1989 Air Battle near Tobruk U.S. F-14 vs Libyan MiG-23 | DCS World Reenactment

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2:07 contact of 175 72 miles right up to angels 10 25 miles and that's okay to be having the 31 five-mile speed for 30 angels approximately 8,000 Roger age taken north but loop here with about 40 - 0 761 miles now during 1 8 0 8 8 having 3 3 0 fathers Boza back 20 degrees there Jacob now these appear to be coming jigging to the right now heading north speed for 30 angels to decide let's take her down now we're going down says at 53 miles so Jesus here to be heading directly out as upcoming sports steady up 1 5 0 4 33 offset 55 49 miles now speed 450 angels 9 I'm going down a three my darkness rather Roger that 30 degree offset now he's heading the three to zero speed hundreds it's alright now they said I just know he's a back into his now of starboard 30 degrees the other side join up substation weapons hold every morning hello episode Bravo ah this is okay I'm taking another starter to starboard and that court 27 miles he's at 7,000 feet 45 130 135 at the usual 16 three four zero okay books your input and now inside wanna take a right seven watch watch got my nose again okay my source head north head north I got one glass one splash Bob [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dash99er
Views: 3,086,518
Rating: 4.4840651 out of 5
Keywords: F-14 Tomcat, Top Gun, MiG-23, Libya
Id: mW8X7VK-Kdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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