2 Mods To Make Thralls Better Conan Exiles 2019 Mod Spotlight

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this your one and only fire spark 81 with your daily dose of video goodness and welcome back to another exciting conan exhales a video today we're gonna talk about fixing thralls let's get to it as we all know thralls and pets are terrible they never do what you want them to do they get lost they don't teleport with you they fall through the map and they're just an all-around mess luckily enough the modding community is slowly coming together to make mods that fix a lot of the problems and add a lot of features that should be there withdrawals as it is because they need a lot of tender loving care let's be real so we're gonna take a look at two mods today that add a lot of really nice features to the thrall slash pet system the first one we're going to talk about is a better thralls essentially what this mod allows you to do is just have more thrall to follow you that's its main purpose and has a few other little tweaks that you can do but its main thing is just to allow thralls to follow you and it's pretty highly customisable I'm going to show a list of the commands on the screen right now so those are the commands that you can use and you just hit the insert key do bring up the dev and panel whatever you want to call that the command-line panel and then you just paste those in there with whatever thing you want so if you wanted to change the followers you would just paste that in there and change then the number to however many followers you want at a max of 10 you can have up to 10 following you know it's pretty easy to do I like that they did that instead of a lot of like a lot of other mods do where if you're in admin mode you just see an extra thing on the radial menu so like you would see something extra here I like that because it keeps the radial menu a little cleaner for people who are in admin mode so like I said essentially all this does is it allows you to have more than one thrall following you so you get your original followers so currently I have it set to three followers so that's 3 plus whichever one I have following me so if I tell this dude here you get your basically your vanilla follower tell this dude to follow me he is now following me as you see here okay now I can have an additional 3 and once again this number is customizable I just have it set to 3 it's customizable up to 10 so it would be 11 total you would have 10 following you plus your vanilla thrall so there we have 1 and you can see now when I highlight over this it says I have 1 out of 3 and then we'll have our last one here and now they're all following me plus my original follower and if we run along here you can see there we go I have 4 thralls following me now you can go through and you can tell them each to stop following you or you can use the command in your radio menu that's for your emotes your emote radio menu that that's the word I'm looking for and these will get to these here in a second this is the other mod but this is the one right here that you want tells them to stop following you but that only tells the additional ones that does not tell your original follower as you can see here our original follower is still following us our vanilla follower so you have to tell that one to stop following you separate from your others so we can do stop following so besides that it also allows you to pick up your thralls and pets if their inventory is empty so we have I think it's test dummy only has a spirit yeah there we go so test dummy well we'll use this one if they have stuff in their inventory and we click it it says you can't pick up inventories not empty so now that the inventory is empty we can do that and pick them up now the mod also allows you to enable naming of your thralls as you see I've custom named all of the thralls here something to keep in mind is if you pick them up it erases the name and you'll have to rename them the ones that you pick up will not come with weapons although they will respawn in the course set so that can be somewhat doopy because you can spawning them or picking them up and putting them down and get a bunch of the course stuff here and then you can put that in the dismantling bench and get one fiber per each of those one plant fiber which isn't really worth the time that it would take you to keep picking them up placing them down and putting the stuff off them because you could go harvest way more than that way easier but it's just something that I wanted to point out that's a problem with this mod and pick up plus allows you to pick up throws as well and that's the thing with that one as well and as you can see he has the original name and we can put that back to what was this one test dummy and there you go and then you can move them and do whatever with them as you normally would some of the other things that this mod allows you to customize is the ability to pick up damaged throws or the ability to pick them up all together unless they are on your land claim which can be a super handy for something like a PvP server where you would not want people to be able to pick up damaged throws or maybe even a PvE because it is kind of broken to be able to pick them up place them back down and they have full health once again so that's a really cool feature that they allow you to disable that so you can also use all the same stuff on the pets the pets work pretty much the same way so here we go we got this one following us and if we go to this guy we will do vanilla follow and we will go to this one that we will do follow and this one and we will go follow and now we have our vanilla follower along with a pet and two humanoid thralls so it works pretty much the same and adds another feature to pets which i think is interesting and I would like to see it on the actual thralls as well I'm not sure how they differ from pets but if we take a look here it has a state setting so you can have it set to attack players by default you can have it passive until attacked or just completely passive which is a really really really nice feature this is something that I would like to see in the vanilla game I mean a lot of this stuff I would like to see in vanilla game but this is something that we definitely need for thralls in general it's nice to have it on the pets but it would be really nice to have it on the thralls as well so that's just the extra little bonus in there but you can also pick them up and they work the same as long as their inventory is empty you can return them to your inventory and it basically just destroys the one in the world spawns a new one in and there you go and you can just place it back down and it will erase the name as well if we give this one whatever name and then we pick it back up and then we place it back down it will be completely reset so there you go same with its health if it was to take damage you were destroy it pick it up place it back down it would have full health again so the better throws mod is an absolutely fantastic mod and a great addition to the game and adds a lot of features that people have been requesting for thralls slash pets for some time but the mod really shines when you combine it with the sidekick mod sidekick mod has a lot of really cool features that we're going to cover first off sidekick mod does not work with pets as you see here we still have the better thrall stuff but I do not have any of these other options here like the set home teleport home or bind a sidekick like I do with the thrall so the sidekick mod is only gonna work for your actual thralls first off it allows you to set a home position which is different from their guarding position so this is his set guard position so if we pick him up here to the move guard we set that there that's his guarding position if we tell him to follow us and he follows and then we tell him to stop following us and then we tell him to set home this is is now his home location so if we tell him to follow us again and then we tell the thrall to stop following and now we look at him and we go to teleport home you can see teleports to this location here I can also pick him up and move him to another location so we're gonna pick him up put him here he's now guarding here but if I want him to teleport home I click it again you can see it teleports him over here so this is a really cool feature to basically have two separate guarding locations the one where you place them down at in their home location this mod also has a really cool feature to bind the thralls as sidekicks and you can have up to six however I have a max of poor followers at the moment with the current settings that I have so I have my original remember plus the additional three so I'm only going to use four but you can have a total of up to six sidekicks so what we're going to do is we're gonna go to that there just hold down the e looking and bring up the radio and click bind a sidekick we're gonna do that for all of these so now if we look you can see it's changed to blue and they are all bound as sidekicks so this has a really cool feature where we can basically just pull them from anywhere we want to so if we run over here and we bring up our radio menu and we go to summon sidekicks you can see it just teleported them all right behind us so that's cool because it teleports them behind you but it won't allow you to teleport them to a location where you can't place thralls so it's kind of not Opie in that sense it it doesn't allow you to really just break the game so that's where the better thralls mod comes into play so if we come up here and we do the summon sidekicks I think I'm close enough you can see thralls are not allowed teleport here so if I back up a little bit we're gonna back up over to here and we're gonna do it again summon sidekicks okay here we go so now I'm able to get all four of them but I want to take them into the city in there so now what I could do is I can look at them and I can go follow follow follow and then I can do the vanilla follow on this one and now I can run in here and ransack the city with a total of four thralls which is freaking fantastic then when I'm done with them I can just send them all home so I can tell them to stop following so we're gonna go to stop follow I'm gonna find my vanilla follower and I'm also going to tell him to stop following and then I'm going to go to send sidekicks home and now they're all home and then when I need them again I can just pull them back as long as I'm not in a location that doesn't allow you to place thralls so we're just gonna run out here a little bit and we're going to go to summon sidekicks and there you go they're back and they're ready to fight they're gonna kill this guy here so there's another thing here that I don't know if it's just me or what the issue is or maybe I just don't understand the concept of it but when I hold down the radio menu you can see that we have all go home I assumed that this was anything that's not in its home location would go to its home location no matter where it is on the map but it doesn't really work that way if I if I come over here a little bit of distance from these guys and I just kind of look off here to this you know side of them and I do all go home you can see nothing happens however if they're right next to me and I do all go home there you go they all go home so now we're going to summon the sidekicks back and it essentially works the same as the send to sidekicks home so maybe it's a situation where if one of them is not a sidekick so if we have this guy here he's not a sidekick and he's following and then we have our sidekicks that we would summon in and we do all go home they all go home but I I don't know because then why would you do that when you would want to summon all of them back and as you see now that one's not here with us so I would feel like any of them that you're going to send home you would want to be sidekicks so that you can call them back at any time maybe I'm missing something there so anyway we're gonna rebind to this guy to our sidekick option here and now you can see that I just left them over there it's it's no big deal that they're over there because anywhere I'm at I can just go send sidekicks home and you can see there they are they just teleported home oh we missed one oh he behind us derp I forgot I thought I set him over there so it did send them all to their home location as you see here he I thought I set his home over there but I did not so yes it wherever you're at you can just send them home so this is absolutely fantastic for a multitude of reasons many of which if you just take your one thrall so we're going to do is we're going to go in here and we're going to unbind all of these as psychics okay so now they are all unbound and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna have our one thrall here just maybe you just want to run it with one thrall and you know how it is when you have that one thrall never wants to follow you you go from you get on the map and you you travel to a different location using the teleport map and all that stuff and you lose them or you're just out about and he's not there and you never know where he's at so this really helps eliminate a lot of that so we're gonna tell this sidekick to follow us so now this is our follower thrall our vanilla follower thrall and he's also a sidekick which gives us a lot more control over where he's at on the map so here we go we got him following us and maybe maybe he's just slow maybe you're much faster than him and he didn't teleport for some reason and you don't even want to wait on him if he doesn't keep up with you you can just go to here and just summon him and he'll be there so I'm gonna show you something where this would be a little bit more useful so I'm gonna use the admin teleport here we're just gonna teleport across the map pretend that we use the map system and the monolith system and all that so there we go and oh he actually teleported on point that time let's try that again okay so here we go we travel to another location and he's not quite here yet but we can just go to summon sidekick and we don't even have to wait on him like I've done in some of my most recent videos where I've had thralls following me and I teleported into a dungeon and then I have to wait around till they show up now you don't have to wait around you just summon him and then he is there and as you see he is still following us just fine so we just run along he and he will keep up pace with us now say you're out and about and you've lost him you don't know where he's at so what we're going to do is we're just going to tell him to stop following and we're gonna go home okay so we've come home and we've lost our thrall we don't know where he's at we bring up the radio menu and we go send them home and we send our sidekick home in there he is really freaking handy to help you stop losing thralls I've never really had a problem with losing throws I've had the issue where they take a while to teleport to you but I've never really had the issue of losing one now they say that I'll probably lose one through the map but for those people that do and I know that many people have I've seen it on my server this will help eliminate that issue if you lose your all you can just send him home in there he is absolutely fantastic feature even though the sidekicks mod doesn't really work with the pets you can still use the pets and use all this together so we're going to tell the tiger here to be our vanilla followers so here we go we got him following us I have three other sidekicks locked in as my sidekicks so we're gonna go in here and we'll take a look at how this can be used more practically so here we are we're about ready to storm the city we have our pet we're going to go to the radial menu what we're gonna summon our sidekicks here they are so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go follow follow and follow now we have them all now we can run in here and we can just go crazy on the city and they are here with us to help us attack things and they'll just go in and help us take out everybody in this city which is absolutely fantastic yeah that's pretty much it it's absolutely fantastic having both of those mods they solve a lot of the problems with thralls besides the AI that's just something that modders modders can we work on the AI now we have this fantastic stuff can we fix the AI besides that it adds a lot of features that have been really lacking and missing and just kind of flushes out the thrall system even more absolutely fantastic mods and I highly suggest you give them a try alright that is going to wrap it up for this episode if you like which is all consider hitting that sub button I want to give a big thank you to my patrons for making this episode possible you all are absolutely amazing people if you would like to join my liqueur patreon supporters please check out the link in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and show your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 62,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, Conan Exiles, Conan Exiles 2019, conan exiles better thralls mod, Conan Exiles better thralls mod spotlight, conan exiles more than one thrall followers, conan exiles lost thrall, Conan Exiles thrall side kick mod, Conan Exiles thrall side kick mod spotlight, conan exiles mod spotlight, conan exiles mods weekly, Conan Exiles best thrall mods, Conan Exiles fix thralls, conan exiles thrall mods, conan exiles top mods, conan exiles mod review, conan exiles mod showcase
Id: ggIoocXLK2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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