(1988) Marco Pierre White cooks for Raymond Blanc Part 3

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"Jaded Marco bitches at life while Raymond tries to compliment his work"

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/capitangoku 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

He doesn't seem happy with how everything came out. The first shot of the dessert looks like the food runner didn't hold the plate flat and the ice cream slid into the cage. You can see his sulking. I'd be pretty pissy too if one of my food runners did that.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/xxbuttchug420xx 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

Who is this shoemaker? Everyone knows that all good chefs use Knorr chicken stockpots, and have for many years. They just taste better.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/captainblackout 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

1980s plating looks so dated now. I always wonder how bad today's plates will look in 25 years.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

I assume fondant = terrine.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EloeOmoe 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

"i dont think of dying yet, but uhh.."

"oh, i think about it every day."


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2017 🗫︎ replies
oh it's a classical creme anglaise which is or English custard which is egg yolks milk and sugar then when you're clever glaze is made we pass into another bowl and left to cool that is when you put your honey in when it's too hot then you leave it to cool nice big slices so they look like Lily's pad size now what we do is we dust them fairly heavily with caster sugar then we glaze them with the blade which gives that tapia an effect you you you you you you well markku we don't do this at the end yes yeah miss you blow so fond on of leeks and love style well visually I know that it would look stunning hey Justin oh yeah little bit that looks beautiful well Bon Appetit you Monsieur Madeleine well I'm glad my apology news great big lunch leaks and they are delicious it's so the flavors are very very clear very delicate and the mix of textures between the lobster and the leak is absolutely stunning the Marge of the sea and the earth and moving into this lovely sharp taste of the peppery mom I know it's a live show you my life you have many textures and it's not the scene there's not the earth I mean there's many texts just in my life I think to media and all you feel about cooking but it's giving the village it's of course a great pleasure of these wonderful ingredients then giving them to your guests and for them to share you this wonderful fortunate that's an idealistic bang chef okay now the end of the day how many of our customers understand and appreciate what we do problem okay you can be kinder than camera chef but no I I think we're lucky we've got five percent at the end of the day I mean they don't really understand what it's all about they think it's just so glamorous because what appears in front of them is very nice please not know but it's dirty messy I expressed my upon badly maka would success is good the prize Vaseline I know very nice pressure prize I have better price we're basically my family life has been pretty much destroyed and so on wins will divorce and very and I think maybe it doesn't need to have his price and maybe you're a young shark you just got married you've got to wonder upon to your wife if pregnant is beautiful so I'm just telling you one single little message you love what you're doing but somehow be able to share it from Dallas yeah they always feel second to your work at the end of the day they didn't understand that it is your work that pays the mortgage pays the bills paid for those little luxuries in life you know it's very hard for them to ever understand unless they've actually worked in the kitchen and been obsessed with food like we are well look Marco I think for the guy who has the reputation of not to eat at over a thing antibodies delicious it's a lovely well-balanced fish very well balanced Thank You chef you see Michael maybe we should all learn something out of this dish that basically the Marge of poverty and richness does work for Napoli which is called the highest of the poo on the lobster bisque visa Singh altar which works together the textures and the flavors missing phone I'll agree with you that because I came from poverty now I live a rich lifestyle man very indeed this is my favorite dish of all time that things from that I mean you know if I had to have one main goals before I died tonight yeah it would be a pig's Trotter it really would uh-huh I think I don't think of dying yet but I think that you see like you know my philosophy about cuisine are like textures and different tastes but I would find maybe it's totally different about this dish is that is it's a very rich dish okay it's delicious but it's very rich sure I seemed put those little shallots with it will give that kind of freshness and different texture you know there's nothing wrong in taking someone's dish if you do the dish the way they taught you how to do it and then you put their name on the menu like this yeah my menu says baked these sort of pierre Coughlin that's what you know this is a compliment to Pierre but at the end of the day you can't reinvent the wheel no the wheel has been in is being invented and all we can do is put our own hallmark on it now well Michael does a pig calling me a pig so Hoss bear with an ice-cream elected subject least I'm up it's beautiful those lovely slice of pears yeah go for the pair well when you've tested you want more water it sends a good sign delicious I felt a very that you have grown up a lot as you know before you had always his gift to throw things on the plate and they all do always look marvelous okay that's one gift that's a cosmetic of food but what was your slight problem was a test and I think buzz mill ahead today our assay it was absolutely stunning in every way I think now you don't lie because at me food is a lie if it is presented in such an attractive way the package is so tempting and so B beautifully cosmetically so stunning but then after the test is missing somehow this is something missing it's a little something which you can't write into a cookery book it's that it's that inner feeling which comes from within and that understanding of what you're working with I never been shown this before and so therefore when you used to bang on at me I suppose I was incredibly ignorant about it all I just think what's this wall-e going on about so I didn't think you were a wall-e when you were talking about this and and one date clicked on my cell phones you said that's right marker for the first time ever I think England would pride itself to have the very best young chef just the same lavelies fine chefs no no no bad feeling about it no the complex not convinced about it and that is wonderful that is three star material that means that England can be proud of and this was a wonderful to see that first time in history will is that a well English chef if you have the discipline you will go all the way to good food to the pleasures of the table to friendship and your success [Music] 30 seconds 30 seconds place at 10 seconds dressing 10 seconds diamond starting at the back [Music] 95 9 [Music]
Channel: tallnut
Views: 1,622,914
Rating: 4.8980699 out of 5
Keywords: marco pierre white, gordon ramsay, young gordon ramsay, marco cooks, raymond blanc, marco, ramsay, cooking, chef, cook, hell's kitchen, kitchen nightmares, mpw
Id: XPX8j2dvc_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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