1on1 Chelsea is a Star!

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I'm now asking myself why I do a thing we are the ones that can provide the solution to the problem I'm having a blast welcome to one onone at Sun and Fun there is a hot new Aviation television show called throttle jockey you want to fly to abene Texas for the day and go pig hunting everybody turn back smiling wave all right all gauges are green we have plenty of fuel no cautionary warning lights on and we have both of our skid straps undone on the trailer this pilot job comes with some non-standard duties boom boom ready to go my quest to highlight all the different jobs that working Pilots have has led me to abalene Texas where imit web flies hog Hunters with his company Fork Choppers Aviation I don't know that we're going to be able to save the world being a working pilot is more than just sitting in an airline L ER and pressing buttons it can be exciting where every day is an [Music] adventure and we have the star of the show here with us Chelsea Smith Chelsea welcome hi good to see you again I haven't seen you all week I hav't seen you in ages so uh Chelsea Chelsea is the the the the lead of the new show called I'm the host I don't know that say star I think that who we're having on there star absolutely so uh Chelsea you've been uh hosting a new show throttle jockey what is this so when I tell people about throttle jockey I typically say think of mikro from Dirty Jobs who is one of my personal Heroes mine too and the way he showcases Dirty Jobs all over the US and then push us the trade school program and I came out of high school and went to trade school and partly because of him so doing a show kind of like what he's doing has been incredible not anything I ever thought I would do but when I describe th throttle jockeys I typically say that think of micro think about about how he rolls his sleeves up and goes and not only asks people about their jobs but gets shoulder-to-shoulder with them rolls his sleeves up and does jobs with them that's what we're doing on throttle jockey and so far we have filmed EP episode 1 2 and 3 season 1 the first episode was fun yes it was you were obviously there yes and we were shooting crop dusters in Texas the second episode was even funner even funner we were shooting shooting Hogs helicopters in Texas as well and then episode 3 is so special because we're shooting it here at Sun and Fun we're shooting with David Martin who's flying a beautiful 1930s Booker and getting to see the ins and the outs of the air show profession and you know we always feel like the aviation industry is so small and it is you'll see the same faces meet the same people almost at every air show it feels like but the air show industry is such a small sliver of that and they are even tireder yeah than the industry as a whole so this week has been really cool here at Sun and Fun getting to get involved with that kind of stepping into David's World and seeing the ins and outs of an air show pilot right here at one of the biggest air shows in the 50th year for Sun and Fun I do really like the acceleration the fast you know I love [Music] Mustangs want to go for a flight I think I might wait this one out on most engines you can still see the push rods but you wouldn't see the Rockers just don't feel like flying it all the way down there cuz it's a rare engine you know he W to you [Music] contact and and not to mislead our audience um I'm the the producer director of the show so um what I I like about throttle jockey is that it's the micro approach we all settled on that as we got into this um but it's the day in the life of a working pilot that's not part 121 so because that's when when people think of a working pilot that's what they immediately go to somebody in a in a white shirt with a black tie and shoulder boards and we wanted to look at all the other working Pilots that are out there and there's a lot there is and uh now episode three with da with David he's flying the buer or buer they they pronounce it both ways or in Germany I guess it was buer or whatever but that plane is really the grandfather of all aerobatic planes it's it's amazing and I didn't know that until I got into the this episode yeah it's a really interesting aircraft and he was showing us some of the designs that made aerobatics what they are today so one of the unique things is it has four ailerons they're connected on each side and it's very a very docile and responsive airplane to fly it has a really cool radio engine on it and I cannot wait to go run it in just a few minutes in fact with the cing off we got a little bit more to shoot we have a little bit more we're wrapping it up but the entire valve train is all exposed and so you get to see the inner workings of this aircraft engine while it's all happening which you don't get to see a lot so you can see the rocker arms actuating the valves the Springs the push rods everything so watching this engine run later today I have seen one one other time out of my home airport in in Kentucky Juliet Quebec Delta but yes it's really cool so I'm excited to see it again and I mean you know I love engines so yeah and this is an engine to love yes absolutely all right for those who don't know this is only available on arse which is a new video on demand subscription based model it's just like Paramount Plus or peacock or Amazon Prime or any of those and if you go to ae.com you can sign up up and um if you if you go you can use a discount code that we have called taking off arvs for arse taking keeps pushing his code everywhere we are yeah I have a code okay I'm sorry let's push Chelsea's code go to ae.com and use the code Chelsea at arvs use either one we're just here we're having a good time but the bottom line is go and subscribe because this is a great new thing there's already like 300 uh titles available right now to watch and there's Library titles uh documentaries all that kind of stuff plus this new original programming that will only be available there at ae.com so yeah and and the collection there is so impressive already and and we just got started and and and it go it speaks to like every aspect of Aviation if you like old B planes it's there if you want to go and learn about the Apollo uh and space travel and and everything like that it's there if you want Red Bull it's there if you want Aviation 101 it's there it's there that's right so go check it out and um well Chelsea we got work to do we got to go finish up the shooting on episode three of throttle jockey well let's grab the cameras and get after it I can't wait for the next one all right so real quick thank you guys for watching don't forget our sponsors we've got Colton mortgage at Colton taking off.com zvision XE vision.com brightest landing and taxil light 67d docomond insurance.net for your insurance needs and of course Flying Eyes where if you use our discount code uh I MX let's give yours what's yours my discount code for Flying Eyes actually I have I have three they all give the same discount so you can use chel h e LS no you can't stack them unfortunately so Chels Chels or high MX hi g h m maintenance Chelsea so I wonder where they got that all right well she works on plan well do you think I'm high is are you calling me high maintenance you're calling I heard you I said hi Max you said High main what MX okay come on come on no use whatever discount code you want but get some Flying Eyes cuz incredible supp sponsors by supporting them it helps support us also NPS Marshall Protective Services uh check them all out we like you guys we love you guys keep watching we'll see you next time we'll see you on arse [Music]
Channel: Taking Off
Views: 11,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviation, aviation news, christy wong, dan millican, flying, flying news, general aviation, in the hangar, inthehagar, learn to fly, plane news, planes, taking off, takingoff, chelsea, chelsea smith, aviation101, aviation 101, aeroverse, throttle jockey
Id: jJsw2g4Eric
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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