1985 08 10 NBC GOW Cubs at Mets

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Annette's third inning strawberry again this time with nobody on nets lead 4-zip number 14 for Darryl he was intentionally walked in his next at-bat and that in the seventh again nobody on and this is third of the game number 15 on the season and then Darryl had a shot at tying a major league record his final at-bat of instead he ripped a single in bourbon and Chicago talked with Darryl about his big day it was a great day man I've really felt good at the plate I was so relaxed after I hit the first home run I was real confident that I was going to have a good day the entire team headed to Montreal except for Ray Knight who had permission to spend the night in Chicago and his wife Nancy Lopez [Music] happy faces around you know there's been some bad news from New York and everybody's kind of down about it I was optimistic I thought we'd settle it you know I still gonna have hope to sell it but after the statement when they fail I don't have much hope and he thoughts about being a first-place ballclub heading to Montreal it doesn't do me much good to think about it cuz if we're not playing tomorrow the season could be over and as the ballpark empties out we don't know when it will fill up again but at least Mets fans will have the memory of Darrell strawberry's three home runs to carry them along I'm Len Berman at Wrigley Field Chicago Thank You Lennon Alice you pointed out moments ago strawberry the fourth player in Met history to hit three home runs in a game the previous three Claudell Washington Dave Kingman Jim Hickman you got it unbelievable in st. Louis tonight Cardinals lost to the Phillies nine one so the Mets could conclude this 85 season in first by a half game Ozzie virtual banking two home runs this two-run shot a big one it gave the Phills of five to one lead now in lieu of the Mets perhaps clinching the pennant tonight as a public service here is our special nuts pennant celebration by way of a related celebration back in 1969 that's the way it might have been this season rather than the Mets just quietly moving on to Montreal with the hope they'll be playing baseball tomorrow else no magician on the stigma often attached to concert artists who sing material such as Cole Porter songs issues landlords now laws limit rent increases for 900,000 families he's Andrew Stein on our side and getting results the future of American business in South Africa Sunday at 11:45 1969 the year of the Impossible Dream and a black cat comes across the path of the Chicago Cubs the Mets nine and a half games back rely on Tom Seaver who won 25 and his first sy Young Award Seaver and the Mets stunning the baseball world and beating the Cubs 1985 the heir apparent to the mantle of Tom Seaver Dwight Gooden is won 11 in a row once more the Chicago Cubs are up against a Mets ace [Music] NBC Sports presents the major league baseball game of the week today from Shea Stadium it's the Chicago Cubs versus the New York Mets the game of the week is brought to you by Light beer for Miller everything you've always wanted in a beer and less by AT&T in long-distance services information systems telephones and computers AT&T is the right choice by borg who invites you to drive the new Ford Escort have you driven a Ford lately and by Kentucky Fried Chicken we do chicken right on a hot humid Saturday afternoon in New York it's the Chicago Cubs in ray Fontenot visiting Shea Stadium to face the New York Mets and dr. K Dwight Gooden hi everybody I'm Vin Scully along with Joe Garagiola the New York Mets with Gooden have won five straight 11 out of 13 and they're really on a roll just listening to you say that I'm thinking of myself what if the ballplayers heard of what would the reaction be here the Cubs over their sin who's going to play how many guys we have healthy and if we are healthy we have to face dr. K the Mets are over there thinking boy if we can get two runs for this guy we'll win it because they are on a roll in Montreal they set a team record for most hits in a nine inning game last night they had 16 Hernandez is hitting like we know Hernandez can hit five for six the other day Mets got to feel good and meanwhile Jim Frey is going around counting healthy players his starting pitchers have lost 25 turns in the rotation that includes yesterday where Dennis Eckersley came up with a bad shoulder dick Ruthven was rushed into the breach and what happened he was hit on the foot and had to leave so the Cubs are gonna be dodging their slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and the Mets will have Dwight Gooden will other lineups after there you know one of the best things about being the next big leader is getting free DS to the game call the front office bingo and once these fans recognize me I probably won't even have to pay for my life here from pillar I love them these fans know I drink light cuz it's less filling and it tastes great good seats huh go wrong hey buddy come on oh I must be in the front row light beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless he missed the tag when you drive a tough Ford truck there's one place you'll want to be on the road again I'm awestruck in the road worker play that game beeps off a friend I can't wait to get on road again again just can't wait to see what's around the band oh you're traveling with friends [Music] what's this stuff guy after aftershave skin conditioner I know I thought I was the only guy with sensitive skin every time I shave I need it right here what do you fellas use cuz shaving irritates my whole face after try it looks different it's rich it's a lotion after Sue's razor scrape sensitive skin hey this feels great and smells good too terrific sensible care for sensitive skin after aftershave skin conditioner hi the following message is furnished by major league baseball in cooperation with the Players Association you know on every pitch I have less than 1/3 of a second to make the right choice that's why I would never abuse my reactions that's a game saving decision as a teenager you also make decisions and one of these can be life-saving don't let drugs ruin your ability to make decisions take a big leaguers advice make the right choice say no to drugs baseball cares about you and your families hi everybody and welcome to today's nbc's game of the week I'm Gary Carter and I'll give today's Cubs lineup leading off will be Bob denier playing centerfield playing left field and batting second will be Davey Lopes these two guys we definitely got to keep off the base pass they're the key to their lineup hot hitting Ryan Sandberg will be batting third in playing second base Lee on the Bull Durham batting fourth and playing first base Keith Marlin their fifth hitter will be batting batting fifth and playing in right field Jody Davis with two home runs last night will be doing the catching and batting six Chris Speier will be playing third base today in batting seventh Larry Bowa the shortstop batting eighth and Ray Fontenot will be doing the pitching enjoy the game today and have a lot of fun here's the defense for the Mets Foster will be in left-field strawberries in center feel he's been carrying a hot fat Paciorek is in right field ray Knight Gardenhire back when Hernandez is at first base and we'll have to keep an eye on Hernandez whether he's in foul or fair territory when he's home those runners on it seems like they made it a special case out of Hernandez Carter is the catcher and Dwight Gooden he's on the mound for the Mets to court Hernandez Gooden has just been simply awesome well a definition as we look at Davey Johnson of awesome the numbers for Dwight Gooden first of all he is 17 and 3 is 17 victories equaling his total output of last year the last time the Gooden lost a game was the end of May when the Dodgers beat him 6 to 2 he has won 11 straight to eclipsed the 10 straight of Tom Seaver back in 1969 going for a little water to load up and then he will take on The Cove Hernandez before the game said he has never seen a stopper like this kid has been he said under har with the Cardinals pitched well but for all season he has never seen a pitcher like Gooden and he's been able to get his curveball over for what Hernandez calls to get goal and his fastball just on the outside corner to right-handers he is in such a groove so if he's in that groove today we're liable to see something indeed he is the third national league pitcher to have won 11 straight Lamarr Hoyt 111 Andy Hawkins 111 the longest winning streak of the year belongs to Yankee Ron Guidry who won 12 straight every time you look at Dwight Gooden 's numbers you find something interesting for instance is earned run average as great as it is against the Cubs it's much better than that against the Cubs it's a little more than a half a run now with 17 victories he has walking into her ahead of him and to Haar's 18 and 6 he has five shutouts he has John Tudor ahead of him John has six but white leads the major leagues in strikeouts and an earned run average worth talking to Jim Frey before the game and one of the writers just trying to make Frey feel but he says you know Gooden doesn't have quite as good a record date time as he does at night and fries said what's his record now and of course he said seventeen and three he said does that mean he only strikes out eight during the day well this is the only three losses as you can see the Cardinals and Andujar beat him Lamarr Hoyt beat him and Fernando Valenzuela so he has only lost to the high-rent district and of course with his complete games he has as many as the combined staff of San Francisco Philadelphia and Pittsburgh 11 and what you love about the youngster is his poise I said to him what is your ambition in life he says to hit a home run and I said if you do hit a home run what will you do he said I don't think I could finish the game I'd be too excited I don't believe that and we'll show the folks a little bit later on about how calm cool and collected he can be here's a brief knock-down matchup in Montreal but that's later on right now we'll concentrate on the game it is also each side of the coin the Cubs have lost five straight the Mets have not only won five straight there 11 of 13 ray knife weighing in on the grass at third and denier starts it on ball one denier hitting 246 15 RBIs and Jim Frey says he is still bothered by that sore foot ground ball to shortstop up with it there is Ron Gardenhire low dug out by Keith Hernandez Gardenhire of course has been on the DL so he's a little bit rusty in coming back too short but he got his man one away davey lopes coming up Lopes a remarkable player is stolen 41 out of 44 and he's bothered by an Achilles problem but he's playing and is he ever look at his numbers fouled away on one against the guy like good and you really have to try to manufacture things and hope that you can take away from his concentration what I mean by that is if you get people on you might run them play hit and run hoping that you do get a break with maybe a stolen base or a first and third situation to where you might think can't better hold them all a little closer and worry about the baserunners one ball one strike the Mets have done a number on Lopes the prime aim of Carter and company is to keep Lopes off the base pads he has only one hit this year against the Mets and this is the 13th meeting between the two teams now back another turnaround by the New York Mets last year they could only win six games of eighteen against the Cubs going into this game the myths of already won nine out of 12 and the crowd smells strikeout two strikes with the curveball on the count 2 & 2 [Applause] that's the curve ball that Hernandez is talking about it's an overhand curveball is reading out a whole lot you can do you can see shrine and you can just can't pull the trigger because that fast quality has coupled with the curveball it's just I've seen when he struck out vans law last time out Keith Hernandez referred to goodness said he would have gotten Ted Williams on that pitch and here is Ryan Sandberg fouls it away on one Sandberg getting the Cubs off on the right foot five times this year Sandberg had been fighting a slump he was old for 15 but he came back with three hits last night hitting 291 15 home runs 40 runs batted in and it's rare it's only the third time this year he's hit in the third slide in the cub lineup bang base hit into left-center over to get at his Darryl Strawberry so Sandberg a two-out single of course in looking at a shaken up Cubs line over they've had 80 different lineups in a hundred and six games Leon Durham coming up to face Dwight Gooden Durham is more of a long ball threat at Wrigley Field than he is on the road he has 11 home runs he has had only seven home runs on the road in the last two years and he has had some muscle spasms in his back of late but Frye says he's okay [Music] [Applause] Durham has hit Gooden very well almost 400 against oh and one - Leon Sandburg at first with two out just the start of the ballgame and he goes the other way over the head of night for a base hit on his way to third is Sandberg in the second goes Durham Sandberg a big turn Flo is finally blocked by Cotter who fed to Hernandez Ryne Sandberg apparently with a lack of communication here with Don Zimmer for a second Sandburg had intentions of coming all the way around Zimmer was up the line had the stop sign put up but Sandberg picks it up allayed you can see that he dives back in the throw gets away from the third baseman Knight the Carter's backed it up like he should be and gives it to Hernandez Durham was really handcuffed with that fastball swung late and just looped it into the opposite field though with runners at second and third and two out Keith Moreland is the hitter and Moreland perhaps the most consistent of the Cubs since opening day very steady right fielder and first base open and Jody Davis on deck Marland is the number-one cub in picking up guys in scoring position so let's see with the Mets do they will pitch to him Sandberg 1/3 Durham and second two out fastball lined to Center base hit and that's good for two I'm coming to the plate to score down to second goes Marlin tuna nothing Chicago little surprise they fetched a Marlin well I'm more surprised VIN and he gave him such a good ball to hit on it especially the first pitch it looked like a fastball right down the middle like he was going to try to get ahead of him I mean it wasn't to the outside nor the inside court to plate it was right down the middle and he just wraps it though they pictured their number one man they give him a good pitch to handle and it's to be expected a line drive single to drive in to Moreland taking second on the throw and the Cubs lead to nothing Jody Davis coming out Jody hitting 237 with a dozen home runs 44 RBIs hit two last night now he shouldn't get a good ball to hit with first base open if he wants to hit him I'm making widen his own fastball in there Chris Speier is on deck Tony nameís and Johnny Bench had a conversation but Jodi's hands and Johnny Bench said they were just into close to him he's got to get him back for that what you see he has and he said three home runs in his last two stars foul back goin to Jodee when he homered last night the first time it marked 500 hits in his career the milestone point in the inning denier grounded out and woke struck out but Sandburg single Durham doubled Moreland singled him in the crowd wants another strikeout for the count oh and two to Jody David [Applause] 1 & 2 put yourself in Jody Davis's shoes if you were the batter Davey Lopes was called out on strikes on a big curveball after you threw him a high fastball you certainly can't guess with two strikes and yet if you don't how you gonna hit it the old story is you got a look fastball so you can adjust on the curve 1 2 fastball the check at first no swing says fred brocklander two balls two strikes at time he throws even lord charles right now there's nothing Jordie can do but just tie his shoe strings a little tighter - and to the counter Jody Davis Cubs leading to nothing in the first inning breaking ball lifted to right-center field strawberry falling that he has it and he does get two runs on three hits leave a man at the end of half an inning Cubs to Mets come on I don't know what do you I don't know I'd go to college no I have the money yeah so what are you gonna do I don't know what are you gonna do you don't want those fries what are you gonna do jack eat your way to college I'm going to college on the new GI Bill you serve full time in the Armed Forces or part time in the reserves and you earn a lot of money for tuition the new GI Bill he's in that pickle now for young men and women in the Armed Forces it's a great place to start see your local recruiter chaos of heartburn from gaviscon antacid once a man made all of Italy in one night and discovered the only thing worse than daytime heartburn heartburn is nighttime heartburn fortunately there was gaviscon specially formulated so it not only gives fast relief during the day it even works at night when you're lying down gaviscon antacid it even works lying down you know a lot of cars out there have ride problems why it may be there Springs they can cause sag bottoming out cars can leave swayed now there's a solution cargo coils by moved different from standard Springs let me show you why these closely spaced coils smooth the ride and cargo coils have these stronger coils to take over when things get loaded down so if your car rides too hard or too soft get their own move cargo coils at your mechanic or auto parts store when you play telephone if you can't hear everything that's part of the game but when you pay for calls it's no fun AT&T thinks that every long-distance call should sound as close as next door and isn't that why you call right okay yeah calling anywhere anytime long-distance operators over a century of commitment that's AT&T the more you hear the better AT&T the right choice here's the Mets lineup wally backman opens up at second base Tom Paciorek makes a start in right field to get an extra right-handed bat in there Keith Hernandez at first and Gary Carter behind the plate Darryl Strawberry in center field George Foster and level Ray Knight at third Ron Gardenhire the shortstop Dwight Gooden a pitcher we'll be facing left-hander ray Fontenot wins in six losses one and two against the Mets this year and lifetime the last club pitcher to pitch a complete game was Scott Sanderson on the 30th of June although Fontenot has gone eight innings twice though it's a big load given to a starting pitcher to try and give the cub bullpen arrest and it'll be Backman for Sharik and Hernandez Backman with an eight game hitting streak ball one especially tough ending to because the Cubs Fontenot really has to keep the Mets from scoring this and he can't let those two runs at the Cubs score get answered he's got to shut him out here to pick up the ball club he's basically a lowball pitcher high foul or first out of play in fact no doubt in the Mets dugout throughout the afternoon as he pitches the people in the bench shall be hollering to the hitter make him bring the ball up he likes to live downstairs below the knees he'd like you to swing at a pitch out of the strike zone one on one he doesn't have any trick pitches and he'll be around that strike zone all afternoon Durham shortens up at the bag the same for spire a third the outfield shaded to right and about to buy the mound Oh Larry hazard in getting [Applause] here's the defense the othe feel with lobster near good speed Marlin whatever he can get to usually holds on do put your near covers a lot of ground the left side would spire and boy got some age over there but you saw Paul make a good play on the ball hit by Backman Sandberg Durham Davis behind the plate Tom Paciorek grounds one to the hole backhanded by bola off-balance [Applause] it was a close play ball really raised part of his left surprisingly back hands that wall and gets up a good throw makes it a very close play so Fisher can infield single and that will bring up Keith Hernandez an excellent play by Larry Bowa and here is Hernandez Hernandez with his good numbers had a 5 for 6 game against Montreal and in July he's hitting 392 he's been blazing hunt in July all on not to belabor the point but remember was that long game in Atlanta that got him started and it was his dead in California watching the game when he said I just never saw your numbers from the centerfield camera shot so you're not turning enough and you'll see him there it is one ánotá Keith Hernandez and that's his body I said to keep that your dad watch the game that day he said what a dumb question there's nothing he's my father from Weiss and it gave her thousand five hundred dollars and he's already gotten it repaid becoming the Player of the Month in July by the way the first Mets player of the month since Kingman in 1975 that's history and he's even doing better than that in August 1 and 2 the count to Keith Hernandez ashore I could first with one out an on deck Gary Carter Kishori doesn't figure to do much running and leon dorm directly behind him last night and that's always my pet peeve anyway it costs the Cubs the game by having Leon Durham on the bag bound away so many times we keep pointing out the fact that a first baseman is on the bag against someone who can't run and last night Leon Durham held a corner on pitcher Roger McDowell and Dykstra hit a ground ball it's otherwise an out it's into the outfield McDowell moves into scoring position and Backman single picked him up price thinking for that was they were expecting Dykstra to be bunting at any time and he was protecting more against the bunt and he was the run-and-gun 31 and to the counter Hernandez way inside - and - to keep - nothing Chicago in the first inning there were two outs in that game last night with Dykstra he's liable to farm with two three four five seven outs it doesn't make any difference with him two balls two strikes breaking ball hit foul down the right-field line out of play I'll say one thing about the Mets they are unaccustomed to coming from behind with Dwight Gooden Gooden allows two runs in the first inning keep in mind the fact he is not allowed more than three earned runs in a game all year then not to belabor the point about bunting but did not Pete Rose bunt against the Dodgers with two outs the runner at third and Cedeno scores the winning run you got it I mean you just can't take for granted because of two outs that you will not be funny 2 & 2 ground ball to the right side Sandberg to ball to Durham and they get the double play so the Mets are gone in order and at the end of the first innings the cups - and the Mets nothing this is a busy day in the life of the new Ford Escort the most improved escort ever the new Ford Escort is more efficient more powerful more comfortable and even though it's a new escort the name escort is already world-famous in fact here comes the only car in the world that out sells it have you driven the best built American cars have you driven a Ford lately the events we speak of here took place when a man's reputation was his most precious possession I am thorium a lot not to take leave of your senses not compromise earthling historians disagree as to when the dispute began but we do know that many brave men defended their honor to the utmost there must be some other way to settle this load trying to stand back only this way will wanna be satisfied good morning gentlemen stand already [Music] and gentlemen take your ground tastes great less filling tastes great less filling so be it no one knows how long the argument has raged but one thing is certain light beer from Miller went on to become the favorite light beer of all time [Applause] meet the men behind the microphones on a special NBC Sports World Sunday second inning here at Shea Stadium in New York the Cubs leading the Mets to nothing with two outs and Berg singled Durham doubled him to third Moreland singled up the middle to drive into so Dwight Gooden shaken up now has to pull himself together and go after Speier Bowa and Fontenot about at the plate on one account interesting too in Gooden's meteoric c'mere that's what it is only the fifth time in his career he's allowed a run in the first inning can you imagine that and here we got two today [Music] ground foul outside of third and down the line and that includes on the playground too on July 4th the Braves got to him for two runs in the first inning so it's really headline news to score against good and early like that oh and to to spire fastball got him looking [Applause] by the way his high this year he struck out 14 Giants though he now has to take a look at that fastball just threw it right by him and nothing you could do but just watch it go by and touch running behind the plate I love umpires reminds me so much about bar like when he was behind a plate in the game really booming out those strikes and you can hear him all over the place I love it Nevada now the switch-hitting Larry Bowa hits one off the glove of good and deflected to Gardenhire who can make the play so boa gets a base hit on a comebacker and Ray Fontenot will be coming up it's the fourth hit off Dwight Gooden just couldn't get the handle lean looks like he's going to make the play here but he can't really get a good grip on it eventually drops it and now Hernandez is going to go in and talk to his young pitcher because you got it in you when you have to expect Fontenot to be punting the ball and and hopefully they can make the force at second base Hernan is a tremendous feeler he'll come charging off the line Varnado has funded twice and the Mets are expecting that bunt right now ray Knight coming in from third Hernandez charging from first the bunt foul back on one what Hernandez probably did was to tell him look don't be throwing over the first base nice going back to talk to him because once he starts in for home plate he wants to keep coming and sometimes if a pitcher really they don't have a working out he's gonna be thrown over there and remember earlier this year Hernandez broke to the plate the pitcher threw to him he was about 20 feet down the line and they call balk they called the park because it was deceiving the runner yeah if they changed the rule in fact the stance that Hernandez now takes is in fair territory but he's off the bag he figured out a way to get around all that his stance right now he's up the line a little bit you can see where he is and that's an old stance I remember Bobby Watson doing that when he was playing in Houston you're really holding your on without being on the bay the button bow back and the count on two you know one other thing now Gooden has two strikes on Fontenot so the crowd wants to see another strikeout but strikeouts have become less central to a success a case in point in his last six wins Dwight has struck out more than six only twice the big thing is his control has been incredible oh and to to Rafe ah no no it's the old story you'd rather make three pictures for three hours and nine pitches for three outs I mean you want a wholesaler than he once in a while now fry wants to talk to rennet behind a plate and he's claiming maybe a Bock where is it it's deceiving the runner I think Benny's almost basing it on what he had just talked about that previous except of course they were talking about 15 feet but he's only about four feet that's a thoroughly legitimate maneuver as we understand it started in and out and that's the thing you talk to your pitcher about well the thing about when he comes down the line if he comes 15 feet down the line you can't possibly be making a play that's why they called it a block when he comes three feet off the bag you could still be making a play on the runner but Frey wants to have a meeting with the umpires and Renard when he comes at 15 feet the runner thinks he's throwing towards the plate anyhow and what he's doing is throwing it to Hernandez who's only maybe 20 feet from home plate yeah would not appear that there would be any substance to the argument since Hernandez is so close or reasonably close to the bag I mean he's a matter of four or five feet at the most and there's one other side light that this whole discussion is going on I'm sure that Frey is arguing for a point but he's also trying to make break the concentration of Gooden Gooden is in the Maul of a Koufax and Marichal to where you really you play against him as opposed to playing against the Mets how are we going to be good as opposed to how we beat the Mets and all these little things these distractions [Music] so Jim Frey has had his say in a losing cause see there's where Hernandez is now watched when he leaves the bag he's not gone very far he could conceivably die back of the runner if he goes 15 feet down the line that's another story well what it does it prevents Frye from playing running but he can't start that runner moving on a play like that you got to make sure Bowa does that he really is going in to get the Bonner oh and to the counter a Fontenot one out second inning Cubs to Mets nothing Gooden has been touched up before hits already in an inning and a third Bowa doesn't go the pitch high and away one and two every time I see that play boy it's a guaranteed but I used to go out and I'd say to the pitcher just let up on your fastball so he can be sure to bump that ball we can make the play at second and we get a guy to clog up the bases like the pitcher as hard as he's done he's gonna need to pop it up or foul it off one ball two strikes Bowa goes the pitch is strike three the throw is on the other side of the bag and Bowa has stolen it that's the third strikeout for Dwight Gooden he really went into the bag hard as soon as Hernandez took a step it's a curve ball he picked the perfect pitch to go you see the curveball Carter something on it but wrong side the bag and Paul really jammed his leg as he went in there it's just larry bowa who has certainly given up some things to time but nevertheless he still has that good baserunning instinct he's stolen five out of six so with both at second base in two out bob de near trying to pick him up the child youjin ears of left foot is still bothering and he wears a little plastic covering to protect the top of the left foot where he had surgery turn away and couldn't is starting out with strikes as we look at the protective pad that Turner is wearing in fact the first pitch has been a strike eight of the nine batters that goodness faced I mean he is starting out ahead of him on one and another breaking ball low one ball and one strike Cubs to Mets nothing top of the second inning scary to realize he's only 20 won't be 21 until November fastball is hit down the right-field line slicing foul and out of play I imagine the methyl ownership is kind of glad that that arbitration won another year if this kid goes to arbitration he'd end up with Connecticut Nebraska and all the land west of the Mississippi by the way isn't it a relief last Saturday we were doing the game sweating it out now here we are back in business thank goodness yeah glad it's over [Applause] Gooden is a strike out away of striking out the side and he has the count 1 & 2 on denier he's done at 25 times in his career curveball got him he struck out the side four strikeouts for good but at the end of an inning and a half Cubs to match nothing depend on quality nappa parts to get you going and keep your going do it right always use nap apart so you're Carl run nappa brand-new when you start something good everyone wants a piece of it pink light beer for Miller now there's lots of light beers out there saying they're less filling yeah that was the easy part the hard part is brewing a light beer that face grape that's why lights always brewed only with the finest ingredients I'll add all that great beer taste come through for guys like you and me the taste that's made light beer for Miller America's favorite light beer Hey always thought it was easy own and care one man running for city council president has taken on the big boys he took on crooked nursing home operators they went to jail now seniors get better care he took on powerful landlords for harassing tenants now thousands of renters will get attention he took on a billion dollar company in the subway car scandal and the city got back millions for mass transit he's Andrew Stein on your side and getting results an American tradition continues in 1978 it was dubbed the modern day shot heard round the world Bucky Dent's three-run homer helped clinch one of baseball's greatest comeback seasons next Saturday the intense rivalry continues as the Yankees host the Red Sox or the Royals beat the Blue Jays the tradition is here the memories are waiting bottom of the second inning the Cubs leading the Mets 2 to nothing Gary Carter Darryl Strawberry and George Foster in that order seeing Carter come to the plate and will use the time now to set it up the Mets found out something else about Dwight Gooden and they found out about it in Montreal when Gary Carter had an at-bat up there the game featured Dwight Gooden pitching against Bill Gullickson but we don't want to get in the way of parties at bat now but we'll show you what the Mets but their twenty-year-old phenom all one Carter could be headed for his lowest RBI total in the last five years he has 54 last year he had a hundred and six two-time Mike Schmidt for the National League RBI title he has come awake and driven in thirteen runs in his last 11 games but he does have that bad knee remember and it has to hurt you to know gary has been wearing out cup pitching this year hitting 340 against Chicago hot ground ball to third off the glove of spire recovers to get him Carter hobbling on the bad knee here's what they found out about Dwight Gooden Gary Carter up in Montreal was that bad the count no balls and two strikes and here's Bill Gullickson pitch look out so now Dwight Gooden went to the mound Gullickson came up and look at this and what was interesting Gooden in immediately went right back to work it was nothing said he came into the dugout he set the car that was for you gary said all great he backs up his hitters and that was I bet you knew a Pitchess and you would beg to knock down a hitter and wouldn't do it I'll not name him no but I'll tell you I was with the ballclub that we had a knock-down contest I almost got into a fight with this particular pitcher and never did catch him again because he would not throw two balls in one strike - Darrell strawberry strawberry in the last month he's hitting 333 10 home runs and because he got three of them in one game including a grand slam home run that we saw here on the game of the week he's been explosive in the last 31 games yeah 31 runs batted in a line drive down the right-field line chasing it as Marlon into second base and holding with a double he's in a groove he was talking about it before the game we were when we were visiting and you can see the stance he's just right on top of the pitch good follow-through he's just an approved Morland very carefully waiting to see what's going to happen because if you get too aggressive playing that carom it'll end up a three base hit when I had George Foster who earlier this year beat Fontenot with a grand slam home run foster with that 257 average he had a six-game hitting streak snapped last night though Foster trying to pick up strawberry with one out in the second inning two nothing Chicago deep right-center junior going back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] - high five - low five and see you later charlie - - in the second inning Rafael Santana does it dance with it yeah home run now is getting to be an event man it looks like breakdance clues and here is Ray Knight ground ball of the hole backhanded by Bowa off-balance throw got him dug out by Durham boys shown great range today made a real close play on the ball hit by Pedroia can he backhands this one spire can't come close to getting it look where Bullock gets and two steps into the outfield running away from where he has to throw - and gets him in pretty good shape not that Ray Knight is gonna set any track record but it was a good play by Bowa the Larry Bowa coming up with his second great ever going into the hole at Short and Ron Gardenhire at the plate taking ball one wanna know though a 2-2 tie we might have ourselves quite a scramble here today hitting is so contagious I mean once Hernandez starts everybody looked at foster woke up Carter woke up strawberry started hitting you know the Mets have been averaging six run a game since early in July they hitting over 294 a month though two runs doesn't seem like very much to him right now though they're all even to two and there's ball four to Gardenhire with two out and Dwight Gooden will be coming out that's a doubly tough base on balls because now you got your picture up there and it's a bonus even if he doesn't get a face it could you lead off with your leadoff man next inning nothing like getting your pitcher out of the way where is Gooden with a runner at first two out in the second inning a 2-2 tie oh he was dreaming a home runs on that swing I tell you you gotta bear down on him because he concentrates as much in the batter's box as he does on that mound he doesn't say well I'll go up there and get out of the way he wants to get himself a base hit ground ball hard two-thirds fire the short way to Sandburg and they get the board but the Mets get to on a double by strawberry and a home run by Foster to two at the end the two will be right back after these your local station tonight the 63 in rolls on both Karen Valentine leave it to Bieber's can husband and Barbara Billingsley Tab Hunter and Obama's of the Papas it's our time tonight we can take you there [Music] how much we care [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's your money son but if you want my advice by another Subaru sure dad [Music] I thought we agreed you'd buy a Subaru a dad I did the new Subaru XT coupe visit your New York New Jersey Metro Area subaru dealers hey Curtis here remember we hit New York's lotto for all those millions man we were hot but now they got this new lot of forty-eight Wednesday and Saturday jackpots start and the millions it could really get big makes us look like pennant we gotta play lotto 48 right first Lizzy to place and don't be stingy with the must new bigger lotto 48 the new way to join the family of lotto millionaires the future of American business in South Africa Sunday at 11:45 [Music] I'm a foster child well what do they say victory has a thousand fathers and defeat is an orphan no I can understand that as George goes to his position to two in the third inning I would think about 90 miles away down the road didn't build Adelphia taking things easy for the moment our Whitey Herzog and his band and st. Louis Cardinals they'll be playing Philadelphia in a double-header danny Cox and Jerry Koosman the former met in one game Curt capture and Kevin gross do to go on the other if the Mets leading by a half a game win today if the Cardinals swept the doubleheader then the Cardinals and the Mets would be in a dead even time Davey Lopes swing for a strike member Lopes struck out in the first inning called out on a curveball in fact that the four strikeouts three of them have been with the curveball third strike only Speier with the fastball I chopped her up along third ray Knight with plenty of time to get him talking about the Mets they are in first place a half a game in front of the Cardinals the Cubs are in 4th place 10 games behind the Mets of course the Cubs have been decimated by injuries if you can imagine was a pitching staff that has lost 25 starts in the rotation Dennis Eckersley is not here he went up to Boston last night he was to be examined by dr. Arthur Pappas today in Boston and the Cubs are waiting for the report while wandering Sandburg one and one we were hearing horrendous reports of how hot and humid it was going to be in New York but the weather has broken it is a lovely day here so that will not be a factor today oppressive heat perhaps taking something out of the pitchers two-on-one Sandberg followed by Durham to to top of the third look at that rise in the standings like the own stock to go that way fouled away Goodin in addition to his great stuff is another one of those pitchers who for a split second will take his eye off the target and if you don't think that's distracting to a hitter you think about it he can throw around 90 miles an hour he's not even looking at you all the time there was two strikes a crowd comes alive again remember his four strikeouts in the first two innings breaking war but he missed put the curve reenter versus delivery watch his eyes as he gets ready to [Music] right there looks away fastball is lifted to Sattar strawberry has a bead on it heretic and Leon Durham you know with the possibility of a strike and then two days off do a little reading about baseball some of the great American authors have written about baseball and how about this line from William Saroyan he said two events are supremely beautiful the strikeout in the homerun each is a difficult and unlikely thing flawlessly achieved before your eyes and we've seen them both today the strikeout in the homerun you really think that a strikeout Saroyan notwithstanding this as beautiful as a homerun if you're here no each one is beautiful flawlessly achieved and I think this crowd they were thrilled over any strikeout good and gets and you heard the noise when falsely hit one out messing around knocking Saroyan Ray Knight takes care that's that a very quiet third inning I'll come back and give you the thought the team's Taylor will return but right now two two at the end of two and a half or is it Bennett sir it'll work on your dandruff yeah but I'm afraid it won't leave my hair the way I like it hey this is great stuff today's head and shoulders it's all I use okay tough dandruff protection that works only on your scalp not your hair gentle conditioners go they're tough on dandruff right but great on hair today's head and shoulders dandruff care that's good for your hair if you want to feel confident raise your hand if you want to feel secure raise your hand if you want protection that helps you feel dry all day raise your hand and reach for sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's Riunite ice appear time right now Riunite is twice as nice on eyes because it's specially priced ice appear of Riunite now and save the NFL plays here America can show Theismann lead the hogs and Smurfs down Pennsylvania Avenue and into another winning season the NFL plays here America al Davis will be waiting with his own cast of characters as the Coliseum witnesses our rematch of Super Bowl 80 the Redskins battle the Raiders the NFL place here on NBC and all of that is next Sunday 4:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time although I doubt if it will be flawlessly achieved little number up along third base goes foul on one all right all right Saroyan says the home running this strike got I want you to take a survey of lobster near aspire and Fontenot and ask them if they thought it was flawlessly achieve when Lopes was caught looking at that curveball off for strike three he had to go back to the bench and say mr. fry that was flawlessly achieved and fries and I'm gonna flawlessly achieve you I could think of it it sounds beautiful I guess maybe it was flawlessly achieved that you flawless the achievement of and you'll be in another league bottom of the third inning and wally backman followed by Tom Paciorek and at Keith Hernandez two two in the third I don't know what you gonna do I got a Thomas Wolfe quote later on I didn't realize that Saroyan was writing about me when he was talking to stuff and it follows the achieve Thomas Wolfe yet huh yeah that's lady why don't one I'll give you a Roger Wolfe one okay - - time let's roll into third spire kind of side arming that one over to Durham one away and the batter will be Tompa short got a few years of experience on the left side of the infield whether it is Bowa and say spire and say or this combination spire and Boehm I mean they can talk about some old times with one out here's for short the short was telling us an interesting thing now here's a guy with the White Sox who is cut loose and winds up with the meds and in this day and age players contracts are always important and you want to talk about the cat swallowing the canary the shark has a stipulation in his contract he has an attendance clause now that's inside ball two now the Mets have inherited an attendance clause based on the Chicago White Sox and the contract said okay four sharks gonna get X number of bucks if the White Sox draw over a million eight eye foul down the line drop suntouch okay a million eight that's still in the contract as of today the Mets have drawn a million seven now today this crowd in this ballpark will push him over a million eight everything over a million eight push oryx's thank you very much he could conceivably be pay w-what three million three million now you want to talk about a propitious plan for that was propitious I'll tell you that it was also very smart a promise of added emolument whoa what branch rickey is to saying ground ball into left field and Bashara can forget about the attendance clause for the moment a one-out single he's two for two and the batter Keith Hernandez Hernandez hit into the double play in the first inning he's opal one [Music] two runs four hits and no errors for each side and again they are not holding the bag on pusher and for sure it goes in a hit run chopper to Durham so they get the out but for sharukh advances now with the shuriken scoring position Davey Johnson as Gary Carter coming to the plate in a 2-2 tie they're gonna walk Carter and of course Darryl Strawberry coming up you can see the value of a strawberry and why the club was hurting when he was out of the lineup okay put him on but strawberry just going on what he did last time he doubled on that right-field line of course the Cubs are playing for seven days but right-hander left-hander degree with strawberries they're not going to make much difference though in a moment Darryl Strawberry will be coming up with two men on Jim Frey hoping that this bit of strategy will pay off and get him out of the inning I like it I'll tell you why it takes a month you right off the pitchers back fry and Santa put him on a lot of managers would simply say if you walk him it's okay don't give him a good ball to hit and here's ball four the last time we saw Darryl Strawberry at Shea Stadium he walked up the home plate with the bases loaded [Music] now back to live one the strawberry slam against Steve Bedrosian and Atlanta now he's up there with runners at first and second for sure I could second and quarter at first wanna know ground ball wide a first in the they said here comes the shark Marlins throw to the plate he scores [Applause] though the match have taken a three-to-two lead is Darryl Strawberry singles by Leon Durham [Music] Gary Carter allowed to go to third when the throw came to the plate and now George Foster hit the two run home run in the second inning coming home and remember yet the first pitch last time up [Music] two down runners at first and third and Jim Frey and his Cubs are suddenly down three two and four Jim once again troubled with a starting pitcher as we told you the last complete game why a cub pitcher Scott Sanderson the 30th of June strawberry at first Carter at third i ball into shallow left center coming up for it is too near and that's it one run two hits two left and at the end of 3 the Mets three and the Cubs two now as I understand it Bobby in baseball you keep your players in a bullpen choke your bats and steal bases that's right Freddie and just about everybody drinks light beer familiar oh this is a woman that's less filling right again and that's important to an old base stealer like me and it tastes free certainly does now about these bases mate how many did you steal 681 691 blimey where do you keep them all like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless I'm mr. Goodwrench if you could ride under your car you'd see the dirty hard work your suspension system does to give you a stable comfortable ride in tying these parts where so have a suspension system examined regularly if it shocks you need I'll install new GM Goodwrench shock absorbers with a lifetime limited warranty you get them exclusively from a GM dealer who sells GM Goodwrench Park just stop in and keep that great GM feeling [Music] August Best Buy's just in time for school school this clamp on lamp goes anywhere for just 399 it'll light up your study area study the spread is digital alarm clock is $6.99 but with a five dollar rebate the actual cost is only $1.99 now we won't miss the school bus school bus the snack pack backpack with an insulated lunch boxes just 744 batch here homework here is the plate [Music] TVs bloopers thinking crazy look at Steve Garvey Bruce Jenner and Bill Cosby here we go are you gonna tell Tom Paciorek I'm where I gonna tell him you're gonna tell it because if you tell him Kishori will have had a bad year today well there we were before the game in fish Eric was chortling about his attendance clause in the contract and the Mets are gonna draw close to three million and the Mets have informed us oh no that only belonged to the White Sox oh now he's got a route for the White Sox to draw over a million eight Ford Tom he's had a tough year today boy did he lose a lot of dough in 10 minutes 3 to 2 in favor of the Mets and we're going to the 4th inning Keith Moreland the Mets pitched to him with runners at second and third and two out in the first inning and Moreland who's been giving him a bad time continued to do so with a base hit to drive into now he lifts one to right centerfield strawberry will make the play very bright Sun Darrell using that glove almost immediately to help get a little extra shade and the ball hit in that area is against the wind there's a light breeze barely a zephyr flowing from right to left but it has turned out to be a beautiful day it is t-shirt day here Cub Buster's t-shirt and with the promotion and Dwight Gooden it's a sellout and here's Jody Davis Davis flied to Center in the first inning ball one look at that that's making the most out of things [Music] fastball shelled up the middle so Jody gets a one-out single to center and that will bring up Chris fire the next batter third baseman now Hernandez has just been asking his manager should I play behind him halfway it looks like he got the okay to play half way because again going back to what we said earlier you really have to try to manufacture things against Gooden Mets are going to try to guard against a possible play what Frey wants to stay away from is the double play and you do that with the it run play so with Davis aboard and one out Chris Speier will be the hitter three two two men's four one for whatever reasons fire has really come alive against Mets pitching this year lifetime he's hit 250 against New York he's hitting almost 4:30 this year against him one and OH Davis is able to get a pretty good lead Hearn and his plan behind him and grab him Kenton Mouse going on back there thinking hitting him on the leg and there he goes fouled away you saw Gooden back off when Carter flashed the first sign it could be that Carter had put a sign on it just one of those signs may be used once or twice during the ballgame it kind of confused good now you see Davis trying to grab the glove and Hernandez I remember one player used to get a handful of dirt and put it in the first baseman's pocket and the first baseman would step on his foot Jody does not have a stolen base nor has he been involved in a steal this year now you can see Keith is in front of him Davis needling him they moved him in now with the attempted to hit run wanted one that's right quite good and leading the cubs three to two we're in the top of the fourth inning check swing foul off to the right rattling around amongst the customers and it's still one ball in two strikes top of the fourth one away [Music] standing at first Jody Davis held on by Keith Hernandez spire trying to move them around two and two [Music] now if you're gonna run in three in two you figure well I'll run him - and - but you got a strikeout pitcher out there regardless who the hitter is so fry has a decision for me I started well watch Jody Davis and Gooden off the rubber Cubs scored two in the first Mets tied it in the second Mets take a lead in the third Cubs trying to tie it up in the fourth Davis holding big breaking ball missed three and two and did you see some fire almost to advance his body bent in the middle kneecaps went one way he was just nothing he could do but take it watch him doing dips he do there woke up now with a full count on one out let's see if they play run and hit Hernandez right on the bag Jodie goes and is a one hopper hit behind Gardenhire and by the time he picks it up everybody saved the garden hah breaking to cover with Jodi running and the ball hit back of him it's interesting in Gardenhire was break him and cover with spire right-hand batter which simply says that they Mets didn't think that he'd be able to pull goodness you can see Joni taking a look and see where the ball is hit Gardenhire makes a good play getting the glove on the ball but he was breaking it thought that spire would go the other way though with one out the Cubs have runners at first in second and Larry Bowa coming up to the plate Bowa singled off Goodin's glove in the second inning I really don't expect poor to be able to pull strawberries over in left center foster and left me a lot of room in right-center field you can see it Jody Davis the tying run at second Chris fire at first the outfield relatively shallow and shaded to left strawberry is up as his foster and that's a strike oh and one there's a gap in right-center field Tom Paciorek establish straightaway and right no speed of course at second base representing the tying run [Music] Jody Davis trying to take as much of a lead as he can you see how goodness perspiring he can understand why he wears a long-sleeved shirt to try and chop up the perspirations keep his hands dry on one one ball and one strike that was his fastball but that was not a really good good and fast ball at all but not even not in a good spot either which is a bit unusual one and one to number one Larry Bowa fastball sliced down the left-field line foster in pursuit foul ball one and two surprised that Gooden has been shaking Gary Carter off as much as he has makes you kind of think that maybe he's just shaking him around because the last time they worked that they were in real good sync Bowa has retired the side once in order he's been struggling a little bit [Applause] shook him off again 1 & 2 fastball hit into left field sinking in front of Foster and the bases are loaded Davis had nowhere to go but 90 feet the bases loaded one out and Ray Fontenot coming up and Hernandez ever alert is coming in and if nothing else as we look at your fries saying hey be alive for anything now Fontenoy you might remember in what appeared to be a bunt situation in the second inning did not appear to be too handy with the bat as a Bunter if you think and squeeze he's had just one hit all year you'd have to think that and you'd also have to think he's just gonna try to lay that bat on the ball Knight is in close to third base and the same for Hernandez poised and at the ready to charge him first full swing foul on one Davis at third spire at second Bowa at first fourth and in three two Mets so Fontenot in a big spot and Bob denier on deck Gardenhire and Backman in DoublePlay depth the outfield very shallow and towards left to aunty headed in the wooden spot which was low now he's reading good shape to throw that big hard curveball and get the strike out which is what he's looking for right here he doesn't want that flyball obviously he has four oh and to hit foul off third down the line out of play on the strength of that VIN I'd have to say that he obviously feels his fastball is his best pitch that's what he's going to get him with because pitchers just well aid they don't see that many curveballs and that's the pitch you usually get the strikeout with he came back with a fastball there and Fontenot was able to foul it off a spot like this you know he wanted to put the bat on the ball because even the ground ball might trickle through no balls and two strikes Garre Fontenot with one out on the bases loaded [Music] [Applause] another fastball that's five strikeouts for Dwight Gooden there you can see where he ranks in the lead way out in front hang another K and the batter will be Bob denier remember good and struck out the side in the second inning he got Lopes in the first inning and now Fontenot denier grounded out and struck out with a curveball and got it over interesting the Pantanal there he gets him with the fastball and starts him off with this the perfect curveball though on the outside corner and there was no way I'm sure Fontenot could touch that pitch put D still got him with the high fastball out of the strike zone so Carter is looking for that curveball and it could be just found it and another one in the dirt one ball and one strike bases-loaded two-out top of the fourth Mets three Cubs to Carter blocks his curveball nicely to keep him from getting by him it could have cost him a run right in front of it the match three runs five hits the Cubs two runs seven hits one ball one strike and another curve so he's given him three in a row three in a row that first one was a real good one for a strike these two have been the second one would be bounced up there this one just snapped a little bit too soon and out of the strike zone doing one to Bob denier basketball like to that's simply it's now you and me mr. denier I'm gonna fill you my best fastball you've tried to hit and all danira could do was just listen to it go up by horn play and listen to this crowd come alive two balls two strikes two out bases loaded [Applause] I never over the mound Gardenhire charging picked up by back then on the bed the ball took a funny bounce and came to Backman right at the bag he was almost weaned on that plane and the guns leave three at the end of three and a half Mets three caps two [Music] you know when it comes to being a champion sizes and everything who knows better than Doug Flutie the main thing is you got to be tough like the small size Ford Ranger it packs plenty of v6 power up here no other small v6 pickup beats it for power and down here there's independent front suspension real tough ok go along and the Rangers cab hey what do you want another miracle hey sport do we have goods for you at Sears $97.00 super sports safe it's our lowest price of the year for all the gear that you see here save sixty two dollars to pedal or fifty two dollars to pump save sixty two dollars to stroke or press save sixty two dollars to cycles or twenty two dollars to bite or camp for thirty two dollars less so run don't walk for our lowest price of the year there's more for your life at Sears over the years we watched old number 51 retire a lot of ball carriers but tonight tonight we're gonna retire him let's do it his way turn over those wine glasses and bring on the Lowenbrau [Music] just remember July 31st 1985 Arlington Park Chicago engulfed by fire but the flames of destruction could not singe the spirit of America's turf classic an international field awaits the challenge of the Arlington million the race is on August 25th on a special NBC sports world here's that play again now watch the bounce as it gets over Goodman's head everybody doesn't drive the ball it looks like Gardenhire is going to make the play and whoops all of a sudden it's Backman stretching well that's what happens when you're not really things are they're going bad for the Cubs three base hits do not score a run and then anything is ended with the play like that and into the bottom of the fourth inning we go the Mets three and the Cubs to the Mets will have Ray Knight followed by Ron Gardenhire and then Dwight Gooden well one one and all night is another fellow who's been swinging a hot bat ablate the last three weeks he said over 320 and that's good news the Mets of course have been worrying about night all year and he lines it to left coming up and making the catch is Davey Lopes one away what was it Clint Hurdle said about Howard Johnson because Johnson has been hitting a little ground balls to the second baseman he said turtle said Johnson is going to write a book called the summer of four to three that hurdle has done a good job for these Mets he's your hands Ron Gardenhire walked in the second inning ray Fontenot working against Ron Gardenhire here in the fourth inning Mets leading 3 to 2 the Cardinals playing Philadelphian a doubleheader later on you know when Ray Fontenot was acquired commodity that cops did not have last year however bata nose become a member of the rotation for the last two months and he hasn't pitched in relief since the 6th of June you talk about a turnabout in a guy's career three-and-oh and there's ball four to Ron Gardenhire for Fontenot that's the third walk one of them intentionally granted and it'll bring up Gooden and that's good eighth place hitting you say good eight plays in any time you get on it's good but especially so and if they like today good and you know I'll be looking to bunt the ball get him out of the hot Sun and put the man in scoring position the Gooden up there we can check his numbers just to see what kind of a job he is done with the bat this year he has a half a dozen sacrifices only at Lynch has sacrificed more there's the good one Jody Davis to Ryan Sandberg and on the play advancing to second his garden hi he just does everything well I'd say he's just a good athlete and he does what he has to do he had the fun here he fun and he had to get the strikeout and a fourth inning he got it CY he's going to win a lot of games sure you can look at his arm but he also helps himself on a mound and in the batter's box the Gooden has a chance to sit down and cool off and with a runner at second and two out the Mets have an opportunity to add a run as Mel stottlemyre shook his hand 3 2 New York bottom of the fourth inning and the batter is Wally Backman eight game hitting streak has grounded to short grounded to third over 2 ground ball to shortstop Bowa cranks up and gets him and so they leave Gardenhire at second base and at the end of four it remains Mets three cubs - we'll be right back after these messages from your local station [Music] tonight Hunter gets pushy our Glade accident when a deadly eavesdropper drives him crazy very real nutcase to hover tonight this is my Nikki just hunt mullet the only place you could get the Everlast muffler that's quality and I'm your local man from my Nikki we're trained exhaust system specialists on American and foreign made cars that's know how we're open from 8:00 in the morning for six at night and all day Saturday and that's convenient and that's my Nikki discount mufflers know how convenience and quality and you'll love the price installed from 1893 to 2695 visit your local independently owned by Nikki shop today [Music] please stop nothing is gonna ruin this wedding so if it takes all night I personally will drive each of your home in my car my Subaru a Subaru have on demand four-wheel drive and don't let the weather spoil a good turn visit your new york new jersey metro area subaru dealers so enjoying the chocolate chip effect from sick not bad but you know that diagram i said we needed next week buy now John I know you need it today all on using AT&T international long distance service facsimile lets you send a bit of yourself in minutes quality graphics charts letters or signatures can be in the hands of someone overseas perfect times now if only it were that easy to send more Swiss chocolate AT&T the right choice don't get ripped off fight back the table Hollywood's tonight at 7:30 we're going to the fifth inning here at Shea Stadium in New York the Mets leading the Cubs three to two and would like to remind our viewers we'll be selecting the NBC lite beer from Miller player of the game at the conclusion of the ball davey lopes ryne sandberg and Leon Durham in that orders he is struck out and grounded out so Oh for two today Davey is struggling against the Mets this year his batting average against the Mets is 0 for 5 they have really thrown a blanket over fastball so doing a number on denier and Lopes the Mets have beaten two Cubs nine out of 12 that's in you one annoying [Applause] two balls one strike that's good play Carter when he hit the throw that ball he bumped into renard and they just bounced up there you can see good into a juggling act [Music] two balls one strike and amylose Backman is calling on the grass one out in the fifth inning and ryne sandberg coming up Sandburg singled in the first inning flied to Center in the third coming up second baseman Sandberg quite good and trying to win is 12 in a row and try to match walking into Horan wins with 18 right Oh Dutch when you're catching to the umpire does that it just makes everybody alive of course he's he gives you strike one most times you go bad fastball fouled away so he has oh and 2 to Ryan Sandberg Goodin with a record of 17 and 3 he could have the fewest beats for a 20-game winner remember Ron Guidry in 1978 when 25 and 3 the last nationally 20-game winner so few defeats preacher Roe the Brooklyn Dodgers he was twenty two and three [Music] half a dozen strikeouts for Dwight good what a mean pitch that was and keep in mind that two of them the strikeouts have been on fast balls fountain own at high fastball and inspired took one but the rest of them you can see the curveball is his third strike pitch after throwing that blazing blazing fastball off-speed and Leon Durham way out in front of it Leon started that swing sometime this morning as the first one he's thrown today [Music] Durham doubled inside the left-field foul line and grounded to third basketball though he has him on - and with a half a dozen strikeouts already in 4 and 2/3 innings crowd wants to see another well you really get the feeling you're playing this game on a Broadway no joy in it stuff very difficult talk about noise pollution two and two he really tried to overthrow that curveball he didn't try to overthrow it he overthrew it he tried to throw it hard and snap it off he could really just see its quiff out doing - - Leon Durham fastball and a little pop fly back a short and there's Gardenhire fighting the glare and made a good play boy that sun is murder but he was able to stay with it at the end of four and a half three - New York [Music] I will [Music] enjoy something Kentucky Fried Chicken original recipe we've been doing chicken right for 40 years we're not gonna change it now [Music] my daughter said oh my gosh mama tornado Allstate update fast fair claim service an end Lee Ann Williams were rescued from under the rubble of what had been their home I feel like you're in some folks because I called Allstate and within a week I had my settlement and so that just makes you feel great Allstate promises that you're in good hands and it's true of people faith it's just a saying I know different you're in good hands with Allstate a member of the Sears Financial Network racing engines run hot SDP oils Leland fights the effects of heat in racing cars your car runs hot tunes in everyday driving heat weakens your oils vital protective properties that's motor oil breakdown STP fights motor oil breakdown STP strengthens your oil putting extra lubricants and anywhere agents to work just where they're needed whenever you change your an oil get FDP oil treatment and fight motor oil breakdown join a health club learn pain ah this gets the kinks out stop here with the Kingston relax two more things to try like what lounge blown round great [Music] think I'll just join the lounge [Music] [Applause] Tom Paciorek fouling the first one back here's that play garden I really makes a tough play see him flicked the glass misses him gets him the second time now he has to find the ball shades his eyes and he actually broke the wrong way when the ball was hit so that was not an easy play high fly ball into left field Davey Lopes going back drifting on the track at the wall of that light breeze blowing from right to left almost carried it out seedez me motion it it was a crosswind Jamie thought he had it all along now he's kind of saying where's that warning track his feet tell him he's on the warning track how much room does he have and he makes a good play that ball kind of drifted away from him though that light breeze gusting occasionally from right to left and with one out here as Keith Hernandez ground ball the Leon Durham nice big hop boy two down so two quick outs in the fifth inning and Gary Carter coming up Carter grounded to third and was walked intentionally and that's when strawberry single to right and broke the tie three two Mets bottom of the fifth two out Carter's got to feel like well I gonna try to get ahead of me with a fastball do I jump on it or do I take it because it's two guys ahead of me hit the first pitch I got a flavor if it's a fastball he's gonna jump on it one little did he know about it at the time but Gary Carter made his major league debut with the Montreal Expos right here at Shea Stadium now it figures he'll finish up here one-on-one that was back in September of 1974 apparently Gary Carter feels there is definitely some vendetta of sorts as far as the Expos are concerned well I think that pictured Gullickson through delivered the message it being thought about it well and he even mentioned Andre Dawson ground ball to shortstop he was saying Dawson wouldn't have played after a night game except for me so he's doing a lot of thinking about it at the end of five three two men's right now here's another edition of baseball remembers footwork presents baseball remembers brought to you by new footwork athlete's foot remedy your ultimate weapon to cure and protect against athlete's foot willie stargell relates his philosophy on enjoying the game of baseball day-in day-out basis felt that each inning it was a learning process I didn't want to miss me and I felt that if I could apply myself for my name is this day it's best I possibly feel the game was over and I had an awful lot of fun and they wanted to be great I just wanted to be consistent I wanted to go out and enjoy myself like I did before I started making money I always kind of visualize what I was doing when I was really enjoying the game and I never wanted to get too far away from them I want to have fun introducing your ultimate weapon against athlete's foot view footwork the pain and itch of athlete's foot can drive you crazy but now there's footwork footwork works two ways it cures the pain and itch of athlete's foot then prevents its return footwork your ultimate weapon against athlete's foot get new footwork now yours the pain and itch of athlete's foot prevents its return reminder the game of the week the Red Sox and the Yankees or the Kansas City Royals and the Toronto Blue Jays that's next Saturday 2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time Joanne I love a chance go to the stadium see John McNamara Wade Boggs and company we have to ask Jim Rice if nothing else I'm gonna ask him if you really said that about Dwight Gooden batting against Gooden as two swings and a hunk of the bench Keith Marlin followed by Jody Davis and then Chris fire Moreland singled to drive into flied to Center in the fourth one for two three runs five hits for the Mets two runs seven hits for the cub has been a two-run home run by George Foster Dwight Gooden with a half a dozen strikeouts [Applause] two balls no strikes the Mets are playing so well that their winning percentage is now the best in the National League only the Toronto Blue Jays have a better winning percentage in the major leagues fastball fouled away [Music] fastball and a high fly ball the left center its playable Darryl Strawberry right there let's get a sports update go to Manhattan to bill Macatee all right VIN up in Minnesota the twins and the angels played four and a half scoreless innings until Randy Bush hit this home run off Kirk McCaskill in the bottom of the fifth a solo shot so the Angels trying to hold off Kansas City in the West trail the twins by a score of one nothing [Music] meanwhile just to stuff here with the Mets leading the Cubs by 1 3 2 and Jody Davis at the plate fastball rounded to short Ron Gardenhire gets it to down in the sixth inning at seven in a row retired now by Dwight little offend matter will be Chris fire fire struck out and singled in the fourth inning one for two it's kind of tough to have to go up there knowing you have to spot him a strike because Davis did it the first pitch and you really is a good hitter should take at least one strike but with Gooden no way should give him any advantage [Applause] started him with a breaking ball he pops your kneecaps when he throws that thing he starts it right and he just cuts right across the outside corner one ball and one strike well after Singh's fire flinch that last time you knew he had a breaking ball waiting for one in wonder Kris the fastball and he's behind two balls in one strike Gooden by the way with his half a dozen strikeouts does not have a walk and he behind now Korean won on the same day that tom seaver one his 300th game last Sunday Gooden broke severs record by winning 11 straight and in that game in Chicago he allowed only two flyball outs ground ball so the cuffs go very quietly in the sixth inning eat neuro retired at the end of five and a half max three Cubs two [Music] them I a place where pride is worth a whole lot more that money can buy like people care about them [Music] you word word [Music] [Applause] Miller contains no additives no preservatives Miller beer Purity you can see quality you can taste [Music] [Applause] meet the men behind the microphones on a special NBC Sports World Sunday from the tales fun by Ring Lardner to the vibrant radio broadcasts of red barber to the always controversial Howard Cosell NBC sports where we'll take a look at these journalists the great communicators of sport tomorrow 4:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time 3:30 in Los Angeles on NBC sport maybe Howard will talk about JA khakhra see I can't wait his favorite subject is Darryl Strawberry followed by George Foster and n Ray Knight strawberry double to right and then after they had walked Carter he singled a right to drive in the tiebreaking run [Applause] and lines at the right Marlin makes the play this day in baseball August 10th 1981 a momentous occasion in the life of Pete Rose it was on this day that Rose singled into left field the past and usual for the most hits in nationally history and of course he has really gone on from there that was in 1981 and what a job he's done managing that ballclub I'm telling you the extra pressure of managing the Ty Cobb record the whole thing and he just goes merrily along and to watch his team react when he bunted over the winning run against the Dodgers the other night you knew how popular and what a job he's done foul ball by Foster and in the pot was what got the headlines but what'd he do before did he steal the base oh yeah in the no in the first inning he hit into a force play stole second and scored and around the fourth inning he made a diving one-hand catch and took an extra base hit away from Kenney Landro then he got a base hit then later on he bunts in the winning run otherwise he didn't do a thing and poor Lasorda had Frank Sinatra there and Cary Grant and when Pete Rose did that to him he probably went in and turned their pictures to the wall two and one the count of George Foster Foster did a two run home run in the second inning to tie up the game where every home run he hits he donates a dollar to st. Agatha's orphanage in Nanuet New York I got family and Nanuet so today's home run that means a career number 330 home runs for him and he's donated over five thousand dollars this year to st. Agatha's orphanage in Nanuet good man George down he goes California Minnesota you saw the score tied up those angels coming quite well gray night is grounded to short and flyed to left he's old for two on deck Ron Gardenhire the Mets 3 and the Cubs - we're in the bottom of the sixth when the Cubs bat in the seventh Bowa Fontenot and dunya direct contrast where Dwight Gooden has struck out a half-a-dozen Fontenot taking care of foster that's Ray's first strike oh good pitch and night way out in front changing speeds talk about that good news pitching over in in six innings 88 pitches 59 strikes 29 balls and 17 of 25 first pitches strikes you talk about coming right at you putting the heat on the hitter 1 and 1/2 Ray Knight Fontenot is on thin ice the Mets are winning 3-2 Fontenot is due up second in the seventh inning no one throwing yet in the cub bullpen Jim Frey will make his decision on the time Comedy two-on-one sink your low ball three three and one-half tonight Gardenhire boa Fontenot engineer are due up in the seventh [Music] I fouled off to the right well out of plane into sellout crowd [Music] grant to the counter a night [Music] fastball and a chopper to third - Chris fire and that's that quiet sixth inning for a father no and he has retired eight in a row at the end of six three two Mets we'll be back after these messages from your local station you're invited to a fabulous superstar party with Alabama Juli linen deployed our sisters have Donna Summer Disneyland the Millers test-drove the Volkswagen Golf and Jetta in every shape size and color we test-drove from millions of miles and now we back them with an unlimited mileage two-year protection plan we say the Gulf and Jetta hold a big family as easily as they hold the road the Millers learn that was true we also say they're so good if you test drive them you'll buy them the Millers learned that was true too and as you can see if you priced them you'll buy them look guys this is our big chance brutal town sports channel isn't ESPN sports show is the one that gives you all of us yeah you get the mats the Yankee way to go Islanders alright and now sports gym it's the only one big enough to cover all of us Sports channel we've got New York sports covered if you're a New York sports fan call your cable company to water sports channel today Sally hooks up the Yellow Pages honey have you seen the Yellow Pages no Susie where the yellow pages come on I need the over the years one book has been in more homes helping people throughout New Yor find more goods and services the 9x Yellow Pages mom it's always there when you need it the future of American business in South Africa Sunday at 11:45 well we were wondering about Jim Frey strategy and there's the tip-off George Frazier begins to loosen up in the cub bullpen was gonna make the move that Bosley comes out on deck so it's boa Bosley and denier and Rafe on denote did very well he goes out losing 3-2 but in six innings he just about held his in that's Ron say standing in front of him with the bat and into the seventh we go ball one Ray Knight is really trying to take the fun away from ball and he's also guarding the line as his foster in left field they've really swung around giving him even more room in right-center field he's two for two today and drives it shallow straight away here comes straw berry nine in a row retired by Dwight Gooden on that little looper and now that Bosley coming up to bat for Ray wanna know strawberry in centerfield is really a glider he's so effortless when he runs and he really covers a lot of ground long legs six five looks like he belongs in Center I tell you I think he's just gonna be just a superstar that Bosley is a superstar and coming off the bench he leads a national league with a dozen pin jets in fact he is nine hits in his last 14 at-bats as a pinch-hitter bound away on one account Bob denier on deck Mets three Cubs - were in the seventh last fall in their car that's got to be a tough job sit on the bench for seven innings and then pick up a bat and try to hit Gooden and they tell us he's 93 and the curveball 1 & 2 Gooden with a half a dozen strikeouts has not walked a batter little wobbly in the first inning when he gave up a double and two single curveball hit foul down the line we mentioned earlier that strikeouts are not the only weapon in used by Dwight Gooden he's had six games this year where he has walked either one or none so he have the six K's that's pretty obvious but his control has been remarkable fastball 2 & 2 [Music] that's a great statistic 2.44 nine innings balanced by their strikeouts overwhelming so he's 17 and three hit up the middle but shading to the right was Backman and takes care of him wally backman playing Bosley up the middle and he's there to handle it a reminder that this telecast is presented by authority of Major League Baseball may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form without the express written consent of Major League Baseball with two down in the seventh inning Bob denier coming out 10 in a row retired by Dwight Gooden the last base hit was the single left by Bowa that loaded the bases with one out in the fourth but Fonda no struck out the near hit into a force play and that was that the near is over three ah one dear denier would you maybe think bunt right now night is back miss with the fastball maybe the slow curveball except for the fact that Jim Frey said his foot is bothering that's where the operation was that area protected by the plastic cover he almost looks like he's wearing spats wanted to or there's something that has drifted out with the Buffalo spats Thomas Wolfe used to worm okay I'll tell you all about em later 1 & 2 didn't ear 2 & 2 I wouldn't want to go off his telecast without mentions big ol time now you're hanging around Saroyan flawlessly fielded by mr. Scully two balls two strikes to Bob denier play goes 3 & 2 three two meds top of the seventh fastball god strikeout number seven and at the end of six and a half three - New York now here's another edition of the seventh-inning stretch Gatorade thirst quencher appreciate the seventh-inning stretch Gatorade is thirst aid for that deep down body thirst when the cards turned over this ace a new day dawned in the Big Apple he's got a silver bat and a glove of gold can you name him true nails in this routine Navis when you exercise you lose potassium fluids minerals Gatorade thirst quencher helps put them back [Music] Keith Hernandez of the New York Mets spent more than eight seasons with the st. Louis Cardinals where he helped the Redbirds to a World Series win in 1982 but the next season Keith came to the Mets in a surprising trade and a sluggish team found you life as the popular Hernandez hammered out a winning style and nowhere is style and better display than at first phase where Hernandez has won seven consecutive Gold Glove awards thanks to Keith Hernandez the New York Mets have found the right balance I realized that the thoroughly professional attitude is that no pitcher can get me out if you're a hitter but don't you think in the cup dugout right now there's that seeping feeling starting to work its way into the psyche about Gooden has too much force today well I think it's working its way in because you're in that thing called a slump you need somebody to pick you up and the way he's thrown because he's got control of everything now his fastball is his best pitch right now but he still has a good curve ball boy when the Cubs come up in the eighth inning they will have Davey Lopes Ryan Sandberg and Leon Durham and that figures to be the biggest test that's what we're talking about they're gonna look at that fence somebody's got to pick the ballclub up somebody's got to say hey I'm gonna do it well we shall see meanwhile George Frazier has been dispatched to the mound to pick up a rape on Oh No Varnado in six innings allowed three runs and five hits he walked three struck out one he gave up a two-run home run to George Foster to tie up the game and then after walking Gary Carter with two out on the third strawberry singled home for shark and Fontenot was a buck short and had to go out Ron Gardenhire followed by Dwight Gooden in wally backman out away just a footnote to what you were talking about to when Gooden is a good closer I mean he's got 11 complete games so he doesn't look to that bullpen for help he gets in at 7th 8th and 9th inning and he goes to the whip he's gonna get the job done in there so do I couldn't try to win his 12th straight tie Ron Guidry streak he would tie walking Andujar with 18 victories oh and to we're gonna check it first no swing says fred brocklander one ball and two strikes fraser backed up in the cub bullpen by Larry Sorensen [Music] out away three two men's bottom of the seventh inning you know we talked before about great American writers writing about baseball and of course it's the old story you're inclined to take something almost for granted until you are in jeopardy of losing it and then suddenly that whatever becomes even more important I think for all of us that so we felt about the strike almost got it and the thing that seemed to make so much sense the great thomas wolfe once wrote about baseball being a part of the whole weather of our lives of the thing that is our own of the whole fabric the million memories of america not a bad thing to think about and we almost blew it the weather of our lives to and to the counter Ron Gardenhire [Music] Gardenhire is pretty much of a slap hitter but davey lopes plays him as if he's narrow strawberry or George Foster we should keep a record of how many planes fly over I think everybody except Chuck Yeager's going over today three and two little number up along third foul the F denier shortened up a little in center and Moreland and Wright and Lopes very deep and left what makes it interesting is Gardenhire has only one extra-base hit this year he's not the kind of a guy to go up there and hit one out but Davi sure is respectful deep and level of course it's Davey was an outfielder converted to an infielder back to an outfielder again in an outfield as worried as always that a ball is gonna be hit over his head they hate that three into two Gardenhire all the way oh hell nobody good play [Applause] bud Harrelson who sparkled here for years I think that argument he had when the World Series at Ulta when he holic that Donatelli I'm not going to suffer your incompetency is it classic imagine a ball player and argument saying man three two and ball four to Gardenhire and with that let's get a Sports update again and go to good buddy bill Macatee all right VIN the Angels have come back against the twins with the bases loaded on a 300 peach Doug DeCinces drills that shot down the left-field line that clears the bases three runs across and the Angels who trailed one nothing score 5 runs in the top of the sixth and they lead it in the bottom of the sixth five one so jean-marc screw is in good shape meanwhile here's Gooden in what would appear to be a bun situation strike Dwight is a would like to be a switch-hitter let's put it that way however the Mets management says wait a minute that right arm is the franchise you'll hit right hand it and protect that right arm whether it's a left-hander or a right-hander pitching he just gave Harrelson a lot of time to give a lot of signs there goes the runner hit run chopper there's nobody [Applause] he just gets the fan on the ball he iced all he has to do and with ball breaking to cover the bag did they thought that good would be at least going to the other way with the bunt they've got a 1st and 3rd and an inning started and Wally Backman with an eight game hitting streak coming up Backman has Fausta shortened the third over 3 bottom of the seventh three two men boy they're alive here now meanwhile the Cubs have to play the infield out and after Backman comes Tom Kishori [Applause] away on one well we've talked so much about Gooden's pitching but he does so many things to help himself batter's box the fielding what-have-you here he is now he is set up this inning first and third nobody out he laid down the sacrifice in the fourth inning and then perfectly executes to hit and run play the Frazer in the middle of the griddle here with Backman and first and third [Applause] and a drag [Applause] well if just like you can't take for granted the punt when there are two outs you can't take profanity will not fun with a man on first and third and I believe he's going to have to take a curtain call for the bunt and that man G is now hitting nine straight there was no squeeze he was dragging for a hit and executed the play perfectly for to New York and you take a look at how they scored this run you talk about the mitts and that's getting you a walk the hit and run play bounces the ball through the infield a drag bunt and now you got the cannons up there and it could be a big big inning Tom Paciorek is do up and Danny Heep I believe will come off the bench and hit more and Len Dykstra is the one coming out finally so Dykstra will be batting and fry coming out of the Cup dugout [Music] Larry Sorensen had been throwing in the bullpen [Music] you know one of the interesting thing about little Wally back when you talk about the nitzan and the Nats when he bunts just in the opportunities of bunting he's almost a 500 Bunter can you believe he's tried to bunt for a hip now 29 times and he succeeded 14 here too but all the time it's amazing amazing that kind of success rate I mean that spreads when you have meanings you talk about that and Lord the whole that means that you Pulliam feel in two or three steps when you're hot you're hot and the Mets are certainly hot and when you're fry your fry and all Jim can do is go out and counsel praise you of course he knows full well and Rick Sutcliffe is on the disabled list for the third time Steve trout has in pits for almost three weeks because of elbow trouble dennis eckersley is in Boston get this shoulder x-rayed and examined and all he can do is carry on well Frasier really hasn't pitched badly to setting the base on balls you could put that on the bad side if you so choose but he didn't feel hit and the button he's in deep trouble Len Dykstra hitting 252 with a home run and 15 runs batted in and they're looking but again one the way the Cubs set it up spire comes to the plate it's up to Bowa to break and cover third of course that's a very interesting target then with no one at shortstop and Dykstra looking at bud Harrelson [Music] they go to second base to get good and see all play trying to lull the runner into following the shortstop thinking there's no one to bother him in the second baseman instead of breaking the first to cover Luke's back to try and pick him off Gooden wouldn't go for it spire flashing the defensive signs now since he went in to talk to Frazer on ball no strikes to the pinch-hitter Len Dykstra two balls no strikes sure would be tempting for Johnson to switch off because the infield is really broken up with bullet breaking towards thirds fire breaking in Sandburg breaking the first door him coming in Dykstra can handle that Pat and he makes it tough he's 510 but he would appear smaller to you by the time he bends at the knees and waist choking up on the bat and let's see what he does too and oh he's swinging man instead looks at ball three he was not around a bunt [Music] on deck Keith Hernandez for two meds seventh-inning he got a strike now is it decision for Johnson do you turn him loose you make him take another strike well would you even play run and hit running button well I think conservative I'm making take runners hold and he's looking at ball 4 to load the bases for her name [Music] well if you're thinking about it the Mets have hit for grand slam home runs this year strawberryish a two parter and foster won each the team record had five slams back in 73 in case the thought cross c'mon it and you have to watch the first pitch Frazier's got to put something on this one a keys will be ready to jump on the pretenders own that Hernandez is old for three hit into a double play and twice grounded to Leon Durham but all those at-bats were against Ray Fontenot for two matters all one remember the Cardinals are playing a twilight night doubleheader in he had white Gooden at third Wally Backman at second and Len Dykstra at first and nobody out with a run-in want to know we'll score Backman will score dykes for the third and a second [Applause] [Applause] so at the end filled up Hernandez drives one into left to pick up two and now Gary Carter is up there with the infield up and first base open strike they can't use the left hand of Meredith but he is getting up into bullpen Jim was saying Jim Frey before the game he didn't want to use Meredith because he worked five innings last night but there he is beleaguered bullpen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he is out of soldered a second it is seven two minutes [Music] [Applause] tell you low hard like the game 7 to davey lopes pretty good throw cause he gave they was too could fall ahead all the didn't get a good jump off second base but it's all by lumps gave famous a chance to block that play little surprise there was nobody out there wasn't any real rush just send a man have Darryl Strawberry getting intentional walk say that face hit by Hernandez was a good piece of hitting was the fastball looked like the outside part of plate he went to the opposite field and then corner came up and pulled the ball without side to left field in field being drawn in big advantage though the game is disintegrated on Jim Frey on the couch it's a four-run seventh it is now 7 to Mets and we mentioned at the very start of the day that the myths are averaging six runs a game since the beginning of July they go up at 7 and they're not finished is George horse big thumbs up against George Frazier Buster's jumped on the first pitch every time up [Music] Frasier's allowed four runs and four hits the key to the inning would be the hit run single by Gooden followed by the bunt single by Backman [Music] George Foster hit a two-run home run in the second inning flied to Center and struck out since George really muscled his home run it went out over the 396 sign in right-center field oh we got a little war going on here now watch this soon as Foster gets in Frazier is gonna back off that mound I'd almost bet on it because he did it before he's really upset at him not this time shades of Al hrabosky right go on foster would appeared have come back with one of his favorite weapons his home run he's had nine home runs in his last 25 games and he picked up a lot of RBIs ground ball into right field Carter on that bad knee will be held at third strawberry at second foster at first and the batter will be ray Knight took a breaking ball to the opposite field everything that praise is thrown up there they're just hitting made some good pitches and they're hitting them Foster if he tries to pull that ball as a ground ball to the shortstop but he went with it opposite field face hit the Jim Frey has seen George Frazier give up five hits and four runs here in the seventh inning here's another look at Foster's base head goes with the Frankie ball and watches it in the right field Carter would have normally sport but the bad leg and he had to stop [Music] baby [Music] mornings are brighter with mountain-grown Folgers because mountain-grown coffee has more enticing aroma than any other kind [Music] you play hard to do what's best for your body and the harder you play the more you sweat you need the best deodorant soap you can get I thought other deodorant soaps but safe car is the best only fresh smelling safeguard is a combination of thick rich lather and unbeatable deodorant soap protection the following message is furnished by major league baseball strike three you know I always wanted the best of my kids the best neighborhood the best schools the most important was my father's advice give up yourself dad would always find time to have a catch with us or take us to a ball game I think that gave us a special family closest that's why I take my kids to baseball games you owe it to us Major League Baseball a family tradition share it all [Music] a very large and exuberant crowd the paid attendance today 48,000 306 the total in Shea Stadium 49,000 324 in doing little compilation the average home attendance for the Mets 33,000 when Gooden pitches at home he's averaged 40,000 that's it's a goodly difference he has brought in an an awful lot of money to the vets never mind that how about the White Sox what are they drawing that's right for sure ik is Cynthia said he doesn't know he doesn't know [Music] Ray Knight with the bases loaded out at the seventh-inning and immense have broken it open leading to cup 72 the only out remember was Hernandez cut down at the plate on the throw from Davey Lopes Carter a third strawberry at second foster at first fouled away [Applause] the Larry Sorensen trying to restore order and Brewster finally called it he had Sorenson Brewster and Meredith and Meredith is all alone in the pen Brewster pitch last night was the losing pitcher on one the count to Ray Knight five flyball into right center denier on his horse make the catch everybody tagging at second and third quarter scores strawberry to third holding at first is Foster 8 2 to mention it's a 5 run seventh inning that run is charged to Frasier second out and brewster now trying to work and get Gardenhire and in the inning one George Foster at first Darryl Strawberry and third eight to New York it's been Fontenot Frazier and Brewster little foul off to the right of the plane Dave is coming over and that's it post five in the seventh for New York two men left and at the end of seven the Mets and the Cubs too low Sandberg and Durham do up for Chicago he's got Molly [Music] Marlon Perkins what an amazing man he is perhaps you've heard that Marlon recently faced his most serious brush with death a battle with cancer but he's winning the fight feeling better every day you know if they ever tell you that you have cancer one thing you don't want to have to worry about is having the money to get the treatment you may need and this is how Mutual of Omaha can help with a cancer cost supplement that can pay up to $2,500 immediately on diagnosis of cancer and then up to a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for treatment these benefits can be paid direct to you in addition to any other insurance benefits you may receive mutual of Omaha's cancer cost supplement can be added to almost any other insurance coverage that you might have now there's no age limit even if you're on Medicare you can apply so remember this number eight hundred three three one five 800 call it toll-free for complete information on mutual of Omaha's cancer cost supplement it can help make sure that you can meet the many expenses that cancer can cause call 800 three three one five 800 toll-free [Music] it's Riunite ice appear time right now Riunite is twice as nice on eyes because it's specially priced ice appear of Riunite now and save you're looking at yoshikawa know who is the equipment manager for the Cubs and he had a streak snap he came to the big leagues in 1943 and he missed his first day of work last week because of a cracked rib I wonder if nobody knows that you bet he does no big kawano your brother first equipment manager of the Dodgers those are good ins numbers they all spell trouble for Chicago as we go to the eighth-inning 8 to 2 in favor the Mets a strike to Davey Lopes struck out grounded out and popped up Davey is over 3 fastball onto the Cubs jumped on Gooden for two runs in the first inning Sandberg singled Durham doubled him to third and Moreland singled home both men but outside of loading the bases in the fourth and failing to score the Cubs haven't done anything in fact if you forget the first inning when they scored and the fourth inning when they loaded the bases they have just one other hit oh and two to Davey eight runs 10 hits for the meds including a two-run home run by George Foster two runs seven hits for the Cubs Joya how effective the Mets lineup has been today everyone has at least one base head except Knight who has a scoring flyball and Gardenhire who was walked all three times and Davey has the curveball get him again eight strikeouts for Dwight Gooden no doubt about it right on the outside corner look at old Dutch boom it out so Dwight a struck out eight his high 14 again San Francisco this year there have been two other nationally pitches to strike out 14 Jose de Lyonne of the Pirates struck out 14 Mets and the Dodgers Fernando Valenzuela struck out 14 Astros lined into left field base hit for Sandberg he's Teufel for you're wondering about the number of pitches for good with all those strikeouts he's made a hundred and seven pitches where the aid that England won out Leon Durham doubled inside the left-field foul line grounded to third and pop to short in other words the left-hand hitter is showing you why he does not have too many home runs on the road he hasn't pulled the ball yet going 1 for 3 although he's hitting Gooden very well he's hitting 400 against Gooden and promptly slices one into left center that full for Dykstra playing center field will get it into second base as Sandberg goes to third so the Cubs try to come back first and third with one out that's the ninth hit for Chicago and the batter Keith Moreland of course the the big albatross around Jim Fry's neck he doesn't have a starting pitcher who hangs around the last Cubs starting pitcher to complete a game was Scott Sanderson on the 30th of June and no bullpen can stand the heat that's been put on the cub pen [Music] Keith Moreland will come up one for three by the way in case you're wondering how many hits the most hits that Gooden has allowed in a game it's nine San Diego got nine and beat him to nothing behind Lamarr Hoyt ball one the Cubs got nine hits but Gooden beat em three two and now Dwight is leading 8 to 2 allowing nine hits for the third time this year fastball in there one on one top of the eighth Mets 8 Cubs 2 and you could see Moreland was swinging one-handed trying to time that slow curve and he couldn't do it he was trying to keep that bat back but just couldn't do it he takes something off the curveball you could see you then des couldn't get it yes missed of course when he gets two strikes on a hitter all 49,000 people I think they just see a strike 2 & 2 the count to Keith Moreland dirt ball hits slowly to shortstop back to second for one of time in the run scores and when he got the throw from the shortstop he's just watching jump ball isn't hit that hard to begin with but the rhythm was off he just wasn't at the bag and he had to take that little extra step and when he jumps straight up he lost whatever leverage he had just through a one hopper well Keith Moreland hitting into a force play picks up the run batted in it means Moreland is driven in all three runs for Chicago and the batter is Jody Davis 8 to 3 Mets Davis flied to Center single to center rolled to short 1 for 3 Jody Davis was not with the team when they left Chicago but he had a wonderful excuse all one his wife Pam gave birth to their third child on Wednesday Jeremy William Davis one an old account of the Georgia Davis's he's from Gainesville a shot down a second base Backman goes the quick way to Gardenhire one run two hits and at the end of seven and a half the Mets 8 and the Cubs three [Music] I never let those years in a spotlight go to my head dental stars on potato farm everybody's the same I live a simple life here a really good life there's still a place where people don't forget where they came from a place where beer is beer and the brand is Miller [Music] Miller beer Purity you can see quality you can taste [Music] into every life a little rain must fall and when that happens for temple forward thinking really shines it has front wheel drive traction precise handling and a shape that actually helps temple hug the road you might also like to think of temple is a nice cozy place to come in out of the rain and you've driven the best built American cars have you driven a Ford lately thanks a lot Citibank you had to make your Visa or MasterCard better than other banks just by using them we earn bonuses called city dollars they could have saved us up to 40% on a color TV or a stereo we used ours to get something strictly for Vincent's amusement and MasterCard from Citibank it's the bank that makes them better the music of famed the women the white Richard Thomas is a man prepped in the shadow of his father's legend the Hank Williams jr. story Monday we're going to the bottom of the eighth inning with a match leading the Cubs eight to three with this ballgame being seen in and around the Chicago area all of us here at NBC Sports would like to send along our condolences and deepest sympathy to ray Meyer the former coach of DePaul is son joy ray losing his wife Marge and our prayers and best wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the man will start at all Gooden Backman and Dykstra in the bottom of the eighth-inning eight to three minutes Gooden hit into a force play sacrificed and will get a standing ovation and deservedly so he's three outs away from his 18th victory his 12th straight right ground ball to the right side Ryne Sandberg to get him one away the Mets scored two in the second inning one in the third and five in the seventh the Cubs had two in the first inning and one in the eighth Wally Backman consuming a little time to let Dwight Gooden get back in the dugout Wally Backman hit three ground balls and then in the seventh inning with runners at first and third and nobody out dragged for a base hit up along first and that scored a run and boy they were really off and running then look how far back they plan on the right side he may drag another one remember what we said he is 14 for 29 when he bunts but he swings away and hits a fly ball to denier fighting the Sun boy you had to be a pro to catch that one Wow his his glasses were not that much help at all watching him glisten he's using glasses glove and he just keeps it right there that ball ends up in that glove that was a good play excellent play by Bob denier he has the glasses and the grease on the cheek bones he needed everything that he could take out there Len Dykstra who walked as a pinch-hitter and then stayed in the game punches one on the ground and boy will take care of him a very quick eighth-inning but the horse is way down the road at the end of eight the Mets eight and the Cubs free there's still a place where you're free to test your limits to go as far as you can in a place where beer is beer and the brand is Miller [Music] Heller beer Purity you can see quality you can take the enemy heat it can literally baked the life out of your tires hence the design or vector good years unique crisscross tread all season range so advanced its radial construction works like a 15 cooling system to help the tire run cooler and last longer the Goodyear vector it's simply performs like no other tire in the world Old Spice deodorant is over 70 percent ethyl alcohol this much as the alcohol evaporates so does some of your protection unlike Old Spice speed stick deodorant has no alcohol the wide stick gives you man-sized protection that won't evaporate speed stick protection that's more effective than Old Spice even after 24 hours we believe alcohol in deodorant don't mix all-day protection that won't evaporate speed stick the wide stick an American tradition continues in 1978 it was dubbed the modern-day shot heard round the world Bucky Dent's three-run homer helped clinch one of baseball's greatest comeback seasons next Saturday the intense rivalry continues as the Yankees host the Red Sox or the Royals meet the Blue Jays the tradition is here the memories are waiting a beautiful blueSky day here in New York and thinking about blue skies a couple of social notes in our NBC family Neil right our usual Chiron operator getting married tomorrow - the lovely Kim mogul and come Tuesday our producer George Finkel and his lovely wife Lynn will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary to the ninth-inning eight to three Mets and Dwight Gooden trying to nail it down Orosco and leach back of him into pen and it'll be spire Bowa and a hitter for Brewster one and now coming out on deck is Richie Hebner and he will bat for Bowa so it's gonna be spire Hebner and then we will see about Brewster that's 8 cups 3 ninth-inning ball 2 the Cardinals with a doubleheader on tap tonight in Philadelphia danny Cox and Jerry Koosman Curt kept Shire and Kevin gross the probable pitchers the Mets if and when they wrap this up will technically lead by a game and then it will depend upon what the Cardinals do two and one fastball lifted to straightaway and somewhat shallow center Len Dykstra one away the major league baseball game of the week has been brought to you by four to invite you to drive the new Ford Escort have you driven a Ford lately by Mutual of Omaha people you can count on by Miller beer Miller made the American Way since 1855 and by the STP corporation the world's racetracks on the world's road depend on STP your car care company Richie Hebner batting for Larry Bowa and Gary Matthews is on deck to hit for Warren Brewster now back that Bosley has been a very successful pinch-hitter and so has Richie Hebner and there's Gary Matthews waiting his turn Hebner leads the league with 11 pinch-hit RBIs this year i slicing flyball foster a long way to go he's just about there to down and Gary Matthews coming out the executive producer of NBC Sports is Michael Weissman the coordinating producer for NBC baseball is Harry Coyle the telecast of today's game of the week produced by George Finkel directed by Andy Rosenberg pre-game produced by Dave Hoffman pre-game directed by Mary Buda Lemieux co technical directors Stephen Cimino and Sal nagito so the Cubs are down to their last out Gary Matthews hitting for Brewster ball one Matthews has not had much success against Gooden but of course he has a lot of company in his career he's hitting just 170 four against white now back one on one Goodin is trying to win his 12th complete game in his 12th straight [Music] 1976 was the complete-game year for Mets pitcher Seaver had 13 that year Matlack at 16 and Jerry Koosman is going to pitch tonight for Philadelphia had 17 complete games in 76 to a No fouled away good one whether it's some feeling is that when a great pitcher suddenly let you know the game is here it's a great feeling if you're on his side yeah yeah I tell you when he comes down the stretch he doesn't look at that bullpen he just goes right to the whip listen it in there up for him now 2 & 1 to Gary Matthews [Applause] [Music] pitch to end nine strikeouts could we see that again are we run out of time away with the crowd roaring you'd expect the adrenaline pumping that he would come with the bullet and instead the big slow jug strike three called and you can see Carrie mad just back off the pitch watch him fail out and you can't hardly blame him for that here it comes in slow motion they can him bail out and goodbye Gary and Cubs III Mets we'll be back with the totals and semantics comment after this [Music] over a hundred years ago Frederic Miller started an American tradition he put his beer in clear bottles to show its purity its quality nothing's really changed since Frederick Miller's Dave Miller still means pure Dean could see quality you can taste it contains no additives no preservatives and still comes in the same clear bottle for the same clear reasons [Music] my daughter calls it a blue bomber my wife thinks I got to get rid of it and when it needed a new muffler well I was afraid she might be right listen I don't want to spend too much on his car - had a muffler that was perfect for my budget now how the old blue bomber sounds almost as good as new [Music] my hemorrhoids are really acting up you mean pain and swelling better use preparation-h it relieves the pain itching swelling doctor recommended hospital tested preparation-h often gives hours of relief from pain and itch and what's more it actually helps shrink swelling of inflamed hemorrhoids issues what relief preparation-h really works get doctor recommended preparation-h it relieves the pain itching swelling a reminder tomorrow 4:30 Eastern Daylight Time 3:30 in Los Angeles on NBC sports world the great communicators of sports well we can also communicate this message this week's NBC light beer from Miller player of the game is dr. K Dwight Gooden light beer from Miller happy to present a check for $1,000 in the name of Dwight Gooden to help fight multiple sclerosis boy what a number he did on the Cubs today yes he did he only made a hundred and twenty-seven pitches with all his strikeouts that he had he had nine strikeouts his top speed of the day was 94 miles an hour but it's the curveball they'll be talking about and he did not walk a hitter will be back only one four-wheel drive vehicle has this combination of style and toughness the board Bronco too inside there's an interior by Eddie Bauer upfront a v6 engine powers you through rough terrain underneath Ford's tough independent front suspension steps over obstacles for a smooth Drive overhaul the Ford Bronco to not only conquers the rough stuff but looks good doing it Ford Bronco to the best built American trucks are very important top I never let those years in a spotlight go to my head dental stars on potato farm everybody's the same I live a simple life here a really good life there's still a place where people don't forget where they came from a place where beer is beer and the brand is Miller [Music] Miller beer Purity you can see quality you can taste a little confusion can be fun but not when you're looking at long distance phone companies because all companies aren't the same you have to watch out for the unexpected the operator service and no service for many small towns different levels of transmission quality and no immediate credit for wrong numbers only one company comes with no surprises AT&T the more you hear the better retail AT&T the right choice in the beginning man's feet walk free but the road to civilization was paved so man develop shoes soon after that man developed athlete's foot good God today there's my cat in my kitten cures athlete's foot it's the only athlete's foot medicine you can buy with my Connors old a patented ingredient recommended by specialists to cure athlete's foot Michael Tennant spray powder or cream mica to the end of the road for athlete's foot don't forget next week the Red Sox visiting Yankee Stadium or in some areas Kansas City at Toronto all on NBC sport quite good than the Mets beat the Cubs 8 to 3 for Joe Garagiola this is Vin Scully wishing you a pleasant good afternoon from Shea Stadium in New York a promotional tea has been paid to NBC by United Airlines you're not just flying you're flying the friendly skies this has been a presentation of NBC Sports the leader in innovative sports television the Man of Steel and musical guest Santana let's who's leading the major leagues and luxury car sales your Cadillac try statesmen and to show you what good sports they are they're striking out the list prices on all 1985 Cadillacs from now till Labor Day they're giving you the year's lowest prices on every Cadillac every high-performance Fleetwood every front-wheel drive deville every v8 powered Eldorado it's all over when some are in so see your nearest Cadillac try Statesman now he can be a very good sport then they are to Boston gets the part to Corning working through the night so you're headed by morning call anne-marie and it said good is there [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for calling Emory they said it couldn't be done one man says it can't end Lipper hen liver as deputy mayor he fought for the city whole city he fought for the con-ed rape freeze he got tax relief for small businesses subway upgrades from the Coliseum sale computer labs in every high school he saved minority jobs at Oakland and little Ken lepen Lipper the fighter but worked a winner 127,000 new job in all the boroughs of the city thanks to the vision of Kenneth Kendler in Lipper on September 10th vote Ken Lipper for city council president they said it couldn't be done Ken Lipper says it can the future of American business in South Africa Sunday at 11:45
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 8,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1985, Chicago Cubs at New York Mets on the NBC Baseball Game of the Week
Id: J2DxmlQM-1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 41sec (10301 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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