Best Weapon To Knock Out Thralls In Conan Exiles

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this is your one and only fire spark 81 with your daily dose of video goodness and welcome back to another exciting conan x isles video today we're gonna talk about knocking out thralls let's get to it the other day one of my awesome supporters asked me what's the best way to knock out throws what's the best tool for it is there another option other than a truncheon that's actually better for knocking out trolls and I thought you know what no idea I've never never thought about it always just used the truncheon so I've done some testing and yeah some surprising results a lot of people think that the love tap is actually really good and it's not nearly as good as a steel truncheon so that's pretty cool and we'll get into that here in a minute so big shout out to that person that that's the names on the screen I'm not gonna try to pronounce it because I don't try to pronounce any rawls names so yeah that's what we're gonna take a look at today I've done some testing and we're gonna take a look at the different couple different things here and a really interesting way I found to knock out throws pretty easily so we have two guys here the treasure hunter relic seeker same thing they're the exact same spawn and I got them side-by-side so that I can hit them and you can see cuz we can't really get a number value so we just look at the the little bar so I got them as close as I can get them without you know hitting them both at the same time so you can see the difference here I got the advanced blunted weapon fitting on everything here so well except for the boat should have been on the bow and I know why it's not on the bow okay there we go now it's on everything so what we're gonna do we're gonna hit this guy here with a full combo so there we go so that was three strikes now we're to come over here and we're gonna hit this guy with three strikes well we hit him with four so let's tap this one one more time with a fourth one okay there we go now if you take a look at their bars I know he's down in the ground and it's kind of hard to see but if you look at their bars the one we hit with the love tap has less knockout damage than the one we hit with the steel truncheon so the love tap is even though it's a legendary doesn't do as much knockout damage is your good old fashioned and this is just normal steel truncheon that you can craft with no problem with a blunted weapon fitting on it and yeah I mean the the bars you can clearly see there's a difference in the two I know it's kind of hard cuz he fell through the that's a really annoying glitch but yeah you can see there that there's a there's a rather large difference so let's reset them okay so we have them reset now I want you to take a look at the steel truncheon versus the a bow just any I'm just using a dragon bow but we're using the blunted arrows so we're just going to make sure those are equipped and we're gonna go one two three okay so there we go three shots now if we swap to the bow and we do three head shots on this guy now I try to do the power shots because I noticed that you get more knockout with it and you notice you fire really low okay so there we go three shots so there you go with what the difference between those two it looks like the bow with the power shot steals just the tiniest bit more but I feel like it's a bit slower than the truncheon so as far as like time wise goes you're probably better off still using the steel truncheon okay so now let's take a look at it with three of the just normal light light attacks so we're gonna go one two well there we go we hit him three times so three with the the truncheon on that now we're gonna use the bow and we're gonna do just three headshots and you can see there that the the three headshots wasn't it with the light attack wasn't nearly as much as if we do three of the the power shots so there's a there's a difference in the the two there which I thought was relatively interesting too but still once again the the truncheon is going to be better in that situation so I tested a bunch of different things and I realized that we needed something that was low damage and then we put of course the blunted fitting on it because we need that in order to add the knockout damage to the low damage item so I tried a bunch of different things like the practice sword the practice sword was interesting because if you take it-it-it the damage that it deals is on par with the knockout damage look the bars are going down pretty much the exact same so you're gonna kill your target once you're able to to knock it out and they have really low damage there the the knockout damage went down just a little bit further if we take a look here you can see it only deals 12 damage so I was trying to find stuff that dealt low damage that we could put the blunted kit on to see if we could maybe do more than the average because you know this game you never know when you're gonna find some random glitchy thing so I tried stuff like the repair hammer up steel repair hammer it actually does the thing the funny thing about this is is you can just go continuously I mean they're going to be attacking but it has a nice steady continuous attack and you can just wear down there there I guess you call it torpor bar or whatever you want to call it pretty quickly but then I thought you know what does pretty much no damage with its heavy attack the predatory blade which is interesting because if we kill this guy here we'll let him respawn and we'll go after this guy here first so we do 1 2 3 ok so you can see how much of the damage we did to his knockout bar there now we do this 1 1 2 3 hope we hit him one more time so let's go over here and we'll hit this guy one more time now you can see that the predatory blade with the blunted kid on it is almost the exact same is the steel truncheon like look at those I'm trying to get them as close as I can together look at those bars they're almost almost identical which is really interesting and cool because with the predatory blade you can put the blunt and finning on it like that and either use it to knock out stuff or you can just use it to kill things it's a pretty good trade-off in my opinion it's a very makes it a very very versatile weapon because then you don't ever have to just switch to something else and I know switching is as easy as just clicking a button on your hotbar but you don't have to break up a fight and especially if you're trying to do is something where there's a bunch of other throw around getting in your way you can say knock out this guy you got one over here to the side go attack it use the blade attack do attack damage come back over to this guy continue knocking him out a little bit more roll over go over and attack this guy over here kill him and then go back over to him and you don't have to worry about switching because you're using the same weapon and you're just clicking a mouse button which is pretty cool in my opinion I thought that was a really interesting find now I know a lot of people are gonna wonder about the blunted javelin because you see it down there in my hotbar and I showed the blunted arrow is the blunted javelin doesn't actually work I mean it does damage but it doesn't do much and it doesn't actually do torpor you can see there we're not actually knocking him out that's the bug if I switch over to the truncheon and we we just give them a good whack you can see there that it shifted it's not moving when we hit them with this because we're not actually resetting that bar that bar only stops that graphic glitch when you actually move the bar so we're not moving the bar so that it's not doing it you can see that it's also not flashing when we actually do the torpor damage to them you can see that it flashes just a little bit see there it's just a little bit of a flash it's it's almost it's it's barely noticeable but it's there but the the javelin doesn't actually doesn't actually flash that bar when you do those attacks and then we try the normal or the throw attack you can see the throw attack isn't moving it either though the blunt of javelin is not viable at all you can't put kits on it it doesn't actually knock them out it's pretty much completely useless so yeah just because I know somebody was gonna say something about it so I just had to put that in the video and that's not all I also found out that the fighters here the bandit leader and I used the bandit leader because nobody else actually wants to attack like they're supposed to and the bandit leader AI seems to be very aggressive although he's doing this dance and I noticed when they do this weird crap here they're like they're broken so we're gonna get him to fall and maybe he will reset okay he might be good now yeah if you ever see them doing that stance they're their borked and they won't actually they don't attack it's really it's really weird but anyway so I noticed the Bandit leader does massive absolutely massive amounts of the torpor damage so we're just gonna put this on him here and we're going to go out of cloak mode and one of the best ways I found to do this is you equip a shield and just use whatever other you know torpor weapon you want and you're mainly going to block and gain aggro from whatever you're trying to knock out and then this dude will just hang out behind it and knock it out really quick so let me show you here so he's gonna come at us and hopefully you gonna come at me bro okay here we go so I think he's gonna yeah look how much more he does per hit and you can interrupt just by sticking your shield in the middle like this and just stay between the two Oh for some reason it didn't block there let's try that again so like if you just stick your shield in you can see you you constantly interrupt him and your guy won't hit you you just keep hitting him and if we look at him look look how much he's already done already like he hits so incredibly hard and then we can get in here and whack him with the hammer if we want and there you go and he's knocked out so it just works it works actually really well the downside is is while you're looking he's got it was serious like Opie pose going on right now the downside is this if you put something like the truncheon on them then they're just gonna run around knocking everything out they're not going to kill the things you want them to kill and they don't know just switch because they don't know what you want them to knock out so you kinda just have to either have like a weapon that's going to do damage or you have to put a knockout weapon them them but if you just want to knock out everything they do in create just crazy torpor I'll try to stay locked on this next one so that you can see how much they do per hit and I'm gonna show you something really really freaking hilarious here because we're gonna put the hammer in his hand and I want you to see how much he does with hammer oh great he's okay good he popped out of here so we'll let him get in come on come on buddy there we go so now he's he's thinking about it we'll stay locked on here the camera angle is just terrible when I stay locked in one but look how much he does per hit it's absolutely insane look at that he just chunks him down and see how you can just keep you can keep interrupting his attacks just by shoving your shield in his face but you just hold the block just shove it now he's hitting our guy but he's not able to do a full combo which is basically what you want to stop him from doing because then our guy can just keep whacking at him okay so we're gonna kill him now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna swap this out for the hammer now they're a little glitchy with the hammer but it's kind of funny so I just wanted to I wanted to put it in the video and show you so we're gonna do the same thing here we're just gonna go in on her get him to come in and attack they they have a range issue but you can actually use the shield to to back them up okay look here we go look look at him look at how much he per hit with a freaking Steel repair hammer and the best thing about it is like the they don't lose any durability and I swear it's almost as much as the truncheon and if you can stay in between them and block and keep her blocked now usually if you can hold aggro he'll just hang out behind and then you can just shove them back into them though she'll keep attacking and every time she attacks she bounces back a little bit and then he can just keep hitting her let him knock her out with a repair hammer I just thought that was hilarious I mean honestly your best bet is just to put a truncheon on him but it's just hilarious how much knockout damage he does with a repair hammer now we'll do the the practice sword okay here we go with the practice sword so you can see with the practice sword it's still pretty good too I think whatever you put in their hand as long as it has blunted damage on it they do like a flat amount which is kind of large a large flat amount but you can just get like right in the middle of it and he's not doing as much damage to her health unlike we were doing as he's doing to her actual knock out bar like he's tearing through her knock out bar with that practice sword now because I know somebody's going to say something we will go grab the love tap alright here we go so he's gonna come in there I mean he's still doing a decent amount but I don't feel like it's more than the truncheon let me know what you all think I mean if you have it I mean you just throw it on him because what else are you gonna do with it I mean he's definitely doing a decent amount of knock out but he does decent amount of knock out with a stupid repair hammer so I don't know let me know what you all think I also don't feel like it's quite as much per hit as he was doing with any of the other any of the other items that we were using but maybe that's just me I felt like we were getting our max amount with the steel truncheon on him the the repair hammers just for for funsies you don't want to put the predatory blade because they'll end up killing your target but as far as like the love tap goes compared to the any of the other stuff for the practice sword I don't know it all it's either all pretty much the exact same and I'm just crazy or the steel truncheon is your best option but let me know what you all think down in the comments but as far as for knocking out stuff I honestly think you have two really good options you can use the predatory blade or the steel truncheon are going to be your your honestly your best options your third best option would be a bow with the blunted arrows because at a distance if you can get someplace where they can't get you and you want to just knock them out like if we take a look here I mean that's that's a decent amount if we get a freaking headshot there we go I mean that's a decent amount of knockout damage we're gonna waste probably I don't know twenty thirty arrows on him and then he'll knock out we're doing a good bit of health damage as well but we're definitely ticking down that bar pretty fast with the but it's it's as much slower process than if you were to just run in I mean we can also do the the Rapid Shots that's also ticking down relatively quickly though the arrows the errors are definitely a viable option if you don't want to get in on a fight if you want to knock somebody out from a distance something like that climb a wall knock them out and then jump down and grab them and just run away without fighting the Horde but let me look at how many arrows we're having the waist just to knock him out he's got so many arrows sticking in his head now it's absolutely crazy and yeah but it is an option but I think your best option would be a shield and the predatory blade because the predatory blade as I showed you with its heavy attacks does just as much knockout damage as the steel truncheon and then if you get into a situation where you need to fight you don't actually have to to swap in your hotbar you're you're way more versatile as far as combat goes all right well I hope you all found this video interesting I know I did I did not realize the thralls do that much knockout damage that was that was very interesting to me especially with the steel truncheon with the extra blunted damage on it I mean they knock out things really really quickly even the repair hammer like that's that's just crazy and kind of funny or is everything else I thought the predatory blade it was a interesting find as well so let me know what you think in the comments down below I know it wasn't too surprising because steel truncheon I mean obviously but I still be interested to know what you all thought about the other finds in this video all right that is going to wrap it up for this episode if you liked what you saw consider hitting that sub button I want to give a big thank you to my patrons for making this episode possible you all are absolutely amazing people if you'd like to join my leek ro patreon supporters please check out the link in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and show your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 113,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Conan Exiles, conan exiles truncheon, conan exiles tame thrall, conan exiles knock out thralls, conan exiles knock out npc, conan exiles truncheon upgrade, conan exiles gameplay 2019, conan exiles 2019, conan exiles best way to knock out thralls, conan exiles best way to knock out npc, conan exiles best truncheon, conan exiles blunted javelin, conan exiles blunted arrows, conan exiles blunted weapons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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