1993 - AFC Championship - Kansas City Chiefs at Buffalo Bills

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his team learning the home-field advantage for this AFC title game and remarkably good weather Nick Lowry will give the ball to Buffalo first is he Russell Copeland takes it at the garland the wiki flamenco state to the 20 Anderson and others therefore the Kansas City Chiefs Jim Kelly brings on his offense and the Kay gun will go to work the no-huddle offense and that means Pete metzelaars will be in that tight end they'll use only the one tight end Pina Parker Paul Davis the Pro Bowler ballad on the frontline Kelly has the great Thurman Thomas with Bill Brooks Tandy B and Andre Reed as his three wide receivers and metzelaars who had a dislocated little finger in the game last Sunday ready to go today [Applause] so the strategies now will develop as Buffalo begins from to make the tackle here are the Chiefs on defense with a to Pro Bowl spiders on the outside Neal Smith and Derrick Thomas the two 300 pounders Phillips and Sally MOA on the inside will use only one linebacker Lonnie marks and six defensive backs who had five interceptions second on the team this year dick for the second straight week Kansas City going with the for one sixth look you see Lonnie Mart's 51 playing the middle linebacker last week that was handled by hit timing feels he's the accurate expensive Thomas with his first carry and he has stucked at the 31-yard will not be good enough for the first down 75 Joe Phillips we played the his early career with a San Diego Chargers acquired last year and had a good game against Houston last week and Victor Perez of the cranky with his Buffalo offense the last four years they spent a lot of time three downs and out it has put tremendous pressure on the Buffalo build defense Buffalo doesn't lead much of anything in time of possession one of the downfalls of this KGUN offense tough to block this more and tough to return he picks them very high this one not so high takes it to the 47 did he ever with disaster on that one you're there to make the tackle or there is catching that hole in the bounce that can go right but the first break of the game goes to Kansas City bounces right up in his stomach and he makes the reception Damon Hughes is outstanding baseball outfielder he was here's an outfielder in the Milwaukee Brewers chain and he used that ability to feel that tough punt Joe Montana great field position at the 46 Allen gets the call no game Barnhill he hasn't Bennet Phil Hansen with a tackle Bennett's going to another Pro Bowl the offense for Kansas City blocking that pressure Joe Montana all de Cobo Lizotte Granard sealed to rookie in Sigler Marcus Allen with Kimball Anders to speed outside [Applause] incomplete intended for tides affair the passes to the wings to the sidelines because of the crosswind will be effective and you know 37 years old you can't expect Joe Montana to start out like a 27 year old even though he warms up the game he goes into the locker room sits down for a while it takes a while for that arm the Pittsburgh fine two weeks Kelly how he starts doesn't miss out the islands third in town good protection long buck along JJ Bergy the closest chief Korean out for Kansas City [Applause] it could look like burden stop the pattern which is something you can never do with a Joe Montana watching give up a little bit whatever the pattern is drawn up and this is Joe Montana and Paul Hackett saw fence run the pattern out outside the 20-yard line the bills will start at the 22 after a 31-yard Barker punt I am out at rich Stadium when I walk in the hotel the most important thing is the feeling that the customer is respecting Anza City Chiefs unable to gain a yard and in their first possession Buffalo but nine yards Bruce Smith he feels he had his best year and was deserving of the NFL Defensive Player of the Year someone who certainly voted for this giant talent as well they should since this guy came into the league several years ago I don't know that he played two successive towns without being double team that's how much respect offensive coordinators and offensive line coaches give them right and here's Thomas up the middle and others can trip him up how important is he to the offense he and Kenneth Davis account for about 50% of the had the attempts by the Buffalo offense you can't wear him out either across the 35 a 10 yard pickup heaven Ross made the stop 1300 yards rushing in a 1993 season and is yards per carry is down 3.7 but in the playoffs that's where Thurman Thomas wants the ball that's exactly where Marty Schottenheimer Kansas City coach does not want him to go straight ahead bigger and tougher and I didn't quite get turned up Gary Thomas the tackler and dick that is the counter the play that they feature you're going to see the onside flopped down and I see the guard and tackle pull actually Lonnie Mart's 51 does an excellent job he shortens the vertical running lane the proceed catches up with Lermontov well covered and danced alia Loula nose tackle able to drift back in Vietnam attack elope we'd stop at the 45 Ward will be third and three dick yard Marv levy made it admission to us I thought was rather interesting is that nobody's intimidated by this hurry up offense the Kagan anymore so we have to be much better at executing what's going on out there and to this point Buffalo is shot down and I gotta get the outside they draw off Neil Smith and Howie the Raider certainly can identify with that that drives a head coach who used to be a defensive coordinator nuts because they're looking they should be looking at the football in coach referee John a Greer with the honor of working the CFC championship he got two of them not just one Phillips hand Neal Smith it's all a matter in the belly planted the pollen with which he exercises the town Kenneth Davis gets his first chance and he's into as a city territory at the 47 yard line Lonnie marks on the stop and kick back to that to drawing him offsides what it will eventually do it if it continues is slowed down the past oh just for a split second to bulldoze defensive linemen in their stance a long range for this game it has a very contagious effect for Buffalo some very common semi-complete Albert Lewis knocks it away were stubborn Marty Schottenheimer said how could he not make it through the Pro Bowl he had six interceptions Eric Thomas flips that's normally neil smith side is a free shot on jim kelly untouched again you see Derrick Thomas even slip what Derrick Thomas could have put his helmet right and in the breastplate of Jim Kelly and went for the shoulder tackle Daily Planet for receiver said hey holding Nigeria but no flag and buffalo will have to punt decent pressure from Kansas City to second week in a row you're gonna see Joel Phillips 75 bull rush right into Jim Kelley's chest that's two passes in a row now Jim Kelly's gotten hammered by the Kansas City upfront for gain and Hughes does not feel this one JJ bertie money shot Hunter said I didn't like it I saw the face and dirty call for the fair catch at the 10-yard line somontano spotted near midfield asked exactly this time [Applause] John Francis interior of the Honda Civic was the Marv ladies Buffalo Bills a reason they've been to three straight Super Bowls they've earned the right for home-field advantage and here groups taken they've never lost a playoff game seven it's back in War Memorial Stadium in 1966 the Kansas City Kansas City going to the course it's five it's 11 first down for Kansas City Marvin and Mark Maddox the young linebackers collaborate on the packet Marty Schottenheimer told us last week saw him that here's the teeth and live and a hostile environment very difficult and today they feel confident that they can combat all the noise from the crowd or not rushing touchdowns had wine again laughs breaking distance short yardage this time of Darryl Talley topples him inside the 25 when I first got Parvez le so he showed me something with it and with the Los Angeles Lakers Raiders get bo Jackson and Marcus went up in block 4 bo Jackson didn't complain he did his job he said Marcus Allen is the consummate pro and he said I've never seen in short yardage ago all kinds of times in Montana who throws to Willie Davis incomplete at med Keo with a good liquor the receiver Davis who had a touchdown last week in Houston dick on the roll they're trying to get Ernie Thompson 45 open well covered by Buffalo Joe goes downfield and you see it's almost end over him that's into the slight breeze here in rich Stadium this ball is high tough to make this gift especially with there's all course and what's that only for incomplete to Marcus Allen so Montana inauspicious and his start all for four and pressure from Cornelius Bennett looks like there's going to be some help but it ends up sig lar 66 on Bennett then at a good quick outside Russia gets pressure on Joe Montana ball thrown behind Marcus Allen so Barker toothpick again jessabelle six minutes plus any this game we've done harrassing him ball the co-clinical 40 running start to the fifth day he is half a fan of pink panties well yard returned timeout the playoff Marty Schottenheimer and every year with Kansas City and he was a member that 66 buffalo team the last team to lose in the playoff 56 linebacker Marty Schottenheimer University of Pittsburgh his teammate Paul McGuire the beard hunters of the bills inject him the quarterback much greater than field position goes to Buffalo and Kelly off some play action has a lot of time those hundred from Metro are the juggles and holds at the 41 yard line a gain of about six that's not a big year at 68 catches to lead Buffalo look at his left hand there he's got the cats where he broke his little finger and any time he has his hands up to catch the ball pinkie first he's going to have difficulty hanging on to it now releases inside before you have no medal an offensive top of the week ways isn't it doesn't get anything in fact may have lost a yard there Pelham McDaniel 77 in other side I watch hands up DD ball bounces off the cast first feet Mets large normal a very short-handed receiver the leading receiver for the Buffalo Bills in 1993 loss of one of the Thomas 14 Dickens acquire middle of December this is a mismatch Kansas City does not walk Bruce Dickens entendre Albert Lewis number 29 on Andre Reed and Kelly took it down to the mismatched but he never found it it was in reads myths in the Thomas maybe - Derek Thomas we have snips that are rather brilliant in this game Bruce and Neil playing the same position the PA dairy Thomas could he make the officious scorecard fine girl whoops the practice Nepal victims on the coverage and it's apparent that's the direction that Kelly's going is trying to find Bruce Pickens and throwing to the weaker of the cornerback and that's one of the things that this k gun can do yes good call by the officials went through his hands they can isolate a receiver Angelica matchup he walks her down eight from the Kansas City's well what a poor her down whoa takes the lead or they catch him in a place Kansas City not known as a big blitzing team but a perfect call by Jim Kelly that catch him in a blitz and well block up front Dave Christine this two extra points last week here against the Raiders and hits his first today six plays forty-seven the interior of the Honda Civic was developed with a sunblock to help protect the fabric from fading and tracking over the life of the car [Music] so while you may have a limit on your time in the Sun [Music] the city doesn't see the money [Music] danza city blitzes it's well picked up by buffalo just straight ahead blocking they do the job and Thurman Thomas pops right through the line of scrimmage today there's no Christ's arm tackling hands feet done what at Schottenheimer tell us when he's running go line to go Thurman Thomas is like a 240-pound running back there's nothing to hit on it well that'll run Kansas City either books a Kansas City in Buffalo in their meeting in late November come out only 43 yards rushing to the bills and that was key to their victory already in this first quarter of 37 yards on the ground for Thomas accompany not a good sign up for Kansas City and that is the baseline of this Buffalo kagan offense it gets a lot of attention about the three wide receivers and throwing the ball but the mainstay is Thurman Thomas running it ofc and combined yards 1,300 the Buffalo off to a foot Porter start while Montana has struggled early God Stevens will be the deep man for Kansas City on the ensuing kickoff you saw Montana he missed his first seven passes of the Pittsburgh game that opened the playoffs and the Chiefs with a blocked punt late able to beat the Steelers in overtime before today but like his Pittsburgh he started out with guavas on his hands and then after the Oh for seven took the gloves off no gloves today Steve Christie to kick it off 7 nothing bills roof deck Stephens the former Patriot at the floor would return to the 35-yard line back to the text down if he play on the drive was the throw [Music] excellent pass protection Kelly's going to look left he's got single coverage Bruce Pickens just new to the Kansas City Chiefs are getting December 10th mismatched for Bruce Dickens he's going to be very take care yeah within 10 yards of him Buffalo is running this double zone they're taking away the outside receiver so Montana is Brooke trying to get to the inside of the defense but watch Dale Talley hits him in the face mask and Kimmel Andrews here right Nick was the intended and receiver o45 for Montana Marcus Allen plans a whole another Thrun he's all the way to the Buffalo 41 yards Henry Jones the last Buffalo Bill gets him down 24 yards for the venerable Marcus Allen one man's trash is another man's treasure Marty Schottenheimer can't stop complimenting Marcus Allen room alanders with a goodly flop his move on Kelso by the aged one takes a lot of heat from his teammates for his age but McHale Anders gets the call they have him surrounded 3:02 spoil to play and then henry jones came up to finish it off dally had a superb season led the team in tackles had three interceptions one for a touchdown 61 yards against the Jets and forced four fumbles had a couple of sacks and didn't make the Pro Bowl yeah and he also rooms with Bruce Smith he should get an award for that too or vice-versa oh what a catch by keith cab the ball was deflected he had already gone up to the cats at had to hang David the old Elgin Baylor and came down with it one of a pair of twins is it's tipped by Maddox - great concentration drafted as a wide receiver has put on 30 pounds and dick this is key because in this double zone the tidy in and the running backs through the middle of the field are the receivers that joe Montana's going to have to look for - who gets the hopes of the Chiefs alive with a block punt and then had a big game receptions as well Becky's has 11 catches and a touchdown in the two playoff games and let's see if he got the 12 yards in the first time very close just by inches short and of course West Coast offense you need to tighten to throw T like Brent Jones work sir Jonathan Hayes was going to be the receiver but cash has turned out to be the guy that Joe Montana likes pays back in he's the blocker and we've got third down and inches aarne-thompson also comes in he's too literally 57 pounds of running back outside the bill pretty agua [Applause] it's a fake gallon enough lota Thompson and the former Indiana star out of bounds after day 19 first down Kansas City Thompson doesn't catch many but again did you see that play action fake by Joe Montana very well done look at the influence it has pulls it out he's already looking at the receiver that is something that it has to be taught quarterbacks just don't come out with that ability and Bill Walsh and Sam wipes and the other people that really emphasize that that's one of the things joe Montana's the key to the equalizer in cover picked up 5018 just right got him down low there's a flag in the buffalo secondary Johnny Greer holding against the bills that'll carry a first down the flag is nice the positive yardage for Kansas City is good but at this point is Buffalo double zone really holding 53 Marcus Patton this double zone really having an effect on Kansas City at the outset taking away the outside receivers Patton's an inside linebacker he's either covers on the Titan or running back Joe needs those receivers both inside receivers against his coverage kick and knock off the five yards in the first hand and now conference this like all of the playoff games and all-star crew not a crew that worked in familiarity with one another through a course of an entire season but it's an honor for them and let's give them credit Greer watching the same as all five yards and first down the other officials court-created Thank You Man [Applause] the salary you grew up in Southern California in Los Angeles went to UCLA and what Marcus Allen is the collegiate star in that city good pulled by the right tackle Sigler sixty were sealed 68 up through the middle excellent Lockett this rookie from Nebraska this is 68 sealed young man he plays like a and then he breaks to talk over this myth was a man who stopped him cold and Mark Maddox got him to the turf this is where he's most dangerous through Smith down on the go life very difficult to double-team anybody there you see Bruce Smith stand up has two quickness to still get inside John alts trying to sell pass through Smith great recognition and quickness jumps inside the block all the time the huge flood [Applause] in a zone but no play the procedure against Kansas City this necklace pulled off son you would expect the guy who has to block Bruce Smith is it John alt 76 on the roll he's looking in at Montana and then when he flinches turn around to look at Bruce Smith I mean with the crowd noise here he's trying to catch the pre-snap by reading joe Montana's lips and then turn around at the first head [Applause] underneath our and incomplete well covered by the bills field-goal unit comes on Nick Flowery third all-time field goal kicker in the history of the lake behind former Chiefs yonce tena Ruth and the great George Blanda 326 for field goals for Lowrey well at Dartmouth was a senior when a fellow named David Schuler was a freshman this guy's been around the law so long that their coaches in this league now would have encountered in Kansas City a long drive for 3 to 14 remaining in the seven degree [Music] are responsible for the two tight ends and the running back the last play they run this and try to get Marcus Allen free in the middle Buffalo has done an excellent job of making sure that the wide receivers are taken away Montana and Kansas City gonna have to figure something up the middle here or Buffalo is gonna stay in that defense and let's not forget the play that Bruce Smith made on the six yard line that was second and three Allen had a hole Smith inside to stop it and that might have been the difference between a touchdown and the field goal seven to three it is while we fix it off Kansas City fringe on the mannequin Thompson was Thompson along with Steve Tasker two of them best specialty MERS in the NFL and look at 46 he fights off the blockers Thompson says his entry into the NFL was for special teams now wants to play a little defensive back but when you can make hits like this and give your offense great field position you get game balls I don't care where they listed you get game balls this man from New Orleans said you watch me I'm going to force one of those in the game when we talked on yesterday volunteered to play in the I'd like to play every week that's less perilous let's see if Kansas City can converse from the 24 Montana underneath of Davis right after yardsticks about 10 on the play patent attacker kansas city's initial adjustment here could be to the double zone is a little bit of motion and look at their 26th week [Music] take it away that court down pack - robot good solid hit by the two backers Magnum addicts who have had a good first quarter as if this need this Buffalo over the years hasn't had enough time on the field great field position for Kansas City with the fumble and the defense goes on the field again since nineteen as face ward plays that et to the NFL Montana on the fade to burden in some place made Odom's the cover brilliant season apropos year nine interceptions but Burton had it on his fingertips very close Joe Montana has always had that ability to properly judge distance puts it whereas catchable and again this is the double zone man under 37 got his hand on them but so did Burton there was a little three four town in complain Odom's had at Clapham right Fordham JJ Burton the receiver and on come flowers for another field goal attempt again trying to get inside the defense pick up underneath the linebackers Montana forced to go to the short excellent coverage by Marcus fattening almost makes the interception good protection for Montana of almost hips this thing another 31-yard attempt by our who made us first from this exactly nothing different about this one fumble by copeland on the kick return results in three Kansas City Boise and Bennie Thompson can caught that up seven to six [Music] Bill's all week long dance media here in this city they feel like they're in a their own prison yeah it's just them against the world that nobody wants them to go to another Super Bowl and Jim Kelly's and maybe a few out there becoming sympathetic that maybe the fourth time will be the Buffalo Bills year to win the Super Bowl but the majority of the media coverage you all will not Buffalo to the Super Bowl again and that's really been their rallying cry let's make them all mad let's go back to the Super Bowl for the war in fact one of the slogans the t-shirts even worn by Marv levy was let's well upset Liam upset them all see you in Atlanta well done I wondered how if you were gonna handle them but they have a chance this team is so incredibly momentous for a buffalo in this franchise because if they win this game and do win a Super Bowl they'll be regarded as one of the great path seems if they don't this may be it this may be the end of the line for this shield wonderful ring for Buffalo Copeland more tightly than theirs ends up right at him inside the bar the same ferocity and tackle made by Eric Anderson and were a week away from Super Sunday on NBC and what a lineup it begins at noon eastern 9 in the West as Berkeley and the sun's against Boston and it'll be kevin mchale's jersey number retired and we inside stuff while talking about stuff sir child we've got plenty of it on and off the court then 3:30 a look at Atlanta Bob his closest planets Kelly intended for Andre Reed and they give him help that time Devin Ross comes over from that free safety spot watch the hip Dickens again underneath and that's obviously the guys are going through and rock cast on his right hand used to play corner always hit like a safety and Andres gonna feel this one Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of next week no matter where he is second first down kitchen is again on the tackle he's trying to get his share of action today that's quite apparent Buffalo thinks it's easy pickings to this point final seconds opening quarter the bill seven Kansas City six the winner to Atlanta San Francisco or Dallas to be the opponent for plus Neil Smith Albert Lewis and on the stock axleback wash by the Buffalo Bills offensive line they've only tried the counter but once so they're going straight ahead and they're going straight ahead at Sally Oh Moo and Joe Phillips two huge individuals in there [Applause] first down Martin Bayless makes the stop see that play pick the lead blocker therefore Andre Reed was Thurman Thomas out of the backfield he was the guy who got the first block on the linebacker very well designed use that play twice that's obviously something that that lady like ball delay 33 yards for Thurman Thomas Nick again what they're trying to create right here is a vertical running a vertical running lane and they get it for Thurman Thomas excellent blocking up front that's what the puffle Oh bills one longest worth of the season for Thomas and out Kent Davis picks the ball and he has another that's why last Kansas City defense elf Houston adjust 39 yards rushing straight ahead there was a player who is more of a slasher than watch timeout that's a basketball timeout dick stop the momentum [Applause] an escape that means to suspicion and I'll trust you Doug a crime that leads to betrayal as I walked away beyond the limits name Joe Gibbs of Washington you're gonna see a great steel block on the strong side Kelly gives the ball to Thurman Thomas watch 70 FINA 74 Parker the seal job they do on on salia moving the linebacker and Thurman Thomas squirts through there except 33 yards and 90 yards rushing for Buffalo so far on this half lady could be like that statistic anymore for me it's a nightmare the Marty Schottenheimer he's using a timeout to try to slow things down and Thomas is indeed tackled in the backfield by the ocean Smith who led the NFL with 15 cents and pressures constantly he had four forced fumbles and makes the big defensive stop there and he's a big key against that counter - he's got a beat the block of the tight end when it's run to his side he's playing to the tight end people at pencil are today for one reason to stop the strong side counter loss of claims by 2009 bailiff the safety of his death on the line of and Baker Brooks this butchers inside Bruce Dickens had him about the seven then this we've certainly identified their choice today [Music] these piggies is it did it have that maybe changed the number but his jersey listen goal at the plate [Applause] dick that was a quick snap City chief defense was not deploy therefore Thurman Thomas Marty Schottenheimer already taking some notes that at halftime adjustment eighty yards and nine convincing plays for the Buffalo game yet report by 15 14 to 6 Buffalo [Music] every day in 34 countries and in over 300 cities around the world Delta Airlines helps people get every 17 seconds Delta has applied taking off I'm selling bottom line [Music] when the job is done [Music] mommies and daddies why boyfriends girlfriends and best friend [Music] I wish you could be this comfortable all decisions [Music] something's always surprised [Music] the AFC Championship is brought to you by dr. pepper and your local Dr Pepper bottler dr. pepper is just what the doctor ordered by Acura some things are worth the price by Delta Airlines you'll love the way we fly and by the American Express car don't leave home without it happy times here in western New York 14 to 6 in that last drive so impressive as they ran the ball with ease and walked it in for the touchdown 14 to 6 and Christie picks it off the John Stephens very short even ball away to his 13 and bounces to the 29 yard line let's go back to the touchdown if you look at what happens here just before the ball is snapped if we can separate buffalo bills and the city cheese here's what the run takes place I don't think the Kansas City defense is deployed properly they do glyphs on the inside but you see Derrick Thomas standing up here playing on what are we doing a huge clock by peat pencil ours 88 on 51 be that easy to shoot you could've scored as driver Montana those that went away Jonathan Hayes the closest chief Kansas City is in a real bind here they're down 14 to 6 they're facing the double zone and what helps against the doubles own corners up Safety's out so the spot to get to is in here but you need play-action to draw linebackers and to this point look at Joey you see the quarters up there's no outside receiver to go to he crosses it out Marcus Allen earns only a couple of best I will bring up third in the wall and tallien Maddox there for Buffalo double zone was designed for the wrong yardage situation so we got a look at back on the middle linebacker coverage in Kansas City needs history bergvik Jake Rosati find a way to stop the Buffalo charge meanwhile the perfection that breaks down Jeff for the thing the veteran from Central Missouri state he had five and a half sacks in the regular year find the planet ID and then he goes outside and Jeff writes drags him down first sack of the day for the Buffalo Bills but they've got good pressure on Joe Montana Barker the punt Copelan at the 40 of Buffalo good driving kick 37 4045 am at the 47 of hands 44-yard PC starts next Sunday but charles barkley goes to the mecca of the game Boston Garden as the sun's battle the Celtics at at halftime in the tradition of Larry Bird's retirement a special moment when Kevin McHale's number 32 is raised to the rafters just the start of the NBA on NBC Super Sunday and as the defense came off the field dip right biscuit Cornelius Bennett Bruce Smith headbutt head buddy without helmet definitely defensive plays go no Derrick Thomas maybe that's one of the adjustments Marty trying to make the all-star linebacker trying to get more beef on the defensive line so Kelly goes wah if he catches it cleanly as his form seven he was going to pick up the pie if he catches it the first time it's six points but the right foot goes out of bounds and it's an incomplete pass tough fall and a good one Kelly Thomas strike quickly okay no sex later [Music] little small crack in the defense and a picked up over five on the play back to the previous attempts defense the fall I think if he catches it cleanly he can concentrate on keeping his feet in and he scores it is a game of inches fell was pulling on his arm a little bit but can't you see these defenses doing nothing against the Buffalo offense here receivers open all over the place there's David off the defensive coordinator he's trying to come up with something but with the pressure put on Bruce Dickens to cover now they're going inside everything's working for Buffalo Thomas again he's breaking up he's been hit at the line of scrimmage on almost every carry other than the walked in touchdown and he breaks that tackle as if it were crepe paper 82 yards rushing for Thomas and when historically buffalo tries to run to the corner with Thurman Thomas in his first half a lot of it straight up the middle seven on that last charge Thomas wait they want a get something out of that they decide and you can run the ball like this it just wears out a defensive line it's the counter again I watch him wait for that second block house Ballard 75 out there in front it's not a lot of yards but it's positive yards and it's what buffalo wants to do birthday he's close to a hundred yards in the half the guys up front doing an excellent job the center Kent Hall the two guards Davis and Parker they are shoving a very good and so defensive line - Gunpla - touchdown this opening half the Buffalo hero thus far Thurman Thomas and the Kansas City sideline in Guadalupe the Miami Dolphins are missing their mascot the San Francisco and now Kansas City hero known for his fourth-quarter comebacks but if you give Pablo to take a leave nobody comes back against this kind of offense and they seem unstoppable at the moment with a 14-6 lead first down inside the 14 and Kenneth Davis spells sixteen Russian success Kansas City Davis on a free play to the 11 yard line drawing him off size although there are candidates he's motioning that it's against the Buffalo Bills moving on the left side one official saying got a Greer false card number 88 hey that's logs he was right here in at six eight hundred fifty five pounds he's hard to that's Buffalo is already yeah the tire dansgame the city was in the neutral zone an end heat metzelaars move a break for the Chiefs their victims every village jokes looks like salmon coverage that's where Kelly's looking it goes underneath the metzelaars inside the town so they cleared whoops bro pickin zone and then through underneath to the tide an eleven yards on the play metzelaars exciting runs a little drag the primary receiver is Brooks the guy down the field but coverage goes deep so he gets metzelaars up underneath nice pickup Thomas returned and so does Sherman five yard line will be third down and about a yard in the hand at this point in the fields regarding a goal line Marg lead he calls the place the rest of the time Jim Kelly Gail Gilbert Tom Breslin that little rest is all the short garbage he goes to his office at the line of scrimmage and it was Neil Smith who denied the first town they all called offensive Annie Smith with a fashion statement across the bridge of the nose Broadway bridge we call it the Kansas City his seventh tackle and this was a very big gift for the Chiefs because instead of a possible touchdown on the 21 to 6 lead Marv levy has to send out the field goal unit and well if you're a Kansas City fan you hope for Albert Lewis to flock another kick they need something to go their way this is a short 23 yarder for Christie the only thing good about that drive for Marty Schottenheimer was they didn't get seven years butter ginger all those that will the artist he's got receivers open he's identified in the city coverage donut receivers covered by Bruce Dickens things are working and working seven minutes and change remaining in this first half they would have to be interesting to get the analysis of the dicta and gives the much of the action on raise the made this offer as a city with only 66 yards total offense in the half you see Buffalo seven seven and three on their last three possessions leaving city plan contains a city Neal Smith and a four did the same about the same spot Danah starts from his 20-25 percent completion outstanding peppers by the Buffalo Bills [Music] were saying it's a bad hat coverage has taken almost everywhere take away that you - you know who dropped this new system to Kansas City G for Montana was acquired in a [Applause] no one over there again mcnair have gone to the inside and was open but the other way or didn't say I'm in threw the ball away again great coverage you can see the tight end come out here the slant run by the wide receiver and again it's double zone corners up safeties out linebacker coverage he has no one he throws it over the Kansas City side wall minutes just to throw away [Applause] Marco Polo made the tackle you can see he was trying to strip it away along in Kansas City has to establish even they're down 1706 some semblance of running game the reason to hold the line of both linebackers at the latter scrimmage so there's some place to go Buffalo is at this point of this defense in our progress to the 20 no game third and ten every down for my antenna tighten down the middle incomplete the tight in cash jumped too soon the ball was fluttering didn't have a lot timing was what patties Brown cast he had a cast inside the line he's gotta come up with Safety's coming to view the double zone this is the spot they've got to exploit water just enough that - come up back to completion jump too soon five straight get the ground for Montana I'm back at the 14 once again Buffalo's going to get excellent field position that blending gifts to day 37 still another tackle on special teams for Kansas City 43 on the putt no return yardage so 556 left Buffalo leading 17 to 6 and Marty Schottenheimer now hope that some adjustments have made that will play back the force of kellian company seven the buffalo bills thickest there three years ago and denver almost beat'em Carlton Bailey had the short intersection in the touchdown the linebacker the women - a turmoil dan-shim new column of papal Gallego to mentalize in control popular right now everything else has worked as kind of a half roll I think because of the running game and we are getting a little just a little breather on the sidelines Cam Newton his replacement 96 looking for Atlanta to play possibly against his brother that go head-to-head Nate Newton oh the Cowboys wide open is he Dickens is he's hurt I watched it he really drops off and drops off big-time just a hitch and watch Bruce Dickens hurt something here looks like the helmet right of his shoulder he is back out on the field but he really winced in pain on that right shoulder when angry Reid hitting with the helmet first down the inside so outside he goes in the secondary waste to a quality defense Hunter than seven yards now for Thurman town and the upfront guys are doing a great job at gives Thurman Thomas he's beyond the line of scrimmage when he has to make his move breaks the tackle of Taylor man who appreciated Barry Sanders at Oklahoma State the delegator though he is the use day on a blown play gets enough for a first down Thurman Thomas flips deli smart puts it back in - yes it works it works it works on Kevin Ross that with that old running push shot that he used to use at East Grady goes down of the who led the NFL for consecutive years in he was second this season to Emmitt Smith record-breaking Jim Browns go to the well again [Applause] his house Beller pushed him all over the place the first contact by the free safety Mincey goodness Kenneth Davis in he'll pick up the stress gets a couple it is a feast at this point for these fans hungry to prove to the world that they're deserving of a fourth chance to the Super Bowl and they are devouring they also always are saying why can't he do this in the Super Bowl any part of this why not in a Super Bowl Davis again slow down as Derrick Thomas infiltrated and then Joe Phillips and others made to stop come Daniel's this in case you're wondering with a great half by Thurman Thomas the championship record the AFC championship record for rushing a game goes all the way back to 1963 when Keith Lincoln at a charcoal rustic other than six yards he has 129 in less than a half horny Kerry one half the big play for the Kansas City defense the Mikell eros looks wide open Kevin Ross makes the tackle inside the 10 to go to the way things are looking for Buffalo wouldn't but oncome Steve Christie where she can't trust players Davis says only that far wooden clearly it's about three times you can't trust coaches and players I like fans I mean I like that they want to always go for it but if you're the coach and they're not giving you the right survey your job is the one from the clap actually that's the price you pay for not being in a huddle or on the field dick 25-yard attempt by crook you whose organs for staying now leave by two touchdowns 22:6 points Joe Montana on the other side of the field but to this point the Buffalo defense and the by Thurman Thomas after Montana another joke that's a statement in the Laurel de Kamp's it's hard to do he's just another too four straight possessions have led to Buffalo store field goals 22:6 leave and it's been any exception along grinding it out they call this offense the KGUN it's generally about 27 to 27 and a half minutes possession in a game pressure on the thief in his first half that's all slow grinding possession by the offense the defense is well rested it shouldn't be ready for a second half any great back would take those numbers for a game for two minutes and a tick away from Christie 1:56 exactly left in the half Joe Montana Kenny produced before of the intermission hey we're live of prodigy just Walker breaking holes open the city line two minutes ago play action from place at the Marcus Allen a game of mine by mark Maddox now dances city will go with the hurry-up offense and this might run buckle a lot of but this point is working the Stockholm and underneath the Kimball Anderson and is looking for a block give ground goes down at the 35 this might help Kansas City psychologically here in this hurry up they're getting their receivers open over the middle the middle Oh Willie Davis out scraps Nikki Washington for a tough catch Washington was right there for the intercept first down joe Montana's go take a timeout and then he changed his mind behind great catch at the buffalo 37 and fell down 53 the linebacker hedeman coverage that he slipped down dan just runs the little wife c53 on the ground cash did that against Houston last week staying on the play - burned up the sideline six Buffalo leaves five seconds first half bring the Alan okay what a play Cornelius Bennett running white with a talented later right yeah times you run out of ways to describe performance but he season throw it and then chases down Marcus Allen whatoplay it was a charging on Montana and watch him here he just runs right by Joe sadawa that's where it's gonna go huh and he led Allen caught it it would have been for no game goodness underneath near breaking a couple of tackles prepared at a 15-2 there can be certified 31 yards and McNair made a short pass a long gain was some tough running this is going to come right at his dick he third receiver they're releasing people up in the middle of those linebackers like the air coming out of the backfield an excellent receiver a runner I don't know why he doesn't get more work for the Kansas City Chiefs but they flooded the interior that double zone even though a great time to throw just had nobody to throw it to well the lift that a touchdown would give to a Kansas City team with 25 seconds to go well who could measure it it's certainly a great opportunity for Marty Schottenheimer to get his team a mostly back into this game reminder Domino's Pizza halftime report all the first stringers are here we'll have a first-half analysis from two men who can certainly cover that well Niners Cowboys there no time outs now Montana 25 seconds with which to work a dick you're right a touchdown better on this Drive than all the rest of the first half Montana's passing efforts he said burden left Davis right side in cash on the right side secondary no one's open he throws it away Burgie was the closest chief in Montana that was a classic example of that 49 Eroica and don't got the little checkpoints do not open right away you look to the next also hits him here's the wide receiver JJ Burton's wit begun by Martin eventually girl put the lightest creamy butter water contact twenty-one seconds underneath hold an acceptance through the hands of Anders to Henry Jones that could be difficult to overcome here at Henry Jones just watches it bounced off the handers hands actually Jones in a state of his own the 20 but with only 13 seconds left there's danger Anders an excellent receiver he expected some contact has let it slip through his hands Bennett touchstone instead that the interception by Jones on the gift ricochet and that's the end of the first half and did 22:6 at the intermission we'll be back after a message from the yeah season 41 to remember the total yards Kansas City got more than half that total 75 in that last hurry up drive 17 minutes of possession by the Buffalo Bill just taking the ball out of Santa's hands this is a team that normally scores a lot of points in his positions but doesn't take much time to do it because they don't huddle well they were not only on a hurry up but they maintain possession time a two-touchdown lead so it's the veterans now both we'll make the trip 917 miles south to Atlanta first day they kicked off the town Stevens [Applause] for the Super Bowl sixteen Williams have been benched the quarterback on the special teams to make the tackle in there Montana versus Kelly one interception and the end zone by Henry Jones we're made Kansas to that you feel a lot better but still get set I do [Applause] you're so young [Applause] a grilled by Talia a coverage sack Dano is looking all over the place for a receiver what he was going to be cooking second third the second side [Applause] positive no for the Buffalo Bills [Applause] Stadium [Applause] for 30 minutes more new 1994 Chevy Camaro what else would you expect from the country that invented rock and roll by Miller Lite great chase less filling in your beer do this by the people of Nike who encourage you to just do it and find the tunnels what you want is what you get at McDonald's today the more difficult it'll be on so trail by two touchdowns and have yield Marcus Allen mothers get a second shot games a tough two yards bird and long as Darryl Talley and Bruce Smith make another play dick that was a six defensive back set for 1/6 of will Taylor the only linebacker and eventually assists on the tackle here with drew Smith as Buffalo keep in stock just flying around my yard Montana underneath the design Cass did he get enough for the first time yes out to the 20-yard line beep - an emerging star for Kansas Day hit as he throws on a Bruce Smith County dude and this frozen 90 Hansen comes from one side flushes him all the three of them hitted Hansen right and Bruce Smith 3-way vise and Joan the way he's reacting is one word he thinks it's serious we got a shot right on the ribs last week they had to be injected so he could play a game craic warming up on the sideline this is the bureau back on the sidelines watching this game this he's gonna feel like he's going out the middle the freeway to play here Frank did a solid job as the relief pitcher for Montana the entry games five entry games was 3m2 even more effective in coming in to again the Montana had already started he saw his numbers for the year seven touchdowns three intercepted I can't see what they're trying to get a dress on Joe Montana works they have a risk to him and his aides it looks like they're just kind of taken inventory Joe is this all right is that Alright three defensive players hit him 1 2 3 that's a triple hit and then his head really bangs on the bass the turf here at rich Stadium there's a lot that can go wrong when you're a quarterback at 37 I mean you name a anatomical park he's got a star on it looks like you're gonna he's wobbly perhaps it was the reaction when he his head hit the turf we'll get a report from oj or will on the nature of the injury the delivers a pass under pressure to cash for the first town we're just into the second half if you're joining us the Buffalo Bills with a commanding lead 20 to 6 denied Kansas City a touchdown right at the end of the first half and now Montana the new hero in the Midwest pumped off the field and Dave Craig on the Seattle Seahawk acquired the year ago on plan B he was the man through all those passes to the great Steve Largent he having the longest third offensive system in three years this year Marcus Allen nothing there Martin Maddox submarine II and Darryl Talley over the top Andrew Smith as well as joe Montana's being attended to a sideline the one Craig is hit threat of career is fumbles all-time NFL leader in a fumbles he doesn't have big hands and with this wet weather a wet ball that's going to be a tough James and Barnett to the left [Applause] 2nd 2011 thanks first pass by Cass goodness normally very short-handed and you just mentioned how what it is but again trying to get the middle of this double zone that Buffalo is running and when you get a guy in the middle like that he's got to make the catch no excuse for that Kansas City lost only five games this year Houston took them 30 to nothing Miami 3210 Minnesota 32 town they trail 22 six we're standing away from pressure gets Willie Davis not enough her first time he fumbled he was juggling city receivers that Paul is it's made out of crystal started with Anders going for a touchdown ball right there for an easy touchdown and the - the defense pressure that inside Sigler they chose the sidearm delivery here Davis never really has complete control of it mark certify Poquelin back at the 30 I've been a poor yard 26 on the return - made the tackle empty I called and they want Kelly watch this combination here 29 is JD Williams Bennie Thompson the block looks like the helmet is behind the plate of the shoulders on Bennie Thompson and every board should have been a block in the back an illegal block in the back but not called a buffalo on the plus side of the 50 again another good punt return that's alive this multiplayer and pension another one is bird in the game pickup of good fine Gracie Rogers for the first time in the Buffalo Bills history a tight in led them a number of receptions very nice receiver the ball let's see who has it no signal yet must have come right back to Thomas or they're saying he was maintains possession he'll sniff the man on the rocking tackle straight ahead run again a good job by the offensive line when he fell when I went out on the pickup a friend he had last week against the Raiders and it was Brooks that he dragged a hit dick I noticed Kansas City has changed their defense now Tracy Simeon in his in the lineup they've gone away from the four one six alignment that they started the game with and that's to stop Thurman Thomas and running that's the influence that they made off the influence of Thurman Thomas and David often thought he saw hundreds of Jess - the backfield by ripple and then twisted on OJ Simpson has a report on Joe Montana well did the word on the bench at this point is that Joey days you got a brain scramble some what they want to keep him off his feet and his feel questionable if you'll come back into this game yeah thanks to that fairly it was not just the three men hitting on the body but the slamming of the head and helmet against the hard serve design by Fubini as this whole-grain not right at the freezing mark here and actually was under 32 degrees at kickoff Sun and the problem is the officials on the sidelines do a great job of keeping the ball dry but every time they put the ball on the ground there is a nice little egg shape on the bottom that gets wet the ball gets heavy it doesn't rotate the same and it does get very slippery there is Moore's third punt just trying to angle one inside the 10 and this is for Steve caster this old brilliant he's up on the left side the other way the right side party but that's exactly what here's a quarterback Montana and here three bills sandwich him and it's that snapping of a helmet against the first that is days [Music] starting at the 10:00 - six this crowd hey girls I'll go down and away a couple of Defense's not back off a lick the coverage the scope in there well it's not Joe Montana it's the performance of the Buffalo defense Jeff right one of the smaller nose type tackles that so quick gets good leverage the very outstanding game thus far mr. Coyer like there he is brought up a defenseless Buffalo is to perfection today give the handers with bueno play this myth had charge to move the neutral zone was he pulled off side for Hidell Jonathan Hayes Sabre Smith is already on the other side of the ball what great grip provision that Bruce Smith can see that actually he had the likable call before he was he had initiated to play he was gone first and then the tight end that's a new one simulating the start of a play that's just a covering the tight end at the start of the day hamburger and a first down across the 30-yard line 26 yards just that little play-action fake yelled linebackers at the line of scrimmage for Burton to get behind the big Nikki Washington making the defensive play watch the two linebackers it got ahold ever-so-slightly that allows burden to get deep reg does get hammered when he throws it but it just gives a little space susan has a then boy Anders you go to Houston he goes to the 34 pickup of two minutes in tally and the linebackers for the Buffalo just smacking on every play and tally is the leader when you talk to defensive players here him in Buffalo he seems to be kind of the playing any kind of way with anywhere lady in the parking lot I'm not able to get through that front line of defense to Lord of the 36 yard line Sally again with Hansen and it's almost essential to Kansas City Buffalo staying at doubles he's got a threatened riddle the defense that's what they're trying to or not this is not a give up play when they run it up trying to impress upon Buffalo that we can't on the football well Cory soon Greg Davis could he stay inbounds yes which are they're saying one guy's marking it on the sidelines Alex yes 46 yard line first down this is the kind of reception at Montana for last week for a touchdown to Willie Davis in the end zone come back for the ball underneath the coverage Davis does an excellent job of pushing the defensive back away obviously this kid is well covered he catches the ball very well hit hard by Jeff right he's been nailed twice in a row let's drop some other but that's on the quarterback that's on the quarterback that's down off his thigh board I think Dave Craig is already he said that that's on me drag one of the great stories in sports from milking cows when he rolls out here this is a tough throw but you've got to get it out in front of the receiver and down there on the lake that's tough but we've already established that in ladders we'll let it the blank stare of Joe [Applause] as you tried to make us but you can say it's more and more treacherous to handle the ball and a main team pudding Mike Lotus was there to secure him right on the Buffalo helmet - it really slips right foot goes out to the left foot okay has the presence of mind to get up it you gotta threaten his Buffalo defense with the run it's even tougher any on any painting of the carpet it's much slicker the science on British process twice yes the phrases first better Gilda Hayes but that won't be enough for foolish down inside the 40 it'll be about a yard short Atticus he's four down area we've announced the third quarter 652 to go Marty Schottenheimer going the sidelines yelling and screaming at somebody Gregor's going out they just hit the play Masada yeah [Applause] together six and a half minutes remaining in the third quarter leads by two touchdowns so on and who Kansas City go [Applause] and yes at the 20-yard line if the tight-end cache again and a great throw by Greg he had thread that went through the defense again up through the middle of this double zone the little play-action fake holds the linebackers ever so slightly the double puff by Dave Craig still has the velocity on a football mark Kelso right there to make the tackle but a first down pickup diving just a fingernail away from deflecting livin for Kashuk caches 63 are inside the 20 Craig leading the chief Marcus Allen again right into a crowd just nothing there Burrell and he had a couple of runs early but the levy and Volturi defense and very tough on the Kansas City running here [Music] Kansas City if not a must for opportunity at least let it be known on the pole sidelines that there won't be many more opportunity on this goggle and I'm sorry to burden at the 2jj burden in front of nate odomes 15 more first and goal Casey what an unlikely hero emerging here Dave this is birdie takes the inside coverage underneath so it kind of drops in and lets you make the turn in and Dave Frank fires it yeah and Prague apparently going to use a timeout or is it Buffalo it's Buffalo that will spend the timeout so each team now with two remaining first and goal when we come back it seems these days folks are taking a new look at their priorities with that in mind chevy brings you the rudest full-size pickup ever made so that family can come first [Music] and work second the extended-cab from chevrolet chevy the most dependable longest-lasting trucks on the road the polluting water is life its life in motion and life in progress man is the perfect animal because he needs solitude and after he's had his solitude he needs to find other people doesn't they combine that with a magical translation ye and you have a place which is beautiful to live in the contact oh the affair won't buy them what the club has given to the world is that we have shown that you can learn and enjoy yourself on the same place and time please plan [Music] my wallet I have to now I can express carbs for one corporate and of course one customer to Club Med cows and a photograph of my wife forever that's all I need for family American Express is one in the Club Med themselves Superbowl 28 coverage begins at 4:00 Eastern next Sunday on NBC Nick that last completed the burden he runs the square in route but there's a free safety Buffalo did not win the double zone here but gives Dave Craig and JJ Bergen a pat a chance to break up to the inside and you know instant replay allow even catch his first and goal meanwhile Joe is in the state of his name at least in a football season Kristen go inside to kill [Applause] by Craig again or just an inside rush nobody touches Darryl Talley he's right in there to get to the spot where Marcus takes the ball Jonathan Sigler 66 who misses the block on the heart inside charged by Gerald Ali we got to get Marcus Allen but that's a fumble [Applause] and again diving to the one he's close to the goal line but not in following the block of day the Sun also got a Thompson here is the lead blocker shut him down as you said own again this is for Don area poor town [Applause] Marcus touchdown Kansas City now that was a barian engineered by Dave Craig and Craig's standing in drilled a couple of times as he threw the ball was able to complete some difficult passes and third and long and takes his team 90 yards for a touchdown excellent job upfront by the Kansas City offensive line the yards 14 plays Marcus Allen's 11th post-season ruts an aggressive touchdown that delayed the rushing TD gets the extra point and Hamza City is back in the game do dick run behind the defense an excellent job by four left guards out on the fold and a lead blocked by Ernie Thompson they get contact on the two inside linebackers 53 Patton 55 Maddox Marcus flips him for the score seven minutes 18 seconds on the drive here's the punctuation point Allen with that great vision waiting for something to open sees a crack in the defense slides through for the touchdown Vick he always keeps his head up a lot of players for guarded situations they put their head down and just take their chances with Marcus is always looking that's like little adjustment to the run that's what makes you such a great short yardage runner [Music] Marcus understandably right there with the all-time leaders in [Music] they often playoffs Franco was 16 marigo would / now Marcus one Thurman Thomas who has to today get up to but for [Music] by Kim Landers this would be dead even with 306 left in the third Russell Copeland wait says why sends it toward the you fumbled in the first panel what he has taken some solid knocks today set the Steve Tasker to make a point here to the people and Jastrow Vista block 89 I'm bigger than most defensive backs you gonna come across I cannot very good on festival now it's up to lady came to city defenses Delhi say today is that corner just the flowers the man he's been blocking today Tracy 750 foreign language well Martin Bayless comes up from a safety spot to make the tech logic let me make this point right now it's going to be more difficult for Buffalo to run this ball in a second half because and city's changed his defense completely Dickens is on the sideline is on with two linebackers no one in color to pick on Pickens anymore [Music] there's foot separates the ball from the 30-yard line so it'll be third and that much he breaks the tackle of the Jake Taylor up there number 27 but very close close enough to for him to change huh breasts cats for Beebe where they need to that's if it's part of the ball from the 20 yard line and the ball stands there short of the 30 I simple mathematics would say yeah I doubt that that's a first down but you're not sure you know it could be a hometown chain but how could that be that's what you do at home a few a link of the chain every once in a while what's going on here yeah there's something fundamentally a way to wait back take it back timed wait wait fine I'm going to correct ourself we know that wasn't a touchback it was Copeland he didn't quite get to the 20-yard line our apologies they're always right no those pixels us Joseph big yard then it gets 10 we got no matter what the defense and that's that counter tray again jumps outside the inside all well here it this isn't the counter dick because they don't have the pulling guards but he bounces bounces it outside excellent blocking outside by Bill Brooks and it picks up a nice chunk of cake right back for Thomas and this time only give him 147 yards for the afternoon Darren nickel philipson on the stuff 80,000 plus rich Stadium led the league in attendance in seconded years of fine the flavour around other team in this final goal for screen and it's setup for Thomas 50 forty-four very famous trailing the play got in anyway anyway you can to get Thurman Thomas in the ballgame another way look at the perfect timing the center and the two guards pull out their Kent Hall Parker Davis out in front and as Derek Thomas on the tackle but again Thomas running goal line-- the goal line-- been a famous he said that could be the final play of the third quarter and showing it up on the ground again of the bills Raja's and loss make this topic hardly a backup player the way Kenneth Davis plays would like to have a little more respect but ease quicker and faster than Thurman Thomas just be difficult to bring down we'll be the final play of the quarter the quarter and which the only points scored by Kansas City on that one long drive by Dave Craig 2013 buffalo in order to go return they traded slaves her daughter their property the bankers will sell girls and her search all do you unsolved mysteries NBC Wednesday do we agree we agree when Laura and Judy and I wanted to expand our business thanks that our husbands had to co-sign you can't be serious then I talked to Ken our accountant and he suggested Key Bank because they're very helpful to smaller businesses I told him they didn't need a loan they needed a line of credit we got our money and we got it on our own Donna think of you as a silent partner in our business how can I thank you you just did Key Bank really is America's neighborhood bank the TV is on the kids are playing a computer game the phone is ringing and something is there's likely enough noise in your household right now to make the prospect of an information superhighway put in an overload [Music] Communications was supposed together I'm Mary Alice Williams and help is on the way 9x wants to make your life simpler right now they're improving today's services adding normed like a way to reach the one person who can pick up more milk on the way home technology ought to be about people so long with more new choices you'll always have someone there at 9x to help you choose just the parts that will improve your life and you want to have to deal with the rest with simpler communications you'll have more time for communication I'll be radically propose it that's Ninus right now Nick Clooney and rich Kalman on channel 2 news first at five is presented by authority of a National Football League and is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the NFL is prohibited we go to the fourth quarter to Hamburg with Bob Grumpy's from all the visible evidence it does not appear go Montana will perform one of the same comebacks today days when tackled while passing in the third quarter it's up to Dave Craig apparently is the defense of Kansas City sees Kelly with the first time in 33 Infernus compromise table for no gain a rare time Thomas with his 446 yards today that's already the fourth best ever AFC championship day jackal here made by Martin Bayliss coming into this football game I think that their coaches told us to leverage that stuff you got a stop Gordon Thomas Bayless on the glitch they took it up there go underneath us one second than a flag okay five yard reigns to make a check was a Smith you're allowed one bump like they blitz the safety all was judged in the air yes and therefore it's not an illegal Chuck its pass interference Neil Smith drops off the line of scrimmage and yet the ball was in the air pass interference good call dick Smith that was interesting back got a gun Buffalo has Kansas City and says disarray defensively here now he got Bayliss plan on the corner Dickens is out of the game they got Kevin Ross playing the other corner Albert Lewis is on the inside two linebackers Dave Ava Adolf is making his stuff up as he's going along and it's still not she's going into the latter part of the season and Marty said yeah we'd lose David Whitmore are starting safety early then they lost Dale Carter was the starter at the corner with a broken arm and also lost bub Terry and he's tried to mortar in all those tracks with pickups like Felix right in and loose Hickman's and and others but bad luck lousy burger finally misstated the weakness to read at the play by Minzy at the tail a good block by Johnny verse number 65 this is a person they use that way usually once game they like to bring read around on the reverse now watch who's out here at quarterback for Kansas City 31 Kevin Ross made the change to free safety earlier in the season Davidoff has to resort to putting kevin ross back to corner we such a good runner after the catch they use him as a rusher that's a 54th i ministries carry the ball [Applause] lots of yellow on the green it's starting to pain deeper for Marty and his Philips right here arms links from the football but Kelly says those the ones I get like Holly wrong because they can hear it's the hearing of this Katie that that that gets them and the closer you are to me though more local you are the junk boy wasn't quick out rooks the ball must break to the plane of the goal line and the officials are saying it did not the second and goal and against ready to touch me davus the tailback complete Athena they go to the eligible tackle on this play John FINA who caught a touchdown pass earlier in the year he must report tell the officials he's eligible he's open this goes right through those tape gloved hands that was the role at which role played so a brilliantly here for Buffalo and he wouldn't catch many passes with every one of them who protects Olivia seven eight was only like that yeah all of his pitches all just inches away on third and goal this time it's Davis over the top No worth and or and a Super Bowl balance maybe crispy I think he breaks the plane of the goal line there above that goal line it certainly looked to me like he had the ball to the goal line it's the front edge of that white line cannot be in the end zone we have to hit that white line Kristi will go for 18 yard field goal you can't get him any shorter than that a 10-point lead with less than 12 minutes to go fifty-five left in the fourth quarter and we'll see Ruth Smith and the Buffalo defense in a moment as Steve Christie with a 10-point cushion and even to the 25 how much coming up next weekend on NBC Sports of course the Super Sunday and that Super Bowl from Atlanta on Sunday but to whet your appetite with the delight of the best figure skaters in the world it's the professional championships on Friday night at nine o'clock and Saturday at 4:00 see the women's and the men's competition here on NBC the Duras off-color [Music] figure skating championships from Landover Maryland [Applause] where's down Buffalo so much superior the throw by pregnant complete and tended for Willie Davis Gregg is five for ten off the bench for Montana you know this formation with Anders spread out has gotten Buffalo out of the double rotation zone so Kansas City's receivers are now open unfortunately Joe Montana the guy who runs his offense yes he's on the sideline it's up the day of Craig it is a different game Craig than the man he would have seen at that season because he's been stealing the one assistant and killed as a glassful Marcus Allen hitman Louisiana this Smith was a man there first and for Neely's Bennett to finish the job oh so that since year 24 pressures you can see Cornelius Bennett gets inside the blocker the block of Jonathan Hayes he makes the first contact Bruce Smith it's too big plays by two begun [Music] manual these Friday palette in the kitchen as well third and long Johansson pride and joy folks North Dakota handsome played at North Dakota State just a farm kid he knows what to do when his third and home he beats Ricky Ziggler he also beats Kimball and me that he was not something that handsome known for barter the punch to Russell Copeland beautiful spiral to the 34 he was bound by contact 1:12 on the return Benny Thompson with another play and we have a timeout 10 minutes plus to go those Pizza call Domino's now auto a large to topping crunchy thin crust pizza and get any medium one topping visa free the Kansas City tomahawks lost a little of its mettle and one of the reasons the pants rush of Buffalo dancing cuffs on the outside gets Dave Craig on the ground with a good speed rush to the outside [Music] you sign his original contract with Buffalo was so light part of his path spend 15 weeks here the offseason to lift weights to maintain his body weight rushing in a game Rodgers and bailiffs make the tackle after an 11-yard game now the offensive line in the Buffalo Bills is having their way with the Kansas City Chiefs defense we've got a chief down looks like Joe colas Big Joe thomas with that yardage has now moved past Marcus Allen Allen 1984 had 154 yards in a game Thurmond has 156 now and the way he's going foot that buffle going to try to run the ball now the best ever AFC championship game is a runner well they should continue to run takes pressure off the offense a little breather a little rest and Kenneth Davis couple of carries like they're just massaging a calf muscle for Thomas nothing serious as much as he gets you I mean you're gonna have bumps and bruises and at some point but just a week you wonder have we seen enough of Thurman Thomas do we gave the ball to Kenneth Davis save yourself for Atlanta Georgia yeah you know you don't save yourself when you're only up by 10 oh great your two possessions away from losing this game it looked at me like they were just rubbing into the back of his cab maybe a slight cramp Phillips looks more serious in ambulatory that man from SMU played five years for the charges see we can pick up their Joe Phillips right there one of his guys and they kind of land on him too a lot of big legs and big bodies flying around out there in that football field he's alright not even school he's a lawyer so his wife the ball at the 41 yard line first down Buffalo each game were to time out for a minute salya more no game and zeliha moolah over 300 pounds then the rough way still wrestles in the Lockean were the practice players that salia more he said that's the way I came into this league before became a plan beyond the stay where I started visit he's bold and play softball properly they hit a home run right so I got that on the sidelines and pans out another five or six before Darren nickel and preci Semyon you can get him one of the great things about his Buffalo offensive line because both sides can pull this is the power run with 74 Parker leading 70 feet of applying these are 300 plus pound guys looking like running backs out there but this is a very balanced offensive line buffalo has rushed for 205 yards today Kansas City 52 Grozny as the report go Philip walk to a first down some more time for the bills in Kansas City committed so many to the line of scrimmage in case of the run you see Sally amore right up there everybody at the line of scrimmage just a square out just deep enough for there to be the first down Marx makes the tackle drive continues the Bills have protected Kelly so well you saw how well they did last week you know the built-in the last three games of the regular season did not allow Kelly to be sacked one time they've not given up a sack today 27 yard line sent me in there 7:21 720 to go the next big decision Marv levy has to make is how much longer Bourbons on his place not much longer in my estimation their first Super Bowl against a Giants they only had a week's time to prepare for that one and that was certainly the best performance and it was Thurman Thomas his best performance his work Kelly so screwed and clock while they're used to the hurry-up off get in this situation he knows how to spend every second between play applause appear to be a face mask as well and that's the second best game ever in the AFC Championship both have Paul role of the LA Chargers in 61 Benny Thompson the ability of Thurman Thomas Kapow right there outside there you see Thompson with the hold on a face mask I've seen enough to Thurman Thomas he's going to be in the Super Bowl next week which it certainly appears he's going to he's got the rest of the afternoon off for me man as ever restful more yards in this championship game and that's marketing back at his alma mater Washington State beeping of that records book now with those names you were fixin Oh what's important here is promising and an era where it's been the passer that has all the big numbers showing that Bobo using every second Estella many cases the short runs of [Applause] the cutback they cut off pursuit keep McKeller is on Neil Smith that stop-and-go ability good block by the wide receiver Don Beebe Albert Lewis made the tackle and hasn't gotten up yet all inside the four Thurman Thomas over here there is gas the trifecta see what happened to Albert Louis this is wait outside as thee to a timeout with 555 to go and they're starting to celebrate in Buffalo long before we ever been Buffalo the commanding position is you look at general manager Carol Peterson of the Kansas City Chiefs who brought Marcus Allen watch with Marty Simon Schottenheimer black Paul in as the new offensive coordinator that expression hasn't changed much for Joe Montana this game the bell Morgan in AFC championship history this is beautiful people to step forward Thurman Thomas is taking a giant leap forward if anybody who didn't think he was too hard to solo this offense I think he's changed their mind today the opposing head coach knows the Marty Schottenheimer spelled it out very clear we have to stop the run we have to stop North and South get his shoulders squared away because then he's not a 200 and back or a 200-pound back he's 240 and he's proven Marty to be too good a prophet and of course but you've got a running back over 200 yards three touchdowns the offensive line was played brilliantly today against the defensive line last week actually handled the Houston Oilers watch this offensive line how big a hole is that on touch that's the second time he scored without being touched Jim Kelly and as tough as the blue color fans are in this great city had a chance to so these had to live with glass a lot of people tried to whisk them away but you the pallets excellent organization of Rallo have kept the poor players here and they don't go out and trade outside they build from within he lays present look who's making waves Michael Evan missed out of cowboy his big news check it out when I was seven people told me I was too small to play football last I checked I'm wearing a big Super Bowl ring I Drive a big card help big welcome to my house I bought my big family a big TV so they can all see my nice big smile off anybody tells you you're too small tell her Michael says thank you for his retirement the only thing had no intention of slowing down that's why I beam with our mapped out his little boys with only one goal [Music] Dean with we measure success one investor at a time way over a gallon of water every second with this deep blue aqua gem that's 396 gallons per mile think about it the all-season aquatred only from Goodyear sex ugly Charles Barkley leads the stunts against the Celtics Plus at halftime the retirement of Kevin McHale's number 32 the NBA on NBC Super Sunday this is still Wester Stallone's team likes the repeat that they in the history major professional team sports only one team only once in this century as a team was the championship game three straight years and so qualified to go to a fourth the Buffalo will be the second the playground [Music] [Music] knock it up this punch to run out of Stevens arm they can see that little town from six miles away from the farm married a girl from Lyoto Kansas as you see just punch the ball out didn't date her in high school how's it possible it's out of 1,500 people you wait until you leave high school four straight times Pro Bowl selection he made the Pro Bowl no second week of the season when he made that play in Dallas on the goal line back into play they've Kragen an impossible situation get the denim field for a catch and a fumble a rule bound by contactors now the call was Maddox tackled Willie Davis out at the 33 yard line Cornelius Bennett with all over Dave pregnancy through what do you think you go out and you spend the money to get to veterans on the bell curve there on the back side of that Bell with our experience and Plagueis incomplete to Montana would have you do it over again would you say Kyle Peterson go for that I think it's a great choice by Carl Peterson get Marcus heaven Joe Montana Paul Hackett is said this offense is not complete until we can do it without substitution and that's the way Bill Walsh forty-niners used to do it the same five field position athletes right there yes change the look very smart move over second in Tampa Claire yes boosted his way the twelfth post-season Zack for Bruce methi all see this is this is from the right side of the plate on the left side of the plate he tackles out to the 50 certificate edia only 33 the way he still gallops and there's a little extra motion left first entry into city and buffalo territory on a 26 yard play with Marcus Allen he has two years off is recruited nothing and he still has the fire yeah what he can bring the Joe Montana and Marcus Allen having a team off the field may be just as important as what they do for you on the field it would be a shock at both aren't back next year that's what Gregg underneath - Jonathan hay is a short gain of three or four yards under the five-minute mark so the clock will stop on the out-of-bounds Thomas Smith makes the tackle all right the Buffalo Bills looking ahead now against the NFC look what they did this year and this was against that NFC East they beat Dallas without if we should add that should be an asterisk on their beat the Giants by three the Washington and Philadelphia three of them very competitive games this year last year this myth got one of the great temps of all time or was offside against just a great jump no flag JJ burden will the catch and the first time inside the quarter misstep one week's preparation for the Super Bowl helps Buffalo cuz they keep things in order you can't change a lot offensively or defensively and wonder if you just play with what go catch made by Beynon hughes and the last two times no cats novice and the ball was on the ground the last two times the Super Bowl has been played on a one-week period rather than the two-week period have been very competitive range while the AFC has lost nine in a row the two closest games that was the Buffalo giant game were because ayats and the other was when 20:16 those were one week preparation Super Bowl prepare Bennett before to the outside the pocket I think that Johnny Greer is being kind here today a great knowing the situation well things weren't kind for Buffalo in Pasadena in the Super Bowl last year and it's Alice and that performance last year is an absolute foul it's awesome play yeah they call it the stink Greg goes deep so when they did intercepted by Jay here and that will kase Gowda williams has been sitting on the pines the ladder we'll celebrate Buffalo you stay with your team and all around you really they receive Jennifer Seaver really gave up over the place lightly so I that consecutive strength of the team that gives it away the most losses or more positively if you take it away more than the other team you win 27 straight playoffs with the most take away each with an interception Montana and Craig and jellied one turnover they'll say I know the men back on safety Kenneth Davis now if a they're attracted by McDaniel so let's go back a year ago was the game of the year at Candlestick San Francisco and Buffalo to the 49ers beat Dallas and Jim Kelly had Sunday this was a record-setting day Thurman Thomas getting behind Romanowski there was not a punt by either team in the game the offense is up the dial appeal never happened in NFL history no puns I have never seen more receivers running unimpeded towards the goal line in one game in my whole life that would timeout 3:18 to go think of all this last year and and then the other side saying yeah but they've got more experience who do they match up better against Dallas or the Niners I frankly think they've been better with San Francisco just proposal a lousy performance they got against Dallas practice I don't think they want to face Dallas again the one thing about this football team because Buffalo football for you the questions ask these guys I'm gonna have to think hard about finding something else about him before than happy to Greg they're incomplete with 154 to go well the Kansas City fans the bulk of them were up in that far a protect corner and not many fantasy of the Buffalo bands pretty well defined that just about where they were right next door's a happy man and we hope because he's such a great gentleman that he'll be even happier next Saturday before the Super Bowl Charlie Joyner one of the assistant coaches with Buffalo today before the Super Bowl Nikki harder in this game than make himself a great player when Charlie join her on numbers of proved a success we hope he gets him charlie Joyner Wednesday Craig Bulldogs album at Darby Darby had his moment in this season he was the man who made the intersection in the final play of Dallas to deny the Cowboys a win there Bill's neutralized Joe Montana with he was playing us either [Applause] preg going deep for birdie [Music] they totems on recovery thanks to her producer John Francis directory going fommy president the Kebra saw all the men and women are brought to the pictures in the the sounds of this event come to Russia Matterhorn Steve sullen Michael Gluck helping us here in the booth you know the conversations we had with the Kansas City Chiefs I remember Gary Thomas town has two Kansas City going to the Super Bowl he was a limo service he's going to have three cars there - again and excited inside the 15-yard line Schultze with 47 46 seconds left so Derek Thomas doesn't go Derek Thomas's limousines go to the Super Bowl well he'll be there he said personal service you might want to drive sometimes throw away by Craig and now these fans in rich Stadium only any semblance of a performance like this in the city they all have your rooting interest but the bowels of you of a taste for history and taste if you can believe it for an underdog they're going to be a touchdown or better underdog if you read all the things you do from up Nevada they're on the table for one big role that's it if you hit the number you'll be remember to go with the game in years and years to the three yard line with 17 seconds and Vickers very obvious is Buffalo game news when they protect the football they are very difficult to handle congratulations Buffalo incomplete no two seconds left nate odomes breaks it up that was the 51st pass attempt by Kansas City today against all odds dick they win seven of their first eight games and go five three on the second half of the season part of repeating is getting through the regular season to the playoffs in spectacular postseason play except be nice for Kansas City they get a touchdown on the final play woman [Applause] not cool well 30 Kansas City 13 persistent and resilient Buffalo three consecutive times a Super Bowl loser that the fourth straight trip to the big party will the slipper fit in [Music] I didn't say they were super and the opportunity is placed before them can they be one of the truly great NFL teams of all time congratulations Buffalo Bills we'll see you next Sunday and we go to Jim Lampley [Music] reminder that the NFC Championship game doesn't kick off until 403 sometime the 49ers and Cowboys that will determine the bills opponent next Sunday in Atlanta between now and then we'll bring you all the jubilation from the Buffalo locker room presentation of the Lamar Hunt trophy to the AFC champions hojae will bring us interviews with the bills players will McDonough will be in the Kansas City locker room and will get the comments of my colleagues Mike Ditka and Joe Gibbs on today's game we'll get started with all of that right after these messages from your local station rich water fights for the only love he has back you can see the Buffalo Bill and again accomplish their missions reading the chief 32:13 to win the AFC for the fourth consecutive year very shortly we will take it down to OJ Simpson he in the bills winning locker room will have the Lamar Hunt trophy presentation we'll talk to the players starting with the build a near flawless performance by Buffalo well I think the big difference in the first time they played Jim we talked about it earlier the ability of Jim County to audible where he wasn't bothered by the fans had the ability audible he caught up flowers football game they gave the ball to Thurman Thomas over 30 times in the game we knew that would be the key thing Kansas he did a very poor job on defense they tried to play a four one six defense and it did not work out they need it beefier people with the linebacker position just drop that back once he came through the line of scrimmage those defensive backs couldn't stop him we talked through much of the first half of the season about Buffalo's difficulties on offense they had to adjust to the absence of explosiveness with James Lofton having left and now bill Brooks in the starting lineup they seem to have made that adjustment I think the big adjustment was Jim Kelly on the field I think he called the majority to play by audibly and I think it's really almost like a two-minute offense he was running out there that's what made him so tech when Kelly is operating in his best is when he's calling his own play and doing what he thinks we can make that offense work and of course great running backs having great days can make it great today Joe Gibbs Thurman Thomas 186 yards much of it behind a terrific performance by the Buffalo offensive line great atmosphere I think that might get the nail on the head Kansas City could not stop the rush with the front they had up there over and over again this camp giving it the Thurman and it made for a long day I also thought that you know really Montana started off again a tough time throwing the ball in this kind of weather and I think it was tough Ram Creek I think was more effective it was really mostly just a running game and I thought boy did an excellent job getting the doll Berman kept running bait for a long day for Kansas City you got to give these guys credit now say what to come back Buffalo with the organization like this and not fall apart after those three big losses and sympho an early observation and there'll be more of this to come and you coached one of the teams that Blue Buffalo out in a Super Bowl with each passing year the weapon but the ass are they better now and work with for this experience than they were before well I'm impressed with this fact when you we talked to Thurman Tom I was impressed with the way he had set his mind in the past he concentrated a lot maybe on himself or guys got it this team is very much together I think they've grown through those experiences I've been impressed this year where they've gone about business Kelly Thurman Thomas all the stars that they have the Foreign Office has done a good job keeping them together I think their battles ended now I'm they want it it would be a great story if they get the monkey off their back and I think they have a chance to do it they certainly played great today and they did the things you got to do when you physically run the football it demoralizes the energy passes great the in fancy strength but when you run the football knock people down and not come back that's that's that's man's football both psychologically powerful weapon in football the ability to knock your opponent off the line of scrimmage run consecutive year the Buffalo Bills are headed to the Super Bowl they will play either San Francisco or Dallas if it's the Cowboys it will be the worst ever Super Bowl rematch in second years right now let's head down to the winning locker room and joint OJ Simpson juice gym I'm here with a Neil Austrian president of the National Football League with the Lamar Hunt trophy trophy emblematic of the best of American League if he presented to Ralph Wilson president of the Buffalo Bills war record fourth straight time Ralph it's my pleasure to give you the Lamar Hunt trophy for the AFC Championship it was unprecedented you've done it four years in a row you beat four different opponents our congratulations to you Marv the entire bills organization I know the Georgia Dome and Super Bowl 28 await you in Atlanta next week and on behalf of the entire league good luck next week against you the San Francisco or Dallas and again congratulations for a terrific year and you've built a wonderful team thank you thank you very much nail thank you very much thank you Oh je hey hold it up this was not I didn't have any prearranged talk for this but I just want to congratulate all of you from starting with Marv and his staff and all of you players for the tremendous effort you've made starting in Berlin in July and all the way through the season in winning this fourth conference championship game I'm proud of you you're a great bunch and you play that wonderful game today against a terrific team and can the Kansas City Chiefs and I salute you about the resiliency of this group of ball players especially this man right here Thurman Thomas I tell you I've seen Thurman make a lot of runs but I never seen him run harder than he did today and you certainly deserve the recognition your public teammates are you surprised that the ease in which you were able to move the ball against these guys are there well you know considering the game plan that they have defensively they came in to stop me on the run and on the pass but I got coach they came up with a great game plan off us alive did the best job they've ever did since I've been a buffalo bill and we just went out we executed very very well and that's why I was able to get all the rushing your vows that are you surprised that that not only that you move the ball against these guys so well but what does it say about the resiliency of this team I know nobody wanted to to go back to the Super Bowl yet that was the goal of this group of guys well you right nobody wanted to go back but we believe in ourselves as a team as an organization and as a players are you hey we get back we were here a lot of the questions about nobody wanted us back but this team has been through much over the past three years since losing three Super Bowls that we were just thank God that you were and looking at Sundance late this afternoon I do you sort of worn a three-gallon some of these things but standing over here the guy did a great job today not great numbers but very effective Jim Kelly hey Jim you started this year you saying and I paraphrase let's tee them off and go a fourth time well I think you slowly teed off a lot of Americans out there well I think near the end of the week and all I kept hearing was more people turn turning towards us saying that you guys have accomplished a lot and I if you guys get there if we're gonna be pulling for you hey we don't have to prove anything to anybody were champions in our own mind and there's one more river to cross and just going out there no pressure on us gonna have some fun tell me about the day's game I think you have to be surprised at the ease in which you guys were able to control the ball awfully well the key to the game was the offense line you know Hornets and flaps we knew that if we're gonna win by any stretch of anybody's imagination there's gonna be doing guys up front guys came off did a heck of a job Thurman ran like Thurman Thomas and I need everything with everybody we got Bruce Smith standing right here right now but we're gonna throw it over to the other locker room too will Madonna with the Kansas City Chiefs okay thanks very much juice with my tee shot and I am a mighty first of all what's the condition of Joe Montana I think Joe's fine well he had a mild concussion hit his head on the surface and really wasn't functional to be able to come back and play I think he'll be fine though going into the game he said the one thing you really wanted to do was stop Thurman Thomas and yet you couldn't get that done well we pointed toward that that was a big issue for us and I'm sure their objective was to try to get him to perform as he did we're disappointed obviously but he's a great back and you know that football team has taken a lot of heat from a lot of people and there are a hell of a damn football team and as there are well coached football team as you know and my hat's off to him yeah how about Derrick Thomas today Monty he was in the game with the injured or was this something you guys are doing defensively it was part of the thing we were trying to do with the defensive group but he was not injured we have a group of personnel that we call Big Chief and it's a bigger 280 pound guy to put on those tight ends yeah today I think when you look at the game you're just gonna say physically it looked like the Buffalo Bills did a great job they were a better team than us today there's no doubt about that well but on the other hand you know we've had a damn good season I've told our players there's no reason for you to let the frustration of this moment dull the accomplishment of a fine season in 93 thanks Marty let's go back to Jim Lampley all right thank you very much we'll certainly if you're a fan of the old American Football League it was fun to see the Chiefs against the bills here today but the team which was clearly dominant was the Buffalo Bills will head back to the Bills locker room and we will have more interviews with the victorious Buffalo players when we come back the rich Stadium [Music] people say inside the county well people I got a confession to the side-by-side so Nelson you know it doesn't make any difference whether you go down on Monday or Tuesday whether you go to a hideaway hotel two nights or one night makes a difference what happens when you show up at the stadium and when we show up the stadium we got to do something different well you showed up the day congratulations and we'll see you in Atlanta next week I'll look forward to it all day thing I'm lively a happy locker room here in Buffalo and envy juice a happy western New York where a lot of people were made angry last week like by a light-hearted comment you made on our program I'll give you a chance to set the record straight you used the word boring in reference to Buffalo success you're not the only one who said it you appreciate them as much as anyone who's very very pretty well I think it's a disgrace to anything I've ever seen regardless of their feeling for my filling what they're trying to do hurt somebody and that's wrong so I guess it's I guess it's what I'm saying is they're lousy these people around here anyway Joe will the bills players root for Dallas to beat San Francisco to get a can set specific were they I don't think they're gonna root for anybody I think they're too smart to say yeah I think they're gonna sit and watch the game I did pick up on Marv right there one thing he's got on this team I think you know when I had good foot bought these who's watching for about eight or nine guys I leaned on that were those veteran guys I think he's got that on this team Kelly Thomas you know the defensive guys Smith I think he's got a good feeling right now and they've really stayed focused is what I I think is happening to this team and I think they'll they'll make a good showing in this Superbowl I think it's gonna and I don't think to come for free by the day they're gonna take whoever's there they've done a lot of bleeding how much have they learned from three times losing the ultimate game we're about to find out one more time so Buffalo heads to Atlanta we'll be with them as we say goodbye we'd like to acknowledge the men and women who brought you all the sights and sounds from today's game here in Buffalo we'll see you next Sunday as the Bills take on either the 49ers or the cowboy [Music]
Channel: Jean-Paul Müller
Views: 116,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buffalo bills, kansas city chiefs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 8sec (9428 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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