20 Common Packing Mistakes of Inexperienced Travelers

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so here's the question is packing an art or a skill and the answer is yes to both in this video i'm going to share with you 20 common mistakes of inexperienced travelers when it comes to packing for their travels and the first one i'm gonna hit is folding instead of rolling clothes when people pack them so inexperienced travelers will often take shirts or pants or whatever and fold them like this kind of like you have them at home you fold them but experienced travelers travelers who will travel a lot will roll them instead of folding them why things that are folded like this especially when you put a lot of them in a suitcase have mega creases where it comes to those spots mega wrinkles that are just super hard to get out it also takes up a lot of space when it's folded like this and so expert travelers instead roll their clothes because the wrinkles are smaller and these are just easier to get out of your suitcase but the pro the pro travelers will not just put these in their suitcase but will have some packing cubes some things like this to put the rolled up shirts in socks underwear any things and organize them just like that now super pros might even have different size packing cubes for different things and you can think about doing the packing cubes a few different ways one would be all your socks in this one all your shirts and this one all your underwear in this one another way to do it is by days you might put all your first day stuff in one your second day stuff and another your third day stuff and the next one that way when you're deciding what do i need to take for today you can just pull out that packing cube and that is that day now if you're traveling with some really dressy clothes um like a like a dress suit or something like that or a dress that doesn't fit and yet you can't roll then these plastic liners from the dry cleaners work wonders put these in between shirts put it in between your suit fold your suit over the plastic liner and it will keep it pretty much wrinkle free and my last tip for clothes is that if you have to travel with dress clothes like dress shirts maybe inexperienced travelers don't realize that dry cleaners will often fold things for you most dry cleaners you get stuff back and it comes on a hanger but you can say to most dry cleaners can you can you fold it and they'll fold it and then you get it back just neatly like this so whenever i do my dress closed yes i do wear dress clothes not always yellow shirts i always have a set of folded dress shirts ready to go and bagged for when i'm traveling the second mistake that inexperienced travelers make when they're packing is they just pack too much stuff people who haven't traveled a lot don't realize what they need and what they don't need and we've all made this mistake when we started traveling which is bringing our whole house with us you know you might say well do i need a shirt for every day that i'm going depends are you going to a beach destination you might have a day that you don't need a shirt do you need 10 pairs of pants do you need 10 pairs of socks what do you need and really being experienced is about boiling it down to the essentials and then thinking well what is it that are maybe contingencies that i can buy when i'm at that destination that i might not need it but i can get it now if you're traveling for a long time there's another trap people fall into where they go for a month someplace and they say i gosh i need big suitcases because i need to bring a month's worth of stuff i advise if you're going anyplace for more than a week if you're going more than seven days you should plan to do laundry in that destination maybe consider staying in a hotel where the hotels have laundry or near a laundry facility some hotels you know will do full service laundry where you can give them your stuff they'll wash it and hang it up in your room others will have places where you can just do it some charge some it's for free but do just plan to do your laundry you know people who are really expert backpackers they'll often just have a couple shirts couple pairs of pants wash it in their room in their sink hang it to dry with some fast drying laundry on the live stream kyle mo says my wife brings her whole closet every time we go out that is certainly a challenge mark says pack half of what you think you'll need and take a good credit card that's a good tip as well now the one part where um you know maybe it's worth traveling heavy uh is if you're going to some place like death valley where there's like no stores or you're going to some remote island someplace then i get it you'll need to bring everything that you could possibly need because there aren't a lot of options but any place that has stores or things like that slightly under pack and buy what you need and also if you if you're somebody who likes to buy clothes you know think about you might buy a shirt or two you might buy a pair of pants and that's one or two less things you have to take with you then you got room in your luggage for you to bring it back the third mistake that inexperienced travelers often make uh is actually this is contrary to what i just said but it's gonna be assuming that they can buy whatever they need at their destination there are many things you can buy at your destination but there are many things that you can't what do i mean now in particular things like medicines medicines are one of those where like around the world there's different medicine in the u.s i really like neosporin first cuts and scrapes can't find that in a lot of countries can't find that in japan can't find that in australia and so if you've got some medicine some things that are off the counter off the shelf uh that you like that might be hard to find make sure you actually bring those with you uh and the other one um is electronics too uh like in the case of if you've got like a certain camera or a certain thing and you need a certain adapter don't think that you'll be able to get the same one in the country that you're going to because often electronics have different varieties and are sold differently in different regions uh paint killer says uh the way they like to handle buying things is buying things they would use for example some dress shoes in armenia that is a good tip uh as well that mark has a good tip here which says this may sound weird but i take clothes i can throw away as i go it doesn't sound weird as all weird at all will actually do the same thing we might say like take some underwear and some socks that are like really end of life and so at the end of the day we wear them than their end of life we can just throw them away and they don't need to come with us anymore you know we we all need to refresh those things every once in a while so the trip you travel might be a good way to do that um zachary smith points out another category of things that you might not be able to buy in your destination are feminine products uh and so that's a great point same with deodorant and so those are great tips as to specific items thank you for that zachary the fourth mistake that inexperienced travelers make is they buy their luggage at some discount big box store like in the luggage aisle at walmart and target and i have to confess i made this mistake uh one of the first like started traveling i bought a suitcase at target it was the worst suitcase i ever bought the zippers on that thing broke after three trips it was super heavy uh and you know what that stuff is really cheap for a reason it's just not good al all luggage may look the same but let me tell you all luggage is not the same um and so what i would suggest and you've probably heard me talk about this chris what do you like um i really like ramoa suitcases we'll talk probably more about that later i also really like um travel pro suitcases now those are two good varieties and you're not going to find really the best brands at walmart or target you might find good ones at costco costco often sells pretty good luggage now also buying a suitcase bigger is not always better sometimes people think i'll just get the biggest one but you know what when you're going to place particularly if you're traveling by train a big suitcase is just untenable you can't put it on trains it won't fit in trunks or taxis and so more smaller bags is often better than one big bag although you do have to keep in mind if you're traveling by air how much does it cost for you to check those in but we generally prefer smaller bags as opposed to bigger bags and you'll find if you just if you just look at luggage that people have it's the people who definitely look like they've traveled way less that have the suitcase that they can't even move around rather than the smaller ones also the other problem with the big suitcase with everything is it gets heavy and then you won't get charged with a second suitcase fee but you'll get charged with a overweight suitcase fee and those can be 150 on some airlines they can be really quite expensive mark says i went through cheap pieces of luggage a dozen times before i bought an expensive tank would have been way cheaper if i bought the tank first i couldn't i agree with you completely mark and the expensive tanks that i've got back here both of those are 10 plus years old and are going strong just like the day i bought them the uniplex says i travel light i don't check luggage uh and you know what carry on like if you can do it carry on totally is the best but not everybody uh can do it um you know particularly traveling with a two-year-old it gets pretty hard to not check anything in uh kangas conrad says glad i decide to buy carry on suitcases i'm gonna be on the eurostar in the tube yeah for sure that's another one where people like when you're getting on the subway or public transportation if you've got these huge things it's just really hard uh mario says i love samsonite sue's cases my husband and i love ours and they come in fun colors too zachary says my parents always said one should not be cheap with suitcases shoes and beds mattresses zachary those are definitely words of wisdom to live by from your parents mistake number five of inexperienced travelers is waiting until the last minute to pack you know there's this saying that uh if you wait till the last minute how long is it going to take only takes a minute because you've only got a minute but people who wait till the last minute to pack their suitcase the night before often forget things because they're in a rush and they don't have time and maybe they're tired or they're rushed or they're stressed and so they just throw stuff in there and that's when you're gonna be missing something uh and so for big trips i like to not start packing two days before but finish packing two days before so meaning that if i'm going on a trip to las vegas in uh what's today i don't remember today's thursday if i was going on a trip to las vegas on saturday this would be packed tonight that would be my goal why well so that if there's something that i need that i forgot that i don't know where it is then i lost it i still have one more like real day to maybe go buy it i need a belt i need an umbrella i need something uh that's why i think you should pack you should finish packing two days before i think it's also worthwhile to start packing a few days before that two day date just think about what do you need what does it look like and and i recommend um not not packing it all at one time because this leads us to mistake number six which is packing one item at a time into their suitcase inexperienced travelers will do that they'll open up the suitcase they'll get one item and they'll put it into the suitcase and they'll get the next item and they'll put that into the suitcase and they'll get the next item and they'll put that into the suitcase and then quickly they'll be like did did i pack that did i pack that pair of pants did i did i pack that umbrella then they don't remember because it's under there and then they're going to dig through it to find if they packed it what i like to do is everything that i'm going to pack i lay it out on a bed on the sofa on the floor so i can see it all see it all and when i can see all the things i want to pack and they're all out there then i put them all in the suitcase so i like to think of packing is really this two-step process one is collecting all the items you're going to take with you and putting them out in the open and then step two is taking all those items from the open and actually putting them in the suitcase if you do that it's the best way to pack the suitcase because you've got all the things in front of you you can play that game a tetris you know all the pieces that you have and you're not constantly like okay what piece is coming next i don't know if i put it in the right order mistake number seven of inexperienced travelers is failing to research what they actually need to pack going to a destination and you know it's really uh easy to think about i just pack the same thing everywhere i go except if you're going to europe and uh you wear high heels those don't work out in a lot of european cities because of the cobblestone if you're going to hawaii for example waikiki or honolulu oahu a lot of paved stuff if you're going to kauai you'll want a lot of hiking shoes because it's much more hikey and less wacky so it's really important to look is it a well paved destination is it a dirt destination a sand destination is it going to be slippery what's the weather like is it hot is it humid are you in the northern hemisphere and you're going to southern hemisphere so it's going to be completely different those are all really important things to think about when you're actually packing your suitcase painkiller 93 says checklists are the way to go i see a lot of people advise checklists and have checklists i'm not a checklist kind of person maybe because i just i can store a lot of stuff in my head but if you are a checklist kind of person then i recommend it because you can put it all together and have that checklist for me because i travel so often i basically have like a travel set of everything so in my closet i've got like this is all my travel stuff and so it's really easy just to kind of look at it and be like okay there's my toiletry kit they're the yellow shirts that i'm gonna take uh there's the umbrellas that i'm gonna take for me it's less of a checklist because i just go stare at the stuff that i usually take and kind of put it in brandon says travel tetris is my game it's a great game franco points out it's very difficult to walk through cobblestone streets of europe with a large suitcase it sure is and so that might actually be reason if you're going to a cobblestone destination or you're going to a dirt destination to actually maybe want a duffel bag or a big backpack and not something with wheels you have to pull through things with wheels don't work real well in the snow either if you're going to a snowy destination that suitcase it's gonna go a whole bunch of nowhere um and uh peter says yeah unless you're going to antarctica or death valley you can buy underwear and socks cheaply less to pack that's two you could just say i'm not taking those at all and i'll just buy them when i get there um tip here which is to wear shoes that double as gym shoes that's a good tip as well some hotels even offer like gyms like some weston's offer like gym shoes and shorts though never works for me because i wear um i wear size 14 shoes so that that doesn't work for me uh i need to i need to bring my own shoes pretty much wherever i go when i go to japan and i stay in the onsen hotels and they expect you to wear slippers out around i have to bring my own slippers too because i don't fit in the japanese provided slippers the eighth mistake of inexperienced travelers is packing pillows and blankets come on it's the 21st century where are you going that you need a pillow and a blanket if you're going to those sorts of hotels you should book better hotels if you're camping it's a different story i get it but then in that case i'd recommend you actually uh not bring your like your home king-sized pillow i see people carrying these pillows through airports you know like carrying this pillow like where the heck are you going with your pillow um like this they're like there are travel pillows rei has these travel camping pillows i have some camping pillows for the couple times i've camped i don't love camping but i have them because i'm like this is gonna be a whole lot better to take than this thing right here uh mark says how tall am i i am six feet tall size 14 shoes depends on the shoe some shoes i'm up to a 15 some shoes i can get is a 13 but i generally normalize in nikes or hokas size 14 seth says big shoes and you know what they you know they say about big shoes big shoes means big feet which also means big socks um hunter says what's the best luggage you have found um the ones i've got behind me that i travel with the most are remoa and travel pro those are just kind of the the brands i've had pretty good success with now i do have some new luggage that i'm gonna be taking with me on my next trip um from a company called level eight uh you know why because they had a yellow suitcase uh it just arrived in the mail today chris why don't you have it here it's kind of it's got a grand unveiling later and so i'm gonna take it on my next trip uh test it out but you know whether it's a good alternative or not but they look pretty cool uh when i took them out of the box and saw them on their website uh mark says maybe i should swim professionally with those giant flippers maybe maybe i should you're right uh points traveler says camping is better than staying at a courtyard ouch yeah it's probably true paint killer says why would you even pack pillows or blankets airline give those away free if you're on a good airline they give those away for free nah i guess not not all do um this is uh seth says i have an eye mask that straps to the seat so no pillow or head bobs that's a good pulled interesting pulled your an eye mask attached to the seat all right mark hoffman says you can also ship your stuff before you fly cheaper than it used to be domestically at least in the us you can do that domestically you can't do it internationally i was looking um when we're taking our next trip to canada back to vancouver for whistler there was no option to ship from los angeles to vancouver because it was international domestic united offers a whole bunch of shipping things in japan using the luggage shipping services are super fantastic we love those okay the ninth mistake that inexperienced travelers make and i've heard some allusions to this already in the comments we've read but it is thinking that you always have to check a bag so packing everything in checked luggage it's saying i'm going to check a bag i'll just put it all in there and that way my hands are free when i go to the airport i don't it's easier that way to go to the airport when you don't carry anything in your hands except when you put literally everything into your suitcase and you've checked it and it gets lost or delayed you don't you don't have it when you get to your destination or if you miss connect or if your flight gets canceled they don't give your suitcase back until tomorrow and they say spend the night in the hotel you want to have something with you in the airport you carry on to the plane that has your basic necessities that has a change of underwear change of socks uh your computer anything you're really going to need your medicine that carried on with you it might be a hassle to bring that bag on the plane just bring that bag on the plane 95 of your trips hopefully you won't need it but that one time it's one of those five percent of your trips or even less you will be glad you had some stuff with you the only time i really uh don't take anything with me like like that is if i'm say i'm going for a day trip to vegas i'm on the 6 a.m flight out of here and i'm on the 8 p.m flight back i'm like okay i don't really need to take anything because i'm not standing there i'm not staying here it's not very far and yes i could actually buy everything i need in las vegas at you know a target if i needed to spend the extra night someplace mistake number 10 is wearing jeans to hot and humid environments jeans are great leg attire i love jeans but in places like bangkok thailand jeans equal death they trap the heat they trap the humidity they're just so hot and especially places where it's hot humid and rainy then they get wet and then it gets hot and it's just awful and if it is a rainy destination jeans like they don't dry like ever like ever you'll hang those jeans to dry in your hotel room and they'll be wet three days later so if you're going to some place that's hot humid or wet keep the jeans at home um and instead you know look for some some more quick drying materials related to checking bags remy says don't check a bag on spirit airlines famous for getting it lost chris says how often have you had your luggage lost i have had my luggage officially lost once my luggage was officially lost once didn't come back actually i shouldn't say that my luggage came back to me one month later i was taking a trip to france to marseille in the south of france to get there my luggage isn't there the airline has no idea where it is uh and so i had to go buy a bunch of stuff from the french version of walmart car four i'm sure i pronounced that wrong um but it was a real drag let me tell you uh and then when i get my stuff back like uh us airways which i didn't fly called me up out of the blue to be like hey uh your luggage just arrived at san diego airport do you want to do you want to come and get it i'm like i guess so and i get my luggage and it is it is like it's it's wet i mean it i don't know if it like fell on a lake or uh in a thunderstorm but all my clothes and everything that was in it was like blue and green it was gross i had to throw everything away the there's a fight with the airline to get reimbursed uh 1500 bucks or something for the stuff that was in it honestly i don't think i got reimbursed for what the cost of the stuff and the suitcase and all those things were actually in it because the whole thing was toast but it was really a drag delayed my luggage has been delayed a lot delayed for hours delayed for a day um so that's something that happens quite a bit and i've often had it where i've misconnected in a city like for example in dallas miss connect in dallas have to spend the night in dallas and then they don't give me my luggage back um they don't give me they're just like we'll put your luggage on your flight tomorrow morning that we've booked you on and good luck go have your hotel come back here tomorrow go to your destination and you know pick up your luggage when you get to um when you get to france uh and and chris says crazy yeah it is crazy points traveler points out a great tip which is pop an air tag in your bag back then when my luggage was lost they didn't have such things as air tags uh but that's a great tip derrick says how often do you travel really depends uh in in coveted times not so much but in in normal times um probably one or two trips per month that would be how often uh i would travel number eleven uh the eleventh common mistake that inexperienced travelers make is not packing an umbrella you know what this is an item that you can buy in almost any destination but it's so handy to have it with you and they're so small i take an umbrella with me wherever i go wherever i go i've always got an umbrella in case you're wondering what color a yellow umbrella of course because it's going to be that one time when you didn't pack an umbrella that you're someplace at the airport trying to get to your hotel you can't find a place to buy an umbrella and it's great that you uh have one for example and this is maybe where like oc girl and i differ slightly um but me having my umbrella packed was a lifesaver for one of our trips we were in japan we went to nico and on the train ride from tokyo to nico started rain was pouring rain we got to niko osi girl's like no big deal we'll just go buy an umbrella because you can buy umbrellas anywhere in japan if you've been to japan you'll know on every street corner in tokyo you can buy an umbrella because there's a convenience store in every corner in tokyo you get out to nikko man it was like a half mile to the 7-eleven to get another umbrella i had one so i walked to the 7-eleven to buy a second umbrella to come back froze girl so that two of us had umbrellas anyway i always have an umbrella the one umbrella was a lifesaver in that case um yoshi says not packing an umbrella can be costly you don't think it will rain and uh it will for sure seth an experienced traveler says i always pack an umbrella uh and carmen says i bring an umbrella and i pretty much only use it when i leave southern california yes this umbrella is a travel umbrella i never use it when i'm here i guess i have another one in my car that i use if i do that brooklyn joe says don't need one if you go to arizona the time i don't bring one to arizona is when i will need one in arizona danielle says a piece of luggage uh that we had was put on a different plane than my mom and i were coming home from barcelona it was delivered the following day after we came home i i don't mind as much when it's delayed coming home right you're like i can get my dirty laundry back a day later it's really a drag uh when you get it there lance says i like a five uh dollar general umbrella if there might be rain yeah i agree it doesn't i mean okay i'm dork so i need a yellow umbrella so this was a 20 umbrella because you don't get a lot of five dollar yellow umbrellas um but yes just having some basic umbrella around is great uh and kathy says in in melbourne australia it's raining today so she has an umbrella very good kathy philly tomcat likes to take a poncho all right that's an interesting one um zachary smith says why do people in big cities carry umbrellas because umbrellas can't walk all right that's a good one zachary that's a good joke i have to remember that one for later the 12th mistake that inexperienced travelers make when they're packing is they pack new shoes for a trip if we're if we're if we're pros we've all done this once upon a time we've taken new shoes for a trip and really regretted it because we've gotten some like awful blisters or feet hurt things like that don't don't do it don't take new shoes for a trip take some shoes that you know that they don't hurt your feet that you've broken them in you've worn them more than just around their house you've worn them outside you've walked miles in them because when you travel you're gonna be walking way more than you do on a regular day so actually i would recommend you uh breaking your shoes at least that much you know if you're gonna be traveling to tokyo hawaii someplace you're gonna walk five or ten miles walk five or ten miles in your shoes before you take them there to know whether they're gonna hurt your feet or not um mistake number 13 is when you're packing is forgetting to use the inside of your shoes as a place to pack stuff what have i got in this shoe speaking of blisters i've got this dr scholes blister defense this video is not sponsored but i really love uh this stuff it's like a it's like a stick of i wouldn't call it petroleum jelly but like a slippery thing that you can put on your toe or on the back of your heel you basically rub it on your foot any spot that rubs and then it creates this little kind of um slippery part on your foot so that you get blisters less so i love i love this and you notice where i had it inside my shoe doesn't take up any space what do i have to put in there socks socks are great thing to roll up and put inside your shoes what else do i have in here uh i have some also heel pads for blisters those are the places where i often get blisters and so if you do end up with blisters on the first or second day of your trip go get something to make them feel better on one of my trips to sydney australia i ended up with blisters on day one um and then i bought some things like this and covered them up and i was good to go for day number two but otherwise i would have been limping a lot so remember to use the inside of your shoes as well as not taking new shoes mark says always seth says always break in your shoes that's a good tip lance says sunglasses with socks and underwear great for shoes protect sunglasses from getting broke that's a good tip lance to put the sunglasses in your shoes mark says hopefully don't put your toothbrush in your shoes i think that's a good toothbrush keep that in a separate place um and back in the umbrellas danielle says always better to have an umbrella and not need it than to need one and not have it that's a lesson to live by as well uh yoshi says some things i store in my dress shoes are a charger bricks blistex and my watch charger all right that's another uh great set of things to pack in there too is it good zachary gives a good tip which is uh if your shoes stink put some tea bags in there or uh like coffee bags if you got like coffee bags with grounds or things like that those work in there as well probably you don't mind the um coffee scent that'd probably be for a coffee drinker speaking of which i'm thirsty what am i drinking today today i am drinking a lavender tea latte from better buzz uh coffee shop in san diego and um what's kind of neat about this i don't like paper straws this is a paper straw but the paper straw uh has their like um what's the word i'm looking for uh like motto it says life's better buzzed on it so i can appreciate they didn't just buy the world's cheapest crappiest paper straws but it's actually pretty good paper straw this is a pretty good um coffee if you're looking for a coffee shop when you visit san diego better buzzed is one of oc girls favorites all right common mistake number 14 is not packing a day bag okay so you got your big huge suitcase but and maybe you got your big backpack but what are you going to do when you go out for the day you don't want to carry that big backpack you don't want to carry that big thing and so it's really important to carry something small bag to carry around your stuff for the day um this small bag i pack empty in my uh check-in or overhead bag um and then i take it out and i fill it up with the stuff when i get to the destination you can have a small backpack you can have a small list you can have a small purse you can have a fanny pack but having a day bag really really quite useful particularly if you go to city's own uh if you're a veteran here at yellow productions you'll know what bag i like but if you're new i really like the pacsafe bags uh this is the pack safe metro safe ls there's a 150 a 250 to 350 they're different sizes and they got water balls on each side they are like got metal in this thing so you can't cut them they've got like anti-theft zippers i've got like four or five of these things different sizes and colors and i love them if you want to see more of that you can search my review pacsafe pack p-a-c-s-a-f-e yellow productions just search for that um paint killer says i've gotten away with not using a day bag if need be i bring my backpack or maybe you have a small backpack my backpack is like a ridiculous size because i've got all the camera gear in it and so uh for me i definitely need a um a day bag uh jeff says i went to better buzz in point loma very good yeah all right very good jeff uh yeah they have a number of locations in san diego um but that one's nice because it's a it's a drive-through uh seth is drinking hawaiian sun passion orange oh that sounds good too and who's that girl says i always pack a cross body bag yeah i i like bags um that are that are cross body that you can keep in the front or you can keep on the side i don't really like backpacks because to me that's just like uh easy invitation for somebody to steal something out of it and then if i did that then i'd want to carry it on the front and then i feel like i look like a huge dork if i'm carrying my backpack on the front not that wearing a yellow shirt everywhere i go makes me look like a huge dork at all uh danielle seconds the cross body bag paint killer 93 says what and when is the next live stream well you know the way that you find out about that paint killer is you sign up for the yellow productions update at update.yellowdashproductions.com and you will get an email every time i schedule a live stream painkiller my guess is you're probably already signed up for there i think the next live stream will be on monday i haven't written it yet so i don't know what the topic is going to be yet if you've got a suggestion for me let me know i've got a few days to write it right um and if you're enjoying this video craig is uh craig wants to remind you all if you're enjoying it please give this video a thumbs up every like of this video goes to feed some premium bamboo to the yellow productions crew behind me and they are quite hungry so please help a starving panda out uh there are 165 of you watching right now and 54 likes can we get that up to 100 can you help me get that up to 100 i would really appreciate it all right common mistake number 15 is not leaving room in your suitcase for souvenirs or buying stuff when you go filling it up to the gills stuff it closed and then there's no room for all the stuff that you buy and then and then if that's you then you have to buy another suitcase to bring all that stuff home and so either a leave some empty room in there for the stuff that you buy or b bring a folding duffel bag that's what we like to do we bring a folding duffel bag with us um and then we have in this case one more suitcase that we uh bring back but we don't pack the souvenirs or fragile items in the duffel bag that we took out of our suitcase we put all of our dirty laundry in the duffel bag we took out of our suitcase and then we put any of the souvenirs and stuff for the things we really want to keep in the actual good luggage because we figure if the duffel bag gets lost ripped crushed uh they can crush steal resell on ebay our dirty filthy laundry that is just fine um and uh all right zachary says uh if you say being a dork is a bad thing embrace your inner dork i you know what you're right yes we should all i i am i am fine with my inner dork which is why i wear the yellow shirt all the time uh paint killer 93 says the only uh souvenirs i'll buy are fridge magnets otherwise i'd buy things i use like clothing um that's a great thing too the clothing isn't uh fragile and the fridge magnets are pretty small and by the way i see the likes up to 95 so thank you for the 40 extra likes uh if you didn't like it yet five more will get us up to 100 and that'll be super awesome the 16th mistake of inexperienced travelers when packing is not putting toilet trees in a plastic bag plastic bag not putting your toiletries in a plastic bag not one this big but put in a plastic bag why uh well people might say well chris i'm i'm checking my luggage why do i need to put a plastic bag i thought i only have to put in a plastic bag when i'm carrying it on the reason why you want to put your toiletries in a plastic bag all the time is they leak they leak you know what pressure changes up in the air and some toiletries that you thought were sealed and were perfectly good are gonna just kind of vomit out of their container and if you have a plastic bag it'll be contained and it won't block on all of your um fancy clothes in your suitcase now if you're like well you know it's body wash i'll just wash it anyway it's still yucky when that happens so make sure make sure you bag it your toiletries whether it's in your carry-on or your check-in suitcase common mistake number 17 is buying a suitcase that looks like everyone else's you you see it the same black suitcase that people mistake for other people's black suitcases i've seen it too many times where people pick up the wrong suitcase because they all look the same if you are going to buy a suitcase that looks i mean there's only 70 miles of suitcases right do something to decorate your suitcase you see here i got the smiley face here on the ramoa yeah it's a really expensive remote suitcase with smiley face stickers on both sides of it and the top nobody is going to mistake this for theirs um i could do that on the hard side case on my travel pro which is a ballistic nylon case that i only ever check in because i don't want things to get wet in it because ballistic nylon gets wet soaks through that was the one that got lost i checked in and it was a ballistic nylon travel pro soaked hard case wouldn't get soaked um i used a paint pen on the sides of it and i drew these little yellow squares so that you know i know i can see this yellow square and other people would look at it and be like that's not mine didn't have yellow squares didn't have a yellow back so if you see a travel pro that looks kind of like a bumblebee you will know whose that is uh and zachary zachary smith says also it's a duffel bag right so we have one bag that we travel with i should have had it here is the eat sleep travel repeat duffel from the yellow productions shop and it's a great yellow bed nobody else gonna have that bag you know who's gonna have that bag kathy's gonna have that bag cause kathy has one of those bags i got one of those bags and you know frankly if you see somebody else that has one of those bags they should be your new best friend because they're super cool because they buy like a yellow productions duffel bag which is cool mark hoffman says i see my suitcase 10 times before it's my that's it right it's like i think that's my suitcase that's not my suitcase i think that's my suitcase that's not my suitcase and really you just it's hard for you but you don't want other people to take your suitcase um right seth by the way points out about the bad the bottles leaking that i was talking about and so this actually applies and i was remiss to say this this actually applies more than just toiletries it applies to if you're buying like things that are in plastic bottles um in like hawaii one of the things people like to bring back because they like to bring back uh garlic shrimp marinade um but that will burst and leak so anything that you bring that's liquid liquidy in your uh really anything in the plane under the plane make sure that's uh bagged up really really quite well uh eric says i'm loving my new hard case uh that's awesome and kathy says i bought one and i'm using it today because kathy because you're awesome awesome that is why points traveler asked if i ever use locks on my checked luggage never i don't use locks period i think their security theater anybody who really wants to open it you know can just get like a ballpoint pen or they can get the tsa keys and they can open it and so i don't um bother with locking my luggage and yoshi says as yoshi is his favorite i have yoshi stickers on my suitcase that seems uh very fitting yoshi i i love it if i see a suitcase with yoshi i'll shout you out and see if it's there uh eric says i love pizza do you have any recommendations to san diego bronx pizza is my recommendation all right 18 18 mistake that inexperienced travelers make is not putting their contact info on their luggage and in their luggage chris what do you mean on their luggage or waiting to the airport before they put their contact luggage on contact information i find it like airports always ask that question do you have your contact information on your luggage if not here write it on this thing and of course to me i'm like who doesn't have their contact information on their luggage uh but you know what people don't and so uh like here on the travel pro there's this little uh thing on the side that has like i'm not gonna pull it out because it has my phone number on it i don't i don't need everybody's phone call but right here uh has my contact information on this card and then the remoa um has the the little like ramoa tag right here that has the contact information but you know what this could come off that thing on the side of the travel pro could come off so it's really important to also have your contact information on a three by five note card on a piece of paper in the actual suitcase so make sure you do that if you're too lazy to write it down print out your itinerary that has your name and your frequent flyer stuff and put it in your bag um kevin says i've tied the old scarf on the luggage handle which is a good one except when it gets caught in the machinery or something like that and then it's just not not there when you see it i've i've put plenty of um luggage tags on things that haven't uh come back later um and uh juicy fruit says where is your next trip the next big trip that we've got planned is to uh whistler canada vancouver we're going back to vancouver canada again uh mark says i put an air tag on the outside and rattlesnakes on mine rattlesnakes very good all right common mistake of inexperienced travelers number 19 is going to an international destination and not bringing a international um plug converter thingamajigger why because you know all hotels must have international plugs they assume international people are coming right wrong lots of hotels just have the plugs of wherever they are whatever country they are and so it's important to research where you're going what the plugs look like and then make sure you have the right adapters for the plugs and to make sure you have an appropriate number of international adapters for all the things you want to charge for us i carry use about three of these international adapters and a power strip so that if i need to plug in more than three things then i can plug in the power strip also if you use um any sort of appliances while you travel looking at what the voltage is in particular hair dryers hair dryers often don't work between uh 110 120 240 220 they're like they got a fixed voltage and if you take it outside of that they just don't work uh there are hair dryers and curling irons and those sorts of things that have that are made for international travel and have switches on them that you can switch it based upon the voltage that it's using and so if you're going to be traveling a lot make sure you get those oc girl has all those things because we travel a lot she likes to bring her own um but they work when we have the international versions when we don't they don't work and and like super fancy hotels may even have in addition to um you know these plugs for you they may have voltage converters but voltage converters don't work very well with high draw appliances like curling irons and hair dryers so point trailer says make sure you have the converter two paint killer says uh one time in vienna i left my adapter as i explored the city and when i came back it was still there that's super cool uh i guess uh vienna is a pretty trustworthy place juicy fruit says safe to use a power strip on the adapter i mean i i think so right i mean the adapter fundamentally it's just some wires that take the wires from the outlet and adapt them a little differently um so you know i mean you want to probably not jury rig too many things on the outside of it but it's not sparking and it's not getting hot then it's probably pretty good uh yoshi says apple chargers are great for national plugs you can slide them out and chase it that's true there are a lot of those where you can have the like different end things on them so that's a great tip uh yoshi says it's not recommend i mean you gotta do what you gotta do if you've got a lot of stuff to charge so um that's it uh justin says i don't want to disclose my phone number because justin wants to talk to me in my car is extended warranty thank you for that justin i'm looking forward to your phone call um painkiller says i think airports particularly airport hotels should have universal plugs i agree i think they should but they don't and uh here we go just joining can you start over at one for you i will start over at number 20. all right let's go to number 20. the 20th mistake inexperienced travelers make is they buy a suitcase with only two wheels look i've got one here this travel pro it only has two wheels i bought this thing a long time ago so i still use it you see it only has two wheels it doesn't have these front wheels up here if i was doing it again i wouldn't buy one with two wheels i would buy one with four wheels any of the suitcases i've bought in the last five years eight years i don't know have four wheels four wheel suitcases are so much easier to take around nearly almost everywhere um because in addition to wheeling them like wide ways you can wheel them down the airport aisle you know narrow ways like this um which is like a heck of a difference compared to trying to take the two wheel thing down the airplane aisle you see it all the time people doing that they're bumping into people's legs they're bumping into chairs um the great thing about the four-wheel ones is you can just you can wheel them upright you just raise this up and then you wheel this thing along you don't have to tilt it it's super easy especially if you want to stack a bag on top so i would recommend four-wheel luggage i think in this day and age two-wheel luggage is a mistake now why would people buy two-wheel luggage what's the difference and why does some people advocate it with two wheel luggage you can get a little bit more packing room in your suitcase because if you look in this suitcase and you see these wheels um they are recessed into the suitcase and then there's only two of them there's not four but if we look at the four wheel suitcase on this ramoa they're recessed as well but now there's four so there's going to be a little bit of space taken up here one thing you'll want to look at when you look at suitcases and you look at wheels on the outside you'll want to look at that to say where do they put the wheels do they recess them are they all the way out if you want the wheels to last longer you'll want them to be recessed in because they'll just take less bangs and bumps though you do kind of have them like an odd size inside your suitcase fellow explorers it is now q a time if you've got a question i've got an answer [Music] all right fellow explorers you are now armed and dangerous for your next trip i'm sure you won't make any of those mistakes again but i'm curious what mistakes have you made that i didn't mention that you think uh our other explorers should learn from and then if you're on the live stream or if you're on the archive what questions do you have for me i answer them here and i'll answer them on the archive too make sure you put a question mark at the end of it so i know it's a question and i'll be giving away one of these yellow productions crew shirts later uh i did mention earlier that i've got these new level eight suitcases that'll be taken on my next few trips uh and so i'm gonna be doing a giveaway actually of those suitcases new ones not the ones i've got but new ones when i finally talk about and unveil them so i'll just say stay tuned if you want to win some suitcases uh for an upcoming live stream i will make sure to post it on my community page and i'll make sure to post it on the email that i send out for the yellow productions update you can sign up for right there so you'll know when that giveaway is going to be so you can win something that's uh slightly more valuable than a yellow productions crew shirt although the yellow productions crew shirts they're i like i think they're awesome uh joseph says any suggestion on tsa luggage locks i don't use them i don't lock anything so um i probably have no suggestion for you there uh zachary says travel tip number 21 like this video and subscribe for more travel hangouts thank you for that tip zachary and i did see we did get up above uh 100 117 likes so thank you very much uh and socal seth thank you for the little suitcase uh sticker i appreciate the support and the yellow production screw does too because that's gonna buy them some super duper extra premium bam boo uh kathy says i forgot to claim my giveaway a few weeks ago still open kathy if you win you'll always get it um uniplex's mistake made traveling not using sunscreen that's a good tip as well sunscreen's uh super important and people often forget their sunscreen uh zachary says why don't you use the thanks button i see other youtubers using it should be active the thanks button should be active and then the super stickers r2 and zachary thank you i see your super sticker so thank you for the number one finger right there i don't um i've disabled the super chats because i feel like when the super chats are there then it's like um you're paying for me to like read your question or things like that and i kind of want everybody to be able to ask the same questions and not have those get prioritized but i do uh really appreciate the support on the stickers so thank you um james says uh people often forget to have some currency to the place they're traveling to that's a good one james i've had some friends that did that they arrived um in france as a country of all places and didn't have any euros and didn't take any out at the train station and got into a taxi and they were like okay how are you going to pay and it's like i don't have any money we're going to take you to atm you're going to get some money guess what uh paint killer says my biggest mistake was booking fights with very long layovers how long were they paint killer long layovers can be super rough bob says i'm headed to paris in october do you have a favorite place uh if you want something interesting uh the paris sewer museum is a really interesting uh place but there's a uh my favorite place there's a restaurant um like kind of at the end of the champs-elysees maybe it's not really on the champs-elysees but maybe between there and the louvre that just sells souffles i think it might be called lay souffle they have like a three-course souffle meal i would highly recommend that bob um carmen says the thanks button is not active um interesting i see people using some of the super stickers so i think the super stickers should be active um so i don't know when i click the little at least for me on the chat there's like a little dollar thing and then there's a little thing that says super sticker so maybe youtube hasn't um activated that in all countries or locations or something like that i am not sure but at least a few people in the chat have used the super stickers i'm curious i'm curious if there's more people that if you have a little dollar and you click it like it doesn't doesn't do anything um let me know we'll take an opinion paul zachary says chris any funny stories from your travel mistakes from the beginning of your travels uh you know what what i i know i've shared this one before but i i think it's pretty funny uh because it's fun at my own expense the first time i went to japan i was convinced i was not i was gonna be like super hungry and so i took a box of power bars you know i was convinced everybody's gonna sleep on the floor i took a pillow with me um i didn't need any of my power bars and i didn't need my pillow uh and so some of these mistakes they are indeed my own so perhaps that's just uh one i will share with you one i will say and maybe this was interesting was um another reason why i don't use the locks is on one of my ramoa suitcases coming back from one of my trips i put the locks in and it got stuck like the lock got stuck in it um but the good thing was i was going like i came back and then like the very next day i was traveling again to waikiki uh in hawaii and there's a ramosa store in waikiki and so i'm like all right well i guess i'm just going to take that suitcase that's broken along with a new suitcase that has all my stuff that i packed in it i'm going to take it to the ramos store and have them unlock it sure enough they did and they replaced the lock because the lock was busted it was the only thing i've had um go wrong it was it was actually on this particular suitcase but after that i just don't lock it anymore but i thought it was kind of funny that i brought a suitcase back from maybe italy or france or something like that with all my stuff and then uh to southern california and then got on a plane in the waikiki so that i can get ramoa to unlock it are there remo stores here like there's one beverly hills i can go to or south coast there's a whole bunch around here but it just turned out to be convenient to then take it on the plane and do that in waikiki uh craig offers a rainbow in the super sticker so thank you for that craig i appreciate it um and uh let's see i see uh in the comments um that i see the sticker uh but not the thanks yeah so the thanks you only see on the archive um but then the stickers you see on the live stream it's kind of weird how youtube does that but if you were to come back to watch the archive then you should see the um thanks button too wutai says i get like 50 more space with rolling on my clothes that's a good uh that's a good metric um [Music] lean into life the english way says do you buy toiletries or buy uh when at a destination um i bring my toiletries i pretty much bring all my toiletries when we go uh toothpaste some of those things i might get from the hotel but anything i need i think i'm gonna bring with me generally okay um and uh wutai asks if i roll them i rolled them every time that was actually number one uh and uh in dubai no dollar sign yeah i think it's a country uh thing different rolls out in different places so thank you for that uh report kevin says print out your trip info uh don't depend on your phone because sometimes no signal that's a great tip kevin um i probably should have mentioned that as well i just maybe i didn't put it in packing so i i put it in my backpack instead of my packing things but yeah print out all your hotels all your itineraries all that stuff because sometimes you need to show it at customs or immigration or whatever and your phone doesn't work something happened to it i've had weird things happen on the phone doesn't turn on battery's dead but you know what paper always works so i like that one um all right and mistake number 22 is waiting for the las vegas to los angeles rail to open it's going to be a long time before uh that opened grant says any thoughts on the 50 million dollar grant for infrastructure lax and 10 million for long beach grant i actually didn't dive into i was actually reading a news article today about what dulles airport was getting for their infrastructure but lax sorely needs infrastructure i'm really i did make the video recently about um why everybody hates lax airport but i am really looking forward to their people mover opening um i think that'll make things so so much better uh kathy says make sure you take a power bank too that's a good uh tip as well kathy um i think that like i think one of the like uh you know there's some suitcases that are like the smart suitcases that have batteries in them i'd avoid those because they're like how big is the battery you got to take it out it's too big to go on the plane and that's just one of those um seems cooler than it really is painkiller says i'd like to suggest you make a video about uh visiting la without a car perhaps you can include the crenshaw line lx people mover in it all right i will take that suggestion paint killer 93. yes it's the time you've been waiting for it's time for the giveaway [Music] all right fellow explorers as usual i give away some yellow production swag in every video today i'll be giving away a yellow productions crew shirt if you can answer one of my questions correctly and my question for you to win this shirt shipped anywhere in the world is on my remoa suitcase that i've got right back here i've got some stickers on it what are the stickers of if you can answer that question you will win this shirt if you don't get to win this shirt well you can you can pick one up on your own you can head over to the yellow production shop shop.yellowdashproductions.com pick up a shirt pick up a yellow productions duffel bag there's lots of great stuff there i'm going to take a drink of my lavender tea latte while i wait for those answers to roll in uh diogo says love your videos thanks for the content thank you diogo i appreciate it um and now we have a winner winner chicken dinner congratulations panjo you are the winner panjo's on a roll what i think this is maybe number three panjo uh i think so but congratulations smiley face is indeed the sticker that i have on this suitcase um panjo uh send me an email to this address uh to chris yellow dashboards.com let me know your size let me know where you want to go uh and if you've already got one of these panda shirts let me know a different one that you want and i will get that one on its way too the consolation prize but unfortunately not a prize goes to natalie who made the typo of emily fave but that was right next to panjos um natalie the smarter fingers next time we'll let you in but i do want to let you know yours came in right there at uh the same similar time as panjos did but panzer spelled it correctly all right well fellow explorers thank you very much for watching today it is always super cool hanging out with y'all i learned some things uh from you and uh with that i won't say goodbye because i'm gonna see you in the next video next live stream probably on monday but sign up for the yelp productions update to know exactly what time and exactly what the topic is you'll know as soon as i know once i write the outline all right
Channel: Yellow Productions
Views: 32,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yellow Productions, packing tips, packing mistakes, travel hacks, packing hacks, how to pack, travel gear, travel packing, travel packing tips, what to pack for vacation, how to pack a suitcase, travel packing mistakes, what not to pack, how to pack for a trip, packing mistakes to avoid
Id: 4tJbPlvgA1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 22sec (3622 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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