The Fortnite SEASON 6 Story Explained

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agent jones has betrayed the imagined order after they completely disregarded his mission to stabilize and fix the zero point with no options left jonesy was forced to contact the 7 which led to the foundation sealing himself in what is now being called the zero bloom saving reality as we know it the island of fortnite was hit by a reality wave right before that though that caused the island to become trapped back in time which brings us to the beginning of fortnite season 6 primal the storyline of fortnite is going nuts right now so we're going to explain everything that's happened so far as well as talk about new theories and information regarding the imagined order gino the sisters the rest of the seven and the fate of our battle royale island and all of our videos are made by our team which is supported by you guys when you punch in code t5g in the fortnite item shop so thank you to everyone who does let's rewind this story and talk about how we got here okay so first off i gotta recommend watching the previous episode of our storyline series which covers all of season five and what happened in it and then just return here when sir caught up and if you're already caught up that we could proceed with how we got from jon jones recruiting hunters to the zero point exploding so after agent jones has finished recruiting all the hunters he realizes that the zero point is becoming too unstable to ignore he attempts to convince the imagined order to help him contain and stabilize a zero point before it obliterates reality and we hear his first bleach of the order in his final reality log we've lost control of the zero point do you get what that means you must not because you're doing nothing i've dedicated my life to the order i've given everything and for what to just sit back and watch reality end that's not who we are at least it's not who i am not anymore now that jones realizes that the imagine order aren't gonna help him he decides to go rogue he heads to the imagine order complex and attempts to access some pretty sensitive files relating to the seven and unfortunately the order has already revoked his credentials leaving him with one option he has to steal them now learning all there is to know about the seven he then escapes the i o complex and heads for the island and this is where we find him in season six so what exactly happened well we all watched the event with our own two eyes but a lot of storyline bombshells were dropped during this event so let's break down literally everything with what's happening now in the opening cut scene for season six we can see agent jones arrive on the fortnite island through the battle bus he's on the phone with his boss we have finally identified as dr sloane and we'll touch on her later he plans on making a safe and easy journey to the zero point on the bus but he doesn't account for the zero points reality waves one of those strikes the island and throws his portal device plummeting to the ground and he catches it but also falling into a bush barely saving his life you have to understand that jon jones isn't currently inside the loop allowing him to retain his memories talk and not be forced to fight other people however that comes at a cost if he dies he will not respawn which is why he has to be so careful right now we watch him maneuver through the fortnite islanders fighting each other as they are slaves of the loop and after surviving multiple attacks from the very same hunters he recruited he makes it to the zero point in a last minute attempt to contact the 7 and save reality he reprograms his portal device and as we've seen multiple times throughout fortnite's history the seven have been known to arrive on the island by hiding inside of a meteor it's pretty much the only way they could get to it so agent jones programs a device to open a portal to a reality where the foundation is located bringing him and the meteor crashing down onto the island he looks up and sees a door open revealing a brand new member of the 7 inside introducing the foundation the leader of the 7 and an absolute unit he seems to recognize jon jones and immediately begins to fight him clearly showing that the imagined order and the seven have been at each other's throats for some time but jones stops the foundation in his tracks when he mentions one word geno he claims he could take the foundation to this mysterious person or thing named gino as well as quote unquote the sisters this actually persuades the foundation to make a deal with him and he helps agent jones up it's time for them to get to work and that's where we finish off with the zero crisis finale directly after the cutscene ends were thrown into the live event a side-by-side experience with our man jon jones the foundation hands jones his portal device back claiming that it's both of their tickets home and then he tells jones to get that looper ready talking about us now i want to point out this is our first official name for the inhabitants of the island they are called loopers or at least this is what people outside the loop call them so it's just interesting to hear that but moving on what's an awesome detail is that jones actually recognizes us he turns around and says you again and if you don't know why he asked that it's because we were the ones in his office during the device event no wonder he was so confused we were a looper we weren't supposed to be there anyways moving on while the foundation works on the zero point we have to close rips in time and space in order to stabilize the orb reality waves keep working the island into different realities bringing a ton of battle pass skins to the map and this is essentially their backstory and why they're all here what's interesting is when jon jones is hit by the first reality wave and turns into a butterfly despite seeing them very frequently in the last few years we still have no idea what the rift butterfly signifies ignoring his new butterfly body we do the dirty work for jones closing all the portals in a rush to save reality this pattern of reality waves chasing us and then closing portals goes on a few times and then finally we finish them all this is when the zero point officially blooms like a flower and the foundation realizes that it's too late to stop it his power just isn't strong enough and there's only one option left instead of preventing the explosion the foundation has to contain it he begins to encase the entirety of the zero point in a tower of stone and this is the only way to stop it destroying reality although it means he has to make a great sacrifice the foundation is going to seal himself away with the zero point inside the spire so we make our way up to the spire with jones who is back in his normal body and this is where the foundation gives him one last instruction he has to seal up the zero point with him inside and then overload the portal device of course overloading the device would prevent jon jones from escaping the island trapping him inside of the loop but they swear to each other that they will escape both of their situations and find each other again and as that happens jones overloads the device and seals the foundation away with the zero point then it explodes we don't see what happens next but thanks to epic games website we now know exactly what happened they say that during the zero christ finale agent jones and the foundation sealed the zero point in a tower of stone as it was being contained it sent a mysterious pulse across the island erasing any advanced technology in its path in reshaping the landscape of the island and this explains why half the island is now in a primal state the clock tower is now a drawing and the tomato head has stopped spinning now you can still find cars outside of the primal boundary but a lot of advanced technology is now non-existent and so that's everything that's happened since our last storyline video and a lot of that happened in a single day i mean wow that is a lot of storyline content and yet we have so much more to learn in season six and that's why we have to move on to the future of season six we know about so much which is yet to come and it's all happening in the next couple of months but before we get to that let's break down some of the event for starters we have learned about dr sloane and it's very possible that she could be the key to the rest of the storyline beyond season 6. it's really interesting that epic would name drop jon jones boss in the same cut scene that they used to introduce us to gino and the sisters i just thought that was something quite interesting especially because of a few things that dr sloan actually says during the event she pleads with jones to turn back and save himself rather than reality and then says this so those lines are intriguing because she mentions that jon jones took an oath which could mean the imagine order are way more serious about things than they'd like to admit then when she says he's betraying everything they've worked for it could mean the io's sole purpose is to keep the loop intact no matter what and we don't know why yet but we could get answers if our own theory about dr sloan is true and that's where i bring you to geno and the sisters who are the sisters and what is geno it's very possible that gino is actually one of the founders of the imagine order and has a personal feud with the seven then the sisters could actually be a group of siblings that own the imagine order together and the reason we think this is because of the io's own logo if you look at it you can see six different runes in a circle these runes or symbols could actually represent each sister of the imagined order and if you aren't convinced yet look at the center of the logo it's literally an s could this be like an s for sisters it's something to think about and i haven't seen anyone else talking about it but in season 6 onwards we are almost definitely gonna see the foundation escape the spire in search for jon jones then we'll learn about geno and the sisters in season seven beyond but something that is incredibly interesting is also talking about the return of kevin the cube and there is new information about it if you pay attention to the actual shape of the primal biome you'll notice that on each corner there's a guardian spire these spires are all placed directly in the same place that kevin the cube placed its runes in chapter one and let me tell you that is no coincidence not to mention raz is now on the island and he's studying the tower and its secrets it looks like he's eventually going to get his hands on a shard of kevin which emits zero point energy well that's at least judging from his edit style but who knows with the island in a primal age jon jones stuck in the loop and the foundation sealed away we're here now with one question what's next what's going to happen to the island though paved the way for the foundation's escape and where is the imagined order and why was dr sloan prepared to let reality end there must be something huge happening behind the scenes here because there's a reason the stakes were so high at the i o when we first saw it it just looked like some kind of business office and yet since season two we've learned that they have robotic io guards zero point technology and complete supervision over the loop what's their deal and when we eventually learn more about gino and the sisters what kind of secrets are gonna be unraveled there are a lot of questions with not many answers right now but we are almost certainly going to learn more in the coming months we talked in our last storyline video about a batman comic that's going to be releasing in april and it's going to tell us a lot more about how the loop works and exactly who's behind it and i personally believe that this comic will tell us more about geno but we're just gonna have to wait and see for now that is everything you need to know about the storyline of season six so far we learned some awesome things including the fact that midas is apparently jules's dad we're wondering what their deal was for over a year now and apparently we have the answer but make sure to click on screen right now to check out our next video of course drop some theories down in the comments below and i'll catch you guys in the next video
Channel: Top5Gaming
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Keywords: fortnite season 6, Fortnite SEASON 6 STORY - THE RETURN OF THE SEVEN!, fortnite season 6 storyline, fortnite season 6 story, fortnite storyline, fortnite new, new fortnite, new fortnite season, fortnite new season, fortnite the seven, fortnite storyline secrets, story of fortnite, fortnite story, season 6 story, season 6 storyline, the seven, season 6, fortnite, fort, nite, battle royale, storyline, story, new, update, video
Id: toL3IARDugE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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