1990 week 11 Raiders at Dolphins

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beautiful South Florida evening a perfect night for football the temperature expected to drop into the 60s little or no win and a capacity crowd inside of 73,000 for tonight's game between the Los Angeles Raiders and the Miami Dolphins two longtime rivals in the AFC hello again everyone I'm Frank gift along with Al Michaels and then Deardorff we're so happy you're with us we've looked forward to this game for a long time the two winningest teams in the history of the National Football League the Raiders and the Miami Dolphins and they're both back on top the Miami Dolphins got off to a great start this year there were 81 they lost only to the undefeated New York Giants and as a remarkable turnaround from an eight and eight season a year ago they venomoth Marino but basically they're the best team it's at least at the moment in the National Football League the Raiders they got off to a great start they won their first four six to their first seven they've staggered a little over the last two they've lost a couple of games in now Michael's I think it's very important for the Raiders if they're going to stay hot as they've been and get their win tonight and stay one game had a Kansas City to get it together tonight and regain the confidence they had at the beginning of the season Frank I think this is an extremely important game for the Raiders who feel in a way that they are back well they have not had a winning season since 1985 that's the last time they were in the playoffs and frankly this is a team that's been in a lot of flux not only on the field but certainly off the field in the mid 80s and in the late 80s remember when this season began they didn't know whether they were staying in Los Angeles they didn't know whether they were moving to the LA suburb of Berlin Dale they didn't know if they were going back to Oakland they didn't know if they were going to Sacramento or even Casablanca for all we know but as far as it is concerned right now al Davis has made his deal with Los Angeles they will remain there stability apparently has returned our show has created stability on the field but they have staggered the last two weeks especially offensively what the need tonight is a better performance than that got in the last two weeks from the quarterback Jay Schrader and maybe finally some explosiveness from Bo Jackson who is in a football uniform for the fourth time this season but comes in averaging a very ordinary three point seven yards per carry the Raider glory years are truly back then they will celebrate a victory on the red-eye tonight back to Los Angeles against the Miami team that is 8:1 that surprises a lot of people but maybe it shouldn't when you look at the head coach well you look at new players now they come into the mix and you look at all the variables the one thing here in South Florida and Miami has remained the same and of course Don Shula in his 28th year as a head coach here in the National Football League only the legendary George Halas has more victories in Don Shula and it's very conceivable that Shula could overtake Calif but when you look specifically at the dolphin team what's the big difference well it has to be on the defensive side of the ball the Miami pound machine they're called I think Jeff cross they're a talented defensive end set at best he said we're a make-believe defense every time we play we make a believer out of someone else it's the Raiders and the Dolphins in a turbulent year here in the National Football League it's comforting to know that these two are playing a big game and certainly the crowd is very much into it they have been for the better part of an hour during the warm-ups as it as this stadium began to fill up you heard the chant of defense defense from what is now a capacity crowd at Joe Robbie Stadium the Raiders to kick off dagger puts it in the air to stock ladies from the two ladies who was just refined last week brings it back to the 32 yard line because of the dolphin injuries ladies who had been a dolphin and had gone to San Diego has come back dan Marino throwing less but enjoying it more because of a rejuvenated dolphin ground game his numbers on the season reflected there Sammy Smith and Mark Logan start as the running back Cooper and Tony Martin the wide outs mark Blakely is hurt Edmonds the tight end and the two rookies on the left side have really solidified this offensive line Webb and sins Moreno on first down to throw and incomplete through the hands of the versatile Jim Jensen who because of those dolphin injuries we'll see even more action tonight than he normally does the Raiders play a basic 4-3 with long and Olek Scott Davis having an excellent year as is brick Townsend the linebackers Ricky Ellison the former 49er is in the middle between Robinson and Benson the corners McDaniel and Washington the safeties the former Bronco Mike Parton and the hard-hitting Eddie Anderson second and ten dolphins from the 31-yard line Jennsen those emotions Smith finds no room and is put back after the initial contact it is break Townsend who finishes Smith off and Smith will do more ball carrying tonight than normal because of the absence of the full-back Tony Paige who not only provides the blocking normally for him and carries the ball occasionally but has been the Dolphins leading receiver and a third down and 10 ally stopped from spring into four wide receivers Scotch wadies comes into the lineup Tony Martin is there Marc duper and Troy Stratford number 23 you had a big game last week there good running back with good receiver out of the backfield third and 10 from the 31 Moreno for mayor Raja that's something you don't see a lot Moreno gets sacked but there's also a flag down break Townsend will get the sack the Raiders last week sacked Don the Caston eight times and the call here is against Miami for holding 62 defense totally declined I think Townsend not only got the sack but he forced the hold on Harry Galbreath as well he kind of catches Galbreath by surprise and Galbreath has really in that position not much of a choice but to ride him to the ground in Townsend gets the sack and the hole not a bad way to start the game Reggie Roby as usual a great average 43.2 rate is trying to block it in almost two there's contact made there is a flag down as well as Rowley was run into and another after the run back by Tim Braun brings him to the 36 see you've got a flag for either roughing or running into the kicker and another flag on the run back referee is courting the Carter and of course this will be a critical decision by Gordon McCarter which the call running into or roughing the kicker running into the kicker remember is only a five-yard penalty [Music] [Applause] well if he just said that they're both against the Raider they would not offset its McCoy what McCarter said is correct both penalties were against the Raiders yeah and they're going back to huddle up again here and I think McCarter is going to correct this it's going to be a first down for Miami the illegal grant was against over 25 of the receivers the roughing the kicker will be accepted 15 yards push down that's what I talked about remember the referee in that situation has to make a decision was it just running into the kicker or was it roughing the kicker and in this case it was called roughing the kicker that's a 15-yard personal foul and a first down a critical error by the Raiders here early Aaron Wallace's took a bad angle to that punt he had no way to block but he couldn't hardly miss Roby and he connected and got the penalty we didn't go for where the ball is going to come off the foot and that's what you got to do Miami maintains possession first and ten at the 38-yard line Nesmith is the sole running back that Stinson emotion and Smith stings to the 40-yard line he has stopped by Greg Townsend after a gain of two and it will be second down and eight Sammy Smith has at this point as you saw amassed over 500 yards and he's on a pace that would net him 900 950 yards for the season which used a lot in the recent history the Miami Dolphins in a long time since they've had a thousand yards Moreno on 2nd and 8th in Moreno gets sacked again Scott Davis is there for the sack and remember it's Moreno and that dolphin lion that pretty much had protected Moreno for what amounted to one full season he had gone that long without being sacked boy this is strictly a power rush to the outside by Davis he's working against Pete Simms their rookie at left guard and boy that's just getting the leverage in Dan Marino look at his awareness seeing that sack coming from the backside and jumping up into the air kind of riding Davis to the ground boy an impressive start here by the Raider front for early Marino had been sacked only six times all season coming into the game third and 15 from the 33 look for and Marino just throws it up for grabs makes the catch and wishes he had any the Hitman it's supposed to let him in a little bit on the screen that time they just float in on Marino he lobbed it up in the air and it gave Anderson time to cover the ground to get almost into the screen himself he actually came very close to picking it off as an offensive lineman you're supposed to stop that initial rush of the defensive line and then release to the screen the Dolphins at times just didn't even rubble Roby to kick Tim Brown back total Zieve and it's a very wobbly and very poor kick that spins out of bound at the 48-yard line and that's a 22-yard pick for Red Deer OB so the Raiders will get it James Reader performed well through the first seven games but he's had to off weeks back-to-backs Marcus Allen Steve Smith start in the backfield we'll see a lot of bo Jackson Horace Bolton her name is the why even Horton the converted running back is the tight end and the guys up front mows barn having a fine year as usual montjoy of a long time Dingle came over to the Raiders in the offseason doing well at right guard Marcus Allen by any territory inside the 40 and Marcus Allen to the 33-yard and the Raiders begin with a 19-yard gain on the ground against the league number one defense Green and Oliver make the tackle exactly what our teselle told us we were going to see straight ahead blocking and attack this Miami defense which has wonderful team speed an excellent pursuit fine blocking to the right side behind right in Montoya and what's new about watching Marcus Allen loose in a secondary he's been doing it since 1982 Allen started as if he was going into motion then stops and takes the handle off and picks up about 7 to the 26 now the dolphin defense they've gone from 24th in the league to first in the National Football League three-man front turn early and cross has been great at right end-rigs opera dog Odom was the plan B guy from Indianapolis and the veteran you green Makai air force team from the 49ers JB Brown at the other corner and the two former Florida Gators Jarvis Williams and Lewis Oliver a good pair of safe second and three and they give it to Alan again over the right side seeking the first-down is very close as he takes it to the 23 yard line and on the tackle is 792 David Griggs the linebacker Archelle last night made no bones about it he was going to get the running game going no matter how long he had to stay with it he said this is what we've got to do and perhaps putting the defense of the Miami Dolphins in perspective if we could they have six wins but two of those wins were against New England two were against the Jets one was against Phoenix and one was against Indianapolis six other eight against teams that aren't considered major powerhouses off multiple meanwhile as you saw has been stymied on the ground for the last two games that begin promising Li tonight Alan the fourth straight time picks up the first down takes it to the 19 yard line and one of the reasons Steve Smith sees a lot of action at fullback was evident right there a good block to pave the way good block to lead alamin also very smart move on the part of Alan good heads-up running he could have strung that to the sideline may be gone for big distance but he knew he was going to get the first down 35 at Steve Smith buries the linebacker trying to close now watch out and he didn't go to the outside he knew where was the first down would he cut it back against the grain and got it first and ten from the 19 yard line Allen a fifth straight time takes it to the 14 and you don't have to worry about using him up because if he needs to blow you just go to the bench for number 34 Bo Jackson can I get at him about that last night I said you know you're 30 years old you're running back you shouldn't be carrying that thing 20 25 times a game he said look said I'm 30 years old but I can carry it that many times the game he's not very happy about it and I believe he's in great shape not beat up too much over his career and he would like to get at that many times he's already carried as many times tonight as he did all of last week and here he is again so a portent of things to come for the Raiders as Allen is on the ground taking it down to the 10 yard line six carries in a row it'll be third down and one at the 10 and this is about the time where the Miami defense starts talking to one another in the huddle saying what is happening here guys this business can't be happening does a lot of raised eyebrows and looking around there's Tom Oliver dotty their defensive coordinator and this is a defense it hasn't spent much time the season back on their heels this is where they find themselves right now third and one mitts the full-back Allen the tailback that's you were in motion [Applause] and who else Marcus puts his head down and it by Jeff Claus and it's going to be I think a little short of the first down little chart and big decision time for our shell on the sidelines you've been able to move the ball on the ground should we go on fourth down or do we put it through the uprights he really looks concerned come on art goes to look a little more tense than that it is fourth down consecutive rushes for Marcus Allen greater looks over toward the bench Allen's been the whole Drive it started at the Raider 48 it is now down to the nine clock as the Raiders huddle is bad Allanon pointing to the clock ticking away the second it's Ellen and he doesn't get it there's the pound machine well that'll give him a big lift a mistake there by the Los Angeles Raiders to go for [Applause] rush the plane right there the Raiders were in such a hurry try to beat the clock that they didn't get off the line of scrimmage the left side of the line was slow getting off Miami reacted to the ball Luis Oliver gets in there and makes the play you can't argue with the decision but the execution was very poor in the tan first down by a me and it's a toss of sandy Smith a flag to the 16 he is tackled there by Scott Stevens where the corner is the referee line judge was the man who made the call and it's a motion penalty against the dolphins illegal motion somebody offense five yards repeat first on Farrell Edmonds so we talked about marina remember between early 88 and mid 89 he went 19 consecutive games without getting sacked that he's been sacked twice already tonight it was the first one Townsend crashing through I think it might have been the setup as he passed out and he didn't have the little check off because he actually had time to flip it to a back in the back but he just didn't have one out there got to even shot the other stack and sandy Smith don't know where first and 15 Lionel Washington up from the corner to break the playoff helped out by Gary Robinson it'll be interesting tonight to see how Sammy Smith reacts to this type of defense that the Raiders play up front because they penetrate fake price gaps they try every time to get someone a yard or so upfield Frank to disrupt that blocking scheme and Smith can't bounce it to the outside every time he's going to get caught you've got to look at it and slide it back to the inside go against the grain it's not the only way you're going to make yardage second and 15 he's going to have to do it tonight also without Tony Paige has done such a marvelous job blocking Paige's first and on the inactive list garret Limbrick is in there in the backfield with Smith number 89 Tony Martin after the 14 yard line Mike Parton makes the tackle and Martin will see some action tonight in the absence of Mark Clayton that's Moreno without pressure you saw that little flick of the wrist let's take a look at Martin hometown boy grew up here went to Northwestern high school spot a pressure on him they took a little off they took him off the punt return team figuring he'd relax a little bit he's been struggling at a great preseason and they're counting heavily upon him tonight with banks being out and Andre Brown and of course plate no score 457 left first quarter third and five Miami Moreno out of the shotgun and it's incomplete looking for the flag was Mark Cooper but none is grown Lisle Washington who was let go by the Cardinals he was getting burned a lot in Phoenix and the Raiders picked him up and he's done a great job for LA he's the type of quarterback that that might get called every game or every other game maybe for an interference call but that is because he plays just like that he will play in that gray area not afraid to take a chance and he'll put that left hand on a receiver and more often than not he'll get away with it Roby's first punt was 22 yards and this is certainly more Roby like in fact it's a 52 yard kick to the 33 and Tim Brown brings it back to the 44 Brown coming back after knee surgery cost him the 1989 season Joe Robbie there is no category for most consecutive rushes so there's nothing to look up Alan has carried the ball nine consecutive times I can't think of anybody ever carrying nine times but if anybody was going to do it you think it'd be done on a team coached by an offensive lineman art shale they love to run the ball they hate to throw it look at that 9 & 0 all running that pleases art shale an old tackle immensely nine carries for 48 yards second and four and this is bo Jackson to the 49 and so they give Alan a breather Jackson picks up about a yard and a half John awkward all makes the tackle what about the Raiders normal play selection coming in this season there it is they have run 55% of the time and thrown 45% if you look at the Raiders and their blocking scheme it doesn't get any simpler than what they're trying to do it is nothing more than man take your guy backward now on third and three you've got Jackson and Allen together in the backfield Allen one of the fine receivers out of the backfield they leave Allen in to block and he does his job and the pain was caught by Mervyn Fernandez very close to a first down it's gonna depend on the spot at the 46 yard line and looks close enough to measure whoever band broke that thing off a yard early Frank I mean that's his job to be able to get at least to run that pattern at the 45 yard line you can't come up short on on only needing three yards for a first down exactly you have to take it up to get the yardage for the first down it's really knowing where your are on the field Fernandez of course averaging nearly eight team yards a carry he Jews get out the possession type of receiver for the Raiders but he eats it out by the length of the football he first down at the 46 yard line I don't think I don't think a wide receiver would like to stroll over to the sidelines and explain to his 300-pound coach why he came up six inches short on a first down pass back first intend the Poli and McCallum is in the game for the first time and it laying down the block for both Jackson who first through the middle and takes it to the 37 Jackson coming into this game does not have a run this year longer at 11 yards there's about 35 times as the Alice gained about 118 yards coming into it and he just has not been able to break one off but you can see here the acceleration many people would say he runs a little better to his left and he does is right both runners have a side that they prefer to run to and he apparently likes to do the left second and one the fake to McCallum a lot of time for Schrader and he threatens the needle at the 13 yard line hitting Willie goal he's tackled by Oliver and the Raiders have a first down deep in Miami Territory oh you want to play all night if you can get Gulf on and Oliver Oliver the big safety man tough hitter from safety but he's never going to stay with a Willie Gault and that time he was in a man for man situation freighter with all the time in the world and to let Gault uncover but Oliver good hitter good in his own man-to-man forget it dogs gonna beat him well that's from a production standpoint that's what happens when you run the ball that many times I mean the past obviously took Miami by surprise and Luis Oliver says well if I can't cover him I'll talk to her 120 left opening quarter no score first down this is McCallum baby star taking it to the 11 yard line there is no shortage of running backs for the Raiders you start with Allen and Jackson to go to Napoleon McCallum he's got Steve Smith and a guy named Greg Bell on injured reserve interesting contrast tonight the Raiders possessing the ball almost the entire first quarter and whereas last week against Green Bay they only managed to spill over 20 minutes the position when you go six games without allowing a rushing touchdown you will win there [Applause] on 2nd and 8th Jackson swings to the outside they stopped at the 12-yard coming up to break the play up one of the great parts of this defense we talked about there the run defense but a lot of it is support from that secondary you saw drivers Williams there a moment ago this secondary is vastly improved the corners look higher and brown have really made a difference in the secondary and you saw Williams coming up and make the stop and holding bo Jackson to about a yard and a half big third down play comes up for the Raiders when the second quarter starts in fact we come after this commercial message and a word for a BCC play the only top and first down by way of a penalty Raiders controlling the flow of the game and on the ground and my try to campaign for three 23-yard field goal attempt with God's of holding Dan first to snappy and Los Angeles takes the lead as the Raiders go on top by a score of three nothing with 14 hold on in the opening hand today we have a special visitor it's rude off their cushion he's gonna play classical piano with mr. Robbins mr. practitioners a better piano player than mr. Robinson mr. Robinson Neely creamerum at basketball toss the premium choice when you have the east why would you need the Black and Decker power ratchet because it sounds they're easier and works and lots of places manual ranges can't the Black and Decker power ratchet it's really turning a lot of heads the facts are in Ford Ranger America's best-selling compact truck is the value leader over Chevy s10 drugs not only is Ford Ranger priced less when you buy it an independent research study shows it'll cost less to operate and maintain over the next five years Nicholas Bregg Worman Nick Faldo and Curtis Strange go shot-for-shot big box with every hole the skins game this Saturday 3:30 Eastern 12:30 Pacific Raiders to kick off and Jagger's kick goes out of bounds but five yard line if you pick it out and passes the goal line and simply a touchback but dear it comes out to the 35 yard line so Jagger barking at himself as he walked off the field in Miami has the first down at the 35 ABC's Monday Night Football is being brought to you by Ford and your Ford dealer have you driven a Ford lately and by Budweiser the king of beers remember know when to say when that was a handsome kiss by Jagger I've seen them hit the field and bounce out he missed the field by a good six or seven yards wide left in the bunker was the big field Moreno first down a little pick me Smith juggle the football Washington that's picking them up unless moisten a little Bible by Smith attract to the crowd lyonell Washington a rather slight guy at six feet 185 pounds not known as a as a bruising tackler but picking up a much bigger man and that is a fumble but the ball came right back the Sammy Smith the ball comes that way before he hits the ground Washington had his helmet right on that ball oh it's a two yard difference and he held on with a juggling it would have been a 1 yard game but it's a lord the combined incident between a pair of defenders to the 42-yard line it will be third and three Benson in Washington with the coverage baby blues dan Marino and unparalleled release I think we'd all agree on that he makes a decision to throw the ball into whom nobody delivers the best third and short three from the 42 yard line 35 to go first half three nothing Raiders [Music] to get to the 45 he reaches out and it's very very close you can see where the marker is right it's Shawkat the 45 Robinson makes the tackle with a change off by Marino he looked up and saw the Raiders 9 minutes the line of scrimmage changed it off handed to Jensen and close to a first down but they don't have it yeah Jerry Robinson was all over that I mean that's the type of play of Robinson doesn't read that correctly and make that's an easy first time for Jensen in the dolphin and a big gainer and here's a kula fourth and inches for that from your own 40 he's thought about it for just a moment because the Blakelock is right now down to four seconds they're gonna take a delay of penalties it's not necessarily a big deal at this point for OB side with the Roby they'll just back it up five and he can still spank it way down inside the 20 that'll move the line of scrimmage back to the 40 I can't believe there's any way that Don Shula would seriously consider it going for it on fourth down at a three to nothing ballgame from her own four not at this stage you the wristwatch on brobee's left hand Tim Braun won the heisman when he played at Notre Dame sets up at a don't white robee with a wobbly kick a fair tax call for at the 21 if a 39-yard is parolee and the raiders will take over at their own 21 yard line 1124 remaining on a beautiful night you are the hurt that at the controls I have GRS as it's known a facility that opened in 1987 named for the late owner of the Miami Dolphins Joe Robbie that sellouts it's the first time the blackouts been lifted issues but December of 87 right first down from the 21 yard line greater by Willie Gault at the 26-yard line Oliver with a coverage the Dolphins have had year-to-year defensive improvement on a magnitude never seen before the NFL there it is last year 356 yards for a game this year to 1938 the hand for ten improvement you go back to 1955 when the Redskins approve and you can see the title the fence that has exhibited under Tom Oliver Donny this season drag Jarvik Williams for kind of a tough start for Bo Jackson though when he's meeting a member of the secondary in the backfield Jarvis Williams comes on the Blitz off the corner and Bo Jackson really has no chance at all that's quite an effort by mr. Vincent Jackson there to even get any positive yardage at all I mean look meeting well into the backfield awesome like pick the bold action for a good 60r go back on the sidelines for feel third and six LA to the 25 Allen each six gets eight first down up at the 33-yard line tackle made by Lippert properly pull back in straight ahead slacking on the right side and again the presence of Marcus Allen bringing it back to the inside knowing what he needs for that first down must be frustrating though for a guy like Marcus to make a run like that something that he does with such regularity and then brought over to the sidelines this is the guy that has Frank mission even though he's 30 years old I mean it's just not his style to come out first down these pics offer risky path former 49er on a fan contended from urban fernandes it was a free shot from Akari at Lewis Oliver in the zone behind him and he had an opportunity to get that into the endzone he came close well I don't know what macaé read here but he the rich traitor or he read Fernandez because he makes his break before the ball is even released Tim mkhaya must have spent some hours in front of the projector this week going over the tape he saw something and reacted second and 10 from the 33 greater guns won the midfield and it's really called making the catch any 49-yard the super effort on the part is Raider got a strong arm one of the faults and then maybe not being able to take a lot off at this time greater gets in trouble right about here and steps back into the pocket right about here good move by Gulf freezes a hopper doll and trader throws it in about the only area where you can get the completion 9:15 left of the hand first down at the 49 bo Jackson behind us Smith Block in Bowie's run out of bounds at the 42 yard line by Fifi Brown around graduates out of Maryland turn that corner particularly going to his left again though it's another effectively flock out front chief it was out for a couple of plays yet we are told a couple stitches put in over his right eye second and three at the 42 on the ground and that's a first down a Steve Smith carries for the first time tonight they use him a lot so even though first carry of the evening the second leading ground gainer for the raiders averaging three point a per carry the guy weighs 240 pounds you can see they're the size of his lower legs and if this Raiders team where they run out of that tube accent so often that lead block is critical and Steve Smith fills the bill this was the kind of guy amen is more important than a Marcus Allen or a bo Jackson without him it doesn't happen greater poor Jackson and then goes deep down the left side football Davey Brown with the coverage gold had got behind him not there took about three plays before the Raiders came back with the hook and go to both outside men you saw Makai er make a quick move on a stop a short while ago almost picking it off on will he go the rate has come right back with a with a hook and go and they almost get the big one with the trajectory of that ball being just a shade out of bounds even if Willie was able to pull that ball in I don't think he could have kept both feet in the field of beautiful three but it's only three nothing on the scoreboard secondment and traitor to a wide open tim brown and brown seeking the first down and imagine and he stretches to the 28 yard line he's tackled by locker door 7:45 left in the half readers on top three nothing and dominating another demon had three Heisman award winner his hapa doll he really much better against the run they don't like to get him into deep coverage you can you can see by looking he's kind of lumbers he doesn't run back there a couple of knee braces and and a whole lot of shoulder pads but he gets back into it that great is with their sri Heisman award winners Tim Brown you saw Marcus Allen on the first go Jack from the 28 Jackson takes it to the 20-yard line for a gain of eight Offerdahl makes the stop the thoughts of art still on bo Jackson way more than pretty good shape he keeps himself in pretty good condition right now he's going through training camp but I guess you could say but this doesn't seem to be any problem far as health is concerned as far as miss conditioning is concerned and these plague good things out of him the rest a year and getting good things up far tonight out of Jackson and second and two from the 2000 again has the first down he got to the 18 yard line hit hard by cliff older one but his forward progress I believe has netted in the first I think back again the last night in our talk with our show when he said nothing nothing nothing complicated tomorrow night I sold my guys we're just going to run five or six running plays we're going to keep it between the tackles we're not going to use any complicated blocking schemes we are going to take it straight at the Miami Dolphins and gentlemen they've been doing so thus far tonight with a lot of success he wasn't lying this is the 12th play of the drive it started at the Raider 21 40 to go in the half on a reverse here's Jackson ten yard line to the outside win the timing award at the very least I mean that was a between the tackles reverse yeah but you know what you can do is when when you're able to control the ball like they have on the ground like you say then going straight at them straight at them you begin to get that defense in tighter and tighter and then you come you fake straight up the middle and you give it the reverse and get this kind of action hey when you can run the football you can do almost anything you want on the field particularly play-action pass you got a second down on the waist down here use a good time to cover class the puke when you run the football you can throw the ball game seconded to the Raiders of already 400 yards tonight six up to that's 102 yards for the Raiders tonight and this season all season long the Raiders or the dolphin's defense has allowed a hundred yards on the ground only twice to the giant and to the judge yeah an average of only 73 yards a game Alan I mean that's extraordinary - and tonight already at this point they've given up over the century market Nam Oliver Dottie and Don Shula conferring Don Shula of course at this point in time blames it all on the defensive coordinator we're really all count they've only given up an average of ten points seven points per game is to lead to be a third and inches for a first down it is the letter five minutes to go in the hand first and goal reminder college football coming your way this Saturday here on ABC and we've got Michigan against Ohio State at 12:00 Eastern and 9 in the morning Pacific and then a real beauty at a special time at 8 o'clock Eastern 5 p.m. Pacific from elleno today in Southern California first and goal [Applause] say thank you or there's a situation where both of the Miami linebackers walk right up in what they call a snug position right on the line of and there is just a solid wall of backed up offensive lineman right ordinarily you don't do that but I recall a Super Bowl with you year Allen popped in there backed off and took it up some 7-yard put that down [Applause] second and goal on a delay here's Alan and his team swing to the outside he is tripped up by our goal and it will be third and goal that's where hospital works the best queen the tackle D is before us a multiple pro ballplayer their surprising when he came up as the second round drastic in 86 and Pro Bowl his first year just reached out a big ham like arm and tripped up Alan 3-nothing the game totally gone in every phase but on the scoreboard [Applause] go and crater down in the block and fires incomplete there the flag tended for Fernandez Emma can I hold him he locked up with him pretty good now they had a little switch pattern over the ride a little bit of a pic if you want to call it that nobody gonna call pass interference or they're gonna call the pic but actually looked like the two Dolphins ran into one another holding number 22 defense watch this watch the break to the inside this is my car that gets called from the hole and then the patter to the outside but watch the two dolphin defenders are actually the two guys that run in there's baby Brown breaking to the outside the play is designed to have them run into each other and that means absolutely perfect and Fernandez I didn't touch anybody you can't call a pick on me that's the seventh first down on this drive for the Raiders who get a big break first and goal from the five and Bo Jackson who's taken down after he reaches going one this photo first to hit him second and goal we have 253 remaining in the hand remember the the dolphins have not given up their defense hasn't given up a touchdown almost three and a half games back again maybe by giving up a rushing touchdown since Week three Ottis Anderson regime a loss to 22 three of the Giants video little here for a long time late clock is down to 6 second and gold just inside the two they're not going to get it off and crater has to take another time on to the burn their second they have one remaining second and Bo Jackson in the backfield sit on a wing to the right fake the Jackson crater throws its shipping and complete intended for anything important on the tight end with coverage though that's just good smart play on straighter he just see them away I'm good coverage dorami having to play for the run still able to drop into good pass covers all right well let me beat devil's advocate here you're jamming the ball down their throat all game so far you get down to the two yard line second and goal is a two and you throw you've got to be kidding me that's something that they have read in there looking at previous games of the dolphin - the ultimate melon a surprise I suppose third and goal back to the basics and Marcus Allen's for the touchdown de l'étoile he's in there I mean you are controlling the line of scrimmage you've got a chance to really drive a nail into the Dolphins there whyis up wide take the pressure off by going to something cute you heard him when you run it in like that and you can see the look on Oliver Dottie's and Shula's face better spent two months since the dolphins have given up a touchdown on the ground Marcus Allen touchdown number 87 that Eric Dickerson currently within the NFL well I'm going to read these names off Braves with new scheme goes Bart Montoya and right they are controlling the tempo of this game the offensive line of the Raider and then former running back inside in Portland not bad running by the Trojan 79 yard drive 206 to go invaders Jeff Jagger to kickoff fielded at the one buy stock waiting he takes it after the 23 and the Dolphins will begin their drive from that spot with 150 remaining in the hand toys on the ground both 43 part was rather explicit when he said last night we're gonna go straight at him we're gonna round the football I think they run the football why it would be impressive the way the Raiders are running the vault and I against anybody but when you take into consideration the league's number one defense as we look at Larry Csonka Paul Warfield and our own Bob Griese there's Pete Elliott the executive director of pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton Ohio and a Miami Dolphins tonight establishing a Ring of Honor here at the stadium at the gym Langer the offensive lineman who also the Hall of Famer and their names will go up here at Robbie Stadium at halftime first half in the 23 Marino has to step up and manage it deflected by Jerry Robinson if Bob Griese is going to be formally presented his Hall of Fame ring by feed Elliott then a sellout crowd here at Joe Robbie Stadium might have a little something to say about that there is Elliott and greasy together and as you said Jim Langer there in the back quite a proud moment for Bob being fried second and ten to twenty three pressure tension makes the pass over the middle and Denson bulges way out to the 41 yard line they settle by Mike Parton and Eddie Anderson in Marina want to use the timeout here the all three remaining Mary Robinson came close to picking up a personal foul they're coming in late yes sir the pita really hit him I think it is drawn the flag for and again he's ever played for Elvis Patterson makes the tackle you their first time out and just enjoying some dazzling open field boobs sort of sorted Miami hey Buffalo is 9 and 1 with Kelly and Thomas and in two weeks from tonight handle stick the Giants currently unbeaten the Niners start Leon beat can they remain that way Diane says Billy next Sunday Niners a balm against LA and then they meet two weeks from tonight dear first down Miami at the 44 yard line he didn't have it Lionel Washington helped to break it up what a great effort by drooper and he almost came up with a sensational catch he's being covered man for man Lionel Washington is right there hold it in give Washington the credit it was a great defensive play pulled in yeah he did Washington stripped him that's great defense bobble it is extremely close to being a reception and then a fumble I think it was an on catch but awful quote that canons an open on the far side is Tony Martin for a first down to the 30 the clock down to a minute the dolphins have two timeouts remaining Tony March should have got that out of bounds he had the first down we tried to turn it into something major in look at the seconds tick away first down from the 30 Moreno fires the Troy Stratford of the night that's another first bad spended second time very honorable I think Miami is moving I get this the old saying it's not how you start the half it's how you finish the half talked about Houston the great year warrant is having we're going to take a close-up look and a rather exceptional extraordinary end of it to warn mood at halftime play around with it first a Miami from the nineteen they have one timeout left is that bump-and-run or what Harry Wallace dick Marino and they do per drop the ball grab Joyce Stratford in a play [Applause] first lyonell Washington will get flag well I talked to you earlier about Lionel living on the edge he'll get credited with that phenomenal coverage uptight stuff but they blew into you that's in I plan he said yeah he said it was me well how about the Raiders at time all four of their defenders up on the line of scrimmage playing bump and run here they are again greater football they love the challenges first down from the 14 yard line four-man rush merino fire [Applause] activator got in funk man for me we saw the coverage stop and run indeed that has also put in a man for me [Applause] here because of injury two three wide receivers of the dolphin we cut September the 1st of this year October 81 Tapia screen number 36 grando provide the coverage [Applause] beautifully thrown by dan Marino deeply on a bit or the point after put it frankly goalie and the Freddy Bank the once and present dolphin Mark Clayton in the white hat congratulating Scots weighty and marina with just too much time that was Terry McDaniel I said of aspirin thorn pricked myself terry mcdaniel in the man-for-man coverage Moreno that much time if you're going to try to play close-up coverage down close to the goal line scotch ladies his first touchdown this season coming back from San Diego and the second of his career only seven receptors all of last year mostly I are with the knee injury that's the second touchdown on a reception first wadies in his career he also had one on and the Dolphins pay off right now I art sell and the Raiders that have to go into the locker room but half with what looks like will be a 10-7 lead unless they get some sort of a big return here and really have to question themselves how could we have dominated a half of football like that and come in here with something but three-point lead to show for it two huge plays by Jim Simpson who is not even covered Dan Marino on that drive five of seven for 72 yards I think the ratin is defensively must have known it they would have to look to Jim Jensen to have a big night with the injuries to the pre wide receiver and yet he was verbally uncovered picked up two big plays to get the ball to midfield on that drive last week number 82 had an 87-yard returned against Green Bay he's back there with a sprinter Ron Brown the animators pick taken by Brown the gold medalist at the 84 Olympics Rick grant came right in and don't one right around the back so the Raiders have it at the 21 yard line they have only one timeout 25 seconds remaining Brown saying I liked it better when he had to stay in his Lane it's really you got disqualified for crossing that line not at this game Ron falls out of baton you can't had it off he covered it up well though he knew he was going to get the shock and he covered it well coming back pretty fascinating hand Raiders dominate for the first twenty-eight minutes Oh Marino like drive and it's a three-point disparity at the hand and we pull back stop for the night gorgeous temperature in the high 60s it was a so your day and a great monument to the late Dale Robbie who passed away this last January bill lobbies Stadium struggle for so many years to make this dream of his become the reality that it is and his son Tim has taken over there it is Joe Robbie memorialized here and the stadium means warning his son Tim 35 years old the only thing he regrets is that Joe Robbie is not here to see what's happened to the Dolphins this season the complete resurgence Beach Diana to kick off Raiders ahead 10 7 we start the second half in Miami eight yard line got tilted the last time he ran a kickback takes us back out to the 28 yard line an attack is made by Rick grab ABC's Monday Night Football is being brought to you by Pontiac in your local Pontiac dealer we build excitement and by ultra vision the ultimate in sight and sound only from Kentucky our shells watching his Raiders take over at the 28 yard line to begin the second half against the Miami defense coming into the game ranked first in the league fewest yards allowed fewest points allowed [Applause] bo Jackson [Applause] he was tackled after Tim retire had come up from the corner to stop his momentum bo take the 2-yard loss back to the 25 second and 12 the khayrat makes a good plays tonight that that was one of them that kind of gets lost in the shuffle he came up stretched it out and allowed the pursuit to catch folk and there's a three-yard loss it good quarterback flight we've been making those kinds of plays all year long greater very good protection finds the open man that Willy called first down out at the 41 yard line tackled by JB brown 16 yard gain good read by gall to dolphins laying back in his own defense he took it on what was going to be a fly pattern they just like to take that ball deep they're averaging over 15 yards a reception but Gault read the zone turned it into a hook and Schrader was right on the target Bernsen fan at the 40 early third quarter Raiders up 5-3 Jackson to news of the day in the NFL if you have not heard Dexter Manley was reinstated by Commissioner Paul Tagliabue but he was waived by the Redskins that was not surprising the Redskins don't want him what happens next well the team with the worst record to wit New England at the moment gets first crack at him off the waiver wire if they don't choose him then it would be a coin toss between Phoenix and Cleveland as to who would have the next choice there has been a lot of speculation he could wind up with the Raiders or the dolphins as Jackson takes it to the outside and he will not be activated and until what December the night he can return to actually play on the night I guess the process now to find out who gets Dexter Manley is is that it actually be tomorrow that the Redskins will place him on waivers and then there's a 24-hour waiver period so it will be Wednesday until we know for sure who will have the services of Dexter Manley and we are assuming that someone will claim him on waivers Joe bugle and Phoenix has certainly made some favorable comments today in the newspaper art cell all but said we'd love to have him on the Raiders third and three from the 48 yard line and straighter after pump faking throws and has a first down at the 40 yard line - Ethan Horton you know Dan is another side of the story as well as a little hand wringing going on from some people on the outside including some people in Congress about what sort of a message there's the reinstatement of Manley send the kids well you know that's a legitimate concern it's unfortunate though is that it really is a system where it's spelled out ahead of time it is a lifetime suspension but it is subject to review after one year and and that was known going in and Dexter Manley it has cleaned up now it will follow it up after this story bo Jackson bo Jackson breaks a tackle there's a flag down on in Jackson with a gain of about 20 the 23 yard line but let's see about the penalty no matter what they do with it that was one of the exceptions they're going to say back it comes though following up on the Dexter Manley thing a part of his reinstatement by the Commissioner was that he has to be clean he has to undergo drug testing and he has to be in a supervised he has to be in a supervised and a structured support program and so you know you can look at it either way you can say well here's the guy who screwed up his opportunity doesn't deserve another chance and should be banished for the rest of his life the other side is we're a compassionate society we are a society that likes to forgive and give someone another chance the question that will be debated is how many chances do you give someone I'm not willing and I'm not able to sit in judgment well I think you touched on it initially Dan it is the policy on first and 20 and cuz the penalty was Paul on even important for the whole varnish salad with a great run after the tank taking it to the 34 yard line so he picks up 17 of those 20 it'll be second and three I think it's interesting too that the Redskins waived Dexter Manley where of course he had spectacular years but he was spectacular as a pass rusher primarily he was not known to be strong all-around defensively against the run but if you're sitting there or looking for somebody to put pressure on a passer is a lot of teams are then he basically is a specialist in that area well the Dolphins could use a little debt right now Jase Raiders having plenty of time to sit back in the pocket and shoot over the years has shown that he will go out and get people second chances he's got him anytime second and three Bo Jackson picks up the first down as he makes it to the 30-yard line they first down for the Raiders with 1015 play third quarter ten seven eight one record they're going to be way down that waiver wire well right now the Raiders picking up pretty much where they left off and their ability to go up and down the field I don't know what Don Shula is defensive coordinator Tom Oliver Dottie talked about at halftime but I'm not sure that it's taking effect yet the Raider is a very impressive Drive underway Smith and Jackson the backfield tandem Gulf split left Fernandes to the right greater to put it up Schrader going deep and Alba mound intended for Mervyn Fernandez it will be second and 10 the Raiders it's a funny thing because they talk about the old Raider style well the old Raider style is to run the ball as they're doing it tonight pound it and also to go deep the Raiders typically this season or last in the league in completed passes but first in the league in yards for a completion it tells you one thing they love to go deep they always have debuted brandt al davis likes it long as either round they're going to do it Beckham in ten - is made by brown and he's tackled immediately by Makai after a 5 yard game they will spot the ball at the 25 and it will be third down and let's call it 4 to take that a step farther in an era where on many teams a running back is their leading receiver I don't think we're going to see that happening and the Raiders anytime anytime in the near future you look at Steve Smith that two catches coming into tonight's game Marcus Allen had only bo Jackson heads - every years where Allen is up in the 50s and 60 L I don't think that's going to happen over there itself when Andy's at 36 gold has 28 the two-wide been averaging over 16 17 yards per capsule on third and for greater and it's incomplete Lilly Gauls doing his best to try to get a penalty called on JB brown but the official is not biting good coverage sensational coverage by Sadie Brown there's a flag down back at the line of scrimmage that's the basic holding flag I do believe Don Mose by the center JB brown the man locked up with Willie Gault and just with him stride for stride and that's a good job I golf of of acting like he got shoved and go ahead and fall to the ground he had no chance to get to the ball maybe one in a twenty chance he'll draw bad flag that was good coverage by Brown he made Gault take that so wide and around he couldn't get through the ball Jeff Fager a 43-yard at ten gosh it puts it down and the kick is perfect so he's made a 23 yarder and a 43-yarder and with eight 39 to play in the third quarter the Raiders expand their margin to six down into the arms of mark Higgs and Higgs from the six brings it back to the 28 yard line Miami ball in the 28 Joe Robbie Stadium the safety for the Raiders about game the Dolphins by a margin of about 3 to 1 113 to 3 on the ground and yet there's only a six point difference on the board 13 to 7 LA and I'll also say what Dan Marino can do with just a very few plays and then one drive at the end of the half to get them right back in it 77 yards from the 28 there's a whistle it stops to play before it begins like they're going to get after the Dolphins here there's 62 offense 5-yard still first time Gary Galbreath the right guard got a big head start is he fired off the line a good half second earlier and dolphin offensive line with the two rookies the second year Maine third year man fourth year man time of possession they haven't had the ball much chanted opposition 26:29 for the Raiders and the Dolphins have had it just a couple of ticks over ten minutes with a 27 to go in the third quarter first and 15 where we'd open the shotgun throws underneath to Jensen he makes the catch and stretches forward to the 31 yard line Robinson makes the stop Jensen getting a big play tonight we talked earlier about Tony Paige actually the leading receiver for the Dolphins but the bad knee did not suit up tonight he works out of the backfield the full-back of course any kids not being there it's changed things around rather dramatically put the Dolphins they can't really use the running game that they used so successfully early in the season good blocker second and seven for Miami Moreno throws for a first down at the 41 yard line will not go into a huddle that's a smart move I mean I think they're looking back to how effectively they moved the ball there at the end of the first half using a no-huddle offense I think it's an excellent play by Miami to get right to the line of scrimmage they've got the Raiders a little off-balance keep them that way looks like we're going to have a review but it certainly looked like a good catch by duper the players been reviewing that's a good job by Gordon McCarter's waiting why things have stopped a little bit Dan Marino's and since we felt convinced that it was a good catch duck kept rolling is the replay official tonight it's his first action of the evening there was a great effort by duper his hands were between the ball and the surface they did every play like that you would love it yeah that's just the way it should work that's duper's first catch tonight first a from the 42 yard line Moreno fires the catch is made at the 45 and it's Roy Stratford to the 40 yard line first down on a Moreno fuller if your quarterback in most quarterbacks 99.9% of them looking at that wishing they had that relief seven great coverage on Stratford in he doesn't zip that in Marino's threw that in the face of a blitz from Ricky Ellison who decked him at the 43-yard line Marina throws low to the 34 Robinson says no catch and the officials confirmed Tony Martin the intended receiver and a flag is down at the line of scrimmage 706 remaining or in the third quarter the illegal formation only six men on the line of scrimmage need at least seven you need at least seven and here's a mistake look at these two guys right here one of them has to be up here on the line of scrimmage you can see both of them are back off the line and only leaves you six guys on the line of scrimmage one of those outside receivers head to wall jumping cover that tackle penalty is declined since the pass was incomplete and its second in time to talk about the scramble that the dolphins are in with banks out Clayton out on the IR Andre Brown another wide receiver and they're using people in different formations they weren't nearly would not be using and that perhaps is causing some of the problem second and 10 from the 43 yard line Stratford goes nowhere and it will be third and 10 pounds and hit on the tackle dan Marino just one completion of 40 or more yards in 1990 yeah that is I don't have to tell you very unusual he doesn't have to win games 41 to 38 anymore and that's what it's been dolphin defense one winning season of 1985 and Marino has been the Dolphins better to take the helmet off before always best to remove the hat before that happens incomplete intended for Scotch sweetie and it will be fourth down the coverage by terry mcdaniel and its fourth down 43 and a row becomes in to punch so the miami drives which started off very favorably for the dolphins see that wristwatch on his left hand he uses that watching the sidelines when the other putter is funny there it is heat times the hang time of the other putter and he also times how long it takes them to get it off should be a lotta we're watching a football game special teams coach said it keeps them in the game he says it's so isolated in the hazing Isiah Thomas Joe Dumars and Bill Laimbeer around here with their radar Jersey Lambie Rebecca check of the tie it in with me from the 11 yard line the Raiders begin this drive as Marcus Allen picks up three takes into the 14 second and seven I think lamb beer might be more suited for linebacker or a defensive end he's got the temperament I think for a defensive player more than us beforehand forearms to go with it it's a big man on the right might draw a flag or two you can see already a puppy left thigh as you can tell the NBA season is underway for big bill I guess I guess it's fitting that the bad boys from the Motor City aligned themselves with the black and silver natural gravitation second and seven from the 14 OH [Music] takes off and Bo Jackson with his longest run of the season nine yard line and a late hit but no flag and then a little skirmish Jarvis Williams was the guy who runs him out of bounds well yeah Bo you see what happened there both thought that he went out of bounds well before that but I don't know that there's any way that Jarvis Williams is able to tell that he went out of on Jarvis Williams is it all spun around you didn't expect him not to finish it off Luke Williams but watch for did Jarvis get his hand on the facemask a shirt oh yeah oh there's what bo is hot about you can't blame him for that and don't do that in front of the Raider pitch Wow boy this is the first time he missed but here it comes again oh you can see the official was screened he was looking where he went out of bounds rather than the plan which he should have done here's Marcus Allen after Jackson Dean's 26 Allen picks up 15 and a 1st down to the 45 of Miami offered all makes the tackle Miami number one defensively in the league they were second coming into tonight against the Russian the Raiders are making shambles event or 12 remaining in the third quarter Raiders on top 13 7 Bo Jackson tonight 78 that's a great race going on right now Jackson and Allen right now to this point it's the Miami pounded machine we're gonna put to him pretty good on the ground or the pound eases evening at the 45 yard line Fernandez drops the ball would have been a 60 I pick up a beat second again we're of an Merman talked about the great defense that the south and stood again we go back to the teams at the Dolphins have played the victories six of them coming against two against the Jets and they had one against Indianapolis one against Phoenix and then also two against New England the only team in every game holding the opposition to four yards or less per carry the average being in the lead before 8:00 is the average tonight and that's just about what bo Jackson picks up here about 4.8 yards on second and 10th what's closer to a four point six four seven five that's strong running - when you see the pile clothes out on the running back then you see the pile surge whip Jackson you know he's putting everything into it he is strong five and a half 40 yard line we take one hives an award-winner out you bring it another one third called a sex from the forty greeks hand to go third quarter graders up by six they picked up the Blitz and crater then has the man underneath Fernandez but he dropped it again - a little law was certainly catchable Oliver recovering and the Raiders were forced to kick and it's Oliver who is late in getting up I really had a little more time than I thought he had in his burn Andy's of course reading the Blitz with him didn't give him much of a chance over the middle yeah but that was really just a poor throw by Jay away behind swerve and Marvin who had very little chance Jay straighter by the way asked us to say hi to his six-year-old son Brian and celebrating his sixth birthday at home tonight the grand Jay and Jay his name is Jay bruh here's Jeff Gossett's first kick he angles it but doesn't get it into the coffin corner to touch back and comes back to the 20 so that's only at 23 yards next for the ravine 250 to go third quarter 13 to 7 lesson Los Angeles spectacular weather over the past few days here in Miami and they anticipate more than there's a guy whose name we haven't called a lot tonight a great one Howie long in fact not once yeah the much injured one the last couple of years has really battled his way back is all the way back now had a good game last week and that radar loss and yet not a factor here this evening yes Moreno comes up in the gun on first after the 20 and begins on the ground with a hand off the gym Jensen picks up a yard and naturally the minute you say it who makes his first tackle of the night well it's tough to shut this guy out for a long time what what a body this guy has when you see how he long come out one of the fine athletes in the National Football League from the soles of his feet to the top of his head he is just a superbly conditioned athlete he looks like he's about 511 when you see him and then you go and talk to him and realize that he's every bit of six five second and eight Miami from the 22 Maryna checking off with the line and there's the play clock down before touchpad that is incomplete intended for Cooper he looks to the flag I think we're going to get a tripping call well McDaniel is covering and we are going to get a trippin pool and it was how he long I think they got tripped you can see that thing easily anyone's hairy Galbreath the right guard again watch him go down how he gets by him now watch this Wham right on the knees there's 62 really good tonight you every time you admit to the player we have him in the next play yep it's been a tough night for Harry remember he got caught for a hold on the first play of the game and then got a false start now a tripping penalty those are the kind of mistakes a talented player like how he long afford to empty trips left second and 18 from the 12 yard line those strips last one you know trying to set up the screen Bradford Hill conceived to begin with and Stratford started to stumble anyway and naturally it was how he longed who didn't get a call all night to put the pressure on and a pole against the Raiders and that's a huge one because it goes from second and long to first down pennilyn so the third and 18 first and 10 Jerry McDaniel Daniel was way away from the actual play and that was a big penalty dolphins backed way up and then with the penalty goes the first down Raiders up 13 7 155 to go third quarter from the gun we know fires over the middle of Jensen and Jensen has a first down to the Miami 30-yard line they interested in the and wisely the Dolphins again issue the huddle and go right to the line of scrimmage first and ten from the twenty nine great protection from Moreno but then the past is overthrown and tennis pretension who was covered well by Ricky Ellison second and ten genican originally came into the league of course it's a much told story as a as a quarterback hung around is a backup quarterback and decided about the only way he was going to play would be to get on the special teams he did that eventually worked into where he was playing and receiver and now he's a valuable man to have around because he could he can be an emergency quarterback he can be a running back he can be a tight end for you he can be the kind of man that they're using him tonight when they're so short on wide receivers second and ten a toss to Stratford and Anderson comes up to hit him at the 32 yard line and it will set up a third and seven great town said again in on that play what game he's playing tonight number 93 the defensive Inez leads the Raiders sacks at nine and a half and has really been playing the run game so well he's been in on a lot of tackles this evening look at him there the left of your screen plays off the block of hitman's a tight end jensen stacks him up fights through gets in a little bit late it third and seven from the 32 final minute third quarter Raiders up by six play clock down to one as Marino gets it off [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we've seen that the ball under thrown a little bit and Lionel Washington sprinting with super Cooper got behind him early in the game you might recall and this time duper was able to go up and take the short ball and come down with the completion and watch Lionel Washington try to spike duper at the end of the play when he falls down watch Lionel goes to the ground and intentionally comes up and spikes mark Cooper that's a that's a play that if the official one had seen it he should have thrown the flag duper with a great effort this is intentional by Washington coming up in mark duper perilously close to an uncomfortable situation that's the end of the third quarter ever Dan Dierdorf we come to Miami we start the fourth quarter Raiders up by six but Miami begins the quarter at the Raider 28 first and ten after the 40 yard completion to duper and Sandy Smith who's the pretty silences remain so losers back to the 30 here's a reminder tomorrow night don't miss the conclusion of the world premiere miniseries based on Stephen King's biggest bestseller Don Ritter Richard Thomas Harry Anderson the gang star in it and then the skins game ABC sports presenting the skin game with Jack Nicklaus Greg Orman Nick Faldo and Curtis Strange big big bucks at stake this Saturday you'll see it live at 3:30 Eastern and 12:30 Pacific Frank you and I work it would have been totally unfair it is dramatic colors you can get the big bucks and strange things happen second very effective and it's a first down at the 15 yard line responded at the 17 Murray began the slide that's his average for Terry over the years over the years it's tradition there it is a major major the negative action well he just patted the average with that first mr. races they really had nowhere to go I mean the good coverage back there and he pulls it down and he was shocked to see nothing but grass in front of him he knew exactly where he had to be to get the first down however first down of the 17 yard line 1332 play Maryna throws and that's incomplete at the 11 yard line double coverage on Jim Jensen and Ellis their help that by Hallock sport second and ten take a look at the numbers to the first 45 minutes of play a big advantage for the Raiders in every area except passing yardage almost a two-to-one advantage for possession and a well-played game there you turn over [Applause] second ten at the 17-yard line Moreno changing it off and to play clock down to three and gets it off at two detected wealth [Applause] first reception of the night at a most opportune point and spectacular is the only word I can apply to that throw right between two defenders and the big tight end Frank watch it watch this throw Benson on the backside and here comes the safety in on the other side I mean spectacular coupled with a change off of the line of scrimmage looking up and with about one second the ball was snapped in very calmly and coolly drilled and in Dedmon Mike Hart in the safety looked like he was lost on that play he didn't even get a hit on it here comes another audible by Marino first and goal at the three and again the play clock right down to two and on a sweet it's Sammy Smith losing 5 Mike Parton the safety comes up to break the play up Raiders have been sensational in these types of situations here it is graphically when the opponent has a first and goal the Raiders have given up a touchdown only 23% of the time as you can see the league average 68% they have read even tucked down deep boy if the Dolphins audible to that play I'd hate to see the play they held before that it must have been a real stinker second and goal from the 8 after Smith loses five four wide receivers Marina throws caught by Gooper at the five and these two the four before he's pushed back by Harden and Washington and Washington has a couple of words with Keith Simms the rookie poor choice of opponents there Lionel yes Lionel struggles to stay at 185 scraps on T Sims at 3:05 mark duper just trying to eke out a couple more inches ends up being a piece of pasta for these guys spent around turns him into a Thanksgiving which one ladies replaces Edmonds will have the four wives who ceilings the bow from like the crossing patterns down here we saw it earlier they like to use the pick flight third and goal and there's the plate clock down to zero this plate does not count that counts is the delay of game no play no touchdown Marino saying that I got it off he was looking right at the clock and he is really exercised Gordon McCarter is not happy with Dan Marino well they have been flirting with this on almost every play on this Drive on the 40 yard pass to Cooper they were down the last half second you saw the clock go to zero right now's the time Marino needs to collect himself I mean that play is over the end take a couple of deep for us being hot under the collar right here isn't going to serve you or your team at all but it changes what he can do here we talked earlier about the stomping like need to use a crossing pattern when they get down close it is third and goal and again he's flirting with that play clock to five and he has he had to collect himself as Dan said and to do so it costs him a timeout well he walked up there and he wanted the time to change the play at the line of scrimmage as he looked at the defense the defense wasn't even deployed so it consequently he did not have the time it costs him five the ball is at the nine and his third down and goal the 13th play of this Drive coming up this is what Marino wanted to do a moment ago look at the defense deployed see where he's gonna get the man for man coverage he'll call the play and that's where you'll go trips right and duper left and he looks to the right knee fires in the passes incomplete intended for Tony Martin the field goal unit to try to shave the lead to three talked about the Raiders their cheapest inside the 5-yard line inside the 20 they're very good and once again with a little bit of an assist from Dan Marino they are going to be able to keep the job absolutely free and again as we pointed out the league average when a team is first and goal they will score about two times for three attempts and the Raiders have allowed the opposition to get in less than one time per for attempt this is a 27-yard field goal attempt for Donovan and he was through he's been perfect feet except for a 53-yard miss last week at the Meadowlands in a swirling win it's 30 in minutes and 30 seconds remaining 13 to 10 Raiders the Dolphins who fogged it down with the 1st and goal and had to settle for 3 to kick off peach Diana to boot it in the direction of Jamie Holland and ron brown brown closest to us go to the left of your screen downing it at the end zone way to take over at the 20 there's the dolphin drive which bogged down as we say inside the 5-yard line but they had the ball for almost pants the quarter 72 yards or what would amount to a half of eight quarter the third into the fourth 720 by the way Jay straighter that's an interesting thing because he's come under some heat in the last couple weeks in LA best record as a starter among active cubies only Montana and McMahon a better percentage than Frater that of course includes his starts as a but he's won two of every three starts in his career and he leads by 3 tonight here's Bo for a gain of 9 of the 29 yard line tackled by Odom and Oliver one man can glamour it right there Bo Jackson Royals Raiders commercials and my literary sources tell me his newest book bone those Bo and collaboration with Dick Schaap is going to be number four on the New York Times bestseller list next week what about both talking about sacks we saw Schrader winning two out of every three there are the Raiders with and without Bo one game without him three games under widow far away his best game thus far this year tonight convinced the metal and that's the big part of the Raiders ground game Marcus Allen seeks the first down and gets it short little gain but enough to take it across the 30 Oda makes the tackle first down la it's a pretty combination when you can take beau out of bring Marcus in and Dan already talked about the offensive line of the Raiders and they have to control the time of possession of the game but again Dan Marino with the arm is been bringing the doll from the back [Applause] first down at the 31 nine minutes to play Allen the tailback Marcus with the ball and it's a nice play coming in to break it up before it gets started Sean Lee picks up at the guard of the season after a Tampa Bay in Atlanta couldn't find room for him Sean give us a break guys have made a tackle in three quarters and then runs up ten yards up field and does a little display he's up guy and that's it that's the kind of action down to I like to see you don't second and 11 [Applause] greater for Allen and Marcus drops the ball at the 21 watch his footing Marcus doing a lot on that play stayed in to help out on the block and became a receiver but can hold it and it's third and 11 he did stay in to block Allen he makes a hit right here right on David breaks and it costs him his footing and he stumbles backwards and boy that's a real break for the for the Dolphins because Marcus Allen didn't have a Miami defender within 15 yards of him appeal Malcolm delaying way back in a deep zone umbrella type covering both outside receivers with two men or they're on their feet here at Joe Robbie on third and 11 greatest rows underneath to brown but well short of the first down Brown hit at the 35-yard line Tim attire and Jarvis Williams converge on the stop and the Raiders looking Halawa daddy's crew which has been pushed around a lot here this evening makes a stand when they needed to here's the guy that when he first got here in Miami received more than his fair share or the way the defensive team played and he must sleep a lot easier in 1990 funny thing though he's been pushed around as you say clearly tonight but on the scoreboard only 13 points for the Raiders here's gossip to kick the source wait he's dropping back to take the kick and that one is out of bounds at about the 30 why fancy proud parents today of Kathleen I've got one that likes younger women yeah it's a nice Irish name O'Connell congratulations honey there we go Tommy and Nancy first down Miami's from the 30-yard line they trail by three 713 left froy's Stratford cannot get outside he's hit first by Gary Lewis and then finished off by Lionel Washington Gary Lewis the rookie out of Alcorn State good-looking quarterback I'm at the QB comparison tonight Marino and trader their numbers head the head on the evenings and at a 19-4 J 116 yards in Moreno with 191 yards through the year completing 64% of this sentence latest foot eight men up the line they love to blitz on second and long yardage second and 14 Jennsen he has stopped at the 37-yard line it's going to set up a third and three Robinson was there third and three at the 37 putting important 20 here with six minutes to go these are the Raiders get the ball back the way they've been running this tonight they can take some time off the clock his almanacs almost like there's goal line off its they come within four wide receivers and to probably see some kind of crossing pattern with the outside men a play of some significance here on third and three I don't I don't know I don't I don't think so it doesn't look like it by the way the chains are situated and looking like the chains are beyond the 40 looks like the ball would have had to cross the 40 to get a first down it does he appears to be short by inches they're going to measure you can see Gordon McCarter's signaling to bring in the chain I think Shield has already made the decision he has both the tight ends in that he comes in clock stopped with 528 remaining knows of the ball on the 40 yeah that's Chi by interest dolphins this year on 4th down are 5 of 6 and they will go for it the man that they have had in walking for Sammy Smith on most of their short yardage plays with Tony page and of course he has not suited up to night out with a bad knee well that should change some of the thinking as to what they would like to do in short yardage they have Garrett Lynbrook in there to block he is the full-back in this set the Raiders in with five defensive linemen anything comes up to make the hit Sammy needed him shoes and picked up a yard hit this thing Dan they ran over the kids yeah they sure did they went to the left side behind Sims and Richmond Webb entirely unusual the two rookies highly unusual in this day and age that a rookie can start in the offensive line much less two rookies you see Sims pulling to the outside and boy look at that nice block he puts on Mike harden to take him out of the play and in Richmond Webb all 300 pounds the number one draft choice takes his guy off the line a lot of confidence by Don - on John Sandusky their offensive line coach for 35 to go Marino going for super got behind Lionel Washington Lennon loved it too much and it will be second and 10 well he's behind Lionel Washington but only by about 6 inches Washington's positioning didn't give Dan Marino any room for air and he's forced to lead duper too far that's really quite good single coverage by Lionel Washington he forces Stan to drop that thing in there that that's nice work by Lionel does you the faith that they have been Washington being able to cover man-to-man on someone like Cooper they leave him out there they left him out there all night long with super busy night for number 48 he's he's been at the the apex of this thing all evening second and ten from the 41 yard line marina close to Jensen he takes it after the 46 and again the Dolphins face a critical third down play here that's seven catches tonight for the versatile Jensen for 15 remaining Raiders leading 13 to 10 yeah must have relied on Jensen tonight with the loss of the three wide receivers Clayton banks and percerin Brown already on the injured reserve he only had 20 receptions coming into the night in the previous nine games he has been the man tonight third and five nearly goes down and then under throws at the 43-yard line it was Marion Wallace the rookie out of Texas A&M who forced the issue and nearly had the sack he's got another fourth down play I think Don the Gann has already made the decision he called Moreno over and basically that we're going to go for it you know a tough thing there Aaron Wallace is working against one of his best friends Richmond Webb these guys grew up together went in college together Webb gives him the soft corner and Wallace just not able to hold on those two guys have known each other since they were eight years old well right there Richmond Webb I think took it a little bit easy on his friend and almost almost paid a big price for it fourth and five 342 remaining they're locked up again 51 and 78 and the play clock was down to two and Miami has to take another timeout that's their second they have only one left and that could hurt and really uncharacteristic of a veteran tool idle way they have to get to the Raider 49-yard I think they've changed a mine their go-to punch yeah but look at this now look at what the absence of having three timeouts does to them now that's exactly right I'm doing it going for it now they they had to rethink the whole strategy well I think punting here is the right play anyway but they only have one timeout to stop the clock with and one at the two-minute warning and there's no pun here but there's a whistle would stop that play I think we have another delay a game we do I don't think they got it off again oh this is this is sloppy football at its best here by the Dolphins and not terribly characteristic of this man no four years almost annually you can count on the Dolphins being the least penalized teams in the National Football League which of course is a byproduct and coming into this game they were the least penalized team in the way again or they are doing their best to put that number away you know in the sidelines the Raider sidelines the offensive unit is together things look let's go out there and run this football run the clock out we can control it Roby stick brown bear tank that's a 24 that walk is that a 330 for the Dolphins can stop it once on their own and once at the two-minute warning if the Raiders pick up but without thinking the mathematics totally through I think one first down is gonna be enough to do it first two weeks on Monday Night Football a couple of beauties for you next week from the dome in Houston the Oilers coming off their win yesterday over Cleveland five touchdown passes for moon against the bills who won each straight and a led by Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas the league-leading rusher and then need we say more two weeks from tonight Giants 49ers Monday December 3rd not a very interested Bills fans and players looking on at this game tonight first down to the 24 yard line Steve Smith to the 25 and the Dolphins want to take the timeout here they look around and say no second down and nine Raiders are first to make as much time off the clock as they can and when the next snap occurs we will be down to about 245 critical critical the fact that dolphins had to wait to timeouts and they would have stopped the clock there for sure second of not Oh graders take the time out Oh Jay thank you and gel can't believe it I mean I don't understand have a little hard to fathom we had eight seconds on the play clock obviously did not like what he had had he gone with whatever was our cello doesn't show a great deal of emotion on the sidelines I really admire the way he keeps himself in check safe to say that he's seething inside oh yeah I mean that's that's that's a Christmas gift on the 19th of November it sure is what a break for the dolphins and now they'll try to capitalize on it the key thing is to stop the Raider to get the ball back obviously second and nine from the 25-yard line 253 remaining [Applause] machine can salvage what has not been a great night defensively by holding the Raiders here bo Jackson out to the 33 yard line it's going to set up a third down and now Miami will take a timeout I believe there's a whistle either that or somebody's hurt JB Brown is down yep got a bloody mouth and the Dolphins also have taken a timeout it's an official timeout for Miami quarterback JB Brown who is having a sale of a season for the dolphin you can see the blood coming out of the mouth not sure he what area code he's in at the moment he comes up it head on head with bow and he he took the brunt of it let's get this straight the Dolphins did not take a timeout McCarter said officials timeout now they start the clock again so the Dolphins still have that one time a puzzle a two-minute warning there's the play clock the game clock on the right great that's good after hustle that's a big big play here third and a short to Marcus Allen we didn't get it he stopped by cliff Odom Makai er also came in to help break the play up and we have a fourth down the officials again stopping the clock here this is Miami's last time out and then they get one more at the two-minute warning why did the Dolphins take a timeout there I'm just I'm thinking the same thing that's the wrong they've in six seconds you get a free timeout and then you save one you're exactly right ordinarily if they're 18 or 20 seconds you take a timeout but to save 6 seconds that's what they did dan Cole wasted their last timeout yep you're going to get the ball back on the punt anyway I can't believe that that came from the sideline Shula couldn't possibly have called up from the sidelines somebody had to call that on the field yeah that's that's a bad bad timeout because if you just let the clock run down to two minutes there's your timeout you gonna get the ball back on the punt anyway and then you still have a timeout to use on the drive again at their been 18 or 20 seconds you use your timeout well cuz they can run that off but with just four or five six seconds it is playable outside of the delay of games and timeouts it's been a very well-played game not one no fumbles no interception but some of the weirdest time acts we've ever seen Gossett after a quick snap it's fielded at the 33 yard line by Shui D he puts out of bounds at the 42 the two-minute warnings comes with 158 remaining Miami trying to at least get into field goal position and for Jodie they trail by three where more than 70,000 have gathered tonight 158 remaining no timeouts left for Miami first down at their 42 yard line let's keep in mind peeps go Jana has been a hot kicker for the Dolphins and he can kick it from way out he's got one from 51 this year one from 53 in couple years ago he had one from 59 dan Marino in the gun at the 42-yard line throws on the run its brought up at the 47 yard line taxes made by Tony Martin it's going to be second and five and again the only way they can stop the clock is to throw it into the ground or go out of bounds on second and five Moreno fires over the middle is nearly intercepted Gary Lewis got his hand on it third down intended for Stratford 133 remaining so animage keeping the leg loose 59 yarder last year the Meadowlands at the same kind of Gale conditions I might also add when you look at the amount of time remaining on the clock julen Moreno are are able to go ahead and chip away with at seven to ten yard pattern there is plenty of time to get up to the line of scrimmage run another play they have a reach step panic stage yet with 93 seconds still left here in the game even though they have no time out here on third down though what they need is a first down right got to keep moving those sticks and the Raiders may have helped them do it go play it's whistled in how he long came across Moreno is also a master of the hard count at the appropriate moment I didn't see anybody move on the offensive line encroachment [Applause] there will be a first time Gordon takes another look just to make sure it is a first down it won't be by much it's right in the middle look at how he really anticipating it and getting off you notice here in a crucial situation they moved long over to the left side of the offensive line to his right side to go again the two rookies Sims and web crowd cheers as it as it's officially announced it's a first down boy there's a there is a critical error by long and the Raiders two downs away from winning the ballgame and that gives them a first down version 10 133 remaining but really only need about 12 yards to put story on of it's well within range behind Stratford who was covered by Lewis second down [Music] again what happens if the Raiders win they remain in first place all alone a game in front of Kansas City the AFC West if the Dolphins lose they drop a game back of Buffalo in the AFC East second and 10 at the 47 thanks David well I think Harry Galbreath the right guard might have moves faster yeah number 62 offense [Applause] to see that happen boy a tough night for old Harry I think that's his fourth penalty here he is right here watch the quick watch the movement there it is well before the snap of the football that draws Davis across the line of scrimmage usually tell you one a Dan how well Davis is playing fit playing all night boy Harry is this is a night to forget second and 15 at the 48 [Applause] disbanded by mcdaniel terry mcdaniel batted it away and fended for wadies and its third and 15 1:22 to go talk about just flicking out a left hand at the last instant knocking the ball up into the air this is terry mcdaniel showing some pretty good eye hand coordination watch the left arm boy he gets it in there and right off a fingertip Oh nearly intercepted down to the wire third one 15 yes Cooper's flipped left and win the Dolphins love to see number 83 but right mark plays on IR Marino tries to get into the rate of 37 and can't wait drops it at the 40 he put it right there McDaniel with the coverage and the Dolphins are down to a fourth and 15 to stay alive what perfect on by Marino but that's good coverage too but fabulous touched by Dan I mean he even arched this ball right in there took something off of it I think it hits Shweta's right in the face right through his hands one of the best passes Dan Marino has made in a long time look how he is dropping that ball right in there and right through sweaty sands and hits him in the face man that might be the best throw that this guy has made all night yep they named 15 of the game is over they have to get to the 37 and Moreno gets hit as he throws incomplete intended for strata team back to try to get it at the 34 and that will do it just win baby just win baby they give a lot of credit to Davis and how he long they kept the pressure up every one of those plays were a pass they had to go back and line up in it's like a wind sprint for defensive lineman at that time Davis was pressuring Moreno there really and so they can run the clock out and the Raiders have really had the dolphin's number through the years the Raiders will now be 14 3 and 1 in the history of this rivalry well if you were going to summarize this evening from the Miami Dolphins point of view it would be simply two things one a very uncharacteristic defensive performance and getting pushed up and down the field and secondly again totally out of character a lot of mistakes and penalties things you don't see on a Don Shula folks football field and now the frustration on the dolphin's part manifests itself here on the kneel down by Schrader and the dolphins with no timeouts Kent they can do nothing with a clock clock we'll just check down the executive producer of Monday Night Football is Jeffrey Masson our producer tonight Ken wolf game directed by Greg Jenna that male director Joe Sabo our Associate Director bana Parveen assistant to the producer Rick Abbott and Kirk Luger Tech operations managers Jim Licata Bob Simon Dennis Apple otherwise known as that as a bow on our halftime an associate producer Patrick McManus Steve hurt our director of information George Jill providing this - so for the booth of Rambabu Kelly Hayes our
Channel: Maurence Shipley
Views: 11,051
Rating: 4.810811 out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Miami Dolphins, Los Angeles Raiders, 1990, Dan Marino
Id: Izaua5S1v8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 41sec (7181 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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