1st Hunt of the Year, INSANE DEAL! | Retro Video Game Hunting

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top of the morning retr freaks you know when you get this view what's going on we're going out we're doing a little game hunting we have no idea where we're going we haven't looked anything up online we're just going to be looking for signs so you have to come along for the ride we may just do this as a one-off like this is just a video of what happens today see if we find anything yeah I know we're going to grab some energy drinks I also know if we're out long enough we need to go to a GameStop we'll talk more about that later in the video okay ordered some stuff from GameStop and there's a reason I'm going back wow is it a good reason or a bad reason stay tuned for that and then uh we do have some other pickups that we've had unrelated to what we're going to go go through today that we'll talk about towards the back end of this video as well but come along for the ride the first Twan game hunt for got G in 2024 let's go [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's summertime so you know what that means the boys are back or hitting garage sales and what's Wild is this summer both of us have been busier than we've ever been so we luckily had a chance where both of us were free and we're like hey let's go garage ceiling together this has only happened once so far and I don't even know if it's going to happen the rest of the summer so today is a lucky day all right one sale in there were games Y no games worth buying was it connect adventures and uh Call of Duty Black Ops yeah there was 360 games got to there was PS4 games too which is awesome but it was nothing to even pick up yeah we also don't do a lot of hunting videos so you guys are probably like oh they don't hunt that often well guess what we hunt all the time literally it's not going to be on this video at all it was just a random pickup I got 40 DVDs for $4 and if you count all the movies that were in the 40 DVDs that's 47 movies for $4 so who needs streaming when you can go to garage sales that's a Side Story I'm still jacked about that pickup but today was a great day the weather was beautiful it it was a great morning we haven't done a game hunting video in a long time but that doesn't mean the hunt stops but the hunt has kind of stopped with us being together that gaming Off the Grid Secret Sauce that luck that Juju if you will and I was a little concerned that I wasn't going to hear the crowd chanting they still got it they still got it the first sale of the day we go in we did find some games nothing major and I'm I'm you know kind of like a wobbly fighter here I'm like I don't know if we still do got it and then we stopped at a moving sale and got G still got it dude we still freaking got it insane deal you know I think every year we say this is the best pickup we've ever had so I don't really recall if it is or it isn't but it's definitely up there good morning good morning let's see I'm moving right yeah I don't have I don't have a yard everything kind of has to go well we might be able to help you out with some of this stuff y she didn't have anything priced it was a moving sale I think as we were walking up maybe the footage will capture it she's like you know everything needs to get out of here um she's she's ready to go the problem with this pickup was I didn't know if stuff worked so I knew that there was a lot of money there if things worked but there's things didn't have Chargers there were things that wouldn't power on so I knew I was going to have to put some money into this stuff I don't know if you've ever been on that end of things where you order batteries and chargers for stuff and then they still don't work and then you're sitting on that stuff so um 40 bucks we got all the stuff so as I'm looking I see a Game Boy and then I'm like wait a second that's a PSP wait that's a PSP wait there's PS4 games and Xbox One games and then over on West Side he was like looking at Nintendo DS stuff that I didn't even notice so those the PSPs a battery in it okay batteries like were like like they got too hot or they something I mean it's just been sitting for years they both work before before [ __ ] hit before [ __ ] hit the fan yeah PSPs DS lights multiple I don't know if this was a bunch of kid stuff or what tons of games Robert over there going through stuff and I see him with some PS4 games and he's just like I'm thinking he's just buying them because either they look cool he wants to play him and no pun intended one of the games was Sniper Elite but he was over there sniping and it's not because of that who freaking knew that Deadpool was worth 80 bucks on PS4 I knew that I didn't act like I knew that but I knew that mindblowing here I am thinking oh Robert wants to play Deadpool or thinks the Transformers game looks cool Transformers is like a $40 game that's a dinger here I literally thought he was grabbing three games he wanted to take home wanted to play whatever and turns out that that more than covered everything I I was oblivious to it I think he was too I was looking for the through the PS4 games and I was like oh Deadpool that's a Dinger that's worth at least 80 bucks I knew that I didn't act like I knew that but I knew that uh Transformers was worth 40 bucks I didn't say that but I knew it deep down I just wanted to like I was like oh we'll pick this up to play but no we're going to pick this up to flip so that was a Dinger and then all of the other games the PSP games the DS games this there's footage of us going back in the car freaking out and we just keep digging and digging and we spent $40 guys holy [ __ ] oh man second second gr over the year I'm peeking dude this gal was moving 40 bucks yeah cuz she was like what do you wanted yeah I was like what do you want for it she's like just just make me an offer now obviously we don't know if any of this works she did tell us the PSPs she believes they work but the batteries were expanding so I don't know what type of sitch that I I'm getting into but we got a [ __ ] St stack of [ __ ] so starting off we got some Game Boy games we got dexterity we got Pokemon Silver we got a Harry Potter game and then Pokemon Gold which Pokémon gam you know that and I'm guessing just you know I did look at them they they seem Legit To Me um this gal was in her 40s so uh I I'm thinking this stuff's pretty legit yeah so then we got that I'm running out of [ __ ] hands and we got a green PSP look at that that's freaking badass um yeah the batteries need fixed I think but she said they used to work yeah so we got that then we got a stack of PS4 games we got Deadpool Sniper Elite 3 and then Transformers rise of the Dark Spark R the dark I thought it's a dark spank for some R the dark spank pretty cool just wait there's wait there's but wait there's more so then speaking of Game Boy we got a green Game Boy Color uh looks like it's in pretty good shape I again haven't tested it so we don't know all this stuff was untested yeah side on scene but honestly screen's in Fairly good shape good shape it's one of those I wouldn't probably do a screen replacement on it that's good enough and we got this GameStop uh game case travel case let's see what's inside of this holy [ __ ] you didn't see this one I didn't see this one holy [ __ ] Game Boy advanced games up the [ __ ] wazu I don't even know exctly Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 I mean a lot of these Spider-Man Incredible Hulk Spider-Man and then we got a [ __ ] blue one yeah this is this is the one I had there a game in it what game's in it let's see what she was playing last road rash okay jailbreak Edition that might be pretty [ __ ] dope okay pretty cool pretty cool there's another couple games down there yeah then there's a micro machine Matchbox something and then Lelo and Stitch to which probably fun D probably fun so no rippers for games in there but but wait there's more so then we got a PSP in a nice hard shell case so this is the second PSP again we don't know if it works but it seems like it's in good shape pretty good a case so that's pretty badass then we got some PSP I've never seen a case like this yeah that's a hard shell case dude I've seen you had it open how do you [ __ ] the open the it was like a like a I see what you're it's it was a little tough to get open I'm driving so [ __ ] it uh but then there was PSP games and the these nice travel hard cases which is bad so none of them are CIB we just have the games um but we got a whole stack of games and you were looking at this I didn't see what games Ghost Recon Grand the Auto Liberty Cities Metal Gear solid uh Star Wars Battlefront 2 that's in this case Okay uh so there's the hat and again guys this was all 40 bucks yeah so holy [ __ ] then we got this which Smackdown versus Raw 2011 uh Crisis Core NFL that's a Final Fantasy game yeah okay uh NFL Street 3 burnout Dominator SmackDown versus Ro 2010 and God of War pretty [ __ ] cool and then there's one more thing you got this sick ass Nintendo 3DS bag now I don't even know what's all in here I think this front pouch just has like a charger in it yeah it looks like a Car cigarette car charger but it's like official Nintendo branded so that's pretty badass um that's in the front pouch then when you open this bad boy up there's a lot of different pouches you got a [ __ ] is a DSi DS Light something it's DS light black DS Light um looks like kids fingerprints all over it but honestly it's in pretty damn good [ __ ] yeah we can easily clean that up um there's a lot more pouches holy [ __ ] and there's more DS's a pink and a white one oh my God D lights both DS lights holy [ __ ] they are in rough exterior shape screens look manageable um and I think that's it for this case but this case maybe something in the back I just didn't know if there were games in it cuz that's the one thing we didn't find was any DS games oh yep I found found the games because I seen a case there for DS games and there were no games so this could take this thing to the next [ __ ] level cuz we can't read them unless we pull them out let's see what we got we got Ben 10 so this must have been a kids [ __ ] thing Iron Man Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars Okay Spiderman Spider-Man 3 some of the Spider-Man games are worth a ton some aren't Danny Phantom Scooby-Doo who's watching who I watch you backyard football dude I love the backyard games uh Master cars whatever Mater Namco Museum DS a [ __ ] Pokemon game smokedown versus smokedown Smackdown versus R 2009 and SmackDown versus Ro 2008 nothing on this side nope okay but dude all again all this for 40 bucks what do we get [ __ ] seven handhelds Jesus Christ let's go this is one of those though that I get really excited about but you just don't want to Peak at the beginning of the season but I don't know how much we're going to get out to hunt this year and also like we got to make sure see if things work and [ __ ] but still even like for parts and like oh there's no way we lose on this yeah dude there is no way in hell we don't triple up and that could mean everything's [ __ ] except for the games and we'd come out of this wow that I walked in I saw like a stack of Xbox games and P we were walking in he was ahead of me I could see and he's just like yeah and then when I got closer I saw Game Boy PSP and I was like holy [ __ ] then I started opening I was like oh man well you never know when you walk those situations like how much is she going to charge how much is it but she was like I'm just trying to get rid of stuff and we were like thank God yeah let's go now we did have to replace some battery packs we did have to buy some Chargers to sell it so that takes a little bit of the profit but 40 bucks we'll do the math later it's absolutely insane this this is the pickup of the freaking Channel we've had other great pickups but this pickup is the best pickup we've ever had this is wild other than the Pokemon games the Pokemon games obviously you guys know are rippers there was nothing that was like a huge standout game as we' go through this video and the sales you're not going to see anything that blows your mind but a lot of consistency a lot of consistency and then we do have stuff that didn't sell um and it's not because it didn't sell it's because it's never been listed because it's too low dollar value for me to piss around with it on eBay so we do have a convention coming up at the uh in August we're going to Mo gamec con and we're going to be vending there and so we'll have some really good deals on this stuff but we're sitting on some PSP games some DS games and uh yeah we'll be able to sell them with the convention or I'll just throw them up as a bundle online but uh we did pretty dang good overall on this thing I thought the rest of the day was going to go this well it we kind of peaked there which kind of sucks but it was a beautiful day we hit so many sales we hit so many block sales where it was like we parked and just walked around a neighborhood there would be four or five sales beautiful day we probably hit 25 30 garage shows this day didn't find anything else there was a few games at other sales but they weren't worth picking up I did pick up a few DVDs for my Personal Collection so that's always nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] show me you will say you will W say you will [Music] say you [Music] will you w't say [Music] you all right dude we're on a little bit of a dry spell here yeah [ __ ] has got to turn around but beautiful day it is beautiful day getting our steps in here and honestly we can't freaking complain we had the mega Hall of Mega halls but yeah so like we peaked at the beginning of the video but there is some good stuff coming down the pipe we still got to hit GameStop today and we'll tell you why but we we got that got to set the hook and re in keep watching yeah and then uh we'll talk about some pickups that we've had uh where we weren't together but we did get a little bit of footage and all that jazz but uh onto another sale let's go all right got out of there with this narudo complete season 3 for a buck there's not much on it it's a region two so that could wasn't a problem selling this before only sold comp I could find is like 46 bucks and it was a dollar yeah all right came out of that sale with season 1 through three of the Nole SE this is on streaming but I've seen a lot of pre-owned ones go for 21 so I got $150 it so if we get 20 out of this that is a win but uh we'll see I haven't seen a lot of three sealed ones so not sure how this is going to go but we're going to uh we're going to say this is going to be a decent come up here I got the New Girl season 1 2 and three sealed so uh that was awesome I got it because I knew sealed stuff will sell I think I sold it for like 20 and then there was a Naruto uh I hope I'm saying that right I'm not a big anime guy so don't crucify me in the comment section um uh DVD set and uh that actually sold for quite a bit as well and I I'd have to go back and watch the footage I think I got got that for a buck as well or a buck 50 something like that the big pickup was the pickup of the Year this is insane and that covered everything and made the day worth it okay y it's that one right there guys look at that you don't see that every day free beer we got to find that one I'll drink a beer this time of day let's go okay I was going to drink all weekend because I've been working out but when it's free I'll [ __ ] drink it's [ __ ] go all right I don't know if it's illegal to have an open container if it's the passenger oh well these and there's a cop right there yeah hello pleas here I won't show you right now but oh I'll show you right now M light so it's not open it's sealed uh but it's almost gone so we got free beard this garage sale this felt like it was our day free beer at a garage sale it felt like the hunting gods were like welcome back to the game hunting scene boys have at it here's a cold one on us the hunting Gods you know the hunting Gods right I've never been to a CR with free beer and we still got other stuff to do yeah we still got to go to GameStop we still got a recap some stuff we picked up outside of this video there's my old house I grew up in right there oh hell yeah they just changed the color of it yeah anyway we'll talk to you we did end up going to our PO box and we got a gift from our buddy turbo we had dubbed him the 1998 NBA Finals Bulls versus Jazz on VHS and mailed them to him I told told him I was going to do that for him like 3 years ago finally got it done 3 years later and he sent us a vanue gift our uh buddy turbo sent us a box of padone Siri 1926 stoies what a good day holy [ __ ] I believe this is his way of saying thank you we dubbed the 1998 Bulls Jazz series which I my dad had recorded for me when I was a kid but this is uh far too great for that act given that that act took me like two years to take care of for four years two four who's keeping track yeah but it sounds like this day just got a great day just got a whole lot better oh my god dude the weekend's just getting started now we're on our way to GameStop we're on our way to GameStop and uh yeah we'll tell you just a little bit about that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] story perfect GameStop is closed although they're supposed to open at 11:00 it is 11:08 and they're closed gates are shut and you you know guys we're not ones to dunk on you know this type of stuff we don't do a lot of GameStop videos DK oldies all that type of stuff we usually steer clear that just do our own thing but I ordered this order from Gamestop is $19.76 and I ordered NCAA basketball 10 for the 360 was $74.99 pretty good deal I ordered Need For Speed Most Wanted why that game's gotten so expensive I don't know but I got it for $29.99 I ordered Spiderman shattered Spiderman shatter memories for $44.99 and Spider-Man Friend or Foe for $29.99 190 bucks this should have been about $250 worth of value if things came in right you guys know how that goes this is the worst order I have ever had from anywhere in my entire life okay first off let's just go with the cases we got one of three that came in but guys the the quality every one of these games is absolutely trashed I don't know if you'll be able to pick it up on the camera here I'll try get in a good angle for you but there is a crack Jesus in this centerpiece all the way into the meat of the disc not that's not even getting into the scratches on the discs all of them looked like they had been through a really piss poor rebuffing machine um none of them would read uh did my du diligence because I was thinking you know what if if my console will read them and I can go get them resurfaced yeah maybe I could sell them disc only I I'm not even going to go through it through it with that every one of them there's a couple them that have like dings in the in the disc I don't know and it sucks cuz I there was a patreon video where I said hey I got these games on the low at GameStop not promoting it uh they I hope they honor the return you're supposed to be able to bring them into the store within 7 Days that's the kicker here they're not open should be number two my order date was May 2nd but I just got them in the mail 3 three days ago what are they going to use as their 7-Day threshold I don't know that's not your fault I know we're going to see how this goes God and and they're all [ __ ] like you can't even play them no it's trash what the hell anyway that was a pickup that's going back that's garbage so I am happy to report that GameStop did come through they did a return and there are still good deals on retro games at Gamestop I took my turn I think it was like $190 didn't spend all of it but I did get some pretty cool stuff I got Metroid Prime hunters cart only uh for $9.99 um this on the thing says a first hunt which I think is the demo of it but this isn't the first hunt cartridge so I think maybe they had it underpriced um I got Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions on PS3 for $59.99 it's kind of expensive but it's like an $80 game I got Resident Evil Code Veronica for $9.99 on PS2 Transformers Fall of Cybertron $24.99 on 360 this is one uh that is that is going up so this is PS3 version but I know on 360 this thing is rising in price bully on Xbox 360 for $9.99 and SmackDown versus Raw 2010 on Xbox 360 for $9.99 I'm going to keep Metroid for the collection and Spider-Man for the collection the rest of the stuff will be going to conventions so we had an amazing day hunting GameStop treated me nice so I was thinking you know what I'm going to stop into my favorite retro game store in the area jcd and hobby because I just happened to be driving by I was like I'm going to pop in here and check things out just walking around looking through some games and I spotted a gold Niko perfect shot with a controller in the package brand new and I was like sweet we have another gold gun I was like I have two golden guns dope he was only 99 I was like dang that seems really freaking cheap so I looked it up on eBay when I got in the car couldn't find any uh that were that were listed that were still in the package and there was no sold comps so I'm driving I just snap a picture of I'm like you know what I'm just going to throw it on eBay for 100 bucks see what happens boom sold just the day just kept getting better so there's another $80 to throw onto this thing it's time to Crunch the numbers we had a fantastic day we both added stuff to our collections at garage sales for this particular morning we spent a total of $42.50 40 bucks at one sale $150 at another sale and a doar at another sale then West got crazy at GameStop and JC in Hobby spent an additional $169 at GameStop I had originally spent $190 did some returns and then I bought some more stuff some stuff that's going to be resold a couple things I'm keeping for the collection and then I bought the Niko perfect shot for $19.99 so we spent an additional $16.91 I believe bringing our total spin to $212.4 the total amount that we sold was $ 7938 almost $800 that's that's freaking badass we took like 15% of that um off uh eBay fees and whatnot dropped us down not whatnot the app that was just like my transition word but eBay fees Etc would be the better thing to say that'd be a good sellers app Etc drops our total down 6 7477 now we did have to buy other things to fix the the handheld that we got we had to buy batteries we had to buy Chargers so then we could sell all that stuff working and complete so just that stuff expenses wise was $75 38 so that adds up too total after all the dust settles we profited $386 198 and there's $145 hanging out there of what I will call potential profit at the next game convention we go to that we're going to be vending at so I think we did pretty dang good they say you can't find video games at garage sales they say you can't flip your way to freaking a retro video game collection and I say they're wrong I say go out there and hunt get a buddy maybe you'll find free beer at a garage sale maybe somebody you know will send you a box of cigars you never know what's going to happen when you get out there and hit the streets it was a fantastic day we had a blast
Channel: Gaming Off The Grid
Views: 9,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro gaming, gaming off the grid, video games, video game collection, video game hunting, Live game hunting, Garage Sales, Garage sale finds, profit at garage sells, Building a video game collection, Game Hunting, Garage Sale video games, video game finds at garage sales, DVD's worth money, PSP at Garage sales, Garage Sale pokemon games, Pokemon Game Boy Games
Id: BkVpuBsDc4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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