1991 Sept 21 - Washington vs Nebraska

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Nebraska college football game of national dimension the Washington Huskies number four the Nebraska Cornhuskers and number nine the winner will have a chance at a national championship the loser probably not hello again everybody I'm Keith Jackson pleasure to come back to one of our favorite cities Lincoln Nebraska the home of the Huskers we've got the Huskies and the Huskers in this one and since Colorado beat Nebraska here a year ago the tone has been set kind of for this game tonight because the loyal partisans have been shouting loudly it's time to win a big one let's find out if the Washington Huskies deserve to be number four in the land Bob Griese what do you think well Tom Osborne is nothing short of the winningest active coach and division one football but he has lost eight of the last twelve times he has played a team with a winning record and he has lost the last four ballgames some of the fans and some of the players are beginning to question just how good this program is they'll get a chance to prove it tonight against the Huskies of Washington look for this ballgame tonight Nebraska brings in the number one rushing offense in the country and opposite them Washington defensively is the number one rushing defense in the country the key obviously in the office of a defensive lines whoever controls the line of scrimmage will win the ballgame this series will end next year in the Seattle and that game may also be a very big one because these two teams are in fact quite young but this is a night for the Cornhuskers they say their point I'm sure the Washington Huskies feel the same way [Applause] coach Tom Osborn his team's during his 18 seasons here have averaged nine wins per year they have been the 18 consecutive bowls but lately they haven't won the big one [Applause] that sex the frantic tone for tonight's game between the Huskies and Husker let's say this to say this little store located right across from Memorial Stadium in Lincoln has been doing a land office business for the better part of today in each some photos it ain't cheap [Applause] 12th man that hope Memorial Stadium was 76,000 Plus that so many stops you would think that coach Tom Osborne would have had the home-field advantage but he told us that in the last ten years he doesn't feel he's at it so on Tuesday at his press conference he issued a challenge to the fans here he said get into the game be more vociferous clap your hands wish as well as we try to go for a victory tonight night and all about the Washington cooks Don James whether he took it on the harder but for the last few days while they were practicing up at Husky Stadium they played the Nebraska fight song over the track PA let me tell you right now is deafening down here gates I can tell we're sitting on top of it Darius Sprint's and weaknesses as Nebraska receives we told you they led the nation in rushing 573 yards on the average and for the University of Washington they gave up only 67 yards per game last year Nate Turner number 22 Tyrone Hughes number 33 will receive the ball for the Cornhuskers Travis and simple pick it off but a Washington Huskies the wind is gusting up to 30 miles an hour [Music] most into the stands as Henson kicks it off so they'll bring it out to it is very comfortable temperature-wise however it will go down tonight and the son of up in the first defensive series is keeping McCann six to 200 he's affection from Granberry the rest of the backfield we'll have Derek brown as the eye back Omar Soto your fullback with Turner at wing back and he's more of a flunky back that he is wingback mitchell opens it tight in Bostic as wideout maquettes and hands it off to the [Applause] more from when you fix it up in the 36 yard line take a look the linebackers 54 hawkmen watch him run around the block right here he runs around the block and the man comes right up through the hole that's a big psychological advantage first play for Nebraska you get the draw play going the offensive lineman blocks the defender where he wants to go any eye back fix the direction and it worked beautifully there those people up front are big they try it again gentlemen eats him up walks up front week at 300 Jetson 305 Scott 260 she owes 295 for boom 310 that room you see there is the reason why they are so big because for deftly strength program here is exceptional that maybe the most sophisticated weight room I've ever seen Lance Lewis has checked into the back feel now Omar Soto is leaving as you can see there with what appears to be an ankle and Lance Lewis who had been sharing time as the starter with Soto comes in he's been hurt and now he shows up as Soto is helped off the field not to be a big loss because he's a tough running back [Applause] whistles and flags before the snap the defense and give us the chance to set it up for you they go with three down and they set two backers up on the outside making the look like a five and sometimes with seven men front its procedure against Nebraska but it's Mason Roger implement those are the three down guys and the Packers are Jones - Fraley and shield but fields and Jones as the outside people the corners are hall and Bailey they play man delay Leah will shadow Johnny Mitchell they're quick tied in and pyoko us is the man will take your hat off on the Blitz from the quit in position and makes the catch there is no gain maybe a half a yard or so on the play but that could have been a huge loss it was a it was a wide receiver screen back to the middle of the field McCann did a nice job of getting rid of the football and abuse could have broke one tackle could have made a big play that's a nice play from a tan this passing game for Nebraska is not sophisticated it was a chance for a big play with an easy completion so their fact almost to the original line of scrimmage prior to the procedure call go to the other [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] but the wind is as an element here at Buster Stadium on Memorial Stadium that is never a constant it's blowing across the stadium but it doesn't always blow the same direction down below it swirls around Dean O'Brien is closing in on a record at Washington as a kick returner and Mike's piggy his first punt of the season and it's a good one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's enough [Applause] 43-yard [Applause] the quarterback village Oh Herbert [Applause] and the Nebraska Cornhuskers are pumped but crowd is roaring the strengths and weaknesses for the Huskies on offense Huskies led the pac-10 in five offensive categories they returned eight starters from last year's team and for Nebraska they lost six players six starters to the NFL Draft last year they led the pac-10 having the big eight and defense but they lost six of their players to the NFL ground [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're waiting for to subside here it will in time billet drew Hobart 21 out of 31 against Sanford he's a big guy so just six 3 to 25 Jay Barry opens the tailback Matt Jones to pull back ok Bailey the white outs and Aaron Pierce is the tight end it is third down and 11 [Applause] there is five bruza bullet too the senior out of Mesa Arizona and he goes down right around the marker first down so that will silence the ground just a little bit this is a big offensive front too you see both tackles are over 300 with the guards at 290 f27 they am Cunningham [Music] first down for walking let's for the cracks see the 34 that's the two-yard pickup the defense for the Cornhuskers of Nebraska the three down guys are a makers Engelbert and Pirela outside backers will step up and make it a five and sometimes a six seven man front with the backers being Hill Petco Anderson and white the defensive secondary of cotton farmer burden look are your corners country for example as a 40 inch vertical jumping in case you haven't checked that lately just look at it that's above your easy chair and the wide outs for Washington McKay and Bailey go against the Nebraska corners cotton and Leggett he'll have a track meet this they average about four four feet [Applause] that goes over village Oh have some time [Music] [Applause] it is broken up [Applause] so who was a senior California playing at Nebraska your comments were very accurate to keep about the crowd the emotions the thing that Washington and hobart want to do is just try and make some first down and he called time out the last time because the football was on the ground and if the ground is wet when he rolled that blow over it's going to get wet because they went this surface before the game for better traction on third down go [Applause] and Krypton [Applause] lucky to get that one back leg at number three in the red jersey is going for the ball it looks like their feet do get tangled up but no call as there is the right call because Leggett was going for their interception now the Husky quarterback over it goes back in with Corey Dixon the man they want to handle it number one good kick it takes a soft bounce huge comes up almost lit over the top almost washed it and it was a foolish twist by Tyrone almost lost the ball [Music] go in the first quarter 42 yard fire Brown as Steve hitman gets his second tackle of the night this is the top 10 of The Associated Press in the top three guys Idol this weekend Florida however lost at Syracuse 38:21 school you know back in 1936 when the AP poll was first started these two teams who are watching tonight watching them stiff and the pastor was night and as we played the night going into this game the Huskies were fourth in the AP poll and Nebraska night so that's how close we are to what things were like back in 1936 but the game is to change a little bit and if we got a report on one more Soto the full-back for Nebraska spring he may not be back straighten of the knee and ankle area [Music] Tyrone Hughes number 33 checks a nose for Oscar goes to Crips at the top of the screen three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well if you can put Nebraska in these types of situation where the quarterback has to drop back and pass you're going to win the football game but this is what the Nebraska forgive you and that's the ability to run when you drop back someone's like a quarterback draw but Ken has not going to throw for 200 yards but he may run for half of that in pro for half of it Ennis this is TW harmony 40-yard this is very Nebraska get off the ball [Music] [Applause] first down Huskers the ball is up to Washington 49 yard line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] - this aggressive attacking style of Defense award to headquarters and halt can do that [Applause] unbalanced openside [Applause] the auction block they're on to laylee number eight the wide receiver gets a good block on Bailey just stays in his face and the de braska tailback here at Brown this time has enough speed to get in the end zone there been balloons released all over the stadium and some of them are settling down on the field you got a man down he's wearing the Washington colors and looks to me like it's Dana Hall and Hall was holding his rib cage a moment ago and he may have been beamed in the rib cage that's the second time he's been on the ground and we've had omar Soto already with a severe sprained ankle now a Dana Hall may well have some damage to his rib cage the touchdown play was good from 27 yards out it was Hall number five making the tackle no it looks like he his ribcage may have fallen on the the shoe or the ankle the foot yeah but he got off well ago holy breath yes same place yes he did Brown now has six carry and 58 yards of the ballgame I'd have to guess where where he's holding that's either a bruised or a sprained area in the ribs and that's a pain Erin Bennett is in the Tri for the extra point as soon as time resumed that hurts if that's a cartilage it can be a cartilage to you and I am really hurt it's not a serious injury it's just it's just a painful one Benna dismissed three extra points this year Stiggy the punter holds it kick is up to kick this girl [Applause] no gain or berate 62 yards played defensive back as well as the body hurricanes came to Lincoln and lost to the Cornhuskers 22:16 pretty good oh yeah it was 38 years later here he is pretty good quarterback on the other side of the field to Tom Osborne played for Hastings College here in Colorado I mean then Colorado fellow and Nebraska went on to play in the NFL Tommy Smith and Walter Bay [Applause] you know [Applause] 16 yard line 24 crowd is roaring and the Cornhuskers are flying all over the place right now [Applause] it's going to be an option these better coming watch the block here by the red jersey come down and block on number eight to Lele comes down the option man gets a good block I think that's Turner number 22 he's the guy they're worried Jimmy lamb right [Applause] yes Colorado and he moves from the 24 out to about the 27 [Applause] Texas A&M an upset loser today and there were some stunning scores today Ohio State winning their third season Colorado buried middle Phillip host appears first came out of the 14 yard line Erin Ferris is a senior from Seattle he's a big tight end at six five to forty so we figured both tight ends are going to be very much involved in the passing game through this game tonight Nebraska is off to a first quarter lead and it's a big point to keep that Nebraska got to lead because it keeps this this Fendi's this crowd the fans in the ball game Washington coming in love like they got in the head and taking him out of the game okay but to do that you got to stop the run [Applause] [Music] for a first down Alden arrest us out of the field he's inside the 45 yard line [Applause] there's almost always room underneath the coverage when you the other side as these two teams then what to do spread you out and then find the biggest mismatch and then work on that linebacker on that defensive back from just inside the 44 yard line quick pops try to sit at the screen for the king that's a potent yeah that's a 4-pack but they're scrambling for it and covering it just in case it had been a lateral three wide receivers lined up this way number four McKay is just going to take one step over does go too far out now you do that because the man that was supposed to be covering McCabe was off of him about seven or eight yards McKay just started to run before he caught the football but how does it go of if you're not covered during the hot man a lot of times if you're not covered you know you Fitz to the bottom of the screen three wideouts in the fourth one is at the top and Hobart back has five pass is complete to Mario pain [Applause] referee threw the flag back the passing game for Washington peope is really their nebraska not a dentist here's a linebacker he's going to blitz here's McCain number four watch him as he goes right into this area there's not going to be anybody near him you can't play this way you can't play pass defense like this it's got to be tougher than this they'll eat him up oh yeah some big mistakes and the coverage for the Cornhuskers there's Dana hole they've scrapped him up to Bruges with that will not only the defense of second Barry but their whole defense because it's key that those corners can cover man-to-man to allow the Blitz is with the linebackers and defensive line they may not be as aggressive now without him in the ballgame [Music] [Applause] down in 20 as the ball comes back to the Washington 46 buskers almost jump if they get back on in the neutral zone and here it goes B no Brian we saw Beno Bryant a couple of weeks ago at Stanford on grass with a sore leg didn't appear all that quick but he's been healing and you put him on a rug boy he's quickly well that is one advantage that Washington had over Nebraska is that they had two weeks to prepare for this game they played Stanford then had two weeks to heal and also to prepare for the nuances that the Nebraska uses Nebraska didn't have that luxury they played last week that Jones is checked into the backfield now for the Washington Huskies along with Leif Johnson and Jay berry so you've got to pull backs on the tailback in there it's third down and three for Washington as Philly Joe Hobart big guy from Puyallup talking to the referee who is John Lurie out of Springfield Missouri this is a big eight crew the umpire is Kevin Hart the linesman market nur can't help the line judge Terry Porter the field judge the side judges Phil Laurie and already bought is the back judge and the pollen is blowing in off the corn field did it get to you turn me up here [Applause] could be a big play right on the right side give it a bit to the defensive way five number 48 Mike Anderson the inside backer and you got a flag [Applause] it's a hold and it's against Washington so the Husky is now have been caught holding twice in this possession you will not help yourself doing that though you certainly won't that is when you're on the road it's tough enough to win but if you have a lot of penalties or turnovers you're just fighting an uphill battle without that penalty they're in range of Travis Hansen [Applause] with the penalty no way time remaining six minutes and 15 seconds that's an outstanding graphic right there he's never won fewer than nine games a loss more than three in any one season [Applause] you'd be done for me lately go phobics pass is away Bailey Gupta didn't drop it back there defending was Leggett Leggett was right in his face they've got a hand so that'll get the puck in order husky the Cornhuskers [Applause] John Bostick who is from the Interlake High School Bellevue Washington is the deep man for Nebraska Billy Joe Hobart gets it up into the wind with a good spin on it the ball goes to the corner good Nick great kick the keeps on walk-in comes out stopped just short of the seven yard line and as for Nebraska we'll go to work a 40 yard fun old coffin corner kick that next Saturday ABC's college football bring to an afternoon of action first to 12 Eastern 9 a.m. Pacific time that's noon Eastern and 9 o'clock in the morning on the coast the number one ranked Seminoles of Florida State and the third ranked Michigan Wolverines at 3:30 Eastern and 12:30 Pacific time we have regional games for you Georgia Tech Clemson Colorado Stanford Pitt Minnesota check your local listings here comes the I back picks up a couple yards before Dave Huffman the inside linebacker picks him down Christmas Day is in there in the guard position now for Nebraska number 64 they're all big he's at 285 as a look at your comparison mainly that's a lot of sides in the offensive line for Nebraska Washington does it was speed and quickness there's only two big guys in that line the rest of them can all run number 10 William dr. backing out of the picture there has replaced say no halt keeping the Kent keeps it and he's dragged down just over the 10 yard line Andy Mason brought him down there's William doctor he's a senior out of El Paso Texas as vital one certainly has had two interceptions last year has played a lot of games started a lot of games for this ballclub over the past the bent Hawkins comes in now he's an X I back out of Junior he's from New Orleans he's in replacing Turner at the wingback spot walking back here comes McCann take him down and so the Huskies send a man trailing on the plate olele and filet Lee the rover are the strong safety if you will right there number eight pursuit the man and brought him down this is one thing that Washington should be good at and that is pursuing the option because they have a lot of speed to run from sideline to sideline with Nebraska leading sent them nothing in the first quarter they go to the foot now with Pinot Bryant 29 back and 47 Mike's Tiggy Tiggy had a 43-yarder his first time into the wind this time he's got to kick it out of his end zone and the Washington Huskies want to talk about things time remaining first quarter 402 I just read something new if you're at the figures that Washington is going to get pretty good field position they're punting Nebraska from their own endzone beam O'Brien number 2 of the nation last year in punt returns Ruth returned three punts for touchdowns now Mike Stig has got to kick it out of the end zone there's no pressure on him and he didn't get all of it do is prevent vino Brian from getting his hands on but they're going to get the ball inside these of Nebraska 40-yard line it is a 30 yard punt and the Washington Huskies our camp on the Cornhusker 38 yard line first down but Nebraska leads 7 to nothing here's Jack Arica keith miles Corrigan who was talking to the offensive line and the backfield when they were off on that series of downs while the defense was out for the Huskies well he said they're not at all upset with their play so far except for the number of penalties he said we've got to reduce those penalties and we keep tribes alive for the TD Pete O'Brien carries the home [Applause] ninety-two John Pirela a 290 pounds jr. from Grand Island Nebraska there are some color swap and paint in the crew they are this is going to be a physical game no question about it both teams are baked we mentioned Nebraska lost six defensive guys to the NFL draft take a look inside the [Music] [Applause] - that's a hit folks that's a major league hit Billy Joe Hobart back to throw it getting some heat get this pass away the fat he threw it right down the alley where there was nobody and it got rid of it and didn't take the loss because Trev Alberts number 34 was about to jump his boom Billy Billy Joe wanted to make sure that the receiver knew that he was expecting him to go one way and he went the other way Hobart is now 3 of 8 for 42 yards not a very good start this is only Hobart 2nd collegiate chart that's for sure he what big time in his first time though he's not working with a whole lot of wisdom yet maybe back to through it gets it off was being covered by Kinney Wilhite know where to throw it keep hope everybody's covered give him a hand 3:07 Washington's gotta last time Hobart knocked it out of bounds at the Cornhusker seven it was a big series as you take a look at Bostick to receive the punt big series defensively for Nebraska we've been talking about Washington defensively as you take a look at Hobart Nebraska's defense was pretty good last year in the big 8 Hobart spot got a lot of spin on it it'll sail into the crowd they went into the stand so it'll come back up for the 20 yard line with first quarter and the brass deleting seven for nothing the Harvest Moon at least it looked like a harvest [Applause] at the conclusion of tonight's game we'll choose a Chevrolet most valuable player from each team for the 21st year Chevrolet scholarship program giving $1000 to the general scholarship fund of each school [Applause] attack keeping mecan't hands it Danny goes Dave Hoffman the inside linebacker getting another tackle and this time he picks Derrick brown down par there's a loss of a yard of the play second down 11 Steve Hoffman let the Huskies entitling last year he had eight in the opening game at Stanford two weeks ago Bostick coming wide at the bottom of the picture Hughes at the top of the picture but can't check it off little quick drop wants to throw gets his passed away to the sidelines with the past is incomplete intended for Chris Garrett the fight in Garrett in right now and you got to see Nebraska go a lot tonight I think with two tight ends Mitchell is not the strongest Walker of the group Washington baby Aaron and lycée behind them are also very good third down 11 now for Nebraska Keith we just came word that so told at fullback has a broken right fibula boy so he'll be out the rest of the ball game and season man and a few more yeah but can't chased out of the pocket people must get however much advanced there's a penalty flag back there around the 13 yard line that came out of the referees pocket and almost surely means holding at the new rule this year is they penalize you from where the infraction occurred so let's see what this is that could mean something it's holding against Nebraska all right now where did the holding take place that's the next question and that'll determine whether or not Washington accepts well third down it's gonna be fourth down so they will decline it but if it happened six yards behind the line of scrimmage one of the offensive line pass blocking its goals 15 10 yards back from these six yards behind the line of scrimmage so it in effect would be a 16 yard loss right so the Huskies want the ball and so they put Nebraska back in punt formation and Bryant Waits fourth standing justice inside his own 45 yard line stinky had a 30 yarder the second time first time he had a 43 little pressure on him and he hits it that's a good kick really good kick into the wind red shirt looking at the down hard after a 46-yard punt [Applause] we're talking about keeping the camps set this well he's always had great ability keep these you know in terms of a good arm and good speed his problem has been inconsistency just at times and sometimes maybe not being quite as sharp on the offense you know it just knowing when to audible and so on but he's really made a lot of improvement the last plane we began to come on real well and he's come on even better this fall and right now is playing very well Washington Huskies have the ball right now and they move it as beno Bryant carries on that little pass up to near the 48 yard line and brought down by Bev Albert it's still Nebraska seven to nothing with 1:40 to go in the first quarter it's a little screen pass to Bryant Nebraska completely different defensively philosophically than Washington there have been don't break defenses the or she did just the opposite attack blitz make big play second down long three Billy Joe Hobart looking down the middle goes the other way with a fast car tration Bailey's only five nine 170 was covered like a blanket but then all of a sudden put those great legs under him and went up and brought it down hobart got away with that what I that was almost intercepted he threw it high so the linebacker couldn't get it watch Tyrone bird he's much bigger too there's a look at there behind the defense Hobart looks down the middle looks off but Barbara 31 almost picked off that was full it went right through Birds hands yeah they fake it outside all distress for the fullback they faked the pitch to Bryant handed it instead to the full-back Jones had plenty of room to gain about eight or ten yards Anita simply from well somebody might have tipped it going by that could put it away and you see the time ticking away in the first quarter Nebraska old to lead at seven tonight [Applause] oh just short of with Cornhuskers 43 [Applause] [Music] the gain on the play is down to about the 31 yard line let's see about the flag a team from the linesman [Applause] od [Applause] holding and Don James is not happy they shouldn't be because it was a good call take a look right here number 70 Mala Mala is going to be holding this call came from the side judge and he looks at the in male left an of number 70 look at this that was a good call Don James has no complaints about that unless he's yelling at his old man afternoon baseball scores Washington now just a half game back of the Toronto Blue Jay tightening up in race yeah they got a race in the National League West to bring the Dodgers in the brain Braves leading by half they play tonight [Applause] I'm going down [Applause] well over looking at the block will not fall away so after the first 15 minutes [Applause] Dana Hall the cornerback for Washington with bruised ribs lower part of his ribcage put on a flak jacket because it covers that portion of the breeze and he's going to give that a try [Applause] the horses out though his ribs were hurting and that's what he's got overcome is the pain right so the Huskies go to work orbits pass [Applause] [Music] he didn't have a good tight spin on it and you have got to spin the ball when you was working in the wind should be used to that though up in Seattle they filled a lot of win let's take a look at the first quarter statistics the score obviously in favor of Nebraska totally plays are about the same look at the rushing yardage 76 for Nebraska Washington in a ball game normally only gives up like 70 67 yards so Nebraska already over the limit as far as Washington is concerned they're down and what a stink Obert pumps have left it go for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay what a scourge because he was gone but take a look man to man okay and well I will hide as the number three quarterback but he plays a lot he's beaten by just a step but he sees the ball is underthrown good vision on the ball and picks off his third interception of the season another look the Cornhuskers go to work from their own McKim going outside is taken down just about the lines pretty keep in McCann fifth-year senior from Grand Prairie Texas six to 200 pounds we'll hide again the defensive philosophy fits right in with Tom Osborne offensive philosophy that is conservative and don't throw many passes and they don't do a lot of things on defense to allow big plays to happen they're leading right now seven nothing over the number four ranked team in the nation the Washington Huskies Florida was defeated today in Syracuse USC lost today in Arizona State can't still have the ball after a good faith gets pressure grows behind the tide in fish Garrett and it is incomplete hitman has three tackles of the ballgame so far he was closing in on that one and mecan't heard the earth felt the earth symbol into that little so look at my camp and the first game against Stanford we've added a ball up into the air and intercepted it because I don't know what you do with it after I caught his eye I got to work on that in practice Washington so far as that but Nebraska on the other took one in for the touchdown on a 27 yard run by Derrick Brown otherwise they've been pretty well shut down too there is it probably a check off key for Washington had all 11 guys up on the line of scrimmage McCann checked off hoping to get up a quick trap up the mouth cut the defense and get down the field but no such luck how do you read the battle along the line of scrimmage down there beginning to you know it's about even Nebraska had that one drive where they got to pee runs off aside from that it's even segi is back to cut bait over kick his away with a wind and he'll knock that one out of the county is over brass head headed for the end zone [Music] [Applause] 68 yards they're the worst team in well-rested he didn't put the first two games first leg hairless bit checked I'm right here for the Huskies in this first half get him in here they give the ball to Matt Jones and don't find some daylight sliding off the left side running behind Mala Mala and he got shot near the 9 yard line so from the 2 to the 9th at 7 and it's 7 nothing Nebraska leading hurt on the play is Pirela the defensive right tackle for the Cornish Washington first half possession Wiggins is the third one down they got the ball in the 38 yard line of Nebraska three plays and they had to putt they have not done anything with it wouldn't have Hale back Faraday various spitting in the crowd and he's close to her first down if the mark stands for the lines when his foot is left foot down it's going to be first down Washington so they'll sort it out looks like they'll bring the chains on and while they do that let's pause five seconds to allow our ABC stations to tell you who they are [Music] this is kom Oh TV for Seattle I don't know if that's the old left foot right foot Giga not but he put his left foot down and looks saying like he's marked it somewhere in between the 12 and 13 and he did that it is the first time well 27 to go in the second quarter last year the Washington Huskies this is what they did in the pac-10 they were dominant in fact the Huskies dominated the entire pac-10 managing over 30 points every time they won a game in the pac-10 overt mr. berry and bear he got a block on the turn a good block from mama ma again it was rolling around and also the pulling guard Rangan grey makers on the tackle all close to the 18 yard line pick up the flag no penalty [Applause] [Music] the speaker system within the stadium which the referee works from is not working they all over the country for referees Mike really Jones and motion give the ball to Barry Barry plan to get outside burns inside the 25 they have another first down it'll be close they may need the change for this one Aaron Pierce was upfield Thor to block mama mama showed up more and more here in leading the running game for Washington that big time here's the first now they need a good running game Keith because you cannot put the pressure on the young sophomore Hobart Billy Joey had a good game his first game but you cannot put him on the road in a hostile crowd in this situation explain go out when the game for us you gotta have somebody Brian gets back into the backfield now he is the single back for the Huskies he's got the ball on a little tailback drops out of there crushed down Washington up across the 40 near the 40 yard line they're gonna mark him short of it at the 39 he was a half a whisker away from a real big game he just popped out of there didn't he first arm tackle didn't do it he was gone Bryant is only 180 pounds but he's a very sturdy tough 180 when he's freshman but he cannot take the pounding live in Nebraska what they did in the defensively [Applause] [Music] 38-yard here in this possession and whistles [Music] [Applause] movement in the Washington offensive line Bob shows 1105 first half the rest at 7:00 Washington nothing that's the fourth penalty and 40 yards all the Huskies Penn State leading BYU 10-7 and course last Saturday night at the Coliseum in Los Angeles we saw Penn State get shot California suffered their second shot over it back to throw swings it out [Applause] would be blockers are not together in between him of big fellows were in red and David white might detect [Applause] [Music] suck it down 13 [Music] or why not out there Kovach pass drill he goes to the sideline picks up a first down 39 yard line target spotted saved the touchdown Mario Bailey very wisely was looking for help over there from B know Brian and he almost got it that time Nebraska came in went man-to-man underneath and they're just not quick enough that's the secondary and the linebackers right there is number 5 getting away from that's a cotton number 9 the Washington receivers just too quick on first down over turns and gives it the plant and Pino Brian dives inside the 25 and Moses down at the 23 good blocking up front for be no he did it take a look at the offensive line 75 is Kennedy Center is Cunningham number 79 blocking on 73 Noonan big hole up the middle this is the man they want to get the ball to good speed fastest man for three speed white ass to the top of the picture now on birthday over it goes with it hard bullet is good for the pin the man falls down inside the pen the Curtis Jeff bard number 17 it'll be first down and goal to go Washington we'll take a look at the outside receiver he's going to come down and hook to the inside everybody else is going to clear out he's going to be wide open on the inside first down passing a great time to pass the receivers glare control helped out and a nice throw lot of receivers open for Washington first and goal from the 9 quarterback draw Hobart touchdown Huskies [Applause] he can't say 98-yard drive [Music] [Applause] that's the advantage of a quarterback that can one and both teams on the field today have that Eric bjornsen backup quarterback has the mr. Sampson that could be a big play on do Bruce Bailey is the Stemper and Bruce number 88 is going to let that one get away here's your touchdown quarterback draw watch the block on Anderson 48 and he just go to run away big play [Applause] drop masterson yards including the run for the touchdown from a nine yards up Nate Turner and Tyrone Hughes will be the deep people here for Nebraska uses 33 in Turner 22 rasca still leading 7 to 6 [Applause] impressive 98-yard moved by the Washington Huskies daytime goes to a faster the field is Tommy Smith that Thomas Smith picks Tyrone he is legs away from him let's go back to that touchdown Keith it's a good call it was man-to-man coverage these these the defensive backs are covering these people these two safeties are going to split go to the outside this linebacker has this tied in nobody has the quarterback is he's going to go in right William nobody is assigned to cover the quarterback a play that is called at the right time everybody has their backs turned away nobody assigned to the QB Mickey Joseph comes in at quarterback now for the Nebraska Cornhuskers his first appearance of the ball game is considered by some the better passer he is quite good on the option as well but not as big as Keith in McCann the Garrick Brown is the eye back and he carried on that last play Mickey Joseph is a senior from Marrero Louisiana at 510 and 180 Josef's the better runner not the better thrower I mean this kid this kid can run the option he's faster a foot not shaken strong that's for sure I'm still struggling with the follow he was a starter all of last year was Joseph got hurt in the last game of the year against Oklahoma didn't play in the bowl game started off the year the number one quarterback third down and four Joseph going to the outside throws as fast the pass is incomplete Donald Jones number 48 Jones forcing him to get rid of the ball before he really wanted to and so they'll have to punt again now Tom Osborne showing some concern because with this big crowd roaring and his team all pumped up they put away low in the first quarter but now there Washington Huskies it started to assert themselves and that 98-yard March for the touchdown Beno Bryant back to return the kick Mike sticky is fifth pot of the night the last name with the win with 68 yards B though Bryant backs up and gives him 50 this time 55 yards between the two this is a mile high into the night sky and clients showing very good concentration is able to make a fair catch you got a flag thrown over on the far side of the field that was a 50-yard punt no return of his little bear [Applause] it's against Nebraska that's unusual for the hunting team unless he made their home call as he pointed the wrong way you know at Toms say wait a minute we clipped come here I want to talk about that [Applause] [Music] still stands at the 50-yard but 7:55 to go in the first half debating now Zach [Music] the ball is in the possession of Washington catch that swung go through your mind we know Brian made his fair catch back in around the 26 27 yard line and that's where your penalty is going to be assessment [Applause] stuff enough to win on the road keys without turning the ball over are committing senseless fouls and penalties case you wondered well under the new rule you know that could have been gone t of way up here the point of position that's why I [Applause] not just part of the fire back to the 15-yard line we'll go to work as vino Bryant is in a tailback and carries up to about the 16 for a pickup of three years [Applause] date of three second down seven coming up ABC Sports will be at Soldier Field Monday night for our NFL presentation Chicago Bears hosting the New York Jets Village Oh Hobart is four [Applause] when ABC's Monday Night Football will be on the air at 9:00 Eastern Time jets are feeling super Jets gave Buffalo a scare last week almost Adam [Music] working today huh easy color football that Sunday is people everything they snapped of although the quicker in between played before one play the next third down and five Hobart back looks cut a man go to be honest for the first down that's the 13 I mean that's a 23 I don't know if I called it to scene or not he had to get precisely to the 43 yard line there's what they're doing right here man-to-man the two receivers outside clear out and man coverage is just going to break to the outside [Applause] overt flushes out a little bit strong arm gets it out there didn't get his first down didn't get it nope Cory Dixon drops back the return for Nebraska and village Oh Hobart is your punter gets it up high Dickson's first acceptance with the ball he handles it alright as a 38 and he is caught I mean it's a good thing Hilary Butler got a piece of him because he might still be running [Applause] the back and he just drilled this dr. Johnny rustic and pick up some seven or eight yards or the Cornhuskers so look it there's a look at Johnny Mitchell one of the tight ends three or four good ones he has six catches on the year two four touchdowns last year he had 11 catches seven of which were four touchdowns so he is their big play guys they're gonna get a big plate it will probably come to Johnny Mitchell second down and two mecan't gives it to the eye back Derek brown and brown will have the first down for the Washington 39 so a moment ago of those Washington had possessed this quarter but now the corner Jack Keith until his series of course as you could see it looked as if the offensive line of the Nebraska Cornhuskers was not getting off the ball properly but Tom Osborne took him over to the side during that last series of down and diagrammed the plays he was very upset with the fact that they weren't blocking properly he took them point by point through the stuff through a series of plays for this next offensive series that's the first first down in five possession tomorrow night premiere week continues on ABC with the all-new season premiere of life goes on America's Funniest Home Videos in America's Funniest people watch the world premiere movie the untold story of Marilyn Monroe's first husband Marilyn and breathe all tomorrow night on the ABC seven to six ball game with the temperature going down now and ultimately we'll get to the low forties or possibly the high 30s where the master autumn is in the offing in Finland last week at this time Tom Osborne had about a thirty five point lead and had his third team on the field back the last two weeks the Utah State and Oklahoma State by big numbers they knew it wouldn't be that easy here tonight Jim Lambright just bought his entire defensive unit with the sidelines and he and the defensive coaches had a serious conversation with him so let's see what they've cooked up as mecan't rolls out get some heat Hopkins after enough behind the line of scrimmage at the 44 yard line [Music] second time McCann has been sacked at the ball games tonight and it brings up a second down and 14 [Music] at big lance Lundberg that's walking out the view he's 6 for 305 watch all the rest got some depth on that offensive line they really do we got six tackles around 300 pounds not much there for the eye back they swarm it nebraska's option will drive you for any option to drive you crazy and on James in our conversation yesterday and this emphatic point about the option everybody knows that the option is still the hardest player defending is I don't care what they put up the hardest play is the option and they've got ways to run option weak option strong but they've also got a way to take the onside guard the fullback and the lead back and get three guys in front of the quarterback on option and we haven't figured out a way to break all that down and get to the quarterback mecan't back there's the first fake wants to go deep with it goes for Bostick in the corners [Applause] I should never happen on third and 13 Bennett for the try there's good that makes it this point by Washington he look tough now 14 to sing [Applause] all these guys out here come down break through the inside and go deep to the outside to respect then Washington had Ilan furnace 1441 him Fanta McCann he gets steep and Bostick is open 42 yards on the play [Applause] that'll get him some boo hiss when he goes home big play you know if he's got him one on one he's like a cork and white cap Disney Tommy Smith and Walter Bailey are deep that's a very short kick expected by Smith [Applause] 16:15 he delivers some punishment of his own as he brings it up the field and the husk is now trailing by eight at halftime we have the Prudential halftime report Roger and coach Bo Schembechler will have the News scores and highlights from around the country and the conversation with Florida State head coach Bobby Bowden and Saturday at noon we'll see here you 27 yard line Hobart back throws it underneath Orlando Mackay first down up near the 45 yard line one of those other two people in the center of the field had peeled back when I came out of school but they didn't and he's down at the 44 Washington now feet into the wind has gone to the shorter possession type passes at the slant because of that win trying to catch it short and nut the receivers run with it Courbet that's intercepted second one overnight [Music] intended for Kurdish guests our vo let's see what that's about [Applause] Kotetsu boy [Applause] where he was supposed to the ball was thrown there you know quarterbacks Keith throw the spots in open areas and he was going to the open easy interception by Leggett Joan shows up now he's 511 205 pound redshirt freshman from Omaha and he's a little bigger and stronger than Derrick brown maybe not quite as ffensive uh via hit you Alec Keith and McCann runs away from the pressure [Applause] Steve infants involved in the play he's an outstanding player was the code Defensive Player of the Year in the pac-10 last year he is just a real load of rant like a raging bull out there grew up on a farm says here go back to the farm once he finishes with NFL career finishes as NFL career is right cuz you'll never get he says it's in my blood I'll always go back second down and eight mecan't underneath I would think the Huskies this year the left to paint his helmet he's gets a little sassy when he gets up for that one [Applause] Washington won the Rose Bowl last year Nebraska not impressed by the Rose Bowl winners over the years [Applause] down and five for the Cornhuskers pressure coming from the weak side Nate Turner back occasionally ripped off their minds picked up the first down the defensive back Bailey was so far off of him it was just a quick out five or six yards and out these corners for the Huskies are a little bit afraid of being burned they've been burned a couple times a night they were couple weeks ago [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that penetrated on the defensive in Andy Mason was not quick enough to contain him Wilma can't just stepped away from him and moved the ball upfield he was going he wanted the big play to Mitchell is tied in and they weren't about to have any here's Mitchell right here he's going to go straight down the field and two guys will lock on to him play action toward the middle at him he's trying to hone everybody Mitchell with four six speed he's the one that's caught seven touchdown 9 touchdown passes 17 receptions in a year-and-a-half sat down at 6:00 here goes the big guy Calvin [Applause] thirty-six Devlin is 92 Lele is number eight Garrett is 80 just a crack in there just a crease there aren't going to be any big holes in there this week you know Tom Osborne doing a great job at calling the place mixing running pass throwing on first down shorten deep okay that's the third time at this time in the angulation gutted man number 13 so the loss is back outside the 42 the 43 the Steve Fitz will do that to you they'll make you look bad they puts a lot they'll make some make you look bad embarrass shoots and they get it plays but they'll also give up some big plays what they've done here tonight Nebraska calling the timeout has one remaining at one minute and 15 seconds left to play in the first half the firm has been bleeding 14 to 6 Tom Osborne who had some heart trouble earlier this year Paul lanky fellow was a biker with the 49ers for a year then with a and then went to coaching Bob the Hannah announcing that he's gonna retire [Music] forever today his shadow will be on this University did you know that General John J Pershing was the math teacher here at the and Charles Lindbergh learned to fly here [Applause] [Music] intercepted [Music] so this time mecan't looking deep couldn't get it all the way they feel - Tyrone Hughes and Hall at six three make the turn in his jacket and make the interception be to the right side and let's give some credit to Dana Howe who went out with that ribbon giri earlier but on the flak jacket and came back in seized a ball all the way and makes the interception he had three pick offs last year and that's his first one win does not always help carry they're projectile either that instant [Music] with two timeouts for first down on the 8 yard line and Beno client will work his way out near the 11 for a short pickup and one minute and now we're inside one minute [Applause] we've got a lot of federal numbered you see a lot of same number but to the ball [Music] [Applause] this is Planet first out at the 28 yard line the go chains are being moved the clock stops and Washington Gordon without her [Music] it is here if the [Applause] Herbert's past to the sidelines good zones and don't get to kill the clock after they are to go the key factor here for Hobart is you're going into the wind and you're just before half-time no big mistakes if we can get it down and maybe get a shot of the field go fine but the critical thing is and the thing foremost in your mind is no mistakes he's already had two interceptions in the first half second of the one down the middle Bailey's there first I gotta stop the clock again at the Nebraska 48 yard line is that the 13 seconds to go in the first part [Applause] much like they may take at enemy will they have one remaining so Hobart comes to the sidelines to talk coverts a big strong kid has a strong arm likes to throw the ball as a more of a gambler type Mark Brunell the quarterback that played for him last year was the Rose Bowl MVP there's a look at him right there on the left had knee surgery in the spring serious knee surgery and an empty air cushion repaired is already back he should be ready to play in a couple of weeks Billy Joe Hubbard knew Brunel Majok from last fall and led Brunell led him to the road Bo ho Bert's got his chance now [Applause] like this kitty said Isaac [Applause] Christ says I like to take good two interceptions that is replicated he gets it off gasbar 31 that kills our clock with seven seconds to play and the Huskies spend their last timeout now they gotta make the call do you go ahead and send in Travis Henson for a field goal try with the football mark down at the 31 yard line a lot of times just before half of the end of the ball game the center of the field will be open because everybody's playing zone first of all and secondly they're playing so deep Travis Hampton has not tried a field goal in the real world this season this would be a 48-yarder and it is into the wind how much I can't tell you because the poor we are on top of the stadium its Howard down on the inside of the steady Enix whirly last season pension was three out of four in field goals between 40 and 49 his brother Jason's along American over to Washington State as hugely comes from good stock yep [Music] Chris Bailey is in the step at last time Chris definitely didn't now Anna breasts was trying to kill him a little bit they call a timeout [Applause] Nebraska spending its last one the Huskies don't have one either and it does what it matters I got 7 seconds to play in the half first quarter belonged to the corn Husker the second quarter pretty much belonged to the Washington Huskies except for one big play exactly and that's the type of defense Washington plays they're going to make you look bad or they gonna give up some big plays and Tom Osborne does a good job of calling the plays [Applause] Don James was saying you know the thing he was concerned about in the Stanford game the first game they played a couple of weeks ago was that Stanford had a bunch of people open the quarterback didn't hit him they've connected here tonight if they can make this work [Applause] put it now [Applause] [Music] I don't know if it was a good hold or not because he didn't get much on that ball at all he just got a squatted in one end of the in zone though we're near the Gopher snap was at an I think it was down all right he just tried to over kick it into that win and just kind of kicked a knuckleball hit it probably too much in the middle of the ball so it's no good and the Huskies are turned away Nebraska get one snapped with three seconds to go and the Cornhuskers lead by a score of 14 to 6 oh look at this I can't and it goes to Calvin Jones and Jones is going to get a first down first half photo the play is done for the first half we'll be back with our half this massive dental work washing [Applause] the pastor right at the 12 and out to the 23 and they're the Huskies will go to work they're you halftime statistics take a look at the total yardage Washington with 270 yards Brasco with almost 200 the two turnovers belong to Washington only one for Nebraska penalties 55 yards for Washington and only five for the brass the tailback the full-back over [Applause] he pops out of there Matt Jones from the port florican blows his way to the 37 yard line on a first down [Applause] the Huskies opened with Cunningham under intelligence Kennedy and Mala Mala the takos pierced the tight air the wide outs we gave you that's the way the Husky start the second half [Applause] Wario stadium team this place [Applause] for a loss of about two yards as Mike Anderson takes him down Nebraska opens with rainmakers Engelbert and the defensive bus Perella is back in there Pirela was the man who was shaken up you see the offensive leaders for Washington with Bryant pooling 75 yards in the first half most of that yardage for Washington came in the second quarter [Applause] over those good cajones out of the [Music] one of the Nebraska defensive backs look it tries to put him on his numbers but couldn't quite do it and I think he's a little bit short of his first down [Applause] take a look at the defensive leaders for Nebraska Anderson and Carver with six tackles apiece Leggett and will hike with one interception Keene I think it's interesting to note that Washington had the choice in the second half and decided to receive but Nebraska chose to kick into the wind thereby getting the win for themselves in the fourth quarter very important little bit short the stretch in with Jack James before I came out here and he said offensive elbow he produced a lot of points he was pleased with their efforts defensively he couldn't say the same though he said we've got to contain the quarterback keep him back in the pocket that's what he feels is most important and be the decisive factor in this second half first thing he's gonna do it [Music] here in the second half [Applause] it'll be Thursday short [Music] about a foot single covert zips over to the right side and right behind Cunningham and delegates for the first down all of the advanced up to around the 48 and the Huskies will start a new series [Applause] Lincoln Kennedy's 75 there is 6-7 325 and jr. from San Diego Aaron Pierce the tide in as the man heard on the field for Washington a big tide in caught a couple of passes six five and 240 and they're working on a lay scoring summary in the ballgame Nebraska broke on top is Derek brown the i-back capped off a very impressive drive with the 27 yard dash for the score rushing tenanted there's village Oh Hobart ran a quarterback draw up the middle but for the extra point on a high snap was missed and that's where we are right now 14 to 6 and Pierce is walking off the field [Music] so that looks like it might be good news as Aaron Pierce is able to walk off the field and Mark Bruner who is a true freshman from Aberdeen Washington six five to thirty comes into the game like this be back as flat comes outside to the left corporate pumps it up down the middle Bailey's at the Nebraska 28 yard line walk down by Steve farmer he's a dynamite player Mario Bailey [Applause] they spread the field that time no back in the backfield key then they just spread them out no backs back here here's Bailey write it go go straight down the field now watch is the secondary it's spread out covering the entire width of the field looks off the free safety and the great play there call at the 29 yard Huskies ball is handed away to Matt Jones the fullback and Jones is down at the 26 and let's go to Roger twibell BYU fumbled the second half kickoff and watch Jerry Collins 5 yard touchdown run will cap a five play 27 yard drive and Penn State leads BYU 17 to 7 and what about this score Utah leads Oregon 24 3 in the second quarter let's go back to [Music] [Applause] keen O'Brien [Music] when they come crit blitz on past five Tyrone Byrd and Hobart miss gemenese now ten of his last twelve Stover through it braska coming out of there conservative bin but don't break his own defense came up put some pressure on him overt saw it and his in his anxiousness to complete the pass just overthrew ball is resting at the 26-yard line where it is third down and seven Obert bashes away two passes were not very well chrome guest Bart appeared to be the man again a frailing wind sometimes can go to just as much trouble as thrown into and there was good coverage Keith the Nebraska secondary with good coverage both man-to-man and there was really nobody open downfield so Travis Hansen is in to fry 40 the field-goal tries on the extra ports have been an adventure tonight for walk again they get it down this time nails it right down the hi at 12:27 to go in the third quarter it is now a 14 - 9 full game still Nebraska putting it down on the tee to kick it off Tyrone Jones inmate Turner deep to receive it uses 33 and Turner is 22 somebody's gonna have to hold that thing keeps blowing it off the tee and bacon Oh [Music] [Applause] that should go to the end zone and beyond it was back not return it and the basket is bring it out earth down at the point Primus Hansen is holding his back as he goes back to get the teeth let's see what happens to it when he comes off all right now [Applause] [Music] all right here comes the Raska McCann let's Lewis of the fullback pitch it out the prowl mr. Kapoor had him in his sights number eight and the factions as if they missed him as the elusive Derek brown turned up field and he made something out of that play he made six York [Applause] [Music] they are working on the Washington Post kicked at that event and did something good back but can't turns it brown again and boom do you do Messrs inflame and Rogers Tyrone Rogers the middle guard for the Washington Huskies played against Nebraska at an Oklahoma sooner down in Pullman in 1988 [Applause] Nebraska's offense overs with Scott at Center Jetson and shields the guards Wiggin and for whom the tackle right Anna Smith : he's been the rest of it strings at underneath for a screen he's got two doctors and nice call by Tom Osborne it works against zone but not again Savannah man because the man is a furnace face but this time Washington dropped off in its own there's Hoffman out there against the screen that's Jensen number 69 with a nice block first down [Music] they're reaching hands of hues incomplete here's Roger again thank you very much Keith Georgia and Alabama and Surin Stacy we'll go around the left side four yards on the touchdown run it was set up by Stacy's 20 we are drawn to plays earlier 7-nothing Alabama in the fourth and in Baton Rouge right now Vanderbilt leads LSU 14 to 13 let's go back to Keith and Lincoln it is not a happy time right now [Applause] the offensive leaders first-half mecan't was a seven of 11 for 104 yards pretty good for a non passing quarterback Brown led the rushers Bostick with three receptions in a touchdown defensively for Washington Hoffman led him tackles Hill at the 1 interception in it Minh was right there also he pressured McCann Chieko fate has been kind of quiet Chico's place to keep books back in there now I've lined back up a walk this is brown but couldn't hold him and so he goes from [Applause] from La Habra California it's an incredible thing to me that Californians go all over the country to play and so many of them keep being told they can't go to school with certain universities in California [Applause] Ziggy is in the pot [Applause] you got a pretty good night [Applause] good kick under extreme pressure [Applause] and he gets that knuckleball floats around wish Fairport the 21 yard line awkwardly for the Cornhuskers [Applause] [Music] there was into a 30 mile an hour wind Babis Hansen had a slight muscle spasm on the light side of his pocket became they rubbed it out he's okay [Music] say trail 14 designs for the home team and vino brian will pick up that's all the defensive white side of that Nebraska line just zeroed in on him the Becker's Anderson and white did most of the damage doing LSU has come back to lead Vandy 16 to 14 the full quarter in an SEC game their word beat some surprises today second down package four down linemen and six defensive backs with Pete O'Brien and he crushes stuff 30 and they'll be looking at third down and short again Bryant was just a whisker from popping out of there for a big game he's got 82 yards on the night on 10 carries late substitution and rascal they're regular base defensive musk is Matt Jones wages ahead for the first sound I don't know if they had channeled enough but they got enough in there to hold that play but not Uncle John with the surge behind Mala Mala and colleges was able to get the first down I think that's the problem when you switch from one type of defense to the other they were trying to get get out of their nickel package back into their base defense and there was there was they were disorganized say to give him the benefit of the doubt yeah a little fly pattern down to feel what he did for him bumped in there wouldn't it they were squawking at George furless today - at Notre Dame for what he was he was running his defense is a full one the one time I saw it looked like he was debating whether or not to go for it on fourth down and he says all in all we can't so he put the guy in there to play there was like an honest first down for the Huskies they put client emotion which means pass to come over to the minivan his past is off the intended receiver guests part is on the ground he's over there with Kurtis cotton and he fell down so that's an incomplete forward pass and the game summary reads this way as you see the score at the top you see where Washington has made its mistakes and that Nebraska's passing game has been pretty good tonight Derek brown the eye back for the Cornhuskers and vino Brian [Applause] [Music] J berry is now in a [Music] throws it down [Music] the man was intended he had double coverage and Billy Joe was on his back well the reason Billy Joe was on his back because they had their nickel package in again putting some pressure on him up front anytime they think they're going to pass or coming with it check out these two defensive linemen right here they're going to criss cross 90 is going to be more than for the come round put some pressure on the court as ninety is more at six six [Music] third and ten math was tipped I think at the last minute I think somebody got a hand on it [Music] [Applause] [Music] the guests are incomplete and it is fourth down [Music] I'm open so the Huskies have to give it up with Hughes and Dixon deep Dixon is one and used 33 Dixon's a redshirt freshman a real burner from Dallas tobert doing the punting kicks it to Dixon at the 25 and gets a crack gets into a little Hut button and head button gig up there and he loses [Applause] the 44 yard line 43 yard spot but 19-yard return we invested 100 meter over the last 23 seasons Nebraska has been top 20 look at this 267 out of 281 weeks alone without on belay before whoa there's the man who's coming in this man is hearing some some rumblings from the fans and area about destroy them yeah - boy what some excitement why can't coming down the line on the auction play turns the corner pedal the flag goes down and number 39 Chico Fraley is in his hip pocket and riding down [Applause] procedure call against the Cornhusker [Applause] new equal procedure [Applause] Nebraska has stopped its JV schedule after 35 years like five games normally [Applause] position discussed we had a scrimmage out here yesterday afternoon take a look at how close this huddle is about three steps away from the line of scrimmage they do that every time I think it's just to save the distance that the offensive line has to travel anyway they booked them up now they don't want to run up to that that's the point at this philosophy is to bulk them up you know you go out and run for everyone in five miles you know you're just defeating your purpose yeah you want explicit this that's against the Cornhuskers well they have the offensive line has from last year has added 23 pounds on the average per man and has increased their their strength about 43 pounds so Nebraska one of the leaders in the country probably I know they have the biggest weight room that thing is what 30,000 square feet and big here's a look at a Russian comparison I just walked through it yesterday and felt better yeah builds Eagle by moved the ball on the illegal snap that caused that procedure gentlemen had to pitch back to the eye back and that's pretty good for suit right there Andheri crown by Dave Hoffman because Brown had some daylight in front of him and he was cranking up the burners to get to it and the Hoffman is an interesting graphic that Washington has as out rushed Nebraska there's a look at Hoffman 54 the leading tackler from last year he's different fifteen whereas his shoulders and pro Abdul Mohammed the wingback a freshman he's another speedster he is a true freshman one of three on the roster [Applause] those men carrying seven Washington freshmen home for a three-day weekend at a rectum on Fri Oh Thursday night I guess it was scared everybody currently seriously injured to have some surgery intended receiver Hughes had stopped and the can't pull the ball down Donald Jones was right there Jones plays what amounts to defensive in position though he's listed as an outside linebacker exactly right Keith and one of the things that James said we have to contain contain look at him right now he's containing he's going way outside flips back to the inside I mean it was pretty wide but he did force McCann to turn back up inside and finally made the tackle good play that's four times now that he is the quarterback has been stopped short of the line of scrimmage 14 to 9 ball game Nebraska leading fourth down they kick it away sticky ticket puts it off end of [Music] some old [Applause] [Music] pretty good push pushing and pulling match [Applause] Paul was freeing to Brad first and goal of this gun the O'Brian now I fumbled just get on the ball get on the boys not on it yet come you may see it you see it from this Mike Anderson it's going to come was the back of his legs to slide outside on first and goal the Cornhuskers [Music] we talked about early in the ball game the offense of the defensive line the burner and the insulin had a shot at time the offensive line of the Cornhuskers won the battle and a turnover turns into a touchdown in one place then it for the extra point so Washington Huskies who live at the shadow of Mount Rainier without that size [Music] [Applause] well here's another look fumble by Bryant he's got plenty of time to fall on the the defenders are four or five yards away look at him now just comes out now watch keep going keep running it there at the end the Nebraska player comes in from the right side Sanders yeah you know Washington Keith last year led the nation in turnover ratio they took the ball away 23 more times than they gave it up they lose this ballgame that have probably be because of turnovers that's the third one on the night in the second one that's turned into a touchdown well there's poor judgment I think they're trying to take it on the five-yard line is this but normally if you're inside the 10-yard line let it go you let it go I think the one that he kicked down here earlier in the game where it ended up on the two yard line of influx was in his mind now Napoleon Kaufman is in the ball Baili to return this kick he's a true freshman he gets it out to attack the 20 abcs NFL presentation on Monday night will be from Soldier Field in Chicago of the New York Jets Joanie comes out Gaspard goes in [Music] wife comes back at tailback Joe Bailey [Music] trips to the bottom of the fifth coming up giving defense defense defense give it a Pino Bryant and black works his way through some heavy traffic and picks up about three yards well you heard the crowd coming up hollering defense and they are really into this game take a look at this graphic the 26 and two in the last five years and won by an average of 33 points second down and five [Applause] traffic Robert has ostrich step the room to run throws and get this first down the pass is caught up across the 45 yard line he was pretty close to crossing the line of scrimmage but it was a good play go back and take another look at that look at the whites of his eyes didn't look it in nope didn't look it in looking for a hole to run first down Walker five and it for the up man Jones and Jones is across midfield - here's a Cornhusker 48 he's the 215 pound sophomore from Portland and playing well tonight Darius Turner had been ticketed as the starter at fullback not been able to play so far - here because of back trouble by winding along at four minutes to go in the third quarter and Nebraska leading 20 [Applause] I would be surprised we're not close to a record I don't think there's a interest Oh and Bryant bounces off one Nebraska man and bounces for about five or six yards before they bring it down here's a look at the top 10 top 3 ride horse Eaton is jeopardy of losing their ranking Florida already lost his seat to Syracuse and a seat barely won Oklahoma and Clemson win Nebraska's [Music] that way they'll move up to the hospital little throw underneath that the bad pass he thought behind veto Bryant Bryant was on slanting in just behind the line of scrimmage and over to a poor pass this will go in the books as the 178 column stadium sellout seating capacity is 73-65 old but the record average for the season was 76 314 [Applause] 76 304 I think they're making more noise you're right tailback Bryant again and he gets into the traffic in there he asks mr. Engel Burton company to deal with and his gain is about five a shot at last year's starter who took him to the rose gold recovering from knee surgery no way they'll put him in this ball game [Applause] and best we just start practicing with the team [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh Bert's passes away Bailey has it Bailey had the first time he's blocked down by Tyrone that's quite a track meet those two corners in those of Nebraska and those the two wideouts get going downfield so here's Bailey here and the other two receivers are just going to run off he's just going to go down make the first down and break to the outside comes in motion it gets inside now he gets a lot of room to the outside of one and just barely picks up the first down big series for Washington to a land rover [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Deron Williams a sophomore inside linebacker from Chicago there he is he's alone again uncovered little quick screen you see 75 Kennedy coming out they like this way em skied 98 back up inside line [Applause] that was going to the endzone and it is incomplete the coverage by Steve who is from Oahu never minute 43 remaining in the third quarter and still a 12-point lead and as baylor the winning one reasonably comfortable [Music] in Alabama and Alabama lost in Florida last week Florida went to Syracuse got beat today Arizona Golden Bear the pretty cool [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's usually holding Oh James and the Huskies [Applause] over 70 yards [Applause] in the secondary over [Applause] go to your screen let's see if we can pick it up number 34 [Applause] I can't tell him for that Victor but the Blitz being picked up I don't think that was it on the outside it is for 71-yard Huskies over it he gots it out of the pocket for the 30 yard [Music] [Applause] what's running at 1:22 go in the third period well that was a big touchdown to lose because that would have tightened everybody as I mentioned Jim Tripp and James knows it when you're on the road a hostile crowd against a tough opponent you cannot hurt yourself penalties interceptions fumbles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] McKay's got it he's got a first down at the Cornhusker 15-yard line overtopped I see how thick his dick is he's burnin what's the middle receiver number four is McCain he's just going to let the inside receiver clear come to the inside man-to-man coverage big time throw and a good catch and play his Bittner virtually all night long hasn't always worked because at times the coverage has been exceptional the time this back and failback first down up in the rest is 15-yard line you he's flexing and spurs [Music] and as we wind down to the end of the third quarter [Applause] that is still very much what's the blocking here the center that's Cunningham who's going to block the man over it's going to be a huge hole right up the center of the offensive line we talked about the Battle of the line of scrimmage the Big Uglies Keith if you will mr. at time one bye [Applause] that's a good touchdown for Washington [Applause] over 100 yards he's got 112 now engage as have some nuts the extra point through there and the score is now 21 to 16 [Applause] jackaroo Keith you are talking upstairs about the situation with the weight room here the strength and conditioning room is 30,000 square feet as we said and it's a state-of-the-art facility and it says by many one of the reasons why the average offensive line weight gain this year has been twenty three point four pounds another reason is Boyd Eppley who is the head of this strength and conditioning facility he has changed over from an ant from an aerobic training method to an anaerobic training method now the difference aerobic builds endurance anaerobic actually concentrates upon power in a short-term period now what he's done is he's produced this power for those offensive linemen in short spurts by combining endurance heavy weight lifting and a diet combined of high calories and low fat he says that those are the primary reasons why the offensive linemen have been able to make such massive weight gains since this time last year all right Jack thank you [Applause] [Music] save your energy guys you'll need it say what Don James showed me something going for it on fourth and eight or nine making it kick to the endzone Hughes backs up no return by Tyrone remember that Nebraska now is going to have the wind at their back in the fourth quarter and right about in here it becomes a contest of a lot of things it becomes first off a contest of skill but somewhere down the road it develops into discipline it develops into something Paul will that little intangible who wants it the most that is sold true Keith and the advantage has to go to Nebraska playing at home in front of their fans pthen McCann played well tonight is back picks up seven yards before they can bring him down and the big guys for Washington have gone just about all the way is the defensive front there's a little fervor around here tonight so most reminds me of night football the way to for the more active the Huskies that buskers after this message of the work from our ABC stations [Applause] as we go into the final quarter of play ball is at the 27 yard line for the Rasmus [Music] the I back Eric Brown surging ahead and he short of the first down I'm gonna need the better part of two yards and third day [Applause] there's been the Cornhusker Herbie the Kissin she gives it on the options of Derek Brown and what a blow he took who's in the bottom of that Chico Chico Fraley was right after with him and he didn't get the first down it looked like he was a sin take a look at this nine guys at the line of scrimmage freely is Ryan here watch him run out and make the play he runs good speed gets blocked but gets up makes the initial Nick Falco is there that's a big play oh boy got him high no it's fourth down and stick is in the field but somewhere down the road it develops into discipline it develops into something called will that little dim pendulum who wants it the most that is sold true Keith and the advantage has to go to Nebraska playing at home in front of their fans keeping the mechanics played well tonight giveth back picks up seven yards before they can bring him down and the big guys for Washington have gone just about all the way in the defensive front [Applause] so mostly night football the way the all day we'll be back for the Moroccan the Huskies atmospheres after this message of the word from our ABC a five-point difference in the ballgame and as we go into the final quarter of play wall is at the 27-yard line [Applause] [Music] Eric Brown surging ahead and he's short of the first down I'm gonna need the better part of two yards and third day [Applause] there's the the Cornhusker pretty make it Kayson gives it on the option to carry crown and what a blow he took who's in the bottom of that Chico Chico Fraley was right out there with him and he didn't get the first dance it looked like he was a sin take a look at this nine guys at the line of scrimmage freely is right here watch he run out and make the play he runs good speed gets blocked but gets up makes the initial Nick Howell is there that's a big play oh poor got him high so it's fourth down and stiggy's in to punt wins at his back didn't get all of it still a good kick at the 30 [Applause] leading by by Nebraska leading by five as the Washington Huskies come up to the line of scrimmage just short of their own 32 yard line first down and for those of you who have been watching the with 27-7 Penn State we are in a five-point ballgame with 1313 Washington goes to that fight in Pierce is across midfield first down Washington at the Nebraska 47 yard line number for Washington versus number nine Nebraska tight and recent straight up the field good protection for Hobart throws in over the linebackers before the safety forgets their as an outstanding role starting over 36 for 251 yard in this ballgame vino blind the tailback is walk down after pick up this is how the scoring is happening in the ball game Nebraska to the lead I'm Derek Browns 27 yard touchdown run Nebraska dominated the first quarter Washington dominated the second quarter but only got six points missing the extra point and Washington dominated the play in the third quarter as well [Applause] to lead 21 [Music] it is 21 to 16 as the Huskies responded in the closing seconds of the third quarter and down this part by their dunes when a first down for Washington Aetna fastest 25-yard line and now the Huskies are moving in big chunks of real estate there's Jones right here you just got to jump inside the linebackers go straight up the field the spread of wide man to man on the outside linebacker that's Travis Hill number 93 and an excellent throw I mean going into a win that's Tyrone Leggett leaving the field at cornerback for Nebraska played an outstanding ballgame and he's out of there and the Nebraska crowd of some 76,000 suddenly got quiet calling for defense all of a sudden right inside the 10 first all of a sudden Washington's offense just exploded down the field it's the offensive line that is dominating the Nebraska line now pass protection and opening the holes Hobart is throwing the ball magnificently and the offensive line is is opening the holes for the running game [Applause] in the one who can set with chips at the top of the picture all right and the Huskies keepeth as Aaron Pierce the Tigers came back to get it and Washington dodges a bullet turnovers have plagued them all night long [Applause] he never got that phone girl was snapped into his leg they watered this field down for our new viewers they watered this field down early in the ballgame or before the ballgame as you seen Pierce jump on the football to help the traction up it is wet on the field it is not reindeer they do that every game is out now Jones is back in Phyllis Oh Hobart throws it down the middle touchdown Washington has to be the first time tonight [Applause] the house in red to grow looks like they'll go for two right here is the man is it's going to go right down in the middle of the field now watch as he throws the ball right in the center on the defense and nobody reacts to the football and the Nebraska players are standing around the caves had a huge tonight John boring 14 little fade to the corner see amid the shadows over there but it doesn't work and it's a one-point ballgame he's in he's out worth the ball his foot is in know he was in yeah look you can't you don't know where he was juggling it or not the opposite didn't after sort of it because they waved it off immediately [Music] as we approach the 1992 Olympic Games many are going to get more important as we wind along Barry's in the back field Hobart keeps it throws it underneath no bit intended for Jones the ball is underthrown you got a penalty flag thrown on the other side and it comes late that might be the old personal foul sort of a thing [Applause] there was obviously something going on beyond the location of the ball the Atlanta Braves shutout Los Angeles last night leading one to nothing tonight and the bullpen ting they lead the National League West by half game gonna be third down now while he's out he's out of the game I don't know who the person who fouled was on look there was there was a minor order all has come back two yard line was in at the week guard resistant Barry [Applause] Joubert he pumps it up and lets it go [Applause] it's a 15-yard penalty Kinney Wilhite was a half a step out of the play and he goes what up his back right here and the flag came flying out oh no that's pretty close huh biggie get getting needed musician it's position [Music] I'd like to see that one more time looked like he got there the same time the ball the ball was underthrown if it been out a little bit further it would have been easy six he pins it up huh first down Washington turns in a second and long situation into a first down [Applause] the way the foot speed these guys have it's to me like no can't see oh he was hitting him just the same time the ball got through this is Barry and Barry is roll back my big glaring Williams take a look at it one more time looking at it from where I'm sitting though as it was happening it looked see he's got ahold of him there oh he does he's got his eyes back well even if he had his hand on his back okay but it brought it back just [Music] well what are the reficul is right if it's right hand is on that helmet it's a pound it's a good cause down to the 20-yard line give them credit Matt Jones Garrett nine minutes to play in the ball game [Applause] these guys run too fast you need a motor scooter to keep up with head yeah that's a good point that's why it's so important that these officials are in white proper position they went to seven officials [Applause] [Music] but they'll believe to help themselves here they're making the state underneath here the tight end and he's got the first down inside the Nebraska 15-yard line David White playing very good defense against white Pierce just outside [Applause] it's been all Washington for the last well the third quarter and as you mentioned even into the second quarter Keith [Music] what a grip those guys were in red white pitch Divino Branagh finds a crack that's a lick Mike Anderson [Applause] Mike Anderson Anderson 48 and Willie Williams 98 yeah Mike is 230 and Williams 250 that's a couple of big inside factory town Brian Webb team carries and 140 your visa berries [Applause] Washington to 45 46 for Nebraska very little change of direction but head one where Ana be first down and goal Washington you've got 741 to play in the game [Applause] Charlie McBride sends in his goal line defense and the Huskies are camped on the three [Applause] they didn't have all the people out there as they wanted 731 to go Washington threatening a word from our ABC stations tomorrow it's pick-and-rolls pick the funniest guy in the NBA foul shot and roll with left hand to Nebraska three yard line [Music] over it Pizza touchdown Washington in the second half Washington has 15 first downs 2 1 from the Washington has four he plays 215 263 yards 246 and they have taken the lead 28 to 21 as Hobart takes it in for his second touchdown of the night the extra point try by Hansen now out of Jordans hole is good and eight-point lead the big play at this juncture of the ballgame well it's got to be this and it belongs to Don James because he called it it was fourth and about nine yards to go it was right after the touchdown had been called back he went for it fourth and nine this is McKay on a little slant out and in route picks up the first down in the next play they score and they've been scored touchdowns ever since they came right back in their next possession and just went right down the field they've been a bunch of big plays in this game but I think that play right there coming back after the touchdown had just been taken away from him by a holding penalty and coming back on fourth down and his score it has to be the key play it is 29 - 21 Washington Ansem will kick off into the wind the receivers for Nebraska are standing up on their ten last time I mentioned didn't get much on it this time he knocks it on the green finally picked up at 2:30 and brought back by Tommy off to the 435 yard [Music] look here Tom Osborne now you've used a lot of quarterbacks in the last four or five games going back to last year who do you skate with who do you go just got McCann up there locate them McCann [Applause] gone to the beer and we'll go to work in this possession from the nebraska 35 yard line with Calvin Jones the I back McCann throws off the hands of Calvin Jones incomplete at number 13 for Washington Andy Mason and luring in and deck the Nebraska quarterback McCann is a fifth year senior who had only played three plays before this year he was never an option quarterback in high school and I think that's good really slowed him down he is probably the best athlete pure passer and runner of all of the quarterbacks and I think that's why I was when has gone to him in the second game of his third game of the year can't back again again throws for Jones and again it's off Jones hands incomplete both of those Falls thrown by the can't put haven't handled quite easily by Jones except flavor on Jones is a running back and the Nebraska running backs don't get the ball thrown at him very often 11 times last year they caught the ball only five times the year before did running backs from University of Braska catch the football Bostick scored on the 42 yards pass play from the can he hasn't seen the ball in the wild extremes by Washington Tommy Smith Hilary Butler and Donald Jones and it was Jones and Butler climbing all over that's that's the pressure defense yeah that's the pressure defense Brett Collins as the man shaken up take a look right here these guys at the line of scrimmage you see these people lined up man to man these people are going to be coming putting pressure on the quarterback he's not going to have time to look around everybody lines up it comes clean inside I was not McCants ball to plays he hit the receiver right in the hands and then the third one he was just this will be the ninth punt of the ballgame by Mike Stiggy he didn't put it all in the first two games but he sure made up for it tonight or is it both said earlier today oh they'll putt today I guarantee you Brian all those struts I mean biggie has a great leg he's not stepping a mile the Vino almost dropped it at 12:00 eastern nine Pacific time next Saturday one of the big ball games of the season Florida State number one Michigan number three it comes from Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor and then we go regional at 3:30 12:30 Pacific my regional games Georgia Tech Clemson Colorado Stanford fit Minnesota check your local listings sanity here on ABC first down Washington they're 21 Huskers have got to play some reckless defense now Bryant looking around ninety-seven Patti Hubbert move on the ground but he got him with a dangling legs Penn State has defeated three to seven that Happy Valley in Pennsylvania Beno Bryant was him on the leg and comes out yeah he took a whack on the shinden yeah he had a banged up knee in the fall and a lot in the first day ball he's after 20 loss of a yard on the play second down 11 this is Barry trying to get outside so that's a loss of another yard at Mike Petco for his way inside they get a piece of him encoding down there's no quit in these Huskers that's for sure the Huskies better continue to try to make first downs they don't need any more points at this time they just need to make some first downs and take some time off the clock remember the wind is still in the back of the Nebraska Cornhuskers clock running at six minutes to play and it is Thursday [Applause] then they're pretty science Washington stays on the ground and this is Barry getting outside oh he's gone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I can't understand what we owe cheers to running them [Music] that thumping sound was the door slamming 81-yard one by J Berry the Washington has scored on there possessions in the second half [Applause] 35:21 and Travis Hampton trying to make it 36 right here [Applause] you've got 536 the play of the game [Applause] take a look at the battlefront we said they ever control the line of scrimmage just straight block and them too big that's a travesty of 93 he's trying to be walled off and then Barry goes around him he's gonna win that battle with the rainmakers every time under 67 and Barry has enough speed doubt what everybody [Applause] the only man was 48 that's Mike Anderson and they having the pressure having to gamble they got burnt they're down and long and draw a play he gets outside and he just does this on his own that's carver number 31 who really should have made the play and dick Carver starting this year for the first time strong safety really should have made the play with what has changed keep what happened in the first half that was on the bus dominated especially in the first quarter you know what I think has happened is that it took them it took Washington a little while to settle down this crowd was really into it to settle down they've shown their dominance ever since huge picks it up at the three and he's taken down at the 15 so they're Nebraska will go to work at 5 minutes and 32 seconds to play in the ballgame 36:21 four possessions four touchdowns the Washington or in a row do you say that its conditioner no I don't think it's conditioning you don't need I think I think Washington came in here the crowd was into the game I think they've just settle down and they've got see Washington's way last year we saw him in the first bowl game this is the way they normally play they can be a dominant team we also saw Washington cave in at home against the beat up UCLA team last November that cost them a chance at a national championship and they haven't how not to let it happen again and they put in as they say the the extra day at the weight room but look at the second half take a look at the number of plays 44 to 19 and yards tremendous first down 16 to 1 [Applause] that's good the Bostick and Bostick beats the defender out of bounds beyond the marker and its first down in Nebraska there's still time the wings up there back 450 to play one big play a touchdown and they're back in it this is really the not the type of offense though that you're gonna come from behind with very well I was Byrnes offense in the quarterbacks that he has the type of throwing they do they're not good drop back pastures they need the running game the threat of the running game the pass feeds off the run not when you're 15 points down yeah girl Huskies got eight guys up there on the line of scrimmage that ball just barely by Dana Hall got just enough of it to slap it down it was intended for Nate Turner but there was an instance if the ball is a foot higher Turner's got six points you are right it was it was there and Hall made a nice play for those who joined us late Paul injured early in the ball game hurts some ribs put on a flak jacket is back out there playing those ribs have got to be hurting too and they're going home right after the game [Applause] [Music] very easily could have been picked off and gone six points the other way by Tommy Smith when the Braska is down by 15 points and has to throw there not a very good offensive town and the clock shows 4:40 on 3rd down and 10 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mecan't with very good protection delivers it to the iPad is close to a first down [Applause] well they're going right to laughter that means the lines on this side marked it with his left foot because you always mark it with the up filled foot right and that'll be close hurt on the play is Derek brown hobbling about [Applause] first down to the hot corner spirit and I guess the the hours will come back out we said earlier the car nesters have lost five of the last six bowl games and in the last 12 the teams with winning records [Applause] [Music] Maki's hit as he throws that is a complete board package his art was definitely going forward DeMarco for sophomore out of San Pablo California hit him from the lion sign number 75 he's a growing boy at 265 Blue Devils scored a lot of points early season here [Music] Houston took another lickin today Illinois reduce to a big day Dunbar had a big ballgame I watch the best net Purdue's go is something else in me and that kid has just all grit yep he is a tough kid forget about a side the scant gets his ball away but it's too high flown in to the sidelines and incomplete intended for John busting that stops your clock at 4:13 to play in a ball game 36:21 Washington taking over actually Olmo change shirts before the halftime they really didn't change even though Nebraska went back to a 12 point lead Washington for still marching up and down the beer [Applause] this is Joan [Applause] but down by Polish Smith [Applause] and four or six to play fat lady eight son yet there's no quit in the Cornhuskers I can assure you of that scored an onside kick [Applause] the arms of busting that was a play down the left corner that and in and out actually that was just a fly on the sidelines we couldn't run it down there was one of the big surprises of today is Arizona State defeat Southern California in Los Angeles 32:25 you see they did it on the ground California two by ten over Arizona in the second quarter [Applause] [Applause] we can't throw it again got a man over there passes good to Tyrone huge 26 and you got 342 the play Washington defensively now is just being a little bit passive they're going out of their style of being aggressive in blitzing you know you don't you know I would do the same thing you're 15 points up you don't want to give them any easy scores but they scored kicking onside kick here back in the ball game they change right here screenplay it's intercepted by Chico friendly his tip and Frehley on the run almost headed Ephrata can run he gets that see you later it'll be second down in San Mateo Lane has got some pitching nothing youngsters to accept Charlie Leibrandt fellas every great year [Applause] that's the I background [Music] here's what the two quarterbacks have done in our ball game Hobart started slowly coming on for 283 yards he scored a couple of touchdowns himself McCann 72 yards is probably a career number for him but when you know when the Nebraska quarterback stole that much it's not good [Music] that's picked off Dave Huffman the inside line back furgus fix it off runs like a full Paul first night at their own 45 yard line Dave Hoffman here he is right here but McCants gonna come back and try to hit the receiver over here and as he looks over here McCann I mean Hoffman is just going to slide over and pick off the pass by mecan't see he looked all the way Keith that was good play by Hoffman but can't look to his left look for his receiver the linebacker so I look in there slid over and made the play Eric bjornsen is in a redshirt freshman from Oakland California you would think he would be from Linden but he's not he's from California give the ball to Napoleon Kaufman the freshman out of Lompoc five nine 170 a real burner hard to get a hold of a dirtying kind of a running back some people say he looks like Mike Garrett all over again they want to get in some playing time to season it because he may be very important down the road it was a year ago that Colorado came from behind to beat Nebraska here on this field and since then there's been a lot of grumbling about the Huskers not winning the big game because they went on to lose at the end of the season to Oklahoma lose to Georgia Tech in the bowl game writing about it a lot of talking about it in the media well I brought it up yesterday in my conversation with coach Tom Osborne and this is what he had to say it is sometimes a little hard to understand where nine and three really was viewed upon almost like a like we were three at nine and it maybe wasn't all that bad last year the last time a team got 500 yards against Nebraska was Penn State when the Lions went to 5:15 in 1982 Washington so far today with a minute and a half to play as 609 in the last time a background for more than 80 yards Jay barrier that 80-yard touchdown really ice the last time anybody ran for 80 yards against Nebraska Keith was Keith Jackson that's right we tied em on a reverse back in 1985 but the season is not over wait this season is gone you might be able to win your national championship with a loss and if you're gonna lose lose it early is early there's some movement and that will get Flags out of the pocket the executive producer of ABC Sports is jackal hara coordinating producer of ABC's college football Bob Goodrich who produced tonight's game game tonight was directed by an issue larry cam our technical director Gary Larkins associate producer for college football Jim wrestler associate director Patrick McManus unit manager Joe Alvarado or a tech top self on and Frank feiger assistants to the producer Mitch green Steve shocks that man as Dave bernsen's father is Todd berry mark a meadow and Tim Goodman on the computers booth court later Jenny Thompson sidelines coordinator dick shafter best dressed man in the booth is Bob Griese I'm Jack arute freezing to death down on the sidelines and I'm Keith Chuck did you mention Therese here is Coffman carrying the ball she's sitting in the corner warm this year's 20 seconds to go it is a huge win it is a better loss of one of Rosco but it does not bring the walls tumbling down I'll say it again clock ticking the law cello for that man decent man a very good coach great win for that coach Don James
Channel: bmboldt
Views: 19,747
Rating: 4.6689653 out of 5
Keywords: Nebraska, Huskers, Football, Washington
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 51sec (9351 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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