20 AI Tools To Make Amazing Videos (You NEED to Know)

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consistently creating content online can be really hard especially if you're trying to make videos for places like YouTube Instagram reals Tik Tok and other video forward platforms luckily we have ai to help and every single bottleneck that you can think of that a barrier for people to actually create content can pretty much be solved with AI these days so in this video I want to walk through sort of every bottleneck and excuse that people have to create content and then show you an AI tool or two that can help you get over that bottleneck starting with coming up with ideas for videos as well as titles and even whole outlines or scripts if you need them to make the video for these use cases jet GPT and Claud are both great options and they both have free tiers that you can use if you don't even know what Niche you want to create videos in both of these tools are very helpful in helping you come up with a niche so for example I can go to chat GPT and give it a prompt like I want to create a new YouTube channel on a new topic help me brainstorm ideas for Niche by asking me questions and helping me narrow down ideas that will be both fun for me to make and has a potentially large audience size I can give it this and it will now go back and forth with me asking me questions to narrow down a niche for me so for example it's asking me about my current passions it's asking me if I've noticed any current emerging Trends it's asking me about my skills and hobbies and my content type preferences unique angles and even collaboration opportunities and by answering these questions it will help me narrow down on the niche that I should be talking about on YouTube but let's say I know my Niche already and I need ideas for videos to generate within that Niche using chat GPT or Claud I can ask it to suggest ideas so for example let me ask Claude here suggest 10 ideas for YouTube videos that are likely to get a lot of views in the niche of creating drone videos and just like that 10 new ideas top 10 breathtaking locations for footage mastering cinematic drone shots tips and techniques Etc if you're thinking about getting in the Drone Niche go ahead and pause the video and take a peek at some of the other suggestions but let's say okay I've got an idea for a video now I want to script for the video personally I don't script videos everything I do is off the cuff I have an outline on my monitor to the right of me here so I make sure I hit the points I want but I don't really script that much but let's say I did script and that's a bottleneck for me let's say I want to make a video on drone racing the Ultimate Guide suggestion number seven here I can simply go to Claude and this works in chat GPT as well and say write a script for a 10-minute video around suggestion number seven let's go ahead and let it process that and just like that I have a 10minute video script that I can roll with here we have an introduction part one what is drone racing part two getting started with drone racing part three top racing drone recommendations part four tips and techniques and then a conclusion I can just go and read this script and have the sort of foundation of a brand new video chat GPT and Claude are perfect for coming up with niches coming up with ideas for videos scripting the videos once you have the video ready helping you think of titles once you have a title thinking of thumbnail ideas for example I can say great give me three ideas for eye-catching YouTube thumbnails for this video and quickly it gave me three ideas but it also gave me bullet points explaining what should be in each thumbnail all all right so we know what we're making our video about we even have a script we have thumbnail ideas title ideas we've got that part dialed in now we actually need to make the video so let's talk about some of the bottlenecks you might run into there starting with b-roll maybe you want some video footage throughout the entire video well there's a handful of resources that can help you with that as well starting with Pika Labs Pika Labs lets you generate little 4 second video clips and now a new feature even adds sound effects to the video clips if you want them in there so for example here's a clip of some bacon with sound effects of that bacon sizzling here's a video of some whales underwater with some bubbly water sounds underneath fireworks and this one's actually 7 seconds because when you generate videos inside of Pika there's actually an option to add 4 seconds so you can extend the videos longer and longer now these are obviously AI generated images you're not going to fool any body but with enough prompting and enough attempts you can find the exact video clips that you want in your video now another option outside of paika is Runway ml.com they have a similar AI video generator if I come to generate videos click on generate I can start with an image here or I can start with a text prompt so let's go ahead and use the default text prompt that was already sitting here a group of people walking down the street at night with umbrellas on the Windows of stores and a bicycle in a Danish Village we can do a quick free preview this will give us a little screenshot of the video and we can see some Stills I think this bottom right one looks pretty decent so let's use this as our image input and then we have a ton of settings I click on general settings here we can interpolate we can upscale we can remove the watermark if you're on a paid version we can change the seed if you have a specific seed you want to use we've got camera angles with horizontal and roll and tilt and pan and vertical and zoom we've got motion brush where we can highlight just certain areas of the video and say we only want that portion of the video to animate and you can create multiple brushes so maybe we just want the people on the bicycles and the trees over here to move we can create separate brushes and just animate the portions we want let's just generate our 4-second video based on this image here and here's the video that it generated with the bicycles going down the street not bad you can use this for b-roll and let's say you want it even longer we have an extend 4 second button up here we press this and the video goes 4 seconds longer another tool that can generate videos with AI is Leonardo AI they actually have a option for motion down here upload an image or pick from an recent image that you generated select the motion strength and generate your video and here's what it generated again perfectly usable for some b-roll inside of your video let's say you don't want to use AI generated video you don't have to personally I use story blocks not sponsored not going to go into a whole spiel about story blocks but if Boll is a hang-up for you story blocks is a good source of real non AI generated footage that you can use in your videos as well maybe you need some images for your videos a lot of times I'll make a video and I'll mention this company is a dumpster fire or something like that well a lot of times I want to flash an image on this screen to do that there's a lot of AI image generators you've probably heard of most of them Leonardo still probably my favorite you go to the image generation and and simply type something like dumpster fire click generate and I get a couple images that I can use when I say the words dumpster fire on my video and if you're curious Leonardo AI does have a free plan up to 150 daily tokens beyond that you can upgrade to the $10 a month plan and get a lot more I use Leonardo a lot there's a lot of other AI image generation tools that will do similar things just as well if you want to use Dolly 3 you can go to Bing image Creator at bing.com imagesc creat once again let's just do dumpster fire and we get something like this this one went more of the cartoony angle but again you can continue to do prompts until you get it right co-pilot allows you up to 100 images a day and I think even after that you could still generate more images they're just a slower generation time idiograms another great one that you can use for free up to a certain amount of generations per day here's my dumpster fire images there's also playground.com I just had it generate an image of a dumpster fire here's what it came up with if you need images to throw into your videos there are tons of options most of them you can use for free all right so you got your video ideas your titles your thumbnail ideas your royaltyfree video in the background your royaltyfree images throughout the video let's talk about audio now there are a handful of tools out there where you can generate music and use it in your video royaltyfree music effects which is available on the AI Test Kitchen here you can find it AI test kitchen. withg google.com/ toolmusic effects I'll link it up don't worry I could give it a prompt like an upbeat poppy song for an exciting YouTube video click generate and we get something like this that we can use in our [Music] video he they even gave us two options I can slide over here and listen to this [Music] one both sound fairly similar but both royaltyfree and totally cool to use in a video just click download and we're good to go another one I really like is called mubert that uses AI as well to help you generate background music in fact if you've been watching my channel for a while you may even recognize one of the songs that I used to use in my videos a [Music] lot and this can generate fairly long songs as well where music effects is only 30 seconds maybe you want a song with actual lyrics in it maybe you want a jingle for your YouTube channel sunno AI is awesome at that it will actually generate the music with the lyrics head on over too. and they even have a free plan where you get 50 credits daily which gets you 10 songs but if we create a song we can either give it a suggestion and let GPT essentially write the song for us or we can go to custom mode and enter our own lyrics and it'll make the song with the lyrics that we gave it we can even roll the dice here and let it generate its own random song if we want it to be just instrumental once again great for background music we can do that as well but I really want to show you how well this does songs with lyrics I can give it a prompt like a poppy upbeat song about how you should subscribe to Matt wolf on YouTube to stay in the loop on the latest AI news AI tools and tutorials now I can click create it's going to create two variations of the song it's going to write the lyrics for me make the background music make the vocals over the background music and then give them back to me about a minute later our first song is done here so let's go ahead and take a listen you H the nose there's a place where you can choose to be in the never out day all you got to do is subscribe in way that wolf name he's got the goods bringing you the latest in May I like no one could for news tools tutorials and more stay ahead of the game that's for that's so come on stay the loop stay in the loop in the loop sub to [Music] don't not bad at all this next song here it's going to be the same exact lyrics but they're going to put a different style around it there's a place where you can choose to be in the no never out of date all you got to do subscribe that way Matt Wolf's the name he's got the goods Matt Wolf's the name he's got the goods bringing in the lest in air like no one could from news to tools tutorials and more stay ahead of the game that's for sure come on stay Lo don't be SC you get the idea it will make fullon songs with all the music all the lyrics everything this is one of the craziest most fun AI tools that are available and you can use them inside of your YouTube videos if that's a current hangup of yours let's talk about voiceover maybe you don't want to do the voice over yourself maybe English is your second language and you're a little insecure about speaking on video or maybe you're not good at talking off the cuff and you want to pre-plan it and type what's going to be said and have it spoken well that's where we turn to 11 labs. probably the best textto speech generation tool on the market right now and what's amazing about 11 Labs is you can actually train it on your own voice I've already trained a mat wolf voice into this I could type whatever I want and it will read it in my voice so this is what this sounds like this is what it sounds like when there is an AI version of Matt wolf speaking I didn't say that the computer said it and then when I'm ready to download this clip just click the download button and you've got it ready for you but again if you have a strong accent or it doesn't really sound like you when you train your voice in they literally have an entire Marketplace of other available voice these are the voices that I've created in my own account here but if we click on voice Library you can see sort of a NeverEnding list of potential voices to work with so grab the one that you think will suit your video the best and roll with it let me know in the comment section below this is the Cod archive and I'll see you tomorrow take care but 11 Labs isn't great for just speech it can also make sound effects in your videos if I head over to the left sidebar here they have a sound effects option and you simply describe the sound effect that you want to hear and click generate I'll just put a raging fire in the background with Sirens in the foreground it generated five variations for [Music] me it did great with the Sirens but didn't really get the Raging Fire so let's just do a raging fire and generate sound effects maybe if I want a video where there's a raging fire and Sirens I just generate the Raging Fire sound effect and I generate the siren sound effect and just overlay them in my editor here's what we get sounds pretty raging yeah these are good this is kind of what I had in mind so video sound effects solved with AI as well let's say you do want to record the vocals but maybe you recorded in a noisy environment or recorded on a suboptimal microphone like an iPhone or something like that well in this scenario we turn to Adobe speech enhancer also known as Adobe podcast if you go to podcast. adobe.com enhance you can drop any noisy audio file here and it will clean it up and remove the background noise for you okay so now we've got the video recorded but we want to edit it quicker editing can kind of be a bit of a pain in the butt but there are some tools out there that speed up the process by a little bit my favorite quick editing tool is this tool called time bolt over at timbol doio and this tool is really powerful to edit quickly in fact let me just boot it up for you this is what time bolt looks like here and what I can do is I can import a video file I'm just going to open up the first part of this video the video you're watching now I recorded in two parts if I just open up part one of this video inside of time bolt you can see how it has the green areas and the red areas the red areas are just silence those are the Parts where in between me speaking I paused or thought about what I was going to say or read my notes real quick and what this does is automatically it just cuts out all of those silent portions in my video where there's no speaking you can see just by pulling it into time bolt here it's reduced my video length by 16 minutes and 59 seconds so a video that's about 27 minutes long or so is now down to 10 minutes and 22 seconds and literally all I did was open it up enti time bolt I haven't done anything else yet but then I also find time bolt really really easy to edit as well so right here I kind of repeat myself starting with coming up with ideas for videos starting with coming up with ideas for videos as well I don't need this first take here so all I do is click this click this it's edited out so what I typically do is I put my playback speed to 2x press play on the beginning of my video listen through and any of these chunks where I respoke because I didn't like the way I said it the first time I just mute that section and move on this might have sounded good this part H I want to edit out I don't like it click that it's edited out and I just go through my whole video it automatically removes the silences and then I play back at 2x speed it should take me roughly 5 minutes to get through the whole thing and I will just sit there and cut out the sections that I don't want in my video they also have an um remover you click this it transcribes the videos finds the ums and removes those but there is an extra cost to doing that this saves me so much time with editing I love it I don't think this is technically AI but if editing is a bottleneck for you in creating videos this tool is a lifesaver now the other tool that I really like for editing does definitely use Ai and that is descript you can find it over at descript doccom and they do even have a free version but what this does is you can upload a video so for example I uploaded the open interpreter video here and it transcribed the entire video for me so I have a transcript of the video right out of the gate and to edit this video using descript all I do is edit portions of the time script let's say I want to cut out this whole sentence I can select this sentence here you can see down here it finds it in the timeline and then if I just hit delete it just deletes that sentence but it also deleted it in the video timeline down here so I edited a video by reading the transcript and just deleting the sections of the transcript that I don't want in there anymore if you canbin time bolt and descript and you use them both to edit your videos editing is really really fast and because descript transcribes the whole thing for you well if you need captions on your videos script just did it for us if I come up to the publish Link in the top right of descript here and next to this publish here there's an option for export if I click on export you can see we've got video audio gift timeline transcript subtitles I can select subtitles and it will export it as an SRT file I can take that SRT file pull it directly into Adobe Premiere or D Vinci res olve or I can throw it into YouTube Facebook Twitter when I upload a video and it will add those transcripts to that video automatically maybe you want your video in other languages maybe you recorded it in Japanese and you want an English version or maybe you record it in English and you want to make it available to the other languages that commonly visit your channel Heen perfect for that because not only does haen dub over your voice in the new language with your voice it also makes the lips look like you are speaking in that other language it is pretty mind-blowing honestly for example here's a video of me speaking in Spanish fols you can see my lips actually look like they're moving to the new language that it dubbed over here's a version in German fols tools and and another one in Hindi Future tools it is crazy good for translation making it sound like my voice and making it look like I'm actually saying the thing they also have this feature called video avatars where maybe you want to be on screen but you don't want to record the whole video maybe you don't have a camera well you can create an avatar of yourself like I did here come over to the AI Studio create a new video with AI Studio let's do a landscape I can select my avatar that I created here I can change the text down here to say whatever I want like please subscribe to Matt wolf on YouTube and check out Future tools and let's submit it and here's what it looks like please subscribe to Matt wolf on YouTube and check out Future tools I didn't record that video right now I mean you can see a little bit the mouth there's some uncanniness going on but it looks pretty close to how my video edits look anyway now let's talk about video repurposing let's set you made a long form video that's 15 minutes long on YouTube and you want to cut out some clips for Tik Tok for reals for YouTube shorts for places like that well check out opus.one form video it uses AI to find the short chunks that it think have the potential to go viral and then split it out into short videos so in my case I'll go ahead and grab this newest news video that I made I'll get the YouTube link for it and just pop it right there and then it gives me a button to get Clips in one click it's going to use about 28 credits but I get 1 hour worth of credits and if you know you want it to just kind of review a certain section of the video to find the clips you can narrow down and say I just wanted to find Clips in this section but for this demo let's go ahead and let it scan the whole video and get Clips in one click it tells me my estimated waiting time is about 16 minutes but I can leave this page and it will email me once my Clips are ready and after roughly 16 minutes or so we have a handful of clips that it pulled out for us now since we are on the free version it did add the watermark but you can upgrade if you want to get rid of the water Mark here's an example of a 33 second clip that it generated this is a term you're probably going to start hearing a lot of over the coming months and years and that is the concept of a digital twin and a digital twin is essentially a virtual environment that is designed to mimic the real world environment that the these AIS will be operating in but you can sort of simulate and test things out in this digital twin this virtual environment before bringing them into the real world and as part of this announcement they announced Earth 2 which is a digital twin of the entire Earth and as you can see during the points where I was speaking it had my face centered in the video during the portions where I showed video clips and b-roll it showed the entire b-roll and throughout the entire video it generated subtitles for me those subtitles weren't in the original video Opus clip put those in so now I have a bunch of clips that I can use on reals or Tik Tok or wherever and I didn't have to go and re-edit them Opus clip just did it for me once your video is live and published on YouTube I love to use Tu buddy for optimization they have a handful of AI tools like a title generator or a suggested shorts similar to Opus clip it will find sections of the video that it will suggest as clips for you now doesn't automatically clip them out like Opus clip it just helps you find them but pretty helpful nonetheless and they have a thumbnail analyzer which will allow you to upload thumbnails and it will tell you which one it thinks will perform the best now this video is not sponsored by tube buddy although tubebuddy is a sponsor of this channel on a lot of other videos it just makes the cut because if optimizing and marketing your video is one of your barriers to entry for getting going on YouTube well hopefully Tu budy can give you one less barrier to overcome and next up let's talk about Nvidia a tool that has sponsored this channel in the past but is not sponsoring this video specifically this is a tool where you can give it a single text prompt and it will generate an entire video off of that prompt some examples of videos I did in the past was this 11 minute and 43 second video about how to light a video and if we scrub through the video here it wrote the script did the voice over added the background music added the sound effects found all the stock video and images to go along with the video and then added the captions down on the bottom all from one single text prompt and if we look at my history here you can see I've made a bunch of other videos like understanding three-way lighting circuits revolutionizing Healthcare with AI a digital Christmas miracle space travel a silly Odyssey all of these videos one text prompt into an entire video and later this week I'm going to be talking about another tool called LTX Studio which similar to video allows you to create a whole video with a single prompt the big difference is invid goes and finds stock video and makes the video very realistic looking LTX Studio goes and generates all the clips for the video using AI video generators now there's a lot more details around LTX Studio I'm going to be releasing a video on Thursday about this that is March 28th for anybody who's watching this video in the future and we will do a deep dive breakdown into LT TX studio and how with a single text prompt you could make an entire YouTube video with that and there you have it there is a ton of tools to get you past any roadblock you might be encountering to create content online whether you don't have ideas for a video or a niche or you can't make b-roll video or you can't create stock footage or images for the background or you need background music you need sound effects you need to clean up the audio you need to caption the video you need to translate the video anything you want to do there is an AI for that in the production process and I imagine it's only a matter of time before we need less and less of these tools because a single Suite will do all of it but as of right now every little struggle you might be running into to create a video AI has that solution and if there's a different problem that you're running into that I didn't mention on this video that's what Future tools is for this is a website where I curate all of the latest and coolest AI tools that I come across and make them sortable so you can find exactly what you're looking for so for example example I can click on text to video and let's say video editing and you can see it found 87 tools that deal with text to video and video editing and there are a ton of tools that I did not talk about in this video that you can go test out and play around with I also have a free newsletter over at Future tools where I'll just share with you the coolest AI tools that I come across each week as well as a handful of the most important AI news articles and if you sign up to this free newsletter I will hook you up with the AI income database an Ever updated database of cool and interesting ways to build a side hustle and make money using AI tools you can find it all over at futur tools. and again completely free so thank you so much for tuning into this video I hope you found it useful informative and learned about some new tools that you can go play with in your workflow if you like videos like this and you want to learn about more tools and stay in the loop with the latest news make sure you subscribe to this Channel and like this video and I will make sure more videos like this show up in your YouTube feed thank you once again for tuning in I really really appreciate you I'll see you in the next bye-bye
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 92,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Future Tools, Matt Wolfe, AI News, AI Tools, ai tools, ai video, ai content creation, ai video editing, ai video tools, best ai tools, ai video generator, ai video editor, ai video maker, ai video creator, best ai video creator, ai video editing tools, ai video editing software, ai video editing app, ai content creation tools, ai, tech, video editing, matt wolfe, invideo ai, openai, runway, ai generated video, ai music, ai art
Id: eLs7zpEDnBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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