20 Easy Minecraft Tricks to Impress Your Friends

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- [Presenter] Twenty easy minecraft tricks to impress your friends. Multiplayer server is basically an excuse to show off to your friends. So here are some of the stupidly simple ways to look like a super genius in front of them. And hey, the YouTube analytics gods bet me that you can't hit subscribe before I hit the ground. So if you wanna prove them wrong, render that subscribe button down below. It's free and is off side of the top. Oh, and what's this at my spawn, well, of course it's natarid. This video is sponsored by Core. Core's a new online platform powered by the unreal engine to allow anyone including you to create and play PC games for free. Any genre you can think of it's here whether it's a marble racing game like Rollam and FPS like Silly Gun game or my personal favorite Tower of Terror which is a game where you try to climb up different randomly generated obstacle courses. With a library of games getting bigger every day, now is definitely the time to join. Especially with Core's current student game Dev Hackathon where they offer over $10,000 worth in prizes as well as workshops and guides to learn to make better games. Details on the contest, as well as a download link to core in the description down below. So get started on a new slew of games today and even create your own, thanks Core. Number one, secret entrances in Minecraft are very cool to pull off, but most of the time with Redstone and such, they take a lot of work. So for a simpler option, you can build one using just this one block. Seriously if you placed on a shulker box with a block above your head, you can actually phase through the shulker box when you open it up to get sneakily into your base. To any onlookers, it looks like you just fell through solid ground which I guess you did making this even cooler. And it's definitely the new way I'm getting into my mines. Number two, if you're playing on someone else's SMP then teleportation is not a luxury that most of us have. That is until recent updates. Because as you can see, if I throw this ender Pearl down into a bubble stream, it'll keep it steady. Which then folks that creates something called an ender pearl stasis chamber, which sounds cool but in execution it's even cooler. If you partner this with pistons to offset the ender Pearl, then you can set up a timer system to return you back to home, after a day of mining. So if you just wanna run away from your base for a day's journey and then come back by nighttime, this is the way to do it. Number three, I'm not breaking any new ground by saying that the elytra is an invaluable item to Minecraft. And sure enough, it's transformed the landscape of survival. So if you're trying to impress your friends who also have elytra wings, then you might be able to do that by flying through a one by one hole. By lining yourself up right, you can get a clean shot through a one by one hole, just like that. And to any bystanders, it looks like you pulled off the impossible. So by throwing a couple of one by one gaps into your base, you might be able to impress those friends who just use the elytra for long distance travel. Number four, building a bubble elevator in Minecraft is already a huge help for fastest since travel, but setting one up isn't always a cake walk. As anyone who's ever build one knows you need full water source blocks all the way up for this to work. That is until you use this trick by placing kelp on the bottom sole sand. By just having one water source flowing down the tube, every kelp that you place through that flowing water, will replace it and turn it into a full water source block. Which means you just built a fully functional bubble elevator, without having to do the mandatory bucket duty that comes with. Number five, let's say you built a path up to your base using gravel, but later on you decided that andesite would actually work better for the build. So how do you replace it? Do you go through that whole path, removing every piece of gravel and then place andesite into the empty holes? Because if you're doing that, you're wasting time. Rather what you should be doing is if you have an instant mine tool, and then the block you wanna replace in your off hand every time that you hit left click and right click at the same time on a block, you're able to instantly replace it with a block that you wanna use, helping you clean up those mistakes without any extra headache. Number six, floating in Minecraft survival sounds like a pipe dream or if you're in the end, a bad nightmare. So instead, if you wanna use floating to your advantage, you can start by spam clicking the top scaffold on a pillar of the stuff. After a few tries of mashing your mouse button as fast as you can, you'll notice that there should be one or two scaffolding blocks floating off in the distance. Now keep in mind, these are just client-side ghost blocks and to any onlookers you look like you're floating midair. But just be careful where you do this because if you're on a server that has flying disabled, doing this could get you kicked for flying if you stand on it for too long. Number seven, if you wanna make your build blast proof, then most of the time you have to resort to some pretty ugly blocks. Don't get me wrong upsitting can look good in certain cases, but something tells me a big obsidian wall around your base, just isn't matching with the aesthetic. So in that case, it's actually possible to build an entire blast proof wall out of waterlogged blocks. And folks this works with any waterlogged block which pretty much ensures that anyone trying to blow up your wall, is gonna be confused as to why it's not working. Number eight, breaking the unbreakable blocks in Minecraft is possible. But if you've ever tried to make a hole in another roof, you know that it's a long drawn out process. So if you're trying to clear up the end portal frames for a sand duper without having to do all that extra legwork, fortunately there's an even stranger way to get rid of them. And it's all thanks to the fungus among us. Sure enough, if you plant a giant red mushroom on a dirt block like so with a block above it like this, then when you bone meal, it should grow as usual. And by doing that, it breaks the three end portal frames on the side meaning you can skip the boredom and just be a fun guy. Number nine, getting the full effect from a splash potion more often than not seems like a fantasy and not so much a reality. But as it turns out to bring this promise into the present, all you have to do is look straight up and land a splash potions, squaring your noggin. By doing that, you hit the sweet spot right in your character's hit box, and that'll help you sport's splash potion effect as advertised. Better yet it also works with dispensers. Meaning you can set up a proper potion systems to give you the full effect each time. Which will have your friends wondering why your speed system works so much better than theirs. Number 10, everybody loves the frugal friend. So if you're able to help your friend save on materials before a big build, it goes a long way to making you the hero. And to do that, all you've gotta do is make stairs in the stonecutter. Seriously by taking your stone of choice and putting it in in this machine instead of the crafting table, you can save so much more per block and when you're doing a big project that really adds up. Unfortunately this trick still doesn't work on any wood stair variants, but if you're trying to make stone steps this can save you a couple of trips to the quarry. Number 11, alluding three sword is a hot ticket item. So if you don't have mending on it you might not wanna use up the full durability which is why its helpful to know that if you're holding the looting sword while mobs die of a splash potion of harming, that looting effect is still applied to them. This can be a spell actually helpful if you're trying to clear through a large group of mobs with looting, but not actually trying to use up that much durability on your sword. So if you've got the potions to fund it, then all you gotta do is quickly switch over to your sword after throwing a potion or throw the potion from your offhand. And just like that, you'll be able to rack up the loo without having to scuff up your special sword. Number 12, as soon as 1.16 kicked off, then the search for netherite was on. And since you need multiple ancient debris to actually make netherite and get to upgrade your tools, then you're gonna need a lot of the stuff. If you're not looking to spend the next hours of your life mining through another rack, instead you might find better rewards by using explosives in the nether to find it. Whether it's by using bed explosions or TNT duplication, high powered explosives is absolutely the best way to clear up another for your ancient debris. So while the rest of your friends are just mining for their supply, you'll be decked out to the nines. Because unlike them, you used your full arsenal and then sell. Number 13, getting to the top of another has always been more desirable than walking through the dimension on foot. But historically, the glitches to get on top of that bedrock plate have not always been the most kind to work with. That is until you showed up and used the power of ender pearls to blast right through the roof. All it takes is holding space bar and a ladder and throwing one of these projectiles to land yourself right up on top. And as soon as you got another portal up there, then you might've just found the perfect location for your server's nether hub. Letting you travel a large amount of blocks with little to no hassle. Number 14, the pillager mob definitely has a problem with anger management. But if you're trying to impress your friends the master pacifist, then you should know that it's actually possible to take one of these monsters and bring it over to the good side. You see just as crossbows work for us, they can actually have their crossbows break. Meaning that if you bait them out of enough shots, they'll eventually be left with no weapon in sight. And at that point they might still seem a little grumpy but sure enough, they're pacified. And while I wouldn't feel comfortable reuniting them with society just yet, with progress like this, it's definitely a step in the right direction. Number 15, keeping monsters away from your base is a tricky and often large problem to solve. So if you're not looking to establish a huge wall around your base, then what might be more I propose is using these carpet barriers. You see what just looks like a standard carpet to you me and even functions like one, to the mobs turns out to be a dangerous pit. Because if you dig a pit six blocks deep, then play string to fill it up, and then the carpet right on top, the mobs don't see the stringer carpet that's in front of them. Meaning you have an easy access and colorful bridge and they just see no option in sight to get to your base. Number 16, mine car rides can be a ton of fun but unless you got the proper power behind you, you're not getting very far, very fast in one of these. That is until you partner with Minecraft's other form of travel, the boat. As it turns out, if you push a mine cart on top of a boat, then it's actually possible to get the mine cart inside of the boat. And from there, you're able to get inside the boat and use its power to manipulate the speed and direction of the mine cart, giving you the wacky and also perfect form of travel to wherever you're headed. Number 17, if you're trying to keep your valuables safe, then being able to detect intruders is a huge plus but tripwire hooks are kind of obvious. So instead, we've got to rely on this little guy since the pufferfish's hit box expands when it's scared, as soon as a player or another mob for that matter gets close, then this system will be able to detect them and deploy a trap to keep them at bay. Although for the sake of being thorough this will only detect players if they're in survival. But really if you've got a creative player coming towards your base, you got bigger problems than a pufferfish is gonna save. Number 18, the villager trading market, much like the stock market can be a lucrative yet grueling task to undertake. Though unlike the stock market, it's actually possible to get perfect trades for the villagers that you want. Unfortunately, it's pretty easy to do that. By placing and replacing the same workstation next to a villager, you're essentially able to reroll what they give you. Meaning not only can you get yourself a mending book villager, but you can also get it at an affordable price, which is the level of purchase power that many of us would have killed for. And if Martha Stewart had this kind of help, she probably wouldn't have ended up in prison. Number 19, to most people in Minecraft, the sign seem pretty limited. I mean, save for the different color dyes and wood types, how much else can you really do? Well, as it turns out through the help of Unicode characters there's actually quite a lot that you can add to these little things. And since these characters and emojis aren't exactly obvious to use, they can add some really fun diversity to your maps. I mean, if anything, it's just so that I don't have to look at another arrow that looks like this but instead, this it's just so much nicer. Number 20, plenty of players in Minecraft want minimap markers. I mean, that's definitely the reason it's an every Minecraft mod pack I've ever seen. But a feature that passed most people by is that by right clicking on a banner, you're able to add it onto the map and show exactly where it is which can create some really interesting and detailed maps if you want, especially when zoomed out. Better yet, throw a name in that banner and then as soon as you right click on it you'll actually see that custom name on the map. So if you're trying to find home, you don't have to wonder where it is, just look on it and Oh, there it is, home. And with that folks, wow that subscribe button down below and have a good one, all right.
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
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Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, skip the tutorial minecraft, 20 easy minecraft tricks, 20 easy minecraft tricks to impress your friends, 20 easy tricks to impress your friends in minecraft, minecraft easy tricks, minecraft tips and tricks, minecraft, minecraft 20 easy tricks, minecraft impress your friends, impress your friends in minecraft, minecraft how to impress your friends, minecraft tricks to impress your friends, minecraft survival tricks, 20 minecraft tricks
Id: Hu7WgydC_xM
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Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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