1985 Bob Uecker Johnny Carson

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my first guest this evening has put up with a lot of kidding over the years about hello I guess about his feelings as a professional baseball player and with good reason buddy's had a television series now that's becoming seems to be coming here real success he stars as mr. Belvedere and that of course is on another network as they say would you welcome well we still call him mr. baseball Bob Uecker [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good to see you nice to be here I'm not the star mr. Belford Christopher Hewett is mr. Bell did I say you were the star well it's okay well it was nice these stars as mr. Belvedere well could go either way okay Thomas is you know this may change your whole image you know you're gonna become a success now in television uh well I'm trying not to yeah but it's how do they treat you a little differently now on the sure enough oh yeah it's uh star things ya know it's unbelievable just two days ago Tuesday yeah I you know there's feet and cement all the thing they do at ground Laura there used to be well it wasn't I wasn't growling yes man Theodore nothing yeah but it was hard dodging the cars you know you you know it sound like soap over the boulevard that's what I supposed to be down on Hollywood and in the searchlights outside the house all the time you're going like this all night long in your windows ok I don't know if I can take that stuff you know baseball is a lot different did you find think televisions watch it was gonna be having as much fun work yeah get along the rest of people on the show far the crew loves me I think the probably the toughest thing for me Johnny is the the memory stuff you know memorizing scripts every week and uh they have a coach for me or Christopher Hewett who plays as a mr. Bellevue Eileen Graf who play our wife on a series they they work with me pretty good and I'm I'm doing lines so you know like hi guys you know I can do that good or I'm home stuff like that which is heavy stuff yeah a little coaching it comes out well it it's uh I hate to say that you know everybody you know you got to take a back seat that when you're starting yeah it's just like you know baseball the same way you know I was I wasn't a star overnight it took some time that's right I don't but it's a lot of fun John really isn't the shows doing good I imagine you get along with the crew because they probably are sports fans well the guys that work on our show the camera people have worked Monday night baseball and other things during during the baseball season and they they do the same thing as they did when I was doing the ball games you take a lot of shots my feet and stuff with you know you show good movement though Johnny I've learned that too you know you you move around you know you're moving around constantly I did that when I played and and I don't want to give somebody a second shot at you know you don't keep moving at all keep moving all the time we haven't seen you I guess since the the end of the World Series which was kind of strange you might want to comment on what happens on you know the the funny thing about them wasn't exactly what you'd call the greatest sportsmanship I've ever seen know that in the final game yeah game was bad but all of a sudden that's become very popular you know you know 185 and 200 you know people laughed at me I did it now all of a sudden you know you got guys hitting 185 200 Megan four and five hundred thousand dollars a year and and sign in four and five year contracts I mean the Cardinals I believe I think this is a the actual batting average hit 185 in the series I mean I could have been a star on that's right that's really a terrible batting average it is it was bad and the thing with the the thing with Joaquin Andujar was the guy that got involved and had a terrible thing with the umpire in the final game and that was one thing Johnny that I never did I was an honest player if an umpire and I've talked about this and I think it bears a repeating if an umpire if I thought he missed a call if he called a runner out right and I missed a tag I would dispute it I would tell the umpire that he was safe even though it cost us a runner cost us a game I mean our manager would be out there screaming and hollering and I'd be with the other manager saying hey I missed him you know and I don't I don't think you can do enough like that you know for sure I've always been that way what do you what is what is the rule I'm not sure the rule myself what can a player say to an umpire or not say you cannot touch him is that it I'm not quite sure what will and are never really know I didn't did he there are some you wouldn't want to touch either you know okay there's restraining him they was like well they did I mean he got a little fired up I think was a lot of frustration the Cardinals were losing 11 to nothing and they had a chance to win the series had a chance you know earlier to yet and and they lost him I think was just a lot of frustration but I'm pyres are human beings and you know they're they're human they make mistakes they make bad calls I think in Japan they do it right over there in Japan this is true players have the right to punch an umpire and I think that's the way it should be [Applause] there was no what do you think about there was a terrible call at first base that's the word the guy he called him safe right say absolutely out yeah now how about the instant replay there is it best to do they even out or do you just gas or what I don't I don't think they'll ever go to an instant replay Johnny and baseball or football just turned it down this year as I said before there's too much of a human element involved and they'd be doing it every play exactly yeah and you know I had that runner had that runner used a little tip that I you know talking about these I hate to do this we have a plan well when I used to run when you when you're running and we've talked about the you run you throw the hand up knock the cap off so it looks like you're really moving that goes and the guys how could the guy be out he didn't little way the guy runs that's right kids remember these tips we'll be right back Oh testify Ryan O'Neal will be out a little while we have the judge with us marvelous singing group mother and daughter uh what do players do now that they're off until one spring training make February I think there's something on at least what's it what are they doing this time off well I'm gonna go play in Japan don't they answer they depends on what you did you know yeah winning team you relax and have a lot of fun if you're losing team you you know you try to get yourself organized for the following season I did that win or lose immediately the the day after the regular season was over I started my my my program for the following year right by the time we went to spring training I mean this is after a tough grueling year yeah I started my boom sit-ups you know whatever by February a day before I go to spring training maybe I could do maybe five situps you don't want to peak too early no one quarter long year no no I got a long season these guys have contracts now I mean it's unbelievable but they you know you you get a base hit you get an extra bonus you play 150 games besides you're eight hundred thousand you get another twenty thousand you standar a certain weight 500 pounds you get another ten thousand dollars you know I mean every everything is different now Jeff also patre Mendes our ball players generally in pretty good shape oh I've heard to other athletes uh they can't be as good shape as it's a basketball no I don't think so uh you know they they don't have to do as much running for one thing there's a lot of standing around time I I think it's more hand-eye coordination yeah well stretching time two is nine baseball which is uh you know the league rules prohibit tour they tell you not to do that you know that guy's putting itching powder in your shorts and stuff like that it's you know that's what I'm saying yeah I don't like that myself yeah if I do it in the booth I'm broadcasting fine did you ever can see they have any other real good in other sports baseball the side when you read did you ever entertain the idea of going into other sports besides bass well I could have done them all John yeah I don't know baseball was there with the biggest bonus so I grabbed that 3,000 bucks can I tell you that before I get rid of my old man you know you didn't have that kind of money to put off theatrics no I could have played them all I liked them all I like football I love hockey I love them all yeah you know whatever weightlifting I was a power lifter I wasn't always this big my senior in high school is about 6 1 I weighed 80 pounds start building up I blew up a lot of people say oh you can talk the way you do you're always a star you always that big I wasn't yeah a little short guy I didn't know that oh yeah you can these are lifts I could listen here am I on something could you you got to punish yourself yeah you know that you've done it if you had to go back and play so you got the show now you're still doing the stuff for the demo up here people yeah baseball in Milwaukee yeah yeah I'm doing a lot of stuff John and as I said I'm having a lot of fun with mr. Belvedere and yeah can I mention the kid's name they'll get mad all right Tracy wells plays my daughter rock stone the oldest boy in Brice Beck and plays a little guy in the show along with Christopher Hewett and Eileen Graf and it's a good show well there she is that when you go by oh yeah camera guys all the camera yeah okay I know you have to run I do live in Idaho tomorrow signing autographs Meridian Idaho it's a big deal out there small store keep our best of the people Meridian we only thank thank you Robert [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we'll be back Rhyno Nia will be with us in just a moment what
Channel: 1980s Sports Home
Views: 34,285
Rating: 4.6904764 out of 5
Keywords: Milwaukee Braves, Pittsburgh Pirates, Tonight Show
Id: Qu_EouwbE50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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