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okay now one thing I have learned after taking 657 flights [Music] all right y'all so maybe I'm exaggerating that number a bit but the point is I have taken a lot of flights after tons of travel I have learned quite a bit so what I want to do is relay all of those things or all the things that I can remember and fit in this video to you to help you prepare for your next trip I'm gonna do this by breaking it up into like a few categories things to do before you fly things to do in-flight how to sanitize your flight if you know you know how to capture content tips and tricks and things you're going to want to consider when it comes to your luggage so as you can see we're going to be in quite a few places but let's get right to it the very first thing that you're definitely going to want to make sure that you do is download your music and your movies ahead of time once you're in Flight unless you are willing to pay for Wi-Fi in Flight which mind you is typically slow overpriced and is a dice roll if it's available so instead of chancing all those different things just download your music and your movies ahead of time a lot of apps offer you the option to download your content like I know Netflix does as Disney Plus Hulu and your music streaming services like Spotify and apple music they also offer the option but either way before you get on that flight make sure you have what you want downloaded another thing you're going to want to make sure that you download is the airline app so whoever you're flying with they have an application for their Airline so basically you know sometimes on a flight they have the TVs on the back of the seats whatever is offered up there is oftentimes also offered within the app in their entertainment section so if you don't want to look at the back of the headrest and you want the option to look at it instead from your phone you can do that it's also good to get information in Flight if needed and some Airlines will even notify you when your boarding group is boarding and most of them will honestly even give you the airport map so you can better navigate where you are see how far you might be from your next gate so things like that there's lots of little hidden gems and each Airline is different but definitely make sure you download it now another app that's worth getting is called TripIt this one right here y'all it lets you basically create your itinerary query in the app but it's the way that it looks that is what soul did for me and the fact that it is free like I'm not paying for anything right now and I have everything in which I need so you can come in here you know for your girls trip or your boys trip you can come in here and create your group with your friends or your family and title It Whatever put the description and then put what you plan to do and it's nice especially if you're still trying to brainstorm things I just love the fact you can see here like at 12 we're going you know to the museum but yeah in essence that's tripping I know there's more that it does but like that's one of the big things that I personally enjoy [Music] and then the final two apps that I'm gonna say make sure that you download will be the my TSA app and the FlightAware app the my TSA app is going to give you information on the wait times at the airport for TSA and the FlightAware app is basically going to let you know exactly that where is your aircraft that you're flying on where is it located at in transit to you and some other cool stuff something else you can do before you fly is set alarms I know this has a definite gently helped me a ton so you can set alarms for the time that you have to be up I'm gonna show you mine so the way I set mine up is I have alarms for like when I need to order my Uber uh when I need to go to bed I also have one for when I'm supposed to board the plane because I find that no matter how many times I look in the app I still question what time I board I even have it as a silent alarm so that basically my phone doesn't make a sound but it does vibrate and to get it silent all you got to do is tap on the alarm then you're gonna go here and tap sound and just put it on none which is at the bottom also an alarm for when I need to wake up for my flight versus just waking up in general so lots of little ways that you could go about setting yours up now something that I slept on that I highly advise that you don't is signing up for a membership program with an airline it's free and it works in your favor because just simply from flying you basically move up their tier in terms of different status levels to receive different perks each Airline is different but I would recommend if you can to fly predominantly with 2 two Airlines choose one is your main one and the second one as your second choice that way you can build up loyalty lift that Airline and accumulate points faster TSA pre-check and clear I highly recommend those I traveled a while before I signed up for TSA pre-check and I wish I had signed up for it sooner I think it's like 85 for five years but it is so worth it the lines most of the time are shorter I love the fact that I don't have to take all my tech stuff out like my computer or my iPad and my camera and stuff like that and you can keep your shoes on yes a happy camper now TSA pre-check will get you through fast but clear will get you through faster like you even bypass the TSA pre-check line with clear and the other thing is clear does cost more so there's a price difference but either one definitely has its advantages and you can choose which is best for you now that you are equipped before the flight let's talk about what you're going to do when you're in Flight one thing I like is to get as comfortable as possible and have what I need at you know a fingers reach and I found that using something like this which is uh basically like a cosmetic bag I use this to put a few of my tech Essentials which I actually hang from the back of the seat in front of me I know this isn't the most aesthetically pleasing setup but I do plan to make it look better in time I was in a pinch and it got the job done but you hook this on the back of the chair and that way your items that you need the most are in here so you don't always have to reach down into your bag or your purse you don't always have to bring it up this is always Within Reach now you don't have to get this particular size but I will say this one holds quite a bit but uh one thing in here that I would definitely say that you're going to need not just for your flight but anytime you're traveling a portable charger like this is a really old one I got if you can't tell this one here is just like I think 5000 milliamps but they have different sizes if you want something that's going to allow you to charge a bit more I recommend 10 000 milliamps that one generally depending on your phone will let you get a good two to three charges but the ones that I typically bring would be a small one like this I like something thin and Compact and then for certain trips I'll take a really large one like a 20 000 milliamp one I take that one more so in scenarios where I'm gonna be out for longer periods of time like if I'm going to an event then I'm probably gonna take a 20 000 familiar sometimes now this is like your quick grabs of things that you need it doesn't have to be Tech and things like that it can be a mixture of other items in here that you might want sanitizer makeup lotion whatever but I do feel that it's really advantageous to have a separate container so to speak for your Tech so I have a couple of options that I use this is the one that I use the most I got this off Amazon it didn't cost too much but it lets me put everything in here that I need I like to the layout so I have my wall charger here which is another little I guess gem this one lets you charge multiple things at once so if you don't have something like this I highly advise you look into it then the other thing I have in here are cables so I bring different ones because I have different devices but this one was just large enough and small enough for me you know because I do have another one that I used to carry more than this one in the past but this one's kind of taking its place and that is this one here by side by side I think it's the brand that made this one it was the length for me you know I found that they weren't too much different it's in thickness but I definitely want to shave off some of the length that this one was giving inside here you got better organization I would say and then in here is where you can drop something else like maybe an external hard drive and you actually got one more section hold up let me get it together that's fairly organized as well that you could utilize but you you have your options but those are two that I use and [Music] so something else to make you a little bit more comfortable is to use some headphones and noise cancellation headphones in particular that will basically block out as much of your environment as it possibly can and they offer it in a bunch of different ways like I have some in-ear buds these are by Sony these are the ones that I mainly honestly use when I'm walking throughout the airport because this let sound end but the ones that I like to use would be from Bose I use their in-ear qc2 headphones I really like those like they actually perform better than my on-ear headphones the fit was good the sound was great like it really silenced if if you want the best noise cancellation to me and you like any of your headphones for extended periods of use I highly highly highly recommend those but if you're more of a on-air person both make some really good ones there as well Sony does too but all in all just make sure that it has noise cancellation look for those two words one is sanitization now there's the next section this one very clear to me and if you know you know fellow germaphobes this is a safe space we're going to talk about how to sanitize your flight some things that you're going to want to take with you or could take with you are hand wipes so I have these actually on a monthly subscription when it went out of stock man it was it was tragic but uh you got Purell wipes and then something else that I carry don't mind the little baggie here but I think though these say you've got to use gloves with these it might be more than you need you can always get these in white form as well and just use Purell wipes but I do keep them in here just simply because it's easier to grab and I found that it's easier when I need something specific to go to a certain bag that I know it's going to be in versus a pocket you can also bring Lysol of course I thought it was pretty cool that they actually offer these in like small you know spray cans and something else you can bring if you want top seat covers so they sell these on Amazon I found these fit the best yeah you can always get these as well huh yeah so it's not just me sometimes I feel judged usually I don't talk about my little things that I do it's an unfamiliar space right now I did put the disclaimer on my German food I just think as I just find certain things it shows the level of it and depending on you know how you feel about certain things I'll say for me the other things that I bring or you know recommend would be shower shoes I actually got like a three pack off of Amazon for like 12 you can also bring your own towel and I have found y'all on Amazon a portable towel the nice thing about this is not just good for when you're traveling in Flight if you're camping if you're going to the beach carry a towel that's going to dry you but keep it you get the picture I didn't stuff it right y'all but anyway I went for the lime green option but it's pretty big I think I got the extra extra large whatever the largest size was but this is the towel and you know if you need to hang it you can hang it but it dries really well click drying absorbing this is a quick quick what does it work quick absorb at the top yeah quick yarn oh you do you have this one what do you say Joe is it worth it quick drying towel absolutely recommend this one and another thing you know that I bring is a pillowcase and washcloths I bring my own washcloths so yeah [Music] all right now let's talk about how are you going to commemorate this trip how are you going to capture your content you can reuse the little cosmetic bag we had at the beginning especially when you're on the plane and you might want to keep your camera gear near you that you're going to be using to film hook it in the back gear in here now one thing I brought in the past is the GoPro Hero 11 here it's an action camera but I honestly use it mostly to Vlog I've also used the insta 360 X3 this is really really good especially when you want to capture everything around you foreign like is this foam Mount right here this one is a little bit different so this one has a hot shoe Mount at the top that'll let you adapt something else onto it like a light or a mic the other thing that this has is a I forgot what this is called quarter three so you have that quarter 20 thread down here so that you can actually twist this on to a tripod which I don't have right now to demo and the other nice thing is that if you turn this here in the back you can rotate it so that you get landscape video or vertical video because then your phone will go right here and then when you want to switch it up you can take your phone and rotate it like this so then it's filming like that and then another one that I bring is this little portable tripod this is nice because it's so compact it also has an area for the remote that you can use so it has a Bluetooth remote that would be in here which is designed so that you don't lose it but somehow still managed to lose it but you just pull this out like that and I actually featured this recently but the one thing I didn't show is that it rotates just like the little Mount that I showed you this one rotates as well and then you got your feet down here and then the last you know little accessory I would say to definitely bring is a suction Mount you'll be amazed at the places that you can use this like I found that I ended up putting this not only on like the window on a plane but like the window when I was like looking at different airplanes go by if you're going by a store or you're in a restaurant or something like that you can put this on the window in there and what I have up here is an adapter for the GoPro so that I can mount the GoPro up here but if I twist this off here I then have a mount for the little foam Mount that I showed you boom anyway we're not going to twist it all the way on but you get the vision it honestly all surprisingly fits boom in here and I will have all this linked below so if you want this exact setup you can get it all right now tips and tricks so you know how most of the time you're only limited to like two bags when you get on the plane a way to kind of get around that is to get a bag while you're in the airport exam so if I have my like for instance my book bag and my carry-on suitcase if I want to get one more bag sometimes they will not even let you bring like a purse that's counted as a third bag you have to consolidate but something they don't really seem to be like as nitpicky about are like bags from within the airport like Hudson News that is a common convenience store in most airports if not all you can always get you a bag from there if you need a little bit more space to carry things passport holders y'all they look so good right they are great for keeping your passport protected but they can also be annoying because just like a credit card will have to take your passport out of here when it needs to be scanned like I had more scenarios where I needed to take it out of the case then keep it in there but I will say at least in my case even though it's like that I still enjoy having like some protection on it in the meantime of it actually being used another trick tip whatever collapsible duffles y'all these right here you go shopping and you're trying to figure out how to get everything back get you a collapsible duffel that way it doesn't take up space so if you don't need to take anything back you're fine but I have different sizes the one that I have here is one by air I use this one a lot I mean you can practically roll this up like a t-shirt or something it can even attach to your suitcase so you know you can slide it on this is super convenient especially in scenarios too where you're traveling and you don't know if you might want a backpack you can take this one but if you want something not like a backpack but still just as collapsible I would recommend this one here so this one's more like a body sling but yeah ultimately this is something else that I like to take when I might want to take a bag with me when I'm out and about while I'm traveling but if you think you might go shopping shopping you might want to look into this one here by Reigns it is their duffel I really like the material here it doesn't have any pockets on the inside which is okay it's super deep like it holds quite a bit and now I take that with me you can always carry a duffel but I am more of a suitcase person I like to be able to wheel that thing behind me like I don't want to carry it on my shoulder the only time I will really do a duffel is if maybe maybe I'm staying somewhere for one night for me the main time I might carry a duffel is if I'm like driving somewhere and I'm staying overnight but most of the time I have a carry-on suitcase but I'm curious like what are y'all team duffel or Team Rolling suitcase I'm over here with the roller suitcase but if you're going to use a rolling suitcase make sure it has 360 wheels or spinning wheels I think is what it's called basically the wheels that will rotate and not just go back and forth they also have suitcases that have pockets for your electronics because in those scenarios where you do have to show you know your laptop or other tech gadgets like that it's annoying to have to dig through the suitcase to find it sometimes or your backpack so if you can just put it in this one little section I know it's all there it definitely helps plus to me another advantage of rolling suitcases is that you can have accessories you know like you can get attachable cup holders and I want to say you can even get like attachable food trays but something that I put on mine is a custom like cushion for my handle this makes it so much easier when I'm trying to identify it amongst a host of other suitcases if you're going to do this approach I highly recommend getting like a bright uh kind of uncommon color like a lime green an orange something like that but before I have the little cushion thing I did use the only one say but I haven't used special duct tape put something on your bag and make an identifiable basically so that when it's coming through the luggage claim it's easy for you to grab something else that I do do is put an air tag inside of my luggage I found that really handy especially in scenarios where your luggage might get lost or if you want to make sure your luggage is with you when you're on the airplane and things like that it's just a nice way to monitor where your luggage is at at all times and anytime another tip I would say is to make sure that the luggage has a lot you can either make sure that it's built into the suitcase which is my preferred method that's what I currently have on mine are if you want you can always buy a separate lock and attach it but I will say if you're curious about some reputable brands or some brands that I recommend I do suggest a way I've used their luggage before and I liked it and I recently have gotten into monos now the thing about monos is that and maybe I'm a one-off but I had a terrible shipping experience with them like basically they took so long to ship it that I was no longer at the address in which it was supposed to ship to I think they quoted like a week or two or something like that I updated my shipping they said it should be good and should be going to my new address and it didn't it went to the old address I went there like maybe three or four days later and it was gone so they thankfully did reship everything to my new address but that took like oh my God I ordered around October I got my luggage and like it was and then I had trips y'all I had trips that I wanted that luggage for so I was a little tight now that I have it I do like it even though I had the shipping experience I still do recommend the luggage if um you can get your hands on it I haven't had any issues or anything like that and they have lots of different options something else that I recommend is a luggage rack like this is really nice for me I will say when it comes to packing my suitcase or emptying out my suitcase because instead of you know having to put it on the floor or something and been down and stuff like that I can keep it elevated it's easier to unpack and it keeps it off of the floor and they have different variations of this I'll link the two that I have down below all right y'all but that's gonna do it for this one I do hope you enjoy it if you did you can feel free to hit that thumbs up button to let me know and the Subscribe button if you want some more content but if you want to stay further updated on what's going on with me or when you can expect another video you can always feel free to follow me on Instagram at techmeout that's t-e-c-h-m-e-0-u-t actually down below let me know any other tips and tricks that you might have because we can make this very collaborative but until the next one y'all as always thanks for taking the time out to let me Tech you out
Channel: TechMe0ut
Views: 479,901
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Keywords: best tech, best travel tech, travel tech, top travel tech, techmeout, must have travel tech, tips and tricks, travel tips, travel tips and tricks, women in tech
Id: sY2SFVanH8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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