7 North Korean Mig-29s Vs 1 American F-15C Eagle Beyond Visual Range Engagement (BVR) | DCS |

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hey guys how you doing today we're having a look at the f-15 eagle and why it's often referred to as the best fighter ever built its service record certainly speaks for itself but here i'm gonna try to demonstrate exactly why the f-15 has such a fearsome reputation i also wanted to say a big thank you to all of you who commented last time and noticed all the changes in terms of editing to the previous few videos as we encroach on 100 000 subscribers i'm really trying to increase the professionalism and quality of the videos to give everyone a better experience and better take on the expectations of a channel that has reached 100 thousand subscribers so thank you to all of you for your ongoing support i appreciate it very much alright guys let's get started with the video [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we'll push the radar out to 80 as you can see we have multiple mig-29s in front of us as indicated by the rwr and we're just gonna wait and see when we can pick them up on radar here it should be any second now we are in high prf and you can see they've come up on the radar here we're going to switch to tws mode track while scan this is going to allow multiple a120 launches on these targets all at once we're going to lock up four of them with the four uh forward most bandits are the ones we're going to take for now and we're also jammer on at this point just to make it a little bit harder for them to get a fire solution now obviously the advantage that they're going to have is that they have vastly superior numbers so they could screw up the uh situational awareness here for the f-15 the way to deal with that is to kill almost all of them or all of them in one pass so that's what we're going to try to do certainly something the f15 is capable of doing and we're just going to let our mock speed build a little bit here and we're pushing closer and closer the closer we get the higher probability of kill and that's fox three times four three and four all right and then we're just going to break lock with that and try to launch on the other bandits that we don't have locked up yet so there's a lock indication from the migs they're locking me up we're taking the two rear bandits that we hadn't fired on yet fox 3 and then we're gonna center the last one and fox 3. there is still one more bandit that hasn't been launched on all right and so we're looking for all six of those missiles to connect with their bandits and if they do we should only be forced to commit on to one last make 29 and that should be a very simple fight for the f-15 so if we hit all six of those bandits that's uh a 100 percent kill ratio for amram's fired and i'm seeing multiple splashes across the sky here i think we hit everybody and you can see that one contrail at the at the top there that's the one guy we haven't launched on yet and i've got uh bore sight selected here we're going to lock him up and fox 3 on him and that should deal with that problem fox 3. all right and we'll dive and we'll flare actually right here in case he fired a fox 2. get some flares out and splash the last make very simple for the f-15 all right guys so we'll do a tac view review here um all right so this is me f15 all of the uh north korean migs we can see that we're separated by 27 miles now yeah this is ai and ai is not very intelligent but i just thought if we give a whole bunch of them they may have a better chance of overwhelming an f-15 however the f-15 is just so dominant that uh even this situation as long as you can clean them up quickly you're going to be fine and look at this i love this [Music] so beautiful [Music] and so let's just take a look at the launch parameters actually before we continue so right here at 26 miles mach 1.47 let's just call that mach 1.5 at an altitude of 33 000 feet so very good launch parameters for those am ramps and so there they go you can see multiple r77s in the air and we got two more amrams off at the end here so after those four five and six so we got six missiles in the air and we got a whole bunch of r77s coming for me these migs are traveling fairly fast as well these guys are maneuvering they're below mach 1 however you can see the ones that aren't are sitting at about mach 1.1 1.2 ish okay so there's the launches and let's get rid of the labels here and look at this kill ratio one remember we had six missiles in the air two three four five six that's six for six six for six ab rams so it just shows you the amram a very good missile especially if you're within the correct launch parameters all right so here we go and then we just commit on to the last guy we didn't fire one at this guy anyway um just because it was starting to get a little get a little too clustered with all the what the other six migs i guess it would be um i didn't want to accidentally fire amrams onto targets that were already dead so i wanted to let them all die and then i would pick off the the guys who were alive because i only have eight ham ramps okay i've already fired seven or six i guess and so this is my seventh one off the rail and so you can see i knew he he would have launched we still had a uh rwr notification which came from these r77s but uh this is the thing with these you know russian planes or i guess north korean planes is you gotta be careful for those sneaky fox twos and he dies because of that that amaram that hits him in the face and you can see that the flares get the fox 2 off my tail so um the point that i say with these r77s is they're giving you the the rwr notification so it makes you think that this missile that you saw come off the rail of him was a radar guided missile but in reality it's a fox 2. the point is you just can't take that chance just drop some flares right and that's it [Music] all right guys so i hope you enjoyed the video thank you for your support very close to 100 000 subs never saw this coming love you all thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video bye guys you
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 2,426,780
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Keywords: DCS, Digital, combat, simulator, dogfight, hornet, virtual reality, air combat, dogfight a real pilot, rafale, f-22 raptor, army, navy, mirage, military, air force, mirage 2000, tutorial, how to, guide, syria, america, war thunder, us military, aircraft, f14, f-18 hornet, dcs dogfight, mig-29s fulcrum, microsoft flight simulator 2020, ate, real dogfight, dcs world, dcs supercarrier, dcs viper, eagle dynamics, dogfighting, us navy, dcs world dogfight, f-14 tomcat, dcs syria map, ace combat 7
Id: w5FrxsBG_H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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