1992 Kickoff Classic- NC State vs Iowa

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college football fans have journey to the New Jersey Meadowlands in August for the excitement of the kickoff classic [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that amazing play in the fifth Kickoff Classic dealt Hayden Fry and the Hawkeye's a heartbreaking one-point loss to Tennessee now five years later Iowa is back and his fans are hoping for a victory this time their offense is loaded with seniors in pokes in Iowa City four already smelling roses but North Carolina State faithful have many reasons to cheer dick Sheridan's teams are always tough defensively and the Wolfpack is ready for the challenge tonight it's kickoff classic 10 on wake up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wacom presents a kickoff blessing tonight's game is being brought to you by new STP engine treatment help stop engine where before you start and by State Farm Insurance like a good neighbor State Farm is there [Music] giant Stadium in East Rutherford New Jersey is the only home the kickoff classic has ever known tonight we celebrate its 10th anniversary the Big Ten and the ACC it's the University of and North Carolina State good evening everybody I'm Phil stone along with Dave Rowe oh boy the excitement of another college football season is upon us if you're looking for a focal point you'll find it on the sidelines of saving for Iowa it's Hayden Fry for North Carolina State it's head coach dick Sheridan two prime examples David of what this college football games should be about so very true Phil both these coaches have an excellent mixture of athletics and academics they really care about their players you couldn't be more right Dave for Iowa they'd like to take the approach of the family tile they love to call it family and Hayden Fry likes to keep that family together as long as he possibly can well they call him the senior citizens in Iowa and it's so true their starting offensive line has five fifth year seniors if that's not enough ten of their starting 11 offensive players are fifth year seniors and consider this 80 players off this team state and Iowa City this past summer to practice the hook guys have turned out a gaggle of quality quarterbacks over the last seven years guys like Chuck long mark glassing Chuck Hartley and a guy named Matt Rogers last year and here in 1992 they have a new name at quarterback but an old name in terms of people who have been around Iowa said there's been a legacy of heart leaps in Iowa and Jim Hart leave is the quarterback this year consider this though he's a fifth year senior but he's a first year starter and also seven of the last nine years Iowa has produced the all big 10 quarterback so that puts a lot of extra added pressure on him so hard to believe this is the first time in 18 years that the Wolfpack will begin a football season away from Raleigh North Carolina a year ago they had three quarterbacks who started in one ball games but here in 1992 dick Sheridan once consistency one man to take his Wolfpack to this college season that consistency starts with Terry Jordan he started off last year for a note before he broke his arm in the Carolina game they're hoping he can pick up where he stopped off last year the day of this Wolfpack defense is extremely quick and very very well schooled you know being a defensive live and how important that is the big question tonight can this North Carolina State Wolfpack defense excel not one not two but four quarters against this big powerful Iowa offense that's the big question that dick Sheridan wants to know but he's going to have to wait till the fourth quarter to hear that question forget the answer every defense bill has a player that sets the tone in frenzy stated Sebastian Savage he's quick he's intelligent and he's very very aggressive on defense tonight it's the power of North Carolina state's option offense against this incredibly big line of the Iowa Hawkeyes their showcase tonight and this tenth kickoff blessing from giant Stadium in East Rutherford New Jersey it's the 16th ranked Buckeyes of Iowa and the Wolfpack of North Carolina State in this 10th Kickoff Classic now there is head coach Hayden Fry in his 31st year as a head coach his 14th year at Iowa this is Hayden prize second trip to the kickoff classic earlier I asked him if the anticipation here in 1992 has been a plus or a minus for us what guys well actually our guys are very excited - very enthusiastic - preparation and thank goodness the game is finally here it seems like we've been practicing for a year we're ready el-tayeb if Hayden fries hot guys are to win what must they do tonight against full effect well first of all bill they're expected to dominate on the line with that great size Jim Hartley Balto he's a fifth year senior he's only a 1st year starter he has got to take control of this offense and last year Iowa had 61 sacks that tells you that they forced teams into third and long and do a great job with it the 1992 opener for the Wolfpack of North Carolina State the first time they have opened away from Raleigh North Carolina in 18 years tonight we asked North Carolina State coach dick Sheridan about tonight's chance to showcase his program our team has been really excited about playing this game since we learned we had the opportunity to play in it and to play a team like our team that that has national respect the team that whose program has been you know a highly ranked team year after year it's a great opportunity for us and we look forward to lining up and measuring ourselves against the program the quality of ours they'll have to take that measurement very very quickly Dave what must the Wolfpack do to beat these hot guys first of all dick Sheridan knows that they have got to run the football what they make on first down may can just may determine the game they have got to neutralize Iowa's offensive linemen they're six foot four they averaged 282 year pounds and last year NC State was plus 18 in turnover department that has got to continue that is an incredible number we're set a beautiful quality evening on the East Coast will return after these messages from your local station this is the Raycom Network it is a crystal-clear evening here in East Rutherford New Jersey giant Stadium it bathed in the spotlight of this 10th Kickoff Classic as the Wolfpack and the Iowa Hawkeyes meet at the 50-yard line for tonight's class of the coin all the heads it is a heads it is your choice Oh guys of Iowa want the football so the Wolfpack will defend the goal to our left you know I didn't is dick Sheridan that very thing I said coach if he could start out which would you rather start out he said I'd like to start out on defense if I have my choice because I want to stop and get good field position so he's getting his wish so far it has been an unusually cool summer here in the New York New Jersey area tonight the temperature was 64 degrees humidity not a problem wind not a problem either however last night when Hurricane Andrew blew through here we had winds as high as 40 to 50 miles an hour tonight it is an unbelievable evening haiti fri begins his 14th year as head coach in Iowa City he is still looking for his first victory over the Wolfpack of North Carolina State Wow for dick Sheridan what a chance what an opportunity to get this Wolfpack program not just rolling in 92 but at altitude if they beat Iowa if they start off with a victory in this game he knows the importance of that they roll into their conference play [Applause] so the wolf pack is set to kick it away [Applause] handling the kicking choice for North Carolina State a sophomore out of winston-salem Steve Milotic [Applause] and back deep to receive for Iowa they've infused number 83 wideout Harold Jasper a sophomore from Long Island the last time a hook guy returned a kickoff for a touchdown came 11 years ago it came against Indiana the man's name norm Granger Oh Iowa boy what a way that would be to kick off this 1992 but approaches the ball and the kickball classic is [Applause] 46 yard return for Damian Hughes [Applause] we have a player down on the far side at the 25-yard line it is a North Carolina State player it is number 25 Mike Johnson a strong safety is still down so Iowa will begin in a moment from their own 38 yard line and there is the man who will lead the Hawkeye's through 1992 senior quarterback Jim Hartley out of Woodstock Illinois the fourth of the Hartley brothers and he is a good one he has been under the tutelage of Matt Rogers over the last couple of years at Iowa boy what a great talent to learn from day they said he's learned so much from one unfortunately he doesn't have the luxury of that year when he can take the snaps and kind of get the feel a little bit more he's thrown into action and but he's a very very intelligent player they said he has a 367 GPA and that's quite a tribute to a young quarterback Ali's an academic all-american grad student working on his MBA this year what did you think of when he said Hayden Fry said he's the strongest running quarterback I've ever had at Iowa now that this not look particularly good for the young man from North Carolina State is a left knee is being tended to here is Iowa's offense there is that senior citizen group we spoke of our seniors Montgomery and Lampkin are the VAX Lampkin is the tailback scooter Lincoln number 23 he has got the football he's up across the 43 dives out near the 43 clamp gives a senior luma memory the full-backs a senior cross Beynon user seniors John Aikens the defensive tackle was the first to make the stuff the defensive line for North Carolina State they play a rather unusual defensive front actually a 5-2 those are the five what they called down linemen however battle and Lawrence our linebackers and you look the defensive backfield or NC State Jeff Avila is foot wide to the right Jasper wide to the left on second down second man through it is sport gun been charged by that defensive line of the Wolfpack O'Neal Rickey logo and Johnny Coons when David Merritt came up late too he's going to be a big factories at inside linebacker number 34 he has to have a good game he has to play like he did last year in one game last year Merritt had 19 tackles against Clemson [Applause] Cary's wanker third down and five for the Hawks [Applause] he'll be short of the first down beautiful job of hustling John Aikens first man who flushed partly out of the pocket you'll see Aikens is on the left side of your screen he's going to flush him out 96 mix the quarterback bring the ball down keep them in front of him look at two men on logo he's going to have a lot of attention tonight but they bring him down forced the fourth down and force the punt putting it away for the Iowa Hawkeyes taken at the twelve by Logan George down at the 18-yard [Applause] the Wolfpack has held Iowa on its first offensive possession a 41-yard punt for Liddell George a six yard return I don't think that doesn't set the tone a little bit for this offensive unit as we watch them come out the man who will lead them here is Terry Jordan four ago before he went down with a broken left arm a year ago under 92 pounds senior I love to run the option gettin puts it up at his compound at the 37 yard line a sophomore flanker from Lake then heat we certainly can I asked Terry Jordan I said Terry what calms you down as a quarterback he said if I complete my first two passes I take that deep breath in the huddle and I have my leadership of my control that's what I need he's got his first one strong side to the nearside punts first down at the 37 yard line the pitch comes on the near side it is says he is finally wrestling the officials say he stepped out of bounds just across the 42 barbara 5/9 senior from garner North Carolina here as NC State's offense and it is a good one as we said lit by Kerry Jordan Anthony Barbour number 24 the tailback will be coming his number all night long the offensive line it is big and it is very well skilled George Pekerman biggest man at NC State history Akers the right tackle spot at 6 7 3:30 school that's brick Manor the bull back as he slices through the left side behind Sean Johnson and Eric Taylor charm Hart leave the first man to get to him now that is Jim Hart leaves brother he's replacing a big big talent in Leroy Smith here is Iowa's defense blue Nelson Bielema wells and John Hartley who just made that tackle and their defensive secondary a pair of linebackers Daly and Teddy Joe Bailey and for pretty darn good defensive backs they lost three starters back there from a year ago Dave but Hayden price says look I'm not worried at all people make too much out of losing starters sometime the guys we have back there have played an awful lot of football for Iowa well I'm talking with their defensive coaches they said don't be misled the fact that we have three new starters because most of our starters could stars start for a lot of other teams at the 47-yard line of first down for the Wolfpack of NC State regi warrants is checked out for the Wolfpack Robert Hinton is gone and his foot wide to the left and the slaughters Eddie wines loans up back his bled Manor [Applause] late one-on-one [Applause] James the senior from Park Forest Illinois well the Markovic of a good wide receiver is the block a lot of times robert hidden number 10 gets a great block right there boom he's got it come scooting he coming back out inside that's a good play that sets up again he's trying to set tone you're trying to establish things there's the option turkeys got let go turn is cut at the 17 my job partly that's got played Terry jerk when you she just keep on the next one played they bit on the belly Fink into the line right there they bite on it he pulls it out now they've got the pitch there's nothing to pick him up now right now just keep on running as fast as you can don't try to turn back no sets cutting under him he had a lot of people behind you first out at the hook i-17 Hinton and Griffis wide to the left now Hinton moves in motion to the near side hook down to the 8-yard Houston Texas Hayden Fry told us that Hartley was the running quarterback but Terry Jordan is the running quarterback in this series excellent leadership watch this when he makes the fake into the line that holds the linebackers now fake the pitch forty to the outside man that's John Hart leave he's got the pitch man you've got to make the quarterback pitch the ball first Gary downs is the tailback the up back is the fullback he's a big one he's a strong blocker Neal's great Manor he's picked up in a poor yard line maybe illegal procedure against North Carolina State teddy Joe failure the inside linebacker on that side made the tackle and if they're not fencing coach you love it when you see him point at the defense someone must have been in the neutral zone lined up in the neutral zone or penetrated it because it's going against Iowa can't jump along that lot that defensive line into that neutral zone and I think that's what they're going to call now the decision right here is to whether take the about the four yards that they made which would keep it inside the 5-yard line or whether the penalty would get it closer that's what they're trying to determine North Carolina State is sent to tight ends onto the field Neal our and Ryan Schultz now that'll move the ball ooh a Tamela 40-yard line yeah they're gonna take the play because they've penetrated inside the five the penalty would have only have taken them to the five either way it was a first down the fourth first down verdict Sheridan's Wolfpack here on their opening drive Manor and Gary downs are the setbacks number 45 the senior from Columbus Georgia is the tailback [Applause] Carolina State on Christian goals before moves ahead to the three and is shoved back to the four map hillier the junior inside linebacker is in on the tackle with help from teddy Joe feely let me tell you what a confidence booster this is for this NC state team their defense came out their defense did their job held them got the ball back now their offense is complementing the defense as they've driven the length of the field big big series to set the tone for NC State eddie joins us but way toward the straight ahead [Applause] yards and a cloud the gold pants trying to tackle Oh North Carolina State is on the board here stupid play on the first period [Applause] [Applause] this is power football there's nothing fancy it's right over the guard it's straight at you you run the two big backs in there to block and then you let your running back churn his feet see that black at the end zone and dive in for the score Boal fact on its first possession takes an Iowa punt and runs it down their throat beautiful evening here on the East Coast as we look down from the Goodyear blimp over the Isle of Manhattan tell you one thing North Carolina State who went on a tour of New York yesterday they have to be lovin the view here from the floor attire Stadium they came out and have shocked this Iowa team they came out to ran the ball five times they passed the ball 55 yards rushing on that first drive built for the second time Steve initech is going to kick it away David Hughes and Harold expert [Applause] [Music] [Applause] way back at the 38-yard line would lead one to believe it was offside against North Carolina State on the kickoff the 26 yard return by Jasper knocked off his feet by Alan Johnson yep it is offside against the pack when you get the ball out at the 30 yard line you declined that you take you take the position where the ball was I don't think he's going to make him he may make him kick over that would really surprise me he's got excellent field position at the 30 yard line a lot of things can happen on a on a kickoff you can fumble the ball you miss play it there's a lot of things can happen the only reason you might make them kick again Dave it's early in the game and you've got two guys who can kick it again I was about to say when you've got two guys like Hughes and Harold Jasper's four guys who can just burn it maybe Hayden's feeling he it's only five six minutes going to the ball game let's just try and see if we can't bust something well let me tell you something about a smart football coach dick Sheridan's taking his team over there he's telling him to get a breath take a nice big deep breath you huddled them all up there so they just didn't run back and try to run back down again let them get their composure a little bit let's see if we get a better kick better coverage that's what stellen is Jean so Varitek who has been a very busy busy man her early in the outset of this ball game the 6-2 sophomore from winston-salem look back quite frankly trying to replace a pair of fine kickers in diamond parkland and Marc Valvo last year this gentleman right here sole spot duty for NC State [Music] there is Harold Jesper joining them back at the 16 yard line Eamonn views the bark of this penalty will be how far do they get out past the 30-yard line it'll be Jasper again to the 8th [Applause] on that two-yard gain out to the 32 for Jasper a return of 24 yards Carlos Pruett knocked him down North Carolina state scoring drive a moment ago didn't take him long eight plays 332 to go 81 yards and a two yard run by the tailback Gary downs the senior from Columbus Georgia it's the difference in the game it is seven to nothing Wolfpack over Iowa [Applause] he's got 17 he took another three safety to come down when this totally fooled NC State's defense they started the rush they started to back off and hardly put a sad fact there need a sandwich while they look downfield to see who he wanted to pass to it's a slip screen out to the flack he fakes into the line that holds a lineman now look no rush look at him just sitting back there looking downfield now slip mouth to the flat watch those two big linemen furrow knee and Devlin get out there they're creeping out there those are big men running downfield 17 yard game for Iowa for their own 49-yard line first down for guys as Marvin Lemkin goes by the mccune scooter lengthen got a couple of flags sailing in David Mara the senior from Raleigh North Carolina Millbrook high school built in to take pumpkins feet out from under him the entire officiating crew in this tenth Kickoff Classic out of the Big East Conference and we've got a face mask against North Carolina State we'll know by how much they march off whether it was intentional or unintentional I'll tell you the middle there we were watching a classic 5-yard penalty we're watching a classic match up in the middle with Rickey logo number 90 and Mike Devlin that's strength on strength both big players Devlin wins this one because the plays are up the middle and look at logo saying hey wait a minute me but what a player Mike Devlin is number 64 Iowa he is going to be the strongest man that Rickey logo faces this year I don't know a whole lot of guys who can hold on and stop Rickey logo at 6 1 278 pounds boy look at that guy great story about Rickey logo we'll tell you about him it's just game progresses a senior from Fort Benning Georgia Harold Jasper has just checked back into the ball game Jeff tantalum the backup split in from Brule Wisconsin is checked out Jasper at an allure alternating just about every play for the hot guys hurts down Iowa at the NC State 41 yard-line the two set back to Montgomery and Lampkin Linda's pressure tried to like read the strong safety was all over or they timed that perfectly which you don't want to do is the defense's giveaway that safety blitz because if the quarterback has time to read it he checks off quickly and you've got your safety up on the line of scrimmage Reid came right up there just as the ball will snap and pushed him over Mike Reid shares a name Dave that you played alongside a great Mike Reid he's as good as Mike Reid that I played with the Penn State he's gonna be quite a football hardly second in 10 going Washington the junior corner [Applause] this was just a poorly through hardly be through stood behind this wide receiver Dewayne Washington's behind the Flay's closing on it you're going to see him the left ear screen he's number 20 watch says the ball was actually behind him Washington's trying to run to catch up looked like it was intended for him good play on there to get back on top with a bumble that's Tyler Lawrence Lawrence covers it North Carolina State has the turnover they have the ball with 802 to play on the first quarter with no time remaining Alabama's Derek Thomas was flight twice for pass interference but Ohio State's final shot at the end zone fell incomplete giving the Crimson Tide a narrow victory and a horrid Kickoff Classic and what a great kickoff classic that was between Ohio State and the Crimson Tide of Alabama 802 to play on the first quarter we have got a good one underway here at East Rutherford North Carolina State on their first possession took at the length of the field and punched it in it is 7 to nothing Wolfpack [Applause] it says he ran right through the tackle of John Hartley one of the things I just noticed is the split on the defensive line Mike G was about two yards from the center took the defensive tackle out and that's what opened up that huge hole in the middle as a defensive player you have got to make that adjustment you can't let that guard keep on splitting you out there's mannery is the six one senior out of Iranian Georgia Manor and Barber are the setbacks in motion the split end Robert Gant Huntley but this time he's not gonna run out of his grasp here in 1992 sporting new blue and gold colors the Goodyear blimp spirit symbolizes the revival a chanela nation's oldest tire company now Dave I know you've skippered that giant balloon that's some fun and that I wouldn't want to skip hurt it last night while holding those 50 mile an hour winds pull back great manor is in the slot of the upside at is the split in three step drop it is cut [Applause] or the tight end at the 47 yard line but we've got a flag down I believe well Phil might be that one of the receivers stepped out of bounds because I saw the official throw something down on the sideline I think it was the receiver stepped out of bounds on this side so it's not a flag good read there by Terry short and seeing the outside blitz dumping it quick to his tight end why to the left is Hinton in the swap Eddie Goines he is the guy who can flat-out burn [Music] pass intended for him over his head so it'll be second down in ten from the 46 yard line coverage on the far side by Carlos James one of the big concerns for dick Sherrod and his offensive unit was that protection keeping them off the quarterback they had 61 sacks last year this iowa defensive unit and they are not getting to bother than they're not bothering terry jordan back there when he stands in his pocket second down in ten why to the left at his rake ripest the junior flanker from Burlington North Carolina Reggie Lawrence is in the shot that hits goes [Applause] - coming back to Berkeley [Applause] that's the way you played the pitch if you're in Iowa defensive end you play it you're in the stand up position you make sure he pitches it you react quickly to the outside run straight down the line you've got the intercept angle and he makes the play now John Hartley even Larry blue both defensive ends for Iowa trying to somehow someway replace Leroy Smith who last year had 18 of the Iowa's sixty-one sash [Applause] it is cut across the 40 down [Applause] great one by Eddie coins as he broke to Iowa tackles on the way to the 37 well the words that they use to describe Eddie coins as let him catch the ball then see how dangerous he is extremely dangerous and elusive wide receiver once he catches the ball he's still on his feet there's no fear in that wide receiver he just got dumped by three of Miles's there's one who doesn't pull him down there's two doesn't pull down takes three more Iowa people to pull him down Mike Daly and Carlos jeans couldn't get it done but John Hartley does fourth down in a little more than a yard North Carolina State showing I'm not so certain whistles sound Iowa may want to talk it over well it is delay a game against North Carolina State well this is that this is a little bit of the head game between dick Sheridan and Hayden Fry if you take the five-yard penalty you move them back but you've got a little bit more distance to punt the ball I'm surprised Hayden Fry said take them back because it's a difficult kick what you want to do on this is that little pooch kick they took the 5-yard penalty by the way but what you want to do on this is get that little pooch kick that just drops over top of the line and rolls down inside the 20-yard line Tim Kilpatrick will punt it Iowa had five blocked punts a year ago Harold Jasper there's the man back deep bass go papac puts it straight up in the fair catch at the 21-yard line though the hawk eyes will happen at the 21 with 4 minutes and 43 seconds left to play in the first quarter it's North Carolina state 7 Buckeyes nothing and North Carolina State kick him off their 1992 college football season the Wolfpack out in front 7 to nothing with 443 to play in the opening quarter Buckeyes with the football draw play and look at him step out of the tackle he just stepped in and out of the doli Washington pardon me it was Marvin Lampkin the tailback interesting story about Marvin Lampkin is he has the option Dave of picked him whatever hole he wants to run everything probably calls it run into daylight yeah that's what they call a daylight right daylight left he has that opportunity to cut all the way back I'll tell you one thing it must be a real tribute to a running back when Hayden price says he's tough you can look at his lips snarl up and say he is one tough player lamken and Montgomery are the setbacks at his lankan in motion Montgomery the long man he has the football as he runs it up behind Mike Peroni and into the arms of Carl leaves first Reeves a defensive tackle I can't believe it he has to be the lightest defensive tackle in division 1 football he certainly his I've been watching that Rickey logo matchup in the middle again and I'm going to tell you one thing that is going to be a battle all night Rickey logos number 90 you said he weighs 278 pounds on that six one frame tremendous strength and he's going against the number one rated Quora Center in college football today in Mike Devlin the comments about Devlin is the nastier the better he's a throwback to the old days he's that pro type Center that just keeps on coming action down in five partly to the nearside you said he has got a first step at the 37 yard line and Dewayne Washington tackles him well when you have speed like Dana Hughes you've got to respect them if you're a defensive player this is just a quick curl out you don't even see the defensive player in the picture and that's their best one Savage is in there they have got to cover a little bit closer on him but as soon as you start coming up close on him he's got the speed to burn you first and ten the ball at the 47 yard line part label wants to roll throws on the placket is clockwise use Gunnery took somebody out as part leave rolled right and I mean took him out huge he certainly did house a crack back down the line but I was impressed away heart leapt through on the run sure he's running to his right and that's the strongest way to throw for a right-handed quarterback but he really threw that and delivered that ball in there very very well naina news 2 catches 17 yards watch the crack back right there Wow you see Keith battle go down and an excellent throw out to the flat second a little more than one partly at this time a world abuses what can't see him I believe Jim got the first down before Keith Babbitt chased him down well it looked like he was going to break wide open on this play putz McKenna's let's get the respective coverage there means into fight look at that he is wide open on a fly pattern but another let's talk about the smartness of Hartley bond that play he knew it was short yardage he only had to make about one or two yards he put his head down picked up the first down for two years Jim Hartley learned how to quarterback from a good one Matt Rogers and now as a senior he finally has come to the top of the deck of cards Hughes and motion first down part leave the give is to Lincoln and he has hit at the line of scrimmage dives ahead a couple of yards first man that got to him was I believe Ricky logo number 90 with help from Damien Covington Covington a sophomore from Berlin New Jersey a lot of players for both Iowa and North Carolina State from the New York New Jersey area and I'll tell you everybody on both sides couldn't wait to play this game in it it's a showcase for these New Jersey players and gosh you must be 15 yr skier from New Jersey one second in nine the ball on the forty part leaves seven steps up and get pressure comes on the nearside it's Montgomery the fullback the flag is down and so is Montgomery [Applause] two blocks to make the tackle yeah I think they're going to call holding on Lampkin he had a block early that's what it's going to be holding on Lampkin that is really going to hurt Iowa they came out there what happened is Lampkin threw his block early the defender started to break away and all of a sudden he just grabbed them Lampkin may have the option to run to daylight but he better learn to hold in the shade you don't want to get caught holding no not on a play like that because it rarely stops [Applause] the Kickoff Classic is being brought to you by krylon got rust get-tough brushed tough [Music] a minute 37 the clock is running here in the first period from the Meadowlands at East Rutherford New Jersey North Carolina State leading Iowa's seven to nothing second down in a whole bunch second and 23 cut leave right over the middle it is caught by Montgomery and great one-on-one tackling by day in Covington boy is partly behind yes he is but let me tell you the defense on this to NC State team is hot too that penalty was huge they had first down on the 41 yard line of NC State now they're back in their own territory they pick up six seven yards on that play and they're only out to their own 43 that is was a huge penalty a gain of one yard third down and 22 with all on Iowa's own 43 yard line their setbacks Montgomery on lamken play action Huntley wants to second row again throws the stuff again it is Montgomery in the local territory at the 39-yard not even close the first damn country hardly stumbled on the play when he stepped up forward he stumbled and actually threw that ball as he was going to his knees and she stayed got a good push that time collapsed the pocket around him in heart leap in his effort to move out of the pocket stumble so Iowa will kick it away good one what lgeorge has it at the 15 and he'll take it out of bounds [Applause] a ton of 29 yards North Carolina State will have the ball again as we have reached the end of the first quarter want to alert our stations along the way that this is position number six back with more of the kickoff classic in a moment Travel arranged through USAir which on September 12 opens New York laguardia's premiere terminal it's just one more way of showing that everything we do u.s. air begins with you and the shadows of the Chrysler Building Manhattan just to the east of us North Carolina State leading Iowa's seven to nothing we talked about so many players being from this area North Carolina State returns 11 players they're coming back home to play Iowa has 12 players from in and around New York New Jersey first town North Carolina State at their own 20-yard line Jordan wants to put it up for all those finds the scene that over closes receiver pass intended for Reggie Lawrence the seniors split end out of Camden New Jersey played at Camden High School just up the road apiece I know it very well good pressure in the middle there by the Lima he's number 91 watch this right up the middle good he doesn't fall oh he just rolls over that defensive back and he's right in the face and Terry Jordan second down and ten the Wolfpack will come from the eye for the entire right side George had him on the redshirt freshman and Mike G the senior everybody jumpin well you know Jordan did an interesting thing there he came out in stas changed his snap count he actually drew Iowa offsides except I think it may go against NC State because his players and draw a jump there's the signal illegal procedure but he came out and emphasized that same snap count that had been going on and he actually drew Iowa side now you look at first quarter statistics look at yards rushing 7633 total yards for North Carolina State but - dick Sheridan is just smiling from ear-to-ear over those stats in the first quarter Eddie Goines this but wide to the left on second and 14 the give way to carry down he is the difference in this game as he scampered two yards but he only touchdown thus far downs right into the arms of Mike Dailey and what a cut if Dallas could have gotten his balance back and broken that tackle he would have picked up another 15 or 20 yards Iowa is creeping up on the ball they're bringing those big linemen are down the linebackers are up close if you can split them and break through you pick up that big yards 15 20 yards on that run the bottom AR scream it is Ray Griffiths third down and ten it's deceptive by daily pass intended for the full-back Liddell George he didn't even turn around the guy who saw was daily and he couldn't get to him well Georgia Jordan under a lot of pressure again he has to get rid of it early but there's just no place to throw it they don't really get into their pattern before he has to unload the ball Tim Kilpatrick with his second punt of the evening he'll Patrick the youngest of seven children from Rocky Mount North Carolina keep in mind a year ago the hawkeye's Dave blocked five punts they've got nine men up on the line of scrimmage and trying to get another one up there they're going to get great field position on this play puts it up in the air Jasper a fair catch at the 48 yard line so Harold Jasper the 510 165 pounds split in has given Iowa great field position at the 48 we'll return after these messages from your local station this is the Raycom Network I'm in East Rutherford New Jersey nightfall here on the east coast to Gore what a beautiful night it is temperature right around 60 degrees now 1409 to play and the second quarter partly froze at the near side North Carolina State Gregg TR Moore and Sebastian Savage Dave you talked about at the outset of our telecast number 32 the corner for North Carolina State lose up to make the tackle on Montgomery oh what a great player he is I said to him I said I'm from a small town North Carolina called Asheboro he said you ever been to Carlisle he said I promise you Carlisle is just crossroads and we've got a blinking light he said but I love it back home tell all my friends hello wonderful wonderful young man five interceptions last year including a 99 yard return against archrival University of North Carolina Montgomery now four catches for 37 yards almost found Dewayne Washington that's what they have got to do this NC State team and that is get pressure on hard deep not allow him to fake in the line hold those linebackers and linemen in there and then look downfield that time goes Jana Moore who got a good pressure on him and forced him to throw the ball early be sure in stay tuned for the end of tonight's game when Dave and I will be selecting the sports cream player of the game double wide outs to the top of your screen Marvin Lampkin is the tailback there's a draw great based on the part of the quarterback Jim got a hurt lead David Merritt cut lampkins lights out from under on but I'll tell you who made that play hartley carried the fake to perfection that's the sign of a well schooled quarterback when you fake the ball in there you bring it out now you don't have the football right there he's giving it away there but watch Hartley continue bring the hands up and even fake throw the ball excellent play by Hartley third down and three [Applause] 34 yard line [Applause] near the 29 he is tackled by Drake Gianna more and a flag is down at the 28 wait Alan cross number 87 made a great block on that play that's going to be facemask against the NC State that's not what you want to have with your defense because that tacks on after the play is is ended the prints here I think it's just going to be the five-yard one yes it is you know big Alan cross number 87 he's known for his catching downfield had 33 catches but he's also known as a good blocker he gets the block right there turning you can't see him really he's right it right in the right of your screen there but he makes that block and that's what frees the quarterback up around that corner there is Alan cross the senior from San Diego California three touchdowns a year ago a former walk-on at Iowa and boy do they have a bunch of them there you could write a book about the walk-on story at Iowa in motion Hughes on first and 10 at the 24 rolls left keith battle got his hand on it because he did a 360 on the air when he came down that's what you want from your outside backer courage to know you're going to get hit and still knock that pass down battle gets that hand up and just knocks the ball down and I mean as you said he got leveled on the play thus far 10 carries through the line for 45 yards the big story North Carolina State 11 carries 7 and a half yards each time they try and go through that Iowa defense second and 10 again Hughes in motion to the short side [Applause] Brechtian award got to him he's the middle linebacker the junior from Winter Haven Florida now let me tell you about toughness when you talk about a football player he's a middle linebacker he's six foot he weighs 215 pounds let's listen to it [Music] [Applause] running backs have a lifespan in the NFL just a couple of years there's one reason why Alan cross and Matt Whitaker a double tied inflammation alcohol and apparently heart leave the senior from Woodstock Illinois didn't like something he'll call the timeout it comes with 1141 to play in the first half North Carolina State continues to lead seven to nothing we pause briefly for station identification this is the Raycom Network along with Dave Rowe I'm Phil stone North Carolina State on their first possession went the length of the field a two yard run by their tailback Gary downs and that is where we stand Iowa has the football now it is third down and nine double tight ends now for the guys can we also lined up under pressure steps up close that is clocked by David [Applause] [Applause] 20 the outside corner for this play he had a straight run and hardly and all he did was just kind of brush on by with a hand a lap heart lead the step up find Hugh's crossings and it was touchdown but Dwayne Washington had a sack I mean he had what you dream of tarah motto a redshirt freshman from West Palm Beach his first attempt as a varsity football player [Applause] 34 the goal in the first half watched to the right of your screen here comes Washington look at this and hardly with that good straight finds Hughes crossing and that's the hardest play for a sown defense to react to is that crossing pattern because nobody has used here he is again about five yards downfield it's a 23 yard play he catches it crossing and you can see the defensive backs all on their heels trying to get back over to no avail a year ago Hughes 43 catches he's all big 10 in 1988 Jackie Cheryl's Aggies were favored but to brassicas backup kicker Craig Barrios subbing for the injured starter booted three field goals to provide the margin of victory for the Cornhuskers Damon Hughes has just brought Iowa even his 16th career TD reception at Iowa and that ties the Hawkeye all-time record held by Robert Smith you know on that play you have to give a lot of credit to Hart leave that was the Blitz ID that Hughes was on he read that blitz he's able to step up by this fired receiver that's a great play by Walker there you see Jason Olin Zach he is the captain of that special teams unit as he is calling the kickoff a lineman for Iowa Todd Romano a man whose point after a moment ago tie the game is set to kick it away Romano at Newman High School in West Palm Beach Florida never missed the field goal inside 48 yards amazing stat for a crack kicker back to receive Anthony Barbour and Reggie short kick shuttle bounce gets away at the 10-yard with disaster that was flirty to a disaster that dog takes one more recovers it watch this ball when it bet you never let a ball bounce look it takes that sideways bounce now watch how quickly Iowa comes into picture it takes one more bounce in it's Iowa's ball great coverage by the Hawkeye specials kickoff team at the 14 yard line the Wolfpack with the ball in motion it is any joins the pitch comes to the nearside prices ahead that near the 18 a year ago Anthony Barbour led the Atlantic Coast Conference Dave roll with a per carry average of just over 6 yards they call him cracks all he has to see a crack and he's through it that's what dick Sheridan said in his blocking scheme he said we can get big man on big man and just get a crack he said barber is that type of running back at five nine about 170 fully dressed that just breaks through that crack that he picks up that 5 to 7 yards he got 5 that time through the line it is second down and five at the 19 and motion barber Manor the lone setback play-action Jordan to the far side it is thickest foul on the seam at the 32 James closed quickly or I want to tell you Terry Jordan has taken huge steps today for confidence he's back there he's got that leadership that's a curl pattern what they do is they run down and you just curl and watch what he turns around he stands in the pocket confidently there's the curl right in front of the defender you know you're going to get hit all you do is you first think about catching that football but good leadership from that young man Terry Jordan now five of eight for an even 50 yards first down [Applause] at the North Carolina State 30 40 yard line why action Jordan options around the Whiteside and wool welcome Jeff Nelson part a they didn't they were not fooled on that play watch it's watch Jason Dumont on that play right here good fake down the line to watch right here fake outside there's Jason Dumont 97 and they just crushed him on the play Dumont a senior defensive tackle from Wellman Iowa Dean of less than a yard grape Manor comes wide to the left along with any joins [Music] [Applause] Griffiths jr. from Wilmington North Carolina I'm gonna I'm gonna look across the thick Sherrod and see if his feet are on the ground because his offensive linemen are giving Jordan great time to prepare and stand back there and find us wide outs watch Jordan this is just great blocking up front they just keep on bouncing around good slide you push them around the outside of the quarterback and no one is touching Jordan or getting in his face first down Wolfpack Jordan seven step drop puts it up in the air and overthrows Robert Hinton at the 32 yard line Jordan seems to be at his best day that's the second time we've seen him kind of float that ball seems to be at his best when he puts a little juice on it I think he has to remember that ball she said he has to deliver quickly he has to find those scene passes that's where he's really been effective those little curls piloting the Goodyear blimp tonight but this tenth Kickoff Classic is captain Patrick Henry Patrick we appreciate your presence fireball giant stadium in motion he's on his feet to the 30 to the 25 barber is going to go [Applause] [Applause] 49 the senior from garden and they and he can thank Reggie Lawrence for the block that sprung him and he could thank an excellent pitch by Terry Jordan on the play Jordan plays this as well as you can play the option that's what Terry Jordan did on this play he ran down a line he made a great fake and just pitched the ball out there Barbour never broke stride Steve Milotic touches the point after and with 9/16 to play in the first half NC State has broken on top once more watch right here you have to read the back right there freeze it now he pitches the ball look at Barbour looking back excellent pitch he catches it right in stride doesn't even have to reach back for it and he's off to the races Anthony Barbour a year ago 769 yards for the Wolfpack and one of big studies on to tonight [Music] 9/16 to play in the second quarter Phil stone along with dave robell it has been a great ballgame thus far NC State's offense has simply run the ball down the hut guys close fifteen carries for a hundred forty nine yards that's almost 10 yards of carrying Damon [Applause] terrific block by Matt Winninger sprung hues out to the 38 yard line the Phil speaking of blocking let's take another look at that big offensive line here gee number 75 he levels inside look at this he gets his man outside of him George Hegeman he gets his man they just collapsed that Iowa line inside that's what caused the play to be able to get outside and of course the 49 yard run six plays 86 yards the Wolfpack two minutes and 18 seconds 49 yard run by barber crossing pattern over the middle the ball intended for backup fullback Paul Crewe yahwah and it's overthrown it'll be second in ten Iowa I wonder if all the NC State fans are hoping for 200 yards because when NC State rushes for 200 yards they are 21 oh and one oh hi and they've got a hundred and forty nine yards in this first half now there's a man who for the last six years has put together this North Carolina State football team both offensively and defensively second down and ten lone setback as well from Durham North Carolina boy Reeves 219 he's a defensive tackle I spoke earlier in the ballgame that he is has to be one of the lightest defensive linemen in all of Division one a defensive tackle at 219 used to be not anymore that's true you know I'm watching the secondary of NC State they're playing very well they're playing a to deep zone here you see the two deep men and then the drone zone underneath that's what's causing heart lead when he throws out here he doesn't see anyone open so he's got to pull the ball down and run for the yardage [Applause] to the left the Lampkin in the slide third down and five there's the tall Montgomery's guy the wolf pack's tips it out nicely and we've got a flag thrown Mike Harrison he's a true freshman out of Camden New Jersey I think it's going to be a hold against Iowa that's what it looked like to me on the play they may have in fact held Harrison that freshman he broke through free and made the full-back alter his course and when he did it looked as if someone grabbed him from the back well that was Harrison who applied the pressure and Rickey logo the nose guard who brought him down so a loss of a couple it'll be fourth down now and about eight I was going to give it up Scott Fischer will come on for the third time to punt the ball away the 6-3 senior from Sioux City Iowa like Paul Kuya wah like Bielema like so many players on this Iowa team the punter right there Scott Fischer is a walk-on employed as he blasts that one little George at the 16 and he is wrapped up at the 20 and dropped for Fisher a 44-yard punt a five-yard return the clock is stopped with 838 to play and the second quarter will return after these messages from your local station this is the Raycom Network this telecast is a copyrighted presentation of Raycom incorporated and is intended solely for the private use our audience any rebroadcast retransmission or other use of the video or audio portions of this program without the express prior written consent of Raycom is prohibited North Carolina State has the football right Manor the senior fullback alums of the fine Sean Johnson and Eric Taylor and right into the arms of my twins now one thing they have to be careful about NC State does Phil is that they don't want to get conservative in this situation I know dick Sheraton is looking up that scoreboard saying we've got a little bit over eight minutes we've got a 14 to 7 lead I've got some control in this game my team's playing on a motion but they cannot afford to get conservative again first man through it is Manor and again he is popped pick'em Jeff Nelson Bret Bielema along with Mike wells but Terry Jordan senior quarterback from either high school in Tampa Florida talked to him yesterday Dave sitting at the at the stadium here and for just as quiet as he could be also what dick shirt and said about him is fierce competitor seven Jordan going for first down yummy it is cut by Roy Griffith [Applause] just of course the 40-yard line is hit by Jason all and Zac that play has been open all night for NC State and they have gone to it four or five times now all it is is the seam curl at about 15 yards the receiver just runs down and curls the defensive back is not playing close enough consequently when the curl is there the timing is perfect it's a strike and all you can do is come up and tackle they've got to play that play better on Iowa's defense Eddie Goines and Neal our is split to the top jordan great fake on the option [Music] [Applause] we'll take the football every time it seems almost every time you see a followed by a quarterback he's hit from the back it's the most vulnerable spot for a running back to be hit I think it might have been Larry blue number 95 who makes the play but someone hits him from the backside watch the hand raking it is blue there it is right now he hits them from the backside again this ball just needs to be put away when you picked up that first down yardage you don't want to get careless with it crossbuck nearside fullback races to the 46 yard line great lead block out in front by the tackle Scott Davis who came all the way from the left side a pulling tackle to make the lead block I thought he I thought he'd buried keith battle on that play I saw battles legs just collapse underneath them battles beyond the right of your screen look at there he just crushes him over there Montgomery one of the best full-backs in the Big Ten a year ago at catching the football 35 receptions first down at the Wolfpack 46 yard line Lampkin first man to him Keith battle knocked his legs out from under him no dick Sheraton Dave believes that the duo of battle and Tyler Lawrence have a chance to become the best outside line backing duo NC State has ever had under that man right there let's say something because there's been a lot of great linebackers have come out of NC State now Lawrence this year nominated for the Butkus Award era is missed two-games last year with an ankle and still had 63 tackles second down along nine [Music] at the wolfpack 36-yard and he needs to get to the 37 and they're going to mark it at a 36 it's a first down for Iowa this is just power football you see those big linemen with those hits down there just cleaning them out and Montgomery puts that that head down Bob Reese got a great block on that play while the tight end Matt Whitaker joined resep there and just blew away a couple of Wolfpack would-be tacklers first down hook guys clock running 5:35 to play on the first tab showing blitz and here they come Hartley puts it up for grabs and it is almost intercepted d'Alene in the first corner and almost got that one pass intended for Jeff and Allah but the split head had not turned around the look up Washington comes down with this play it turns the momentum of this drive right now Iowa's playing full physical football they're just driving off the line Hartley tries to throw his little go pattern here throw it up and it's short watch Washington number 20 come in get a hand on it he almost had that football Dewayne Washington the junior from Durham North Carolina second in ten Hart leaves seven step drop now steps up [Applause] Harold Jasper down to the and another Iowa purse down I asked two coaches yesterday how you do how do you describe Harald Jasper style of play he said well he's acrobatic and boy is he slippery but anybody can high jump six feet ten and he's only five feet ten Oba talks about that tells you about his athletic ability I almost get the feeling right now that if I was able to drive this football in score that they're going to take the momentum of this football game it's going to be NC state store estoppel in motion Dean and used to the wide side the gift comes to the short side it is Montgomery Lake pursuit by the Wolfpack defense led by coral Reeves again David he is that 219 pound of tackle how does he do it well they call this NC State defense a swarming defense and that's the way that they make their plays to get a lot of people to the football you're right at 219 pounds you don't think about playing defensive line but you have to rely on speed and NC State for them to be successful against Iowa they have got to get a lot of people to the football 2nd down and 7 457 to play in the first half North Carolina State 14 Iowa 7 and they're threatening it's a line and viewers has taken in the balance by sebastian savage Dean & Hewes Dave he reminds me a lot of another Big Ten wide receiver formerly at Ohio State Chris Carter same kind of build same kind of moves one big difference he was bigger I think Hughes may have a little bit more speed - I'm very very impressed with Hughes of speed they say he's four or five but he moves very very quickly mixes great blah those great cuts especially on his artificial surface this time used but why - the way he's got Sebastian Savage out there with him 1st down at the 10 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there is no way you're going to cover him one-on-one what he did that time as he froze he froze the defensive corner right in his feet he just came straight at him made that heart break inside and he was just that he was dead online in there [Applause] pod Romano hold up over mice [Applause] following the fumble by tearing Jordan Iowa takes the turnover and goes the length of the field for 47 to play in the first half watch use freeze this corner and then cut right in underneath them that's just that's just pitch and throw beautifully thrown ball the clock is stopped it's Iowa 14 the Wolfpack of NC state 14 if you have just joined us thus far you have missed one tremendous football game NC State took a 7 to nothing lead Iowa came back and tied it the Wolfpack jumped up 14-7 and the Hawkeye's have just tied it again at 14 or 47 to play in the second quarter the kickoff classic is brought to you by Quaker State the big Q is one tough motor oil Todd Romano will boot it away for Iowa back deep Anthony Barbour number 24 in the crimson jersey along with Reggie Lawrence a redshirt freshman let's it sails short kick taken by Reggie Torres at the 15 - Matt Hillier who plays behind titty Joe Philly at an inside linebacker spot for Iowa knocks him off his pegs after a return of 11 yards I hate to use the cliche an important series but this is a very very important series for NC State they have got to get some offense going you just can't get conservative like they did last time they didn't help their defense out that that was one of the keys answered keep their defense off the field they ran three plays and out they don't want to have another series like that first down North Carolina State in motion Gary downs the only man behind the George Hill move it just about to the line of scrimmage and is tackled at the 26 maybe the 27 now Hayden fries puck I tied it after the fumble by Terry Jordan they go seven plays 58 yards and Paul hit didn't take him long Hartley of a nine yard pitch that Damon Hughes I look at Peyton's record 14 years in Iowa City 100 victories winningest coach in Iowa history [Applause] and he is hit by Larry blue of the defensive end poor Larry blue last couple years played in the shadow of Leroy Smith the boy was at a big shadow I was just thinking about the defense here you always think that the defense has a huge advantage early in the season because the offense takes a little bit more time to get their continuity but we're seeing offensive shows that are great shows tonight and the defense is heart reacting as well as the offenses are wide to the right as any joins and the Slava Robert Hinton third down and a long four for the Wolfpack [Applause] the flag is down back at the 34 Larry blue cut his legs out from under him well we saw coins earlier in the first quarter when he gets the ball in the open field 8 it is Showtime I think they're gonna call Klip against Gary downs and this is a tough call it is it's going to be against Gary downs on this play what you do is you try to throw it out and get two blocks and let the receiver run underneath the coverage downs in his effort he had an angle on the guy but the guy at the last minute turned his back and I think downs clipped them block in the back and it's the big block in the back because it's 15 yards now this year in college football as we watch it again a block in the back above the waist Dave is 10 yards a block in the back below the waist is 15 yards and there it was there was another one to Eric Taylor got a block in the back so evidently over two on that play now it is third and 11 right over the top it is cut it's going again [Applause] the state today joel therien attacker will catch is on this crossing pattern and that's what he's been most effective on once he gets that football he has to realize where that first down yardage is that was an excellent cut back up underneath to put that hit down he made that first down by not more than a yard Hinton goes wide to the right ray Griffith is at the bottom of your screen he'll draw one-on-one coverage from Polo's James down he goes at the midfield stripe I wondered where the corner went on that play because the quarterback was not even in to play now one thing I at NC State has got to be concerned about there's 2 minutes and 50 seconds left they don't want to hit you see there's no quarterback on that play he just runs out of the play but what I've got what I was going to say Phil is that NC State has got to be concerned with that clock 250 left you don't want to give it back to Iowa but you don't want to miss a scoring opportunity draw Anthony Barbour yes hit at the line by Jeff Nelson a senior defensive tackle from Stillwater Minnesota talked about Iowa's big offense they've got a big defense Dave and they are missing three outstanding performers off last year's team I mentioned Leroy Smith how about Ron Gator in linebacker John Derby all gone to graduation with three big tremendously talented defensive players that Payton fryers got to find a way to replace here in 92 suck it down now and ten I was showing blitz and flags you're flying all over the place it'll go against the pack that stops the clock with two minutes to play on the first half was there a penalty yes there was right at the 2p oh boy right to Bismarck I think it was our that kind of flashed his hand there what a great story at John our excuse me Neil our is told me yesterday he wants to be a teacher he wants to be a coach he says I'm prepared to do both that is the seventh penalty against North Carolina State Dave for 37 yards for Hayden fries hot guys they have been penalized only once so now it is second down and 15 at the 45 yard line from the I formation but give us the marker they now fill there they're in a tough position ER and third down it's gonna be foul third down and 14 with a minute and a half to go now you're out of scoring position so now what you want to do is run that clock just let that clock continue to run look at the 25 second law clock in the end zone and just let it tick down third and 15 Audrey Shah is in the ball game for North Carolina State he is in the backfield he's a senior third string tailback Iowa again showing blitz here they come as torque goes down in a sea of white jerseys was the first man to Popham the defensive end from Hempstead New York well this is a surge they're bringing a lot of men I'll tell you this if Jordan was able to get a little bit more time and hadn't gotten hit he had coins in that one-on-one position out there he might have been able to come down with that football Tim Kilpatrick will kick it away Harold Jasper is back at his own 21 yard line skite and hunter is down no flag Jasper's got it and checks goes down at the other end of the field well the boos are from the Wolfpack faithful who have traveled here from Raleigh they expected a flag to go down on behalf of their punter Tim Kilpatrick now that's the situation thus far Iowa has scored two touchdown receptions by Dean and Hughes Hart leave thus far 110 yards North Carolina state seven penalties as I mentioned a moment ago Anthony barbers seven rushes 63 yards and a touchdown we are tied 14-14 with 54 seconds to play in the first half I know Hayden brah he's not gonna sit on this leave that is for Yama the backup pullback machine here from Qatar hey Wisconsin he is hit by the nose guard Rickey logo one of the great things that Hayden Fry does is make those tremendous adjustments at halftime this team comes out in the second half and they are an unbelievable football team they only had 10 points scored against them in the third quarter in the entire last year partly back across the grain it is caught by lacrosse the tight end and he gets out of bounds at the 32 yard line as I said fry doesn't like to sit on anything a lead a tie he's gonna go for it whenever his offense has the ball well I know what I would do now I throw deep I've got 20 23 seconds left we've got a couple timeouts I can throw that ball at least at least two times deep I'm going to throw it deep this time maybe pick up the first down and then take those three too long deep passes paint and use is to the wide side of the field and now whistle sound we're gonna make it a delay again the officials are talking it over I don't know how they could have gotten to delay a game the pocket not reset down there that's what they're gonna do they're gonna reset yeah it's sitting on zero in the end zone and it certainly didn't run out the 25 seconds did not run out on that play so now they'll restart here we go 23 seconds to play under throws to coverage the pass intended for Lu Montgomery and he was covered by david merritt again Hartley missed his tight end Allen cross who was crossing wide open well I would stomp surprised about that play it's a third-down play you throw that pass this incomplete you stopped the clock now you've got to punt the ball I think if I'm NC State I'm coming after it go 18 seconds left on the clock I'm going to come after it a lot of things can happen on a punt I just don't think that Iowa played smart football on that last down well George is back to try and return it makes an Iowa basslet el George gets the big hot he's tackled at the 31 with 8 seconds to play a 36-yard punt by scott fisher for Ladell georgia 5 yard return there's George the 6th one junior from a block North Carolina he is already David's junior year the wolf pack's all-time punt returner in terms of yardage broke Jeff Whitley's record held since back in 1970 you're NC State do you throw it long I go to Eddie boy Dean watch him hide spread him out maybe hope for a penalty they got three wideouts at the top of your screen and Goines is the one closest to the far sideline joy [Applause] that's it time has expired in the first half of this tenth Kickoff Classic and what an entertaining ballgame we have seen thus far a North Carolina State looked so strong early Iowa in a methodical way just kept pounding it in and we're tied at halftime I think I went took control of the emotional part of the football game again when they drove down on the field I think NC State got a little bit conservative I think they were surprised to be 14 to 14 but NC State has played a great football game they have done everything that dick Sheridan to his staff has asked them to have asked them to do and that's why they're 14 14 against this great Iowa Hawkeye's team look at that Iowa team they all go off as a pack the first half is in the books North Carolina State 14 the Iowa Hawkeye is 14 great the kickoff classic on Raycom is being brought to you by Wrangler the most comfortable jeans known to man [Music] half time at this tenth kickoff plus a from giant Stadium in East Rutherford New Jersey the Iowa Hawkeyes 14 the North Carolina State Wolfpack 14 well I'll tell you if you have just joined us it has been a whale of a first-half North Carolina State really controlled Iowa early on but Hayden price Hawk eyes weren't about the panic well they're starting to where I'm down a little bit but NC State came out and they were able to successfully run the football that was a huge key had they not been able to run the football they would have been in the passing game and inventing problems but they've been running the football very very well yeah they've been running it very well and it began early on this ball game on NC State quarterback Terry Jordan took it 38 yards to set up the first touchdown and right now let's look at the first half highlights brought to you by krylon it was early in the first quarter NC state their first possession and just look at Jordan go 38 yards on the option I was really surprised he tried to cut back under the corner here this is situation he just put your head down and run but it did it set up that touchdown drive the first score 7 nothin NC State and then Iowa got it rollin just watch Danan hughes this that touchdown pass across the middle we're in sea state blitz and miss demand Hughes just catches it and runs it in with that great speed across the field minute into the end zone that tied at at seven and then North Carolina State Dave came right back Anthony Barbour a year ago number one in yards per carry on the ACC and here's one reason why well a great fake along the line excellent line blocking and Barbour just puts his head down 49 yards for the score of this foot NC State up 14 to 7 [Music] well Damon Hughes said I like what Anthony barbers got but I like a whole lot more what we've got and basically Hughes a little play action here Hartley Brees the linebacker and drilled a beauty for Hughes his second touchdown and that Titan at 14 when you've watched momentum fill go back in fourth NC State took the momentum early now Iowa seems to have taken it back NC State got a little bit conservative on those last two drives they can't do that and stay in this football game well if you're Dick Sheridan and the North Carolina State Wolfpack you have to love what you've accomplished in the first half or Iowa they are broken down right now in the locker room into their positions and they're talking things over right now speaking of Iowa let's take you down on the field for some of the pomp and circumstance of the Hawkeye marching band [Music] for tens of millions of Americans college football is a true reflection of the American spirit hello I'm Brent Musburger no where is that spirit more evident than here at the National Football Foundation's College Football Hall of Fame more than 600 players and coaches are enshrined here this temple of college football honoring those who have honored the game is one of the ongoing commitments of the National Football Foundation as the umbrella organization for amateur football in America the National Football Foundation through its 80 chapters and more than 8,000 members helps to bring together all of the organized groups that play coach administers supported report amateur football its scholar athlete programs each year recognize the contributions and achievements of high school and college students who exemplify the Foundation's basic tenets the National Football Foundation dedicated to scholarship citizenship and athletic performance will return welcome back to Giants Stadium in East Rutherford New Jersey we are at halftime it is Iowa 14 the Wolfpack of North Carolina State 14 in this 10th Kickoff Classic we welcome you back here the giant stadium fill stolen along with the Commissioner of the Big Ten Jim Delaney who has a rather interesting tie to this ballgame because Jim you played basketball at North Carolina for Dean Smith and the ACC and now the Commissioner of the Big Ten who do you pull for in this one well obviously I'm a Big Ten man now and we've had a great football game here so far I was a pretty good second-half team it's a senior dominated team and we know we're going to say go Hawks tonight Jim a quick question Florida State comes into the ACC this year next year the Big Ten welcomes the Nittany Lions of Penn State in what's it going to be like how is that an integration process going to occur it's gone very well 14 Penn State teams played last year in Big Ten championships men's women's basketball will come in next year a football next year and Penn State will play an eight game schedule as well the other Big Ten teams and they'll play eight of the ten opponents and then we'll take over about a 10-year period so we're really looking forward to Penn State coming in the Midwest and Midwestern universities coming into what we consider the eastern fringe now the big ten so we'll be out here on the coast quite a bit Jim perhaps the most pressing question still to be asked is now what do you call the big ten you've got 11 schools right our historic name of course is the Big Ten and in fact when Chicago went out in 1939 we still kept the name Big Ten Michigan State was added in the late 40s Big Ten what we have is a new mark I showed it to you a little bit earlier but we've kept the name Big Ten and we have number 11 sort of subliminally superimposed between those two so we're the Big Ten and we have three million living alumni who are proud of being graduates of Big Ten institutions and that's what will be known from here on in you talk about the Big Ten as a football conference when the bowl Alliance takes effect this year before the Big Ten and the pac-10 decided to stay out of this alliance in terms of their conference champions was there any consideration to possibly pulling out of the Rose Bowl no consideration that's a 46 year old tradition and it's a granddaddy of them all we think one of the great sporting events in the world and there was absolutely no consideration of that we did have some discussions with the Alliance but we thought it was to our benefit to go with the Citrus Bowl our second-place team will be there playing the SEC runner-up and our third-place team will play the champion of the WAC out in San Diego so Pasadena San Diego in Orlando not bad to begin with not a bad trio at all Jim congratulations and thanks for stopping by to be with you thank you Jim Delaney the Commissioner of the Big Ten Conference now don't go away halftime activities continue here at Giants Stadium in East Rutherford New Jersey the 10th Kickoff Classic the Huq eyes on the Wolfpack at 14 the hawk eyes and the Wolfpack are tied and the tenth Kickoff Classic at halftime it is 14 14 and when you talk about North Carolina State you certainly have to mention the name Jim Valvano as many of you know Jim in a battle with cancer and Jim I know you're watching at home in Raleigh North Carolina in everyone connected with intercollegiate athletics all of us with the Kickoff Classic and Raycom sports wishing you the very very best and Phil you could tell yesterday when dick shared and talked to us about that very subject a lot of emotion they are very very close friends and he was he said to tell Jim he wishes him every best and he knew he'd be watching tonight let's take a look now at the Quaker State halftime statistics first downs almost dead even rushing North Carolina State with 143 yards and when you look down at total yards it is still North Carolina State and I think the time of possession is the one statistic Dave that surprises me most well it certainly does we didn't think that NC State would be able to control the football against this great Iowa team but they have controlled the football they played very well at the latter stages of the first half they got a little bit conservative and I think it cost them but I can promise you this dick Sheridan is in that locker room saying guys we can't fold the tent we got another half of football and what great teams do is they come out and they say it's nothing nothing we're going out and play it just like we kicked it off again Iowa 40 North Carolina State 14 and we'll return after these messages from your local station this is the Raycom Network the kickoff classic on Raycom is being brought to you by skin bracer aftershave more than a great sin by menon [Music] Buckeyes are coming back on into the playing field a Wolfpack preceded them just a moment ago bill Stonewall with Dave Rowe we are set for the second half of this 10th Kickoff Classic from Giants Stadium in East Rutherford New Jersey Ella one thing that dick Sheridan told us his Wolfpack had to do offensively Dave was stay out of third and long situations a boy have they done that oh they certainly have they've been very very productive when they say stay out of third down in long situations a lot of times coaches will tell you well what we make on first down will determine whether we win the football game and they've been very productive on first downs they haven't come up with that second down in ten that third down and seven to ten yards situation they've been coming up third down and two and three so they have been very successful we give them an a-plus on moving the football on the ground in a way they have neutralized Iowa's offensive line that has been that is another another big key and they capitalized on the turnover they have had two turnovers go in there pull in their way now for Iowa what they had to do is they had to come out and dominate the long line of scrimmage with those big linemen they really haven't dominated they got a little bit of domination in that last series partly if I've been very surprised very very poised I know this is his first year for third and long situations that's the one thing that the hawk eyes have not been able to do force NC State into the third and long situations Todd Romano is set to boot it away for Iowa again he's the redshirt freshman out of West Palm Beach and back to receive our North Carolina State Anthony Barbour and Reggie Orange the last time Iowa allowed an opponent to return a kickoff for a touchdown way back in 1976 Lawrence ISKCON stumbling out across the 26 yard line teddy Joel fail he cuts his legs out from under him 22 yard return for Reggie Lawrence look the way Jordans running out there that's interesting for a quarterback he sprinted out there he wanted to get loose again he has to start again and get that Kim put that a little bit of composure but he had an excellent first half ten of fifteen hundred and thirteen yards no touchdowns but also no interceptions first down Wolfpack barbers the defensive tackle moves up to cut him down Mike wells off the field is about as mild-mannered of young man as you will ever meet boy a different story when he puts on the hell ho certainly is tough he's one of those line but linemen that can move along the line Hayden Fry told us yesterday he will not be handled by one man had 12 sacks last year then he and Leroy Smith teamed together 30 sacks between the two of them Anthony Barbour again the setback fly action Jordan the time puts it up and then he goes back 32 [Applause] 14 yards on the interception return Mike Wells great pressure on Jordan watch him come yeah but Robert Hinton number 10 should have passed his football right in his hands it just bounces off his hands you've got to come down with that the worst thing you want to do in the secondary if you're a wide receiver is tipped the ball up there's Mike wells number 64 rushing in there heath gets good pressure up the middle he's the man that had those 12 sacks last year little double punch on the handoff the ball going to the full-back Lou Gummer he's got two yards and Keith's battle runs up to knock him down what a turnover for Iowa they should stay have to score on this play they need to capitalize they need to get that momentum juice back up again you're on Iowa if you're an NC state fan you're telling your defense hey you've got to react you've got to stop them here you've got to hold them to it to it worse the field goal try second intent Lampkin and Montgomery of the runningbacks Iowa will come from the i-formation my action [Applause] and all the time in the world in your line for that no but you can say this about Carl Reeves great second effort he was blocked the entire play he got a real late escape you'll see his son it's on the left year screen he's blocked he's not going to be a factor in the play but he just keeps on coming around that's that 219 pound defensive end that you talked about good speed never quit on the play third down now and 22 Iowa two of six and third down conversions Wolfpack showing blitz [Applause] now they'll drop with time level comes hunger throws the coverage Allen cost near the first down but he'll be short by a couple of yards two years ago that man right there was a walk-on now with 11 starts in 33 catches he's second team all-big Tim this is a play where Hart leave is under a lot of pressure watch on the backside to right again that's that 219 pounder that's Carl Reeves but good play here by NC State to react to it to hold it to keep the them out of field goal position can't ask your defense to do any more than that on a big turnover here is Scott Fisher to kick it away and they've got nobody back the Fisher will put it right up in the air tries to angle it how the bass takes up that bouncer tremendous punt by Fischer 32 yards down to the three yard line and let me tell you that is good coaching right there what you tell those linemen is to run downfield get beyond the ball turn and watch the ball run and down it John Hart liebe covered it 1222 to play on the third in was the defending national champion but Kickoff Classic seven is remembered as the liftoff of the rocket Rajeev Ismail and the Fighting Irish were on a mission in the first half and blasted Virginia and now three years later an ACC team has returned North Carolina State playing solo against the Buckeyes of Iowa while 22 to play in the third quarter [Applause] I saw movement on the round and left side of NC State I think they're going to get half the distance to the goal I think it was Shawn Johnson the left guard that Dave on the pose the officials tell you who committed the infection is remaining the cottage race they don't tell you I like it better I know who did it players be especially especially when it was a an offensive player watch on their butts on the right of your screen to the top watch the flinch there by the two offensive lineman that's the movement know at NC State needs to do right here they need to pass the football we need to throw it out from this situation don't run it breck manor the full-back wears a young man a senior from Rini on Georgia day three knee operations never missed again at North Carolina State says has injured me is now stronger than his good one so what do they do they run it can you believe that make me look good but I'm serious I'm a I'm an advocate of throwing the football out of here I know Mainers got a a good yards per carry average he picked up about five yards on that play it's awfully difficult when those defensive linemen are jammed in there four run it out [Applause] again this time he's not going to fool anybody Jeff Nelson number 33 the defensive tackle out of Stillwater Minnesota wrapped it up and spun them down say and now you have to throw the football now it's going to be third down in five and if you don't make it he's gonna you're going to be putt from your own endzone well back to a five in third down situations here and their season opener hard to believe first time since 1974 that the Wolfpack is opening a collegiate football season on the road three wideouts to the nearside on third and six short on the crossing pattern at his cut bones he's got the first down and shove down Manor and finally duck book the free safety chased about that was that same slip screen where you throw it out through wide receiver what's going number nineteen he's right there he steps back now he picks up the big blocks BAM there's one there's one look at those linemen throwing blocks downfield and boys just cuts underneath the coverage and picks up that first down excellent call by NC State I thought pics were only allowed in basketball Robert Hinton threw a great pick to free up Eddie goings first down at the 24 yard line Jordan puts it up for grabs it is caught by Ryan Schultz the tight end he picks up seven maybe eight before Scott plate dropped him Scott White's older brother started at Michigan played a junior from Brooklyn Michigan well what a rivalry between Iowa and Michigan and he love lost there they don't they don't they usually don't allow brothers to go to another school once you start you were talking about Hilton Berks today oh man never let him go to another school [Applause] oh the juniors split in from going to North Carolina have it and dropped it Phil now that ball was behind Hinton a little bit that's a little bit of an excuse but if you're a great receiver you've got to catch this football it's not that poorly thrown you've just got to concentrate on that football bring it in third down now in three NC State and their previous six third down situations have thrown the football and it's a good bet they're gonna pull it up in the air here as well now straight ahead it goes Greg Maynard and he has way short of the first down blue Nelson Bret Bielema and Mike rose simply shut down surge I was looking for a different play on that play I wanted to see Jordan pull that ball out and run that option he's been so successful with he's attacking Iowa at their strength those big linemen up front and they didn't they didn't get a drop on that brought up the fourth down now they've got to punt it away ears Kilpatrick standing at his own 18 yard line Dean and Hughes is the deep man for Iowa and it is Jasper who Sprint's back down at the 26 he's got it great downfield country's terrific coverage by NC State it was William strong who tripped him up after Jasper's return of six 938 to play in the third quarter we'll return to the Meadowlands after these messages from your local station this is the Raycom Network our aerial platform 1,500 feet above Giants Stadium courtesy of the Goodyear blimp spirit from Ohio and corporate headquarters with a Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company partner blank you around is to quickly 20 Reeves is the back side containment he's got that stop every play for coming on to reverse watch him on the right of your screen he's number 85 get as deep as the deepest man it doesn't fool him and the result is a 13 yard loss a heads-up play by a young man watch Ricky logo the nose guard here look at this he's the head cheerleader of the Wolfpack on that play I don't know if I'd want a guy 6 1 278 pounds jumping up and down on me I think I'd hit for the stands second down and 23 partly [Applause] what's the 30-yard line and he'll get 10 yards back Sebastien Savage is the one who finally dropped him I watched logo on that play now he's getting doubled on every play but this is a good play by the nose tackle let me show you what he does he gets in there he occupies two men now he sees the screen he starts running the line stay in square don't allow the back once he catches the ball to turn back up and he almost makes a tackle that's a good play by a nose tackle third down and a little more than 10 [Applause] Jasper who is be smashed by Rikki Turner he'll be short of the first down I believe but they're going to stop the clock to take the measurement oh it all depends where well he didn't make an itch once he caught that football it depends where they spotted they may have to rather go to signal first down but he didn't make a niche once he caught that football he was lucky to hold on he took quite a shot in the back Ricci Turner a senior free safety from Gramm North Carolina good look off there by Hartley looking to the weak side now finding his his receiver and watch this once he catches it BAM he is dropped Ricki Turner doing what used to be done to him Turner of former wide receiver made defensive back before the 1991 season Hartley to us tight end crosses the 46 and lassoed around the napkin spun out of bounds by Tyler Lawrence second down and six the ball at the 46 yard line there is Jim Hart leave the 6-2 senior backed up Matt Rogers in Iowa for the last two years strongest runner Hayden Fry has ever had at quarterback fret lead has hit on eight of his last nine passes there's the draw [Applause] Iowa will retain possession but where the ball went out of bounds keith battle is the man who stuck his hand in and knocked that ball out of Lemkin z' grasp you know from the flip we could probably get a good idea of the adjustment Lampkin makes now watch right here when he gets the football this is draw now right there when he gets it he's got to find the hole you see them there the other running block coming back coming up there and blocking he skips outside what coaches would love to have that picture to the Scout teams by shows the movement of every player David Merritt is the man who knocked the ball loose and now it's third down and five at the 47 [Applause] for the first down he's going to do it he'll take it out at the 42-yard line of NC State now there's a good look at what Hayden Fry is so happy about the fact that he has got one of the most mobile quarterbacks in all of America I'll tell you what he can flat-out tuck it away and go and I suppose when you had an arm like Chuck long the guy who threw for 10,000 yards in the big 10 that runner-up to the Heisman and 85 long and guys of his own didn't have to run they found their wideouts she had the credit Hartley for finding that little semen picking up that first down that demoralizes the defensive secondary because they're fighting their heart out trying to cover their man and all sunday scampers for the first down from the 43 yard line out of the eye it is Lampkin takes it out to the right side and runs helmet to helmet with Dewayne Washington you know for a guy who's 5 feet 10 only weighs 202 pounds that lampkins got great leg strength when he got hit that time he just kept those legs churning coaches love that they call it yards after contact what do you do after you're hit do you just fall down the good backs don't the good backs just keep those legs turning and they always pick up that extra one or two or three yards a lamken last year played with a stress fracture for the second half of the season carry the ball only four times in Iowa's last seven games you can just tell he is primed and ready to go he's healthy he wants the football - now Hartley wants a timeout on second down and three the ball at the 36 so the clock stops with six minutes and 28 seconds to play in the third quarter it's Iowa 14 Wolfpack 14 6:28 to play and the third corner it's Iowa 14 NC State 14 now there's a touch of sadness here in this 1992 season for the offensive lineman of Iowa all of whom were stunned last winter and their offensive line coach John O'Hara died of a heart attack while on a Caribbean cruise and all of the players are wearing j-b Oh on the fly of their uniform pants throughout this 1992 campaign that's been in news he has got both of Iowa's touchdowns and he steps out of bounds at the 31 yard line Dewayne Washington had a hold of him Dewayne Washington went to the same high school as his teammate that defensive tackle we've been talking about Carl Reeves in Durham North Carolina you know he's going to see a lot of action because the other cornerback Sebastian Savage is so good that they throw away from savages table area first in 10 Iowa at the wolfpack 30 that's Lampkin is grabbed by the ankle ball pops up Tyler Lawrence grabbed him who's got the football the hook I said they came down with it and this team of Big East officials agree it is Iowa's football blue Montgomery actually covered lampkins bobble well you had to love talk with Hayden for how yesterday I mean he had this he had this little theory about his offense he said we just kind of scratch where it is where ditches that was one of the comments good chance there for NC State to recover but they did not on that played that would have been a big turnover for that defense now Lampkin is going to come out and take a rest Lew Montgomery is the lone setback wide to the right at the top of your screen is Dane and use as the Buckeyes go to a double tide in formation frankly Wallace tips in and out of the arms of the Beck up tight end Matt Whitaker that's what you want to do if you're one of those defensive linemen on that play you start to rush you're in your lane and as you see the quarterback start to come forward you get those big hands up it's kind of like throwing through the trees check in back into the ballgame Alan cross the senior tied in from San Diego but walk-ons Allen crosses one that when they played a major role in flies 13 years at Iowa Devin Harbert sled the Hawkeye is receiving an 88 John balloon [Applause] it is partly Carl Reeves with great pressure he's the one that forced heart leave around the right side Hartley following Mike Peroni and Bob Reese over the right side one of the things that NC State told us that they needed to do was to react quickly to the football use their speed when you look at Carl Reeves he's never going to attack anybody physically waiting oh he 219 pounds but great speed around that end he's the one who slowed up Hartley and brings up this fourth down situation so now it is fourth down and four this is Todd Romano his first field goal attempt is a hot guy and Ali's got flags that are flying all over the place we may have a delay of game against Iowa and I think that's what it is well that'll drive Hayden Fry bananas it is delay a game hawkeye's life really changes the complexion of this kick as it moves it back and now it's a long kick now it's going to be like 46 yards if they do kick it I think they may punt in this situation that's an interesting call 29 yard line you may punt Scott Fischer comes on look at Hayden Fry in the sidelines I mean he was man Fisher right up the elevator shaft why Allah covered one of these if you Obama together cover another one guys special teams tonight have played stellar football or 19 to play in the third quarter Marcus Porter pins NC State deep painting in the third we are still tied at 14 bill on that last punt that is a huge play this is defense what you do is you coach this you let the ball bounce you see all the men stand along the goal line they're letting that ball roll right down to them they're all making sure that's just not a luck way that is a practiced play second time here in the second half North Carolina State is pinned deep they have the courage to try and throw them out of here [Applause] field for the Wolfpack Hawkeye fans on their feet that gives straight ahead it is the full-back Greg Manor he is going to see the ball almost exclusively and this portion of the field I want to tell you if Terry Jordan had pulled that ball out and ran around right in he'd still be running I look for him to fake in there pull that ball out and go around the end he's been very successful that flash out on the option and turning it up for big yardage he's got Iowa and tight trying to protect great chance to go wide at the bottom of your screen the flanker ray Griffiths second down and seven Manor once more you'll pick up another two maybe three maybe you realized the last time a North Carolina State team opened on the road you know who was head coach at NC State about Lou Holtz lo ho all right I got one right a long long time [Applause] [Music] you'll be awfully close to the first down this depends strictly upon de market he had to make it to about the 12 yard line gonna be awfully close [Applause] pensee State players were signaling first down and so is the official that was an interesting series I did not think NC State would be able to run the ball on the ground three consecutive plays and pick up a first down on that series you go back a year ago Iowa this Iowa defense held Wisconsin 282 yards rushing and passing that was the best effort by any team in Division one football last year 82 total yards rushing and passing Jordan right over the top it is pop Neal our the Titans got it in these the 32 Jason told exact the junior strong safely from de Fora isla of the tackle our told me yesterday said I want to make the fans up in Fairview North Carolina happy and he made them happy with that played puts that head down big target out there six foot six about two hundred and fifty pounds he comes down with a huge reception there's the hem man the senior from Fairview North Carolina it is first and ten Wolfpack option Jordon spins he keeps the ball across the 40 near the 41 a gain of a mac Hilliard cut his feet out from under him and he pitched the ball to Anthony Barbour Barbour would have been a dead duck well I thought for a second at the tail end of this play he was going to try and pitch it watch here when he turns up now look he looks back at Barbour watch right here when he comes down outside right in there he looks back to barber barber was right outside of him and that would have been an interesting play barber and Manor are the set backs and motion Reggie Lawrence the first man through his man again man he runs head to head with Matt Hilliard Iowa defensively a year ago in 12 football games look at that they held their opponents to ten points in the third quarter that's ten points total not per game 12 opponents first and ten North Carolina State at the 45 yard line Jordan look into the near side looking and missing Robert Hinton great coverage on the play by Scott plate he had our again right down the middle on a seam past an hour was running all by himself the safety late came over but power was wide open few people may not realize a day but this Atlantic Coast Conference has produced three national champions Maryland in 53 of course Clemson and 81 and Georgia Tech back in 1990 with the share of the title second down and ten Jordan audible izing one of the few times we have seen that tonight there comes Iowa is batted down at the line of scrimmage and I think the guy who got his hands on it was maria kreyn we have a flag down that flag may go against Iowa looked like they came off the ball a little bit early Oh that'll that'll sure grade the hair of a coach but he looks out there and you've come up and you come up with a big play and then you get my free five yards the defensive ends John Hartley even Larry blue were coming there was no doubt about it I'm not sure which one stepped across the line but it's now second in five for NC State at the midfield stripe we're tied at 14 with a minute 17 to go and the third period Farber and Manor are the set backs that's Barbara the plan is on the carpet and oils got it the Buckeyes have recovered I art leave knocked it loose Doug book recovered that football on that plate Barbara never got his balance again he liked to got in his head taking off right here when he goes outside and when he comes back up he just loses the football actually throws that looked like he may have even kicked it out with his knee there's the situation NC State with three turnovers now Iowa with just one wide to the left is Harold Jasper he's drawing single coverage by Sebastian Savage [Applause] everybody fit on the play it was a naked reverse by heart leave he faked it so well he even slowed down once he faked the handoff they'd allow the defensive players to react to the play they all bid on the fake and he came naked reverse down the sideline outstanding call 37 yard gain for Hartley what a night he is having running the football eight carries 48 yards for the quarterback Jim Hartley 59 seconds left in the third period the ball on the Wolfpack 13 yard line at his first in ten Iowa and the Hawkeye's want to talk it over as Hartley will trot to the near side now that 37 yard run is the longest run in kickoff classic history boy that is so hard to believe and you have had some of the great names playing in this classic over the years this is the 10th Kickoff Classic five years ago eight fry bought a team in here and they were beaten by Tennessee 3231 and speaking of Tennessee we want to say hello to Johnny majors it was recuperating from quadruple bypass surgery I heard it was quintuple that's five wow that's that's about as many as you can get I imagine but we certainly do send good wishes to him he's one of the legends just like Hayden Fry in this football the game of football are you talking about Hayden Fry his era at Iowa what an illustrious history it has been take a look his fourteenth year ten Bowl appearance was three times Big Ten Coach of the Year he's got three Big Ten championships 14 first-team 14 first-team all-american candidates and seven consensus all-americans boy he's had some goodness the coaching ranks his defensive coordinator has spent 20 of those 31 years with and Bob Brashear straight ahead it goes it's the full-back Lew Montgomery remember that Beshear was from Eastland Texas and so is Hayden Fry that was an interesting story the both of them being from Eastland Texas they called it a mecca they said there's seventeen hundred and one people in eastern Texas they said there's still 17 hundred and one people in East Texas both of them born in the same year I think there were only four months apart really an interesting story suck it down in seven Iowa out of the I formation the deep back is Lampkin sighted and he's going down at the 19 hit by Delmon coming [Applause] I wondered how Covington did not lock this ball loose how did Hartley manage to cap that hold onto the football he never saw coming tonight left to your screen watch this BAM how did he keep that football in there Covington I mean he took the B line around Bob Reese and Mike Baroni on the right side of that Iowa offensive line and that will be the final play of the third quarter North Carolina State 14 Buckeyes 14 and will pretend the giant stadium after these messages from your local station this you take a look at those signs it says we're from Dave Rose hometown well partner you brought some cheerleaders with you ash Perot North Carolina we did two sets of cheerleaders you see right there southeast Guilford high school their cheerleaders came up from Greensboro North Carolina on bus and so did Southwest Randolph High School cheerleaders came all the way up 12 hours on a bus to cheer for NC State Buckeyes have the football that is third and 15 of the 18 partly with time he's gone working for Hughes did he come down with a ball [Applause] Savage did you see how high Hughes went you talk about climbing the ladder that young man looked like he had a stepladder out there the defensive back loses sight of the ball he turns his back on it but watch Hughes leap in the end zone he comes up in the air see the defensive back doesn't have his eyes look how high he is oh my goodness he almost came down with that football table Romano will attempt the 36-yard er from the whole of pulper meister its it is [Applause] now take a look Hayden Fry stop stop Romano as he comes over Romano is the redshirt freshman out of West Palm Beach Florida that's the first time Dave that Todd Romano has missed a kick inside 48 yards since he has been kicking he never missed one in high school inside 48 that's Greg Boehner the full-back for North Carolina State as he takes it out across the 25 near the 28 another huge series for NC State they need to get something going on offense their defense has been shutting down Iowa whenever you come up with a with a field goal missed your defense has done it now it's time for NC State's offense to take control this football game the move downfield get a little bit of continuity pick up two or three of those deep out those first downs to keep the defense off the field Bristol in motion Reggie Lawrence Anthony barbers got the football as he comes up the near side cuts it back across the grain [Applause] wait facemask barber is caught in white Felisa barber doesn't want to get a personal foul called on him for his reaction but you're right it's going to be a face masks will be tacked on and that is going to be the 15-yard variety not incidental nothing incidental about this grasp look at this cut all the way back against the grain great fake right there freezes Jim John Hart leaving his tracks and there's the facemask now that's 15 yards if you ever saw 15 yards that's it when you use the facemask to tackle him he pulled him completely around I've heard of deke leaders that's a d face er it comes with 1406 to play in the game first in 10 North Carolina State is this Big East officiating crew walks off the big one 15 yards now the Hawkeye 47 barber and manor are the backs Jordan get just a partner got a big hole to the Neal and the defense is saying don't tackle em by the facemask again look what look E's upset great run that time by Barbour great concentration on the pitch that's what's so hard to catch that pitch and try to look up and see who's coming good pitch there by Jordan down the line and watch Barbara when he gets it now good break to the outside and again just keep on rumbling keep those feet going and keep him moving took that ball away pick up that verse down from the 26 there's manner as he slashes inside the 24 down near the 23 he follows Shaun Johnson the junior guard and Eric Taylor the left tackle a lot of emotion on that offensive line of NC State those big men up front the hogs I guess you'd call them they're rooting them out right now a gain of 3 it is second down and seven o'clock running 13 12 to play on the game Hinton and Eddie goings the white out to at the top of your screen North Carolina State out of the eye Jordan rollin right chased and dropped I'll tell you blue six to 245 pounds a tear and stuck per step with Terry Jordan Payton fries said he is an outstanding football player he doesn't let anything get outside of him that's what he did on that play turned it back inside there's a receivers you'd see there's they're not open they're well right there late that's Robert Hinton but again look at the pressure fly blue right here get that big hand on some of the great tackles so the creep tackles are made by the shirtsleeve third sack for Larry blue tonight third and 17 and Jordans got no lose could say fork sack [Applause] but that's not surprising for Larry blue I remember a game last year - fumble recoveries against the Cyclones of Iowa State and one of them blue took in for a touchdown fourth down now in 16 this is Tim Kilpatrick or does that hurt your offense when you have first down on a 26 yard line and now you have to end up punting Kilpatrick right up in the air we've seen that before happening Iowa twice to North Carolina State now the pack returns the favor 11 minutes in 36 seconds to play this second half has been a game of field position 11 36 remaining along with Dave Rowe I'm Phil stone this has been a great one Iowa and North Carolina State are tied at 14 Buckeyes with the ball at their own 4 yard line across the 15 nearly 18 great downfield block by Matt Whitaker the tight end well last year that man right there Lou Montgomery a six-foot 212 pound fullback rambled 121 times for 500 yards his longest run from scrimmage against the Buckeyes of Ohio State in Columbus last year it went for 43 yards and it was just as effective coming out of the backfield catch he had 35 catches he's got it again he's across the 20 out near the 22 so on second down and six there is 1101 to play in the ball game tonight's game is being brought to you by sport scream strong fast pain relieve and no odor part leave 16 of 25 with two touchdown and it is Montgomery Oh once more a flag is down Mike Harrison a true freshman out of Camden New Jersey jumps on Montgomery and brought him down it out near the 28 oh and this will drive an offensive coordinator crazy you're picking up about five yards per run they're real close to a first down now it's going the opposite way because you've got a holding call Iowa offensive coordinator Don Patterson he's been with Hayden Fry 16 years and I'll tell you what Patterson is wincing when he sees this say there it's a wave of white jerseys going up there and instead of picking up five yards they lose ten yards on the holding call so it's a 15-yard penalty more importantly second down and 15 yards to go Hartley has already thrown for 162 yards it will try and add to that total double punch to the strong side throws out to the weak side under throws the coverage hits his tight end Matt Whitaker though we talked earlier that the secondary was one of the strong points of this NC State team they are doing a good job of covering the deep receivers a lot of times Hartley has had time to look downfield but those wide outs that are running those deeper patterns are covered very well and that's causing him to go underneath to his tight end and drop to his backs good coverage by that secondary and twelve the ball nosing the 17 yard line Iowa with 16 first downs in the game [Applause] take it reverse Hartley this time it fools nobody John Aikens the defensive tackle a junior from bouquet of arena North Carolina and knocks him down don't you say that okay like that spew quavering right up half of it right buddy that was a different one for Hartley when he turned around there Tyler Lawrence was standing there to smiling at him Scott Fisher is gonna put his foot to the ball Ladell George number 16 is back at his own 42 George just got it at the 45 and he's got a hot guy in his face and down he goes at the 41 36 yards on the punt map Hilliard brought Georgetown after a -3 yard return so the clock stops with 9 minutes and 32 seconds to play our score at halftime was 14 all it still is 9:32 to play Iowa and North Carolina State tied at 14 the Wolfpack at their own 43 yard line this is the best field position they have had all night to start a draw and out of bounds he goes jason old and Zack Adam wait out of his grasp you called it right out of the grasp he doesn't really have time to look downfield watch him break this tackle brakes tackle comes back around each of scampers and makes what's going to be a loss of 5 to 7 yards makes it into about a 3 yard gain dick Sheridan told us yesterday he said you know my quarterback reminds me so much of a linebacker he's really a linebacker playing quarterback I like Terry Jordan still games 3 or 4 and he has been bent backwards by 3 Hawkeye's led by the corner man Carlos James now the one thing NC State does not want to do in this situation is give the football back to Iowa this is a two tight ends situation it's gonna be down third down and one we always look for that you'll pull it down and throw the ball and sheridan told us he would do it but i think in this situation he's going to go with a safe run trying to pick up the first down he's got the two tight ends there neal our and ryan schultz the bunched formation the hot guys will try and contend with this Wolfpack Jordan he's got the first time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's almost as if Iowa has not seen the option play run like this I was perhaps more used to Big Ten offenses which is power football but every time Jordan has been able to come down the line do that little flash quick out with the ball then bring the ball down he has picked up positive yards that time he would have broken all the way had he not run into his running back double wide receivers to the bottom of your screen that is Anthony Barbour moving to the leg and it is Jordan and he won't get much a yard maybe to Dave I'm not certain was that a busted play well I thought it was but perhaps he took a lesson from from hardly but just said I'll try and they could reverse one time look at those numbers Terry Jordan 12 carries for 71 yards you simply can't say enough about the offensive game plan devised by the Wolfpack offensive coordinator Ted cane in his seventh season in Raleigh bill we talked about that rushing statistic when they rushed over 200 yards they are 20 Oh one they've got 234 yards rushing under throws Reggie Vaughn said he was wide open you can see Jordan kneel over there been kinda bent over that's a composure grabber what you do is you're upset at yourself you don't show it to your teammates you turn and you just go oh I should have done it that's Reggie Lawrence limping off you know for those of you watching this is certainly no fluke that North Carolina State is tied with Iowa you go back to 1989 this Wolfpack averaged over 400 yards of total offense again I'd say they can climb out move it offensively and they can stuff yet defensively joy out it goes my loins and he'll be down right there No it'll be fourth down and seven this is a tough situation they want to kick a field goal but it would be about a 46 to 47 yard field goal that's a little bit long that's just me on this play you can't put that knee down in college because you can't get back up you're down right there so Steve Villa Tech is on to attempt a 46-yard field goal [Applause] from the hold of Tim Kilpatrick is it straight enough [Applause] 55 yards that low trajectory when they cook when it crossed across the goalposts it is about ten foot high but it was still climbing Wow what again his first field goal as a North Carolina State Wolfpack player Steve Varitek and with six minutes and 50 seconds to play it is now NC State's 17 Buckeyes who have never lived 14 North Carolina State they have never trailed and now they are out in front 17 to 14 with six minutes and 50 seconds to play or NC State here is Jimmy's 6i we'll let it set sail and back deep for iowa's David Hughes and Harold Jesper short kick ways Jasper at 2:25 [Applause] stopped at the 39 the war teen yard kickoff return by Jasper so we need to take another look at that kick I want to tell you that ball barely crossed the heads look how low it was going across what it when it carried I mean it crossed the goalposts look where it crosses the goalposts look how high it was it was 1215 feet above the crossbar from the 39 yard line they'll call it the 40 it is first in 10 the Iowa [Applause] throws the coverage all he does it again this time is tied in that Whittaker comes up with a patois and he is banged into and knocked down by great Giana more I think the last thing that dick Sheridan wanted to do is the seed field position on that last kick to give them the ball out of the 40 yard line that is not what he wanted to do he wanted to pin them deep got a terrible kick off a gain of six well there is the score by quarters North Carolina got a touchdown in the first period Iowa got there to Dedes by Dean and use on the second quarter NC State leading at 1714 that is Paul Kujawa a bull back from Cudahy Wisconsin [Applause] they're down now and a long three [Applause] muffled eyes have never led and boy look at the Wolfpack defense bunch up [Applause] Macon's is the first man who pressured him and David Merritt popped him there has been a battle up front all night long it's been the defensive line in the offensive line of Iowa Rickey logos the leader up front they're number 90 quite a story doubled every time look at that make a pile don't give an inch let somebody else get in there quite a story on Rickey logo of course you know the story could have been a king now they could have been a king of American Samoa as grandfather wanted him to come home to Samoa and become King told his grandfather that he just couldn't do it right now had the continuous education fourth down and three quickly [Applause] but please that is a really surprising play to me I didn't think that Iowa would gamble like that if you don't complete the play you're going to give the ball up at midfield for in your own field position they gambled and they did give it up via the interception a real surprising play no one to go NC state plays along the line very very well hardly just throws it up for grabs see there's the interception and down the sideline goes Mike read Mike read who sat out the 1990s season with a neck injury because of a car accident came back last year at 83 tackles and two interceptions and he's picked up his first one here in 92 [Music] at the 25-yard line the book knocks him off his feet and now if you're in that NC State huddle what you're saying is don't fumble protect the ball both hands on it when you break through stay in bounds keep the clock running you ran out of bounds that time stop the clock but he did pick up nine yards and you remember Iowa wasted those two timeouts early in the third quarter for what reason we don't know what they call two times they called timeouts with Hartley looked up rather than audible he called the timeout straight up the gut it goes once more Gregg Manor rambles for about five [Applause] first down for North Carolina State now dick Sheridan said earlier in the week unless you play good teams and test yourself against other good teams you'll never know really what kind of football team you are well he's finding out what kind of team his Wolfpack is tonight that is Ladell charged as he goes for seven yards one thing that the wolf pack's has been able to do is get a fast start every year under Sheridan they win the first four or five games last year he won seven in a row there's the start after this after this game he goes against Appalachian State then comes back Maryland Florida State 5th ranked Carolina's OH is a big game at Georgia Tech and of course Texas Tech Florida State begins its first year of play in the ACC this year that is what el George as he slashes his way a find and shot Johnson [Applause] this is gonna be close to a first down they're gonna have to untie lon I believe it's going to be a first down he's inside the 10 yard line the NC State players when they're running up there with the football whose running backs they've got that ball covered North Carolina State their 23rd first down in the ball game Bruce Lee with just 16 Iowa's rushing defense has been nationally ranked seven of the last ten years but the pack is running wild tonight who a never of thought NC State would rush 44 times for 259 yards a 5.9 yard average every time they run that's the junior tailback from Columbus Georgia Gary downs this scored the first touchdown of this ball game way back on North Carolina state's first possession remember that statistic about 200 yards rushing we never thought we'd even come into play under dick Sheridan they are 22 Oh in one when they rushed for over 200 yards I'm crawling to 35 to 30 for this second and goal NC State again it is Gary downs on this time he creases the horror yard-line check-in back into the ballgame Robert Hinton the junior split in and he started to go in now it is Eddie Goines who trots onto the field and he'll replace Reggie Lawrence I don't think you have too much worry about the wide receivers if I was in this situation I'm gonna run the football game again now it's third down he may want he may want to pass it but boy keep that clock going if you run I'm looking for his tight end [Applause] [Music] rising play [Applause] someone's like Terry George give-give then you've got boys on the outside with that crossing speed he's done it three times tonight he found them Dave a year ago against dude Eddie Goines made one of the greatest catches I have ever seen a one-hand snag good for 49 yards to the Blue Devil one late in the ballgame North Carolina State took it in from there and won the game 30 to 31 joy is a big play wide receiver the point after is good and was a minute 53 to go in the ball game that is NC State 24 Ottawa 14 everybody now in the ACC is standing up and taking notice of this NCAA NC State team no one thought they would come in and do this we'll return after these messages from your local station this is the Raycom Network Carolina State leading the hook eyes of Iowa 24 to 14 picked up by a linebacker across the 35 out across the 37-year the 38 a 13-yard returned by david mitchell now the spirit is one of three Goodyear blimps and measures 200 feet long it's 60 feet high and boy what a tremendous vantage point from which to bring you some great pictures of this 10th Kickoff Classic first in 10 Iowa trip wideouts three wide receivers to the bottom of your screen having a shotgun comes partly flag is down again under throws the coverage but numbers back across the 45 down at the 47 situation is keep them in bounds let them have a little bit of yardage you know you're going to get the football back Iowa has one timeout this this place this play is going to be negated by that illegal motion it's going to come back so instead of picking up nine ten yards about eight nine yards they're going to go back for a five-yard penalty and more importantly they've wasted time off the clock and allow it down by 10 with a minute 40 to go that has to be of some concern certainly but what is really of concern is a week from now and the Hawkeye has returned home to tangle with the Miami Hurricanes Miami winners of four national titles over the past nine years Dave I think the only comparable streak was Notre Dame's four titles in seven years back in the 40s [Music] first and 15 now from the 34 again from the shotgun it is cut and out-of-bounds scampers Farrell Jasper we have a moment we want to thank our spotters for our kickoff classic Jim stay most Don Luis and Richard anise on our stats man here at Giants Stadium Andy Prince gentlemen the job very very well done 1:19 to play the ball game straight ahead it goes that is scooting down to the Wolfpack 37 Rickey Turner covers him as the clock ticks down I've got to say go Fork Union that's where my boys you know it's interesting dick shared and said they have four players from Loring Union you bet I'll tell you Fork Union has turned out some tremendous ballplayers I walk down there and I saw some of them some of the players Vinny Testaverde Don Makowski Mike quick John Schuhmann and his staff they they're certainly keep those boys icy warm this time of year a one hopper to Harold Jasper be sure and stay tuned for the end of tonight's game Dave and I will be selecting the sports cream player of the game suck it down in ten now is the clock stops with 104 remaining this is going to be so disheartening for Hayden Fry he came in here with all his fifth year seniors his offensive line was supposed to dominate but they have not dominated that's it that was probably the biggest surprise to me I thought Iowa B would be able to come in here with those big seniors 284 pound a bridge across the front line and I thought they would just run the football down NC State's through the 14 yard line Iowa is beginning to pass the vertical game David I was going to ask you early in the third quarter why is Hartley thrown so much underneath the five seven nine yards Weldon the defensive secondary from NC State has really given ground and now they're letting them catch it underneath but early in the football game they were covering those wide outs and that's why I Hartley was having to dump to his backs right now they're praying playing pre-bent defense just make him catch it in front of them peril Jesper nailed by Mike read read the junior strong safety from pace a lot South Carolina and now we've got a timeout called by Iowa and this is their final timeout it comes with 34 seconds to play 34 seconds to play and this 10th kickoff classic North Carolina State leads it by 10 well you want to see what it's like when a quarterback is under pressure BAM right in that short rib cage down he goes Carl Reeves has been in that backfield all night long one thing Iowa will take away from this game is the simple fact that in the ACC they place to come defense punched formation on second down and six from the 10 yard line in motion Hughes partly looking for on the back side it'll be no cats no catch yes food Tyler Lawrence around the outside great pressure from the outside linebacker Tyler Lawrence on that play if NC State is not ranked any higher than fourth in the ACC do you know what the teams above them are going to be like wow I'm sure Bobby Bell was getting a good look at this ball game NC State will take on Florida State on September 19 last met way back in 1969 but next up for the Wolfpack Appalachian State a team they beat 56 but nothing back in 1990 but lead to the nearside it is top black cross and he is down at the 20 seconds 19 the Iowa Hawkeyes cannot stop the clock what you do if you're on defense you just slowly walk back [Applause] he's going down yes here it is Tyler and that's gonna end this Clark is down with five seconds left and that is it on change of possession the Wolfpack passed up a call all they have to do is take one snap kneel down I don't think there are many people who gave NC State a chance in this football game the they must that we talked about were so demanding they must have been they had to be able to run the football against Iowa they did that they had to neutralize that offensive line they did that they had to have Terry Jordan come back like he did last year that the same leadership and he did that man right there dick Sheridan put together a whale of a game plan and that is the final play of this 10th Kickoff Classic they MCC [Music] losers for the third time to a North Carolina State team dick Sheridan brought together a tremendous game plan fueled by offensive coordinator Ted Kane while the hot guy is a viola a year ago they [Music] for the champions of the Big Ten Michigan and this year day of the law have a long road to hoe to match that record of a year ago they'll have to go undefeated somehow somewhere especially when they match up next time against Miami that's their next game that they're looking at it's kind of just be a just really disheartening loss when you start to when you start to look at their season they were counting this game they had already put this one in the win column now they've got to come back and regroup they've I asked you at the outset of our telecast if there was any way the Wolfpack could excel for four quarters defensively against this stinging Iowa offense that was the question I think the dick Sheridan wanted answer well he got his answer he talked about it would be late but I think the key to the whole play of of NC State was that their offense was able to keep the defense off the field so they never did get worn down their defense played great football when they were out there but you have got to credit this football game with the offense being able to move the football the mastermind behind the Wolfpack victory is Dick Sheridan and he is standing by down on the sideline dick ever in your wildest dreams did you think this young Wolfpack football team could beat a team like a hawk eyes of Iowa well it really wasn't in our wildest dreams I think we could not have won this game if our players had not come in here believing that what happened could have happened dick you moved the ball on the ground so well it had to surprise you when you rush over 200 yards you've got a 20 0 and 1 record that had to be the most pleasing thing you rushed for almost 300 yards well I really think this is probably one of our best games for an offensive line and to be such a young group in there I'm pleased with everything but the the play of those guys in offensive line was remarkable well I think your defense really set the tone you knew that your defense was going to have to play four quarters your offense really helped them dind't keeping them off the field well you know we had a great respect for ours defense they've been either number one or two in the Big Ten every year and and with an untested offensive line I thought it was gonna be really important that we keep our defense off the field and that was a that was the key to the game well Terry Jordans return certainly helped ended well Terry how to know that game you know we had an interception off of a deflection and and a fumble when hit from behind other than that and he couldn't play much better all right dick congratulations and boy what a whale of a way to get this 1992 NC state season off good luck to you tie up the year thanks very much appreciate it we're pleased to announce that tonight's sports cream player of the game is North Carolina State quarterback Terry Jordan 14 of 24 look at that 159 yards and a touchdown what a great night it was not only for Terry Jordan not only for his tailback Anthony Barbour his wideouts Eddie Goines Reggie Lawrence and Robert Hinton but a tremendous performance by each and every one of these NC State Wolfpack football players final score North Carolina State 24 the Iowa Hawkeyes 14 the kickoff classic on wake up has been brought to you by new improved head and shoulders now it works even better to prevent flakes beautiful night here and East Rutherford New Jersey what a great night it was for football the kickoff classic the 10th annual will go down as certainly one of the more entertaining games played as North Carolina State the beat of the hot guys of Iowa 24-port team what a way to kick off the season two outstanding games on Raycom with Texas A&M upsetting Stanford the other night and tonight NC state controlling a powerful Iowa team I don't think there's any question Hayden fries Iowa Hawkeyes have to be a bit demoralized now as they fly back to Iowa City for Dave Rowe this is Phil stone thanks for joining us this has been a copyrighted presentation on Raycom
Channel: Steve Crump
Views: 2,144
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: NC State, NCSU, Wolfpack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 53sec (9773 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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