2 MOST Powerful Tools to Improve DIABETES - 2024

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hi i'm dr ken berry a family physician and in this short video i want to teach you about two of the most powerful tools for improving your diabetes that i've ever seen as a doctor every diabetic deserves a normal blood sugar level and a normal hemoglobin a1c i know that every time you go to your doctor's office all your doctor wants to talk about is more pills maybe more injections and managing your diabetes seldom is there any talk of improving it when you look online there's lots of supplements lots of herbs and roots lots of cleanses that purport to improve your diabetes but very seldom do so the two powerful tools that i'm discussing are clinically proven by controlled research in human beings so this is not a pipe dream i have nothing to sell you all i wish for you is a normal blood sugar and a normal hemoglobin a1c the first tool is time restricted eating now unlike information you may have gotten from your diabetic educator your doctor or the american diabetes association website this is a very powerful tool for helping you in many many ways as a diabetic time restricted eating can help lower your blood sugar lower your hemoglobin a1c lower your triglycerides get rid of belly fat and improve all of your other metabolic health markers and therefore lower your risk of having a disastrous diabetes complication so what is time restricted eating and how you do it it's very simple actually and it doesn't have to be torture it doesn't have to have negative consequences on your life it's very easy to do this first you're already fasting or not eating for eight hours while you're asleep at night all you have to do to enjoy the powerful benefits of time-restricted eating is to increase the amount of time you're not eating so after you get up you don't eat for one hour you just sip on some water sparkling or still you sip on some unsweetened tea or some black coffee for one hour and then you eat your breakfast okay then in the evening you stop eating one hour before bedtime no snacks nothing at all just sip on some water sparkling or still until bedtime now you you're doing time-restricted eating and you actually have a 10-hour fasting window after doing that for a week or so when you get used to it then you're gonna start going two hours before you eat breakfast after you wake up and you're gonna stop eating two hours before bedtime now you're doing a 12 hour fast and your your time restricted eating in a 12 hour window when you go up one more notch and so you're gonna fast for three hours after you wake up and you're gonna stop eating three hours before bedtime now you're eating in a 10 hour time restricted eating window and you're fasting for 14 hours a day there's very good research that this is going to dramatically lower your blood sugar your a1c and all the other markers i talked about earlier a link down in the show notes uh to an article that was published in the very prestigious journal cell metabolism there's a link in the show notes check that out this is proven and i've also seen hundreds of thousands of people both in person and online who have used time restricted eating to improve their diabetes the second powerful tool you can use to improve your diabetes is to lower the amount of carbohydrates you eat every single day there are a couple of ways to do this one is to download an app like chronometer and track how many total carbohydrates are you eating a day now after a few days you'll have a pretty reliable number then what i want you to do is cut that amount of carbohydrates in half so you're eating half the amount of carbohydrates you were before now i don't want you to cut your portion sizes or the total amount of food you eat i want you to replace the carbohydrates with good healthy protein and good healthy fats i want you to eat until you're comfortably full or even comfortably stuffed you don't have to limit yourself or starve yourself in order to improve your type 2 or type 1 diabetes the second way to do a low-carb diet is to just pick an arbitrary total carbohydrate intake per day so if for example if you've been eating 250 grams a day if you just said okay i'm just going to eat 100 grams of carbohydrates total a day and then i'm going to fill in the remainder of my diet with healthy protein and healthy fats that's a great way to do it and many people especially if you're eating tons of carbohydrates before you're going to notice a stunning improvement in your blood sugar your a1c your triglycerides and other markers and you're going to lose belly fat by doing this other people notice that if they limit their total carbohydrates to 50 total grams a day or less that they get even better results again i have seen people drastically reduce their blood sugar and hemoglobin a1c by using this powerful tool hundreds of thousands of people that i've met in person and met online are using these two tools to drastically improve their diabetes you're not going to be missing any nutrition at all by replacing high carbohydrate foods with foods that are high in healthy fats and healthy proteins actually those kinds of foods high in fat and protein are actually some of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet so you're going to be getting plenty of nutrition and foods high in fat and high in protein actually help you stay full for longer than high carbohydrate foods do and therefore it makes it easier to implement tool number one time restricted eating again there is excellent research in human beings that this low carbohydrate strategy will drastically help improve your diabetes virta health is a company that specializes in low-carb diets for diabetics they've actually just published a two-year long study that shows dramatic improvements in blood sugar hemoglobin a1c and all the other metabolic markers i talked about earlier and the diabetics were able to come off multiple diabetic medications they just didn't need the medication anymore because the low carbohydrate diet had improved their diabetes so much i put a link to their research down in the show notes these two powerful tools for improving your diabetes works for type 1 and type 2 diabetics some people call time restricted eating fasting or intermittent fasting and some people call a low carbohydrate diet a ketogenic diet or ketogenic way of eating i have hundreds of videos on both of these topics on this channel so if you haven't already done so check those out and maybe hit that thumb and the subscribe button if you know a diabetic who's struggling please consider sharing this video with them it's not your fault that you're suffering from diabetes but it is your problem and these two powerful tools are going to help you get it under control as you implement these two powerful tools in your diabetic journey i want you to please come back to this video later and share your progress with all of the other viewers this is dr barry i'll see you next time
Channel: KenDBerryMD
Views: 387,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: type 2 diabetes diet, type 2 diabetes treatment, type 2 diabetes meals, tools to improve diabetes, improve diabetes, how to improve blood sugar, how to improve fasting blood sugar levels, improve hba1c, improve a1c, reverse diabetes, how to reverse diabetes, how to reverse type 2 diabetes, ways to improve diabetes, now to cure type 2 diabetes, lessen diabetes, how to lower blood sugar, lower a1c without meds, lower your a1c, how to lower a1c levels, dr berry diabetes tools
Id: fA9jAMTnBD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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