2 Quiet Chicken Breeds That Won't Annoy Your Neighbors

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today I am gonna tell you all about the two best quiet quiet chicken breeds that I love so much let's go welcome to Becky's homestead [Music] chickens are so much fun and of course the fresh eggs are delicious a lot of people would probably like to give having a couple chickens a try but they're worried that their neighbors might be complaining of the noise the chickens will make maybe you live in a suburbs you have a very small yard your neighbors are really close by and you're just worried you know that maybe they're gonna be calling you complaining about it so I just want to let you know that even if you have a very small yard and your neighbors are close by you can still keep a couple chickens and I'm going to tell you why it's the breed you choose will determine your success of keeping chickens with close neighbors and number one I just have to always point this out for the welfare of the chickens is it's very important where you put the coop you always have to put the coop under a shade tree chickens need dark shade they can't take the Sun they can be out in the Sun rummaging around a bit but let me just tell you where my chickens are right now you see the dark woods behind me that's where they all are they're in those dark woods so they'll come out here and pick around in the Sun a bit and then they go in the dark woods and lay down and relax it's very important to know that okay so the next thing is the breed of chicken that you choose I'm gonna tell you the two most quiet breeds there are so that will improve your success of keeping your chickens and you know you'll be happy the neighbors will be happy everything will go good the first breed is the black Astra War I love black Astral orbs they are like my favorite breed let me tell you all the good qualities about them they're so sweet and gentle so if you're an older person or you have little kids like everybody can just manage a black Astral or another thing about them it's us is they'll a large eggs I mean if you're gonna only have a couple chickens for eggs you want them to lay nice big eggs and black astral orbs to lay nice big brown eggs another thing that's really nice about the black astral orb is they are quiet they're quiet and docile and sweet unlike that Guinea you hear in the background Bobby's noisy okay so anyway they're quiet and sweet they'll a big brown eggs they're very cold and heat hearty so what that means is they can just tolerate a range of temperatures you still have to keep the coop in a shady spot but that is nice to know about the breed you know they can tolerate heat and cold so it's a pretty good breed to choose no matter where you live another really nice thing about them is they can be broody so if you ever borrow a rooster and you want them to breed and hatch their own little chicks out just to experience that you can do that okay so I mean I don't know if you'll ever have access to borrow a chicken but if you do you just need them in there for like three or four days and then you can give them back and then your eggs will be fertilized and your broody hen will hatch out little chicks that is a very fun thing to experience it's just darling I can't tell you how cute and joyous it is okay so another thing about the black a stroller is they are what's considered a dual purpose breed so that means they're great for me big brown eggs and they lay lots of them but also they're good for butchering and eating if that is a direction you want to go just so you know it's just information you can have alright so the second breed that I really really love love love to are buff Orpingtons now Buffington's are a little bit bigger than the black house troll orbs the thing about them is they look way bigger because of their big beautiful golden poofy feathers it makes them look huge but the hens are around 7 pounds so they're not they're not gigantic but they look really big they are also a really really sweet quiet docile breed I love buff Orpingtons just because they're so beautiful one thing about them though they are cold hardy but they're not really heat tolerant now I have kept them in Florida and they do survive but again you have to make sure the coop and the hen house is under a tree and they have dark shade because they'll spend their time in that dark shade when the Sun is blazing so just you know you can still probably manage them just and make double-triple sure you're careful about providing the dark dark shade for them of course always all animals need clean fresh water ok so I'm going to tell you also the good qualities about the buff Orpingtons they also lay large eggs and they also are a broody breed as well so if you again borrow a rooster and let him stay in there for 3 or 4 days she will sit on the eggs and hatch them and another reason I like the Buff Orpington they are also considered a dual purpose breed so you can get the eggs or you can use them for meat as well if you'd like to eat chicken so I have personally owned both of these breeds they are wonderful awesome chickens if you like sweet chickens which I do who doesn't so I highly recommend them and just be sure you place your coop in a good area make sure you provide everything your chicken needs to be happy I have made lots of videos on all those areas of chicken raising and then you will have great success raising two chickens in a tiny little backyard with your neighbors close by one more thing I would like to mention is if you only have two hands because you know you just have that's all you can have try to get them both the same breed so get 2 black astral orbs or 2 buff Orpingtons and I'm gonna tell you why my chickens I have a lot of different you know different breeds in there and here's what I've noticed over the years they'll all kind of move is a big group but within that big group that's the different breeds hang out together so like you know the the black astral ohrp's will stick together and the Rhode Island Reds will stick together they'll move along as a big gigantic group but they do stick together so that old saying birds of a feather flock together is true and I think if you have two of the same in a smaller coop you're just gonna have better success and they're gonna get along better they're just gonna be happier quieter birds so that's what I recommend if you'd like to learn more about chickens I have written a chicken book that just covers all the aspects of chickens how to take care of um breathe just everything so you can click the link in the description and you can buy it today [Music]
Channel: Becky's Homestead
Views: 448,573
Rating: 4.8792176 out of 5
Keywords: quiet chicken breeds, backyard chickens, raising chickens, raising chickens for eggs
Id: zzSr5Bq3lpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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