2 Kings 22:1-20 | True Revival | Matthew Dodd

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great to be with you all December 26 2018 finish the Year Strong on Wednesday night amen amen pastor rich is taking the week off and so I am blessed to be asked to fill in for him normally I teach on Sunday nights but then let me out to come here on Wednesday night and to teach and so I'm honored to be here amen so we're gonna take a break in our study through the book of Exodus so if you have your Bible with you turn with me to 2nd Kings chapter 22 we're gonna look at the entire chapter tonight and the title of my message is true revival true revival will you please join me as I pray father thank you for this privilege that we have now to study your word Lord and we pray father God as we study a passage that maybe for some we're familiar with others were reading it for the very first time either way father we pray that it would spark something in our hearts Lord a desire for more of you Lord that we would not treat this last Wednesday of 2018 like any other day in fact I pray from this point forward all of our days would be treated differently and seen from your perspective and what it is that you desire in us Lord that we would live our lives to the fullest so we pray father God that you give us eyes to see we pray that you give us ears to hear and we pray father God that you would pour out your Holy Spirit upon us we want true revival begin it here begin it now in Jesus name and all of God's people said amen and amen maybe you know this about me maybe you don't but you know I was in Dallas Texas for about eight years back in the the mid 90s all the way to about 2004 and I was going to seminary there Dallas Theological Seminary and then I will also start a Calvary Chapel Worship Center actually sent out from this church to pioneer work there and it was a real blessed season in my life and but I remember when I was there it was a hot hot summer you know they only have two seasons they're hot and weeping and gnashing of teeth okay and it was hot hot weeping gnashing of teeth because it was summertime and we were a smaller church but God was blessing it it was beginning to really grow we had a a Bible College we had a radio program is neat to see what God was doing with our church there in Dallas and I'll never forget it was a hot summer day and and all of a sudden there's this big guy and when I say big guy I mean big big guy like six foot six about 300 pounds okay with jet-black hair and those big sideburns coming down okay and come to find out that this guy was and an offensive lineman for a deep Division one college football team at one point and then he was also an Elvis impersonator which explains the black hair and the big sideburns okay but evidently he was also an expert in revival and I'll never forget the first words out of his mouth they were a question he said what is God's Spirit saying to you and I'm thinking I don't know do you want a towel because you're really sweaty III don't know and so then he began to talk to me how he was driving through the area and he just felt like God wanted to do a revival at our church so I thought okay I'm gonna listen to you for a little bit but the way this guy was talking I was a little bit concerned I'm gonna be really honest so I asked him a simple question do you have a letter of recommendation from a church some type of sending organization and I'll never forget his response this guy went from really kind and sugary-sweet to flamin mad and he said listen if you want to do a background check on me I'm gonna do a background check on you and I'm gonna ruin your reputation whoa Elvis what's going on here you know I said well the reason why I'm asking the question is is from third John John gives us some understanding about making sure we have the right people teaching from the pulpit he said Deb Diotrephes he had a poor testimony but there is a Demetrius who had a three fold testimony the church recognized his godliness the leadership recognized his godliness and his lifestyle lined up with the Word of God do you have that three full testimony well he got even more angry when I said that frankly at that point I thought Elvis was gonna beat my head into the wall but here's the problem our drummer was practicing in our sanctuaries right across the wall from our offices I'm thinking the drummer's gonna be playing the drums and practicing while this guy's beating my head against the wall and the drummer will never ever hear because he's gonna sink up that beat you know there goes my head there goes my Scully right against the wall well fortunately the guy left I said I think it's time for you to leave and he got up and stormed out and I locked the door and thought praise God I didn't get it beaten up by Elvis today and but you know it really sparked a question in my own heart what is true revival you know we hear about it it's a popular topic and yet there are many misconceptions and I would even go on to say unbiblical views and to understand what true revival is we must turn to the Bible God's Word for understanding and as we do we'll discover and I want us to take this to heart four principles for revival when it comes to God's people let's begin in verse one of second kings 20:2 Josiah was eight years old when he became King and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem and his mother's name was jedidah the daughter of idea of Boz calf he did right in the sight of the Lord and walked in all the way of his father David nor did he turn aside to the right or to the left now in the 18th year of King Josiah the king sent schaffen the son of as Alya the son of masu l'm described to the house of the lord saying go up to hill kaya the high priest that he may count the money brought in to the house of the lord which the doorkeepers have gathered from the people let them deliver it into the hand of the workmen who have the oversight of the house of the Lord and let them give it to the workmen who were in the house of the Lord to repair the damaged damages of the house to the carpenters and the builders and the Masons and for buying timber and hewn stone to repair the house only no accounting shall be made with them for the money delivered into their hands for they deal faithfully then Hill kaya the high priest said to chef in the scribe I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord and he'll kayat gave the book to schaffen who read it chef and the scribe came to the king and brought back word to the king and said your servants have emptied out the money that was found in the house and have delivered it into the hand of the workman who have oversight of the house of the Lord moreover schaffen the scribe told the king saying hilkiah the priest has given me a book and schaffen read it in the presence of the king verse 11 when the King heard the words of the book of the law he tore his clothes then the king commanded Hill kaya the priest ah he cam the son of shaphan Akbar the son of micaiah schaffen the scribe Isaiah the Kings servant saying go inquire of the Lord for me and the people of all Judah mm-hmm concerning the words of this book that has been found for great is the wrath of the Lord that burns against us because our fathers have not listened to the words of this book to do according to all that is written concerning us so Hill kaya the priest ah he cam Akbar schaffen Isaiah went to holder the prophetess the wife of Shalom the son of tikva the son of Horus the keeper of the Wardrobe now she lived in Jerusalem in the second quarter and they spoke to her she said to them thus says the Lord God of Israel tell the man who sent you to me thus says the Lord behold I bring evil on this place and on its inhabitants even all the words of the book which the king of Judah has read because they have forsaken me and have burned incense to other gods that they might provoke me to anger with all the work of their hands therefore my wrath burns against this place and it shall not be quenched but to the king of Judah who sent you to inquire of the Lord thus you shall say to him thus says the Lord God of Israel regarding the words which you have heard because look at this verse 19 your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before the Lord when you heard what I spoke against this place and again since inhabitants that they should become a desolation and a curse and you have torn your clothes and wept before me I have truly heard you declares the Lord therefore behold I will gather you to your father's and you will be gathered to your grave in peace and your eyes will not see all the evil which I will bring on this place so they brought back word to the king now at this point in the story Josiah he had a grandfather and a father who were very very wicked Kings who reigned over the kingdom the southern kingdom of Judah for 57 years the grandfather his name was Manasseh and he was king over Judah for 55 years his son Ammon the father of Josiah led Judah for only two years now Manasseh was so wicked that he built altars for all the hosts of heaven in the two courts of the Lord's house the holy place in the most holy place and he even made his sons to pass through the fire he practiced witchcraft used divination consulted mediums and spiritists and even set up a carved image of a shrah that he made in the house of the Lord the very house the Lord had chosen to put his name forever according to second Kings 21 verses 5 and 7 now the wickedness of Manasseh was so great that God declared in second Kings 21 verse 11 that he had done more wickedness than the amorite who had lived in the land before him that's how bad he was now Ammon he was so wicked that his servants actually conspired against him and killed him in his own home after two years according to second Kings 21 verse 23 at this point Judah had fallen so far from the Lord that he promised to bring judgment against them if there ever was a point where Judah needed revival it was then and it's in this context that were introduced to an eight-year-old boy named Josiah the next king of Judah can you imagine an eight-year-old reigning as King an eight year old reign as president right could you imagine now the first thing I want to point out is this versus one through seven when it comes to revival if you're taking notes please write this down revival is personal revival is not an event that you go attend okay we're gonna go have a revival meeting it's not like that revival is personal and in addition it's important to see revival is for believers not unbelievers brothers and sisters that is crucial revive the word in the Latin actually means to live again and it speaks of something that's alive but is on the verge of expiring it's like being in critical condition then life-giving air is given and it's revived or life-giving water is consumed and it's revived or life-giving nutrition is digested and it is revived now spiritually speaking revival only occurs in the heart of a person who has a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ but they're alive yet not as they once were they're alive but not as much as they could be so revival is for the believer not the unbeliever and I I appreciate the words of Pastor Chuck Smith whom God used to bring about the calvary chapel movement he spoke of this idea of backsliding and revival and he put it this way if there ever was a time in your life when you loved the Lord more than you loved him today you've backslidden did you get that as you look back on your life was there ever a point where you were more in love with Jesus than you are right now if that's so then you've backslidden you know as Christians it's not like riding a bike you know where you can pedal real fast and if you're on a a straight stretch a flat stretch you just coast right the reality is is Christianity is an uphill battle it's an uphill climb and what happens if you stop pedaling on a bike and you're going uphill eventually you're gonna go backwards you're gonna slide backwards the same thing is true with the Christian faith you will lose any ground that you may have gained and you may even find yourself in a place far worse than you ever were as a non-believer because the enemy comes to steal and to rob and destroy he wants to snatch away all that you have in Christ and he wants to put you on the mantle of his trophy case and say look at so-and-so oh they talked a good game they were walking strong with the Lord for a moment but I got ahold of their heart and look at how far they have fallen now what are the warning signs of backsliding well you're spiritually dry you know there's a dullness or an apathy a weakness even to your faith maybe it used to burn so strong you were so confident the Lord but it's not what it used to be and maybe when you look at your life it looks more worldly and less christ-like and there's this diminished love for God and the things of God to be honest with you I remember a season like that in my own life I was going to the University of Washington and you know my first year was a good year as a freshman but I began to really really get just drawn into worldliness and was doing a lot of things I shouldn't have been doing at that time I was also where with a company maybe you've heard of him before a furniture company called Levites furniture you guys remember Levites furniture remember the slogan you love it at Levites put it up remember that I hated it there anyway I worked in the receiving department putting furniture up and the Lord began to really stir my heart because all of a sudden I began to look at my life and things were just falling apart my grades were tanking relationships everything was just not good it was actually my dad my dad called me out on it one Sunday morning and I'm so grateful it wasn't like he was mean it wasn't like he's rude in love he was calling me back because he was the one who led me to faith in Jesus Christ he's the one who called me out called me back and remember one day I was talking with one of the assistant warehouseman we were up in one of the the stackers putting furniture way I just began to unload and I was sharing with him man I just want to be stronger in the Lord this is what I believe God is doing in my heart and in my life I just I'm just one in revival I don't want the world about twenty years old I just want Jesus I just want Jesus I had heard this guy tell her talk about Jesus before but in all honesty I never really saw any fruit in his life Christian fruit that is and I'll never forget what he said to me he said to me at least you feel something right now I feel nothing at all I prayed for him funny story two years ago I was teaching on a Sunday morning and you know I'm looking at the back doors I'm going is that the assistant manager from Levitz furniture now I was up in Lynnwood Washington at the time at that store is that him so I go to the back of the the sanctuary after the service is over and he's kind of lingering around and I called out his name and he looked at me like who are you he didn't recognize me at all because when I was at Levis furniture I had a luscious head of black hair he didn't recognize me at all so I told him who I was he's like this is great this is crazy and so we began talking I said well what is God doing in your life he goes because I serve as a worship leader now and I lead a men's Bible study at a church in Calvary calvary chapel in california and we're up here visiting family i don't know about you but my heart is I just so encouraged and what was the encouragement God loves to revive hearts here's a guy who was feeling nothing at all complete apathy dullness of faith and God got ahold of my heart and God got ahold of his heart why because the Lord loves to revive his people Isaiah 42 verse 3 a bruised Reed he will not break and a dimly burning wick he will not extinguish next we see here that revival is one person at a time I'm reminded of what took place during the Welsh revival at the turn of a century there was a revival that was just taking place in a mighty mighty way and this police officer was asked for directions by these people where is the revival at and I love the officers response he actually pointed to himself and said it's inside this uniform you see it's not there it's one person at a time and it begins in us revival is never a mass movement though God often moves in the hearts of his people simultaneously simply put revival happens when people want more of God and I'm gonna give you a little bit of insight here that's one of the reasons why I love Wednesday night because I know you're here day after Christmas why because you want more of Jesus amen amen you see the Christian life is a life where change is the norm if you want the status quo that's not Christianity why because the Christian life is a life of pruning the Christian life is also a life of refinement there's change there's pruning there's refinement why so what results in growth Chuck Smith also said the sign of a healthy church is when you see believers falling more in love with Jesus let's make it real simple this next year huh Lord every day I just want to fall more in love with Jesus that is the sign of a healthy Christian and when you bring all of them together that makes for a healthy church and you see that kind of progression in Josiah we read of it in second chronicles chapter 34 verses 1 and 8 and I want to summarize it here for you when he was 8 years old we're told in verse 1 he became the king of Judah at the age of 16 we're told in verse 3 that he began to seek the god of his father David then at the age of 20 according to verses 3 through 7 he purged Jerusalem and Judah and part of Israel of idolatry and at the age of 26 he gave the order to repair the house of the Lord his God you know there should be a progression not the wrong way the right way brothers and sisters that you finished this year looking more like Jesus and in 2019 you're looking more like Jesus and if the Lord should tarry 2020 more like Jesus every day every year we're looking more like Jesus you see that kind of heart in the Apostle Paul in Philippians chapter 3 verses 13 and 14 look what he says he says brethren I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet but one thing I do forgetting what lies behind in reaching forward to what lies ahead I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus I can't fix yesterday though I can own my mistakes well what I need to do is take today and Lord I want to fall more in love with Jesus and then tomorrow it's a new set of choices I choose to fall more in love with Jesus and what happens God begins to move mightily in our hearts and it becomes contagious because other people are gonna look at you and say what is happening to you oh I'm just fallin in love with Jesus Christ tell me about your Jesus the next thing we see is that revival point number two begins with a return to God's Word verses 8 through 10 second point revival begins with a return to God's Word may I be so bold to say it this way revival must be fuelled by the Bible anything else is dangerous ground as I will show you here in a moment psalm 119 verses 25 through 27 the psalmist says my soul Cleaves to the dust revive me look at how according to your word I have told of my ways and you have answered me teach me your statutes make me under the stand the way of your precepts so that I will meditate on your wonders revive me according to your word it must be fueled and grounded in the Word of God if not I can result in false teaching and doctrine and learnt never forget when I was going to Dallas Theological Seminary I had the opportunity to speak with the chair of the historical theological department dr. John Hannah and I had to write a paper so I thought I'm gonna write a paper on the Calvary Chapel Movement I'm starting a Calvary Chapel here in Dallas maybe he knows something about it so I thought I'll ask him what's your opinion of Calvary Chapel I'll never get forget what he said he said I believe Calvary Chapel is one of the most biblically grounded affiliations out there I thought wow that's great to hear he says but there was a turning point in Calvary's history you remember the Jesus Movement I mean hundreds scores of hippies were coming to faith in Jesus Christ they were baptizing them in the Pacific Ocean I got was doing a mighty mighty work and it just grew really really fast but Pastor Chuck always held to the thought we need to teach through the Bible chapter by chapter verse by verse because that will mature the flock of God and healthy sheep will beget healthy sheep well there was a group of pastors who said you know we want to go after more signs and wonders more experiences it was quite a large group some very large calvary chapel pastors mm-hmm pastor chuck was asked his opinion he said you know what we believe that God still does miracles today we believe he's still heals today but here's the deal we're gonna stick to the Word of God that group left but you know what dr. Hannah said that kept Calvary Chapel in a healthy grounded place they stayed the course and that was the turning point so important for us to see this you know if we don't remain in the Word of God it can result in legalism what do people do well they want to come up with all these man-made rules this is what you need to do right and then you are a Christian they become the spiritual police you know the spiritual Hall monitors they're always looking they're always judging they're always waiting to call you out because you're not doing things their way not according to the word but their way it's all about their rules and regulations but conversely if we're not grounded in the Word of God it can lead to lie since do whatever you want God will forgive you anyway contrary to what Paul says in Romans shall we sin that grace may acquit and may increase what does he say he says may it never be how can you who have died to sin still living it any longer right don't offer the members of your body as instruments of unrighteousness but as righteousness to God what do you profit from those things that you're now ashamed of live a holy life but not based on man-made rules based on a heart that's been revived by God and because you love God so much you want to live life to the full the way he designed amen it also can result in emotionalism and cheap gimmicks looking for the latest looking for the greatest what's the new thing right I love what Pastor Rich's said emotions make great servants but are terrible masters we walk by faith grounded in the Word of God not by emotions and surely not by cheap gimmicks amen teaching through the Bible chapter by chapter verse by verse next we see that revival begins in the hearts of people who are submitted to God's Word Colossians 4:16 says let the word of Christ richly dwell within you let it dwell within you but it's hard to be moved by the Bible when it's not permitted to move in your life it's like driving a car blind right it's like my daughter when she was four years old milena as I've all kids like to do what she would put a blanket on her head and then walk around was a parent I know where that's gonna lead right a trip to the hospital so what I tell her to do take the blanket off so that you can see well you know what we need to let the word of Christ richly dwell within us so that we can see God's heart God's plan Judah had lost the book of the law according to verse 8 where did they find it right where they left it in the temple of all places but no one ever bothered to look until King Josiah came on the scene and then chef and he read the entire book of the law to Josiah that would be from Genesis all the way to Deuteronomy in one sitting not a verse a day to keep the devil away right there my friends all of it and what did Josiah do when he heard all of it he responded by tearing his clothes a sign of mourning though the book of the law had been lost Josiah was declaring its authority over him and Judah was not lost hey just because the book was on a shelf hidden away somewhere in the temple guess what that doesn't mean God's Authority doesn't reign over the nation and the authority of the word is over us too whether we read it or not but it requires wisdom to see it's better off if we read the Word of God better for us so I'll never forget when I was young in the faith I was going to New Life Center a Foursquare church up in Everett Washington and the pastor there pastor Tom Ferguson was just a wonderful pastor loved the Word of God and he gave a message and I remember it to this day I was sitting up in the balcony it was a converted school and the sanctuary I believe was a gym at one time and they had this balcony and if you're looking at the stage I was sitting in the upper right hand side left hand side looking down at the stage and he gave a message about the priority of God's Word in someone's life and I remember my heart just being stirred he said he just was talking about letting the word of god richly dwell within you and that meant so much to me because I really don't like to read I'm not a good reader I have to practice like all those names I had to read tonight you don't know how many times I practices those that I was practicing those names before the service because I struggle with dyslexia you say as ayah five times real fast okay or Aki amore Akbar I mean I'll tell you what those names were twisting my tongue like nobody's business yeah letters going all over the place and so I remember praying Lord I want to read your word I want to read your word I don't want to just listen to what someone else has to say and he gave an invitation after the service anyone wants to have a a greater place for the word to be in their heart and I remember raising both my hands lord I just want your word I'll never forget going home that that day right after the service and I began to read the Bible and all of a sudden I could read in a way I couldn't read before and all of a sudden I could see sermons of all things I wasn't even feeling called to the ministry at that point I was gonna go to law school but God began to do a work within my heart and I say that as a word of encouragement for you as well maybe it's hard to read I know God can make all things new you sure helped me how much time of your life is consumed by television or movies and not the Word of God how much time in your life is spent on social media Facebook Instagram Twitter I tell you it'll never be said of those platforms like it is said of the Word of God in psalm 119 verse 105 there we're told your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path you'll never see that set of Facebook you'll never see a set of Twitter or Instagram I don't care who's talking unless they're quoting the Word of God amen number three revival begins with prayer we see this in verses 11 through 13 prayer is a key ingredient you see prayer aligns our hearts with the Lord's heart and after hearing the word Josiah wanted to know God's heart so Josiah sought the Lord through prayer and we see during the first Great Awakening that people were praying all night before Jonathan Edwards preached and Jonathan Edwards asked God give me New England and God brought about a great revival you know my prayer is Lord everything belongs to you Lord use Calvary Chapel to bring Hillsborough to you it's yours begin it here with me bring Portland to you bring Oregon our country needs you amen bring it all to you why not here why not now why not use us because God loves to bring revival but we need to pray and be a people of Prayer and you see that prayer was central in the life of the early church in acts 2:42 the disciples were continually devoting themselves to prayer in acts 13 verses one through three we're told that Paul and Barnabas were directed by the Holy Spirit to go on their first missionary journey during a time of Prayer and we're told in acts 4 29 through 31 that when the church was persecuted they prayed and the Holy Spirit came upon them with power and gave them boldness not to shrink back to depress forward and to share the good news of Jesus Christ how important is prayer to you a lot of people will say well it's important may I suggest it's more than important it's absolutely essential what happens if oxygen is cut off how long can you hold your breath until you can get oxygen minute to write air is critical right I like to suggest so is prayer so is prayer we need that communion with God and here's the deal God loves you guys so much he loves us all so much he wants to commune in with us more than we ever realized and that's what prayer is it's just talking with God sharing your heart bringing your burdens to him but also praying for the needs of those in our community those that we love because they need Jesus too and that's why Paul says in 1st Thessalonians 5:17 he commands us to be praying without ceasing that we should be continually aware of God's presence and bringing things to him in prayer if you're at work and you're going through a difficult time Frank if you're at home with the kids and they're struggling pray if you have a relationship that's going south pray if you look at what's going on the news and your heart's burdened prang a lot of us can just become critical and cynical I believe God's people need to pray amen take it to the Lord in prayer and then watch God move when we pray lastly we see that revival begins with repentance in verses 14 through 20 what is repentance repentance is turning from sin and pursuing God it means that I'm going one way I'm going towards sin but when I repent I turn around and now I'm going towards God that's what repentance is now in Deuteronomy 28 through 30 which would have been towards the end of what Josiah heard as the first five books of the law were read there are three chapters 28 29 and 30 that speak of blessings for Israel when they obey and curses upon Israel if they disobey that's why Josiah tore his clothes as he heard those words he knew they were on the wrong side of things and they needed to get back to the Lord that's why he tore his clothes because he knew there were going to be curses for disobedience so much so that they would be sent into exile and he was hoping that by revival and reform the nation would be turned around and there would be a stay of execution Josiah was broken before the Lord and that's why he tore his clothes in verse 11 he wants to know if there's any hope according to verses 12 and 13 and then he receives the word from the prophetess that God is anger angry and judgment is coming according to verses 14 through 17 but I love verses 18 through 20 their God spoke and said because the Kings heart was tender and humbled before the Lord there would be peace there would be a stay of execution and you know what our country needs Jesus second Chronicles 7:14 says if my people the body of Christ here at calvary chapel who were called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land now I know that these verses were primarily directed towards Israel but you see the principle here if God's people will humble themselves and pray our God who loves to revive her hearts will hear and he will answer and he will heal and He will bring revival true repentance though is revealed by our choices you see it's not enough to say oh I repent and there's no change in lifestyle remember I'm walking towards sin but then I repent that means I'm walking towards God which means I'm gonna look more what Christ like right fruit in keeping with repentance now to confess my sin means I agree with God that what he calls sin is sin repentance really is confession in action it's an ongoing choice it's an going lifestyle josiah knew God had given Judah a season of grace now this is interesting a lot of times when people experience grace they let up you know what I'm talking about if you get your hand caught while you're putting it in the cookie jar right but then you get caught and grace is extended when no one's looking what are your attempt what do you attempted to do I'm going back to that cookie jar right No Josiah knew the right choice the whole nation needed to come and experience revival and so Josiah was totally devoted to God I mean if you read second Kings 23 he is tearing down this he is cleansing that he wants the whole nation to be completely devoted to God because he himself is completely devoted to God all the idols must go and listen to the words that are said a second in second Kings 23 verse 25 about Josiah and before him there was no king like him who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might according to all the law of Moses nor did any like him arise after him now what's so amazing here this includes David the man after God's own heart this includes Solomon Josiah had a singular devotion and heart towards the Lord in his own personal life no idols in the landscape no idols it all must come down what is an idol by the way an idol is anything or anyone that occupies the highest place in our hearts because that place should be reserved for God alone and that's why at the end of first John the Apostle John wrote to the church and this is the last verse verse 21 little children guard yourselves from idols that's a good word any idols in your heart if you want revival the idols have to go and what good is an idol when you could have a relationship with the Living God amen and that's what God desires and if you're here tonight maybe you're feeling dry maybe there's an apathy maybe you look at the fruit of your life and you see more worldliness than Christlikeness I'm here to tell you God wants to revive you he wants the Word of God to have a greater place in your life he wants to communion with you through prayer and as you walk in the light he will reveal those areas where you can repent of them and guess what be liberated and enjoy freedom I don't care what sin or struggle that you have Jesus makes us more than conquerors we can have victory to him be the glory amen but the idols need to go I wanted to go in my life how about you let's pray father we thank you for this time in your word tonight we thank you for the example of King Josiah even now Lord would you search our hearts father would you look and see if there's anything that's competing for the highest place in our hearts a person a thing our pride the idols need to go so we choose to have them torn down tonight we're asking father that you'd revive us that you'd revive us O God and cleanse us of any impurity and make us holy that's our cry Lord we're asking for revival if that's your heart tonight you're saying north want revival would you just raise your hand and tell that to the Lord say Lord I'm choosing I'm choosing you father God I thank you for the hands that are raised and I'm praying even now for your Holy Spirit to be poured out upon each one who's making that declaration that request revived me Lord you'd begin to steer a stir their hearts Lord one person at a time that Lord you'd help them as they study your word one person at a time that you would bless their prayer time Lord that they wouldn't feel like their prayers are hitting the ceiling and having no impact one person at a time that is a walk with you Lord that they would hate sin because they love you so much one person at a time Lord revive us Lord so that our city would be given to you so that Portland and the Greater Portland Metroplex would be given to you that Oregon that the United States that the entire world Lord we're asking for revival revive your bride begin it here begin it now we pray in Jesus name and all of God's people said Amen can we give thanks to our God
Channel: Calvary Chapel Worship Center - Hillsboro, Oregon
Views: 1,009
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Keywords: The Bible, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy, Pastor Rich Jones, Pastor Matthew Dodd, Calvary Chapel, Faith, Grace, Revival, Truth, Prayer, Salvation, Calvary Chapel Hillsboro, Exodus, Matthew, True Revival, 2 Kings 22:1-20
Id: Cn41dL5OC0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 21sec (2901 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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