How to Decorate DARK ACADEMIA the RIGHT WAY 🕰️🕯️

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I have made a lot of dark Academia related videos  but I have never done a video entirely covering   how to decorate in dark Academia and I wasn't  even planning on doing this the only reason I'm   doing it is because recently I was watching Dark  Academia interior design videos and I realized   everyone has got it wrong and what I mean by  this is every time I Stumble up on a video where   someone is talking about how to decorate in the  dark Academia style they always show photos like   this and this and this and black does not a dark  Academia room make first we're going to talk about   where dark Academia originated from and what it  actually means that's super important now if you   look up the dark Academia aesthetic online you're  going to find a definition like this this is an   academic aesthetic that revolves around classic  literature the pursuit of self-discovery and a   general passion for knowledge and learning but if  we want to be correct we need to take it back to   the beginning so the tag dark Academia actually  originated sometime around 2015 referring to   one piece of work and that was donat tart's the  secret history and this aesthetic resembled more   of a book club than an actual aesthetic the dark  and dark Academia does not refer to dark Interiors   instead dark is defined by dark undertones in  a story because we're talking about literature   and secrets now when we talk about Academia  we're talking about research we're talking   about a passion for learning something pursuing  an academic career reading libraries museums a   school campus professors book clubs and secret  societies so when you combine those two things   it equals the secret history it's literally what  it equals we are talking about Moody undertones of   a Literary story mixed with an academic setting my  microphone died and I didn't realize until I was   editing today so here I am filling in the gaps how  did Dark Academia the aesthetic based off of this   book turn into black-on-black Interiors I was like  where did that come from so I noticed that there   are lots of articles about dark Academia interior  that were posted by recognizable sites like HGTV   AR textual digest home and garden and everything  that you see in these articles the images are   black on black so I think that them those higher  up people posting something related to Da all   the little people look at it and they go oh well  they posted it so it must be right I think from   there it just kind of turned into like a blackon  black room but I just disagree and you can totally   disagree with me but I'm really just basing this  off of the Bare Bones of what this aesthetic   is and where it came from now if the original  Creator who alluded to this aesthetic in 2010 I   cannot find the article but I know there is one  comes on this video and says I intended for the   rooms in this aesthetic to be black on black well  then I'm wrong but look you don't have to listen   to me let's go to the main source and let's read  off some of the Interior Design descriptions that   are in this book this was anything but ugly and  disappointing and it was with something of a shock   a white room with big North facing Windows Monkish  and bare with scarred oak floors and a ceiling   slanted like a Garretts let's read a description  of Julian's office it was a beautiful room not   an office at all and it was much bigger than it  looked from the outside Airy and white with a high   ceiling and a breeze fluttering in the starched  curtains in the corner near a low bookshelf was   a big round table littered with teapots and  Greek books and there were flowers everywhere   everywhere I looked was something beautiful  Oriental Rugs porcelain tiny paintings like   Jewels A Dazzle of fractured color that struck me  as if I stepped into one of those little bizantine   churches that are so plain on the Outside Inside  the most paradisal painted eggshell of guilt and   Tessy so that being said this room is also white  and Airy now there are other interiors that are   described in this book like francis's room but  one that had a lot of description was francis's   aunt's house so let's read that one it was so  dim that it seemed almost gaset the ceilings   were extremely high photographs and gloomy  guilt framed portraits lined the hall in Long   perspectives there was a lemon yellow sitting room  with guilt mirrors and chandeliers a dining room   with dark mahogany there was a library with glass  fronted bookcases and Gothic panels stretching 15   ft to a frescoed and plastered Medallion ceiling  in the back of the room was a marble fireplace   and a globed gasolier dripping with prisms and  strings of Crystal beating there is a piano in   the space and it even describes motheaten velvet  curtains my point in saying that people are doing   da Interiors wrong is the fact that it's kind  of been transformed into something that is not   from a literary reference even when you go and  look at the Slither in common room the entire   room isn't black and it's not like there aren't an  abundance of dark Academia novels that you can't   pick up and read today to get some interior design  inspiration so I know I'm taking this origin story   very literally in the sense of how I'm designing  my rooms based around it but that's just kind of   what I like to do and I realize Aesthetics can be  changed and you can do different things I know but   I just wanted I wanted to put this out there just  in case anyone agrees with me and has been waiting   for someone to say this because I've been waiting  for someone to say this and no one has and maybe   that's cuz I'm wrong now that we have broken  down what dark Academia means I think we can   safely move ahead into designing a dark Academia  room properly so the first thing I wanted to talk   about was color palette so for colors here's  some examples you could go with some deep Reds you could go with a blue or more like a Navy of course you could go with the classic  green which I love so much you could go with   some mustard or orange tones but I would highly  recommend using these as an accent color you could   go with Browns which I actually really like the  way the brown looks or even go with some purples   like a plum and of course you could go with Grays  and blacks and last but not least you could indeed   go with white let's look at some photos of the  Dead Poet Society and Kill Your Darlings as you   can see these rooms are of lighter color but  they do have some dark wood tones in the room   in the space to make it feel a bit more Moody  and academic and it's not necessarily about the   color on the wall that's going to make the space  Moody it's about the character that is going to   be in the space something I like to do when I'm  designing a space and maybe this is why I create   more themed spaces as opposed to just like a  modern room is I like to imagine a fictional   character that would live in that space so when  you're thinking of a DA space and you're like oh   oh well a beige room doesn't feel dark Academia  okay well it could feel dark Academia if you were   in a dorm room and you had to store all your books  on your bedside table in a maximalist way because   you had no storage and you just have no time to do  anything other than study so technically if that   character was placed in that room it would make  sense if the room was biged do you see what I'm   saying something I did with my da Room Makeover  is I imagined Camila from the secret history   living in a dorm room when I look at some photos  like this and this the reason I would consider   it da is because in my head if I have a fictional  character that I've made up to fit in this room I   can see them doing things that would take place in  a dark Academia book if you can see your character   living in the space that you create with the wall  color then it works that was my point to be made   the next thing I wanted to talk about is wallpaper  I think wallpaper is a really great addition to a   dark Academia space especially if you decide to  do some trim some chair rail some wng coating   it can be such a beautiful addition to really  bring the room together I would say something   in a damis print it's classic you can't go wrong  with it and most of the time you can find damis   wallpaper that is texturized and it's just so cool  bringing texture into your room especially on your   walls you could look for TW Paisley but you could  also go with a mural type wallpaper like this or   you could even go with floral I know people are  going to come at me for saying this but if it   looks vintage and it looks old enough I feel it  still works now let's talk about the different   textures you can incorporate into your home so one  of my favorites would have to be velvet whenever I   see a velvet accent share it's normally vintage  which works perfectly within this aesthetic I   also love the way that velvet reflects when you  move around a room and I love the fact my cat   does not Scrat it I don't know why just doesn't  like this material and I never see cat hair on it   leather is also a really good material especially  when it comes to a couch wood furniture with some   ornate detailing another favorite of mine is  linen along with some wool now let's talk about   furniture when looking for furniture pieces your  safest bet is just to go to a thrift store and   find some vintage items that is the safest bet  so I recommend thrifting going to some estate   sales looking on Facebook Marketplace offer up  whatever sort of app you have in your area so   depending up on whether you keep your room light  or dark if your room is dark you might want to add   in some accent colors maybe a mustard color chair  maybe a chair that is blush or deep red or deep   green having an accent color with a darker room  would look really really nice but some specific   Furniture pieces that you might want to look  out for are parlor chairs a Sati a sha Lounge a   Chesterfield sofa a Chesterfield Wing back chair  along with a normal Wing back chair a banker's chair a can back barrel chair and of course  just wooden chairs in general are a good   option a bookshelf of course this is a great  one wouldn't recommend getting it though if   you don't actually read books why display them  if you're not going to read them other Furniture   items would include a secretary desk you could  look for a plug-in fireplace those are really   cool they actually aren't as expensive as you  may think and it really brings an entire room   together it's the perfect centerpiece in tables  with some ornate detailing some console tables I   mean so many different pieces of furniture you  could look for depending on the room you were   decorating but I would say definitely go for  more dark pieces of furniture and some pops of   color thrown in there depending on what color  you paint your walls next we are moving on to   wall decor I have made entire videos on Decor in  general so if you're interested in checking that   out I will put the video here but I go through so  many different decor items if you want more ideas   cuz I'm not going to go through all of them  in this video but I will throw out some key   things that I think are very important so for wall  decor I'd say the number one easiest thing that   you can incorporate into your space is artwork  the artworks used in dark Academia come from   the periods typically associated with European  civilization Renaissance Baroque Dutch Golden   Age neoclassical academic romantic realist just  to name a a few with subjects such as architecture   Landscapes anatomical studies Christian and  classical mythology portraits of people etchings   as well as illustration and sketches and with  artwork you could easily incorporate a gallery   wall to give that maximalist feel because da  normally does have a very maximalist feel about   it you can also incorporate a mirror with some  ornate detailing or just in a wood tone some   sconces some scon shelves tapestry Wings coating  chair rail onlays decorative Maps Polaroids and   of course book pages book pages wall is one of  my favorite things it's a DIY that I did for my   da living room makeover and this is something that  you will see and Kill Your Darlings it's a really   great way to get a wallpaper without spending a  bunch of money now moving on to Decor man there   are so many good things that you can include  in a da room when it comes to Decor some of my   favorites are Greek busts you can find these on  Amazon you can find them at some HomeGoods stores   it really just depends another item you could go  with is a candleabra again another item that I   got from Amazon I mean if you're lucky enough to  Thrift one definitely definitely get it of course   if you're a reader display your books the easiest  thing that you can do is just not go out and buy   anything and kind of use what you already have  so if you already read just displaying your books   in a creative way is a great way to give off that  dark Academia feel you could get a calligraphy set   and have that on display you could get a vintage  typewriter a t- set a decanter a bar cart a desk   clock a chess set that you display with a timer a  globe an arm millery a standing candleabra and so   so so much more I mean the decor items are endless  let's talk about rug as well I think throwing in   a Persian rug or throwing in a rug that has that  floral detail it's like a traditional rug I know   someone's going to correct me on the name of this  look I'm not an interior designer I just know what   the things look like and I'm putting up photos  for you to see and as for Decor whatever you're   passionate about whether it be painting writing  reading playing an instrument put those things on   display cuz this will help create that maximalist  aesthetic that is surrounding Obsession which is   what da is regardless if it's not literature  I think that any sort of obsession could lead   into a dark Academia aesthetic so display those  items if you are interested in checking out all   of my dark Academia Amazon finds I will be sure to  list it in the description box so you can see what   what I have there and just get some inspiration  now moving on to lighting lighting has to be one   of my favorite things in any space because it  can really make or break a room I'm sure you've   heard that overhead lighting is just the worst  thing that you can add to a space and I couldn't   agree more it just it looks like a hospital no  one likes it and when it comes to dark Academia   the setting is always very moody and it's usually  candle it you're going to want to go with candle   light if you can I personally like to use LED  candle tapers that I control by remote I can   control the brightness I can control the flicker  it's amazing I absolutely could not recommend   the more especially because I have lots of wall  sconces and I don't like to burn candle tapers   throughout my house every single night I don't  know it's just a little risky with it being on   my wall I know they've been around a long time  but I just don't like doing it so I definitely   recommend some uh candles but be careful when  burning them another light I would recommend is   a banker's lamp this is great for a desk setup  especially if you have a secretary desk or just   a wooden desk in general or even for a bedside  table it's one of those lights that aims down so   it's not blinding and it's great for a nighttime  setting another really great lighting option is   a chandelier you could go with a chandelier a  candleabra chandelier or just a chandelier in   general that kind of looks old or elegant because  if you were a DA character and an expensive home   you would most likely find that there another  one is a standing lamp these give off really   good light you could go with a standing candelabra  and these are gorgeous I've yet to find one that's   affordable enough for me but one day a wallcon of  course a oil lamp that has been converted or just   a normal oil lamp in general you could also go  with a lantern you could also go with a candle   holder for some reason I cannot think of the  proper name I've just blanked on it but this   is it you could include some portrait lighting  and this would be to light up your artwork but   at night especially oh my gosh it's just the  most beautiful lighting and of course when   you are choosing your lighting since we already  started on the topic of candle light you're going   to want to go with lights that have a warmer tone  to them not something that's going to look like a   hospital so instead of this you you want to go  with this and last but not least we're talking   about patterns so we kind of covered everything  else but patterns you also got to talk about   because there's lots of different things that you  could incorporate into a space that have patterns   or could potentially have patterns so the first  pattern which is an absolute classic is damis   you can go with something like plaid and I would  say be careful with that you don't want to make   it look like a Tommy Hill figure ad but you know  it could you could go with hounds tooth you could   go with Paisley or you could even go with floral  I'm going to stand by saying floral depending on   what else is in the room floral could still work  as long as it's not like bright pink or something   you know we're trying to keep it to earthy tones  all right I think that is it I think that covers   everything in this video hopefully this gave you  some insight into the dark Academia world and it's   something new that you haven't heard before and it  kind of clears up some things you may have seen in   the past pick up this book and read it if you are  interested in this aesthetic and you really want   to know more of what it's about and you really  want to experience the dark Moody undertones   that I speak of thanks so much for hanging  out with me today and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: just lanchen
Views: 74,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark academia interior, dark academia aesthetic, how to decorate in dark academia, you've been doing dark academia wrong, how to get a dark academia room, How to Decorate DARK ACADEMIA the RIGHT WAY, DARK ACADEMIA BEDROOM, dark academia, Hgtv dark academia, Architectural digest dark academia, Homes and gardens dark academia, Dark academia aesthetic, What is dark academia, interior design
Id: Gv4N2MByW00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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