2 Samuel 17: The Bitterness of Ahithophel (Pastor Roger Jimenez | VBC Sacramento, CA)

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yes and let's bow our heads and have a word of Prayer Heavenly Father Lord we come to you tonight asking that you please bless this time as we open up your word but I pray that you please give me clarity of mind to say those things that you have me to say father helped me not to say those things which would not be pleasing to you and lord I pray that you'd help us as we look at this passage tonight and as we study out the principles found here that you would help me to be able to communicate clearly your word Lord and that you might deal with us tonight if there's anything that in our hearts that we can learn from this world I pray you'd help us not to just have ears that hear Lord but that would we would apply it to our lives help us to have open hearts ready to hear your word and your precious name I pray amen all right well we're there in second samuel chapter number 17 and we've been studying the book of 2nd samuel going verse by verse chapter by chapter and we've been several weeks now in this rebellion of of David with his son Absalom and tonight we're going to deal specifically with the subject of I hit the foul and we're going to talk about a hitter fell tonight he commits suicide in this chapter but before we can really jump into the chapter I just want to do a little bit of review on the life of a hit the pelt and just show you several things i hit the fell you're there in second samuel chapter number 17 turn a few pages back to chapter number 15 and i want you to notice verse number 12 second samuel chapter 15 and verse 12 second samuel 15 and verse 12 the bible says this an absolute sent for a hit the foul the gillion night once you notice the Bible tells us here David's counselor I hit the foul was not just some guy that was around her in the kingdom of David a hit the foul served as a counselor just like today the president united states will have a cabinet you know of people that helped him and counseled him and help him lead the nation david had men like Joab who led the military and men like I hit them foul whose job was to bring him Council this was somebody that David trusted this money that David thought of as a friend this was somebody that David thought highly of in regards to their their their counsel and their wisdom and their the way that they thought and this this is who I hit the foul was he was David's counselor he was David's friend he was he was he was someone that David trusted in but of course as we've seen over the last several weeks I hit LaFell ended up turning on David you're there in second samuel 15 verse 12 looked down at verse number 31 second samuel chapter 15 look at verse number 31 notice what the bible says and one told David is saying I hit the foul is among the conspiracy conspiracy that someone I want you to notice the reaction by David because we've seen David react to other people where he's basically said remember when when ziba came and said and brought David the gifts David asked you know where's your master son where's my pit bull shot he expected my pit bull to come out and support him and to be part of his group so when when David finds out about a hit the file notice his reaction is not what I can't believe that or he's not asking where as I hit the fell where's my trusted friend where's my counselor notice he's told there in verse 31 I hit the fellas among the conspirators with Absalom and here's a response and David said oh lord i pray thee turned the counsel of a hit the fell into foolishness notice he's not really surprised by it he almost seems like he expected he just he hears about it and then he just pretty makes a prayer to God he says Lord I know hit the fellow is a smart guy I know hit the Bell is a wise guy know I hit the foul such as my counselor and probably will serve as a council of Absalom and Lord I'm just praying that you would please turn the council of a hit tha fell into foolishness but I want you notice there's no reaction of surprise there's no question as to what happened or he's not asking where's the hit tha felt like he was asking for my pit bull it's almost like he expected it and you would say well what happened to a hit FL what is the reason that a hit the foul turned on day his trusted friend his counselor someone that David promoted up to to a place of leadership to a place a prestige where I hid the vote was just known as a man we'll look at it here in a little bit but the Bible tells us when I hit the phone spoke people listened people respected what he had to say when they asked him a question they knew that they were getting the correct answer and you'd say why would I hit the foul turn on David you're there in second samuel chapter 15 I want you to look at verse 12 again because I want you to just make note of something and before I even show you that let me say this i hit the fellows a very bitter man i hit the fellow was bitter at David and towards David and it ended up destroying his life and I want to teach you from the life of I hit the fell just several things that we can learn about this idea of bitterness because I hit the fell ended up ruining his life because he was very bitter at David and let me say this it was a justifiable bitterness are you there in second samuel 15 look at verse 12 and Absalom sent for once you notice those three words I hit the fell the Gila night you see that I want you remember that's what the hitter fella is I hit the fell was I hit the fell the Gila night you say why is that important keep your place there in second samuel warren up we're right not going to come back to chapter 15 but we'll be back to chapter 17 but go let's fast forward a little bit to 2nd samuel chapter number 23 second samuel chapter 23 and i want you to look down at verse number 34 now in second samuel 23 we are being given a list of David's mighty men the warriors that fought with David and in that list we are told about a young man named aalayam look at second Samuel 23 looking verse number 34 and live to let the son of a house by the son of make a fight comma that's a that's a different person then notice what the Bible says here L I am the son of a hit the foul the Gila night do you see that L I am the son of a hit the fell the Gila night see a hit fell had a son by the name of a lion and a lion was one of David's mighty man he wasn't the general he wasn't running the show but he was part of the group he was part of the military he was sold out for Dave and he was on David Todd and I want you to resent this is the family I hit the fell this was a family that was loyal to David this was a family that was patriotic to the nation of Israel you have a hit though fell working for the king working as a cabinet member working as someone who counsels the king and then you've got to hit the fellow son who's one of David's a mighty man he's one of the Warriors that helped save it in a fight state on behalf of David so we have a hit the foul the gala night and he has a son by the name of a line you say well why is that important go to second samuel chapter number 11 second samuel chapter number 11 now in second samuel chapter 11 we have the famous story that we spent time going through that story about David committing adultery with a young lady by the name of Bathsheba in second samuel chapter number 11 in verse number three the Bible says this and David sent and inquired after the war member when he first saw her he sent and inquired after the woman and one said he said who is that over there that young lady taking a bath over there you know who is that and one said is not this Bathsheba the daughter of you see that name alya the wife of Uriah the Hittite tell what you understand something I hit the Bell had a son by the name of a lion and a lion had a daughter by the name of Bathsheba and David knowing full well who Bathsheba was knowing full well who Bathsheba's not only husband was who was a mighty man at fought for David but whose Bathsheba's father was a lion who was a mighty man who fought were David and David knowing full well who Bathsheba's grandfather was a hit the foul the Gila night his counselor chose to commit adultery with Bathsheba chose to take advantage of his power to take advantage of his position to take advantage of the influence that he held and not only the foul Bathsheba had Uriah the Hittite put to death and I hit the foul watches all of this go by now here's the thing I don't have any grandchildren obviously I've got children I can tell you this i love my children very much and i'm not a grandparent but you know I think grandparents love their grandchildren as much if not more than their children I mean they're called grandchildren for a real for a reason right they must be grander than children I guess you know I can tell you this if a hit the ball was anything like any normal person he loved Bathsheba very much this is someone who watched I mean I'm sure I don't know the Bible doesn't tell us but I know that my wife and I whenever we've had children my mom and dad are there within hours of the birth to see that child I'm sure I hit the felt was there when aalayam sad hey Dad my wife is pregnant I'm sure he hit the phone was there when allam's wife gave birth to a little girl and I hit the fella might have asked what are you going to name her and and he would have answered that but we're gonna call her bath Shabbat I'm sure he hit the valve held Bathsheba and look at her eyes and said what a pretty name I'm sure hit the felt watch this little girl as she grew up and watch learn to walk and watch learn become a young lady I'm sure I hit the fell I remember my wife and i got married her grandparents came down from all the way down from several hours away to be to coming our way I'm sure hit the fell was there when Bathsheba on your right and hit I got married I'm just trying to explain to you the Bible is not just a brook that records events these are real people with real emotions with real thing and here you have a HIPAA fell who's David's counselor who's David's friend who's in his trusted advisor and he sits back and watches this whole thing play out he is in sight he's not stupid he can do math I mean you're iodized and not David's married to your eye and the baby comes before nine months you know I mean he can figure it out now I will explain something to you that I hit the fell I believe became very very bitter towards AP and justifiably so I'd be mad to see make your way back to second chapter 17 I want you to understand several things about this idea of bitterness if you don't have a child in your lap I'd like you to write these things down point number one this morning is this this morning goodnight this evening is this bitterness when allowed to take root will consume you bitterness when a lot to take root will consume you once you notice verse number 10 second sandwich chapter 17 the Bible says moreover hit the fellow said unto Absalom now notice I hit the phones ringing his counsel to Absalom and i want you to notice what he says and I want you two to notice the the anger that almost fills out in the council that he gives to David moreover a handsome fellow senator Absalom knows what he says he says let me notice he doesn't say let we or let us but he says he's at me let me do it notice that let me now choose out 12,000 men and don't miss this and I just see that I will come upon him you see that he is not saying hey lets us go and battle them it's very personal he says let me do it Absalom let me now choose out 12,000 men and I will arise and pursue after David this night knows were sooo and I will come upon him while he is weary and weak handed and I and will make him what do they he say and I will make him afraid you see that and all the people that are with him shall flee notice we said and I will smite the king notice how angry it is he is I will smite the king only he says after him let me go and I'll kill David myself is that I don't have to kill anybody out just let me David I don't have to hurt anybody else just let me hurt David I don't have to make anybody's right just let me make David afraid lovers three and i will bring back all the people unto thee the man whom they'll seek is as eyes of all return so all the people shall be in peace and the saying please Absalom well and all the elders of Israel I keep a place there in second samuel chapter 17 lucky to go with me to the book of Hebrews Hebrews chapter number 12 it towards the end of the New Testament you start at the end of Bible you got the book of Revelation if you have backwards you're going to go past Jude first second and third John first second Peter James and Hebrews Hebrews chapter 12 do me a favor when you get there put a bullet in or a ribbon or a bookmark there because we're going to leave it and we're going to come back to it Hebrews chapter 12 and look at verse 15 I want you to understand that bitterness when allowed to take root will consume you and Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 15 the Bible says this looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God notice what it lacks us lest any root of bitterness about doesn't talk like this about a lot of sins but here the Bible tells us the sin of bitterness is unique in that it will take root do you understand what that means it'll do it'll go down deep it'll you know sometimes it's difficult you know you got these little weeds they don't have much of a root you can pluck them out real easily but you walk up to an oak tree you're going to have a real hard time getting that we just pulling that thing off the ground because it's got some roots that go down deep that give it strength and God says there's something about bitterness there's something about being bitter and angry and unforgiving towards somebody who maybe is totally justifiable they hurt my child they hurt my grandchild they did me wrong and I have to show up to work and small at David and act like nothing was going on while he's betraying my family I'm not saying it's not justifiable but i will show you this when bitterness is allowed to take road it will consume you looking diligently lest any man failed the grace of godless any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled see it will consume you the Bible says but if you but but if you bite and devour one another take heed lest ye be consumed one of another see the thing about bitterness is not like other sins where where people will agonize over it people will just constantly fester on it they'll be thinking about it every time they see that person they'll be mad and they'll get angry and don't think well well they did this to me and they did that to me they you know I trusted them and I can't believe it but listen to me I'm not saying it's not justifiable in fact many people will deal with bitters and alyssa me if we gave you the Mike and we said you got you get up here and you tell us a story if I hit the phone was here this evening and we said I hit the ball you come up here and you tell us here we'll give you the Mike you tell us your story and he got up here and he said well I had a son named aalayam and I had a daughter and they had a daughter and I had a beautiful granddaughter and David River life look we would all probably agree with him you can get up here and tell your story about your mom or your dad or your husband or your wife or that church member or that neighbor and we might agree with you it may be justifiable we might all say yeah I'd be mad I'd be angry but listen to me when bitterness is allowed to take root whether it's justified or not it will consume you it will take over your life I hit the girl shows up to work that day Absalom says what should we do he says let me go kill him I'll bring back everybody else he's consumed by bitterness when allowed to take root will consume you number two bitter people will seek out bitter people notice what happens here in second samuel 15 go back to second same in 15 I told you we're going to go back that and I apologize we are 2nd Samuel 15 notice that the Bible says and Absalom and Absalom who's Absalom a bitter young man why David his full sister was raped by his half-brother and David took no action and he got angry and he got mad and he festered on it and he got upset about it and the root of bitterness took in the heart of Absalom and notice what Absalom does when he takes over the kingdom verse 12 and Absalom sent called for I hit the phone you said why would absolutely call it hit the bell I tell you this Absalom cause of his FL because Peter people seek out better people to be bitter with bitter people will fight and it's amazing it's like you know the phrase birds of a feather flock together is so true and you were just fine people and you know sometimes people get mad at me as the pastor of this church and I'll be the first to set up and say it's totally justifiable I mean sometimes I'm like man I'd be mad at me too if I was here there's plenty of people will seek each other out and say you know you'll find a wife who's disgruntled with her husband and she'll find another wife which was going to with her husband and those are in that room and talk about their husbands you'll find a husband who's upset at his wife and he'll just find somebody else to complain about his wife too or his pastor to or his boss too you'll find employees at work that they're bitter and upset about something the Boston and then another one's bitter upset and also and you got two best friends just being bitter together you know why because bitter people find bitter people to be better with because bitterness is a unique sin in the sense that if you allow it to it takes deep root in your heart and consumes you see bitter people seek out bitter people to be pitter with look at second Samuel 16 look at verse 20 remember the first counsel that hit the ball gave Absalom second Samuel 16 and verse 20 notice what the Bible says then said Absalom to a HIPAA vocal number I'm to him set for hit the foul hit the I hit the ball shows up then set out to him to hit the phone give counsel among you what shall we do and I hit the bell said here's a hint of those council unto Absalom going unto thy father's concubines which he had left to keep the house you know what he says go and defile his wives I keep the file of my granddaughter go and take it back go you know do what you can do he says go into the father's concubine where she had left to keep the house and all is rose are here that thou art abhorred you know the word apport means is that they'll hear that you hate your abhorred of thy father then show the hands of all that are with you be strong he's saying do this grave sin against your dad so everyone will know that you hate your debt and a hit the bells dinging it and I hate them too and I'm mad at them too you know what Absalom you're bitter and I'm bitter and that's why we're together see bitterness will take root in your heart if you allow it bitter people will seek out other better people to be better with number three bitterness will destroy you bitterness will destroy you no matter how smart how spiritual how wise how talented or how much potential you have 2nd Samuel 16 and verse 23 tells us this about I hit the phone in the counsel of a hit the film which accounted in those days was as if a man had inquired at the Oracles of God so was all the counsel of a hit the fellow both with David and with Absalom now the Bible and I talked about this last week when we were in this chapter the Bible is not telling us that when you ask the hit the father question he would give you an answer like God would give you in the sense that he always gave you the God the answer but what he's saying is that it would be like if you were asking God that no matter what he said it was the right answer now if you're if he's asking you the wrong question or the question with wrong motives he might give you the answer that will get you the correct results it might not be the right answer and I want to make sure you understand that if you went up to a hit the phone you said I hit the phone what can I do to legitimately strengthen our kingdom he's going to say do XY and Z and that will be the right answer if Absalom walks up the hit the felt and says they hit the vault what can I do to take over the kingdom I hit the vault could say do XY and Z and it would be the right answer in the sense that it be the correct answer but I hit the felt was not necessarily a righteous man in the sense that everything is said was godly but the Bible tells us you couldn't go wrong here's the thing i have is the question I've it's about if what the Bible tell it tells us is true which obviously it is and I hit the bell always has the right answer and i hit the bell always has the right counsel why did I hit the Phil not take his own counsel I mean if I hit the bell had a young man come to him and say hey someone did me so wrong and I wanted to do this and I want to do that you think that's going to turn out well for me I think I have to vote what had enough sense to say hey you know what don't let bitterness overtake you see oftentimes you and I know what the right answer is we know what the Bible says we know what God wants us to do rimmel that God wants us to forget that God wants us to look past that God wants us to steam other better we know what the answer is but it doesn't matter how much knowledge you have if you allow bitterness to take control of your heart if you allow bitterness to take root in you you can have all the right answers i hit the phone but bitterness will still destroy your life because bitterness will destroy you no matter how smart you are no matter how many good answers you give no matter how much advice you have in wisdom you have keep your places exam and go to first Corinthians chapter number 13 first Corinthians chapter thirteen first Corinthians 13 out the the the first two verses or three verses the first great thing I've always been very interesting to me first pages 13 is about charity and i would say that charity is probably the opposite of bitterness bitterness is angry and hateful charity the Bible tells us charity suffereth long charity envieth not charity vaunteth not itself is not puffed up think of no evil I mean charity is the opposite a bitterness but i want you to notice how Paul begins first Corinthians 13 when he speaks of charity I feel like he's almost talking about i hit the phone he says this though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal here's what he said it doesn't matter how talented you are as a speaker or as a preacher if you don't have or possess charity if you don't know how to love people and treat people you can be the greatest order on earth if you're a jerk doesn't mean anything it won't help you he said your sermons will become like a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal louvers sue and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains he said if I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries if you can walk up to me and ask me any Bible question and I can give you the answer and you can say well what about Daniels 70th week and what about this was the tribulation what about that and you'd ask all these questions and you say well I've got all those answers and have not charity I am nothing I hit the film tea though he had a lot of knowledge and he must've read his Bible a lot because Bible says asking him a question like asking the Bible question it must have really no but look the Bible says I hit the felt if you have all knowledge if you have the gift of prophecy understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all paint that I could remove mountains and I have not charity he says i'm nothing he says i can do nothing is that it will not help me with anything because bitterness will destroy you no matter how smart you are don't care how many sermons you've listened to i don't care i me download do you have I don't care how many sermons you got on your little ipod and you're all impressed cuz you got all the I got all this knowledge you got no charity that's why people don't talk to you I I'm talking about in our movement we got all these people right around with all this knowledge i can tell you everything about this but you don't know how to treat your parents you know how to treat your friends you know i'll go to your loved ones you don't know how to speak to people you're not i've charity and I patient and I've Grace and you think it's godly to get in fight and have it look it's not godliness how everybody mad at you so that's what people are about you there mad at me for what I preach that I'm at me because I'm a jerk I try not to be a jerk sometimes I am and if you're bitter about that I'm sorry bitterness will destroy you no matter how smart you are bitterness when allowed to take root will consume you bitter people will seek out other better people to be better with go back the second time to 17 look verse 5 2nd Samuel 17 verse 5 so we get the council from a hit the fell the council is I'm very angry let me go do it I'll go kill myself and I'll bring back everybody with me then said Absalom verse 5 call now who's shy the art cut remember who's shy who's shy was the guy that went out to meet David and David said no no go back and feign yourself to be a follower of a hit of hell and you will be my spy that you that he said that maze for me defeat the counsel of a hit the bell so so David so Absalom cause who she says well who's shy what do you think notice verse 5 let us hear likewise what he's saying he said let's hear what who should I has to say now notice what who shy says who shy gives the wrong counsel meaning it's the wrong council because it's not going to bring victory to Absalom but that's what he's there to do he's there to be a spy he's there try to give the wrong counsel to try to fight against the right counselor hit the bell notice what he says verse sick and when who's shy was come to Absalom Absalom spake unto him saying I hit the bell had spoken after this matter shall we do after his saying if not speaking up so he says here's what I hit the bell say uh who's shy what do you think verse 7 & hooch I said unto Absalom the council that our Hitler foam has given is not good at this time now here's what's funny about that if the counselor that a hint FL is given is not good at this time then the council that is that was given will not be good at any time because it look if this is not the time to find David catch David while he's confused while he's disoriented while he's morning if this is not the then there is no time and of course we see who's shy is just trying to buy David time notice what he noticed what he says and look down at verse number 84 said who's shy don't always like father and his men I noticed he begins to be in a picture for Absalom he said none knows of my father and imma and his men that they be mighty man and they be changed is that they are irritated they are solar they are upset in their minds as a bear robbed of her wealth is that it's like a mama bear that just had her little cub stolen from her in the field and I father is a man of war and will not lodge with the people behold he is hitting now in some pit or in some other place because I hit the bell said hey let me go I'll catch him I'll smite the King only and bring back the rest of the man and will have victory and who she says yes you're not just going to run up and kill David I hate the Bell Eddie paints this picture that's not true he says David is in some hole and some pit in some cave sharpening his sword getting ready to come and cut your head off he's like David is mad and angry that that's the picture he's painting he's trying to put some fear into into Absalom's mind notice what he says in verse 9 behold he is hitting now in some peer during some place and it will come to pass when some of them talking about a hit the felony swap thousand men cuz remember hit the phone said hey let me take twelve thousand men I'll go find David I'll kill myself will bring back the people he says when some of them be overthrown at the first that whosoever here is it will say there is a slaughter among the people that follow Absalom here's what he tell him he's saying look if I hit the photos over there and he doesn't succeed and he doesn't kill David and we get news back that a hit the fells dead or that some of his men are dead then people are going to start thinking maybe I should have followed Absalom you know maybe maybe this was a bad idea that's the advice that housh is giving look ever sent and he also that is valium whose heart is as a heart of a line shall utterly melt for all israel note that my father is a mighty man and they be and they would be with him our valiant 4 verse 11 I councils he says here's my advice who's shy giving the bad advice therefore I counsel that all Israel shall be generally gathered unto thee from then even to Beersheba as the sand that is by the scene for multitude and that thou go to battle in thine own person I notice what he's doing he's buying David time because he says I think you should gather all of the people from Dan which is the the most southern part I'm sorry problem from dam which is the most northern port region to Beersheba which is the most other bar he said get all the moons in together well obviously getting a whole military of men together is going to take time to assemble them and then he says he says let's get the whole army to get well that's going to take several weeks who's shy yeah but I think that's the best thing to do you think we should give David several weeks to get ready well I just think it's the best thing trying to buy him some time and then notice what he says at the end of verse 11 that thou go to battle in thine own person see if I hit the phone would have gone to fight David and his devoted that guess what Absalom still alive but he also gives council where he says no Absalom let's get you in the battle let's get you in a place of danger let's get you somewhere where someone can kill you where David can kill you or as we know Joab ends up killing him look verse 12 so shall we come upon him talking about David in some place where he David shall be found and we will light upon him as the do follows on the gun now notice notice how who shy who shy doesn't have a dog in this fight he's not bitter he just he's just speaking like an advisor so shall we come upon him in some place where he shall be found and we will light upon him these are difference between him and I hit the foul I will i'm going to go I will kill him we will light upon him as a do follows on the ground and a payment of all the men that are with them there shall not be left so much as one and then and then housh I just kind of gets real colorful and very patriotic notice what he says in verse 13 moreover if he be gone into a city then shall all Israel bring ropes to the city and we will draw it into the river until there be not one small stone found there this is a real Ross speech it's like yeah we're going to do it every was getting all excited you know starting to clap notice verse 14 and Absalom and all the men of Israel said the council of who's shy the art kite is better than the council of I hit the phone wasn't that an answer to Davis prayer didn't David pray Lord he prayed lord please defeat the counsel of a hit the phone now notice what says for the Lord appointed to defeat the good counsel of a hit the foul to the intent that the Lord might bring the evil upon Absalom the Bible tells us a health of all gave the right counsel he gave the right advice if you want to win the victory that's what he should have done but housh i was there to give the wrong advice and God helped him that he might bring evil upon epsilon notice verse 15 then said who Cheyenne's is a deck and two by Thor the priest thus and thus didn't hit the phone console Absalom and the elders of Israel and thus intensify Council so he goes back to the spies you know he's got a whole spy ring here and he goes back to the other spies are supposed to give the message and he said hey here's what I here's when I hit the rosette here's what I said tell David larue 16 now therefore send quickly and tell David saying large not this night in the plains of the wilderness but speedily pass over unless the King be swallowed up and all the people that are with him because they hit the shine you that I hit the phone was right David was just in the plains they could have overtaken him and he says hey listen I hit the ball said one thing I said another thing Absalom said he's going to follow my advice with just in case he changes his mind why don't you get out of the planes crossed the Jordan River get that big river of water between you as a buffer and give you some space to be able to get ready notice what the Bible says look at verse the end of verse number 16 but speedily pass over unless the King be swallowed up and all the people that are with him we were 17 now Jonathan and i'ma has stayed and in row go for they might not be seen to come into the city and a wench the word wench is just in our cave word for a female servant a wench went and told them and they went and told King David nevertheless a lot o of you see all the spy stuff going on here you got a young girl she goes out there are no she's acting like she's going to throw something away and she says hey this is what you need to go tell David and then a lots of them Lulu is 18 there was a lot solvent and told Absalom but they went both of them away quickly and came to man's house in be Hugh room which had a well in his court whether they went out so now they're running from Absalom they they find some of those friendly to them and this guy has a well a hole in the ground that they get waterfront and they go inside the world to hide Leroy's 19 and the woman took and spread of covering over the walls now I'm not sure what that you know like a picnic blanket as long as you put it over though the mouth of the well so they're not able to see that hole and spread ground corn thereon and the thing was not enough so she put she covers a while they're hiding in the world she covers well she takes some stuff off the ground and pours it on there so it looks like it's just ground and the thing was not known notice what notice what the Bible says verse 19 and the woman took and spread the covering over the wels mouth and spread ground corn thereon and the thing was not known and when Absalom servants came to the woman to the house they said where is our imma has in Jonathan and the woman said unto them they'd be gone over the brook of water and when they had sought and could not find them they returned to Jerusalem now I don't have time to develop this because I'm running out of time but let me say this the Bible seems to indicate and I'm going to just word it that way because I can't tell you this is true but the Bible seems to indicate that it is not a sin to lie in time of war in order to protect people from the enemy because here you have this young G flat out lies where's the high my husband Jonathan they went that way and then the ground in the hole I remember the story of Joshua sending the spies into the land and they go into the house of Rahab the harlot in the king's men come annoyed where the men she's got him hiding upstairs as you says they went over there she said I didn't know where they came from and I don't know where they went hey Cochise half to them and maybe you'll find him and totally hit them you know and the Bible doesn't speak negatively about either one of these subjects you say why are you teaching of this I guess what I'm trying to use that when the cops show up at your house when the secret police shows up at your house and they're like response where he met us because he's been preaching all these terms you know do me a favor and say he went that way when you know I went that way okay because it seems to be fine you know during times of war hey during the tribulation you don't have to sell people out okay you can hide them in your well and just lie about it's not it's not a sin it doesn't seem to be a sin at least in the Bible rivers 21 and it came to pass after they were departed talk about a high mahasen Jonathan that they came up out of the well and went and told King David and said unto David arise and pass quickly over the water for thus has a hidden fell counsel against you men David arose and all the people that were with him and they passed over jordan by the morning light they're locked not one of them that was gone over Jordan now that we're going to get to point number four here a second but let me just review number one bitterness one allowed to take root or consume you number two bitter people will seek out bitter people to be bitter with number three bitterness will destroy you no matter how smart you are number for bitterness hurts only you not the person you're bitter towards you know what bitterness only her to you I'm just so mad but you're not hurting them and it destroyed the life of a hit the belly verse 23 and when I hit the field saw that his counsel was not followed he's had all those eyes and rose and got him home to his house to his City and put his household in order and hanged himself committed suicide and died and was buried in the Sepulcher of his father say why did why did I hit the ville de well I couple of reasons number one I think he was just a real bitter guy and when he wasn't given when he saw that his counsel wasn't taking he's like you know upset but here's the other thing I think it has the bells smart I think I hit the bell understood they're going to go do it who should I said and these guys are all going to die and David's going to come back and be king and I'm going to get hanged anyway for treason so he just goes and hangs himself but here's what's interesting notice how the Bible words this all right looking for a three again and hanged himself and died and was buried and the Sepik of his father he hurt himself he killed himself they were selling for then David then David then David what then David couple even then David what then David another day then David what then David became King again then David came to mahan a man Absalom passed over Jordan he and all the men of Israel withers use it see here's what I'm drives when you you know the one person that I hit that fell never hurt with all his bitterness David the very next verse after we're told that his level dies then David then David continue listen to me some of you are so bitter at somebody a church member a family member it may be your wife it may be your husband it may be your mom it may be your dad it may be your son it may be I don't know who it is but how much is so bitter and so angry you just will not forget and you won't offer again and you would I let it go but listen to me you're not hurting anyone but yourself but yourself Ben David just continues on with life then David was chastised by God then David suffered the punishment of his own sins and he's any reap what he sowed but you know width of all did not her was David because bitterness hurts you not the person you're bitter towards you don't have to turn back there but if you remember the verse Hebrews 12 15 we looked at looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up here's what the Bible says trouble you so you know who what bitterness troubles it's you it hurts you it affects you say okay bastard then what do we do with bitterness what do we do when we're upset what do we do when we've been hurt I mean I gitam believe in her so as I hit the phone I just want you to send that so was a hit the phone it was legit that was his granddaughter that was his granddaughter's husband and yet bitterness destroyed us like I said what would I do with bitter is good Ephesians chapter 4 we're almost done will be done here in five minutes Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 Matthew Mark Luke John acts Romans first second Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Ephesians chapter 4 you say what I do what I do with bitterness good question what do you do with better is let me give you three things you can do it better is just as quickly as we can Ephesians for 31 hours without says axe Romans 4 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Ephesians 4 31 let all what bitterness you see that let all bitterness and by the way this will work for bitterness and it will work for wrath and anger and clamor and evil spigen seem same thing in duval of them let all bitterness and by the way usually all of these accompany each other bitterness accompanies wrath which accompanies anger which accompanies clamor which accompanies evil speaking he says let all bitterness be put away from you and he says with all malice see that I forgot to mention put away Mallos too he said you said what I do it better is we do put it away put it away do you know what we like to do it better as we like to just think about it and faster it every time I see that prison I just get so mad I mean look how long are you going to just give an evil eye actor that other church member that did you wrong it's like four years ago let it go home put it away when they took my parking spot I'll and that was like eight that likes six years ago really I'm just gonna be angry i'm just gonna be mad I'm just never gonna talk to my horse comes in a way pastor better not make me go talk to them and better not put us together matter not this you don't think it happens cuz happens every day not just a Verity Baptist Church every church anywhere you put people together it happens at your job it happens with your family it happens with your neighbors it happens after literally that was everywhere people won't hurt you people won't betray you people will talk bad about you and it'll be legitimate so what do I know put it away stop thinking about it stop festering over it stop agonizing over it just say I'm done with it so what do you do put it put away bitterness quit agonizing over it so what else do I delivers or two and be kind one to another okay what would I do just just be kind to who to those people that you're better towards you'll be surprised if you start being nice to people you're upset with you might find they're not that bad I make their kind of like me they just have a bad day every once in a while and they say stupid thanks every once in a while and sometimes they go on facebook and say stupid things and sometimes they go on Twitter and say stupid things and sometimes I overhear them talking about me saying super tanks a blip but they're really not that bad they're just kind of like me because you know what I do all those things too sometimes I have a bad day tell those I say things I shouldn't say sometimes I regret what I said and I and I think why did I say that say well what do I know just becoming just woke up doing with a smile and say how you doing good to see you I thought you hated me I do the pastor said to be kind you you'd be surprised you'd be surprised how easily someone might be one over say but I used to think that person was so evil then they came as filed and told me my they like the color my shoes and I think they're right so what do you do put away veterans what do you do be kind to those who you are bitter towards you may find that they are nice thank you so what I do number 32 verse 32 be kind one to another tender-hearted here's what you do forgiving one another and here's here's where i love this version because people say why can't just can't forgive them I just can't let it go here's what's interesting about that forgiving one another here's the key even as God for Christ's sake I've forgiven you see we want God to forgive us we mess up and we make mistakes and we go down the wrong thing and we do stupid things and we go against God and we've her head and we betray him and things start going wrong weezer God forgive me God forgive me God forgive me confidence in their say oh I'm better at you I'm mad at you gonna give you the evil eye every time I see you at church no we want his forgiveness will take his forgiveness and here's what God says then you forgive others in the same way that you've been forgetting you want grace show grace you want forgiveness show forgiveness you want some patients show patients say but they still hurt me I know but here's the problem here's the problem bitterness will only hurt you you're never going to actually get back at David not going to do you're not going to hurt him God's gonna have to deal with that so what do I do put it away what do I do be kind what I do forgive that's the council a hit the veldt would have given I hit the phone but he didn't take his own counsel he even think about what the Oracles of God might have said because bitterness one allowed to take root will consume you go back to second Samuel 17 will finish up so we won't be in this chapter next week bitter people will seek out better people to be bitter with just realize that bitterness will destroy you no matter how smart you are bitterness hurts you not the person you're bitter toward and by the way let me say this if all you and your friends ever do all you do is get around each other and all you do is criticize and be critical of other people that is you're just just rely just mark it down you're bitter people befriending other bitter people that's all you ever do all you ever do is you get together talk about the passage on glass his life I got this person a person and what they did it with then just realize because you may not realize it you're just better people looking for other better people birds of a feather flock together second Samuel 17 verse 25 let's finish up the chapter and absolutely made a Mesa captain of the host instead of Joab he gives jobs job to Mesa Joab by the way it gets real bitter about that and ends up killing a Mason will see that which amazed it was a man son whose name was a thorough and Israelite and went to Abigail the daughter of Nahash sisters Raiha John's mother so Israel Absalom pitched in the land of Gilead and it came to pass when David was come to my hey name that show by just notice here what happens show by the son of nay hash of reba and of the children women and maker the son of a meal and lo debar and Barcella and the gila tight and andrew ghulam notice what these people do unlikely candidates bought beds and basins and earthen vessels and wheat and barley and flour and parched corn and beans and lentils and parts poles and honey and butter and sheep and cheese of kind for David and for the people that were with him to eat for they said the people is hungry and weary and thirsty in the wilderness let me just say this when you're in need you find out who your real friends are that I never really I remember I remember I never understood that that quote you know years ago I hear people say a friend in need is a friend indeed and I think what does that mean because I didn't realize you know I was just a kid I was just wanting to realize with that what that means is when i'm in need and someone is my friend of someone who's my friend in my need that's a friend in need and here you begin to see who's David's real friends are because look it's easy to be your friend when you're on top when you're the king when everything's going well when you're running and things aren't going well and people show up and say hey I heard you were hungry I heard you're behind on your rent let me help you a friend in need is truly a friend indeed and you have to remember them when your friends are in need make sure to be a true friend because when you're in need you find out who your friends are when things aren't going well it when you're winning everyone's your friend when you're winning but when you're not doing well that's when you find out of your friends are those buyers and i were to pray Heavenly Father thank you Lord for these stories that took place hundreds and thousands of years ago and yet they are completely applicable today because human nature is human nature now and then and forever lord help us to learn from these stories you put them in the Bible for a reason help us to not be in a hit the fellow who knows what the right thing is to do we're so bitter and angry that they can't get past it father I pray that there'd be people in this room tonight I don't know who they are i really don't know if there are but if there's someone in this room that is holding bitterness towards anyone whether it's a friend co-worker maybe a husband or a wife a parent or a child maybe another church member sitting right in this room but i pray that you would help that individual to begin to work on that root of bitterness and to not allow it to consume their lives what I pray that you would help me as people will hurt me from time to time help me not to be bitter help me to remember that I've been forgiven for much and help me to forgive as I have been forgiven lord i pray you to help us to really show Christ's likeness in our lives we love you and your precious name I pray amen hey man let's turn to Psalm number
Channel: Verity Baptist Church
Views: 796
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Id: NZdfQqO60w4
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Length: 51min 51sec (3111 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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