2 million dollar beach house vacation + tour!! our family trip

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[Music] look at this viewer [Music] good morning guys and welcome to today's vlog we're starting off this video nice and early i don't even know if it's 7am yet we are actually heading it down to southern utah for a little of staycation we're going somewhere so it's not really a staycation but we're not leaving utah but we're staying in a really cool house i think we showed it in a vlog when we went to the parade of homes it was like this new beach rental house in this new area so i'm really excited to go and get to stay there parker's family's supposed to be there with us i don't know who's actually staying at the house just because they all like live down there or at least like half of them do but parker's sister cassidy's going and her kids and they're staying there for sure so we're excited and there's like a pool and a big lagoon and just like a bunch of fun stuff so we are excited for that and today cove woke up at 6 30 instead of 7 30 i think we showed in the vlogs maybe two weeks ago that we literally put black poster board in her windows to like completely black them out because she had been waking up super early and i feel like it solved the problem like half of the time most of the time i feel like she's been sleeping past 7 30 but today i was so pumped to like get up early finish packing everything and then literally i woke up and i was like on my phone for a second just like waking up and i was like what is that noise like i swear i can hear her get on the camera and she's standing in there so she's watching a show for a second while we hurry and finish packing i wanted to leave by 8 30 but if she's already up and everything then i want to leave sooner so been actually really like gloomy and rainy up here so it's pretty early right now but it's like blowing me outside anyways so yeah i think that all i need to do is just pack some snacks and food and then parker's packing like coves stuff that she needs um like her baby monitor and all of that stuff and then the rest of everything should be pretty much packed luma's actually gonna go stay with my grandma we usually have a dog sitter that we actually found on rover and i had luma booked for that and then i was talking to my grandma and she's always like we want to like watch luma when you go out of town so i thought this would be a good time to test that out so it's just gonna be a couple of days but we're gonna drop luma off at my grandma's house my grandma and grandpa are like obsessed with her my grandparent texted me he's like make sure you bring like this for her and this so i can take her on walks and whatever so we have her little bag over here pretty much packed up we're gonna drop her off there on the way that's the update for now i'm gonna start packing all the food i need to get the tripod set up so i can film so i'm gonna do that really quick okay i have my bag hey baby are you gonna help mama do you want to help me figure out what snacks we're gonna do what snacks you want to get into this box today's video is sponsored by thrive market they're one of our favorites what do you see you can pick out something to have for a snack do you want me to hold you you want one you stand right here and i'll get you one this is the perfect video for thrive market to sponsor because i did not have time to like get any snacks this week for this trip i wanted to clem head and grocery shop and blah blah didn't have time for that so we will order a few groceries for like the actual fresh stuff and meals that we need but all of like our snacks and stuff fried market just delivers everything right your door so it was perfect you want one dada needs to open it can mom open it no here okay so i always just shop on their website they also have an app and i just click the vegan button and literally search for like anything you can shop by all different diets like vegan paleo gluten-free all of that stuff mmm this is one apple and 12 strawberries in this i'll show you guys kind of what we've got and what we're going to bring so they have two different membership options they have a monthly one and they have a yearly one i pay for the yearly one just because we order all the time and with your membership it sponsors a free one for a family teacher student veteran or a first responder in need next item we got applesauce opened another one we already have one let's see okay let's start filling up our bag you also get guaranteed savings when you shop on drive i always feel like i get a ton of stuff for how much money i spend thank you so much i think that's enough for our trip they also price match their items if you find it cheaper somewhere else orders over 49 are shipped for free and also delivered with carbon neutral shipping from their zero waste warehouses and they're on a mission to be the world's first carbon positive grocery store they've already donated 4 million of healthy groceries to families in need and they also have a ton of other products like cleaning products dog products last time i got luma some treats and stuff i do have a link down below you guys can join today to get 25 off your first order and a free gift so i definitely recommend checking out thrive market we get a box like every single month these are like little instant oatmeal packets i wanted things that will just like be really easy to snack on i also got some granola bars what else do mommy get let's see i got more granola bars these are coco loco you share them with me i always get chickpea pasta from here and then i got pepsi hearts because i feel like everybody talks about those and now they're so healthy yes you want to open this one too all right we're just doing a taste test in here thank you i don't know if we ever talked about on the vlog what happened with her binky and i talked about it or did i talk about it on the vlog and not on instagram i can't remember yeah coke still has pinky we'll get rid of it at some point it was like three weeks of trying to get rid of it and it just was not working we actually took coke to the dentist last week and he said that her teeth and everything like looked fine and we're good to keep it for a little bit so i was gonna try these with you but now you're eating that you like that you love anything chocolate huh can i just have a bite of yours all right i also have a few fruit things in the fridge that i'm gonna throw in here and then i think we're about ready to go huh we're just gonna get dressed and then we're gonna go in the car on a road trip all right we made it we just dropped off luma at my grandma's house and now we're actually at old navy because i did not bring cove one pair of shoes i also didn't bring her one pair of pjs we kind of packed the last minute luckily she was wearing pjs this morning that she didn't want to change before we got in the car so we have one pjs parker's running in it's the same shoe size six mom hack we always keep a pair of shoes for cove in the car we usually will like have her pick out whatever shoes she wants to wear before we leave and like put them on and blah blah blah but sometimes you forget shoes they always have a pair in the car but we're in parker's truck so we don't have any and cove has no shoes i don't even really know if she like needs them because we're not really planning on going anywhere we're just mostly going to be at the house because there's like a pool and whatever but it's so hot here the ground is so hot that if she's outside i want to make sure she like has shoes on even just in the yard and stuff i'll show you guys the shoes that parker's getting they are our favorite they're from old navy they're super cheap and every time i show them on instagram or something a bunch of people ask about them so i'll link them for you guys they had some good boy options too that i almost got but then i found them so i just got them but i should have got these ones are her favorite yeah these are the they're just these rainbow they're so nice because they can like get wet and not get ruined and she loves them she can also take them on and off by herself because it's just like this part yeah i'll link these for you guys but we got the shoes coco all right so we just got here there's a bedroom upstairs that i've never even seen look at the one on the left yeah on the very top yeah yeah i knew that one was there yeah we've been here like three times i can't remember if i said this but some friends of ours stayed here a few weeks ago so we actually came here a few weeks ago and we didn't stay here but we just like came over to hang out we also came here when it was like a parade home so we've been here a few times and literally there's so many bedrooms so we're gonna get the groceries put away and then i'll take you guys around on a little tour it is literally the prettiest most like amazing house ever so yeah i'll show you guys what we got did end up ordering um some groceries to have all of our thrive market snacks but i ordered some things for dinner so we got some fruit got watermelon pjs her sister wants to make this like mac and cheese she's been loving so i got milk and cheese for that got some guacamole so we have two nights well we have tonight but not everybody's gonna be here i don't think and then we have two nights where everybody is here so we're gonna do tacos one night and a barbecue one night so i got some dip and guacamole since we're doing barbecue i got veggie burgers for me both i got the noodles for the pasta i got some beans for the tacos got some candy [Applause] guys the best thing this house comes with a golf cart does not come with it oh we have to pay extra but they gave it to us oh but you have to pay extra oh it's an option you guys can book a golf cart with the place that's cool which is super fun because this is like a vacation rental like neighborhood got some more meat this camera's also gonna die i'm gonna swap out the battery so i'm gonna start from the front door to give you guys a tour hey go go i always film so crappy so i'm gonna try and do this like really smooth and make it fast so it's not boring but this is what it looks like when you walk in this is a little entryway there is a half bath right here then you come this way this is the garage dining yes babe living room kitchen there's the pantry over here there's like a built-in bench thing over there which is super fun and then over here this is the master super super pretty this bathroom is amazing it's that cute cocoa so that's the first floor and going upstairs club's already been up here playing with her toys but this is the second floor so there's pool table like living room area back over here this is a laundry room we have shown this house i think when we came to our um or when we came to the parade homes this is the room we're gonna put cove in so it's a bunk room and i'm putting her in here because it's like super super dark so this is gonna be our room it has its own bathroom i think most of them have their own bathrooms actually so you come this way there's this bedroom with this bathroom come across here look at this view so pretty so there's a pool down there it has a cover on it right now this is the blue lagoon there's a deck out here this bedroom and then keep going up the stairs so going this way you have this bathroom and then another like living room bunk room area and then this bedroom so super pretty literally the most amazing house ever the next day goes did you uh show like the outside and stuff yeah this is the blue lagoon out here i kind of showed it yesterday on the tour i don't know if i showed these but this house comes with like these kayaks and paddle boards which is super fun we actually sold this house months ago when it was yeah in the parade yeah i think i mentioned that yesterday but it also came with we actually have one of these for cove and i forgot it and i was all stressed and they have a bunch of like cool toys over here i still need to put on her swim diaper but she's mostly not really actually getting that wet we're just kind of like letting her get used to it but i literally forgot a swimsuit for her just come stay at this like beach house didn't bring a swimsuit didn't bring shoes we're just hanging out they have these chairs it's so hot so i have this one pulled into the shade for me nice relaxing morning we went to breakfast now we're just hanging out okay so right now i am currently going to get my eyelashes done and my eyebrows done i'm really excited i've been wanting to do this forever but i don't know anybody up in like the south jordan area that does it and i haven't had good experiences when i've gone to just like a place that does it i want to go to like somebody that like my friends go to or something that like they do it out of their house and it's like a person obviously it's like a person at a place to like a spa or something but i'm getting my eyelashes permed and tinted which i'm excited about i used to do it all the time and it looked so good and then i stopped doing it because we moved and then the couple times i did it up in salt lake it just like did not really do anything for me so i'm hoping this time turns out good and then i'm getting my eyebrows laminated which i'm so excited about i love like brushing them up if you laminate them they'll like kind of always stay that way for like four to six weeks or however long i'm at my friend's sister's house haven't ever gone to her before but i'm super excited so here's the before i'm also driving parker's truck which is like so scary and i feel like i look bald because it's like kind of dark in here i don't know and there's like weird noises i don't know i hate driving his truck because it's so big but anyways i'm excited hopefully i will feel like i don't look like a little boy after this all right so here's the after of my eyelashes and my eyebrows eyebrows usually take she said like two or three days oh you've got some stuff down there what yeah they're still like this is the after but it's like i haven't washed my face or anything yet so the eyebrows need like two or three days to like set and you like wash them or whatever but i can't get it wet for 24 hours so this is the after clothes we need to get in the pool but i'm gonna take a picture really quick so i thought i would do some behind the scenes coco you got mommy's hat will you move that stuff that'll probably be in it i have on this cute swimsuit that's like way too small for me i'm gonna do uh trying on cheap swimsuits pregnant video when i get home so i have on this cute little like skirt thing that literally does not fit because of my stomach supposed to be skirt and it's just like not staying down i've been waiting all day for the sun to go over here coco you can come out [Music] all right the next day we're going out to breakfast hi coco yeah we went yesterday we listened to baby shark on the entire way here cove had no clothes on i'm just trying to keep her happy toddlers are really something else so on the way over i was like hey we'll listen to baby shark and then we're gonna put on your clothes and then we're gonna go get food and now she sees like a horse statue so she was excited about that she's trying to keep her in a good mood so we can enjoy our breakfast what is that coco that's cool cute ear huh fine and you brought your dog that's his nose going into feel of which is where we went yesterday but actually went to a different location parker wow this one's sweet yeah i'm so excited because they had the thing i wanted we went to the other oh we went to the other location yesterday and they don't always have the vegan bacon i wanted a breakfast burrito with that and they didn't have it so i was like okay let's go back today okay yeah this location the other location is like attached to their yoga studio so i think it's it's more so yoga and coffee there might be a yoga place here too i just saw a sign are you being cute yeah [Music] all right i got my vegan breakfast burrito i scrambled tofu vegan bacon and potatoes cocoa butter waffle she thinks this is ice cream so she's going to be pumped and even just whipped cream she loves when portrait got a croissant she got stuff on parker's shirt and she's like oh no my shirt's dirty and she went and picked up a napkin yeah thank you you're the nicest yeah we're on our way back coco's new favorite thing is that she likes me to sit by her especially for like on a road trip so i usually end up sitting by her for at least like probably more than half of the drive like majority of the drive down here which is like four hours but why don't why don't you stay back there so as people like all of a sudden i don't know where to climb up here is it because there's no car stick back there the seat doesn't like recline as much in the back like this is my seat it's literally tipped back way far especially at this point and being pregnant like it hurts to say hold on we're on the freeway so i'll finish this stop when we're off the freeway okay we're off the freeway it should be a little bit quieter but i was going to say i just noticed today is august 4th and that was the day that i got my braces off probably like 10 years ago yes and it was the day that i hit 100 000 subscribers i think that i hate a hundred thousand i'm trying to remember if it was the end of my sophomore year or if it was before that and i'm pretty sure it was the end of my sophomore year i had to event because you had braces for a minute yeah when you got them on we both had them remember yeah parker had braces for a long time i had one for you no you had yeah yeah like in high school we were juniors and you had braces wait what year did you get your braces i got them on end of freshman and off and the freshman and off beginning of junior i got mine on when i was in sixth grade and i had only lost like my front eight teeth but i had to have freaking headgear and stuff yeah so you had them for way longer no i did i meant that you like got yours off like kind of late yeah like to get them off at like end of junior year that's like kind of like because i got them on so i got mine off right before i actually started high school because here high school like you don't go to the high school until you're in 10th grade so it's 10 11 12. but yeah so right before i started high school i got my braces off and i was so excited because i think i had them for like four full years so it was like the best freaking day in my life i had so many teeth problems i had to like do the freaking works for my teeth anyways and then the next year on august 4th i hit 100 000 subscribers and i feel like i can't remember the other things that happen but i feel like august 4th for like a few years there was always like something significant so today that's that we're on vacation i have my little baby and we just went to a nice breakfast so that's fun all right guys so we made it home it was one of those like sad moments when we left the house feeling like i didn't want to leave you know it was such a good time we had a blast spending time with my family cove had a blast waking up every morning and going and playing with their cousins it was super fun to have the pool right next to us i don't think i said it in the vlog but i was telling aspen this was like the first time that i actually like got in and swam and like played in the pool and stuff this is the first time in like years that i remember like getting in a pool and swimming and like having fun not just like putting my feet in with cove and like splashing around but yeah so it was fun to like dive for torpedoes and actually get in and swim so anyways i had a blast and now we're back home and the vacation is over before i end it i wanted to say thank you again to thrive market for sponsoring today's video make sure you guys go to thrivemarket.com aspen and parker to get 25 off your first order and a free gift that's an awesome deal we love thrive market we get them all the time they have a lot of really good options make sure you guys check it out the link is also in the description that's all for the vlog hope that you guys enjoyed we'll see you in the next one bye guys bye [Music]
Channel: Aspyn and Parker
Views: 197,966
Rating: 4.9424729 out of 5
Keywords: aspyn vlog playlist, aspyn ovard, aspyn and parker, aspyn ovard and parker, parker ferris, teen vlogging, daily vlogs, traveling, lifestyle, lifestyle vlogs, teen couple, young couple, relationship goals, luca, and, grae
Id: sB4qDQmrxXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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