1985 week 7 Buccaneers at Dolphins

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the fans have been chatting for nubuck quarterback Steve Young but coach Lehman Bennett says not yet right now I don't have any plans to make any changes my original thoughts I realized yet that I'm maybe not ready to play but I don't really care I don't decide to like play even if it's a defensive tackle on the east coast of Florida the Sun is just as warm the beaches are as beautiful and the lifestyle is even more carefree but there's trouble in paradise for the Dolphins Dan Marino's dreams were shattered by the Jets Monday night who took first place in the AFC East injuries have hurt the passing game and Mark Clayton is finding it tougher to get into the end zone but help for the defense has arrived Hugh Green will face his former teammates today as the Dolphins meet the Buccaneers the Miami Dolphin from the Orange Bowl in Miami the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the NFC plus the state to meet the Miami Dolphins of the AFC 87° that kicked off in the Orange Bowl and quite a breezy afternoon up here in the booth as well as down on the field hello everybody I'm Tim Ryan but our Harvard man and former Chicago Bears offensive lineman Dan jiggets and Dan the winless Buccaneers coming over here trying to win one from Miami Miami trying to rebound from what was a devastating defeat Monday night at the hand to the New York Jets well Dan Marino and company have been under a lot of pressure they have not produced off incidentally in the last week or so and one of the reasons why is because duper's been out that's what pressure on Clayton & Moore has caused some problems offensively also the offensive line has been injured no Tampa Bay's offense I guess the record speaks for itself they've have on the other hand been getting some points on the board no wins well Steve de Burgh has been throwing interceptions that's hurt them he cannot do that today if they're gonna win James Waller is not rushed for 100 yards in the last two weeks he's got to do that if Tampa Bay is going to win today Dolphins went looking for some defensive help and the irony is they got it from hugh green of tampa bay well you green's gonna be looking across the line and some people he knows very very well it'll be interesting to see how this thing turns out is somewhat controversial trade but you green is ready to play today let's go down all right Dan and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are going to receive to our left it'll be flawed revaz picking off Leon bright is the deep man for the Bucks along with Phil Freeman and it comes down to bright about two yards deep hesitated but then decided to come out with it and brightest stopped short of the 20 yard it was Jim Jensen who made the tackle the all-purpose man of the Miami Dolphins the Buccaneers bring out Steve de Berg at quarterback James Wilder the running back and the you back or second tide and jury bell the wide receivers Kevin House and Gerald Carter across the front line of the Bucs it'll be Jarno forsen Grimes Farrell and Heller and it will be interesting to see Farrell and Heller particularly as they will no doubt get some special blocking assignments on their old teammate Hugh green making his first start as a golfer after getting in some nickel defenses on Monday night against the Jets first down Tampa Bay [Applause] maybe met off the left side by duck betters the left defensive end on the linebacker Bob Brzezinski Brzezinski playing with a sore foot and there you see the defense in front of betters Mike Charles in a Kimbo camper boat camper also playing hurt the linebackers Brzezinski Jackie shipped the second-year man Mark Brown and Hugh Green now over on the right side the secondary Lankford and Judson on the corners Glenn Blackwood and but Brown are the safeties Don McNeil has been returned to the roster and will see some action in the nipple defense for the Gulf 2nd Incept Wilder by towards little Medina and involve Rosinski this kind of fits in with our theory that you know Tampa Bay has to run the ball today to see just how good that defense is of Miami and I'm sure they looked at the Monday night film and decided well that's the way to go early on it'll be third down and four the ball at the 25-yard line defensive substitutions on the field for the white-clad dolphins Alec Moyer the rookie linebacker just activated yesterday off injured reserve situation off the wing comes Jerry Bell for the Buccaneers who give mr. Wilder he's got some running human potential lawyer number fifty-four number three pick the just came off injured reserved stopping while they're short of the first down tip you'll remember yesterday Sean Farrell kind of had a smile on his face when we were talking about that particular play and then running it it didn't work too well that time for them though no it did not so the Buccaneers will have the first punt of the game Frank Garcia and going to be Clayton back as the Punk'd return man number 83 standing at the 30-yard line of Miami they've had two jugular returning a little bit having a place they're the Puntland rock and that rebounds only to about the 45 46 yard line with Jim Jensen of the Dolphins big play early for the Miami Dolphins not a bad way for our old quarterback Jim [Applause] 25 yards in advance to the 48 yard line Tampa Bay they had an all-out of Russia on the punt here comes Jetson right through the middle good block some came to thee didn't push it all the way back as they could have gotten even better yardage they bucks as it turned out were fortunate the ball went as far as it did but Miami will start first down from their own 48 yard line Tony Nathan and Lorenzo Hampton other rookie are the running backs Malena brings out the dolphins [Music] [Applause] short drop by Moreno first down path complete from that four 41 yard line by John Holton the quarterback number 21 8 yard pickup Tony Nathan woody Bennett the scheduled starter but they came out with Hampton that bore and Mark Clayton remember mark Cooper skills among the missing on the injury list Kiesler Foster white Stevenson the all-pro at center Ronnie Lee and Cleveland Green the offensive line for Miami and they will have second and along to in the 41 yard line of Tampa Bay opening offensive series for Miami mrs. Hampton [Applause] and he'll be close to the first down yardage Greenwood in on the tackle number 30 the strong safety and it is a first down Miami [Applause] defensively for the Bucks John cannon David Logan and Ron Holmes in front three the linebackers Keith browner Jeff Davis Scott Brantley Chris Washington has moved over to where Hugh Green used to be and the secondary castile and hold on the corners green wood and ivory silly the Safety's first down Miami not fake the turn John hope to drive them out of bounds and the initial pressure forcing him deeper than he wanted was from David Greenwood the safety number 30 Tim they tried to run a a and that's pulling that backside guard and tackle it was not successful because Hampton ran a little wide on the play should have taken it up inside and just didn't do it that time Dan Marino gets the call from Dan Johnson the tight end who just came in number 87 and he has been shuttling the plays in his first series with Bruce Hardy for the Dolphins in aid of about a yard and a half for the by the Jets his entire offensive line was on Monday night they want that me to rebound up the middle it's complete the Colonel Nathan although that feel sort of the first down but a gain of about seven inside the 30th Tampa Bay Jeff Davis playing with a sore shoulder and Jeremiah Castile made the tackle for the Buccaneers they appeared to be doing a pretty good job against Dave Logan the great nose guard and here you see him just trying to get back the hands in the face North that's being in those God that's what it's all about getting beat up well his attitude is so great though here they are on six and with the green out of more of the focus as the truth comes on david logan as the heart of that defense Lorenzo Hampton are the running backs in the eye rookie has the first round covered by the [Applause] and it is Miami ball okay here we go now just watch oh it's too bad we can't see love look at another shot at him here he comes outside the Lorenzo Hampton outside nice play just too bad he didn't hold on to it late he's getting a little extra stick there and there goes the ball now we're gonna get a chance to see David Logan and this is an excellent job oh gee you hate to see those kinds of things if you're on defense I love it I was an offensive line that was white Stephenson the center and there was a lot of mutual respect in our conversations with and Logan separately in the last couple of days Randall is into the ball fine back her first gown as he had stepped out of bounds before he fumbled the ball [Applause] wide open in the quarter this will impressive the ghosts of this pathway Dan Marino is really taking his time he's being patient allowing the play to develop now he's the hook this is that more wide open in the corner there it is TD that's the way to play football dolphin stop to attend the point after Spock is the holder [Music] yard plays after blocking the dam of a pun [Music] well the Miami Dolphins getting the partially blocked punt by Jim Jensen moved it in 48 yards on six plays and Moreno passing to the veteran net for from 16 yards out Don Shula start of his team fired up and ready to go after their life to the death a loss in which the Dolphins defense gave up 476 yards while getting only two yards of offense [Applause] but there was a very smart decision - it looked like the Dolphins got down feeling pretty good shape that time good kick Bhairav A's and his brother Carlos over at the University of Tennessee at a hand and defeating Mike show us Alabama team yesterday is coach John ran home to watch his son on TV Tennessee is the quarterback for the Alabama water to Ray Perkins and that turned up a 16 to 14 to another orange plaid team from Tennessee wonder if there's an alum there and it was the brother of flood relays [Applause] we field goals first down Tampa Bay he's got a hole all the way out to the 30-yard line and it'll be close to a first down depending on the Marquise may have it Jackie hit the line back the number 50 made the stop there's a nice sweet James wall around the left side good blocking up front now you see him picking his hole he's shooting through there looking for good strong positive yardage and delivers a nice blow by the way James Wilder last week held in just 49 yards on 24 carries by the Rams Lena Bennett told us we went back to some basic techniques in our offensive line blocking and practices can get him some more Running Room let's see if it's effective it wasn't on that play as the Dolphins defense Dufton manager again to maybe a half yard flag down on this play duck betters and George little made the tackle for the Dolphins and you can see here Dan that Wilder who had had six consecutive hundred yard games counting to from last year at 497 yards in his first four games and only 78 in his last two yeah they have had some problems on their offensive line they've not been productive and the reason why is coach Bennett said was they were blocking high you know they found themselves coming out high off the ball what causes problems because the defense gets underneath you stuff the line of scrimmage negative yardage the penalty against Tampa Bay after the good run by Wilder got them a first down they stopped him on the next play and wound up taking the penalty so they're back now at the 20 yard line again this is a really dangerous area to get apparently like that in because now it really changes your game plan you have to change what you were going to do if you want to throw or something like that let's see what Tampa does first in 20 mile to the lone setback three wide receivers in [Music] Wyler's drop by heart [Applause] and a clear shot and a fired-up Dolphins defense the plots the play of Mark Brown a loss of three mark round makes strong penetration right away here he comes across the line bumps Sean Farrell out of the way and takes James Wilder to the turf good play by Mark Brown and teammates so the ball back now at the 16 yard line of the Bucks 24 [Applause] wide to the right comes Gerald Carter to receivers out to the left for Tampa Bay the motion comes belly gift a wild a while they're stopped immediately [Applause] from Nevada Reno number 75 let's see how something develops offensively for Tampa Bay it seems that they're afraid to make a mistake offensively and as a result of that they're playing somewhat conservative they haven't put the ball up in the air like they have been over the past couple of weeks and I really think that that's a change for them philosophically so let's see how that develops during the course of the game third down and 22 yards to go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they've been prepared for a while too carrying the ball and dove betters has gotten very familiar with while in the early going here and once more the Bucks will have to punt well I think that the problem the Tampa Bay is going to have is that Lehmann Bennett's probably afraid to say hey look put it up in the air Steve you know with the interceptions last week it makes it very difficult to come back and keep throwing the ball like he wants to run he did say he wanted to get that running game going one more time as it have been so effectively Garcia what's this one away handily and it is Mark Clayton at his own 30 yard line simple soup forced out by edger mic prior number 24 looked like he had an angle on him but Clayton just out lana 46-yard punt with miami in front seven to nothing 1st quarter Heymann Bennett in Tampa Bay so far this season his first year as the new head coach following John Mackay hole in six but you have to admire his attitude and his his his whole approach he knows that he's got the time on his contract to rebuild the Buccaneers and I think that his attitude through this difficult period is certainly been outstanding really hasn't it's carried over to his team too and I think that that's going to be something that's going to help them down the line I pick up a lot and I got two picks for here in just four his start on first down the Dolphins up the middle of a tight and hardy and it'll be a first down Miami 34 their own 41 they're now in Tampa territory the Rams over Kansas City in Los Angeles house seven and OH after shutting out the Chiefs have been struggling and look at this the Lions upsetting San Francisco 23 221 big trouble in Baghdad by the bay Buffalo over Indianapolis 21 to 9 score of interest to the dolphin fans in the AFC East Bennett and Hampton in the I formation on second and about a half yard Lorenzo Hempton the rookie has the first down and picks up a couple of more at the 45 yard line of the Bucks the great thing that Lorenzo Hampton does that time is he follow this blockers and then he picked the hole when they gave him one you'll see him here he's come around toys is coming around in twos and or whatever his name is he's cover a nice block out in the outside kicks him out and now here comes Hampton through the hole that's the way the place supposed to be around the counter ot good play by Lorenzo Hampton Hampton the number one choice from the University of Florida 212 pound it looks like he's going to turn out to be a bad first down Miami Buccaneers 45 yard line play-action arenal all kinds of time deep sideline threw it out of bounds Vanover there was over mark Clayton burrito just sailed it out of bounds and he had all day now he's just having some conversation with Clayton about perhaps the route not being what he expected and we see Minnesota has defeated San Diego 21 to 17 today to stay in the hunt in the NFC Central behind the leading bears in Pittsburgh leading the Cardinals 23 to 10 in the fourth period and look at this the Eagles over Dallas 16 to 14 NFC East or more interesting second and ten Tony Nathan Nathan running hard [Applause] most of the 35-yard line of tempeh every selling was the man to finally stop them Timbuk the thing to look for here's Nathan following his block nice kick-out block and here he comes around tucking it back up in now see most backs were run outside a good back runs inside like Nathan does here makes a good strong positive yardage diving trying to get to that marker and they're going to measure and see whether that effort pays off for Tony Nathan Tony Nathan's gone Hawk come on give me the extra four in the first down at the 35 yard line when he earned it to carry more of the offensive loads for the Dolphins with Mark do piranhas Aries trot 29 passes illustrations he has become a more important receiver with the doubling on Mark Clayton downfield Ron Davenport the rookie from Louisville is in now pull back number 30 [Music] first down up the middle of a tight end is complete and close to others first down whose hearty number 84 the receiver a nine-yard gain one of the things Dan Marino mentioned to us yesterday was the fact that Tampa Bay likes to get back in that zone have those linebackers dropped and they wanted to concentrate on throwing underneath get up set up and then possibly go with the long ball later on well he also indicated that they thought they could throw successfully on first and second down for that very reason and he's been making that payoff here in the first two offensive series for Miami they lead seven to nothing Hampton and Davenport the running back second in about a half yard to go and Johnson and motion now sets up on the strong side right Kempton as the first down back to the 20-yard line where David Logan bulldogged him down something interesting that Tampa Bay's defense does you know there are reading defense they like to sit on that line of scrimmage hold you up on your blocks offensively and give those linebackers a chance to read another thing to notice is how deep their inside linebackers are playing off the ball if Miami's offensive line is able to get through those linebackers they're going to go for big yardage all day that's something that they weren't able to do against the Jets on Monday night in it it seemed like there was a rededication by both offensive lines this week to improve their performances in last week's games let's see who wins the duel in the pits on first down Marino lots of time wide open in the middle is pike play surrounded by five Buccaneers at the 15-yard line after a gain of five yards brightly and Sully were the first to arrive dan Marino has not had pressure on him so far - during this game there's Brantley's down on his round stroke isn't serious he's a Florida guy who is down from this area played at the University of Florida and a key player in that middle the Dolphins has thrown six times out of seven first down plays so far so marino sticking to that game plan and making it work for him and while they attend to brently will take this timeout with Miami in front seven to nothing some attention on the bench seems to be favoring his ribs in the lower back and he's been replaced by the veteran Cecil Johnson number 56 the Dolphins have a second Hill along for Tim Ryan and Dan jiggets here at the Orange Bowl in Miami Miami in front seven to nothing on the touchdown pass from Marino two more and driving again and this is Kempton hampton is dropped behind the line of spinach good potential reaction led by Jeff Davis number 58 the inside linebacker and the left end John cannon number 78 there'll be a loss of a yard on the play they came across very well made some penetration off the ball and that was the reason why they had some successful in his play Cecil Jones is an old player has been around nine years out of the University of Pittsburgh on new greens alma mater by the way Joe Rose is banana tied in Durio Harris and wide receiver Harris picked up as a free agent from the Cowboys this year after having played several years in the past with the Miami Dolphins in the openness Clayton the flag is down he gets to the 10-yard line and then is forced out with Colt waiting for had the first down yardage for Miami let's see who gets the flag our referee is Jerry seaman today and the infraction is signaled against Tampa Bay you know again Marino's having halt day the past he's sitting back in picking his spots and just kind of throwing darts you know he doesn't really have any pressure to funnel 30 defense penalty declined first down let's watch this play again no pressure at all from the Tampa Bay defensive line the offensive line of Miami's doing a great job of keeping those guys off at Dan Marino his uniform isn't even dirty Mark Clayton wide open why because those linebackers are dropping too deep they've got to get somebody on him tight so it is first down dolphins inside the 10-yard line he's done doing the mouth a little quick stepping outside come back out now he's got the ball ready to roll first and goal dolphins the middle acquaintance come plate he get grill that time I don't think he wants to go back in the middle too often ivory Sully the man and there's a price [Applause] penalty coming well after the buccaneers had a shot to intercept that fall but they were putting so much impact on Clayton that they didn't catch the ball well it may be a good thing to note they kind of give him a stick early on let him know they're there Sports Tonight conduct will be the penalty as the Buccaneers continue to hurt themselves in the pattern through six games - fortune by conduct number 56 first so Johnson here he's gonna really catch it coming down the middle this is why receivers do not like to come down the middle everybody's waiting for you a whole party and Cecil Johnson must have got a little extra in there you must have said something that done something after the play was over Johnson was the man who had the best chance to catch the ball too but it is first and goal now inside the 5-yard line of Tampa Bay the Dolphins leading 7 to nothing 236 to play first quarter his call by Miami is they had some kind of a mix-up looking at that Bucs defense so Dan Marino welcome over to discuss things with Don Shula like shoeless looking at the shades on the sideline and everything that's the Miami GaN Sandusky the offensive coordinator some discussion here about why the timeout was called you can see Don's not too happy with it and let's take a look at some scores from around the rest of the league Pittsburgh over st. Louis 23 to 10 is a final and the Cardinals will fall to 3 & 4 in the NFC East and look at this the Giants holding Washington to just three points look like the Redskins were back for their win last week and the Giants 17 to 3 so New York moves to four and three in the second place and the Dallas Cowboys losing today are at five and two atop Denver in front of Seattle seven to nothing in the first quarter I think that NFC's their letters going what end up with a Nate Nate Rutger there's nothing of the way that they're going right now Moreno will bring out the words from Don Shula and execute them on the field as best he can and he is throwing seven out of eight for 62 yards in a touchdown against the Jets on Monday night not a huge night for Marino passing 13 for 23 against the Jets and that his second all-time woes he still leads the league League however in total number of completions one of the things you have to like about Dan Marino's he's got an offensive lineman's mentality you know he likes to get it and mix it up with the big fellas it it's really great to see that and I'm sure that's why those guys get along so well I was very supportive of his offensive line when we discussed that with him yesterday he couldn't point any fingers at all about that woman Monday night and yet that offensive line did struggle all right play action in the corner touchdown at 10:00 the third quarterback wide receiver would have fun widen injured reserve the fourth wide receiver part me and he gets himself a touchdown the last thing they're expecting is for someone like Justin to go out of the pass there John bolt gets blue right now Justin's wide open in the corner I thought they were expecting a run and that's the first touchdown of the season for Jensen his third career touchdown [Applause] [Music] the Dolphins have jumped on top as we have just begun the second quarter it is now 14 to nothing it says we see Lehmann Bennet on the sidelines his team quickly down here with just two and a half minutes gone on the second period trailing 40 he's thinking he's look we've always played well in the first half and he kind of died out the second half what's going on today these guys are on them it might be a positive reversal akin they took off we made it drives me on right back to the in line and he'll start from there 20 the wind is really whistling through in the upper reaches of the Orange Bowl now tomorrow we are I think you just inverted a deuced a twin day to go something into the NFL Halfdan stood next to you here well that was obviously wind-aided you gonna see the thing just kind of sail up there and the Old Glory is suffering the effects of the wind wrapped around that at the mast and pole their flagpole I tell you is what was the spin of this booth we definitely do that we're in second first down for the Buccaneers we've yet to throw a pass he's the bird as they trying to establish the to get something going - touchdown and it's complete - Jerry Bell Bell with a first down for the Buccaneers 12 yard pickup in the 32 yard line where Mark Brown the third-year linebacker from Purdue makes the tackle Bell with 30 catches second only to a Wilder among the receivers aren't they Buccaneers that time Jerry Bell just kind of slid into the middle of the zone and those old seaman there settle down in there and got the reception Tampa Bay they had to punt twice the first one partially tip gave miami the ball at the they took it into score second possession they Wilder Wilder guys for about six another flight Blackwood number 47 made the tackle the interesting thing about James Wilder is he makes six yards look very easy they're very smooth running forgot ass 225 pounds the holding signal is against the Miami Dolphins defensive holding the flag coming down in the secondary area illegal uses to the face number 55 defense first that she was going what's going on move what hue green warmer pukka near oh he's playing nasty now he doesn't like his old teammate that is a good shot to the face oh yeah Jerry Bell is not gonna like that one when he sees it in film they still holds the facemask that has really the big problem got a hold of the strap so it's first down for the Buccaneers at the Tampa Bay 42 yard line in motion goes Bell the verb with time completely teri [Applause] at 27 yard gain and guess who envy Ukraine look at it here cherry belt broke outside and really had a nice run down the field few green couldn't keep up with him strangely enough and that's one of the things new prides himself when you see them they're trying to swat at it no deal he goes Jerry Bell down for the game Safety's Blackfoot and but Brown had to make the tackle and it is first out Tampa Bay finally out of their own in for the first time with [Applause] [Music] for the ten yard line big date a 19 yard game for Wilder [Applause] first down Tampa Bay at the Miami 10 and here comes a nice triple team on here great he's out of a player double team at least you green cut nicely wildly cutting back up the front we kind of lost him there but Green was eliminated from the play Giles and Jerry Bell on that block and we're winding down here in the first quarter I think I had us into the second there a moment ago but we are now winding down to the end of the first period the Orange Bowl in Miami where the Dolphins lead 14 to nothing man Steve Young you know leaving Bennett mentioned that he's not ready to play yet but Steve Jones got to be thinking hey look I can gotta do something going well they have a very complex off into the truck first and goal [Applause] the bird has a man in it incomplete both the defender in the intended receiver Kevin house fell down in the corner of the endzone the house didn't really have a chance to catch the football although he was behind the defender but brown yeah you know the bird didn't lead him quite enough and I think to maybe extend it out to try to get to the ball but I'm sure that something is just timing down there that's all it is when you get this close in everything starts speeding up and you want to get there on time where it's not going to work second down from the 10 yard line of Miami just underway second quarter Buccaneers to our right dolphins [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the last series of plays [Music] he's hurting mrs. Wilder [Music] yes touchdown just managed to sneak inside [Applause] great piece of running by Gene Wilder and the Buccaneers are on the board Tim we're gonna see we're gonna see Sean Farrell and Ron Heller pulling on the OT and remember Farrell had the smile on his face when he's talking about coming after Hugh green on this play excellent block there goes green out James wall around the corner texts down James is stretching out looking pretty good today I think he wants to get over a hundred of them they've got to win by doing there's that good second effort that just got him inside the pylon and it'll be Donald equip week gave four they point after the Buccaneers refused to buckle when they fell behind 14 to nothing in the first period 14:48 to go 14 to 7 I guess we're helping it by telling everybody his debut is highly anticipated that big wave week deacons kickoff goes through the end zone Hampton the deep man just gave it a nod as it went over his head saw the Bucks with a couple of big plays 180 yards and five plays to two minutes and 43 seconds off the clock and James Wilder taking it from 10 yards out for the score 14 to 7 football game Tim Ryan with Dan jiggets as we see Dan Marino bring out the dolphins and the Dolphins had good field position to start with on their first two possessions and made them both count and see what they can do starting from the 20 they are like Marino's any place on the fingerless ghibli field position [Applause] that is a point well-taken and he's had the time to throw and he hits his man but it's dropped that fork could not hold on John Holt put the hit on more as the ball arrived bolt number 21 a pretty good snack and that more got the football one of the things is they're gonna try to do it in that more early as intimidate him a little bit back there and by doing that they hoped he's gonna do this drop some more balls you see they're right on him they're on him like sweat he actually dropped the ball on before the contact was made that he looked like he was looking to see where Holt was so the effect was the same second and ten [Music] [Applause] Renzo hamton yes Davis had a clean shot Adam broke loose in Cecil Johnson and Castile made the stop after a 14 yard pickup watch these line back you see them taking off in their drops that middle is wide open nobody's there Lorenzo Hampton realized that picks up the ball and he picks up some yardage so the Dolphins are out at their 34 yard line where they've spotted the ball Hampton four catches on the season Karl Howard is committed the nickel defense on first down the buccaneers and dancing forward dolphins Tony Nathan with a good piece of running in Washington made the tackle Washington is in do Green dole spot he had been playing left outside linebacker they moved him over to the right side with the departure of Greene and Keith browner started their last week on the left side in Washington's old spot and the rookie urban Randall getting some time that time big Roy Foster was leading them through the hole you know some people gonna move out of the way when big Roy comes through and injury report on Scott Brantly apparently a sore hip and will not return at least with this half he'll be missed in the middle Linstrom is in defensively on second and a long three what pass out to Hampton Hampton has the first down and he takes a big hit you know it almost appeared that time like Miami was setting up a semi screen the way they let him inside they invited defensive line inside and then through outside just shortened the fly Jeff Davis and ivory Sully really gave him a pretty good shot but credit the rookie held on to the football and the Dolphins have a first down as they grind out now to their 47 yard line Hampton will get a breather the chance to suck some air back into his lungs from that shot Davenport presented running back biryeo Harris is committed wide receiver [Music] lots of time against the marina and it's brought by Dan Johnson there at the Bucks 30-yard line just dropped the football I think it's an understatement to say to me should have caught that when he was open and now would have given them an excellent field position you know last week the Bucks defense had seven sacks against a pretty good football team called the unbeaten LA Rams but today they have not been able to get any pressure on Moreno he's he just been sitting back there being able to survey the entire field and he'd have a better record except he's had a couple of drops so he just saw one you know they worked awfully hard the last couple of days and even half of the Monday night game which is unusual [Music] decadent in Miami this is Haitian bacon that's a pretty good hole right tackle and turns it into close to a 70 yard gain ivory Sully the safety number 44 making the tackle but Miami's gotta get a little backside help from their their offensive line Johnny diesel is not able to come down feel and pick off those safeties that's when you get the long run on the sweep such as that one because somebody's gonna kick off Sully and then all of a sudden there's a great big opening on that side of the field there's a slur he's been playing with a knee injury didn't practice all week was the Dolphins without at Newman Eric laakso figured to be started in the offensive line both on injured reserve geese were playing hurt and they've had a series of injuries we talked about duper obviously Buccaneers have taken a timeout you know what a guy like like Big John he really wants to stay on the feeling that's why he's there today he's always hurting a little bit yeah I mean to not practice and then show up out there start go full-bore that's a that's a test well you know he's tough he's an offensive lineman that's right both these teams have had really a number of injury problems Tommy bigger ego still gone and they have on defense Bob bomb Hauer certainly has been missed in the Nickelback Mike Kozlowski just went on well next Sunday our doubleheader action on CBS Sports will a feature the Minnesota Vikings winners today against the Chicago Bears who play the Monday night game against Green Bay and they are unbeaten at 600 going into that one tomorrow night Atlanta Dallas Green Bay at Indianapolis and Washington at Cleveland seems like some of the years I was with the Bears that was the exact opposite always in front of sixes in the back second half of that doubleheader will feature the 49ers and the Rams and that rivalry on the coast one of the best ones in football on these 49ers the Super Bowl champs is stumbling somewhat now having to face an unbeaten team in the rams los angeles winners today and here's another final in the raiders nips cleveland 21 to 20 and houston they finally got it going over Cincinnati big score in Atlanta dumping New Orleans and that's the Falcons first win of the season nice to see them get one three wide receivers for my and alone three formation Reno they're two for two turning it over on third down and again lots of time they go to war [Music] and John Holt dresses without a bow for territory at the 38 that ball ran a hundred yards but only gained about ten he's gotta cross the field I think it's gonna be out of breath after this play here you gonna see him come right across the middle of your screen and get the ball and then take off running across the to the other side of the field there he goes now he's not really gaining not much yardage but he's looking for an opening and trying to first up feel it's just not gonna happen John Holt's there to make the stop he was kind of a delay man Marino looking downfield the coverage was there and more coming from the right side and as you said using up a lot of horizontal real estate Davenport and Hampton the running backs on first down Miami Jensen now in motion give us two Hampton [Applause] [Music] the to see Roy cruise reaction to hit no day had it to the endzone that time who looked like I 95 out there 13-yard gain 38 yards on the day for Hampton you got to see both guards coming on the sweep like kick out block excellent turn up block here comes Lorenzo Hampton just enough time to get him through the hole and he's taken off that last step you mr. Jeff caves number 60 and number 61 Roy Foster caves getting some guard time and Ronnie Lee's spot leading the blocking for this young man the rookie from Florida first down dolphins driving again 25 of Tampa Bay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] love it look for in this replay is the way Hamptons feet are moving easy he's moving around he's very up very fluent running back watching start shifting around a little bit setting people up then going the other way nice setup they're all just barely got him excellent play by words our Hampton if they had a bright spot Monday night he was certainly at Hampton against the Jets and this looks like this young man looks like he's going to be an exciting back for the Dolphins Tony Nathan in the seventh year from Alabama [Applause] short drop five merino layer passed up to Nathan Nathan [Applause] three bucks as he went airborne silly castile in Greenwood all got a little of them but being dolphins are at the one-yard line we kind of love something like that Tony Nathan saw that in Zona yeah he doesn't care what it takes you go try to get in there he just took off when airborne didn't make it but I really like that kind of play they're gonna measure and he might wind up with a first and goal for them let's see just yarn about four inches short I still heated that foot against the dolphins on the doorstep leading 14 to 7 10 17 to go here in the first half threatening to widen it once more that's all I need to get a first down and not much more to be in the end zone that Tampa Bay defense has got to be second quart we're in tough shape now a breather on Miami's over the goal line Marino at 12 of 16 to this point and has had three drops that weekend you have a nearly perfect afternoon Davenport the rookie touchdown [Music] I love the big boys Foster's got the chance to go in motion that time went over the other side of wine when they eventually went through and he was so excited he was laying in the end zone raising his hands offensive linemen love those opportunities Valley running marrying the ball off having be better fall on the fumble in there that Davenport held on for the Dolphins [Applause] the bays in for the point after try Donn strata holder [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's got it the Miami Dolphin with 1004 remaining first half go 80 yards in 11 plays and open the lead at 21 to 7 Jim Ryun was dead 10:04 to go first half the dolphins have taken a 21 to 7 lead on the touchdown by roughly Ron Davenport [Applause] Tampa Bay right now is treading water and they're hoping that they can stay afloat this game is going to if we get away from them if they don't do something offensive Lee Miami has not had to punch yet so twice they started in good field position once when they're 20 scored all three times and a short kickoff is taken by Leon right right gets to the 24 yard line where Joe Rose hauls him down bays did not get much of a kick off into the wind and Tampa Bay will have reasonably good field position this time we see the show the Dolphins use five rushes six passes to go there 80 yards haven't port with the TD we've started from the 48 following the tipped punt like six plays for a touchdown after a Tampa Bay punt they started from there 42 scored in 10 plays and then from their own 20 with took 11 [Applause] [Music] we're fine except for that last column to them taken [Music] he's got Kevin Elson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of irony [Applause] what here in his first game against in just a third meeting ever between these two as a real good shot by Judson you'll see I'm coming home screen he bounces the bar a little bit now it comes off Hugh greens in good position and gets ready to try to take it in with an escort but he didn't make it he got a nice shot by the way at the end of this play by number 32 James Wilder James Wilder saved the touchdown but Miami first and goal from the 3 yard line Kevin house coulda caught the football again he dropped it before the contact arrived from Judson was not his fault yet Miami on the doorstep again and good defensive reaction logan cannon number 78 the initial contact and then Carl Morgan 67 there to stop Tony Nathan even be a little loss on the play this may well have been the turning point in this game though because now Tampa Bay is thinking well we're over six and now they got the interception they're down close to the goal line we're down fourteen points what else wrong can happen and these things have a way of just overtaking you and then you're after a while you you feel like you're in a hole and you can't get out of one setback for the dolphins at Davenport in motion incomplete Johnson number 87 one of the two tight ends in that formation ball was there and another drop that one a little long marina don't look too upset about it though he did come back and get another shot at it yeah he's got third and goal on a 21-7 lead and he's been razor-sharp today Dan Marino then it comes in number 34 in Hampton number 27 Hampton delivers the play 12 of 17 105 yards and two touchdowns comma that is at several blocks the heart a little mix-up here as he had to rush the lineup they give it to hampton cook defensive play and he has stopped a ball came loose but after play was whistled dead Davis made a big play on it's gonna be fourth [Music] one of those gift situations to Miami it have been excellent if they have scored the touchdown but they say hey look look at three points out this thing and go back and line it up again so they really haven't lost too much Don Shula's not real real upset unless they missed these field goal well I think he's make good judgment here too and but on the other hand did make follow your point a moment ago this is going to give the Bucs a bit of a lift after all they stopped him short of a touchdown after the interception which could have done he did no doubt taking wind out of their sails and it's blocked is it over nor could make it [Applause] puffed up and run over the upright hoodie our cry when you're hot you're hot dolphin and a little luck there the vein that one bounced off somebody Carl Morgan I believe is a man the ball went over the upright the right hand side it seemed like it came down in front of the gopis but obviously this is ever better at it than I do it made it by inches Carl Morgan got a hand on it but there was enough forward motion on the shot with a topspin from renée's and so it cleared the goalpost and the Dolphins have widen the lead to 24 to 7 that would have really been a little firm if they had been able to block that Wadhwa veins his brother Carlos the kicker at Tennessee and other brother Lewis at carson-newman literally runs in the family played his high school football right here in Miami [Music] built like a linebacker resident sure is 3d and Roby I don't know I really want to rush the punter or they get there too much nothing those guys can be pressed into service I'm sure as a big offensive lineman or linebackers are necessary big guys quad reveille will Freeman they said that is five over the 22 about the 22 yard line [Applause] and it will be Joe Carter number 23 just activated as a reserve running back making the initial contact then they're starting to call out the net he's on the field today right now starting to get to that point where attitudes are giving a little bad I think you got to start seeing some people you know jumping up in one another's faces and making some challenges well at halftime 758 from now the NFL today will bring you up-to-date with all of the final scores from the earlier games and what's happening in the later games rent nerve and to keep you up-to-date on the NFL activity and the interesting scores in this afternoon's action first down Tampa Bay this is Wow the waba cuts it upfield in the middle and picked up about five yards in the d helmet pops off that's number 71 Mike Charles and Mark Brown in on the tackle number 51 does an excellent job of setting up his blockers you know he he always pulled people outside he's gonna duck back up inside and he makes that we'll move right back inside block somebody out when the back does that that's the people's employer up for them she's smart running back that's one of the reasons why he's had so much success over the last five years they're close to a seven-yard game that's on a second had a long three for Tampa Bay Gary Bell in motion with Johnson Wilder has got a block out the right side has [Music] by ship number 51 brown brown got a nice shot on James Wilde was hit that time you better look out for that kind of stuff it would give you a good penalty down here Monday night the Jets had a lot of success Freeman when Hale had a big day rolled up 173 yards they were a little sensitive about it the Dolphins defensive line force Jimbo camper I injured is not playing today started but has not just seen much action since then if at all since the early portion of the game with a neck and a rib injury and George little playing on the nose and Charles and both campus possible they were determined to show that that was just an off night play-action de Burgh at lots of time heat [Applause] looking like throwing that thing about three yards shorter we that a bit gainer just overthrew him just a tad and it was out of balance he couldn't get his feet down and his hands up at the same time Justin number 49 had the coverage second intent Tampa Bay 24 - 7 with 623 remaining in the first half you know funny think about the differences back they're like rabbits Noah the bleep little sound they kind of jump a little bit they'll jump you guys it's really fun to watch him run around and try to catch up resume receivers his Jetson he's a rabbit he can run like mad excellent cover man - and Langford on the other side with all the beautiful John Farrell is out of the offensive lineup now [Music] second and 10 there is the loss of the yard on the play as Wilder dropped by Charles and Mark Brown behind the line and we'll try and get a word on the fine tackle Sean Farrell who would be sorely missed me Tampa Bay offensive line three wide receivers Carter House and Bell are in Rick salary number 68 a first-year man from Washington [Music] mikheil is it as a Nickelback [Music] he drop the gun [Music] [Applause] Goodson and but Brown both there the pass was there as well Wilder had a chance to catch it but it was a difficult grab in traffic picture wasn't someone who know people coming over his back and right in his face he only has a very tight alley in here to catch the ball and he just couldn't make it the birds by the way took a heck of a blow after the whiteford the quarterback number 44 was the man on the corner place Garcia and the pie mark Clayton is a deep man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] platon from the 27 it would appear to me that number 70 bill Barnett was guilty of hitting a Buccaneer from behind whether that's the call or not we'll find out - Barry can see Joshua after this play he not done is about those penalties he goes crazy looking like this 50-yard punt 5 Garcia that kind of block doesn't make any sense though the guys already passed you that's alright deploy let him go yeah it looked like it was an almost unintentional block - as though he was just trying to kind of clear him out of the traffic illegal block during the record number 70 receiving theme that's the man thank God look at Shirley he's upset you're gonna see us right in the middle of the screen Barnett comes around it takes a nice shot on someone's back that's a dirty there it is just too bad I mean it didn't make any sense he wasn't gonna make the play quite thank them though so they'll start from their 20-yard line when we return with five twenty to play in the first half pamela dan jiggets and there is Sean Farrell on the Tampa Bay bench upset because of that wrap around his hamstring homeboy 17 I hope he's alright six years old New York is football at Penn State he'll be missed out there he's probably the best lineman Tony Nathan picks up five to the 25-yard line a flag down on the play Chris Washington made the tackle number 51 for the Buccaneers the wick Mallory working that last offensive series for Sean Farrell of Tampa Bay he'll continue their and the penalty is signaled against the Miami Dolphins so two consecutive plays the Dolphins pick up penalties in kula is not gonna smile over that activity now he's coming into this game of the Dolphins as usual the least penalized team in the league along with the Washington Redskins and Don Shula has a real you know thing about that he doesn't look like it's coming number 61 Phil first out that's Roy Foster the four-year guard from USC so it's back to the 10 yard line first and 20 for the dolphins they lead however 24 to 7 with 505 to play in the first half 10 hits behind the line of scrimmage and they'll be yard on the play good reaction up the left side Greenwood and the linebacker Keith browner number 57 you know you get a chance in this play to see David Greenwood in hot pursuit that's one of the things he's been known for he's a hit on even a big guy comes in he gets a nice shot right there take him down to the ground David you know he was a all-star performer in the USFL and before that he was up at the Wisconsin good athlete two headed outstanding career in track and field in high school and Greenwood the 38 tackles coming into the game today one of the leaders on the Buccaneer flags everywhere in fact the official grew a flag that hits dan Marino and Marino as he seems to be holding something there number 61 metal falls loaded in the bottom of those flags that's why can they slide so high in the air and they hit you in one of those things that can really hurt well that one did it stung and hit him right in the neck of leave and that's a first for me I've never seen a player injured with a flag before Marino's a day everybody's out of here has to be already tough enough game I don't need to be hit with the metal ball wrapped up in the yellow clay and he praised me rooster that spot you while the Dolphins are going backwards for a second cook yard-line justin is 25 Tony Nathan back about six yards John Holt made the tackle it'll be third and very long well I'm sure that what they're thinking is down there's let's run on the ground a little bit try to give ourselves a little breathing room before we go to the past because you're not gonna make up the difference in over the 15 to 20 yards you've got to go by throwing the ball out that quickly third and 19 will be the count Joe Rose comes in a tight end uriel Harris comes in and Hampton comes out well they're showing past alone setback [Applause] [Music] no cans out over the center right Nathan got seven or eight yards Green what made the tackle of the Dolphins will have to punt with time ticking under the 3-minute mark this will be Roby's first punt of the cap rick roby brings in an average of 45.8 which is tops in the entire NFL it just punishes the ball when he kicks it it's amazing you hear that sound when it comes off of his foot you almost feel sorry for the football wind has been a factor going in this direction both on the punts and on the kickoffs let's see how Roby deals with that powerful leg the deep man is Leon bright chief air catches isn't in his entire career one of them was last week and it's a shortcut it takes a dolphin bounce fielded well by bright that he could immediately Navaro food we covered by Tampa paying a flag down on the play everything happened on that one 42 yard punt with the quick bounce yeah Boyer was the man to put the hit on Leon right the ball came loose with the box recover new yard line a 212 to go a good field position penalty however is against Tampa Bay now this is going to take them into a different area of the field you know in that 40 to 50 yard area on either side of the 50 yard line your offense is a little different than it is when you have to drop back to the 30 of the 30 24 receiving team during the return first Anne honey force Mike prior reserve defensive back called for holding on the return so they'll start from the 32 yard line you know one of these the Lehmann Ben is a very classy guy you know he's so he's so calm and relaxed a very nice gentleman and he almost wish that you know that the team could win somewhere down the line there somewhere because you know how much he wants it and the kind of quality person he is don't they've got a good program on the route don't forget to get a1 a2 from you dream got rid of a discontented player and will have two good picks as a result Gary Bell and Bell hooked up about eight yards to over 82 39 yard line of Tampa Bay Gary Bell number 82 for your man from Arizona State that brings us to the two-minute warning here at the Orange Bowl in Miami Dolphins lead it twenty four to seven [Music] [Applause] [Music] the pride is back with splinter front-wheel-drive Voyager 2r is mo doctor 550 protective young from the media in Tampa Bay and some some of the fans chanting as they did last week for Steve Young Dennett as we said still feels that young isn't ready and believes that the deburr can get it going is that the season isn't gone you know we're we've got 10 more games to plays and we will think about next year when the time is appropriate and then maybe Steve Young will start to get some action but we can remember the first game of the year when Steve de Berg described how you quarterback from 10 today just has to call a play all of the terminology involved in simply calling it that's really a complex system and just simply not ready in the eyes of [Applause] [Music] Tampa Bay they need a little bit more than that but that's the problem Miami will allow you to get the five or six Josh you're gonna get on the draw plate it's just not gonna give you the big clips in the air betters and Brzezinski made the tackle it's first down with 130 it's time up the middle it's complete gerald Carter for a first down at the 33 yard line making the 32 of Miami but Brown on the tackle a 23 yard gain and the Bucs in the hurry up with 1:20 to go what they could get a touchdown here things would be more interesting in the second half for Buccaneers fan that's funny right after I got this thing they don't give you the big flips they gave up one each team the two timeouts left and we've got 105 on the clock marybelle and motion behind the ball the verb gets time goes heat for bail it's too far well overthrow the bird knew it as soon as he releases it again when you start to sail that fall up in that direction then you're gonna be wind dated anyway here in the Orange Bowl the wind is really blowing behind you so line drive ball will stay down but when you try that one you know the winds gonna be helping you more than unique that's right you get that floater you can see the fly though just it's pretty stiff this wind is really coming in I guess it's coming off the ocean and it's kind of cost of problems those guys are throwing in that direction they have to take that into consideration second and ten from the 32 yard line of the Dolphins 55 seconds remaining on the clock don't forget threaten Irv at half time on the NFL today we'll catch you up with some exciting developments around the meet today very bell in motion [Applause] [Music] he's not gonna get the football a huge green got a real shot on his old quarterback he got a clean shot from the back side you didn't see the bird just right in the middle of his numbers and the reason why nobody the guard you see on the in the middle of your screen look inside not turning back and looking for you green and the result is a beautiful shot by Hugh green on Steve de Burgh and you saw it duck betters 265 pound or arrived there to clean shot those are kinds of things you hate to see you have to go further back burden can [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and he's got Carrie Bell look at bill the ten yard beautiful brown and Lakers and he did a great job to hold on to that fall he came across came into the middle of the field and held on said he really took a shot when when he caught the ball [Applause] chance to see the cederberg dropped me back now if we're long you're gonna see Jerry Braille come into the middle of your screen they're just beautiful fast beautiful catch even with all the other actions offensive women took a nice shot that time Bell has caught for today for 69 yards and he's got the Bucks in scoring position inside the 10 of Miami 41 seconds remaining so it's a given example of what how the terminology of their offenses changed to the ears last year a play was called slot right 95 this year it's triple right wat zoom action 45 45 walk check what does that mean all of which has to be said by he divert the quarterback and that literally calls every move of every player involved in the offensive play that's right and it's a very complete system but one of the problems is you got to run against the 30-second clock all the time trying to get this in particularly if you have somebody coming in from the sideline who can't remember what he's supposed to call at mainly a signal system for that reason that helps to berg out but nonetheless he's got absorb it all relay it to his teammates and it's just a follow-up comment really to the reason why they feel Steve Young isn't quite ready to handle that let's see whether the Bergen make the second half of the morning he's got time into the corner incomplete intended for Kevin house Lankford number 44 had the coverage the flank returned as it turned around all over the class I think you had an interception that time of course he's trying to follow a man-to-man him to the endzone trying to follow Carter ball Lankford from Penn State four-year man working in the spot normally held down by Don McNeil at the knee injury and they're still wearing one of the knee braces that was activated for this game of the piece of time in the nickel both cameras into the defensively hasn't this first half succulent can flags down the pass is complete to the 5-yard line that's Jimmy Giles first of all rolled to him in this app and you have a real good idea what this call is gonna be and it's down in that area somebody made a mistake [Applause] twenty-nine seconds left on the clock and the penalty against Tampa Bay [Applause] those are the things that hurt [Music] you know it's off to set up the difference between winning and losing teams sometimes is you don't get those calls if you're winning and you do if you're losing you leave you use your hands to the face number 70 offense still second down [Applause] well they called a number 70 and there is none up there on the bucked offensive line but somebody was guilty of that once I got a hand up in the defenders face and don't forget that we mentioned some interesting scores the NFC East particularly had some exciting activity today in terms of upsets and so on in the 49ers Jack beat Bret nerve are gonna tell you all about it and we go to a halftime show in just 29 the playing time second down from the 20 the end zone for Gerry bellover song always he had of me another flag down on the play I think stampers going to another shot at it the burg had a great opportunity there couldn't get it to him holding this time against Miami and there's Don Shula saying we are not supposed to get penalty must be a mistake rep there's holy semen number fifty-four defense first down that's the rookie linebacker alikoya for Northwestern the number three choice this year making his first appearance in the regular season he's been on injured reserve and Mac 4 comes out number 91 right he's there fast for our specialist enough they got him out of the Canadian League and they really feel very strongly about his ability to rush the passer so it's first and goal 23 seconds to play first half tipper propel can't hold [Applause] candid receiver couldn't hold on to the ball the coverage from putt Brown number 43 the second-year safety coach James Waller really should have had this pass it was in the right place at the right time - Burke threw it excellently you know he's had some hope some problem throwing in the end zone but there you can see while they're in good position with high but still was the kind of place he's supposed to make so it is second and ten from the 15-yard line 17 seconds remaining never Bey getting their opportunities and if they can get it into the endzone here twenty four to fourteen ball game different complexion for the second half there's a man wide open touchdown Gale Jimmy Joe [Applause] give me dial just the second pass flown to him today he was wide open a defensive ear in the part of the Miami secondary Giles when all kinds of real estate to work with somebody had to blow coverage for this because he's too wide open he delayed a little bit when he got out there wide open that's the mistake by someone and believe me she was gonna be on that happy for Jimmy Giles though if wave weekend comes in for the point after Tampa Bay fans can take part because the margin with that point has now been reduced to ten twelve seconds to play in the first half 58 yards behind plays and DeBerg with eight passes took it to the airwaves and finally it paid off on the strike two Jimmy growls from 15 yards away [Applause] this is really gonna make things interesting for that second half Jemma you know they pull the pulling a little bit closer to Miami and it's something that I'm sure that they didn't expect to do and then I know Miami's gonna have to change around a little bit now they're thinking to themselves hey these guys are for real they can really play they may be one of the best own six teams in the league and that was kind of the consensus of the Miami players we talked to they said looking at the films all week especially defensively said they don't look like a Nolan 16 I think everybody around the league agrees with that their personnel is better than it's been playing and they've been mainly hurting themselves with miscues penalties mistakes and so on and at some point you start putting things together it's kind of team that could easily win their next three or four if they could get the first one after I wind up winning several in a row and that's got to be on Don Shula's mine you know he's stable we don't want to be the first well there we see eight passes out of the nine plays during the 68 yards and Steve de Burgh connecting with Jimmy Giles that sailed a couple of the longer higher ball seemed to take off on him but he delivered the goods to Giles we wait we came we'll kick it off during war solid ball at kunsan then he nails that through the end zone and the Dolphins with 12 seconds will have the ball at their 20 yard line you know it's a funny story about that think would be gay in that he was brought over here by Tampa Bay's former kicker and both of them ended up at Clemson and now he's taking his job so I'm sure these guys gonna be thinking hey look don't bring any friends over dirty old better Erie was his predecessor with Tampa Bay and his Donald like for young guy [Applause] [Music] la Dolphins are just gonna let it run out here and time will tick away as Miami will take their lead into the locker room here it happened at the Orange Bowl in Miami the Dolphins leading Tampa Bay 24 to 14 just the third time these teams have met and regular season play in their 1 and 1 in the last game between the two teams in 1976 dolphins won that 23 to 20 now look at this first half here Dan because really you've got a pretty even game going here in every category even including the the time of possession a three minute advantage there for the dolphins but 190 total yards 275 the Buccaneers able to move the ball part of it in that last possession granted the turnover cost them three points and they partially blocked punt in which the Dolphins that went in from the 48 yard line of Tampa Bay in their first possession but really I think the difference so far has just been a very consistent offensive display by the part of the dolphin not so much in yardage but in their ability to strike well see they they take advantage of every opportunity at least they have at this game way the key way bleak gay again knocked it through the end zone wind assisted and so the Dolphins will start from their own 20-yard line to begin the second half Dan Marino in last-second instructions from Don Shula John Sandusky comes on to the field you know the impressive thing about Moreno today is you know he's getting back into that form that he likes to be in where he's throwing strikes and he's looking really crisp than the rest of all ago yes and again those stats as good as they are three drops running back to start the second half put cash out to Tony Nathan Nathan [Applause] between what the safety a pickup of about five I was just so impressed looking talking with Dan Marino yesterday to try to find out if maybe his head has been turned a little bit by all of the themed and glamorous Miami and you know he's he's really quite a remarkable young man just 24 years of age he's got a corporate empire out there with endorsements and so on going for him and taking it all in stride very realistically saying hey when you're a quarterback on a winning team those things happen for you well they don't that's just the truth he's absolutely pull back over the 25-yard line pickup of only about a yard of buck is down on the play looks like Ron homes home maybe not it's Jeff Davis Jenner player Holmes made the tackle on the play and Jeff Davis has been bothered with a sore shoulder and I'm not sure what this injury is now remember they lost Brentley for much of the first half he went down with a hip injury and those are their two starting inside linebackers and too darn good ones you know they can't afford to lose any more people you know if you're already in trouble and losing and now you could get them to keep people going you know start this season without Leroy's dominant mark cockney so we have college football for you next Saturday Ohio State Buckeyes against the Minnesota Golden Gophers Lou Holtz has really got everybody excited up in Minneapolis that was up there last week during the NFL game and a lot of college football talk with the Minnesota Golden Gophers five and one along with Ohio State in the record Department the Buckeyes beat Purdue yesterday and minnesota beat in the end now Morgan comes in defensively two defensive backs this third and a long four for Miami out of the shotgun Marina with time up the road [Applause] and everybody beats keep it balanced he had nothing but real estate in front of them you're gonna see man rush for the first time today really and biryeo gets hit late but he let the flex will go right down the middle and here comes Joe Rose with a nice catch good yardage and David Greenwood trailing far behind Rose trying to keep his balance there to try to get churning toward the end zone but just couldn't stay up I saw two for teasing them a little bit as far as I know you did a crunch out there something dear man in California all right the dolphin 42 yard gain first down a tempest 33 lots of time for the rain [Applause] like didn't I knock him out before he caught the ball but it is actually pulse momentum took took him out of the mark late now the turn is backing Adam turn with some of the difference of fact turns that way did you break out you can't react fast enough to get back before the ball gets there the whole idea for receivers is as soon as you can get that defensive back to turn his hit tips and start running you've got it good catch by Clayton at a first down Miami inside the fifteen of Tampa Bay opening moments of the second half little mishandle on the play that a good recovery [Music] [Applause] so mean insensate a chance to meet that but that's all I need to get a New Year's the great play actually Dan marina didn't get the snap very cleanly but when he did he made the adjustment that's a sign of a good quarterback see he's still got it back up to Nathan Nathan hits inside bounces out keeps his balance and he's gone but I can't he just needs that last couple of inches [Applause] Morgan and Randall come in defensively the ball is just outside the goal line and the Dolphins again my first offensive possession as they did in the first day about to take the end yep Caves are going the offensive line [Applause] [Music] performance by [Music] a chance to see Tony Nathan go airborne again Moreno was a handoff beautiful airborne shop there he goes air Nathan over for the score really please now he finally got that last Littlefoot [Music] surveys with a point after that Malcolm to go 80 yards and five they have taken now a 31 to 14 [Music] when you understand tusky congratulating his offensive line and telling them of a sickly they having a very nice day and see Jeff caves they're talking but you know you've got to be proud when you're in offensive line and you're keeping you a quarter flat your quarterbacks uniform clean and you're scoring points that's the whole idea of being an offensive lining getting that unit going again in the offense scoring well and they weren't happy with the performance on Monday night drive here 80 yards and five plays they were flawless three minutes of the second half at the Orange Bowl Miami's widen the lead the 31 to 14 and it's filled Freeman making your vases kicked off at the five [Applause] 17-mile white where the older brother of a black pear HD stop [Applause] those flea play sticking brothers and you can see the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Miami Dolphins a dope both done awfully well on first down well you know something that we've invented mentioned yesterday with [Music] we see today [Music] a little bit [Music] first down let's see what they do here on first down they're trailing now it changes some things but they go - wow this father's got a good hold off tackle and he'll pick up about eight yard before Jackie ship number 50 falls him down along with Mark Brown but Brown [Applause] you know one of the nice things about James Wilders he gets stronger as the second half goes on I think he doesn't see him pushing the ball a feel a little bit more as the second half develops Rik Mallory we note continues at right guard for Tampa Bay replacing John Farrell who is on the bench second period [Applause] [Music] Wilder has 75 yards now on 14 carry areas again allowing for the first down yardage and he'll be close last two weeks as we pointed out he's been held well under the hundred-yard as he was churning up at 49 against the Rams and only 29 against Chicago two weeks ago well you know a lot of times what it takes to is you know you kind of get the idea that you're gonna run the ball a little bit more you you get into that mindset and it makes the going a lot easier as a mountain at four in offense first down Tampa Bay at their own 28 yard line Wilder fell into second place behind the keel with his 49 yard day because cream in the peel at 173 Monday night against the Dolphins play-action berg has got his hand a scary Bell Bell feel old buck teammate and William Jetson and 20-yard gain on the play this time George little pushed across the line of scrimmage and got some penetration here you see him in the middle number 99 we could get back to him again he's putting pressure on de Burgh the Berger able to roll out and get it off to Jerry Bell but that's one of the things they need from their nose man you know they got somebody that's putting pressure on the back feeling and making things happen Jerry Bell is five catches today in 89 yards taking a well-deserved little breather goes down but the mare is marching upfield at their own 48 the bird for Kevin house push down there's a 32-yard line [Applause] to perk meet is just you know drop back throw the ball a little bit have some fun to be loose 20-yard gain again Judson and but Brown on the coverage again it's sorted to that but outside area on the numbers and that's gonna be open because those guys are dropping back in those zones [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all the maguey in the line or Gary Bell Biv it's a wild awhile right right [Applause] it's close to the 25-yard line Blackwood number 47 on the stop for Miami the infraction is again they're going back to that counter play again pulling the backside guard intact with the favorite of a lot of teams in the league you just can't afford to have these kinds of penalties down here on it is against the buccaneers a good drive going and now we'll back it up ten yards that's Calvin McGee who had come in to give Gary Bell little rest and the fifth penalty taken by the Bucks and the Miami also has five as Eamonn Bennett says gosh gang we had it move in there we can get it right back they're hurting themselves again and that's something they can't afford to do in this ball game not what formation left the lone setback gotta go straight ahead a little number-one choice from Oklahoma last year sucks suddenly their defensive coordinator calls in the key to the 1985 defense of the Miami Dolphins that's quite a tribute and certainly puts a little heat on a second-year player but the younger guard of the Dolphins certainly represents their future and no bomb how her hurt hasn't been able to play yet these young guys have gotta deliver there's suddenly his chucks ugly over they said hey guys great job just make sure you stop him again actually what happened in that play was George yarn I was pulling from the backside ship going through the hole and everybody's stacked up on both capture his two men eat the news sparingly with his injuries there's Jimmy Giles he's open [Applause] across the plane touchdown play by Giles and their speedy burps hey thanks pal I needed that with Jimmy jabs for most of us that's right he told the limo right into the end [Applause] the Buccaneers refused to quit you see the burgh dropping back and jobs is wide open splitting the scene down the middle again the linebacker can't sit there nice move will avoid a couple of tackles [Applause] that was black would been black what he carried into the end zone he saw that end zone and he de Burks Tom go in the price high fire looks a little low to me though as they point out there for the Buccaneers and so at 8:15 to go here in the third period the dolphins 31 kaffir 21 the football twice to this young man both times he was in the endzone Jimmy Giles 39 yards for the score his longest catch of the season and the first touchdowns he is scored so far this year for Tampa Bay hasn't received a whole lot of past catching action and that told us yesterday was ready to get a few well was he ever a bouncing kick off from higway tweet k is taken by Hampton the rookie gets out over the 20-yard line and is stacked up there and we see the Bucks on 82 yards and six plays reruns by Wilder three passes by the FERC using a 345 on the swap and they're back to a ten-point deficit there's no quit in these Buccaneers despite their record and you keep talking about Bennett's attitude that has been transferred to his players we talk to any number them yesterday they don't feel badly about themselves they feel bad about the record and there's a distinct difference that's right and they're really showing it today I think dan Marino has been the hot man for the Dolphins we've been going up and down the field here two consecutive series four touchdowns one by Miami won by Tampa Bay as we opened the third period Joey Nathan picked up about three yards on that carry wrong hands on the tackle you know Dwight Stephens must be done a heck of a job because we really haven't heard from David Logan today you know the both Pro Bowlers and all of that but it's amazing huh but you know we actually haven't heard globe his name called very often today where Stephenson it's that day at there's a pair of them who are gettin to know each other very well this afternoon they each said good things about the other guy they knew they're in for a tough battle here today and I guess we'd have to give the edge to the Stevenson so far Larry kuben has come in at linebacker for Jeff Davis who's out with an injury and of course Brantley left back in the second quarter and Cecil Johnson is working in his spot so the starting line backers of the Bucks are both out [Applause] the emotion behind the ball first really bad pasterino throw all day this time Dan Marino had what they call an M&M blitz the two inside linebackers shooting the holes that they're standing over over the guards both of them came that time and had a little pressure inside kuben in Johnson where the rushers Denver leading Seattle tend to step in the third period the Seahawks been a little up and down this season they're at four and two and the Jets in New England this of interest to the dolphin fans they're tied at six interesting struggle when he consider the offense the Jets showed on Monday night against Miami they've only got six points so far [Applause] looks like Marino maybe calling an audible on this gun play up the middle to Joe Road [Applause] [Music] 24-yard game wellif and Moreno did in fact change that play at the line of scrimmage she made a cook call he absolutely did you know he saw that they rent number one in the four-man line that came with the twist Moreno read the defense very well ro checked off Joe Rose gets a nice catch downfield Joe rose 28 years old the six-year man from California Greenwood made the tackle on him Rosie's got two catches for 66 that chance at a touchdown his balance on the basket Davenport Davenport plows for about five yards both Davenport and Woody Bennett have ankle injuries late at all in this Monday night's game Davenport's obviously not quite as serious but he's not running at 100% his youngster from Louisville here's what he Bennett me a man from Miami you know one of the things that dashi with so well those in the personnel area he's always covering himself out with good athletes available to play when the front line goes [Music] second down and six [Applause] [Music] Gork drop by moreno put flare up for Tony Nathan and involved in the ride that was all yeah Chris Washington cover you in his face putting a little pressure on him I'm sure he couldn't peek out there and see Nathan as well as you'd like to Chris Washington and Hugh Green's old spot on the right side having shifted from the left that opened a job over there and Keith browner it has they've been sharing that with Ervin Randall the rookie from Baylor here's Randall in there now now sometimes when you lose a great player like Hugh green now everybody pulls together and makes the defensive unit a little bit better and he's really surprising to that's the way it works on a team 35 Miami somewhat of a big play in this game right now lots of time from the he's got his man in a first down [Applause] come on Nathan Nathan make sure he was over that Parker when he made the turn to catch the ball and so the Dolphins keep the drive alive with 5:35 remaining third period Dan Marino almost looks like he's playing on his back and he pumping the ball it's got plenty of time got all day really the throw fine nation middle poked over the middle open beautiful play and now he's the day with Logan against white students and why like the very very strong [Applause] what he vented in the backfield Jensen in at receiver [Applause] I've easily made the tackle here's Hanson coming Lorenzo Hampton coming right at you out into your living room Roy foster around in the suite they didn't go outside as you saw tapes coming running outside he decided to tuck it up in so the whole develop inside was able to make good yardage on the play 11-yard gain and woody Bennett his ankle maybe a little to sort of run with the football but he got far enough to throw that block on urban Randall it's fun right on the corner first down Miami driving again - Clayton places - shake loose from home and do it but he'll be about two yards short of another Miami first down he's got Holt a little gun-shy now you see every time he's driving a Holt you know he's starting to take off a little bit and turn his back and then he's just making a brake off of that wide open Clayton has seen a lot of double coverage the first six games of the season [Music] I know you missus his buddy duper though more catches today he's now up to season for Hardy incomplete [Applause] one of the things that tamp is doing in their secondary they'd like to go number one with a double on on Clayton but if there's a shift in the offense or something they're rotating the secondary around and you'll see the Safety's coming up on the strong side that's one of the things that's been working for them a little bit just afternoon third in a long yard Marino 18 of 26 so far with two touchdowns has not thrown the interception 18 yard line [Applause] a key play here for the Buccaneers particularly with open stop the dolphins they can stay in the football game and timeout is called by the Miami Dolphins Oh Dan Marino didn't like something he saw and he'll come over and talk it over with kula which indicates they feel it's a big play we'll be right back third time on house safety Purdue yesterday in Minnesota defeated Indiana they both five and won a big game in the big 10 all right third down and 2 this is Hanson he [Applause] forcing them to go wider than he wanted to and he lost his balance or he would have been in the end zone we're gonna look at boss play here watched marina tossing the ball back to him what do you been it throws the key blocking here that Springs him on the corner he there you see the key block right there took out two guys really and Lorenzo Hansen's able to make good yardage on the play 12 carries 78 yards for the rookie Hempton Morgan comes in and makes 5 down here as the Dolphins are on the doorstep again a big third down play they converted and have themselves ready to go in rolling is Moreno [Music] it's been a shootout in the Orange Bowl they're taking her marching it down the meals and us down we go Dan Marino's very nice roll out and party isn't really know he's hungry for a touchdown class debated us earlier good play is been hunted getting a break now I get that breather before the action starts again [Applause] for the point after water of a holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] to play first quarter Miami 38 kappa 21 out yeah that's the the middle really of around the knee area between the the five own and the and he practiced earlier this week with a brace on that I guess they just felt he wasn't ready to go and he could see the Bowser as a great big huge looking ankle that's because he wears this stuff semi cast on it but they really missed those two guys Cooper and his case he'll probably be the last move that they'll be able to make getting somebody back from injury zero waivers this game the kickoff demon took the hi short kick off pyro days and gets it out to the 34 yard line of Tampa Bay Robinson line made the tackle for Minnesota biking linebacker and the Dolphins went 79 yards in ten plays seven of them passes and other injured Buccaneer is down that is the Leon right the turn man number he and clayman are they kick returners you know we aren't bright as one of those kind of guys it's really valuable too he does for them catching those punks and what products he's the kind of guy that you really can't afford to lose the game Debra are you through yet at this point defensively [Music] Jeff Davis there too starting inside linebackers really the heart of that three-four defense and offensively they lost Sean Farrell in this game [Applause] their best offensive lineman the power in his spots Oh so devastating for they Buccaneers the injury department if things have not gone badly enough for them on victory department a reminder as they attend to Leon right that our football action will be followed by 60 minute she wrote [Applause] things have cooled off here in the Orange Bowl and burn up the reason there's great honest peek we're happy to say things have cooled off as they start these beams at 4 o'clock on some of these real hot weather days in Miami and by the second half it's really quite pleasant to be I love the way those palm trees moving the breeze - just making two more months all I'll see up north is I want to move here first down Wilder shakes off one tackler and then is snowed under Mark Brown the linebacker number 51 little getting all of the action on the nose and most of it today because of the injury to Kimbo campers neck and ribs Mike Charles we've moved over to the right side he practiced there all week boat camper has been in but not on a regular basis Mike Charles called the minister of enthusiasm for the Dolphins in there you can go by our conversations with him he's quite a guy he said I don't really care to practice against Blake Stevenson every day get ready again Stevenson all week and to face Webster of Pittsburgh Mike Webster tough tough week work my actions a bird Giles dials with a first down for Tampa Bay inside the 50-yard line Brzezinski made the tackle chuckles oh he's so Buccaneers district futile refused to lie down Davis going points it got three touchdowns 12-yard gain on that one to midfield the birch is something very nice that time on the play action when he comes to and he fakes the ball to the to the halfback he sits that ball on his hip so the defense can't really read whether or not he's carrying out a fake or he's really got the ball that sets up the play action and that's how come they were open [Music] Wilder the blocks from Giles and picked up about a mile miles is trying to block to dolphins and we'll see which way the penalty goes it's going to go against dials of the lead Jacquie ship made the tackle on Wilder down field so George Jean are running over there trying to tell the official to put the flag back in his pocket is open they they're on a drive now they don't want to get stopped by something like this well I think that was a question of there's Jarno and looked to me like Giles had to deal with two guys in first down tough enough to block one guy is so I'm sure it was probably the instinctive graph for the people the other guy hey you know there are two of them so I had to use my hands give me a break the Berk so far as 404 on this second half of a touchdown he's got two touchdowns passing on the day has the other one running away no pass the three touchdown 57 seconds remaining [Applause] time for the bird complete giving Kyle [Applause] the 45-yard line with that ball tipped by a dolphin before it got there directly in front of my view here and it looked like it might have been deflected a little let's see no what happened was Jimmy jobs reached back in one hand into the wow what a great catch Jackie ship was very close to tipping it but I don't think he did I think Giles just scooped it in with one hand terrific catch black wouldn't just and pulled him down Geils fourth catch of the afternoon yargh we touchdown superb the third gets incomplete just overthrown well you know if you saw that time to green came on the foot again but James Wilder was waiting there for him was intended for Gary Bell so the gun sounds the end of the third quarter the score Miami 38 Tampa Bay 21 become super right now pause for a word from your local station [Music] damn chickens we begin the fourth quarter with Miami leading 38 to 21 Tampa Bay has the football and they have no intention of giving up on this one they've been moving the football and they have it in dolphin territory the Berg intended for Giles [Applause] route there it goes incomplete you know it's always one of those things where you can't believe her one guy the other unless you know the office well enough Jimmy's smaller like well we'll get it the next time so Tampa Bay will have to punt [Music] they're only one of five on those third down conversions and that one was a fairly important one [Applause] Miami has showed a very consistent offense this afternoon bouncing back from their lives scored on almost every possession Garcia's punt angles trying to hit the corner landed right on the goal line but will go into the end zone and I cut back Garcia beaubien Garcia to the premier punters in football but they haven't really had too many pumps today that was a 45 yarder Oh feral your buddy from Long Island Dan jiggetts has had to take off the uniform and you know how that that pains him as much as this hamstring goal right now but you know he's one of those kind of guys that comes to play every down every game and that's just the kind of person he is very intense and loves to play the game not really not getting a hugh green time but he's out here he was really looking forward to mixing it up a little bit to do first down dolphin of their own 20-yard line Jennsen in motion back to the ball again to Tony Nathan they can fix up the yard or two out the right side and the Keith browner made the tackle linebacker number 57 on the left side and it looks like we still have kuben and Johnson will double-check that both Davis and Brantley is darting inside linebackers injured dari kuben picked up on as a free agent from a Washington boy your man from Penn State [Applause] and looks like what they've done now is to use random Washington Johnson and water and a loose ball Tampa Bay yesterday came up for the turnover may have happened that time is Marina looked like he was checking off he looked over the defense man checked off and somebody missed his nap cow John Canon came up with a ball for Tampa Bay and they usually give him away they're glad to get one not Chile's not so pleased as here you're gonna see on the exchange the footbath exchange he started to pull out before the ball was snapped couldn't get back down to dry stephenson to get the ball you know through three quarters there has not been a big statistical differential 323 arts for Miami to 97 through Tampa Bay that wasn't discussed on the scoreboard intercepted by Hugh green getting them a field goal of a Kip puck setting up their first floor [Applause] the story of Tampa Bay all season long [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's kind of unbelievable decision by the George little size gets James Wilder Bertha he came across make good penetration on the play that's why he was able to chase him down from the backside loss of five and Wilder with 79 yards now on the game will leave the second and 15 at the 26 they're just underway in the final period of regulation time Charles continues it right in defensively for the dolphin [Applause] [Music] carried on every down [Applause] [Music] the past intended dile seen a little surprised to see the ball there because he had a chance to catch it yeah he's a little involved in a push off trying to get off and get it to his route and as a result he had his back turned he's put a little bit too much time in through the route and just turn around the balls already there another Hugh Greene who had two coverage it'll leave third and 15 Giles with two touchdown catches already an interesting young man with a lot of things going in the future that he's already started doing his football career service is a good success - thank you [Applause] so welcome [Music] the old balance kevin house three wide receivers threw down some early movement witzel play harm waving all kinds of things gone down there except any football action it's always funny now after this play you'll always see the defensive labor in the office and vice versa [Applause] in the Giles is the culprit and Lehmann Bennett shakes his head poor we get something going we come up with a turnover and we wind up going backwards you know when you get a penalty like that if you're in the offensive huddle a lot of times guys are trying encourages that Hey look no problem we'll get it back because they know if you go if you let it sit on your mind and it would hurt you to the next play you can't let it go them you're not able to concentrate on the rest of the ball at the 21 yard Miami following the fumble recovery by John Kenan they are third nearly 20 but he finds an Oakland man Carter down the sideline Dixon he'll be close to the first down market near the 10-yard line let's see they spot the ball Cheryl Carter was so close to going all the way in scoring it's just a shame he couldn't keep his momentum up it's a shame he couldn't keep his momentum inside the field instead of off the field first down however 22-yard gain the nice look Jarrell Carly unfortunately is not on think he's on this replay but anyway he came down broke across areas now just at the bottom of your screen he's going to come across and not use his feet inbounds but an excellent play because he because of a blow could stay inbounds to on but it was a nice play get some good yardage out of it because God Mikayla forced him out but the Buccaneers first down as drawing territory hit shot the wilder milder with Rockridge turns it upfield and picks up maybe three yard that time because he had two blockers working outside for him turned it upfield and Hugh green and Jackie ship combined to stop him Shula does not look very relaxed about things there's a lot of time left in this game 12:36 I don't think he's too comfortable right now you know you make a turnover that's the first one today by the way but you know that kind of thing happens and you don't know coming down the line the team might have but it's fairly explosive offensive ly and you let him get that breath of fresh air and you have trouble in your hands barber back up to 81 yards [Applause] line second down play-action two birds out of [Applause] [Music] sumino you make a mistake sometimes you can come back and revive yourself after the mistake jewel is really upset now for this Jimmy jabs high-fives all the way around [Applause] I'm gonna shout a Jimmy joust breaking off the line de Burgh was an excellent fake again those play-action fake set him up very nicely gets the ball off the jowls who's in heavy traffic but he makes a great catch there for the score well that's a terrific throw by de Burgh as well it really was and a great week gay comes up at the point after we've got ourselves a football game again ten point differential 1208 to play regulation time Miami 38 Tampa Bay 28 over a hundred years ago Frederic Miller started in tickets and that touchdown by Jimmy Giles his third of the game the only other man to achieve that was wide receiver Morris poants for the Buccaneers also against the Miami Dolphins and that was back in 1976 the first meeting between the two teams in depth again in 1982 and this is just the third meeting and regular season [Applause] ten points differential weight week a good kick the wind has died down a little if he got the plague in and it bobbles on the end zone by Hampton he will now not think about bringing it up the Dolphins will start from their 20-yard line they hold the lead as the Buccaneers went 21 yards following the fumble recovery he passes two runs by Wilder yeah the third touchdown pass of the game all three of them for the Buccaneers to Jimmy John's he's the demo Nino he says they look we're going back to the air fellas so offensive linemen get your pass protection she's on to me my receivers getting ready to run because we're gonna put some more points on the board now Wally's been able to march down the field almost as will yes three touchdown passes of his own Moreno has been super shot down [Applause] he's proud a number 57 great anticipation he had that place pick it all away you know one of the interesting things is we're gonna get to see here in a second is that these linebackers now has stopped dropping so think you see him on a quick drop checks up comes back man oh man coverage and he almost gets the interception he that's the best luck with interceptions and things the last couple of weeks that was the hearty the tight in the intended receiver yes he dropped that one last week against the Rams that went through the end zone turned into a touchback they lost possession and that was a real tough break inside handoff Tony Nathan breaks one tackle use the official and the blocker picked up another couple ivory Sully pulled him down it'll leave a third down in 264 yards rushing on 11 carries for Tony Nathan he comes the old man that more it seems like that's been around for ages I remember he was playing I think when I was in high school but he's still out there still going at it it was 12 here in Florida the beautiful part about his been able to play college and pro football at home [Applause] [Music] represent the old receiving boy pass out the door and he's got the first down [Applause] John Holt at the coverage that more moves they dolphins upfield you know one of the things Don Shula really likes his players who are intelligent and know how to feel they they have a very good grasp of the game they understand it very well you see Don struck he's been around for ages too when Don Shula gets ahold of these kind of players he keeps them around you mentioned that their practice habits to how they get all of the second team players involved in the actual game plan for the week not all the head coaches around the league do that that's right under the problems did you have somebody go down the second team guys not ready to play and that's just the opposite of the Dolphins they're ready Davenport hits right at the line of scrimmage Creighton up and swung down by Cecil Johnson the nine-year veteran from Pittsburgh one of the old-timers on the Bucks team going back to the early days signed as a free agent in 1977 Buccaneers around their 10th year you know Cecil stock is kind of a rose and fall and fall in with the Buccaneers as time has gone by I remember about three or four years ago he was a very hot linebacker for them and with all the changes and things he's kind of moved around a little bit but the state-of-the-state tough oh yeah he's a great team player that's that's why he's there second and 11 Marino its tips in intercepted field out of bounds inside the 40-yard line please don't Johnson got the tip on it man we are just been talking about and Jeremiah Castile comes down with it so Tampa Bay now throwing a mighty scare into the Dolphins one of the things that happen was that the defensive line of Tampa Bay ran a stunt you'll see that in the middle of your screen you see Logan come around and suddenly somebody's in Dan Marino's Facebook got a hand at the ball people tips it and it comes Jeremiah castile with a tipped interception nice plays he kept his eyes on the ball and kept tapping it around until he got a chance if they get a good grip on it and this Cleveland green chased the bottle balance so the Buccaneers [Music] [Applause] the dolphins and [Music] [Applause] the per complete Jimmy Giles first down my 27 yard line Mark Brown on the tackle number 51 hey Jim this joint is jumping now are you no one expected this I don't think here in Miami see the Burke drop me back he finds his favorite target for the day Jimmy Giles is having a heck of a day with three touchdowns already he's staying very active avala 227 of Miami the lights are on at the you see the tight-end take action receiver the Tampa Bay today Wilder he's got a whole Wilder gets about six maybe seven near the 20-yard line you green and Mark Brown on the tackle you know one of the things that's really kind of uplifting about the way the Buccaneers are playing 50 myths om6 and they could have gone down the tubes after the first half they came back they have a lot of heart a lot of desire that's something that's really nice to see in a team that you know and that goes back to Lincoln but it is here does they've lost three starters in this football game as we comment it gone feral from the offense and the two linebackers Brantley and [Applause] 87 yards rushing for Wilder Wilder worked his way through the middle and has the first down beautiful cut on the inside Gaffney ship pulled him down from behind it's a first down inside the 15 everyone says about wildly he's the kind of fact that can do almost anything he's so versatile can go outside has decent speed outside and yet still can go in the middle with 225 pounds and make good yardage in the tough area right in the middle 93 yards on 21 carries he has been the only ball carrier on the ground to coaches wondering what that has had everything [Applause] little rookie from Iowa their number to pick he's had most of the action at nose tackle today because of the injury to Kimbo camper Charles playing outside it right in loss of the yard and a half mark mark brown and Hugh Green came in and also gave me company in the backfield on I know basically a blitz right off the ball to reflux kind of thing will they see it's going to be a run play they're coming across the line of scrimmage and making something happening second and 12 from the sidelines by the quarterbacks richer and yah Russell the bird girl [Applause] juggle that ball brought it down maintain position broken tackle got away from Jackie ship and Glenn black and takes it in for his fourth score Jimmy Johnson's having an unbelievable day breaks down bushes off the linebacker Jackie ship hits the ball juggles it a little bit and that probably helped him more than hurt him was able to avoid the tackle and take it in for the TD unbelievable day for Jimmy Giles well he had tied the club record for touchdowns in a game he now calls at his own four touchdowns for Jimmy Giles and we've got ourselves a football game it's been a football game the priest said they were going to win [Applause] parents are here watching to buy sunglasses at Jimmy's shop tomorrow way playing damn hotel you know it's funny the other day he told us about his mother coming from Mississippi and her having talked to the priest before she left and he gave he gave her a blessing and said the three Buccaneers are gonna win and suddenly they've gone a long way towards that today they trail by three wave weekdays kicking in the end zone by Hampton and the Dolphins will start from the 20-yard line we have had a quarterback duel today to her [Applause] Moreno as Jen laser-sharp until the last pass the interception Castile that set up the touchdown that has brought camp Aveda within three points two turnovers by the dolphins have resulted in 14 Tampa points and a few green interception produced only a field goal in many ways that was a very big series of defensive plays keeping them out of the touchdown on that serie with his hamster about four flag is down near the 25 earthen Randall the rookie linebacker from Baylor and there's a little extra added shuffling going on downfield you don't have to be too brave to go after the smallest got the feet off marks lady Kim from a break guys Steve de Berg is 15 of 26 269 yards and four touchdowns clearly his best day of the season holding his signal against the Dolphins Dan Marino is 20 of 30 219 yards and three touchdowns and again we reiterate that Dan has had three clean gloves on him so he could be having an an even better day [Applause] holding number 57 often still first out Don Shula watched his team come out here on the second half and continue their fine offensive play they had going in the first half scoring on their first two possessions however on the last two they have had a fumble in an interception and that's put the Bucks back in the game 705 remaining for sporty burrito gets the block and picks up about eight of the ten they were set back with because of the holding penalty Logan made the tackle Tim Nathan was very lucky on that screen pass because he did not wait for the offensive lineman to get out so he could develop a little bit he kind of took off ahead of G's lair as a result of that he didn't have the block that he might have had had he waited just another split second to lavos Bickman to get out in front of him [Applause] [Music] to use him [Applause] very experienced player Brantley and Davis Randell letting full-time duty [Music] the first down but Nathan picked up another eight yards and with a pretty good shot on the play he's your dipper you know they're working again in that little intermediate area in the middle of the field they know those linebackers are both turning their backs and running to their zones which are outside didn't happen to react and come back to the ball it'll be third and three 554 to go biggest defensive situation of the game for the Buccaneers dolphins are eight of ten on third down got Washington working inside with Davis the Buccaneers Randall and the flip is on a flag is down the past complete first down yardage for Miami at four they got a free play of that time I think Logan was off frog there's a 37 yard line if that's the case they'll take take that game so the Dolphins have been able to be very consistent on those third down plays when they've had too [Music] we're a Stephen penalty declined didn't hurt at all but we're gonna suggest that it was David Logan little eager to make the big play there because that was a big third down situation till the Dolphins survived it you know sometimes you get in that situation you try to anticipate the snap count to make the big play and occasionally your guess wrong but he's a great player and he's always gonna be known out there making things happen it's just too bad to get caught ball time wears down Miami at their own 38 yard line then it Hampton now the running backs they said they let go Hey right Castille just who else was good on the play David Logan's sideline he's got tremendous range for a nose tackle we're gonna get a shot over here watch him he's cutting off getting off the block very nicely and now he's chasing and he's as fast as most running backs its amazing thing for a big guy his size he can really run nice play no gain on the play that war comes out then it comes out only Nathan back in Clayton comes out to the left Durio Harris out to the right [Applause] 3835 we're trying to use up this clock burrito and break God holds on the [Applause] it has ruled a completed pass and will be peddled a first down Clayton had a nice out patterns is the other thing he's a heads up player just go down to the ground here realize he hasn't been touched get up to go for the extra yardage that's a heads up Boyer there he goes he's taking off get more we'll have to measure because there was contact by Holtz so he was down at that point where he made the diving catch they will measure and it looks like they have yes a first down to the day for 50 yards and a big one indeed to the 48 yard line so the Dolphins still in the driver's seat have a first down with 428 to play and a three-point lead and they have been scared to death by these winless Buccaneers you can believe Don Shula has not relaxed yet they're not out of the day [Applause] for sixty minutes following our CBS football coverage today Moreno has come back with four straight completed passes following the interception mr. Nathan they can pull down through a lot at the 45 yard line by the rookie Ron home Jeff stays that time had to take someone and block them that he was not supposed to he's tried to pull around and get around the corner and get me something give the a running back you know some some blocking on the corner was not able to because someone missed the block inside so the running back has stripped at the ball of his blocker the results no yardage [Applause] Ron homes at two sacks against the Rams last week the big rook inside and trying to fill a Judah [Applause] those tackle along Saturn says he's real proud of the way the Chancellor's been playing second and well Laredo gets time deep downfield for Clayton or he just let it fly and hope they can run under that one and the coverage was there from Castile there's Jeremiah bitching maybe he had a shot at an intercept but there was already too much mustard on the ball for either though that's right but you know the good thing about it is now Miami is starting to stretch the defense a little bit going down field with some long balls and that's something that they really needed to do I think because now the other these stuff will open up but you know yeah the defense thinking well they may go along again suddenly you're able to get that little pop pass and gain the yardage if you're looking for 45 [Music] learning to play more than empowered or in defensively more down linemen NATO stepped up in the pocket gets it off and he just [Music] bring up fourth down and a fortune there for spirito unload the ball perhaps a little prematurely I think he thought he's gonna get a little heat from the backside so he let it fly and I think he's just thrown the ball away ro he was throwing it away but my point is that Clayton was opened downfield and he had eluded the initial rush and really had it he might have just been a little too eager to he went loaded Reggie Roby fake butter at his 30-yard line Mike fire is waiting for it this is only the second part of the day I hope he remembers how to do it dolphins have been getting who fall into the end zone or coughing it up in a turnout inside the camp [Applause] solo because his job will be back for three or four to play [Applause] Bennett coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers wondering if his team can go from there 11 yard line in the final 304 to at least get it tied Don Shula saying you know we kept saying that this team is not a known 16 on the other hand don't let they're just that the Super Bowl champion and here they are leading by three they deserve to be in front they have been the better team overall on the day it's not a fluky lead they that by any means however they have been in a dogfight and with 304 to go this one is not over yet and he well knows it well you know one of the things that happens is when you play those Monday night games it makes it very difficult physically to get ready to play another game on Sunday and I think that what it may have happening with Miami is it a little beat up and go a lot of different areas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] by three while they're no good fake Hobart trying to find the manual takeoff Peter Berg has a first down out to the 25-yard line tripped up by George little good fake to Wilder the lazy fake me and I think a lot of the Miami Dolphins a 13-yard gain well Santa berg is not known as a scrambler he wanted to throw the ball at credit him he got the first down after I use the Kenyan notice he put that ball on his hip and the thigh fence cannot react because they don't see the ball [Applause] Wilder straight ahead breaks the tackle takes two people with him over the 30-yard line a gain of six Jacquie ship and duck better the tethers for Miami timeout called by Tampa Bay with 210 on the clock one of the nice things Steve de Burgh get on that draw play again no fundamentals of being a quarterback inhale that ball up so everybody thought it was the pass drop back and set it up nicely [Applause] well this has been a dandy we'll have more of the scene next week double-header Sunday on CBS Sports the early games include Minnesota at Chicago on a big one in the NFC Central the unbeaten Chicago Bears and then Atlanta Dallas Green Bay Indianapolis Washington and Cleveland other games you will see check your local listings to see which of the games you'll be watching and then the doubleheader games San Francisco 49ers in Los Angeles Rams the Rams unbeaten with another victory today the 49ers slipped once more losing to the Detroit Lions so the troubled Super Bowl champions take on the archrival Los Angeles Rams they've got a police San Francisco is hurting now you know they're with the LA being that far out and fun it's going to be very difficult for them to win the division if they are ever able to and the thing that they've gotta start thinking about now is though a wild card for well that's an amazing thing that's early in the season to be talking about the wild card possibilities for the super bowl champion but there it is I'm glad I got into the victory column today in that Western Division of the NFC with Detroit moving to four and three Minnesota's moved to four and three in the NFC Central Luzon make things a little more interesting in there the later action involving the AFC teams this one was a close battle still is obviously but it was a field goal kicking contest into the third period New England now for the Jeff 22:13 for the Jets suffering a little friend in front of Seattle ten to seven in the fourth quarter second down four to go pretty yard line of Tampa Bay 210 to play regulation time James Wilder excellent defense the left defensive end number 75 just came sliding out there and with help from the linebacker Brzezinski they gave Wilder nowhere to go the two-minute warning is sounded Miami lead by three Donald egg wave week came no doubt thinking about the opportunity he hopes to get defend this game into overtime ten of 14 in the field-goal department his teammates have to do something first and have to get it down to be they have a third down their own 40-yard line the forgets time he's got Kevin out first down first explain to kevin house paul Lightford on the coverage made the tackle and his coverage was pretty good house was inside him and the pass was there 23 yard game excellent route and excellent throw on that point it was ok when those time inside the passes he had to get up there and the break had to be made at the right time Miami 47 zippered has a man open cupcake Kevin house again with another good catch and Justin on tight coverage another 22 yarder boy that text 103 Jim ot gal don't count the chickens important 17 on the clock the ball at the 25 the forgot the middle for child coverage the safety women work with number 47 the clock is stopped with one old full remaining Jimmy jabs were in a nice pattern but the only thing was the balls a little bit out front over he had to extend out to try to catch it he could to score it anyway but he just you see here just reaching for the ball just couldn't get his bread on his fingertips too bad because he's having an excellent day allowed was excellent coverage by Glenn blackboard it really was looked like he got a hand on there too as the ball arrived the Berg is now up to 313 yard 17 to 20 four touchdowns no matter who you're cheering for in this game we've got to feel good about the day that this guy's dad because he is that nothing too flashy second and ten at the time short pass he's got muscles in front what a play Wilder by Paul Crutzen scheme he throws up two blockers and made the tackle on Wilder brilliant work by poverty since key and he's playing her he really is you know we started lifting around the other day of practice he made a great play here he took on the blockers was able to take out the interference although I do believe James Wow turned up outside on the sidelines you'll see some room on the sidelines formed a run but he didn't pick the right hold apparently now you'll see this with the room on the sidelines he tried to tuck it up inside and didn't make the yardage danfa bays taken their second time up they've got one remaining we play week gay preparing on the sidelines the ball is at the 20 yard line third down and six for the first time three-point differential and an exciting football game that when it began the way Miami was moving the football it appeared like we would have a route they led 14 and nothing in the first period and here we are with 53 seconds left and Justin three point differential anything can happen let's have you know we'll talk to you today we felt that this game might be a barnburner type of a game with a lot of offense and so it is very prophetic of us to make that way as I think is that's exactly what has happened today Bennett says maybe this is our day maybe this is our night it is dark in Miami now [Applause] Mack forests come in the past Russia Neal the Nickelback Robert so well for back another tips back from the secondary the dolphin rock formation Theo Bella motion the past for jail pressure [Music] through it Blackwood I thought Miami loaded up the line trimmers absolutely they like they loaded up the - criminy come with everybody they possibly could who didn't have to cover somebody here comes Donald egg way we came he has 10 of 14 feels old his long is from 51 yards away he's kicking into the wind the wind has gone down considerably from earlier in the day this one will be from 38 yards in that category he is four of five [Applause] where the holder it is good we can has tied it up 43 seconds to play over time to 43 seconds to play anything there's Donnell he knows these punches the three but he's the happiest man in the field right now [Applause] and the Korean high five he's now four of five from that distance [Applause] five of six from that distance and 11 of 14 we're tied at 38 as the Buccaneers went 69 yards in nine plays two minutes and 21 seconds they got the tying field goal the Dolphins will now construct a 43 second offense [Applause] for Dan Marino and company it has been a shootout in the Orange Bowl the bird and Molino at the top of their form each has had one interception de Burgh has thrown for four touchdowns moreno for free let's see if i equal to three trusses quit the ball on the ground instead of putting it up in the air that's the tactic sometimes they use on kickoffs to prevent the long run back [Applause] we went for [Applause] nearly broke loose including eight yard line relatively good field position for the dolphin Miami's fortunately saved through their timeout drive with only 38 seconds to get in the field old conditions for to score touchdown while they starting from their 28 yards with 38 seconds to play now the crowd of more than 60,000 here at the Orange Bowl is that more than their money's worth wildlife football game - aplenty three wide receivers all out to the right side Moreno comes to the near side will they present lateral unfortunately for Miami went out of bounds the flea-flicker Harris Tony Nathan and the hip on Harris popped the ball up but it went out about Miami almost got to shoot on the play now you'll watch Durrell Harris catch the ball he's trying to flip it back the man in most is coming past him right here Tony Nathan and he almost throws the ball away he threw it behind Nathan and now here comes the Tampa Bay player trying to get through it Randall can't make it though dangerous play to try this finally a lucky break indeed John Holt made the tackle Randall one would assume would have been able to stop first down nonetheless at the 40-yard line out of the shotgun screen pass three blockers for Nathan Nathan when a great people Chris Washington made the stop holy Nathan we'll be right back tied at 38 22 seconds remaining what a great run by Nathan here we got a middle screen you watch all these people to run and rush outside there's Tony Nathan stumbling down the middle he's got his blockers in front of him and takes full advantage of the big guys gets good yardage on the play nice block by the way by Ron Clarkson excellent blocking when Nathan gave every quarter an opportunity to do something he didn't try to force it he followed his life so he sets them up and then who takes advantage of the block and he got the ball to the 41 yard line of Tampa Bay dan Marino is now 26 of 38 287 yards last week completed only 13 passes and there is quad row vein 11 of 13 and field goals for the long of 45 in the first six games of the year first down they can break the pack and green would stop them there but Tony Nathan forgetting the past [Music] the Dolphins take their final onto the field come Quadra vain two old musta made the decision hey we're close enough let's not you know Chris going out of the game without getting this field goal off what's going to kick in that's all the time I'll kick the field goal we win the ballgame [Applause] Nathan with eight catches today 80 yards has been a key factor for the dolphin [Applause] [Music] surveys as they will set it up at the 33-yard line it'll be a 43-yard attempt [Applause] well this is something else that's it what I know the dollars are going hey look man we gotta win this thing now field-goal we're out of here missed the field goal and we got another period to go he is two for two between forty and forty nine yards he has the wind with him hello again the wind is not as stiff as it was earlier but the flag is still blowing with a fair amount of pillow God's rock will hold they'll spot it just inside the 34 yard line 44-yard a temper of a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] seconds on the clock blood does the job hey way to go buddy Miami sunset I school and the University of Tennessee Shula finally has had something to cheer about mr. fan watching the Bucks clothes and clothes and row officially the field goal is called 43 yards for water of a dolphin who have led all the way until that tying field goal have taken the lead back and probably the victory right now it's up to revision to put the ball on the ground let them scramble around try to pick it up and let the clock expired another cutting display by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and I know that is not solace enough to their fans who have been long-suffering but nonetheless they must be encouraged by the way this team plays and lost three starters injury during the course of this game and they have come back and nearly seal it away from the dolphin they started out 14 love down back in the first quarter you know it's the bridge it's difficult to find some consolation in winning and you play as well as the ears have today Lehmann Bennett's gotta say hey look you guys gave it everything you had and as a heck of a ballgame she's a shame someone has to lose a game like this these dolphins can't wait to get to the locker room I can promise you that let's get out of here they don't want to see these orange shirts ago good kickoff by row bays through the end zone remember no seconds off the clock meanwhile his duffel up filled John Holt and Jay Brophy not homes in 24 Mike fire and Jay bulky but nothing too serious so no time goes off the clock since no receiver got to run the kickoff back so the Bucks will have the last gasp here with six seconds from their own 20-yard line deferred sensational day 18 of 31 317 yards four touchdowns and an interception and Marino a sensational day 27:39 302 yards three touchdowns in one interception and don't forget we'll have a quick rack up to wrap up with brent musburger to give you all the scores around the rest of the league on this most eventful afternoon seven defensive backs around three receivers are out to the right to Tampa Bay de Burgh has lots of time and let's apply and it's cooked by Kevin house buddy careful with the 25 [Applause] [Music] the bird Gators over four days Jacob system Ryan from the Orange Bowl Miami 41 hands of a 38 coming up next to wrap up Jonah threat Musburger you've been watching CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League
Channel: Maurence Shipley
Views: 11,827
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 15sec (9255 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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