Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants, Week 4 1990 2nd Half

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i'm out there in fact the whole team went in the the trainer and doctors stayed out there with renee thompson to get it taped the word we got when they got into the locker room was one that it was a dislocated thumb and two he will be back and play in the second half well the cowboys thought they had to run against this giant defense they haven't been able to do that yeah well they haven't been able to do anything i mean the the giant defense is a great defense and you're not going to run on them on first down so you got to get some first down passing and then get the ball and they haven't been able to do that the thing that i've been impressed with pat is the mixture the giants have had you know not only of run and pass they're about half and half but on the the type of you know getting the ball to the receivers or running backs look they've thrown eight times to the receivers five to the running backs four to the tight end so it's not only that they've had success in that first half but they've had success moving the ball around to different players in different positions and the balance has also been very good well that's that's the thing that you know sometimes the giants tend to get one dimensional on you you know that they're going to play strong defense conservative offense and today in this first half they really opened up the offense they've done a good job no question about it they've again dominated the ball in terms of occupying the clock well then if you look out we look at how they move the ball around on the pass now here's how they did it on the on the run you see that they got five yards to the left 23 in the middle and their big gainers have been around the right end they have 46 yards and they're rushing to the right about set to begin the second half with the giants leading the cowboys 17-3 matt barr will kick it off in the direction of james dixon and alexander wright this will be dixon [Applause] cut down by roger brown who replaced as you'll recall renee thompson in the secondary one thing about renee thompson he can dislocate a thumb on the last play of the first half and then on the first play of the second half i'll tell you one thing he doesn't try and avoid contact he knows where the ball carrier is he knows where it's going there's jack del rio the big linebacker and bill bates they're going to double team him you know that wherever renee thompson goes he's going to draw a couple of blockers so it's first down cowboy at their own 24 trailed by two touchdowns [Music] martin first down dallas renee thompson on the coverage i think that's the thing that the cowboys probably talked about in there at halftime is one maybe working on that on that corner over there not knowing renee thompson would be back but two going some play pass and throwing on first down [Applause] there's a backup quarterback now the cowboys of course created steve walsh during the week so they're back up quarterback and only other quarterback now is babe laughtenberg facing a blips and a flag on the play aikman was nailed by gary reasons renee thompson on the coverage reasons broke straight up the middle and he was right in aikman's face before he had a chance to do anything he just threw it away that is the first penalty of this contest illegal contact number 20 of the defense five yard penalty first down referee by the way is dale hammer but he's been very quiet today i don't know who number 20 of the defense is i don't this is 21 renee thompson giants don't have it 20 on defense or on their team but i think it was against 21 renee thompson chase again daryl johnson a big pullback pulled down shy of a first down by reason they got nine you see the guy that was putting the pressure again on aikman was gary reasons twice he has blitzed on passes and twice he has really put the heat on him watch they start to fake reason sees it he starts back and then he just comes right in on aikman [Applause] second and one the cowboys at the giant 48. [Applause] i smith knocked backwards no gain pepper johnson made the initial contact well and again eric howard had a a big play in that if you're gonna run against a a three-man line you have to get the nose tackle block to when it when a nose tackle got big old guns hanging out of his shirt like that it's tough to get him blocked you see he gets penetrated see he knocked the center stabnoski into the backfield there's no place iceman's going to go eric howard went boom and he took that whole middle of the line third and short [Applause] to give this to him at smith he has the first down [Applause] picked up three stopped by walls eric howard is is turning into one of the the best nose tackles in the in the league i mean i think it's kindly you know in his fifth year everything has fallen together for him and he kind of figured out how to play this stephanoski's a second year center and what eric howard did last time it played his snap hand his right hand because you have to snap it with your right hand and get it back and howard always took his right shoulder look how close he gets to it yeah he gets paint to paint [Music] something's wrong with that play aikman just threw it away they were trying to run a screen to highsmith i'll tell you that's one thing that drives coaches nuts is when the announcer says something's wrong with that play and you've been working all through training camping and practicing all week for it something's wrong with that that was ugly [Applause] could have something to do with stephowski being worried about eric howard what you were talking about a minute ago especially when he's taking your shoulder your snap handle going nowhere dorsey banks washington loss of 5. everson walls was talking about this defense he was he was brought over from the cowboys and he said you know they don't expect the offense to gain anything taylor played that one great he said everyone is supposed to be on the tackle he said the linebackers are aggressive and he said any new player that comes it just permeates into the team third and 15. [Applause] aikman is going to have time but he won't get a first down stop that about the 41 is kelvin martin pickup of eight because that's a tough thing when you're third and fifteen you not only not get a first down but you don't get your team in field goal position and they have to punt and these giant fans understand all of that mike saxon who's had a tough day came into this game leading the league but the presence of megan makes you change everything well he was trying to directional punt kick it away from megan and he's had two shanks [Applause] well saxon does the job this time [Music] and james dixon down to down it the giants will take over inside their own five with 10 20 remaining in the third quarter metlife blimp hovering overhead travels over ten thousand miles a year numbers network sporting events around the country and it furnishes some spectacular shots at the six first and 10. [Applause] that one was for our cbs sports sign well what happened is isaac holt came up in a rotation and bumped the receiver that that sims was going to throw to and if he would have thrown that ball when and where he was going to it would have been an interception isaac colt was right there second and ten from the sixth that's lewis tillman knocked down behind the line of scrimmage by ken norton well the giants tried to fool him they had all their strength over the left and they tried to run to the right and kenny norton came on a blitz he's coming on what you call a run blitz watch 51. see he's just filling in there he's blitzing through the hole he was blitzing through the hole to the side that they were running well it brings up third and 14 from the two this is where the cowboys need a big defensive play they have to get either a stop here or a turnover could be a score for them well they go with that three tight ends set up killman is standing in the end zone the running back now cartoon moves to the other side hillman is hit right at the line of scrimmage by dean hamill maybe got a yard remember dean hamill when he used to play for the they they call him the tasmanian devil he used to run down on on kickoffs and coverage he was a wild man raided over him and he's a he's very good against the runner not a big pass rusher but he's good against the run landed out standing back at the back of the end zone rod harris back deep for dallas this is a good time to come on a block he's hurting but he's there and that's why he's the best in fact as i watch him the last two years he may be the best that has ever covered kickoff because he's a marked man and punts and everyone knows he's coming down they're all after him but he still whips him 44-yard punt by landela inside the giant 30. emerson walls made the stop a gain of 23 yards one thing about aikman today he's that he's had pretty good protection and i think that this guy is going to be a heck of a quarterback you know just a matter of time not not only for him but but for his teammates you know where he gets a full deck to play with because he can stand in there and he can he can throw that thing the giants have put perry williams at the right cornerback where walls did play and move walls to the left to replace renee thompson [Applause] by kelvin martin 18-yard gain and that's the side that they're working too pat you know renee thompson got hurt just before the half and the cowboys came out and most of the passes they've thrown have been on that right side you know the guy that could have made to play there was greg jackson to safety he looked like he pulled up and he run through that or run through that ball that could have been a heck of a collision first and 10 at the 10. that's him at smith down to about the three a pickup of seven isn't it amazing how the the success on the pass loosens up the defense you know the giants were up there stuffing that run stuff in the run aikman hit three in a row and now the whole defense loosens up [Applause] second and goal now from the three dennis mckinnon stood out wide to the right emmett smith touchdown dallas this is a guy that jimmy johnson says is going to be a a heck of a player i think you know one of the few times he gets excited when he's talking about his players is when he talks about emmett smith of course he missed training camp he was a number one draft joyce didn't work with the team but he said the guy just has great natural talent to run that's some move right there [Applause] that's his first nfl touchdown willis to try the extra point and the cowboys moved to within a touchdown at 17-10 the giants with 701 left to play in the third quarter sunday bloody sunday next week giant stadium 701 left to play in the third quarter giants lead dallas 17-10 willis will kick off megan and hampton will be back deep for the giants [Applause] brought down by bill bates you know as we watch this i formation and a touchdown you're going to see emmett smith in there and alonzo highsmith 32. one of the reasons they traded for high smith was his blocking ability and watch that lead boom he gets a lead right there and you see smith right behind it run off the lead once they got emmitt smith they felt that they needed a blocker so they went out and traded for alonso high smith first down giants at their own 25 leading by seven anderson is the setback [Music] gets it out down to another stream pass out of bounds after coming very close to a first down hit by ken norton you know it's not only rodney hampton who runs the screen but everyone is running the screen well on this team what you see you block block block then you let them go then you come down the line and right there is the screen you see it boom you get the block there they knock kenny norton down and that gives you the first down what you do is you block make it look like a pass run down the line four in the stream on the outside they need about a half yard for a first down [Applause] [Music] anderson will get it jeff coat came down the line to stop him with noonan picked up four watch your blocking by moore here you start out to right guard 60 you see he allows penetration and what happens there is then that play there that's the thing that makes otis anderson make the move because he let hamill get in there but otis anderson saved more on that play and gets the giants a first down ingram is the man in motion this time fires to cross in cowboy territory knocked him down but a pickup of 21. well there's that same pass we're talking about where where you just run your tight end right down the seams then you run your outside receiver on the outside seam and if the safety goes over boom you just hit the tight end the giants in the last five years have made a living on that path over and over again i remember the year they went to the super bowl that was the thing they were always throwing to bavaro right first down at the 42. [Music] [Applause] anderson with a good cut and picked up good yardage big cause of that six he got you know that was a great cut there were two cowboys that weren't even blocked over there and they came through the line of scrimmage and they're both free standing there and he shoots him some air watch him there's two cowboys right there two free guys he runs right by him what is this he's and then they don't tackle oh boy that's terrible i mean you've got three guys out there that aren't blocked and otis anderson shoots him some air and gets six yards yeah that's that's either great running or poor defense just a great cut we were talking about that earlier anderson again close to a first down norton made the stop yeah if you look at what the the giants have done offensively they're just about even you know with the the type of thing they've run 21 times and past 20. you can't get a better mixture than that as far as 50 50 is concerned the offensive line is really controlling the line of scrimmage they're using all their running backs and receivers today and have great mixture they also have a first down i think when you think of the good teams in this conference you have to think of the giants the 49ers the rams the bears these are the guys we're talking about i think the eagles i still like the redskins caught in the backfield by jeff coat but a penalty marker down i think maybe otis anderson moved illegal motion two men moving on the offense the penalty is declined second down they'll take the sack and decline the penalty that's one thing you know you can have one guy in motion and then you can have two guys move but if they move one guy has to set for a second before the ball snap second and 16 now that's the first sack of the day megan split wide to the left this time baker back to about the 23-yard line of 13-yard pickup three short of the first down this is what the giants are doing so well in this game pat is they have thrown to nine different receivers you know they're not one-dimensional they're using their wide receivers today as we see baker catch out when they're using their tight ends they're using their backs and phil sims is almost perfect today brings up a third and three situation he doesn't like that play though you see that guy you know when they're sending in play as a quarterback if he doesn't get it right away will get frustrated because now he has to rush good cut again by anderson and he dives for the first down james washington tripped him up oh and the fans are watching that spot they know their football here they see the spot and they know that they didn't give them the first down bill parcells is saying is it fourth i'll tell them write it for in here it's four watch this movie you get the penetration outside cross does a nice job of blocking norton again either poor tackling or a cut now that wall there should be on the line there that should be on the line of the hash mark it was just a little short of the line see where they marked it and i think that's going to leave him a little short of the first down too just that much without a foot you know he's going to go for it yep you see what he said he just said go [Applause] ahead i would say this one they they bring in another lineman they put karthon in the backfield now karthon is going to be there to lead block for the tailback i'm sure he'll get the ball and william roberts will be the tight end on the left [Music] anderson got it two yards they needed a foot lockhart on the stop you see that look of satisfaction on bill parcells face and his whole body language there's no there's nothing that is more satisfying than picking up a first down on fourth down nor is there anything that's more relieving when it happened 17-10 the giants lead first and 10 at the 21-yard line of the [Applause] cowboy anderson a yard maybe two lockhart the first to hit him yeah we were talking about their distribution look they're five to ten to their wide receivers passing wise five for five to the running backs five for six to the tight end so that is that is great distribution that's what you look for it'll bring up second at eight hey and that's why they're so tough they're so tough on defense and then on offense they don't make mistakes and they just control the clock well that's the end of the third quarter with the score the giants 17 the cowboys 10. ready to start the fourth quarter at giant stadium 17-10 giants lead but they're at the cowboy 19. they've kept the ball 27 and a half minutes the cowboys 17 and a half minutes yards are pretty even though that's what they do so well the you know the the cowboys get the ball and they start to threaten and then boom they just take them out of the game with a long drive down by lockhart and jeffcoat second sack you know one of the things they wanted to do in the nfl paul tagliabue is is to shorten up these games and in three quarters but they're really short they've done a good job here you know and i think that sometimes in doing so they've taken plays out of the game let's just look after three quarters last year the average number of plays was 117 plays today we've had 89. so that's what 27 left plays 28 less plays and i think that's the complaint most coaches have you're getting fewer plays fewer opportunities and then not enough time at halftime third and 16. tim the hampton touchdown yeah we'll see here if we just let it go we'll see the scene pattern and we'll see what a scene pattern is you see motion there now hampton is going to come out and if we can stop it right here we see hampton here this is the seam car's right here he runs right down into that scene see right between the zone he just outruns it and sims hits him perfectly they are the masters of that the same pattern and throw into it's usually the tight end that time it was rodney hampton running the same seam pattern you know there aren't a lot of teams that throw that because it takes a lot of timing i think they're taking a look at this play i know earlier you know mark ingram scored one and they didn't take a look at it they didn't see another angle and he was out of bounds and they gave him a touchdown watch hampton again write down the numbers now the only thing they can be looking for is to see if he was down by contact before he got to the end zone is his knee down before the ball breaks the plane that's what they have to be looking at right there because the catch is legal everything is fine the replay directors jack fetty he was on the right most part of that screen and again the you know they missed one in the first half when mark ingram caught the pass out of bound and this one there can't be any question with the catch but it's just is he in the end zone before his knees down and it looks like to me that the ball again is the key does the ball break the plane down by contact when the knee goes down after further review [Music] the play stand no question but the ball broke the plane the question was was his knee down before that happened barr's extra point is good we'll return to giant stadium after this message from your local station oh jay anderson conducting an instructional clinic i know it he is coaching everyone hampton's the guy who just caught the touchdown and he's telling what else he could have done dixon at the seventh [Applause] okay here we go well it's that time of year thursday night at eight o'clock eastern time live coverage of the national league championship series game one here on cbs cincinnati reds have won the west and await their opponent which most likely will be the pittsburgh pirates first playoff appearance for both teams since 1979 when the pirates beat the reds they went on to win the world series that's thursday night at eight o'clock here on cbs you know what we're just seeing uh here the uh cowboys do i think they're the only team in football that does it maybe the cincinnati bengals do where they line up their first huddle is on the sidelines he's hit by renee thompson and pepper johnson almost a 10-yard gain i don't think you ever had a question if renee thompson is a tough guy but if you did you won't ask that question anymore there's a guy who's out here on every defensive play playing corner which is tough every kickoff coverage punt coverage first guy down i ought to get paid i'm sure they won't be happy with his comment but he ought to get two game checks no they probably won't well i mean they renee thompson will his oh yeah he'll like it family would but uh wellington mara and that group wouldn't be george young wouldn't be a couple of inches short of the first down 13 55 left to play offensive linemen or a rather sedate group you notice that a satisfied group they like that lineman like when they see those numbers time is possession 27 to 18. alonzo high smith got enough for the first down but that's about all leonard marshall made the tackle look at those they all come here they all sit together the offensive lineman they don't say much they're not an outgoing group they don't make speeches they just kind of talk over their heads a little you know they'll spit once in a while usually on themselves and explain things defensive lineman they're crazy yeah i did this like they're slapping each other in the head and stuff totally different characters here's aikman gets it out to novacek novacek outside the 40 to about the 43 a pickup of seven leonard marshall almost had eight men in fact leonard marshall isn't starting now but he gets a spinner in there see if we can see him what 70 right there boom he hits to see the spin then he comes around and the same thing gets out of the spin straight up the middle and he's just about there when aikman gets rid of the ball egg leonard he likes those spinners second and three smith flag on the play he got enough for a first down pepper johnson dragged him down [Applause] but a marker down holding against the cowboys yeah bill parcells was saying that the two guys on the defense that have really come into their own thus far have been pepper johnson and eric howard holding number 66 of the defense 10 yard penalty still second down 66 is kevin gogan jimmy johnson was telling us last night that he planned to alternate his guards the first set the starting set would play one in three quarters and gogan and giesik would play two and four yeah and the reason uh that is because he's really not satisfied with any of them it's not that he's trying to keep anyone fresh or rested he just doesn't like the play of any of his guards so far second and 14. reverse with kelvin martin played well by pepper johnson only a two-yard gain pepper johnson loves that because every you know they got fooled on that reverse the first time it was the same reverse same play i got around there now every coach is going to say look when the goal ball goes away hold your own check the reverse check the reverse and then when a guy does it like pepper johnson then he got the coaching from the first half third and 12 at the 35. daryl johnston is the lone setback kicked off by perry williams intended for right i'll tell you who caused that one is lawrence taylor lawrence taylor got a heck of a rush watch him he's going to come from the right up the middle there 56 now he's going to hit aikman just as he throws the ball you see aikman couldn't see his receiver and he couldn't step forward and that was the start of the interception right there with lawrence taylor right in his face and you see when the guy's in the face you see what happens the ball ends up short it was interesting now we just saw lawrence taylor talking to bill belichick and there was so much talk about him not being out in the last play whether they're going to take him out at the end of the game in this game i would bet that could have been lawrence taylor's last play i bet you're right here it is jeff hostetler the stream passes to anderson oj anderson outside the 45 stopped by washington but 13 yards again i'll guarantee you with with hospital in there for phil sims lawrence taylor won't play anymore i think the giants really feel that they got the cowboys now that's eugene lockhart the injured cowboy in lockhart one of the the bright spots on this team you know the leader every year in tackle 10 47 left to play with the giants leading 24 to 10. 505 506 and 540 genes to summarize dallas has had the ball 20 minutes 59 seconds the giants 27-58 aikman 13 out of 17 sims 16 out of 22. ingram in motion hostetler back to throw and chase out of the pocket all britain and norton but he scrambled for 15 yards well again it was that bootleg passing me and they put norton in the vice if norton stays back he's going to throw it if norton comes up he'll throw it if norton goes back you'll run it watch him as he comes out here in the bootleg fakes comes out now watch 51. you see he's keying on him when he stayed back then that was hostetler's key to run it first down giants at the dallas 39 [Music] anderson hammered by hamel they're having trouble with that they're still working on the side on gene lockhart it was his name it was hurt towards the end on a play and they just took him out and brought him over and they're still checking the knees willis crockett has taken lockhart's place as the middle linebacker anderson has carried 17 times for 78 yards roussan and hampton are the two running backs now [Applause] i think the giants have the cowboy defense where they can do anything they want to them [Applause] coming back you see both backs checking and then going through where you just check like you're going to block and then you run right through that's what rousson did i think it's smart to get hostetler out of there are in there not only to get sims out of there but you got to buy next week and your backup quarterbacks get a little time to play so you're killing a bunch of birds with one stone here first and ten giants of the cowboy 24. tillman he's the setback inside the 20 to the 18. stop by norton i think the most impressive guy to me today in this game was renee thompson but the second guy was otis anderson you know you keep thinking he's just hanging on there but i mean he not only plays well but he looks like he's getting younger and fresher and faster right and then these other guys come in like tillman here and you know the thing is worn down they've watched the old master do it and then they come in there and they just take over i mean this guy has to be an inspiration to this team if not by words just by the way you play the game not many running backs play the game as long as he has and still makes the cuts that he [Applause] you're about the 11 a pickup of six tripped up by all britain this is when it's fun to play when you get down in this situation you got the defense you got him where you want him of course phil sims is a guy that was very beneficial to get him to that position he's 16 for 22 and threw three touchdowns now he not only has the rest of this game off but the giants have a buy next week so this will be a big plus you go into your buy 4-0 you can't ask for anything better than that the nfc west has the buy this week all 14. gave him that hard count you see that he gets down there and he's trying to get some yardage in there pick up a five yards to get first and five side number 96 of the defense five yard penalty still first down daniel stubbs jimmy johnson thing well we fell for that when the backup quarterback comes in and gives you a hard count we all jump offside there's hostetler 6 25 left on the game clock less than that now of course hostetler you know he's a seven year veteran we're not talking about some young quarterback who's never played the game here on first down hillman hit in the backfield by willis crockett yeah if he that's a perfect name for a dallas cowboy i mean i think i think willis crockett if the cowboys you know when they get good again if they had this guy playing linebacker he'd be good who's a linebacker for the cowboys down here old willis crockett willis crockett's a linebacker for the cowboys you know a character they write write books about he just had another name a third name like dewey willis or something like that or if the cowboys would trade for billy joe and oliver billy joe fowler and willis crockett went out after a game got away from the blitzing cowboys and is going to get into the end zone 12 yards out osteedler gets it in yeah he got the big pass rush and then after he dodged it there right there he's going to say look what i found here when he comes out of it he got a big block just before he ran there someone got hit and the first thing that hit was the back of their head but once he got through all that stuff in there he had a straight shot to the end zone the way bart oates is smiling i wouldn't be surprised if it were he that kicked off that guy might have been who's in that area ours extra point is good so with 5 20 left to play the giants are in command 31-10 [Applause] cbs sports coverage of the national football league is sponsored by ford and your ford dealer have you driven a ford lately a t the right choice and by keystone and keystone light bottle beer taste in a can wouldn't that be great dixon to return the kickoff but not very far dave dewerson made the stop that it was bart oates watch oats he's right here and he's going to get tony tolbert and that's that's the play that is going to free jeff hostetler but watch it right there i mean that's a play that the first thing that hit was the back of tolbert's head and that opened that lane for jeff hostetler and hot stetler as we said he's a fine athlete took advantage scrambled in from 12 yards out and bart oates is still on the sideline talking about his block you kind of look for those things you don't you don't get them you know the guys can't see out of their ear holes and when you can see their ear hole they usually don't see you [Applause] know the check of nothing doing lawrence taylor still playing now this surprises me i mean i think you could say you know last week well no one thought about it we didn't get them out of there they've already taken phil sims out i don't think they were wrong last week for not taking taylor out i think that's just second guessing but i would think that this week that these coaches bill belichick and bill parcell don't want lawrence taylor in there now but he wants to be in there to prove something baitman's throw taught by novacek one-handed pickup of seven now one of the writers during the week look at this catch by novacek that looks like one of those things they call the puriettes perriers yeah those things that those ballet dancers do you're asking the wrong guy bureau ads anyway one of the writers asking why he was in the game he said do you stop writing before the game's over that's right he's a football player and there's a football game going on that's why he's in there [Music] third and four draw play to mx smith enough for a first pepper johnson brought him down and i'll bet you again this call was lawrence taylor's call you know because it got such a play last week about him being in there last play why was he in there that he's going to show him that that he was right for being in there and that's the kind of guy he is to smith [Music] you know one of the other things on that pat last week that i think is a is a heck of a thing in in taylor you know talking about lawrence pale and what a great player is that he was capable of pulling a hamstring on the last play of the game because you have to insert a heck of a lot of effort to pull a hamstring to smith again it'd be enough for another dallas first down eight yards dewerson made the stop 340 left to play 31-10 giants [Music] [Applause] 17-yard pickup stopped by jackson smith heard something or just got tired one of the two well i think i think he's been frustrated i think his feelings were a little hurt because this giant defense is really for most of the game had to clamps on daryl johnson in the game there's the flag on the play dennis mckinnon i beg your pardon james dixon well they had to call something out there because roger brown had a collision before the ball got there i think the official knew that you know it probably has to be interference if brown hits the receiver before the ball gets here pass interference on the defense number 46 the ball is awarded at the spot of the foul first down dallas coordinating producer for the nfl on cbs is charles h milton the third produced today by bob stinner directed by sandy grossman the nfl today produced by eric mann directed by duke struck senior producer is david winter and the executive producer ted shaker [Applause] in the direction of james dixon coming up next the nfl today the post game show with scores and highlights from around the league so stick around well you know we were talking about the good teams in the league the giants of course being one of them dallas uh we know have 14 picks in the first two rounds or the first three rounds in the next two years but some of the other good teams had buys today i mean i i still think the 49ers are one of the top teams the rams are one of the top names they're both not playing this game nova chat the nfc west and their records and they have the buys this week well you know it's an advantage for the rams i think because they're beat up it's also a big advantage for the saints the saints aren't a bad team they have quarterback problems they made the trade this week for steve walls they have a bye week i think that's a plus for the saints also novacek having a good day down to about the seven stopped by doerson yeah and i'm impressed with aikman i mean he doesn't have a lot of chances he didn't have the ball a lot today because of the job the the giants have done both offensively and defensively but for a second year guy he sure has a lot of core first and goal from the seven touchdown nova jack i mean when this guy gets when this guy gets all the players in place aikman's going to be a star in this league and you just hope that that while they're doing that while jimmy johnson and his group are doing that that he doesn't get too beat up or or hurt or frustrated or any of those type things because the guy really is a confident guy now novacek has caught nine passes for 85 yards and that touchdown willis for the extra point with novacek holding [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that makes it 31-17 giants with a minute and 58 seconds left to play dallas 17. on sidekick i don't know i would i would i would think not i mean if i were them down 31 to 17 you're building a team you got a young team the way he's he's putting it there in the t or not on the t that is an onside kick so he's going to kick one but i don't think i would put a bunch of guys over here out of bounds they had a shot at it and they did but i think when you're trying to build a team re-kick with a five-yard penalty you know that you just try and get out of it you try and keep everything solid they're not going to win the game anyway penalize them five yards it's still got to go 10 yards if they choose to try it again yeah i tell you one good thing about that jimmy johnson is here and he's just hoping to get it i'll tell you if his team that were covered it was as excited as he would they would have come up with that ball you know that last drive gives bill parcell something to complain about for two weeks you know how the cowboys took it to you you had him you couldn't stop him the guy drove right downfield you know your defense is nothing that gives him two weeks to preach that one we're going to try it again vincent there you [Applause] i go they touched it before it got 10 yards right yeah yeah because the one official threw his hat and he threw with a hat at the point that it was touched and it was before 10 yards so the giants will get it there see that when when an official throws a hat that means that he is spotting something and the cowboys can't touch it till it goes 10 yards they touched it right there and then the hat comes out boom and the giants get the ball 158 still remain giants 31 cowboys 17. you know one thing about this game pack that we haven't had you know it's going to be a quick game but there hasn't been a timeout call there was no timeout fall in the first half and maybe they're just going to play this whole game that may be some kind of record no timeout very few penalties gives to tillman [Applause] chased down by all britain next week the nfl today at 12 30 eastern gets it all rolling and then the rest of the game san francisco houston new orleans new orleans at atlanta tampa bay at dallas and then most of you will see green bay at chicago which is where john madden and i will be you can't beat that in october being at chicago soldier field the bears go into today three-and-oh i mean where mike ditka says they got a new team now they wrote team on their sleeve they're all wearing team you know that the team is a thing and well it's gotten them off to a good start leonard marshall's having something else done to his sleeve second and seven here come hospital here comes hospital jim jeffcoak chased him down after a six-yard roam he was looking for a block out there from stephen baker and he didn't get anything [Applause] defensive still meeting in there tillman's in here running out the clock 40 seconds left bill parcells was saying about tillman he just makes one cut and run he said he makes one cut and then you wait for the glass to break third and about a foot [Applause] gilman didn't get the first down but that doesn't really matter lost one a good day for phil simm a good day for all the giants i think they you know as a team when you put everything together their defense you put their special teams their offense i think it was as close to perfect as a team can be at this point of the season so they'll have a bye next week and they'll go into the bye week 4-0
Channel: Ryan Bush
Views: 4,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dallas Cowboys, New York Giants, Jimmy Johnson, Bill Parcells, Troy Aikman, Phil Simms, Emmitt Smith, Ottis Anderson, Michael Irvin, Jay Novacek, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Kelvin Martin, Jim Jeffcoat, Ken Norton Jr., Ray Horton, Bill Bates, Tony Tolbert
Id: hXczx-L5JJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 33sec (3393 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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