room i'm using four canvases i'm gonna glue these two together and then the other two together and i'm just using my hot glue so to connect these two together i'm using some dollar tree wooden dowels and i'm just gonna take one out to kind of see about how much higher i want the second one to be above the bottom one and i did it about six inches from each other so we're going gonna cut the dowels at six inches and i'm going to go ahead and use eight of them so now i'm going to go ahead and add these six inch wooden dowels to this bottom part of the frames and you don't want to add all eight of them yet just a couple of them at first that way you can go ahead and glue the top frame to the top of these dials i only have three six inch dowels glued down and now i'm going to go ahead and add the top part of the frames right here and then i'll add the rest of the dowels when i'm in this town be myself i'm gonna be someone else i'm gonna be myself i'm gonna be someone else i'm gonna skip my breaks i'm gonna make mistakes i'm gonna skip my breaks i'm gonna make mistakes so now all eight of the dowels are on here to finish assembling the little crate i'm going to add some giant craft sticks at the bottom so that way there is a bottom to this that way i can add stuff inside so i'm just using the giant walmart craft sticks and i'm going to use 10 of them so i'm going to cut them down to size and then hot glue those on nothing can break me no no nothing can break me you had that sparkle in your eyes some kind of shimmer in your presence [Music] again this is something you can paint whatever colors you choose to i'm gonna water down my well not watered down the paint but put water on my brush that way the paint is not so harsh and i'm gonna start off with this cashew chalk paint and then i'll go over it with my hazelnut chalk paint you can leave it like this where it looks a little more rustic looking but i'm actually going to add a little bit more water and kind of go over it better so it's kind of more of a solid color there are so many different ways you could style this so i'm going to show you a couple of them everything you see here is from dollar tree except for the white ikea picture with the yellow and white flowers those flowers are from dollar tree the little tiny lanterns from dollar tree and the candle holder actually made in my previous video which was super simple and was a pottery barn inspired this second piece all i did was add four dollar tree bases with more of those dollar tree flowers oh and the hello sign i've been having for i think like two three years now from dollar general for the next diy i'm making a candle scones now i'm painting the frames wide after removing the canvases from the frame now i'm using a dollar tree wreath charm and i'm gonna paint it black doing a double frame with the canvases otherwise i would have done two but i realized this wreath charm needs a thicker i guess um base to glue onto so that's why i doubled the frames and you'll see what i mean right now i'm going to glue both of them on top of each other so i have a thicker base for the return now i'm using the hazelnut on top of the white paint with a bristle brush and now for the fun part we're gonna decorate this candle scones so this is what i mean when i say i'm going to add the other one on top but first before doing that i'm going to create a little design with the strips of sun hat i'm starting off from one corner to the other corner and i'll go ahead and just let you watch because it's kind of hard to explain but it's very easy to just see instead all right and once i cut off the excess i am going to add the last two strips this way and i realized that i needed that bottom part of the frame to add the wreath charm and so i just removed that little area of the the sun head strips remember how i said i needed the frames to be doubled so that bottom part where the reach arm is going to sit is thicker and it's just better to add two frames so that's why i did that first i'm gonna hot glue the frame on and then we will add the read charm even though i'm only adding a dollar tree candle to the return on top i want to add a little extra support with a tumbling tower block so i'm adding that to the bottom and then i will paint the bottom black so i just stuck some dollar tree greenery behind the candle the candle is lightweight so don't worry about this falling and again to hang this up you just want to use command strips using these two dollar tree signs and i really wanted to use these because it has that really pretty wooden edge or the the frame of the picture is just really pretty so i thought it would be perfect to make the lantern out of so i already removed part of the little sign in the center uh it just says feels good to be home i'm going to save that for a different diy and i need to remove both of them that way i can have a flat surface to paint so with that little wooden or it's not wooden it's like a cardboard piece to hold up the sign to make it look more 3d um i'm just using my scissors to kind of help me take that off and you see how it's kind of ripped i'm going to go ahead and sand that down just a little bit to make it more flat and then i will be painting both of these centers of this sign black and i'm just going to use my matte black from apple barrel and paint the centers like i mentioned what i like to do is just start off kind of on the edges not putting too much paint and then i will fill in the center now i'm going to grab my dollar tree wooden dowels and i think i take out about six of them to paint in black but i only used four because i was gonna use the other two since you know i took out six for something in a little bit that i'll tell you about and i end up changing that to something else so i'm gonna use four like this i'm gonna cut them down after i paint them but i wasn't too sure how tall or short i wanted the lantern yet until i actually painted them and stuck them on the side like you just saw and then i realized okay it needs to be a little bit shorter so i will cut them down a little bit i'm gonna make mistakes so it's not glued down yet i just have it standing there to kind of see if that was how high i wanted it and it was so then i used that one as a template to cut the rest of them i'm gonna add a good amount of glue to the corners of the frame on the inside right here and i'm gonna show you and then once i do i will stick the dowel right there and just hold it in place for a few seconds so it gets nice and glued very am well me i have all four dowels on there so now i'm gonna grab the other one and i'm gonna add hot glue in those four corners and then add it like this very carefully not to break off any of the dowels then i grabbed my level and put it at the top just to make sure it was as straight as possible now i'm going to turn it back around the way i had it and then at the top part you know you don't want to see the cardboard piece at the top so i'm gonna remove that piece of hardware right there sand it down a little and paint that black on top as well for this next part i decided to use my dollar tree craft sticks instead of the dowels like i had mentioned earlier i was going to use those two extra dowels for this next part but i decided to use the craft sticks and it did come out way better than i expected so that's good um so i'm taking eight craft sticks i'm gonna cut the round ends off first and then i will paint them black too another thing i forgot to mention was that i love using dollar tree craft sticks because they cut so easily like paper i love using them they're just way easier to cut the lantern looks really pretty already but i'm going to add a little bit of detail and i'm going to show you that in a second so i'm going to lay it down and i will glue the craft sticks onto the sides i'm gonna go about an inch from the frame so that's just gonna help me make sure that it's all pretty straight and i completely forgot to mention where i got the inspiration from so i saw this on kirklands and i thought i could make something similar and that is how i got the inspiration to do these craft sticks on the sides and i think that just makes the look even more modern and high-end so i'm gonna glue these and then that will be it for this diy so what i have inside the lantern is a dollar tree jar i just removed the lid added one of those little battery operated candles and then i have it inside of a hobby lobby tray i have an ikea vase with some walmart greenery and then the tiny little container i made that in a diy this next inspired diy is very easy a little bit tedious but it was actually really fun to make so i just have a dollar tree picture frame with this really pretty saying it just says family is a gift that lasts forever so this one is another kirklands inspired diy i saw a really pretty frame on there and i thought it'd be kind of easy to make so i decided to come up with my own little way to get that look and if you guessed i was going to use craft sticks i totally did so as you can see i cut off the ends of my craft sticks because i do that anyways for a lot of my diys so i thought it would be perfect and easy since the craft sticks well the dollar tree crab sticks are easy to cut through it was pretty easy to do i just figured out about how much of the end part i wanted and then i used that one as a template and cut all of them out now i didn't count them because that was just something i forgot but um once i cut them i kind of start setting them in the corners or not in the corners but the edges of the frame and then that was how i figured out how many i needed and i think i still had some left over but that's okay so this would also be a good idea to do to any frame that you want to add detail to now i had to think of something to put underneath these like the kirklands one and you guessed it i'm using more craft sticks so this is perfect because i'm just gonna take the ones that i already cut the ends off of and i'm going to place them along the frame and then i will just mark off the excess with my pencil cut that off and then we're going to paint them black little picture of how i have it before i take them off and paint them okay so hopefully you can hear me my washers in the background but yes this is a perfect example of waiting to cut you need to paint the ends first or paint the whole uh craft stick first if you want because this part is honestly not that hard to do i mean i'm just um going like this to paint it to keep it in place and it does stay if i just go on top like this it drags but if i push the paint uh the tip of the paint stick down where it's flat like that it stays stays in place it doesn't really move so sorry about that noise in the clip before this one but i just remember i had to explain tiara about that so now we're gonna do is add the border hot glue that down first all of them down and i don't know if you can see but i did accidentally crack it i was pushing a little bit too hard on the glass so just be careful because you know it is dollar tree and it's not real heavy duty so now i'm just going to place the ends of the craft sticks right here on the sides and then we'll glue them down too lost outside for this next one i'm using six of these wooden trays from dollar tree now i'm gonna set them down right here on the table the way i want them to look but of course it's gonna be standing up so right here i was just trying to figure out exactly about how far apart i wanted them and i do end up spreading them out about four inches from each other so the first thing i am going to do is glue the two of them together just like this so i just go around that little cut out star and add my hot glue and glue them together so i got the inspiration for this from pinterest i seen actually a huge like crate looking wall decor for uh like outdoors and it just gave me the inspiration to make something smaller of course um but it just obviously does not look the same but the inspiration is there and it came out so pretty so i hope y'all are able to make this now the good thing is you can use hot glue for this whole thing because what i add inside is a few flowers and a little bit of spanish moss and it has no weight to it whatsoever so hot glue is perfect for this now i'm going to paint all three of them black and i'm also going to paint the top edges as well i'm not going to worry about the inside because we're going to add the flowers oh and i'm also not going to worry about the size because i'm going to cover that up with something so now we're going to do is take the adhesive wall tiles from dollar tree so i'm gonna take this and we are going to figure out about how big i need to cut them to fit the sides and then i will hot glue them on it does have that adhesive but i'll show you right now it doesn't really stick on so it's just better to hot glue it so once i have one of those cut out i will cut the remaining five so i have a total of six for each side of those trays so you see that white piece right there i need to remove that two because it's not even completely on there because i cut it up so i'm gonna just take that off and then i'll hot glue all of them so i found more of these really long bamboo skewers from dollar tree so this is gonna be perfect for this so i'm gonna use some of these on here to connect the trays together so i marked my paper at the bottom so all of them are about four inches apart now i can place my skewer on the side and mark that and i'm going to cut them to that length so i'll use this one as a template to cut the rest so i ended up only needing four i wasn't too sure where i was going to add these skewers at yet and once i figured that out um i had painted six but i'll use the other two for something else and i think i used one for the next diy so now i am going to hot glue the first skewer down in the center to cover up the separation between the two trays and i'm gonna start off with the bottom tray so now i'm going to hot glue the skewer to the top tray that's the last one i need to do and then i can turn it around and do the same thing to the back so as you can see throughout the clips i am using my l square which is that dollar tree ruler just to make sure it is about four inches apart so that way when i do stand it up it is pretty straight to assemble the trays together i'm gonna go ahead and lay it back down and add the two skewers on each side where the tiles are at so this is just for a better hold of the whole little decor piece or the fun part we're going to add spanish moss to each of the six trays and it is from dollar tree i've been having it in my craft closet for a really long time they always have it though when i go by dollar tree so i'm just gonna take some out of there the only thing i hate is it always makes a lot of mess but if you want you can also add the green moss as well um they have different types all the time so whatever you like you can add that and then i'm gonna add my dollar tree flowers in there so these little pretty pink peachy flowers are from dollar tree i don't know the name of them but they look like tulips to me so what i'm also gonna do is i'm gonna cut out some vinyl words and i'm going to add tulips to the front of this on one side and then in the center i'm going to add some dollar tree lavender and i'll also add that word and then for the bottom tier i'm going to add some dollar tree magnolia flowers oh my goodness it is just so cute i really really like the way it looks so this is whenever i was like okay it would look so so cute if i added the vinyl words so so there are many many ideas of what you can add into these little trays so if you were to add flowers what kind of flowers would you put or if you were to add greenery you could do that too i was thinking about that but i decided to just add flowers you can even paint it a different color if you want um it's just the options are always in this for my diys i am going to use this dollar tree birdhouse and the first thing i'm going to do is paint the house part of it white and then the roof and bottom base i will paint it with my hazelnut chalk paint so the inspiration for this last one also came from kirklands except i did kind of change it up by using the birdhouse and i got my paint colors mixed up so what i did right here was add the white paint first kind of like a primer and then i'm gonna paint it with my hazelnut chalk paint and then the top part of the roof and the base will be black so for the bottom piece to this diy that i'm doing i'm going to use this container it's wooden and it is from dollar tree as you can see i have used it before i actually use this during christmas time i can't believe i still have it so that's good i like to recycle stuff so um what i'm gonna do is just use that part that is red not the lid just the bottom part but i turned it around so i can paint this whole side with my black paint i already drilled a hole in this during christmas time so this was like in november december so it already has a hole so that's perfect because i'm going to add a dowel in there i'm actually using one of those dials that i used for the previous diy and i'm gonna cut it down too so at the bottom of this you can see that i did add hot glue and it did stay in place pretty well but to keep it more secure i'm adding more hot glue under there and i'm gonna put a piece of floral foam so to add the birdhouse at the top since i didn't have the drill like i said if you do you can just drill a hole at the bottom and just stick the dowel in underneath there so since i didn't have that what i did was grab some tumbling tower blocks and this is just to help it uh stay glued onto the dowel at the top so i'm just going to hot glue those on and then i will glue the birdhouse to the dowel and for a little bit more of security i'm just going to take a piece of burlap i'm going to add hot glue and put this on the back just for more of the glue to be on the back and not just the front of one side of the dowel and at last i made a small wreath from some greenery that i had on hand and i'm just gonna add it to the birdhouse right here you are halfway there here's diy number 10. these four canvases are going to be used as the bottom base of this wishing well now to make it easier on yourself you don't need to remove the canvases i did that because i was going for a specific look that didn't really work out so just leave the white canvases on it's easier that way i'm using this self adhesive tile from dollar tree and i'm going to cover all four pieces with it i'm marking it off with my pencil first and then i will cut it out and add it to the frame once i have the tile on these two frames now i'm gonna add hot glue on the inside right here just to keep all of this down and in place now i'm going to use my l square ruler to help me build the bottom base all i have to do is glue all four of the frames together so as you can see i have two frames that have the canvas on them and then the other two have the wooden tile so that was the look i was going to go for at first but then i realized i really didn't like the way that looked so i went ahead and added the tile to the other two so now all four have the tile and it just looks better that way and more cohesive take a chance on us for a better hold on the frames you can add craft sticks and hot glue right where the frames meet on the inside and then you can go ahead and paint all the borders of the frames on the inside as well now we're going to make the roof of the wishing well so i'm grabbing 13 dollar tree craft sticks for one side so you need 26 in total [Music] so now i am showing you that i have all four sides of the canvases covered with the tile all i had to do to add it to the other two that had the white canvas was just paint the edges with my uh hazelnut chalk paint and that was it and then i added it to the front so now i think it just looks way better this way and then to the 13 craft sticks or 26 i'm showing you 13 right here i cut off the ends on one side i have a dollar tree wooden dowel and what we're to do is add hot glue starting right here at the end and i'm placing one of the craft sticks with the side that is cut off right here at the top as you can see i left the bottom part round i just left that alone that way it looks like a cute little roof so i'm gonna let that dry right here in place and then i will add hot glue to the opposite side and add the other craft stick so this part on making the roof of the wishiwa is a little tedious but it is very therapeutic for me [Music] i need something else to clear my head it's the chance of now that my little roof is all finished i'm going to cut off the rest of that would endow with my stem cutters a pack of giant craft sticks from walmart you can use whatever you have on hand i'm going to use this on the side right here on each side of the roof so i'm going to cut it off just like this on each side and then hot glue it down i'm using four of the giant craft sticks from walmart i cut off the ends on both sides i'm gonna glue two together so that way it's just a little more heavy duty because i'm going to attach this to the roof and then to the base of the wishing well so i'm going to attach it to the roof first i'm adding hot glue and then i'm attaching it right here so that's why i added these two pieces on each side of the roof all right the last thing i did to this roof before painting it is adding another dowel to the top right here so i'm just going to add hot glue and finish that off just to make it look better and add hot glue and the dowel and of course i'm using my hazelnut chalk paint to paint the whole roof i did was cut out another piece of foam board for this diy as well and add it to the bottom with hot glue just so it has a base and then i can add some flowers in there so now i'm adding the root just like this i'm going to add hot glue and attach it i'm actually really really amazed at how pretty this came out i think it's just so so cute this will look pretty with any type of flowers that you have i have three stems of greenery and white flowers in here from walmart a candle holder similar to the one from pottery barn so i'm starting off with this dollar tree charger plate so i'm going to go outside and spray paint it with some white spray paint and this is basically just to give it a good base coat before applying my antique wax so if you don't have spray paint you can usually just paint it with some white paint that you have and now i'm going to use a good bristle brush i start off real slow like this just to kind of see how it's going to look and how dark i want the antique wax to look i'm using a bristled brush because it makes it look a little more realistic as far as how wood would look while that is drying i'm going to take two tumbling tower blocks and a cube and these are from dollar tree and i'm gonna paint them the same way with that antique wax i also picked up three glass vases or jars from dollar tree and what i'm gonna do to make it look a little more like the pottery barn ones i'm gonna hot glue the wooden pieces underneath the candle holders and attach them to the charger plate when i'm in this town and i'm gonna use these dollar tree candles these actually smell really good but once you like them you cannot smell them but when i was unwrapping it i was like oh my god these actually smell really good but once i lit it you couldn't really smell anything all right so the last thing i did was pick up these pebbles from dollar tree and i'm gonna add them to the tray at the bottom so so now that you see how this diy came out you can kind of look at it and say okay well maybe i want the rocks or the pebbles a different color because they do have different ones at dollar tree or i want to tray a specific color so just go with your style this is all customizable to how you want yours to look using this dollar tree glass votive and i was inspired by this pottery barn piece so i am using this non-slip rug underlay from dollar tree and i'm just gonna hot glue this on it is really simple and it does make a big difference once i put it with all of my decor i was like wow this does look very high-end so all i'm doing is just taking a piece of it because i've used it before for a previous diy video and i'm starting off at the top rim of the boating and i would advise to put a pretty thick line of hot glue because i did start off with a very thin one and then when i put the underlay on top of it it just didn't even stick it just came off so you want to put a pretty thick line of glue and it will stick perfectly i wasn't able to fully go all the way around devoted but that's okay i'm just going to add a piece once i'm done and now i'm just going to cut the bottom part off and hot glue all the bottom part down now piece it was missing right there i just added a piece and now once that's done what i'm gonna do is just go along the top with my scissors and if anything is sticking up like hot glue or any of that underlay i can cut it off now for diy number 13. so i removed absolutely everything including the staples i only left a couple on some of the corners because that's how they're attached to each other so and then i sanded them down now you guys already know to make a lantern you're just gonna hot glue all four of them together i'm gonna use some dollar tree crab sticks now one pack of dollar tree crop sticks is more than enough for this next step that we're gonna do so i cut off the round ends on the craft sticks and we're gonna use 20 for the sides right here so this is not including anything else on the channel those numbers in a second i'm going to hot glue down four of the crab sticks on each side of this lantern which makes 16 so you're gonna leave the other four off to the side crop sticks glued down so now what i'm gonna do is use some giant walmart craft sticks for the center of this so i'm going to take four of them cut them down to size and hot glue them down i'll use those last four craft sticks for the sides of the lantern the last dollar tree craft sticks we're gonna hot glue on here are gonna be at the top of this so i'm gonna have nine up here and so in all for the dollar tree craft sticks you're gonna need 29 and then you can apply anything to the center i use those giant walmart craft sticks like i said but um if you have something else that you could put in the middle you can add that instead if you don't have the giant ones of course i completely forgot to show you my inspiration pottery barn piece but i'll insert a clip right here so now that this is done i am going to use my antique wax and go over the whole thing so i start off on the inside and then work my way outside sand the whole thing down one more time so i forgot that i needed to add a handle to the top of course i'm not really going to use it for that so what i have is just two tumbling tower blocks and a wooden dowel all from dollar tree and i'm gonna hot glue it and i'll show you right now how i did that so i added two of those dollar tree candles i showed y'all earlier inside of here just because the inside of this is pretty big so you could even add three if you wanted to and of course i'm not gonna light them because it will catch on fire so this is definitely just for decor purposes it's actually a burner cover they come in a two pack at dollar tree i was originally going to use the back side that i just showed you and add the other part of that decal but i realized the front part looks pretty already and it looks nice i like the greenery and where the wording is at so i decided to use the the front part i'm going to start by hot gluing the dollar tree nautical rope around the whole burner cover and i'm going to cut off the end of that row because it's kind of taped up and it looks shiny so you can do that if you want just be careful because it does kind of fray apart so just make sure you hold it in place with the hot glue or add more hot glue to the top of that so the inspiration for this came from kirklands this sign is actually a really huge sign but i just really liked the the way the beaded area looked and i thought it would be really cool to use something i'm about to show y'all there are so many different options you can go with as far as you know non-dollar tree items but i try my best to use as many dollar tree items just to make it easier to go to just one store and not have to go to so many other stores so here it is i am using the dollar tree bath mat for the beaded area so as you can see i already have it kind of chopped up because i did use it in my last video i believe so i do have some already painted white what i'm going to go ahead and do is cut out the ones i already have painted and then paint however many more i need to place a border around the side next to the rope again there are many many options you can go with but i tried to do you know something different something unique and of course it was only a dollar so i've done many signs like this and i've also used the dollar tree beads i think they come with like four or six so you can go with that if you want to you can use the wooden beads if you want they also have some small wooden beads at dollar tree as well they come in a 20 pack i believe so they're just many options you can go with just pick what you like or what you have right here i'm just showing you real quick how i painted them i do two coats so once i do a full first coat then i go over real quickly with a second coat and the second coat of paint is with this antique parchment from apple barrel since on the sign from kirkland's it's kind of like an off-white it's not too wide i wanted to go with that so that's why i'm going over it with this paint and it also sort of matches the nautical rope it also would be smart to wait to cut out the round dots and now just to hot glue each dot down so i just add a little bit of that glue to one side of the dots and then i kind of tuck it under the rope a little bit so another thing i forgot to mention is that i also like these dots because of how big they are so if you do use like the necklaces from dollar tree or the little 20 pack of wooden beads from dollar tree they're smaller so that's why i liked using these dots from the bath map [Music] two dollar tree containers that are made out of cardboard so one of them i just keep the little tumbling tower blocks so as you can see i have two different heights the bigger one i bought during christmas time and then the smaller one was purchased recently in the craft section now i'm going to go ahead and use my white chalk paint to paint both containers and lids so the inspiration for these containers came from amazon i actually found the picture off of instagram somebody posted it and forgive me i don't remember who it was sometimes i forget to see who the source is so maybe you might know you can comment down below and let me know that way i can give them credit but a lot of people post like amazon favorites on instagram and so i saw these amazon containers and i thought they were so pretty so these jars are inspired by those from instagram i'm going to use my antique wax to paint the lids both of them and the reason i painted them white was just basically to give it a base coat and i feel like the wax goes on looking more like a wood tone i guess so i start off very lightly with a stippled brush it's very important in my experience to use a stippled brush to make it look more like wood so like i said i start off lightly and you can just build from there however dark you want it to look these two small wooden blocks from dollar tree it comes in a pack in the crafter square and this is going to go on top of the lid so if you have something else you want to use you totally can [Music] alright so these are how my lids turned out now i'm going to go ahead and just hot glue down the small little cubes to the top you guessed that i was going to use the dots from the bath mat on the containers you are right i'm just going to hot glue them down so for the smaller one i am kind of doing the same thing as the ones from amazon the smaller one i'm kind of spreading them around and then to the larger container i'm just gonna do one row at the top i'm gonna go over it one more time with my white chalk paint the left is my ceiling fan that's why it looks like that i have the magnolia dollar tree flowers in there with some walmart greenery and then that really pretty base in the background is from hobby lobby that i got on clearance for a really good price i think it was like i believe six bucks two dollar tree wire hanging baskets what we're gonna do here is basically make a kind of like a cake stand or a tear tray whatever you want to call it i have actually seen something like this at target i believe now the only thing is i could not find a picture i've seen it on instagram in people's restrooms and their kitchens next to their sinks maybe you know what i'm talking about once you see it [Music] i removed the little hooks sticking up on top of one of them already just with my stem cutters this tray i'm going to take one of them and put it upside down grab the other one and place it on top of it and now what we're going to do to combine both of them is take my floral wire and they have these at or they have this at dollar tree and you're just going to wrap it around the whole thing and it will stay in place it is definitely easier to just cut off pieces of the floral wire and wrap it around if you try to do it like that the way i just had it it i mean it's just too long and too big to try to twist in and out of the basket so just cut small pieces i'm going to take the smaller one of the two burner covers from dollar tree so there is a larger one and smaller one and it comes in a two pack and i'm gonna place it upside down in the basket so i have some fake greenery inside of a terra cotta pot on top of there with some hobby lobby beads i have this really pretty tea towel from hobby lobby and my white tulips they are located down below in my amazon store it is a really good price for a huge amount so i bought them last year this or dollar tree tray and for this planter i'm making a trellis with this this is really simple all i did was take some dollar tree dowels and i did not cut these two down that i'm going to use and i hot glued two of them down on each side of the tray on the backside [Music] and as you can see i apply a lot of hot glue right there so i can stick it on top of it and then i'll hold it in place make sure it's pretty straight and i'll do the same on the opposite side [Music] [Music] once those were dried really well i cut a piece to fit at the top right here and i'm just going to add hot glue and hot glue that part down [Music] once that was done i laid it down and i grabbed those really thin skewers that i still have a lot of and i'm just gonna figure out about how far apart and how many i want and i'm going at a diagonal going from left to right first [Music] cause it's keeping me [Music] now that i have that part done as you can see i turned it around on the opposite side to go the opposite way from um what did i say earlier i think from i was going left right so now i'm going right to left but i turned around on the back side just so you won't see um all of this hot glue on the other side [Music] so the last thing i did before adding the greenery was use my antique wax all over this and i used a little bit of water on my brush so it wasn't super super dark greenery at the bottom of the tray from a dollar tree all i did was just remove the greenery from the stands by just pulling it off so now what i'm gonna do is just add two of the greenery pieces on each side kind of going up on the sides just to make it look a little more full and um it looks prettier like that too this would also be really pretty if you made another one of these and you can put them on the wall as sconces i just think that would be super super pretty too [Music] really long signs and i always like to pick some up for diys so as you can see this is the easter one what i'm gonna do is turn it on the back side and since that foot is kind of sticking out i'm gonna remove that and we're gonna paint this whole side black i just used a black matte apple barrel paint from walmart and i'm now gonna use these three dollar tree signs as shelves on the big easter side i'm keeping the wooden beads from those three signs and i'm actually gonna use it in or use them in a later diy and i'm gonna hot glue those down about six inches apart and i also painted the inside of the signs white this hundred pack of dollar tree skewers i'm gonna use them on the sides of these shelves to kind of make it look like they're hanging from them but of course we know they're not don't worry i'm gonna show you a way that i will reinforce these shelves so they don't fall they're gonna be about five inches from the top to the bottom of the shelves okay so i have them all done on each side what i'm gonna do is go ahead and paint the sides of the shelf with my hazelnut chalk paint i was going to just leave it white but once i put it all together i didn't really like that it was too too white so i'm gonna go over it with this but then um once i do that i still don't like like how brown it is so then i go over it with my cashew chalk pan and i after that i was happy with the way it looked i needed to do to these shelves is add something to the bottom for support i'm not gonna put nothing heavy on them just so it stays secure i'm gonna add hot glue to the side and the bottom so the jingle piece is secure and glued down to the bottom of the shelf and to the sign color of the jingle pieces you can paint it black so it blends in with the background or you can paint it the same color as the shelves everything i have on each shelf is from dollar tree except for the little picture on the center shelf i got that from the thrift store a while back i don't even know if i can call this next one a diy because that is how simple it is i picked up these two unique detailed plastic bowls from dollar tree and i'm gonna go ahead and glue them onto each other so i've seen um some really pretty expensive bowls that look like this once you see it done you'll see what i mean and i thought oh i could easily glue those together and spray paint them using this dark brown burnished amber color and this one is actually hammered that just means that it leaves sort of a texture on it or over it once it dries i did not think i was gonna like this one as much as i do i just think it is so unique and pretty and just think what spray paint can do to a plastic ball it's so pretty i just um added some dollar tree hydrangeas in there and i kind of left a little opening in the center just because i thought it looked nice like that but you could also fill them up completely dollar tree sign if you made it to the end thank you so so much please let me know which one is your favorite the first thing i'm doing is painting the sign lightly with my antique wax i always start off lightly at first and then i just build on [Music] three rows of five from the tumbling tower blocks and i'm gonna glue them the same way i did earlier with my ruler and i'm sorry i actually did four rows of five so 20 of the tumbling tar blocks so the first thing i'm gonna do is hot glue the very first row all the way at the top once i do that i'm gonna take some dollar tree wooden dominoes from the toy section and it's so funny because the only reason why i even know about these dominoes is because my father-in-law started to play dominoes with my son my seven-year-old and so when i went to dollar tree recently i saw dominoes walking through there and they were these little wooden dominoes and i bought them for him to play with so he did play with them a few times and then you know he stopped playing with them when i saw this sign i immediately thought of the little wooden dominoes so i was like oh my god i need to pick them up because we left them at my in-laws house so i was like i have to pick them up so i can use them for this so now as you can see i'm hot gluing down four of them i was just trying to get the placement right i'm gonna spell out home sweet home so after i glued down this second row then i placed five more dominoes so i have the four rows as you can see and then i have 13 dominoes i decided to use my cricut to spell at home sweet home because i wanted a specific look for this but you can always pick up some word transfers from dollar tree or they have a bunch of poster stickers there's so many options that you can choose from like always with many of my diys thank you for watching all the way to the end i appreciate y'all please don't forget to like and subscribe i'll see y'all next time [Music]
Channel: BiancaAnn D
Views: 341,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dollar tree inspired diys, high end dollar tree dupes, dollar tree diy, dollar tree diy home decor, dollar tree diy 2021, dollar tree diy farmhouse decor, dollar tree diy farmhouse wood, dollar tree diy farmhouse wall decor, high end dollar tree diy, high end diy home decor, high end diy wall decor, high end diy farmhouse decor, farmhouse diy decor, farmhouse diy projects, farmhouse diy furniture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 17sec (4817 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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