1990 Miami Dolphins Team Season Highlights "The Tradition Restored"

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[Music] this film is brought to you by New York Life and its dedicated agents proud sponsors of the NFL's team highlight films New York Life that company you keep on January 12 1991 the Miami Dolphins traveled to upstate New York for more than a playoff game they went to prove that the Dolphins are once again among the NFL's elite play fake to Smith Marino back to throw [Applause] deep across the middle it is taught by Joe further he's gonna go truer words were never spoken but the Dolphins didn't stop there as the Dan Marino led offense riddled the wounded bills defense all day long [Music] it goes deep downfield it is hot none of the five are not about but it wasn't just Marino's arm which had the bills on the run and he's gonna roll out and bootleg and run in for a touchdown he walks in for the score the bills were fooled on that play [Music] it seemed unbelievable but the team which was supposed to play like a fish out of water was instead pulling rabbits out of hats by pulling out all the stops [Music] guard Roy Foster's first career catch was good for a touchdown but even better it narrowed Miami's deficit to a mere three points alas however Miami's game plan brilliant and conception devastating and execution was not enough [Music] the defeat was not easy it was also not without honor but perhaps it was more a beginning than an end heralding what may be another Golden Age of dolphin football certainly the elements of a champion have been assembled for potent passages have been joined by a frequently devastating always opportunistic defense [Music] that he goes to throw brass the middle intercepted this might go for attention and a store for carrying Glenn young stars rising to new heights coupled with the unmatched acumen of Don Shula the winningest active coach in the NFL led by a me to 13 wins and two playoff games in 1990 [Music] the 90 dolphins were an ensemble of extraordinary men committed to a single goal victory for the story of the dolphins silver season was the story of the tradition restored [Music] picking up a program at Foxboro Stadium might have been a good idea as the Dolphins open the season with nine new starters then Miami's defense closed the door on the Patriots not to be outdone some new faces on offense set out to make their marks still the Dolphins trailed with under a minute to play when an old pro proved that these were a new breed of dolphins [Applause] [Music] but for a touchdown holy Toledo what a grab with this team the real McCoy or simply wearing rose-colored glasses the answer came in a week to rout of the Buffalo Bills motion here's burrito on a bootleg runs to his left throws a little pass it is cut by page five to one touchdown [Music] in what would foreshadow was season-long phenomenon the key to Miami's victory was defense by holding the potent bills to an anemic seven points the Dolphins served notice to the rest of the NFL this defense was good and would only get better defensively they take a lot of pride we used to have the no-name defense and now you've got a bunch of guys out there too that are there just working hard and they've been the number one defense in the league a majority of the season but they they really take a lot of pride in working together to attain these kind of goals achievement has never been a problem for John Offerdahl number 56 once again he led the Dolphins in tackles but numbers can't begin to measure what offered all's leadership and big hits mean to the Dolphins defense but if any number could it might be five because in each of his five seasons Offerdahl has been named to the Pro Bowl for a change however offered all would he be the lone dolphin defender going to Hawaii as defensive end Jeff crosses considerable talents were likewise recognized a lot of football players can beat the man in front of them but they don't have the quickness to get to the quarterback and Jeff cross has a strength to beat the man in front of them and he's got the quickness to get to the quarterback [Music] cross-coupled his cat-like quickness with dogged determination to record a team high 11 and a half Saxon but wild cross was new to celebrity five of Cross's teammates on offense were just plain new their ability to assimilate the Dolphins defensive scheme was a key to Dolphin defensive success we have some new players on a defense that mixes well with the guys to hear from last year and I think that they really have simplified the defense a lot and they just letting us play ball going out and philosophy of the defense now just got beat romantic Bunya and will come out ahead as a plan-b free agent Odum did a great a job but this defense didn't need to put all its eggs in one basket old pros like you green played with an unbridled desire while serving up seismic kids [Music] the first year starter David Griggs earned high marks at the expense of quarterbacks whom he made pay as Miami rediscovered the joys of getting to the quarterback of course sacks aren't the only weapons at a defenses disposal a fact Louis Oliver makes very clear he gives you the big hit in your secondary and he also is a ball hook he's the guy that knows where the ball is and he comes up with key interceptions for us [Music] [Music] strong saftey Jarvis Williams is the other member of the b-2 bombers who has a knack for making big plays himself quick drop out pattern that we intercepted let's go for a touchdown down to the 15 out of the 10 the 5 and the score for dolphins Jarvis Williams [Music] at cornerback first year starter JB Browns heads-up play and big hits were complemented by first-year dolphin Tim Micaiah who led the Dolphins in passes defensed the maestro of this mayhem was defensive coordinator Tom Oliver Donnie he's gone through years of turmoil and you know eight names and nothing better than average but he stuck it through the tough times and believed in a lot of the players that are still here with his defense plan so can I give him a lot of credit credit was doomed because for a good portion of the season the Dolphins were the number one rated defense in the NFL Don Shula directed his team to an awesome string of six consecutive victories using every resource imaginable starting in week four against the Steelers [Music] Moreno bug to throw and the pressure will flow and deep he's got a man down there [Applause] there is the snapping come on a frame thickness 400 [Music] vote of a former cult falls on top of the fall down [Applause] at the halfway point of the season Miami was an incredible seven and one and reigned alone atop the AFC East for the first time in five years no matter how you got there or who you brought along the place to be last season was Joe Robbie Stadium which celebrated its fourth season by setting a new attendance record and unveiling the Dolphins Honor Roll joining inaugural inductee Joe Robbie where Hall of Famers Paul Warfield Larry Csonka Jim Langer and Bob Griese future hall-of-famer Dan Marino didn't have the time to bask in the spotlight that Monday night against the Raiders because he was simply trying to keep the winning streak alive [Music] trailing late in the fourth quarter Marino caught fire and it appeared the Dolphins would catch the Raiders but Miami let victory slip through its fingers [Music] how what team responds to a loss that bitter is a good indication of how much character they've got it was a tough one for us because we felt we should have won I was important for us to play well against Cleveland so we had to go out and take advantage of them right away and get on a you know on a rolling and take control of the game and we did that the 35 yard line Murray Novak the Frog going deep and gonna ban down there touchdown Miami's 32:13 annihilation of Cleveland proved just how tough this team was mentally and physically but I felt going into the year that the one thing that we had to do was become more physical we went into the draft with the idea of getting physical people in our first two draft picks we got about 600 pounds of physical people Richmond Webb and Keith Sims were charged with the imposing responsibility of protecting Marino's blindside he never had to worry the beautiful thing about it is they're young guys and they have a great attitude they want to win and I think that they're really not all by anybody they're playing they feel that they can line up and and play against anybody that confidence was well-founded as they anchored an offensive line which allowed the fewest sacks for a record ninth straight year while Webb became the first rookie tackle ever named to the Pro Bowl the goal was better balance offensively and we made a commitment to doing that two years ago we drafted Sammy Smith and that was the first part of the commitment and then drafting Webb and Sims was the follow-up of the commitment Sammy Smith quickly proved he was as committed to the Dolphins as they were to him by gaining a career-high 159 yards on opening day against the Patriots but Smith didn't stop there [Music] by season's end Smith would not only finish first on the Dolphins in rushing and touchdowns but compile more yards rushing in his first two seasons than any of the great running backs in Dolphin history Smith has the potential to fill a page in the Miami record book but in 1990 there was another page in the dolphin backfield Tony page a plan B acquisition who was at his best in the clutch near the goal line pages for touchdown receptions were second only to mark duper who led the Dolphins in every receiving category and excitement [Music] and despite missing six games due to injury mark Clayton could still be counted on to make the big play when given the opportunity while feral Edmunds parlayed his soft hands and opportunities into a second consecutive Pro Bowl bed [Music] [Applause] aerial assaults in Miami are more than a passing fancy and everyone in the NFL knows the men to go to for fancy passing Dan Marino a guy that can throw it better than anybody there to drop-back passer with a quickest release and uncanny accuracy of a Dan Marino so you've got to give him some weapons and in order to to make the things that he does that much more important to you Marino's importance to the team begins with his leadership he is the heart of the dolphin team the fact that Dan Marino's name appears first in the record books so often has become second nature to dolphins fans among the all-time Mark's he said in 1990 where fewest games to reach 30,000 yards and seven consecutive years of 3,000 or more yards [Music] [Applause] in short Moreno has taken the pro passing game to Heights never before achieved perhaps Heights never to be achieved again but it was in week 14 against playoff bound Philadelphia that Marino and a young dolphin team took a dramatic step together [Music] the Eagles match the Dolphins score for score but a determined Don Shula was confident that Marino's best was still at hand [Music] on his way to Player of the Week honors Marino threw for 300 yards while directing Miami to two fourth-quarter scores to send the game to overtime we know back to throw he's going to run for it he throws that open touchdown how much can you admire marina it's all him right now for the Dolphins it was a moment of truth Marino had done his part it was time for someone else to be the hero 2:30 and I left to play any overtime he makes it the Dolphins win there snap shut down dick is on its way that wind did more than give Miami its tenth win it transformed the Dolphins from a team which knew it could win 2-1 which knew it would the following week against Seattle Miami combined all the elements of a champion including a stifling defense and timely offense into its 11th win of the year in the final game of the regular season the Dolphins completed their third sweep of an AFC East opponent by defeating the Colts thanks again to big plays on both sides of the ball [Music] with 12 victories Miami had increased its win total from 1989 by 50% but more importantly the Dolphins were going to the playoffs [Music] [Applause] there was an understandable electricity in the air on January 5th 1991 as Joe Robbie Stadium hosted its first ever Dolphin playoff game against a backdrop of championship flags from past years of glory the 1990 dolphins were set to make their mark by leaving some lasting impressions on the Chiefs [Music] as it had all season the dolphin defense proved a headache to its opponents but early on it was the littlest dolphin who struck the biggest blow low step ball put down the line drive kick is long enough [Music] [Applause] meets toriyama playoff record 58 yard field goal tied the game of 3 but Miami's celebration would turn to consternation as the Chiefs would score the next 13 points to take a 16 to 3 lead into the fourth quarter suddenly Miami's dream season was turning into a nightmare the situation called for a hero the answer came from an undaunted Dan Marino who reminded fans that even when they can't believe their eyes they can still believe in Heroes [Music] Marina what's the throw passes Tony pages score brought Miami close but marina was just getting started [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Breno back to throw across the middle [Applause] it was Marino's tenth consecutive completion which appeared to finish the Chiefs burrito on the snap good rap goes out it is [Applause] he took it right off the hands of the [Applause] but wait came back for the bar [Applause] Marino's lightening bolt - Clayton stole the Chiefs thunder and their lead but with time running out the Chiefs mounted a desperate Drive [Applause] [Music] Christian Okoye is Rumble put the Chiefs well within Nick Lori's range but a holding call brought the ball back setting the stage for the season's most dramatic moment [Music] [Applause] Miami's final victory of its silver anniversary season was also it's pharmacy proving that the Dolphins have regained the right to be included in a very short list of the NFL's elite teams for the story of the 1990 Dolphins was the story of the tradition restored [Music]
Channel: Sports Odyssey
Views: 3,943
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Id: x6YuJPqgtQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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