1991 NLCS Game 3 Pirates at Braves

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in three of the National League Championship Series and it will be some scene down there in Atlanta Fulton County Stadium tomahawks are out you know they used to call those trauma locks that's how bad this team used to be but now it is tomahawk City and they have baseball fever in Atlanta and what a great time of year for that part of the south and hi again everybody I'm Pat O'Brien and with me here in our New York studios is manager Tom Lasorda from Los Angeles Dodgers Tommy welcome how big is game 3 well Pat psychologically it's a pivotal game for both ball clubs the Pirates want to win the first game because of the fact that they know that if they win that ball game there's they'll take those series back to Pittsburgh and Atlanta coming off of a split which was a tremendous accomplishment scoring two runs and coming off with a split they did a great job now they want to win this one in front of their hometown folks it's a big ballgame for both clubs Ted Turner and Jane Fonda his fiancee right there and perhaps the most excitement in Pittsburgh Tommy this week has been the drama off the field really involving measure Jim Leyland immediate family yesterday afternoon and Katie Leyland delivered a 7-pound to anse baby boy there it is Patrick James Leland the proud papa really hopped on a plane in Pittsburgh this morning and arrived in Atlanta or a short while ago there he is we had a chance to congratulate the exhausted but relieved pirate skipper and his wife here's all that window well here's the happy family here about thanks for joining us to all of you I see we're putting a pirate set already on that baby of Katie first of all how do you feel how's everything I feel great everything's going real well Jim what about the timing of this cookie a great baseball like they know when you have on the day off pretty good pretty good timing I understand the baby came out screaming what does that tell us Jim well everybody want to know shortstop gets your pitcher but came out yelling so probably a manager Katie we know how special this baby is of all babies our special with this particular one seems to be very special for the Leland family we could not be happier we're thrilled to death I like the name Jim it's a very strong name Patrick James well that's it's a beautiful name and like I said the one thing that Katie and I want to say that is the fact that there's a lot of people that had babies yesterday and certainly we want to send our congratulations to them you know ours is special to us just like everybody else is special to them and ours is no more special than anybody else's we want to make sure we let the world know that so there were a lot of happy fathers and mothers all over this country yesterday and Katie and I want to send our congratulations to them well that's a very nice thought DISA palatability beyond the babies videotaped somewhere Jim what would you say to your son today well I would say pull us through this one son and hope that your dad does a good job today and then hope that the players perform well and take care of mom until I get home hey Katie that mom's got a nice ring to it doesn't it oh I like that it has a beautiful sound all right congratulations to both of you have a wonderful life and good luck down the road okay thank you take good care of them I love you getting maybe two God's nice with all the things going on right now that's nice to see that what do you thoughts great what you said about other babies and the baby looks great and congratulations Jim and thank God the baby looks like the mother I'm gonna be here all day long right now let's send you out to Atlanta Fulton County Stadium what a great day this is gonna be a let's go right out to Atlanta the city of Atlanta and Jack buck and Tim McCarver good day jack and good day to you panel Brian we're looking at downtown Atlanta of the capital of Georgia it's a lovely October afternoon and there is Fulton County Stadium [Music] [Applause] this big brown the trap [Music] Pittsburgh Pirates fans gave wonderful support in the first games and these two teams split in the first two games of this series Tim those pirate fans were very supportive but this is going to take it to another level downer yeah I think you're right you mentioned the chop shop it's been a Shop of Horrors for the Pirates this year they haven't won a game here in Fulton County Stadium and if that continues the Braves would win it after five games I'll tell you the frustrating thing about it for the for the Pittsburgh Pirates has been the play of Barry Bonds the other night I think epitomized his play in the seventh inning nobody out and Bobby Bonilla on at first base at DoublePlay ball turned nicely by the Braves and then in the ninth inning Bobby Bonilla a leadoff double and Barry Bonds you can see the frustration in his face as he pops to short and not only the frustration in his face in his hands - as sir there's John Smoltz 14 and 13 for the year twelve and two after the all-star break he really got on a roll here is the starting lineup for the Pittsburgh Pirates with a right-hander pitching Orlando Merced face first base Jay Bell is at Short and D Van Slyke in center Bobby Bonilla playing right and Barry Bonds is filled Steve Buechele is the third base Mike leboyer makes his first start the first appearance he's behind the plate Jose leaned is the second baseman and 20 game winner John smiley will be on the mound for Pittsburgh defensively for Atlanta Lonnie Smith and left-field Ron Gant will be the center fielder David Justice will be in right field Terry Pendleton the third baseman Rafael Belliard at shortstop mark Lemke the second baseman with a game-winning hit the other night Ryan Hunter will be at first and Greg Olson behind the plate the other member of our telecasting girl here is Andrea Joyce and let's hear from her all right Jack thanks for first John Smoltz has had a dramatic second-half turnaround and one man at least partially responsible for that his sport psychologist Jack Llewellyn Llewellyn has been meeting with smoke since July they get together before each start they met today and Llewellyn told me that John Smoltz is thriving on this stress he's not up here he's not down here he's right in the middle and according to the doctor that's good because it means he's in control of his emotions we'll say let's go upstairs now to Jack and Jim Thank You Andrea and Smoltz was 2 and 1 against Pittsburgh this year and he is foreign to lifetime against the Pirates and our Lando Merced makes his first appearance in this league championship series he gives a switch-hitter at that from the left side to get it started girls it into the gap in right center way back and it might go what a start for the Pirates don't Marsan he's going to have to go back to the psychologist him John's folks trying to get ahead of Merced and Merced to sing to Greg Olson on I'll take this one welcome to the launching pad one pitch one homerun that's what this stadium is known as the launching pad and true to its former said I'm the first pitch hits a homer and it brings up Jay Bell and ball one to him from the Atlanta right-hander an enjoyable trip for Orlando Merced around the basin to the fists in the air and a foul back and a big swing by Jay Bell who is 2 out of 7 thus far in this series so the Braves have spotted the Pirates a run and I Auto befell Van Slyke and Bonilla here in the first [Music] the first place on fire that's Eric Craig at first base Dana DeMuth is behind the plate and the count is one ball two strikes Greg Olson behind the dish for Atlanta here are the Pyrus for this afternoon's game and an immune working his first series behind the dish Eric Craig at first Bob Davidson at second bruce fremming is at third base Doug Harvey the left-field foul line and Frank pulli out in the right field corner [Music] nobody your honor out and I'll run his home for the Pirates and that ball is going to drop it there's another hit for Pittsburgh Ronen a single and smokes had been rudely greeted here at home the worst thing that could happen to the Atlanta Braves is to have their fans taken out of the game so early Merced with the leadoff home run on the first hit and now Jay Bell with a little clunker to right field later would be tough to take these fans out of a game however yeah they'll get whether they'll you wither when the Braves come to bat meanwhile John Smoltz is trying to get with it pitching to Andy Van Slyke he has a home run in this series and two out of eight in the first two games ball one Smoltz was ahead on the count to Bell but lost it [Music] [Applause] that's ball two you've heard of comeback players of the years and their awards well how about the comeback player of the season award John Smoltz the first half of the year was 2 and 11 and the second half since the all-star break 12 and 2 he's lost only one game since August the 1st and into the season 14 and 13 ended up with a rather high earned run average he had allowed a home run in the last 96 plus innings he a miner Merced Jays changed that in a hurry [Music] now bill at first and nobody out and a pop up foul that's fair and there is a play first baseman chases Himalayan hunter makes the catch [Music] [Applause] John's earned run average since August the first eight and one and there it is the first half look at the earned run average he's 2 and 11 of five point one six earned run average more than five runs per nine innings and in the second half a little over two and a half four nine and it's and twelve and two now it's bobby bonilla one Koni has had four hits the most of any pirate in the first two games he is this one to ferry deep center aunt is going at the track to capture two and alana back to first only that's the difference in hitting a ball to the left center as opposed to right center when you hit it the other way you lose you use your arms when you pull the ball you use your body and Bonilla got his arms into this one and it shows you how big his arms are you almost hit it out iron there and could have gone about another step that's the second out here in the first and bill still at first for Barry Bonds finds one out of six and a couple of walks dimension load of frustration going for him right now ball one in eight National League Championship Series games that's a number three season average 292 but one for six is Jack said but bonds without an extra-base hit in eight games over two years for 424 [Music] [Applause] it is so difficult in the League Championship Series to perform like you did during the season you're so out of character and you're much more nervous than you were during during the season no it sounds trite but nerve-racking on the field it's just in this balls in the strike at Bobby Cox concurred with you today's have you've been there Tim there's nothing that compares with it nothing the World Series is a cakewalk compared to the League Championship Series well at first two out in the first Bobby Bonds didn't get it all and it'll be caught by the right fielder justice admired score what a start they have for John smiley they're 20 winner who is going to the round [Applause] what happened on the very first pitch of the game [Music] for the braves Johnsville is going into the dugout the assistant trainer we think that is Jeff Porter the assistant trainer reaching inside Jean smokes his shirt and Smoltz appears to have some minor shoulder problems we'll try to get that for you but there's [Music] but here's your new smiley a 20-game Terry Pendleton 1/3 Ron in centerfield David Justice sitting forth and playing right Brian first-base Greg Olson is again behind the dish for the [Applause] conveys Rafael Belliard at shortstop first one bill money last seven games on his way to a 20 victory season one of those win was in [Music] that's out of play and it evens the count to Smith who is all for eight and miss Otis Nixon villains point it's suspended because he failed a drug test and to win the division despite his absence better get something out of my Smith out of play strike to first and to repeat something told us by Jim Leyland in games one and two at the fired pitchers very concerned with keeping Lonnie Smith off the bases nearly Smith Pendleton and Gant there's a new Papa right there can't keep the smile off his face at least he couldn't before game time and up high two balls two strikes [Applause] why we emphasize the new baby in the Leland family life Jim really do get married until late in life it's their first child so there's ticket play and they get I'm swinging and he's old for nine Leland took the day off yesterday on arrived here at this fun those smiley he'd the beachside fellow who's trying to get it on track Barry Pendleton who was all for seven in the series at the league in hitting at 3:19 at 22 home runs during the season and 13 of them here in this park [Music] showed the bunt and took a ball john smilee 6 for 200 pounds and he wasn't always like that he signed with the Pirates in 1983 only 26 years old he was a hundred and sixty pounds when he's tied they're gonna get Pendleton on this one and the second baseman makes the call and the play a foul ball as was caught by lean-to [Applause] josè leaned with a better angle cause our first baseman Orlando Merced and makes an uneasy play out of that a much better angle for a second baseman on a play like that where said by the way still hampered a little bit with a bad ankle event didn't effective running around the bases he hurt that foothold no it doesn't doesn't at all when you have to loaf around the bases as opposed to run he hurt that foot in a doubleheader the last two weeks of the season they were playing the Mets and birdied going back into second base first pitch off-speed began to strike one this is what the Braves have done with her one to three hitters they're 1 for 22 Smith Pendleton and Gant [Music] Lana's rather lucky they've scored only two runs and they're even in the series a game apiece to our double you talk about an unusual hit right there you may have followed in Game one where we said Ron Gant was a dead bull header awfully strong but coming this season all of the balls that he hit for the outfield he had a hundred hits two left and only men to right and here it is the first time back in Atlanta for and he rifles one to right field only his 10th hit of the year - right I guess that's his approach to the off-speed pitch of smiling maybe here's David Justice he's 2 out of 7 with all back into the game [Music] [Applause] temperatures 76 degrees here in Atlanta that's perfect not quite that good near the 50 mark in Pittsburgh this afternoon [Music] ball one strike and you know where there this dinner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I run at second two out first inning [Music] strike two you about it just Hispanic clean up 91 times this year and the Atlanta Braves with remarkable production out of that cleanup spot three rbis out of the four hole this year only one team did it better Detroit had a hundred and thirty-four RBIs with Cecil Fielder 133 in Fort Worth hitch from smiley evens account 2 & 2 a lot of left-handers won't throw a straight change the left-handed batters the reason it's in that vulnerable down and end area but that was a straight change and a good one from smiling the circle change new balls two strikes tying run at second two out pirates leading first anyway dreams too another changeup the change it was down the circle change thrown by smiling they used to call it a quarter chain hold your index finger and your thumb together the pitch with your last three fingers the deception is in the arm movement hitters have a tendency to swing at that arm movement like john smilee that's what another reason why is so successful with that bill [Applause] three and two a power by the way you've seen Jay Bell jockey in behind Ron Gant he's pirates feel the Gant is a little careless when he runs the bases almost picked him off the other day there's Ted Turner out of range with Jane Fonda enjoying this October afternoon and former President Jimmy Carter with his wife Rosalynn to his right first of three if necessary we'll play here in Georgia for justice [Applause] welcomes back the crowd does me thoroughly gets the crowd right back in this thing as just dispense one down the third base line filled it by bonds in back-to-back doubles head tied to score here in the first Barry couldn't make that play clothes but he demonstrated there [Applause] doubles with two ha [Applause] [Music] very good job billing in a first [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the cigar single answer weekend it goes into Monday 8:30 game Eastern time tomorrow night and then 3 [Applause] justice at second - huh [Applause] Indian motif [Music] Lana winning their first playoff game ever on Thursday night find the song left arm of Steve Avery Pop's it foul [Music] home run by Orlando Merced and with two out here Gant doubled so did justice still tuned to [Music] we mentioned it the other night infielders are reminded runner at second and two outs to try to knock the ball down can't make the play and Mark Lindsay did that the other night coulda been a game saving play in the eighth inning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] silly and this is going to be another two base hit they're tough in this ball four [Applause] another changeup from John smiley and this one just squirts down the left-field line [Applause] consecutive double for the braids all happening with two out of nobody that causes the Pittsburgh manager to go [Music] [Applause] the first two handily here and Brian hunter very impressive for a young hitter he is a rookie he started 64 games at first base but one of the reasons impressive is the way he waits all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to keep it going and griggles in the catcher he's too animated three doubles in an inning tithes of the [Applause] [Music] and one six other times and these brings a dumper in this park Pittsburgh knows that they lost six times always six this year in County Stadium [Music] [Applause] most first inning runs the first inning as a matter of fact is the most as far as runs which the most runs in school Olsson it's a foul ball he's in all wanting to [Applause] but smiley has been very good in the first inning matter of fact an earned run average under two in the first inning this year only Wiley Whitehurst of the New York Mets has been better in the first inning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the first one into [Applause] in Leland hoping to get out of this first is contracted for an additional Pittsburgh [Applause] this morning pimpin twelve managers fired this year one has been rehired one team has rehired a manager Jeff Torborg with the met yesterday Leland top-to-bottom one of the best around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] watch how you shake hands in the guys you can get injured just shaking hands with [Applause] look like another changeup not a bad pitch as far as the location was concerned Greg Olson with only six home runs during the season puts Atlanta [Music] he takes his strike first hand for John smile the first to double my game although by gustas tu' base hit by Hunter Olsen and his prime fights the Sun makes the cat [Music] after one leave the pirates it's four to one he had an explosive first standing in Atlanta leaves four to one after one we go downstairs near the Atlanta dressing room and visit with Andrea Joyce all right Jack in that last inning we saw the trainer's talking to John Smoltz about his right shoulder apparently he was feeling some stiffness they put some balm on it and he put in a long sleeve sweatshirt and they say he's okay go back to you guys that's what we saw in the bottom of the first after smokes gave up the homerun to Merced where the trainer is working on him the Train firstly in depth order go into the second inning and we can promise you from this ball park because it never ceases down here in this Atlantis [Music] first up speedboost show he is 1 for 6 close up look at John Smoltz he is from - initiative [Applause] strike one we mentioned smiley only 26 years old John Smoltz only 23 years old he's signed originally with the Detroit Tigers back in the middle 80s traded to the Braves in 87 for Doyle Alexander [Music] strike two it's funny about the Braves they obviously had somebody down in the minor leagues looking at Smoltz I mean he had an undistinguished 11 and 18 career in the minor leagues but he has been phenomenal since coming over to the brave what a make up for a young man we're the screen and it's Faison too [Music] it will be boo shell the buyer had leaned there in the Pirates second [Music] I had the center fever [Applause] the city of Atlanta Tim is starving for a winner it's been a while now back in 1966 the Braves moved to Atlanta from Milwaukee and that's 25 years ago the Falcons 25 years ago as an expansion team these st. Louis Hawks moved to Atlanta in 1968 23 years ago and then the Atlanta Flames played here for eight years from 1970 to 1980 now the flames in Calgary so how many championships have those for professional franchises head in 81 seasons none that's the bad Rick Hoefer 81 my club I look a strike now ball this is his first at-bat in this championship series [Music] just a little inside - Spanky known as affectionally because of my Spanky has got to be effective he batted 289 this year had a good year with a bat our statistician Steve hurt tells us not only didn't they win any championships down here in Atlanta with all those sports teams they had no trips to the finals Gant will chase that one down [Applause] in a third water another name ahead of Pittsburgh as we look at some college scores and a type 1 rice and Baylor that would be an upset of rice can pull it off and Georgia winning and the Braves winning here in the 2nd inning 4 to 1 Lane 1 4 6 thus far and playoff competition [Music] they're starting to creep across this field in consumer Julian said one of the reasons he wanted to pick Smyly today was of these shipments but he's behind for [Music] - that's that's the kind of swing to take when you can't see the ball - final score Miami beat Penn State by six [Music] the first icon first wall too six in a row after a half the braids are on top [Music] [Applause] it is four to one Atlantic going into the bottom of the second Jim I was down at 82 Championship Series between the Cardinals and Atlanta it was nothing like this with that was the year that the Atlanta Braves got out of a shoot winning their first 13 in a row and they didn't have the fan support like they have now as a matter of fact never in this franchise's history in Atlanta have they had the fan support that they've had this year this is unique here is Belliard the number 8 hitter ball one from John smiley we gave up or run or hits all extra-base hits Greg Olson home [Music] they are to lead it off and smiley [Music] and is caught by the second baseman lien in case you missed it last night in the tenth inning off Mike Timlin of the Blue Jays my solo home women 2 2 1 and take a two to one lead over the Toronto Blue Jays in the fifth inning of that game Joe Carter injuring his right ankle and we don't know yet whether he is going to start in tonight's game or not you can see that right ankle band as it is the tarp out there and 8 o'clock tonight is the time for the pregame show swing and a Miss by Smoltz Benedict Stockton and Jim kaat we'll bring you the action from Sky Dome up in Toronto the count said that game was two to one last night it was three to two Game three of the American League Championship Series with Minnesota up three games to two Mike Pagliarulo the fourth player they hit a pinch-hit home run in postseason play that's postseason that includes the World Series that's a pinch-hit extra inning home run punks becomes the second strikeout victim for smartly who else did it who else was a pinch hitter who hit a and extra inning run John bucha did it for the Phillies the strike season in 1981 john lowenstein for baltimore in 79 and Dusty Rhodes back in 1954 the Giants swept Cleveland that year after Cleveland 111 games during the regular season wonderfully was going to be able to - - first next year Oleg's this year Lonnie Smith with two out and his first time he is old for eight [Music] ani has played in the World Series with three different teams and hopes to make four out of play to and he seldom gets walked because smiley has settled down but this is what he did in the first ending he got the first two and double justice double hunter doubled on all Sonoma [Applause] [Music] [Applause] during the regular season and he gets hit by a smiley fastball that looks like the left arm [Applause] [Music] on top and higher the block you can't keep him off the plate the bases were too hard and he is a threat to run his stolen day [Music] for his first hit babysit and the first etiquette mrs. - League batting champion Terry paladin 3:19 from of the century amazing turnaround and up being the MVP two balls no strikes both teams that went from worst to first Atlanta Braves and the Minnesota Twins did it with very very intelligent administrative work they signed three agents from last place to first place the 1889 Louisville team of the American Association when it was a major league team in Minnesota in Atlanta this year and this year Minnesota in Atlanta the right guy or any offices sure halts manager of the Atlanta Braves one of the people inside has was the battery Barry Pendleton [Music] the first two up [Music] I'm an asset as needed there's a song an extra things up Stein base in an hour [Applause] days for Lonnie Smith and a right-handed throwing first baseman has to come out toward the pitcher to get in a good position to throw to second UC Merced coming out with the ball got hung up in his glove he didn't have a good grip on it it almost hit second base umpire Bob Davidson and a stolen base Kalani one Merced [Applause] Vercetti is it online [Applause] makes it 5-2 why he's going to get it to our shuttle I don't think there be an air [Applause] the Braves are Double Trouble in this ballpark and today they are litter [Applause] five hits in the game double [Applause] I think Pendleton would have made it to second anyway Jack I agree with you make it a two base hit or a single in an arrow [Applause] [Music] with an hour [Music] his first gun [Music] that'll be a single Van Slyke now there's no way in my opinion that that ball is an error I'm advanced like head he caught the ball stopped and thrown the second Pendleton makes it anyway I agree [Applause] sit up could be the third out Belle fights the son [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] by Orlando Merced that setup the only run in the second inning and as you can see that's the only error committed in this ballgame as the Van Slyke play in centerfield was ruled a double and double of the game here it is right here we thought that if there was no way that that could have been a single and an error and it was ruled a double the fourths double the ballgame Cecil espy is going to pinch-hit for John smiley who had an early exit from this game he pitched two innings and allowed five runs on five hits [Music] landrum bill Landrum is down in the bullpen smiley struck out to walk none hit one and the hit batsman cost of a rug Cecil espy [Music] the good midseason acquisition by Pittsburgh bad at 2:44 second time with Pittsburgh initially came over in the bill Madlock trade along with Sid Bream and r.j. Reynolds back in 85 he was facing John Smoltz and he pops it foul and out of play for strike two [Music] Smoltz has retired six in a row after giving up a home run in a single in the first Jack we talked about small signing originally with Detroit he was the 22nd round draft choice in 1985 that means that 572 players were signed before John Smoltz signed his contract or were drafted for for Eastside he gets SP second strikeout for the these fans seven in a row and it gets a lot of strikeouts oh yeah he's more effective up hard to tell whether this was a slider or fastball looked like a fastball Greg Olson telling us before the game that when Smoltz is down in the strike zone and that was what was wrong with him early in the season he was ineffective second half he's been throwing high strikes but mister Merced alone we're said hit the very first pitch of this game for a home run and they only run that the Pirates have they trail by one [Music] here's the home run that Merced hit in the first inning on the first pitch from John Smoltz and it's worthy to mention again as Paul said entered the game [Applause] over 96 [Applause] I'll fire tried to keep up when you said running pretty good one out here in the third [Music] to the picture [Applause] [Music] first base for the Braves he really has we mentioned that he started 64 games this year and we're talking to the coaches Jim Beecham who is one of the Atlanta coaches also Pat Corrales talking about hunters soft hands and they're saying what a terrific outfielder he is too little above-average arm but great instincts in the outfield Mel bats with the bases empty two out ball one [Music] eight in a row by smokes [Music] [Music] open the gate watching climbed the tarp [Applause] [Music] I can't go in there Brian once you have a ticket that's as far as he was gonna do [Music] Bello is listed as an outfielder on the Atlanta roster this spring [Music] the balls and strike the Torah has three hits in this series [Music] nopales fair and Jay Bell's gonna get to a two-out double by Jay Bell his second hit now the ball gets away but he stays with two our doubles doubles doubles all over the place here this afternoon one for the Pirates and four for the Atlanta Braves this is the seventh extra-base hit between the two teams and we're only in the third inning this one right inside the bag nothing you could do if you're a third baseman [Music] Bell is perched at second for Van Slyke vaults by the way is very very tough on right-handed hitters left-handed batters in the part the lineup our look to to produce some runners yeah all the right-handed hitters are saying come on guys this guy out of here right-handers bed and only 182 against Smoltz this year that was the lowest average [Music] that right-handed pitchers held of hitters this year 182 against John Smoltz [Music] so they'll interrupted his string he had retired eight in a row and Jay got the double and bands like the wings his first time [Music] shadows to where they bother the hitters oh yeah I mean hitters like you know the clear shot they like a picture that's real true and they've got neither we've got shadows between the mound and home plate and a picture that is tough and on a hot streak well but - in the second hand [Music] [Applause] [Music] and sleight homered in the first game one of two hits he has [Music] balls and a strike Smoltz wants a different baseball top five one in the visitors third [Music] [Music] Jay Bell at second two out [Music] changeup to Van Slyke and Greg Olson telling us that if John Smoltz throws to change ups today in a nine inning game that would be a lot so he's got one more coming [Music] asked for by the batter given by the plate umpire to me [Music] and then sleight draws a walk first of the game given to the pirates puts two on two out and the number four hitter coming up now what have they picked three done for the Pirates they did not have good lake championship series last year Bobby Bonilla having a good series we already mentioned bonds frustration earlier and since Game one Van Slyke has been controlled a chance for the Pirates to put some runs on the board with their big gun up there Bobby Bonilla they need a flash from Bonilla or a base it and get bonds up there Bonilla flied out to very deep Center his first time [Music] 16 home runs during the season most of those in the early part of the year it's not really a lot of home runs in this ballpark when you think about it [Music] two on two out especially when you they style a pitcher that smells is a high fastball pitcher and one of the leading homerun parks in baseball 16 home runs is not a terribly a lot of homeruns to give up there are two on two out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that backdoor breaking ball and watch Bonilla give up on it after the stride [Music] so you think of all like that's going to be outside but it wasn't the crowd whoops it up [Applause] two balls two strikes we're dangerous Barry Bonds would be next to out Jay Bell doubled Van Slyke walked and were watching here on 2 & 2 [Music] well the top pitch that's what you're talking about Tim where the pressure in this playoff you get a shot to climb back you don't get many chances that's the point not again not against a picture of small sis caliber and the good bullpens Plus [Music] two on two out that ball is popped to Pendleton the back door [Music] two left three left four the piracy trail five two one we'll return to Atlantis Fulton County Stadium after this message and an update from CBS candidate for the Supreme Court Clarence Thomas is still testifying friendly Republican senators helping him undermine the testimony of his former aide professor Anita Hill Democratic senator Howard Metzenbaum defended his staff for bringing in Lida Hill and her charges of sexual harassment through the Senate committee sexual harassment is too important an issue to sweep under the road senator it was not slept swept under the rug this issue was investigated by the FBI then leaked to the press and I do not share your view that this was not concocted this has caused me great pain and my family great pain and God is my judge not you senator Metzenbaum senators Kennedy and Metzenbaum denied that they all remember their staff were the source of a leak of the original Anita Hill charge dan Rather CBS News New York now back to Jack buck and Tim McCarver we are back here and David business in the first pitched foul against the new Pittsburgh pitcher bill Landrum a record of for and for 17 saves during the season any we usually see him in the eighth or ninth inning Tim [Music] but of course that's the flexibility we were talking about it lanta had five to one the flexibility with both bullpens the managers of both teams do not have a dominant closer even though I guess Alejandro Pena would be the most dominant for the Atlanta Braves if they didn't pick him up until late August Landrum leads the Pirates in saves with 17 but I think one of the reasons that he's in there now in this position he only has two saves since July the first in there for a while last year and again this year he struggled with a bad knee justice looks at ball one he drove in the Tang run in the first for the two-out double following a double by Gant and then another double this one by Hunter in the home run by Olson and another double in the second by Pendleton in Atlanta each at five to one one ball two strikes it will be justice hunter analyst clean-shaven bill Landrum did let's double grow than him nobody pays you to be cute let's get him out Wow but David Justice the spatter is one of the future stars in the National League Oh we'll supreme on the dugout step Jeff Treadway in your picture justice from Cincinnati went to school in Covington Kentucky high school that is middle of everything now two balls two strikes what a swing yes yes he does a classic swing you know how football linemen defensive linemen just tee off on a quarterback when the quarterback and his team is way behind well that's what the Atlanta Braves can do right now they could be like defensive linemen and tee off on the Pirates middle relief pitchers Greg Olson he is waiting to bat in this inning those full three to get him down you gotta kick him yep got a trap trying to put them away because the car it's certainly a team that can come back [Applause] and Brian hunter next and then Olsen you saw a moment ago three into [Music] [Applause] let's go down to Andrea Joyce alright check in with Jack Llewellyn the sports psychologist we told you about earlier who's been working with John Smoltz how does he look to you today I think he looks great he started out and gave up a home run on the first pitch but the key to our program has always been recovery you know if you give up a big hit how fast you recover and he's obviously done that exception well he just told me that he had a little touch of the flu yesterday do you think that this sore shoulder might have been related to that I think so I think he's brought in a lake in Forest thanks very much let's go back upstairs less just with a walk and hunter with the bat [Music] got it past it it's the first walk given up by pirate rollers [Music] and Braves set a new playoff record with those four extra base hits in an inning and the first and another devil in the second with two strikes honor doubled in the left [Music] we've gone to all extremes to show they're a loyal something written on his forehead - on a pirate cat women apart Kathy hat on [Music] yeah why would you have a pirate cap on maybes for both teams [Music] gustas draws the throw from landrum and we still have to deal with the shadows across this plain field here Georgey [Music] - usually the hitters will tell you how difficult it is to see and the hitters appear to be you know taking their cuts and not deceived by that shadow so doesn't appear to be as tough as it would be normally for some reason I mean justice on all of his pitches Jay Bell with the double since the shadows have come out but the four runs scored by Lana scored really before the shadows work properly we missed outside wanting to john smilee two innings five runs five hits got to walking on in hit one science and we start to serenade again [Music] strikes jaws hunter Lana's walk warrant and one we mentioned smokes his best pitch was a [Applause] [Music] out of the strike zone but most swinging strikeouts are on balls out of the strike zone hitters are trained to hit balls in the strike zone and usually when they swing and mess her swing and foul tip it into the catcher's glove with two strikes it's on a bad fall Greg Olson is up one on one out hit the two-run homer in the first with two out after hitting only six during the regular season a pitch up this banner Olson wants to get back to Minnesota from a Dinah Minnesota and he was jealous before the game let's go twins [Applause] [Music] Paulson tolas he could stay at home and grind to the ballpark for the World Series if Minnesota beats Toronto only 20 minutes from the Metrodome does he live one strike here's a homerun that Olson hit the first last time up he almost hit one do it Dinah he's had a great couple of years after struggling a long time in the find originally with the Mets seven and a half years in the minor leagues and signed as a minor-league free agent in the all-star game last year the playoff this season what is a minor-league free agent well it's a minor leaguer that spends six years in the minor leagues and he automatically becomes a free agent so he is free to sign with any major league team and that's what happened all's that's another way the game has changed in recent years [Applause] here give us the sign and the pitcher runner going release an eyelid at second base that ball just stayed in Hawaii [Music] if you don't have a quick-release that's what happens to you you get released quickly this high fastball and Laval yer the ball hardly touches leather well that's a fine throw by Laval yer having nailing justice easily at second base Bell says be down I'll fall on top like a rodeo out there round second now the count two balls and a strike to Greg Olson he gets another hair yeah more hits in the series [Music] one more look at that throw by Mike lavalliere watch how quickly he gets rid of this ball I throw the transfer made from the glove to the hand very quickly and justice and easy out [Applause] [Music] now Olsen runs the bases and mark lemke the switch hitter is up popped out his first time ended the first [Music] Bobby Cox talking about mark Lemke Lemke and saying that he is a dirt player that's really a compliment when you talk about a guy like that wouldn't be in too many other businesses but it is in baseball he's one of the early arrivals at the ballpark every day first baseman playing behind the runner Olsen ball to Pat Corrales II Atlanta coach said I can't hit bunkie enough ground balls than he killed there's Patti is coaching a first former manager in the big leagues filled up if Philly's fired from the Phillies back in 1982 when they were in first place the Cleveland Indians about a month later fired when he was in first yep oh there goes the runner Olsen stole only one base this year they played behind it another quick throw by lavalliere a quick tag by bell but also surprising everybody yeah and he was out [Music] it might have surprised second base umpire Bob Davidson watch the play I think that first shot showed him tagged out before he reached second much more so than the second shot they're gonna walk Limpy finish off the war it's a second pass given by land [Applause] one more look at the tag look at the gloves that Olson has in his hands there's the tank maid right there he's out by that six to eight inches but the reason that a face runner those two gloves in his hands SOI does not display the finger when you extend the fingers then you have a chance of having them snipped off [Music] they are they want more run opportunity began with two on two out the second his first time basic Mandarin [Music] walk to justice he was out stealing you see Olson carrying those gloves so he doesn't spread his fingers and break those finger a handful of dirt for the same race [Music] especially if you're going to go into a base head first you want to keep the hands closed and a good way to do that is to carry something in both hands some runners take a fistful of dirt throw it in the infielders face back slide Olsen at second first [Music] here comes a trial can be slow see the baserunning of Olsen that's right they had to walk Lemke and that set it up for Belliard [Applause] is like a charitable contributive today the Atlanta Braves [Music] it's like charging hard the throw is to the first base side and Olsen scores without a play it's like such an exquisite ocular we all expect it better throw from him smokes is up second and third and it's six to one here in the third inning [Music] expand this burg all that activity to lempke ends up at third Belliard took second on the throw [Applause] [Music] all miscellaneous six [Music] that the fans well-fortified here they've got the Tomahawks and stand so ye heard right yeah good fight back all into [Music] atlantis scores one they leave two we've played three and the Braves are on top 61 we'll return [Music] for this message the station it's time for the pirates to get busy they trail by the score of six to one assisting CBS sports with its coverage of the nationally playoff series airship Shamu a goodwill ambassador for SeaWorld Parks Shamu is 190 feet long nearly seven stories high and getting some beautiful pictures on a sunny day here in Atlanta Georgia there's lean there is love at the plate it's bombs and a luxury for smokes in leading six-to-one bonds leading on yeah it doesn't matter when he hits when you have a six-run lead but that is the ideal time to do what you do you splinter Bonilla and bonds that's what you want to do as a pitcher and the leadoff single by Barry is second hit of the playoff and that's that's the reason if you're playing against the Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pirates two or three times you can the thing you want is dad for me you make the last out of the game and bonds to lead off the inning that way you splinter them and you don't give them a chance to get big hits bonds leading off the fourth inning with a single up the middle smokes trying to get ahead on the count with a 6 to 1 lead a five run lead in a six to one lead six to one and by the batter booth shell who lined out to Center his first time and he is 1 for 7 [Music] where he'll be playing next year before September 1st making him playoffs no matter what the score you have to pay attended Ebonics [Music] five runs down you just have to make sure if you're going to run if you're Barry Bonds 43 stolen bases on fits by spokes right too [Applause] it's funny when you compare the two ball clubs pirates faced with the possibility of losing bonds after next year they may lose Bonilla after this year and you talked about Steve Buechele they don't sign him then they lose him Jim Leyland saying that they're going to make every effort to sign Steve Usha ball is popped up off the bat of who shall into right for justice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and you'll see it on CBS and it's going to be smashed and these story to be told by Bradshaw Terry's going to tell you how he would change the rules New Orleans plays at Philadelphia New Orleans undefeated up against that tough Eagles defense it starts at 12:30 Eastern for the NFL today the last word before kickoff also an update with regard to Joe Montana what a shame he's gone down yeah out for the year a viral for one hit the ball hard in the center [Music] and Bobby Bonilla where is he gonna play in 1992 get ball two to the batter I mentioned to Bonilla on an interview up before the ballgame I said you know we understand that the Pirates are going to make another offer to you the offer that's on the table now for the most part 16.8 million over four years he said you know I hear it on CBS that they're going to make an offer I read the paper and the papers and they said you're going to make an offer Barnes isn't running and he's safe despite the effort by Olson and failure and we said you have to be sure and Barry Bonds was but this is a very close play at second base watch where the throw is and watch how Belliard hangs in there on the hard sliding Barry Bonds high tagging looked like when look at that throw a good short hop good play by Belliard he was safe down at second base with one out [Music] my buyer [Music] vines with his third stolen base at short hop takes him up for the glove up after Belliard caught the ball and that was a fine play but he was unable to tag bottom bonds third stolen base of the series we've got the berry score is six to one here in the fourth inning Pittsburgh patty [Music] the strike zone but that's the second walk given up by smokes an advanced light joined by the stuff [Music] so I guess to wrap it up about Boni he said he's been reading about it he hears it on CBS but Larry Dottie the general manager of the danforth the chairman of the board says that the Bobby says that they have not made an offer that is any better than the offer that he's already turned down if he does sign with another club but one would think that it would be a bonanza [Music] now Pittsburgh as two men on as they did in the third inning they've left three they have two on one the batter and his first time [Music] hitter there is a chance for Pittsburgh to crawl back into this game [Applause] [Music] all on strike the middle infielders of Atlanta are concerned with keeping barns close at second you just want to get one out in this situation you have a five-run lead I think Ron Gant's too deep and center and the same for Dave justice and right field lien with only three home runs this year has no power the other way [Music] two strikes so therefore if he hits it the other way climb to drop it in front of Gant or Justice than to drive it over their heads [Applause] Sports is paying to walk to and allowed four hits and they are paying a lot of attention Divine's [Music] vines just giving smoke something to think about if you're a pitcher you have to concentrate on the hitter with a five run lead [Music] it will be for Pittsburgh making it 6-2 so the stolen base by Fonz pays off the eye by me and a pinch-hitter coming up for Pittsburgh fine hitting by Jose leaned on the slider low and away he just serves it over the head of the Belliard even with the pilots trailing by five runs Barry Bonds still very much in catalyst for this club as lien gets his second hit of the series the school board makes it six - and a free swinging affair down here runners at first and second with one out [Music] second base is the bow yer with the RBI as at first the pinch-hitter is going to be the left-handed batter Gary Varsho former Cup play you for landrum two years to walk to one intentionally in Paterson the products [Music] Pittsburgh can make it even closer even closer here [Applause] and the next inning Bob Patterson will be the third rail of the day for the Bucks [Applause] Punisher hits a foul strike two said the left-hander and plants either right in our marker and worker warming up very straight [Music] Marshall [Applause] close eye on his starter John smokes everybody here in Atlanta just marveling now over the performance I guess everybody nationally performance by young Steve Avery on Thursday night the second-youngest starter to ever win a game in lake championship play 1 & 2 [Music] a little better now for the hitters where the pitcher also in the shadow [Music] Marshall wants to do some damage here [Music] Steve Avery there he is eight the third innings on Thursday night talking to Dave Bursley the trainer Avery would be able to fix on Tuesday night in Pittsburgh if it gets that fall what a remarkable performance by that young man the other night our viewers should know how the baseball players managers and coaches talked about him our show hits it foul breaks the bat same tones that's right marveling yeah they thought it was an exquisite performance [Music] here the left-hander Clancy light hitter in case folks can't get the pirates out here in the fourth inning the only pitcher of younger by the way than Steve Avery to win a league championship game as a starter Fernando Valenzuela back in 1981 you look at Barry Bonds who has broken out of his really a two-year slump I don't know if he's looking out of it but last year 3 for 18 and this year he is sued for 8 min late championship play but the other night squandering a couple of chances to help his club and his base hit at the start of the fourth inning stolen bases [Applause] [Music] [Applause] strain [Music] didn't appear that bar Co went around he held up that wasn't really even close [Music] by your done at second and leaned at first [Music] that low pitch gets Marcel for the second again Greg Olson telling us for the strikeout pitch that smokes will go to the curveball and that's what he gets barred shoe on there he uses his slider to the right handers and throws his curve to the left handers and there it is once again out of the strike zone oh it's up to the leadoff hitter Orlando Merced he said this game hitting home run on the first pitch he's 1 for 2 [Music] Pittsburghers already left three I have two on two out [Music] [Music] Paul to era walked is at second and lean-to drove in a run the base hit is at first this batter Merced very good friends with the Roberto Clemente family [Music] right across the street from used to dream of playing in a Pittsburgh pirate uniform as Idol the great one Roberto Clemente you know hits it foul [Music] just to talk about going down in the basement of the Clemente home and looking at all the pictures gosh there must have been a ton of pictures down there lament day with 3000 hits he got the 3000th on his last day against John Matlock certainly one of the idols of Orlando Merced is from Puerto Rico he'd like to thrill the folks back home in Pittsburgh and Puerto Rico with a hit here that now goes to [Music] and it certainly is a struggling inning for smokes you know on to our [Music] I'll tell you that's respect right there and if you can throw a 3-1 breaking ball with two outs and a four-run lead in that situation it's a lot of respect and outstanding nice mole I said go get the honors with on a 3-2 pen [Music] [Applause] to jail he is sponsored by Budweiser our Lando Merced hit the very first pitch for a home run but the Braves came back with four runs in the first and Pendleton Belliard drove in runs five and six we're at Fulton County Stadium in Atlanta Georgia capacity crowd of course I might set a record here today there's our line score six to Braves lead bottom of the floor chop-chop is what they call this Stadium now [Music] and the Braves have not only the baseball fans turnout but the entire city a new pitcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates it's going to be their second left-hander of the day Bob Patterson [Music] born three with two saves this year time the pirates from the area Bob Patterson from Greenville South Carolina miles we're and bill Landrum of the pitcher whom he's replacing is from Columbia South Carolina cards from Atlanta area Bonnie Smith his first up he is struck out then hit by a pitch stole a base and scored a run and he is seeking his first hit in this series he's all for eight I know kid don't care what the score it is six to all too honey is the only player was played in all three of these games who doesn't have a hit [Music] we got two one if I pitch the last time he still stands very close to the play folks from Knoxville here which comparison makes it two and two [Applause] Loni leading off here in the port got him no Patterson's first contribution is a strikeout we told you the other night what the H on the pirate uniform stood for well the JWM on the left slave of the dragon stands for John W passed away last fall John formerly the general manager of the Braves and the manager the general manager now at the Braves John Schuerholz John formerly with the Kansas City Royals what a terrific job he has done here in Italy and pull the right strings the banner penalty one Barna stayed won again they're number one and they've won their game today in Miami over Penn State Miami Florida is number two there's we gonna handle Michigan State handle it so they started the these grades Florida State right [Music] ball that he strength the pendulum have finally got his first hit in the series you [Music] that was an RBI double in the second [Music] base hits and everything for hips forward in the first 3 X 4 in the first and Ziggler runs in the second and third and this one's skipping back Steve Buechele second hit for Pendleton he doubled in a run in a second one out Pop's one by Steve Buechele [Music] even though we have a grass field here it's a very fast thank you you know we're talking to Bobby Cox before the game and Bobby Cox telling us that the infield here even though it's a grass infield as you can see is faster than the turf in Pittsburgh you and I found that hard to believe but Bobby says it's oh it's so foul ball now began yeah so the ball got a passed and built he'd like more runs one-on-one Williams the coach the third [Applause] [Music] had three out of nine [Music] outside from Paterson [Music] first said of holding against Bennifer [Music] strike two about tip one and two plenty how far pitchers can be off the mark Mike Lavallee wanting the fastball away then he gave the pinkie sign to Bob Patterson and Bob throwing the fastball it just sailed over the inside part of the plate I only missed by about two beat with that pitch this shows my point the kids just simply don't get it where they want to all the time scientist Raleigh [Music] secondly another and that's strike three and the second strikeout for Patterson at the conclusion of today we will select a Chevrolet most valuable player [Music] to the Special Olympics David Justice 8 double homer on in the first that tied the game walk was out stealing in the third as double was against smiley and went to the in the first inning Paterson delivers ball want Paterson Landrum and smiley have been the pittsburgh hurlers [Music] and will hunter holding against Pendleton there's some hitting room down there that you can see [Music] [Music] and has shut down the Braves for the first time one in the second one of the one on two out of here the fourth and I start the chant again [Applause] wall two strikes slider outside fooling David Justice now you think of the history of the Braves past they have had a migratory history starting in Boston moving from Boston to Milwaukee in 1953 and then from Milwaukee to Atlanta 1966 we saw one of their storied players here earlier today Phil Niekro built bouncing around the stadium with his brother Joe matter of fact a statue of Phil Niekro and one of four Braves players with their numbers retired Eddie Mathews Hank Aaron and Warren Spahn the other three [Music] a good laugh there's another strikeout Patterson struck out the side the Braves have left four we've played four and it's six to Atlanta [Music] yeah therefore jacket if that's the case they better bang the drum slowly Thank You Andrea I wish our hotel we're closing [Music] the clock smokes roses now has two hits today [Music] [Applause] the ground starts the way they with the child you don't want to do that it with people chopping if you wave if you stand up the people are chopping over it's a bad combination the wave they stand up and they chop they go down not a good combo there it's two balls and a strike to Jay Bell leading off Pittsburgh has left five so they could be closer during two also struck out three walked two this [Applause] another strikeout it's the fourth of the game for smokes we're holding County Stadium here and Atlanta Georgia and our Lions score I know Merced hit the very first pitch for a home run [Music] I doubled by Justice tied the game hunter put them ahead Olsen popped a 2-run Homer [Music] and so did Belliard and Pittsburgh came back with a run in the fourth with ants wake up there lene had the RBI too big [Music] the current scores six to and spike has popped out and walked [Applause] all one strike are the big three doing thus far the entire series including this third game or hits for Bonilla - for Vance why one now for Van Slyke that's his third of this year one out single [Music] I don't think the Coxes totally pleased with the way smokes is pitching beauty you know first-inning and you think about him rubbing his shoulder and you wonder if he is a hundred percent thanks bald to Van Slyke is gripped to right field at the Braves having some good cuts against John Smoltz but you you really wonder if that shoulder is healthy or not matter of fact the Atlanta Braves with a hundred and forty one starts this year out of four pitchers Tommy Glavine can complained about fatigue the other day John Smoltz rubbing his shoulder you don't see [Music] start hundred and forty-one about for well here with that last swing was trying to cut the lead in half one on one out [Music] on two [Music] they smoke [Applause] sometimes if the pitcher doesn't have the good pop on the fastball to go to the curve and that appears to be the case with Smoltz here in the middle innings he is whose curveball has been very effective even though the his fastball hasn't been [Applause] three four out of ten and here's Barry Bonds one through and to trade and they got him on the fly ball to justice now Pittsburgh hands left six and they trail by the score of 62 [Applause] it has to be concerned with his big three we looked at them the last inning Barry Bonds one for three today he has scored a run but on the curveball they end the fifth inning you can see his mounting frustration he showed you his frustration at the beginning [Music] [Applause] in the middle of the game this game will get you a view get into a slump at the wrong time we are into the bottom of the fifth inning and hunter leads it off [Music] and still on my own he gets his striking [Music] smiley pitched only two innings [Music] and it is a terrific play by Bonilla a sliding catch and for all the world it looked like a what makes this play particularly difficult is when a right-handed hitter hits the ball the other way it slices away from the outfielder so Bonilla with the slide catch the slicing liner almost uproots a quarter of an acre out the right-field that's replace your divots it was a heck of a play in power strike Golson who has a two-run homer at an RBI single in this game has had four out of ten emerging as the hitting star [Music] they'll get some for the second half we showed you some of the Jim Leyland story on the pregame show with Pat O'Brien Patrick James Leland okay thank you very much okay we're gonna do our best can you hold it just a second so milk make and take a peek at it that's great yeah okay thanks a lot and remember congratulations everybody Jim said there's his wife Katie and the baby and you can tell that the Patrick James may be growing up and be a shortstop for a second baseman that's open mouth that means you cover I guess in his case and you put the covers on the heat we've showed you shown you that open mouth closed mouth for second baseman shortstop so Patrick James Leland may be a middle infield his dad was a catcher and Lance a came out screaming I guess it's gonna be a manager the batter is Lemke with two out by Abu shell and that takes care of five innings down here in Georgia where the Braves on top six two will return [Music] [Applause] [Music] as spent entire day counter-attacking and flatly denying all accusations of sexual harassment by his former aide professor Anita Hill Thomas continued his attack on the confirmation process saying he expected awful treatment and even expected attempts on his life he continues to implant with draw I'd rather dive in with drew if they're gonna kill me they're gonna kill me so they still like to serve on the Supreme Court I'd rather die than withdraw from the process any senator here continue we will continue to Martin's and you as events want Dan Rather CBS News New Year now about Tim McCarver and Jack buck and thank you Dan we're into the six NTSC leading off against John Smoltz are all the way for Atlanta there's the line score and they hired Sorrento um that the grades posted accounts two and two yep all is fair a fair ball who shall [Applause] who's running [Music] and the plebs are arguing about the play Bruce grunting chases small sway we'll see what comes yes [Music] all it has to do is go over the bag did it go over the pink it hits in front of the bag on the line that's a fair ball and a good bus perhaps a ball looks like it went over the corner of the bag it doesn't matter where it hits once it goes past the bag looked like that ball may have hit the bag as a matter of fact leadoff hit by Michelle and ball one to my clavier here's one more look at it Chaka Bo's past and Bruce didn't hesitate good call [Music] as stranded a half-dozen runners they've been on base and every running except one [Music] the buyer has to walk in this game over one let's take our look at the ball hit by Steve Buechele focus your attention right in front of the third-base spent about six inches it hits the chalk and appears to go over the corner of the bag it did not touch the bag however fire hits it high in the air to left the shortstop wants it now the left fielder Lonnie Smith chases in the way that's the first out of the inning and the Pirates are having trouble putting hits together [Music] we're on our second base and one out it is leaned a single on out of the four due to parade in the series cause [Music] as an opposite field hitter there's [Music] all their base has been an interesting study made by off series the foul ball by that continues to be an interesting a position on Thursday night the only run scored in the game with David justices in the to show thanks Paul so that was in the sixth [Music] switch sexes my god a leadoff double by now there - oh and Pittsburgh is squandering some chances the pitcher is due up Anderson is going to be lifting he did good work he pitched his benefit now breeding walk now and the pinch hitters Kurtis Wilkerson the final up toons ago in Pittsburgh this fellas a switch-hitter and batting in the sixth inning for the pirate his run was burger pickup [Music] it's second two out and a chance for the second baseman Lemke Pittsburgh in the sixth will return Ronnie's made a map [Music] [Applause] local station well here's another look get the stadium from up above Amer Shamu 194 foot long cliff painted like America's favorite whale the sea or land based airship Shamu of the u.s. ledee to be walking on down at this scene Bob kipper the new pitcher bottom of the six lar six To Go Lana for in the first they hadn't been caught get through the fourth [Music] saves and record this year [Music] Belliard had lined out to second and had an RBI single [Music] third Belliard a free agent in the infield so three quarters of the infield for the Braves free agents Pendleton Sid Bream and Belliard even O'Brien hunters cardigan first today goes to one ball strikes it'll be billing and then smoke and then Lonnie Smith remember when free agency came in back in 1976 everybody said well the wealthy teams will be the teams to win everything because they would sign the free agents and initially that happened he's won at 77 78 Galliard have easy out on a ball in the dirt that's going to Andrea Joyce and she has a Hall of Famer with her all right that's right tech and the home run thing I finally made it up to the good seat them up here with me survive I think with the most rewarding decided now is that all these young kids are beginning to pay some dividends you know I look at the gland I look at the smoke I look at just as in gam please keeping up and now beginning to feel like they two-for-one in the big leagues now I'm just a curious though were you a little bit concerned and you heard that the bat off your statue had been knocked off during the celebration I I think it got a little out of hand point that you think well I don't know you know in celebration I hope that's what it's all about oh and we did find a bet and they're gonna be restored that's gonna support that the fans had a lot of fun and day and everything's alright I've been memory well I look at this sign and I guess that's the only thing I could you know folks say that this is the most excitement in Atlanta since you did charity well I'm glad we haven't seen you didn't fun in Brazil because as I said before it's been a long time coming and I think all Club disease everything that is given today yes they play very well so far and uh and I see nothing but just great happen for this problem okay thanks very much let's go back to Jack Tintin [Applause] evarin Hank Henry Aaron visiting with Andrea Joyce that was an exciting time when he broke Babe Ruth's record right here in this park 715 al downing April 8 1974 [Music] and the Kenda bullpen made by Tom house who was deposed as the pitching coach of the Texas Rangers this year and it was Brent my line [Music] [Applause] [Music] always breaking it [Music] malts has been up there for a while with a count of one and two one out is he faces pop kipper bottom of the sixth six to Atlanta [Music] [Applause] [Music] only had hits all year he hits us off Jay Bell goes to his right and he stops that ball had a little screwball spin on it look at belly Gunther's right has come back to his left the answers Bravo Jay Bell and a hit for Atlanta dead one behind base knives represented twice and series is all pretend [Music] [Music] the third-base coach Walt's running the bases at first and played behind [Music] all too the fourth quarter you started three pinch-hitters you pitching some parts today [Applause] [Music] we're all sports back to our [Applause] [Music] we have a fine creaking she'll cut away at 8 o'clock Eastern and then the twins will buy aunt Toronto baseball 91 continues a native gives the time the pitchers are jack-wang stottlemyre Minnesota won the game last night and extra innings and they lead to game two one dick Stockton's and Gymkhana there for CBS to tell you the story along is this it last week there [Applause] four million this year read the other dead by the Bluejays generated sixty million dollars the pitcher is stealing [Music] [Applause] in this club game Greg Olson no other person [Applause] could its faults got to make a jump [Applause] a year ago was a real broken ankle earlier take more of a chance winning like that where surely on [Applause] [Music] lay off the pitch [Applause] Sports live it on the roll got planned behind me thank Bobby Cox would have sent I don't think you I don't think you take that Teegarden [Music] while makes it three and two [Applause] this is what these three have done Pendleton - it's in an RBI and a hit scored a run gustas a run batted in and in the series to georgeanna the danboard benign [Applause] pretty good Pendleton did he get a hit until today he could add to the six to Atlanta leader in the sixth inning [Applause] and they kind of all - Christian evasive they stole one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now we have plates and the Braves lead at 16 [Applause] john smoltz an outstanding pitcher but he had to have seen what happened to Doug Drabek the other night running the bases pulling a muscle after stealing second diving back in the second as Jose lien is covering what smoke says he jumped right there that right foot going toward for third and he couldn't get back in time and lien makes a rather easy play out of it so Smaltz took a little time going to the mound after stealing a base he was picked off failure replacing my Smith is keeping the joke so Lonnie Smith will have to wait another day to get his first hit he's Michelin left Pittsburgh has squandered some chances they have left seven they wasted a leadoff double in the sixth and they am the top of the order here in the seventh weather Lando Merced pretty picture of this stadium here in Atlanta Merced won 4-3 at the very first pitch from this pitcher for a home run [Music] one from smokes he is struck out six walk to [Music] ball one strike top of the order Merced Bell and Van Slyke [Music] two balls and a strike Harry Reid has started the first two games for the Pirates at first now was the right-hander pitching hits Merced [Music] when he squats with David abused working behind leading on he gets taken down by the breaking balls seven strikeouts for smokes one of the magic moments in the national championship play occurred back in 1985 the Dodgers up by a run with Jack Clark at the plate and here's what happened his to Jack Clark [Music] [Applause] [Music] you still see Pedro Guerrero playing the field slamming could pull off to the grass domina sorta is our pregame visitor our guest may be on hand tonight Brian talk about the American League playoff game at Toronto receivers well hit ball by Bell back at the track of the wall and it is Paul Montford Jay Bell he makes it a 6-3 game second home run hit by the Pirates this afternoon [Applause] and it's the power of suggestion right off the Jack Clark home run comes the live shot six years later [Applause] [Applause] the funny thing with Jack Clark hit the home run in 1985 Andy Van Slyke was on deck when Jay Bell hits the home run today six years later who's on deck Andy Van Slyke where he's gone from the Cardinals to the Pirates and six year to National League series contenders the phrase a tunnel s charm sports [Applause] CBS Sports coverage of Game three of the 1991 National League Championship Series is brought to you by Lexus and the new es 300 sports sedan power stick antiperspirant the power that puts you in control and by United Airlines come fly the airline that spans more than half the world [Music] his fans gave a big hand to John Smoltz as he left after pitching six in the third and Mike Stanton takes over with one out here in the seventh in Braves don't have this game put away yet they lead 6-3 that'll be Van Slyke Bonilla ball one and E as a walk and a single he has had three hits in the playoff smokes can only be a winner he can't lose Myron's Jones the hitting coach seated next to and now ball 2 and of course you have this parade of pitchers coming in from the bullpen and you just hope that you knew hurler has good stuff handin behind on the counter roses strength [Applause] [Music] said struck out JPL hit the home run his third hit of the day by the way his single a double and a homer al Van Slyke and it's three and one this man's throwing a little bit [Music] it's going a little weary with a chop ball four puts fan strike on base with one out this is what chase John Smoltz the home run by Bell a high fastball sounded good dinner you know what sounds good when you hit home run no sound use the ball hard there's less sound when you hit it bad there's more sound so when you say sounded good what you mean is you can hear that crisp and crisp sound of a home run at little however it sounded it'll look good and I made the score six three one on one out for bony in a wild pitch no play those standin adds to the excitement of this affair leadoff walk than a wild pitch the wildness crime mic stand and Van Slyke who's gonna smoke the second base but he ended up running hard because he saw the carom come back to Greg holes and barring the line drive DoublePlay that assures the fact that Barry Bonds will bat innocent all wonderful eeeh it's the bald at first and hunter stays with it runner stays at second ago in the year that's the second out of the inning [Applause] laughs like struggie as shoulders say what am I gonna do I didn't know if he's gonna trap it or catch it but on any event they got bonito is over for some time sometimes you can't see depth perception when you're at second base this ball queued off the end of the bed and Brian hunter making sure a won but Van Slyke because the ball was hit close to hunter elects to stay at second base so once again who's on the spot Barry Bonds with two out for his ball one bonds one for three a stolen base in a run scores if you're thinking home run against Stanton left-handers hit one home run against Mike this year and a hundred and three at-bats they play binds to bull he looks at his strength bonds has power to all fields and that's important in this part where the ball really flies [Music] 6:3 here in the top of the seventh favour of the Braves [Music] ball goes far all of its one and two [Applause] two out of nine in postseason play [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right second two out and it stays 1 & 2 and took over for the starter John Smoltz in the same we'll walk through a wild pitch got funniest duels Barry Bonds [Applause] and bald a hunter [Music] Pittsburgh as eight and it's the middle of the son of kunti [Applause] the score here the home club Atlantis six and Pittsburgh three bottom of the seventh inning here in Georgia six three the Braves on top fans all saying take me out to the ball game in the middle of the Sun there's Ted Turner [Music] along side and the first pitch is ball one and Pendleton leads it off he's had a single in a double today where than in Iraq this is the second inning of work for the pirate of fuller fourth picture the day Bob chipper smiley Landrum Patterson chipper [Applause] one ball one strike [Music] was scored four in the first one in the second one in the third none since then [Music] as if Shamu looked at Logan County State it's a TV show [Applause] out of the home seven tomorrow the NFL today at 12:30 of the game undefeated against the tough Philadelphia defense Phoenix at Minnesota and the Falcons are playing at San Francisco and Terry Bradshaw is going to tell you how he would change the rules to make the game more fun it begins at 12:30 Eastern tomorrow NFL today on CBS but the playas gift and once again the Atlanta Braves have their two sports star Deion Sanders who plays baseball and football we have our two sports star Pat O'Brien pregame show again now this evening with Tommy Lasorda and what an athlete that cut a water or he can do it all do it all helped today in the studio by Tom Lasorda Tommy Lasorda's troops ending up one game behind the Atlanta Braves and I think when you think about the Braves season they will look back on on that last road trip where they went to Houston and Cincinnati they won six in a row and then came back and won two in a row on Friday night Saturday afternoon and it was John Smoltz who pitched the clincher last Saturday against Houston [Applause] [Music] we talked earlier about Ron Gant and how much of a pull hitter he is he doubled the right center his first time up and look at that a hundred hit to the outfield the right set to left 17 to Center and nine to right field that's a pull hitter right there all runs in this area [Music] [Applause] Toland with some authority [Music] [Applause] the fourth home run of the day [Applause] must be nice to be able to hit a ball like that it's been to take a couple of steps toward first never saw you standing over [Applause] whoever stood there at home play our hearts go [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they're waiting for them to stop [Applause] this is David Justice fan he is what and double driven in a run scored around and with one out of the runner home seven 73 in favor of Atlanta [Applause] I get a recording of that taking all the pleasure somebody just trying to learn the game of baseball from another country tuning in [Music] [Applause] we talked about open mouth closed mouth earlier see a Jimmy can get together [Applause] and his wife I think they got it down two balls two strikes the count justice [Applause] Estes pops it up that should be the second out with Boucher the leader of the singers here is and rejoice Jane Fonda my day has been minute been hit in the head with a tomahawk by Jane Fonda sat down you've been involved in so many exciting events and you're alive where does this rank way up there way up there we better team my neighbor 17 years and we've never won a playoff game only bet on the playoff who wants oh you know it's very very exciting goes way beyond the stadium I mean every place you go in Atlanta people are talking about the brains of the city that's the spirit stuff you know we've had so many good things happen here going to get the Olympics off in a few years nice city but it it's been called Lugar's bill with good reason car that everyone of you know nobody's ever want to check jennipher gotten some some tips from a lot of folks proper technique for the chop look like your [Applause] special the double tomahawk chop little dangerous though for people behind let's go back I wonder if James next workout tape will include that [Music] [Applause] they drove in a run in the first and he struck out and lined out to right field [Applause] - to all four cities are really new single game attendance record apples any action by the fans [Music] and this scene in Atlanta mold from kipper to the batter and baseball up three and a half percent in attendance this year by virtue of 7:47 [Music] [Applause] [Music] Leonard scored only two runs in the first two games it's quick [Music] - and of course - game here to our other 6:22 [Applause] that takes care of 780 here 7:3 [Applause] is sponsored by AT&T well in the first seven innings we've seen this the Braves getting four in the first with four extra base hits John Smoltz stands to be the winner if the bullpen can hold him we've had 10 extra-base hits in this game including this two-out two run over by Greg Olson in the first honey had made it four to one and Ron Gant's first home run here in the playoffs just a moment ago in the seventh berg as home runs from Merced and JPL first up for the [Applause] it's Mike Stanton his Steve Buechele find out to Center flied to right and double our the wasted leadoff double in a six in Pittsburgh has left eight men [Music] [Applause] Haaretz have seven gifts and go show gets his second of the day [Applause] mic stand and a rookie this year 74 appearances for shy of the national league record held by Tim Burke back in 1985 he's from Houston that's the rookie record I should say he's from Houston went to high school in Midland and with the junior college in Alban Texas as Bobby Cox is going to the right-hander and everybody knows who's from Alvin Texas Nolan Ryan Nolan Ryan the new pitcher will be the right-hander mark Wohlers Don slaught has been announced as the pinch-hitter and that's why Bobby Cox made the move so that means only Lloyd McClendon and Gary Rita's are the only two left on the pirate bench and SWAT pinch-hitting swings on the first one and gets a base hit that's his first to the playoff as Mark Wohlers is greeted and rude fashion [Applause] they all say mean to make this 7/3 game even more exciting or add to the frustration for Pittsburgh well I'll tell you what could add just some frustration if you remember the Pittsburgh Pirates taking 11 pitches on their roster now on deck is Lloyd McClendon so that means Gary Remus would be the only able-bodied regular to play a position Florida peaches go off the Pirates few half of the time where Jim Leyland would love to have that problem well he may run out of players Jim saying that he realizes that taking let 11 pitchers is you're taking a risk but he's willing to do it at Short Syria [Applause] or five to one and six to one this is a young pitcher who's been thrown really hard yeah they'd Lana preys on the other hand with only 10 pitchers and of course rollers one of them out on to the lead [Applause] [Music] Greg Olson almost holding on comes up and pops him in the mass and then trickles between his legs stunned a bit war is the third earlier of the day for the brand qualifier [Music] hi Rach you have struck out today where we saw twenty-one-year-old see they read the other night and today we have a look at the 21 year old mark rollers can he ever blow two lanes pitch by pop kipper two hits and a strikeout of walk none two on one out and the batter is Mukunda all right pinch-hitting for kipper [Applause] [Music] he's getting laid in this game look what he did against Atlanta this year or 80 this is the playoff much left on the bench for human Weiland the fire manager they're down at second base in boo shell over at first base timeslot balls in the strike [Applause] 73 the score a little surprised that Bobby Cox doesn't have a left-hander warming up at the bullpen Jeb Merced on deck and even though he's the switch hitter he's predominantly a left-handed hitter another one example the only guys warming up for the grave Alejandro Pena but if Bobby Cox were to bring in a guy like Mercure for instance and Jim Leyland would have to go to Gary Rivas and he's the last guy they've got on the bench two on one and ball four and they're loaded up and the tying run will come to the play the fourth walk given by Atlanta pitching today you know the other side of the coin jackets I saw Kent Mercker warming up before the game for about 10 or 15 minutes now usually that says that he's not going to be in the game that day so Mercker was warming up but that takes a big left-hander [Music] Bobby Cox is forced to bring in the right-hander Alejandro Kane and make a double switch I'm gonna send in our new first Facebook [Applause] apparently bring in Pena what he does that Vania pitched two innings three times this year the Sid Bream takes over at first base and he will ban [Applause] [Applause] back to work here in the top of the eighth-inning and the Pittsburgh Pirates had the bases loaded with the shell at third base and second base Don slaught who got the pinch-hit and another pinch-hitter McClendon at bursty war the only player left on the bench for so in the picture there is Gary Rita's new picture is he ended the second game and saved it for Steve Agron and he is 12 out of 12 save opportunities for Atlanta this year they said a loaded one the ladder is up myself [Applause] [Music] I'm always tired here 1 for 4 on the day and in the series Republic against Merced its from Twitter raids hope for the DoublePlay verse it has [Music] and on radio the latin-american broadcast going as far south as Ecuador this afternoon servicing 30 million people what will Merced do here in the top of the eighth they say the loaded one out tying run at the plate playing it's one [Applause] recently the roof here [Applause] moving off the line at third the first baseman Sid Bream you're trying to get out of the inning you're not worried about guarding a line in a situation like that you want to double play but you'll take one bases loaded one out ball two two more [Applause] they played were said as they pull hitter again on the left-field line both bonds can cover there and I gave him less center for Van Slyke - he can be [Applause] [Music] they said loaded here and now where you are the didn't like that call and no place to put this batter [Applause] they said loaded one out free and Wonder Merced [Applause] at the plate here in the eighth [Applause] he popped it up foul and there is a play for also [Applause] well it could have been ball four I don't know it was a borderline pitch were sent sitting on the fastball big out for painting in the brave I'll say course sitting in on the fastball line up now the batter is j-pal he's had a single of plus two other hits in the series Mason loaded two out stand up in the Senate ding Bell Vance went over the board during the season he hit 16 home runs rebase it would give you [Music] Bill's going to get a fastball here Pena quoted after game two saying all he throws is a fastball in this situation but it's off the plate and it's ball two we're taking a look again at the 3 1 pitch to Orlando Merced borderline pitch in this day and age that wall is taking off Nancy Olson is love going up [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I said loaded two out [Applause] Bell glaring at first base umpire Eric Gregg he went too far good call by Gregg that's too far yet hate to have a check swing on a to old count oh and - it's different - and oh stuff now it's two in one to bring on the queue okay Pittsburgh as eight and the bases loaded to our there has a 2 2 count the rock please [Applause] and it's still a seventh grade Pittsburgh eyes still seven to three Atlanta and this is why bases loaded two balls and no strikes the count to Jay Bell strike one is inside on the check swing strike two behind fastball and strike three the only strike in five pitches today in that system look how happy pinion [Music] look love slapping to show the elation as it remains 7 3 Atlanta that takes us into the bottom of the 8th thing oops hit your a new catch here at a new first baseman for yes where gets stranded he to love it so God's not [Applause] Lloyd McClendon who pinch-hit is over at first Gary Rita's remains on the fan for the pirates and Rodriguez pigeons to Olsen Ragan hit a two-out two-run homer in the first single stole a base and scored in the third he's 2 for 3 [Applause] on ball 1 strength you like this look at a pitcher don't you care we talked to Jim Leyland before the series and he was telling something very interesting all to Dolson we asked him if he needed a left-hander to get one left-handed hitter out in this series who would he bring in and he said Rosario Rodriguez would be pleaded for pen he has to go to Rodriguez here young man we talked about rollers 21 every 21 that's the age of Rodriguez 21 years old from Mexico the Atlanta leadoff hitter in the bottom of the [Music] about a double switch so many times well exactly what does that mean that this is the original lineup before Pena came into the game Wallace was the Pichet Hunter was at first base when panga came into the game painting is inserted into the five and Sid Bream would be the fourth hitter in this city the first three hitters take it out with the leadoff batter up they ended up [Music] [Music] the Athan it 7-3 of wouldn't be a surprise now since green is better [Applause] kudos Lord well that's the other thing that Jim Leyland said about Rodriguez he said the only thing I were whether he can throw strikes or not [Music] by reporter Patterson kipper [Music] Ryan Sandberg of the Chicago Cubs let all second baseman internationally with 101 RBIs the motherhood surprised the second baseman primarily Jeff Treadway and mark Lemke that's almost 80 RBIs for two guys who have pretty good gloves good production but yeah second base position throated trying to get Olsen who stole a base earlier when and their spacing is playing who's gonna be after two games to one when this is over [Applause] I want all sin leading off [Music] going ball four up in Toronto Canada they're getting ready for their fourth game of the playoff and the live shot as the Blue Jays take the batting practice is going to be pitching against Jack Paar's that for you starting at 8:00 tonight on CBS I guess the big question in that game will the Blue Jays start that game with Joe Carter or not that's the big question [Music] big Slugger for the right standing by to bring it to you this evening on CBS gave here tomorrow I have a day game up in Toronto two on and nobody out billiards bucks it's a perfect bunt nothing very typical for here is breathe [Music] [Applause] double switch that's why they were bunny now you have an unusual matchup a good bunt by Belliard just pops out at you about you think about Belliard as he does all of the routine things very well routine game one of the reasons they goes right after Sid Bream rate militants Rosario [Music] back and forth dad work on them [Music] [Applause] Sid Bream for his first hit man in this game in the infield and second and third [Music] [Applause] so will be the next time [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] how could you do that against your former team and see the knee brace on a right several strike two Keith Mitchell is up for the this afternoon two three Atlanta Lee that [Music] extra-base hit in this game deanship series record so the listener strike [Applause] which work for Bobby Cox I pulled a lot of the right string how about bringing pain in when I do the brave I was going to therefore the series lady [Music] pretty picture 80 bucks today it's fabric [Music] Joerg [Applause] that's the video control [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah that says I'm sick my ball came up on bail a little bit threw him off stride yeah sure my stride but this is a routine error by Jay Bell because he had a lot of time to take his little crow hop gather his composure and throw out Pendleton the ball however does take a little bit of a bad hop on the back in there it is right there because she had to rush and throw a little bit but he had more time than he thought the bases with two odd [Applause] Bell commits his second Pittsburgh error of the day [Applause] in the 11 Atlanta hits that have made the difference [Applause] themselves on [Applause] [Music] right it has a single and a home run in this country [Music] he started the 4runner when a double byte hand to double by justice to basic fire bowels [Music] late umpire called around but Atlanta gets real [Music] only five there's a three-run homer by Sid Bream [Applause] this is dan Rather with a CBS news update Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas says he would rather die than withdraw he has ended his day at the Senate hearing on sexual harassment charges Thomas's principal accuser Anita Hill today again offered to take a lie detector test but she is not expected to be given another chance to testify before Monday at the earliest Thomas blasted some of his questioners today and continued to dam the process Committee Chairman Senator Joe Biden counseled perspective the judge wait till it's over it will be over in the next two days to make your judgment you will not be unaffected by this no matter what happens nobody goes through the white-hot glare of this process at any level for any reason and doesn't come out comes out unaffected next up corroborating witnesses for both Thomas and Hill I'm dan Rather now back to the game Dondre pain you're working the ninth and Andy Van Slyke leading it off for Pittsburgh they're down by seven they've left 11 given for walks I have left them on Hasnat Atlantis stranded only five and he has two walks today plus it Payne you came in with a bases loaded and one out in the eighth inning he got versed and he got bail that's going to be foul and out of play [Music] his copyrighted telecast presented by authority of Major League Baseball may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form without the express written consent of Major League Baseball levan rather is a good baseball fan so he didn't mind hanging around the studio today even though it's Saturday afternoon I'll say he's a baseball fan goes a ways back high in the air to left Mitchell coming in wants it [Music] as the public address announcer for the Houston Colt 45 by Bill Giles who is then the business manager of the colt 45 ERD honor donar of the Philadelphia Phillies man rather made ten bucks tonight as the PA announcer in 1962 colt 45 Stadium in Houston with all the mosquitos he's gotten a raise since then all under the patter Bobby Bonilla is over for today playing Bonilla to Paulie just like to get out of face get something started to talk row retired by pinion really tomorrow our Randi Tomlin and Charlie Leibrandt for Game four two balls and a strike action this evening in Toronto the twins have the edge two games to one Tommy Lasorda joins Pat O'Brien in the pregame show tonight at 8:00 Eastern Time and the Jays are pretty much under the gun in that one dania would get a save if he finishes this game and with the help [Applause] [Music] I'll say he's been a big factor and about every game he's been in this year 4:11 and save opportunities to and Oh was his record and he could about on his way to save his second straight game here the have to resign him to keep him yeah [Music] last hope for Pittsburgh is Barry Bonds one [Music] two out of ten in three Atlanta Lee you're awesome [Music] then leave rant tomorrow to left-handers there's ducked right back and we wonder it's still iffy which in the game on Monday it would be Bob walk or Pittsburgh 200 and bonds hits it high in the air and back to the track justice is there and two games to one Pittsburgh left two days it's something down Atlanta can't free the Braves way
Channel: brooks johnson
Views: 7,901
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: Pirates, Braves, 1991, NLCS, Greg Olsen
Id: ElPfG5GtFcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 47sec (9947 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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