Backyard chickens - Chicken coop tour- Easy to clean

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all right this is the coop I tried to make it as easy to clean I pretty much don't have to go in there anymore I'll step you through some of the different features I put on the outside here to keep it pretty easy to clean first off I guess this is a three quarter inch piece of PVC a five-gallon bucket with a lid on the top and that's pretty important you got it and then whatever size pipe you use make sure you cut the same size hole in the top of the lid here cause if anything they're actually using it now these things are called poultry nipples and what they do is you see they Peck on it and then some water comes out so they figure that out pretty fast but what I did was I have a laser pointer and I just shined it right on the end and then they went over to it of pected and then you know figured out that water comes out of there when you hit so thanks for timing this out Birds they weren't using this for a little bit here anyway so I don't need to go in there to fill the water I just fill it till it overflows and then that's good seems to last three or four days anyway I've got eight Birds here and there's the same kind of setup I got here with the food this is just a 45-degree angle I hooked this onto the side of the coop with that clamp or whatever you call it and then obviously I just stick the funnel inside of there and then food drains down all right threw that into there to fill it up and this is the back of the coop I decided let me put this camera down for just a second you get a nice look at the window while I open the door alright so there's the inside and I think these roofs here are about I don't know maybe 15 inches off the ground I really wanted the whole door to open up to make this easy to clean you'll see here there's no lip on the edge of this I put some linoleum down on the bottom to make it extra easy to clean and then these things kind of temporarily here but I had a tarp hanging between these from there and then kind of down and then up so I just pulled all the bedding into the under the tarp with a hoe and then scraped it all into a garbage bag which I had below that was pretty easy but I just cleaned it out for the first time the other day so that for the roofs I used just wood I've heard they prefer that over the two by fours and then obviously to have the door be able to open up the whole way across that's why this is hanging down to have the roofs on the nesting boxes you really want to have underneath the window not opposite from what I hear the birds like to lay in the dark and over this window I put a piece of hardware cloth hardware cloth is the screen that comes with the window would be pretty easy to bite through for an animal that wanted to get in alright in terms of the nesting box here it's gonna be pretty tough to see I'll see if I can get a good focus on it you can kind of tell this piece here I had to cut in an angle and then also this piece here is that kind of that angle and that's so that when this opens up the good focus here otherwise it kind of rubs underneath if you don't have the two pieces of plywood so if you cut them both it probably like a 45 degree angle like that and then like this you focus in this again should do all right this window I got down at Ace 80 bucks or something I don't want to pay that much but I'm sure you can get them cheap where like it's shed supply store but I was not in a place to be shopping around at that time and this is the nesting box here I think these are they're pretty big these might be like 15 by 15 like I said I've got got them shut off now I just didn't feel like cleaning them out yet well they're not using them and yeah let me show you how this other like I said the way this thing works so it slides up and down the track and then what stops it at the top is this little eye hook that I have I think that's what I hook I think that's what it's called and let me run over here and get this piece alright so you could probably build this out of two separate pieces but I took a circular saw and if you've got a table saw that's what I would use I took a notch out of this piece so what happens is the the door just kind of slides up and down in there alright I hadn't mentioned this before but this is a 12-volt deep-cycle battery it's important that it's a deep cycle battery because the other ones aren't really meant to be drained down all the way but I have this powering little hookups on the top I got these down at the hardware store just to go right under the terminals I've got these powering some 12-volt LEDs that are I got these on Amazon I guess it's just intended people put them in like their cup holders or something you know accent lighting but those it's a Sunday afternoon now on Tuesday those will have been running for two weeks off of the one battery on the one charge and when that runs out you can just somethings called a trickle charge you can just charge those right back up I just don't wanna have an extension cord running across the lawn the whole time apparently if the birds fall off the roost at night you really want to have a way to keep a little bit of light out here so they can see where they're going to get back up and I put some concrete backer board up in here I'm gonna put some of those heat plates on the on the ceiling over the winter in here but I wanted to get all that installation stuff done before this gets all crapped up in terms of venting I've got some hardware cloth up here and that's a vent and then on the other side there got a little bit more hardware cloth it's a strange name I feel like but it's a good durable screen and then when I do need to hang a a light in here over the winter if I do that so they keep laying I put a little hook in there like I said I'll I'll talk more about the construction of this then but just in terms of features I have like my roost about 15 inches off the ground my nesting boxes which are closed still because they're not laying yet I'll probably open them in a month or two they're only I got them in about Easter time and they're only well it's the beginning of June now so they like to have sand in here so I put a sandbox in that kind of bathe himself in that and then it was getting really really muddy out there an actual run itself so I put some sand down out there just to try to keep the mud down and yeah I guess that's it you can post below if you've got any questions here but like I said my goal here was to not have to walk through there all the time because it does get pretty crappy but I can fill the water and the food from the outside and also like I said with the cleaning this with the linoleum on there that was pretty easy so signing off for now see ya
Channel: E Fleming
Views: 4,756,410
Rating: 4.837502 out of 5
Keywords: high definition, chicken coop tour, chicken coop features, backyard chickens, chicken waterer, poultry nipples, poultry feeder, organic chickens, nesting boxes, hd, 1080p, canon 7d video, how to build a chicken coop, Urban Chicken, Chicken Coop, raising chickens, low maintenance chicken coop, chickens as pets, raising chickens for eggs, chicken care, raising hormone free chickens, feeding chickens, chicken feeder, chicken roosts, hen house, raising hens, chicken run
Id: EK94Yq5qXE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2013
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