Airport Travel Tips: 20 Things to Know Before You Fly

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Airport travel tips 20 things to know before the next time you've lied I'm Chris this is yellow productions I do travel guides that are fun in front of entertaining and in this video I'll be telling you 20 things to know so you can have a calm and stress-free experience on your next trip through an airport air travel can be hectic a miserable experience for inexperienced travelers but if you know some of the tricks of the frequent-flyer trade air travel isn't really all that bad and so in this video I'm gonna tell you basically the things that I do before I fly before going to an airport when I get to an airport and going through security this is a live stream so if you're on the live stream definitely let me know what you think definitely let me know what your Airport tips are and if there's anything that I missed so on the live stream welcome on YouTube mr. Viper Chinmay anthropomorphic animal pokey and frozen kebab alright so my first tip for going to an airport and by the way YouTube is still doing this things where the text is reversed and so I am showing you yellow submarine's instead my first tip for air travel is to absolutely check in online check-in online before you go to the airport I fallen victim to this myself right I said you know I don't need to check-in online because I've got a ticket I've got a seat what can happen what if there's bad weather and the flight for example is weight restricted then if you're one of the last people to check in then you don't get to get on the plane if you don't have a seat well sometimes your check-in time can actually be what helps them decide who to give seats to first I've also heard experiences of people who they didn't check in online but then they got to the airport and got in the security line and checked in but they didn't check in before the check-in cut off which is maybe 45 minutes before the flight even though it didn't board for 30 minutes before and the airline gave away their seat because they weren't checked in earlier enough so definitely checking online particularly travelling southwest you should check in online because Southwest assigns the seating order priority right 24 hours before that's always the trick for Southwest is to be like 24 hours and check-in immediately yippy asks does it help if you have a business class ticket they might be a little bit more lenient but if you haven't checked in before their check-in cut up they might very well give away your seat or if they are changing equipment to a different plane and there's less seats right they're gonna give priority to the people who checked in first also if you were a like a airline elite member and you're vine for upgrades check-in time is something they use for that too so check in online all right polkas got a few tips right there his tips are number one bring your number to bring a light backpack with necessities check-in online is his number three and wear no jacket it takes too much time during security check yeah we're definitely going to talk about jackets and security checks and things like that so let's see Justin Thomas says if I have bags I don't check in online because I'm one world emerald I still check in online even if I have no bags because I want the airline to know that I've sent a signal that says I'm gonna be there if you're the person who hasn't checked in even if you've got elite status you might still be out of luck number two print your boarding pass and your itinerary I know that a lot of us that are digital natives love to just use our phone and have the boarding pass on the phone but let me tell you I have been at the airport so many times when people are sitting there with the phone and it crashed and it doesn't work and it won't scan you know what your paper copy always works and printing out the itinerary is pretty important too maybe not a big deal if you're traveling from someplace like Los Angeles to Dallas but if you're going internationally there's a lot of times that they might actually ask you for your itinerary particularly if things go wrong if you're flying an airline you're not familiar with if you can't check-in things like that and you need help it's worthwhile to have that itinerary so you can show it to them that has your confirmation number and all of your details not hey who are you and you where you're going I don't know I don't have anything and my phone battery died or it doesn't work my paper the battery never dies on my paper joining us on Facebook mr. pickels good to see you mr. pickles thanks for joining in the live stream Mike Smith says TSA pre is worth its weight in gold absolutely we're gonna talk about a TSA PreCheck coming up the EP says that helps when you go through immigration to show your return ticket yeah sometimes when you get to airports they'll also ask for like show me your return trip or show me where you're going next like if you're going to Japan they might they might for the particular visa you're getting like if it's a tourist visa they might want to see an itinerary that shows that you're leaving and you're not staying mr. pickle's says always print boarding passes for all people in the party don't trust other people's batteries that's a good tip as well yeah if you're traveling with a bunch of people don't trust them have print it out or trust their batteries I love it cuz you know that's always like the lousy friend or the lousy traveling person when you're like dude sucks that your boarding pass doesn't work but I want to get on my flight you know at that point sort of every person for themselves at the airport but I guess if you love them and they're like a loved one then you actually want to make sure they get on the plane so that's probably not the best tip Jimena joined in from Costa Rica welcomed half the fiber joined in says I'm glad for one of your streams thanks for coming in half the fiber Joshua marilla's asks where I got Topher from sorry if this is unrelated San Diego Zoo it was quick so Tanner Wilson says when applying for TSA PreCheck do you have to have a certain number of flights miles etc in order to be eligible or is it open to everyone Tanner I'll be talking about TSA PreCheck odd number oh I think when I get to security so hold that thought and ask me again if I don't answer a lot of people are talking about clear just another us program to go through security leontina sleep rechecked pretty good too alright so now number three the third tip I have before going to an airport here let's go airplanes instead of numbers that you can't read the third tip is to put this right here so people see it on Facebook too the third thing is to as glare on them the third thing is to check your flight status before going to the airport this is a great one with airplanes for number three so before you go to the airport before you get in your car before you in the taxi before you get into chant train check your flight status if the flight is delayed for four hours if the flight is cancelled it's a lot easier to just go ahead and deal with those things at home than it is to do it at the airport because you never know you might be on a flight tomorrow if your flight was canceled and you don't want to figure that out when you get to the airport if you could have figured it out sooner I'm gonna talk at the end number twenty is about what to do if you have a canceled or delayed flight and I think that's a really good one so if you're on now make sure you hang on for that for the good tips about what to do for a cancelled or delayed flight also you want to know what terminal your flight is leaving from there's a lot of airports and actually where Topher and I just went we went to Seoul terminal 1 and terminal 2 are like a 20-minute drive away so you want to make sure you get to the right terminal because if you don't and a lot of airports you might be kind of hosed from a flight departure perspective and also a lot of airlines offer the ability to subscribe for flight updates definitely do that if they have a mobile app or things like that subscribe for those flight updates so you get texts or emails because then you'll be the first one to know let's see on Facebook Jose Pineda joined in from Los Angeles welcome Jose Eduardo asks how to get a seat upgrade is it possible Eduardo it is possible you can certainly pay you can pay to buy a better ticket or if you've got frequent flyer status you can get upgraded based on your frequent flyer says if you don't have a frequent flyer status with the airline then chances are you're an upgrade sorry and mr. pickles gives a tip of delete old boarding passes from Apple Wallet that's a great tip if you save your boarding passes to your phone either an apple wallet Google Wallet screenshots things like that delete them when you don't need them anymore so you're not standing there flipping through ten different old boarding passes Chinmay says do they send text messages if the flight is delayed although checking is a good idea they do send text messages if the flight is delayed they do but you know one of the things that I give a tip to - this is also don't just check the flight you're on but also check where the flights coming from some airlines make that easy like United Airlines will have an option to check where this plane is coming from and so sometimes the apps and the text messages lie and so but if you can go and look and say okay well I'm going from Los Angeles to Dallas and my flight leaves at 1:00 p.m. but my plane that is coming in for me isn't getting in until 1:30 p.m. there's no chance it'll leave at 1:00 p.m. so in that case you either a don't have to be stressed or be you're gonna know that it's gonna get delayed and so you're gonna know that you're gonna have to take some action and Justin Thomas says use flight aware and check the inbound flight right he just gave that tip before I did so excellent great tip Tanner Wilson comments about the terminal says Dallas Fort Worth has five terminals but the good news is they have a great connector that connects the different terminals Dallas does and not airports are not all airports are like Dallas Bend from the Travel Man podcast from Australia joined in howdy Ben thanks for joining in Z Blanc gives a tip about military families look out for USO lounges and airports you can rest shower they have the amenities that we'll be able to help during a long transit that's a great tip Zhi Blanc and we'll be talking about lounges in a future number but I think lounges are great tip and a lot of people who haven't experienced lounges might not know how great lounge access actually might make their travels Jose on Facebook says hi Chris I'm going to Montego Bay Jamaica next month from my honeymoon keep in mind some of your traveling tips love your videos Jose thanks very much for the love mr. pickle's gives a tip that says when checking in your baggage take a photo of the bag it will be easier to describe when filing a claim that's a really great tip I've never done that but I think I should I do have pictures in my phone of like you know my luggage in various places and but that is one where I've had a lot of lost luggage and it's always been kind of like hard to describe what the luggage looks like I'm looking for this picture of our luggage whenever we're leaving Seoul then you know when you want to find a picture it's always really hard to do yeah here we go this was a right picture I took of our luggage leaving so if you're curious what the yellow productions luggage looks like we're always traveling with some hard case ramose and some duffle bags if we're checking in our bags you can see that up there on Facebook too two cameras that I'm holding this at alright let's go on to number four fourth tip is to download the mobile app for your airline pretty much every airline has a mobile application and this is one where if your flights delayed and you have issues that mobile app will be worth gold everybody has one even like Southwest Airlines United American Airlines always have the mobile app and you can use like if you're connecting for flights when I touch down the first thing I do if I'm like connecting in Dallas I'll open the mobile application and check the connecting status actually a lot of airlines will give you the ability to use the app in the air so United Airlines will do that so you can check halfway through and be like hey that connection I had is it actually gonna make it the app can also be really useful in the event that you need to change flights because sometimes it'll come up and say hey you can change to these other flights and we'll talk more about why you might want to know about what other alternate flights are when we get to what to do in the event of cancellations and delays the mr. pickels pokey on YouTube says nice tip on the luggage photo definitely new to him and yippee said good point as well so thank mr. pickles Ben from the travel man podcast says the Alaska Airlines check-in and security at San Diego was so unorganized or maybe that when I was there hmm what did you find unorganized about check-in and security I am curious and mr. pickle's give zakaat another act to great tips one email yourself photos of your ID and passports that's good to have as well because you never know when your ID and passports might get stolen I always keep like a photocopy of my passport and some secret safe hiding place as well just in case something does happen to my passports I've got a photocopy at the ready and mr. pickle's also says download the gogo entertainment app so you can watch movies on the plane that it is if you're gonna do gogo in-flight entertainment a lot of airlines also are doing the whole like United does the in-flight entertainment but you have to have the mobile app download before you get on the plane so definitely make sure you have your entertainment before you're in the flight miss prickle says he's on fire you're on fire and you know there's no like I can like the comment but I can't I can't give you a fire icon that would be cool if I could Anthony says Delta has a good app Anthony what do you like about the Delta app um Brandon Taurus is a great idea of checking your luggage for the claim we'll keep that in mind yeah and yeah if you've lost your luggage you definitely know what that's like I I once lost my luggage this is this is an interesting lost luggage story I was going to France and I was going I was landing in Marseilles and my luggage didn't get there and I go to the lost luggage counter I'm flying to Brussels Airlines and I go to lost luggage counter I'm like hey my luggage isn't here they're like do you have the bag tags I'm like here they are I'm like do you guys know where they are they look in their communities like I know we don't know where your bags are I'm like you want you know describe them and I'm like how do I get them back and they'll go every day you can call us between 10:00 and 2:00 and 2:00 to 4:00 every day just call us and check in my bags never made it to France they did make it back to San Diego three weeks later with about 15 tags on it from everywhere the bag has been and the bags were like sopping wet and all of my clothes inside were blue and green it was a pretty miserable experience so from that I always tried to carry on if I can and those were nylon soft bags and so after that experience I always travel with a hard case that's when I totally got into the whole Ramona thing about hard case for most suitcases that don't get water in them all right speaking of water the fifth thing to do and this is still in the before going to the airport is to bring well not a cup but to bring an empty water bottle mm pretty much no airlines anywhere allows you to bring water bottles through security anymore in any Airport there's a few exceptions Japan domestically is an exception that if you have water they'll check in a little machine if you're going domestically if it's water then you get to go through but most airports are enforcing the you know no liquids more than whatever three ounces 100 milliliters but you can always bring empty bottles through and then you can just fill up your empty bottle with water as you get to the airport lots of airports are doing the water bottle filling things or if you have lounge access maybe fill it up with ice tea or maybe fill it up with something a little better from the lounge but you'll need an empty bottle to do that because who wants to spend five dollars for bottle of water at the airport that is highway robbery um let's see a poke I talked about IDs and he says I always have backups of my ID on everything in three places my phone my email and a print out inside my luggage that's a good tip - Justin Thomas says he loves the baggage tracking feature in the AAA app it's nice to know your bag has been loaded before you take off especially connecting that is pretty nice Justin you know I like to sit like it's always best like when you have the seat that's near where they're loading the luggage and you can look out the plane and be like oh ha there's my bag going on the plane that's always pretty nice to know right the sixth tip for airport travel is to get to the airport early you know so many times I've traveled people and they're like look and we don't we don't need to get to the airport well you just you know we like our flights at 2:00 I think we can leave home at 1:00 and they're just fine you know it's like not so much I mean maybe if it's your home airport and you're really familiar with it you know what the security patterns are yeah then maybe you can be kind of aggressive and knock it to the airport that early but if you're traveling big airports you don't know this and that really that like two to three hour rule can be a good idea because security lines can be crazy check-in lines can be crazy particularly if you're on budget carriers Ben from the Travel Man podcast says Chris Mandy and I nearly missed our flight in San Diego yeah how long did you stand in check-in and security I am curious and he says Alaska Airlines was terrible so that's a that's a good reason to get there early because if you got a bunch of time then maybe you don't mind standing in line as long and there's nothing more stressful than knowing that you're short on time and arriving to huge lines that's pretty awful all right the seventh tip for getting to airports for airport travel is to consider arriving at the airport on the arrivals level not departures level right like every airport if you're coming in there by car like if there big airports they'll have like multiple decks for cars and there will typically be departures and then there will typically be arrivals arrivals is usually like a more ground-level and departures is usually an upper level because like the ticket counters are usually a PI and baggage claim is usually down low right and they say you know if your arrivals you'll pick people up a baggage claim if your departures at the ticket counter a lot of airports the the like particularly in the morning like if you're there like 7:00 a.m. the only people that are at the airport at 7:00 a.m. are people that are leaving and so everybody is on the departures level and nobody is on the arrivals level a number of airports I fly out of going down the lower deck can save 20 minutes in being dropped off so definitely consider that sometimes if I've got a burr or taxi drivers like at LAX or things like that I'll say no no I don't want to go up there drop me off down there and they're like the pros will be like oh thank you for saving us the 20 minutes of dry that loop it is awful Anthony perennial says he likes to get to the airport four hours early to be safe and hang out at the lounge that's excellent I'm curious Anthony what lounge do you like to go to will certainly talk about lounges in a little bit eric says he doesn't pack water bottles but he packs Starbucks mugs saves lots of money that is a good tip - and mr. pickles says he uses a tile tracking device in his baggage and then when on board he can open the app and know it's in the plane also in landed I can track the bag as is coming out of the baggage belt that's a great tip mr. pickles I've OC girl had a tile I think we never got really super advanced in using it but that's a that's a pretty interesting nice way to have it that way I guess you'll have to pay that much attention to baggage claim because you're like oh I'll get a buzz when it gets near by Mike Smith on YouTube says be strategic where you hub through as a united guy I take time of year into consideration whether to hub through Chicago or Denver sometimes Houston can be rough in late summer or fall Mike that's a great tip and it's not one that I have a number of but it's an excellent one and I'll say I do the same thing yeah you definitely need to pay attention to what the weather patterns are that time of year you know I've given tips before just about general travel planning earlier flights are typically better than later flights and you know I don't like getting up in the morning I don't like being at the airport at 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning but the flights at 6:00 and 7:00 in the morning almost always leave on time why because they've been there from the night before so if there's any mechanical issues they've worked on them if they were delayed getting there before they were delayed getting into midnight so they've got plenty of time to just sit there and wait for the takeoff in the day because if you're going to like the east coast of the US and the summer and they've got thunderstorms in the afternoon just a bad time overall to be flying now so definitely think about water airports and what are their weather patterns mr. pickels gives a tip when landing at the San Diego Airport take the free hotel shuttle to any hotel and then call uber from there you don't have to pay the airport surcharge works at any Airport - that's a great tip a great way to maybe save a little money on a the airport surcharge and be the destination if you can get the airport shuttle to go a little bit away from the airport and closer to your hotel great tip now Ana twice's rideshares are not allowed in arrivals at SFO not sure about other airports yeah and I think it depends on the airport interesting in that case you know you might want them to drop you off at the I don't know like almost like an air train or something right get them to drop you off at the air train by the rental cars and take it in that might be shorter and you might end up having less traffic what am i drinking I'm in a cup from Dickey's Barbecue Pit because it's a nice yellow cup but it's it's passion fruit mango iced tea from El Pollo Loco in this cup El Pollo Loco the crazy chicken it's like a Mexican or a history chicken place popular in Southern California mmm but I like the big yellow cup because it's plastic it's the big yellow cup scotty campbell joining from facebook he says love your videos over here in Wollongong Australia Scotty thanks for joining in mate I appreciate it Brandon Torres says I typically like get to the airport early to take advantage of the CSA and other stuff to get rid of unnecessary things Brandon what's CSA I'm not familiar with that and the mr. pickels half the fiber said that's a pretty good tip take the hotel shuttle and uber from there lamby cake says starting a trip stressed out and rushing is the worst it certainly is I agree and pokey also says that he likes arriving on arrivals however Jakarta airports now forbids people from doing that so it's a no-go going from Jakarta those airports are lame particularly if it's the morning right like it was the morning and at 7:00 a.m. who cares because there's nobody down there anyway alright number eight this is in line with the tip about pictures but number eight is if you're not taking like an uber or a taxi to the airport but you're driving to the airport and you're parking take a picture of your parking space you know because I don't know how many times I've gone someplace I've been away for two weeks and things like that and I'm like where the heck did I park my car and so I will always take a picture of my parking space or the sign that's next to it and the parking structure so that I know when I get back and find my car I don't know oh I've been in Korea for two weeks I don't even know in my car I can be like no I know exactly where my car is it's right there many Airport parking garages have like space numbers you can take a picture of the parking space number two with your car right in it I think that is handy traveled man podcast asks how I found Seoul Incheon Airport um it was okay I mean it's an it's a nice Airport uh I like Singapore better i like hong kong better i like tokyo haneda better like there's a lot of other airports I like better particularly because I felt the lounge was lame in Incheon the Asiana lounge as the main Star Alliance lounge there and it was really really could have used some better food I mean there was like some lame pasta and some lame tomato soup I like good lounges there used to be a Singapore Airlines lounge in Incheon but it closed and so I was very sad so I did not like Incheon Airport me as much as I used to when there was the Singapore Airlines lounge there pokey says Seoul is good but it feels a bit bland yeah I think that's a good description it's a good airport yeah the bland it's not it's just not it's not exciting right I'd like to be excited you go to Singapore there's like a three-story slide that is exciting mr. pickels says in San Diego the airspace lounge in San Diego prepare meals to go with the AMEX Platinum free money yeah that's an interesting thing there's like I think three air space lounges you can get into with makes platinum and they give you like the way they do food there is they give you like a $10 like a cash card or something and I think actually those cash cards you don't even have to use them the same time you can like take the cash card like if you're arriving at the airport you can go in and then when you're coming back you can get another card and then the next time you're there you can get another card you can have like three $10 cards that now give you like $30 but that's a good good tip to get food is if you have access to lounges you know maybe take some food to go right take a banana take an apple if you've got a plastic bag or something put some food in the bag and take that for later travel and podcast isn't there a maglev train from the Seoul Airport no there's a train but it's not a fast train that the best way to get from Seoul to the city is like the bus I've never been in an airport where I've seen more buses from the airport than Seoul Airport and if it is a maglev that it's like a really slow maglev because it takes the same amount of time as the bus that could be the case all right tip number nine when you get to the airport after you've parked this is that you're in the airport before you go check-in what's the first thing you should do the first thing you should do and it's what the picture I've got of the thumbnail in this thing is look at the departure monitors look at the departure monitor and see the status of your flight you may not have gotten a text message but that may say it's delayed or take a look at that thing to be like look if you're going to San Francisco maybe your flights on time but the three before it are all delayed so there's a pretty good chance that yours might be delayed too that's the first thing you should do is look at that monitor when you get there and just make certain that everything you think about your flight is the same thing that monitor it says about your flight the tenth tip for airport travel is now you got a check-in so get in the best line to check-in and the best line may not be the same line that everybody and their mother is in many airports many airlines have different check-in lines like in San Diego Airport Southwest has check-in inside but they also have curbs I check in so the curbside check-in might have nobody while inside there's a thousand people in that line or vice versa the curbside check-in might have a gazillion people while inside there is nobody if you've got elite status if you've got you know first class the airlines will have different lines for those find the best line and just because your first class also doesn't mean the first class is the best line first class might have a long line and so it might actually better to go to the economy check-in or self-serve might have a long line for the self-service machines but the full service ticket desk might have nobody at it so take some time before you just rush into that long line and take a look and see if there's another line that you might get into that might be a little bit shorter I feel like this is the Disneyland rule to like Disneyland is like this did you go to Disneyland you go to the ticket gate and there's like everybody in these huge lines but then there's like one ticket gate that's open that has nobody at it why because people just look for the line and say huh I better get in that line James Leno talked about parking and said in the San Francisco Bay Area you can reserve parking at BART stations Bart it's like the subway Bay Area Rapid Transit so I'm Cisco and then you can take the train to SFO or Oakland less than half the price of airport parking that's a good tip and po k says his tip for the Seoul Airport is that trains are rather expensive it's better off taking the shuttle bus as they had tons of drop-off points around the city yeah and the buses are pretty comfy in Seoul too and he says besides most train stations and Seoul have little no escalator elevator its hell dragging luggages over there yeah I agree with that I saw lots of suckers in Seoul with their suitcases and they'd get to a big staircase and they're like oh oh no it's another staircase it's like yeah it's another staircase I don't know feel like Korea should be a high-tech country they should have more escalators but I feel like I don't know there's like saving money on escalators or there's like a staircase Union or something is really a lack of escalators in the seoul subway Erick Hernandez says TSA PreCheck bypassed those lines take a carry-on simplify the process that certainly is simpler and we'll talk about TSA PreCheck in a little bit in maybe like one or two coming up all right the 11th tip for traveling through airports is if you're hungry and you want to eat at the airport figure out where food is before you go through security why some airports have no food after security or really lame food before secure after security so if you're hungry don't rely on the fact that there will be food once you get through security Tokyo is a great example like a lot of the airports in Tokyo most of the food is outside security not inside security you know particularly these airplane particularly international airports that do like say travel to the US when you go to the gates in the US there's like one cart that sells chewing gum and saltine crackers I mean pretty lame and that's awful to be hungry and sitting there in the most sterile environment ever let's see Joshua Joshua Marella says I had actually had an experience with this I saw a line of five people waiting for a restroom which I thought was a hazard because of turbulence can strike the guy had been on the restroom for 14 minutes that's a long time 14 minutes hanging out in the restroom I assume that's the airplane restroom Ben asked what about the Taiwan Airport is it good I think it's a decent Airport I mean I think it's kind of there with Seoul it's got a new terminal and old terminal the new terminals a lot better and I think they just opened a subway that goes from Taipei's Airport into the city but I typically take buses or taxis to go into mmm poke cases the agrees on the food Jakarta terminal 3 has less food inside the security totally lame but I heard they're adding more shops in the future Tanner Wilson says Dallas Fort Worth has no food at all outside of the security all of it is after you go through security absolutely Tanner I like that because I like to go through security and then eat it's easier to plan your time that way but not all airports are set up that way Christy piece has Denver's set up that way there are a lot set up that way which might make you think all of them are set up that way but it is really not the case mr. pickle says download the priority pass app and load your priority past cards so you can always have it with you that's a great tip too for those of you who have credit cards that give you priority past priority passes like a lounge access kind of thing and priority pass has an app which I have on one of my phones I had on this phone something like that but that app then instead of carrying around your card you can just show it on there right little Oh too bright for the screen to show it trust me that says priority pass in there welcome to lounge class it's a great way to look up and see what Priority Pass lounge access is there too another thing that I do is always have like a printout that has all of my frequent flyer things on it so that way if I'm taking a different airline or something like that I can say oh well my frequent flyer number is this and yes a lot of them I've actually memorized by heart which is really kind of sad but not for all the airlines I don't fly Delta all that much but if for some reason I get switched to a Delta flight I do want to give them my frequent flyer number so I maybe get the miles maybe get treated a little bit better Joshua Morales says lax is the same way you can only eat if you're through security not completely true Joshua in the International Terminal there is food outside security like in the baggage claim level there's like an Earl of Sandwich and some other things but most of the terminals at LAX the food is behind security sugar cat joined in says it's been a while it's been a while sure cat thanks for joining in poki says is a commonly known knowledge that foods on airports are generally more expensive I think it is poke a like you know I did a video about like tourist traps in Las Vegas and definitely like airports or tourist traps I mean the food being overpriced is awful that is one thing I like about the airports in washington DC washington dulles and Washington Reagan they actually enforce in airports that the vendors and the airports cannot charge anymore in the airports than they do outside so there's like a Chipotle and a five guys and a potbelly sandwich and they charge the same thing in the airport that they do outside which makes it a great place to eat except I always end up at the Turkish airline lounge and eat there anyway with my Priority Pass card so it ends up being free right Robert Liu says don't forget the some lounges have food too but it may vary depending on the airline yeah it totally will and lounges are a great place a great place to eat and relax the airport so let's go ahead and talk about lounges now we talked about priority past we talked about American Express maybe we didn't I posted a picture on facebook of the Americans press Centurion lounge at San Francisco Airport that liked the Centurion lounges are some of the best lounges in the US but I think if you've never been in an airline lounge the domestic lounges by like United American Delta they basically are places to sit down get a drink and some crackers and some cheese and not much else but the international lounge like by the international carriers if you're flying like cafe Pacific or Singapore Airlines they are pretty amazing and they're pretty nice so that's what you want to do like if you're a frequent flyer like your star lines gold or your One World whatever the 50k tier is then you'll typically get lounge access if you're going on international flights and it's often good to look not for the American carriers if you're flying in the US but to go find the like overseas carriers because there lounges will always be better and you can often find like reviews online there's like lounge buddy or there's flyer talk people will talk about what's in that lounge so remedy says the Istanbul lounge is awesome free showers food wine and beer yeah I love showers and lounges whenever I go to Tokyo and I connect in Tokyo I go to the AAA lounge the first thing I do is take a shower I go get there ready-made noodles I go get some curry just really good food you know Singapore Airlines often have like dim sum and saute and just amazing things so it's like the range of lounges is pretty wide and then their priority pass which priority pass comes with a lot of premium credit cards I feel like a Chase Sapphire reserves they'll get priority pass access which will get you into different lounges in different airports but one of their good deals is like the restaurant option which now will give you something like 30 dollars of credit to use it certain restaurants in airports and so you can check that out as an option well it may not be a lounge but it'll be another way to get free food Erick Hernandez on facebook says Terminal four at Phoenix Sky Harbor has both pre security and post security dining that's a good deal half the fiber says if you're lucky you can get soup at the domestic lounge yes if you're if you're 80 United allowance that has soup that's like a real upgrade right there Justin Thomas says I was at the Qantas international lounge at Melbourne a few weeks ago it was terrible Sydney so much better lounges are not even equal if they're with the same airline that is very true I'm Robert lusus the Polaris Williams has really pumped up the food and amenities that's great to hear but they're really kind of starting from almost zero so travel Man podcast as Chris can you review the Singapore Airlines New York to Singapore flight on the upgraded a 350 19 hours later I would like to do that I'd love to fly that in the Singapore Airlines suite I think that would be a treat I'm not sure that I'm gonna go from LA to New York to get to Singapore though I'm not that much of a glutton for punishment mmm Larry newing says how long LA to Vegas from an airplane it's about an hour Larry they're pretty close by alright let's go to number 12 speaking of lines you will want to get in the best security line so we talked about lines to get in the best line to check in and number 10 and this is to get in the best security line and so what I'll tell you here is sometimes the best security line is not the closest security line if the lines are really long in your terminal sometimes is worthwhile to go to another terminal and I'll say so Ben from child man podcast when you were flying through San Diego I'm not sure if Alaska Airlines terminal one or Terminal two but like some of the terminals in San Diego have like three different areas for security lines and so if I'm like by United and it's long then sometimes I'll go over to buy American and they're all connected airside and so though I do it at LAX quite a bit lax is like often unknown that you can connect between most of the terminals at LAX underground like you can get from Terminal eight to seven - six - five to four to the Tom Bradley International Terminal all through these underground tunnels and you wouldn't know it from the outside and you barely know it from the inside but like at the Tom Bradley International Terminal lax there is no TSA PreCheck but there is in the American Airlines terminal so when I want to go international and enjoy the lounge like the Star Line's lounge I go in through the American Airlines thing and everybody else has American Airlines boarding passes I've got United or something else but it's cool they'll let you in write your thing scans you go and sometimes I've been in airports like Newark where they question it a little bit they're like do you know sir that this these are all the American Airlines flights and you're on United yeah I know it's cool thanks I'm gonna get something to eat in there and then head over to their place so definitely pay attention to other options for security lines okay so now let's talk about security tips number thirteen lucky number thirteen and a lot of people been talking about TSA PreCheck we'll get there in just a second I promise but my first tips for security and it's one of these where I'm like sad sometimes sad that I feel like I have to tell people this but I but I have to which is like they make you take off your shoes and a lot of airports and so we're easy to take off shoes don't wear metal on your clothes how many times have you been at the airport and you've seen the person who is like dressed up like mr. t and has like all the chains and things like that's like really you have to go through the metal detector so leave the chains at home leave the jackets that have all the buckles on them at home no metal on the clothes no big belt buckle no jewelry you don't need when you're flying unless it's plastic and put all your metal like your cellphones and keys in this net in your bag before you even get in the security line the security line is like the most stressful place to be putting your stuff away and so do that before you get there when there's not stress it's not people yelling at you there's not people behind you put it all in there and then all you have to do when you go to the security line is just show your ID and your boarding pass and put your crap on the conveyor belt and walk through the metal detector pretty easy in the event that you're in line that makes you take your liquids out and your electronics out put those all in one easy to access spot you should pack your luggage knowing that those things are gonna have to come out and so you know if you've got like a backpack and then like a cute case that zips up don't put stuff in the suitcase that you have to take out when you go to security put that in your easy to open duffel bag or backpack or things like that and if you're like me and you carry like a ton of electronics then you might want to take some of those out too for security I do that where I have this bag that's like all these cables I think they often think it's a bomb when it goes through cuz it's all my cables all my batteries I just take that bag out separately and send it through security and then they never question me on it because that's a little bag instead of like 27 layers of wires sugar cat says 78 people watching now there's 89 let's help yellow Productions out and click the like button it'll help with the YouTube algorithm and put up higher and less sugar cat thank you I love the recommendations and I remember you on the comic-con streams too so thank you and if you're enjoying the stream press the like button I'll totally love it tells me you enjoy these and it will help other people find it too so they can come and enjoy it as well then says my advice which I'm sure Chris would agree is to wear a tracksuit so comfy and nothing to take off tracksuit yeah that is comfy and you're right there's no metal there Joshua Marilla says I've heard the blankets aren't sanitary on airlines is this true you know I don't like I wouldn't put like the blanket over my head or anything like that but assuming you're just like putting it on your lap or you're putting it around here I don't think it's a big deal I mean I don't know that I'd use one that wasn't wrapped you know but if it's like in a bag you can assume the airline has probably done something to that but just you know maybe not maybe not up here with that blanket right don't lick it okay says his usual clothing is sweatpants t-shirt all watches phones everything inside the bag that's very good Remy D says I always get confused which orientations the bin should be in in the conveyor belt I swear TSA changes their mind all the time they probably do Remy then says don't lick the seats yeah the seats are probably not sanitary that's a good tip to not lick the seats Korea food travels is if I bring a DSLR microphone how should I went through security mmm even a DSLR camera if you have the camera like I generally if I'm going through pre-checker things like that I generally leave the camera in the bag sometimes I take it out if I'm in an airport that I think is particularly anal I do have like a special bag that I have my camera in so I can just pull out that bag and then put the camera in the bend if I need to the microphone that's fine the microphone is like really small mmm Robert loses some airports international domestic have a special line for first in business absolutely so when you're looking at those lines for security look at first class business class some airlines will have like the like the fast-track security line like if you have a short connection then you can go on the fast track security line you show them you like hey my flight leaves in 20 minutes and then they'll let you go through there all right so pre check and Global Entry if you're flying in the u.s. I highly recommend you get what's called TSA PreCheck preach it's like TSA Apr even the little check mark next to it and at airports sometimes people call it Oh where's the TSA line or where's the pre liner where's the pre check lines call all those things leave is called TSA PreCheck is the official name of the program and TSA PreCheck allows you to basically get vetted by the TSA and then go in the line that you don't have to take out any of your liquids you don't have to take off your shoes you don't have to take our electronics and of going through the body scanner you go through a metal detector 7 in the US and you fly more than a couple times you should totally get pre check it cost like 80 bucks for five years it's a pretty good deal but the better deal if you're in the u.s. is to get Global Entry get Global Entry for $100 for five years and Global Entry comes with pre-check so what does Global Entry gets you Global Entry allows you to bypass bypass the long lines and immigration and you can do your customs thing on just a little computer you say yes yes yes they look at your picture and they say okay you're good you can come through the thing that make Global Entry harder is when you apply for you have to go through an interview with Customs and Border Patrol though it's basically a pretty short interview and not a pretty big deal and if you have like a premium card like the Amex Platinum Card the Chase Sapphire Reserve a lot of those premium cards will cover the fees for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry a lot of other countries that aren't the US have options for like mobile passports things like that you can do mobile passport coming into the u.s. so look at ways to speed up your pass through immigrations mr. pickels says load your bags on the belt handles first so you can grab them when they come out on the belt the luggage belt let's see Roberto says American ally is having many problems lately especially with the carry-on bags they started charging 25 dollars yeah I hate you know like that is a big problem with airplanes it's like everybody's bringing their stuff with carry-on because they charge for money I mean they charge money to check it everybody carries it on but then they check it for free at the I mean it's a whole ridiculous game so that's I could I could rant on that for a whole different video ana toy says shoes with any heels seem to always go off in the pre check line I could see that Ana maybe they've got maybe like metal in the heels or metal in the sole to give them a little bit more stability right Tanner Wilson asked about I think pre check and Global Entry this is do you have to fly a certain number of miles flights to be eligible or is it available to everyone Tanner I believe it's a veil to everyone there's no like you don't have to be a frequent flyer for it and I think where people got that idea is at the beginning of the PreCheck program some of the first people that were eligible that Airlines were nominating people that were frequent fliers to be eligible but now if you pay it's open to everybody ben says aside unrelated note to the video he wants to thank anyone who listens to a podcast and thanks to me for my help absolutely Ben and if you guys haven't heard Ben's podcast search for the travel man podcast it's a pretty fun podcast we've done a couple together - and Chinmay says I do think you have to be a US citizen yes that is correct Global Entry and pre-check you have to be US citizens lamby cake says how do you get the cost covered by your chase card is the refund well lemon cakes assuming you have a chase card like one of the premium ones like the Chase Sapphire Reserve then it'll you'll just get a credit so when you go pay for global entry and it's $100 they'll just then put $100 credit to your card afterwards mr. pickle says Global Entry also helps when returning through customs not just immigration yeah that's a great tip cuz there's long lines through passport control but there's also long lines through customs with baggage claim and if you have the little printout from Global Entry then you'll just whiz through that - sometimes I've been at LAX where those lines look like they could be two or three hours then the Global Entry lines are like 2 or 3 minutes so it's totally worth it Remy V asks if there's a background check on pre-check there's a bet you have to do like fingerprints where they do a background check but there's not an interview like there is for Global Entry [Music] all right number 14 well actually I have a couple more comments first before I go to 14 so we're still on 13 one of the things that you'll notice if you fly a lot you may get the boarding pass but as for SS printed on it this is definitely an American security thing but it will happen in flights outside of the u.s. to the top of the boarding pass we'll say SSSs it's basically if you get the sssss boarding pass you've been selected for secondary special screening ha ha that means you're gonna spend a lot of time going through security so that's the one where they're gonna open up your bags and they're gonna check everything and [Music] it's it's just one of those it's just one of those bad experiences overall but if you know and you see the essence then you'll know I need to plan another 15 minutes to go through security all right and if you do get selective or special screening just be nice they're just doing their job frankly if you're nice to them it'll go faster all right this is number 14 could everybody count the 14 chairs there all right this is number 14 so after you've gone through security check the airport monitors again things might have changed your flight might have been delayed while you were going through there you're not checking your phones check that Airport monitor again make sure the gate still where you expect it and don't just rely on where your boarding pass says the flight is or on those subscriptions that you signed up for 15 you brought in an empty water bottle take a time to fill up that empty water bottle at a drinking fountain and a water bottle filler and buy some food either buy some food to eat buy some food to take on the plane and 16 go to the bathroom go to the restroom you know you may be thinking to yourself look I'm just going Los Angeles to Vegas to 45-minute flights not a big deal I don't really have to go to the bathroom all that much seriously go to the bathroom before you get on the plane I don't know how many times I've got on planes that was one hour flight and then I'm spending five hours sitting on that plane sitting on the runway ended up in a different Airport you use the bathroom before you get in the plane and then ten minutes later if you haven't gone on the plane you feel like you have to go to the bathroom again go to the bathroom again there's no reason to hold your bladder nobody gets like any points for that [Music] so banned from the travel man podcast as I always go to the bathroom before I fly it that's good I love it you are a good bladder minder and half the fiber says seriously pee even if you don't feel like you have to pee and then says bathrooms and airplanes are dangerous why are they dangerous I'm curious Korea food travel says I thought some on the airplane they would allow people to bring food in on board um no I don't think there's any airline that doesn't let you bring food on board lots of people do that I just I don't think it's good to be that person that brings on like the really smelly food like you know you bring on the McDonald's with the French fries and everybody's like ooh smells so good you know so if I am bringing food on the plane I like to be least a little bit mindful of that and bring on the food that not everybody's like doing enough for us all right and sugar cat thanks for thanks for the likes I love it sure cat says we're at where 44 Mike's 44 likes now just one more like and we'll get to 45 thumbs up all right 17 lots of time before your flight relax in the lounge we spend the earlier time talking about lounges but if you go to the airport then you're not rushing and you're not liking the noisy atmosphere and you're in a lounge your air travel experience will be that much better because you get an aluminium food you'll get unlimited drinks you'll get unlimited soup if you're in a good United lounge you might get really good food I also like to go for a walk before a flight so I've got a lot of time maybe I don't have a lounge access I walk around the airport I'll be like I'll walk to the end of the terminal I'll walk to the end of the other terminal because if I'm flying New York to Singapore like Ben said it's 17 hours when he's sitting for a long time so I get my exercise in I go for a walk especially if I need to go to sleep on the plane a little bit exercise got nothing else to do all right and thanks for the extra likes for everybody who did we're up to 52 now yeah right including rivaled adversary rival adversary thank you very much yippee says I like to put a quarter in TV booth and watch The Brady Bunch that's funny then asked if I like to walk around the cabin much I don't really do laps around the cabin but I'm proud one of those people that goes to the bathroom on the plane every couple hours and whether I have to or not I just like to get up and stand around for a little bit or go see if they'd like some water in the back or some snacks and so I am up quite a bit but I'm not that person who's like their plane stretching you know got their behind in other people's faces not that guy don't worry all right we're at the final three and then we're gonna wrap it up so 18 tip number 18 is to get to your gate 15 minutes before your boarding time I can't think of how many times American Airlines board way before their time like I was just coming back from Hawaii and like the boarding time was 6:10 in the morning and they were already boarding at 6:00 in the morning they consistently do that and it bugs me but the other reason why you want to get there 15 minutes before is sometimes gates change and it might be a long walk to your new gates you don't want to be getting to the gate for the first time 10 minutes in the boarding to only find out your flight isn't no longer at that gate anymore you want to get there early enough so that if your gate has changed you've got plenty of time to walk over to your new gate and when you do get to the gate right check to make sure that the gate you're at says where you're going if you're going to Honolulu make sure the sign says Honolulu if it doesn't say Honolulu or if it's blinker there's nobody there probably in the wrong spot I need to figure out where your flight is instead tip number 19 all right you're at the gate get your plane stuff ready so once you're on board it's easy to take out what you need right don't be that person that's holding up a whole line getting out of everything you see you open up your bag like put what you need in like a single pocket or two so that you can get to your seat you can open the backpack pull out three things put in your seat and put in the overhead and put underneath and you can you can sit down you know I mean it amazes me how long people spend taking stuff out of their bags because they didn't think about what they're gonna need when they sit down I mean I guess when you've been on planes like all the time you're like I need the same set of things in my iPad I need my headphones and I need my bottle water that's it so all those three things easy to get headphones iPad bottle water seat pocket overhead sit down sit it's not that hard all right so let's go to number 20 all right so if your flights delayed or your flights cancelled what do you do this is the most important tip I have if your flight is delayed or your flight is canceled do not just be like a sheep and wait in line at the gate if your flight is canceled like when you're on the plane so if you're on the plate you're out in the runway they say ah mechanical issues we got to go back what's the first thing you should do take out your phone and call the airline immediate while you're sitting on the plane call the airline or if you're off the plane same thing call the airline if you get in the line call the airline call the airline standing from the line because that line might take 30 minutes you might call the airline and in 10 minutes they might be able to get you other tickets someplace else or use the mobile app to rebook a lot of times they'll say oh we've noticed you've had a delay in your writer you've had issues do you want to take one of these three flights you could have the mobile app to do that a lot of airports have self-service kiosks that you can go if you have flight issues go to those kiosks if you have lounge access for your airline agents in the lounge can issue you new tickets and connections and Justin Thomas says that if you have lounge access they are usually really helpful they are really helpful and my final tip on the flight delayed or cancelled is go back to the front ticket counters I do this all the time we're like I'll be in there I'll be at the gate they'll be like look we've had a two-hour delay and if you have a connection come and see me I just turn around and go out at the airport if I go to the front because a lot of times I might even ask them to send me through a different airport I do that a lot I'm in San Diego be like can you just send me out of LAX or send me on this flight and so that's why it's good to have the mobile app so you can look and give them options so when you go to them and say hey I've missed connected I'm not gonna connect I was wondering maybe you could put me on this flight and it's really great to offer them those suggestions and mr. pickle's gives a tip on this one which is have all your airline phone numbers pre-programmed on your phone and put your frequent flyer numbers in the contact know section that is a great tip I've got all the airline numbers in my phone so I just hit up the United 1 K line American Airlines line this and that don't because you want to be the first person to get to an agent and say you know my flights been delayed my flights been cancelled an OC girl chimed in and said I missed my flight once because I was at the wrong gate yeah it's really you know get the headphones on this and that so it's important to make sure that gate your ads otherwise you may be sitting there be like when's my flight gonna board and it's never gonna board because it's a different flight yeah that totally sucked all right and sugar kat says they have to go to bed but remember to like and subscribe if this was your first time watching my videos your first time here - yellow productions definitely hit that subscribe button I've got the subscribe pillow but it's totally gonna be backwards because Ivy's YouTube life or user backwards hit that subscribe button I do live streams every Monday night my next live stream is next Monday night I've still got this contest going on for my United Polaris business class amenity kit I posted a picture up on Facebook with this kit and all the stuff in it it's still open for one more week so if you find my facebook page and you find the picture of this you've got one more week to win this amenity kit all you have to do is find the picture of this amenity kit I will mail this anywhere in the world to whoever wins but to win you've got to comment on that and tell me what your favorite airline is and why and then I'll announce the winner in the live stream next week so you know how this goes I don't say goodbye because I'm gonna see you all in the next video next week one week from today Monday October 1st 8 p.m. Los Angeles time be there or be square thank you everybody for tuning in to the live stream 90 viewers on YouTube ate on Facebook I appreciate you all and of course no this was possible without any of you cuz I would not sit in my room merely talking to an iPad that would be kind of crazy but the fact that you're listening makes this all real all right everybody have excellent travels and I'll see you next week right
Channel: Yellow Productions
Views: 34,922
Rating: 4.8835387 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Travel Guide, Yellow Productions, airport, airports, air port, airport travel, airport tips, airport travel tips, travel airport, travel tips airport, air travel tips, air travel, airplane travel, airplane travel tips, airport basics, airport travel guide, airport guide, airport 101, travel tips, flying tips, tips for flying, tips for air travel, air port travel tips, air port travels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 3sec (3723 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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