20 Athletes Caught Cheating On Live Tv

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scoring with what he famously called the hand of God there's no denying the appeal of sports that feeling you get when your favorite player or team wins the Accolade they've been chasing for a long time is almost Indescribable I mean how else would you describe grown men crying like this in the pursuit of a win athletes would do pretty much anything some would play through crazy injuries while others can even make some pretty intense personal sacrifice who tend to throw the rule books out the window just to get ahead fortunately many of these athletes have been caught in the act and made to face the music join us as we count down 20 of the craziest moments when cheating athletes got exposed for their fraud on live television number 20 Rosie Ruiz back in 1980 Rosie Ruiz competed in the 84th edition of the Boston Marathon and and won it in quite an impressive fashion despite being an unknown prior to that point the Cuban American crossed the Finish Line with a total race time of 2 hours 31 minutes and 56 seconds the fastest female time in Boston Marathon history and the third fastest female time ever recorded in any marathon anywhere so you improved from two 2 hours and 56 minutes to 2 hours and 31 minutes what do you attribute that Improvement in time to um I don't know now considering that Rosie was pretty much an unknown it was understandable that many people had suspicions about whether this win was actually legitimate soon enough people began asking questions was she on some sort of drugs how on Earth did someone so unknown just come out to smash one of the most challenging marathons in the world on a 70° day Days Later things really heated up after it would be discovered that several race officials had not seen seen Rosie throughout the race any tapes of the marathon also didn't pick her up until the very final stretch when she ran towards the finish line and in just 8 Days The Jig was up several race observers confirmed that they had seen her join the race from the sidelines less than a mile from the finish some witnesses also confirmed that they had seen her riding the subway during the New York Marathon a few months before Rosie denied all of the allegations but the evidence was simply too much and she was eventually stripped of her record and her Marathon win number 19 bana Manzel bana Manzel is the former wife of X NFL quarterback Johnny Manzel the two called it quits on their marriage in 2021 after reports that Johnny had apparently been cheating but it appears that Briana might have been doing the same a fitness influencer and Instagram model Brianna decided to put her money where her mouth was and participate in the 2019 run like a diva half marathon despite having no prior training or running experience she managed to complete the two-lap 13.1 M course in just 1 hour and 58 minutes considering the fact that the average half marathon time for a non- elite female Runner is well over 2 hours her feet would be quite suspicious even more suspicious was the fact that she appeared to have hit the 6.4 mile Mark in 1 hour and 31 minutes meaning that she ran the remaining 6.7 miles in just 27 minutes despite her best attempts to defend herself bana just could not win for someone who appeared to have been taking pictures and videos while she was running around it seemed improbable that she would have been able to do this but hey who am I to judge number 18 Dwight Howard if you're a fan of the NBA then you probably know the name Dwight Howard drafted first overall by the Orlando Magic Dwight had huge expectations as as soon as he stepped onto the basketball court and for most part he did deliver he won multiple Defensive Player of the Year Awards and even LED his team to the NBA finals but like many NBA players Dwight eventually moved on from the magic although sadly he didn't really hit the strides that many had expected as soon as he entered into his Prime in March of 2016 while playing for the Houston Rockets against the Atlanta Hawks officials in the game realized that the ball had been covered in a tack substance after he had touched it after a little back and forth it was discovered that someone on the Rocket's bench had used a can of stickum on the ball stickum is a form of adhesive that helps players get better traction but it's been banned from professional sports since the 1980s officials are are saying that stickum is illegal and the ball has stickum ha it while no player was accused during the game Dwight admitted to the Houston Chronicle that that he was the one who had used the stickum on the ball and even worse he confirmed that he used the material in every game that he had played interestingly Dwight wasn't penalized for the incident all he received was a simple warning the guy avoided quite the sticky situation number 17 the Spanish par Olympic basketball team imagine trying to cheat disabled people just because you're looking for the glory while many of us would never stoop this low the paralympic team from Spain had no problems doing so while competing at the 2000 Sydney Paralympics the Spanish learning disabled basketball team appeared to be steamrolling through their opponents after they beat the Russian team to win the gold they were held as Heroes but sadly their win would be shortlived after it had been discovered that 10 out of the 12 players on the team were absolutely healthy and not learning disabled at all speaking on the Scandal one of the team's players would say that the Spanish team had had simply taken advantage of The Lax rules the Scandal became so intense that the team was found to have even been training around the world for two years facing other learning disabled teams and defeating them at the end of the day the president of the Spanish Federation of sports for the intellectually disabled himself was even implicated in the scheme talk about being rotten to the core number 16 Tom Williams in 2009 the English har quins and the Irish laners faced off at the Heineken Cup match Tom Williams of the Harley quins was subbed off in the game's closing moments after he appeared to have injured his mouth and with blood gushing out it was quite obvious that he could not continue the only substitute for Tom would be Nick Evans a player who himself had been substituted off earlier because of an injury according to the rules Nick should not have been allowed into the match again since he had been subbed off before however due to an exception for blood related injuries he was allowed back in and considering that he was the exact type of player the harlequins needed to win the match it seemed to work out quite nicely here's the thing though as Tom walked off cameras would catch him literally winking to his teammates our say about trying to object against it and that wasn't the case it went on and the game went on something did seem a bit off so the European rugby commission investigated the incident and had discovered that Tom had been given a blood cap seal by the team's physician and was told to pretend that he had been injured so that Nick could come in after further investigation Dean Williams the Harley Quinn's chief executive was found to have been The Mastermind of it all he along with Tom and the team physio were banned from the sport the Harley quins were fed 260,000 British pounds the craziest part is that this cheating didn't even get the Harley quins the win so the guys lost on all counts number 15 Michael pan Michael Pan of the New York Yankees seemed to have taken his quest for optimal grip a bit too far back in 2014 in an MLB substances are banned from coming in contact with the ball Peno went on with it anyway number 14 FKA vond drisa cycling is one of the most physically draining sports in the world and with some Trails being especially difficult to maneuver being able to enhance your performance is key for FKA vad drisa however ever using performance-enhancing drugs would have been too shallow this Belgian cyclist decided to rig up her bicycle with a mechanical motor while competing at the CYO World Championships back in 2016 after she had stopped mid-race with the claim that her bike was faulty officials inspected it and found some wires and a battery concealed under her seat the rig was connected to a motor in her bicycle's crankshaft and with FKA being able to operate the entire system using a Bluetooth button that was attached to the bicycle's handlebars the operation was Sleek she would only use the motor in specific areas such as here where she sailed easily through a challenging climb as her defense FKA claimed that the bike had belonged to one of her friends and that she was simply borrowing it while the friend himself confirmed the story FKA was still punished anyways she was hit with a six-year ban given 20,000 Swiss Fran fine and stripped of all of her titles number 13 Will Smith if you think that Michael Peno was the only guy who was caught trying to get sticky with the baseball well guess again pitchers have been using foreign substances to get better grips for quite he might share a name with the fresh prince of belir but this guy definitely didn't have any coolness to him in a match against the Atlanta Braves Smith was immediately flagged when everyone from the officials to the Braves players would notice something sticky on his arm Will Smith checking his glove and he's been thrown out it's pretty insane the guy got a sticky solution that was so visible that opposing players standing 60 fet away could literally see it Will Smith had claimed that the solution was a mixture of rosin and sunscreen that he had been using to practice considering the weakness of his lies it's no wonder that he was easily caught cheating number 12 marwin hits they call soccer the beautiful game but with guys like marwin hits always looking to start up stuff and cause trouble I think we can fairly challenge that assertion in 2016 hits who was a goalie for Augsburg FC pulled a pretty nasty move while in a match against Co FC hits was called upon to save a penalty from col Striker Anthony Modesta while the refs were setting the modalities of the kick hits went over and dug his studs into the turf close to the spot as mod Justa made his run up to the Penalty he suddenly slipped after he had stepped on the compromised Turf which allowed hits to make the save hits did apologize for the unsportsmanlike behavior and he even got hit with a 122 Euro fine for repairing the damage that he had caused still though I'm pretty sure that the players and fans would hold a grudge for that one number 11 Samy Sosa Sami Sosa is one of the most prolific hitters to play in Major League Baseball with glowing records in a multiple highlight reel this guy was the real deal but Samy's spotless record did not come without some ugly moments for instance while his Chicago Cubs would face the Tampa Bay Rays back in 2003 believed to make bats lighter allowing hitters to pack more power into their shots however while this has been disproven by science a lighter bat can actually help delay The Hitter shot allowing them to enjoy better aiming accuracy Samy's bat was ruled to a violated MLB he would later claim that he had picked up the bat by mistake but that excuse surely did not win him any favors as he was hit with a seven game ban number 10 venzo nabali like I said earlier the physical toll that cycling takes on professional cyclists can be insane however over the years cyclists have worked on different ways to game the system and for venzo nabali there was a little help while at a competition back in 200 15 nabali was involved in a massive crash that would leave him trailing his competitors early on however he would soon get some help from a team car you see these cars provide things like towels and water in order to help athletes across the course however while nabali was returning the water bottle to the team car he held on and did not let go and and Theo and the either nabali was just really thirsty or the team car had transformed into a towing vehicle nobody really knows for sure but what we do know is that nabali received a free ride and before long he was disqualified from the race entirely number nine Sal alosi when it comes to the biggest football scandals ever you probably think of deflated balls or even doping but Sala Losi delivered a truly slimy move back in 2010 that has left him forever in infamy back in 2010 he was the strength coach for the New York Jets and in a game against the Miami Dolphins the Jets were on defense and the Dolphins cornerback Nolan Caroll was running a route as Carol ran close to OSI and the Jets bench OSI went out of his way to trip him breaking down the entire play watch the knee here being stuck out on purpose to trip up Nolan Carroll not sure who that person is but they should be ashamed of themselves it wasn't only a Losi though according to reporters after the game he had actually ordered inactive Jets players to form a human barricade along the sidelines and this made it even more difficult for opposing players to pass through that side without getting hit OSI was eventually hit with a $25,000 fine and then suspended for the rest of the season without pay he left the Jets in 2011 and has not worked in the NFL ever since number eight Romano fady when you're a professional athlete being able to maintain your calm will be one of your biggest strengths however it appeared that Romano fat didn't quite get that lesson early on while competing at the San Marino Moto 2 fatti was trying to work a turn when a rival racer Stefano monzi overtook him enraged at the turn of events fady immediately drove towards monzi and literally pulled his rival's front brakes considering that they were riding fting at over 130 mph Fat's actions could literally have killed monzi he was immediately disqualified from the race got his racing license revoked and his contract with the Marinelli snipers team was immediately terminated things got so severe that the Italian justice system had even considered charging fady with attempted murder and to be fair they do have a point it was a truly risky move that could have gone way South number seven Olympic bad Mitten players at the 2012 London Olympics the competition's organizers had engaged a around Robin first for badminton this meant that all teams would face each other at some point the results of the matches would then be used to make the groupings ensuring that similarly matched teams would face each other some smart teams found that by intentionally throwing some of these earlier matches they could get grouped in with inferior opponents in The Knockout phases in the women's doubles tournament the team from China decided to exploit this strategy but they were not the only ones their opponents from South Korea also had the exact same plan with both teams set on losing on purpose you can imagine how terrible that the entire game was it was a mess and several other countries which included Indonesia and Malaysia were also caught trying to do the same thing they all ended up getting disqualified together number six Brian Carrasco in 2011 Chilean Defender Brian Carrasco found himself in no man's land as his country would face the ecuadorians in the under 21 World Cup qualifier with Ecuador gearing up for a throwin and up one goal Carrasco moved behind Ecuadorian Striker Edson Montano for a tackle he knew full well that Montano was a much bigger guy than he was so instead of trying to take him on he took Montano's hand and literally punched himself in the face with it [Applause] the referee immediately called for a replay and everyone had a huge laugh when they saw that Carrasco had quite literally taken one for the team the crazy thing was that carrasco's Ploy worked Chile got a free kick out of it but they failed to convert it and then went on to lose the match one to nothing still though big Bryan definitely deserved an Oscar for that performance number five Shahed afredi when you're playing sports you can easily work up an appetite just ask Shahid afredi the Pakistani cricketer was the subject of some controversy back in 2010 as his country faced off against Australia in the one-day International with Australia winning by a wide margin afredi turned to desperation as he looked to give his team the advantage he decided to Scuff the ball a bit so that his bowler could have a better grip the problem however was that the guy didn't just press down on the ball or even try a more subtle way of scuffing he literally chomped down on it the action immediately drew the umpire's attention although a Frey claimed that he was just trying to smell the ball I mean smell the ball with your mouth and why would you be smelling the ball anyways afredi would receive a two- match ban for ball tampering and at least he got enough time to fill up on some real food afterwards number four Patrick Reed if you're a golfer you probably know that the most difficult shots are the ones that you have to hit at an awkward angle but instead of testing his skills Patrick Reed decided to try a cheeky maneuver fresh off of his 2018 Master's win Reed became the subject of significant controversy at the 2019 Hero World Challenge after his ball became stuck in a sand dune Reed's solution was to test out different clubs but camera soon caught him deliberately trying to move some sand away from underneath of his ball he definitely took some sand back behind it now you can grab you can ground the club there he not only did it once he did it twice grounding the club alone in the golf is against the rules let alone shifting mounds of sand away from the ball Reed was immediately caught and given a two- stroke penalty and even worse his shot didn't even work the ball just rolled over and moved off the green Karma you strike once again number three Valentino Rossi in the world of Moto GP I don't think that we've ever seen a rivalry quite like the one between Mark Marquez and Valentino Rossi these motorcycle Gods fought for Supremacy in the sport for several years battling it out at every chance they got however this rivalry reached the boiling point at the 2015 Malaysian Grand Prix Marquez had been looking to overtake Rossy on a corner in the 13th lap and the two drivers came within inches of each other despite being poised to take the position Marquez suddenly dipped in crashed moving entirely off the track Marquez got up without any injury but immediately had claimed that Rossi had purposefully kicked him off and a replay sure seemed to back that up he absolutely mugs Rossy on the outside rossie looks [Applause] really Rossy who was already a nine-time world champion would be given a three-point penalty meaning that he'd have to start the next race at the back of the grid number two Mike Ty Mike Tyson was one of the most fearsome boxers in the world and in his prime the guy was the baddest man on the planet knocking out opponents in the first round and making people tremble at his mere presence but Iron Mike as he was called also had a bit of an anger problem as his career would go on and in 1997 while fighting the new kid on the Block Evander Holyfield Mike would let his temper get the better of him and then bit his opponent's ear at that bite now here's a bite keep keep your eye on Mike see Mike has just see look at him you can see it you can see it there it is I can't believe what I'm seeing fellas things would go even more heated when Mike appeared to shove Evander after the latter had made a fuss about being bitten the replay immediately flagged Mike for biting Evander and he was given a one-point deduction the match was eventually stopped after things became too heated and after the fight Mike's boxing license would be revoked for a year and had to pay a $3 million fine Mike and nander Holyfield did become friends later in life so I guess there is a silver lining everywhere number one Diego Maradona Diego midona was and perhaps still is one of the best soccer players to ever touch the pitch with the likes of men like P and Messi Maradona is easily on soccer's Mount Rushmore but while players like P and Messi tend to have a bit of a clear-cut image Maradona was definitely not the goody two shoes from drug scandals to wild parties he was untameable and in many cases also let his penchant for crazy Antics get on the field as well the most infamous event for Maradona came in the 1986 World Cup his Argentina would face off against England in a match to determine who would go through to the semis despite being scoreless in the first half the match soon came to life in the second when Maradona skipped past multiple English players and then headed into the English box a loose ball came off a Defender and midona quickly Rose to meet it but the diminutive Argentine Maestro fell just short of the ball improvising in a second he decided to raise his hand close to his head and use it to guide the ball into the English goal poost scoring with what he famously called the hand of God pretty much everyone knew what had happened Maradona had literally handled the ball into the net but because the refs and linesmen couldn't see it they allowed the goal today that incident which has come to be known as the hand of God remains the most infamous goal in World Cup history and considering that Argentina went on to win the World Cup that year it was quite the doozy people being desperate to win is not a new thing but I think we can all agree that these guys definitely took things to far what do you think have you ever been caught cheating in sports let me know all about it in the comments comment section down below
Channel: Top Discovery
Views: 2,156,020
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Keywords: discovery, unexplained, mysterious, top 10, top 15, top discovery, space, universe, science, techology, mystery, facts, interesting, discovery channel, discovery plus, scientists discovery, aliens, ufo, terrifying discoveries, top, they discovered, invention, future, galaxy, james webb, elon musk, business, entertainment
Id: bij1X2if0u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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