1984 NFC Wild Card - Giants vs. Rams

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the rams offensive players are being introduced number 75 irv panky the left tackle coming out this is an offensive line led by number 72 kent hill he'll be headed to the pro bowl and there is an outstanding center due to come out next number 56 doug smith and jim burt will have his hands full with him he has to contain smith to keep that offensive line under control here comes the fellow who's been a mainstay for years dennis herrera next a.m of course big bill bain number 62 he'll go at 300 pounds this afternoon and the tight end he'll be up next for them number 81 there's david hill now one of the wide receivers number 80 henry ellard he too will go to the pro bowl he'll be the punt returner for the nfc and now eric dickerson will be coming out after james mcdonald and jeff kemp just about game time for jimmy and dick vermeel we'll see you later everybody how different are new york and los angeles let us count the ways new york at this time of year is a picture book from lincoln center where the nutcrackers dance to the radio city christmas spectacular to the snowflakes falling above fifth avenue the city seems to transform itself into a holiday wonderland and for new york's long-suffering pro football fans there's a rare present under the tree this year it's a playoff game the giants are alive in post season for only the second time in 21 seasons they've arrived on the strength of phil sims passing an outstanding defense keyed by lawrence taylor in los angeles meanwhile there's less change in the city's appearance this time of year southern california's natural beauty less affected by the passing season it's business as usual on a football field too where the rams have made the playoffs for the 12th time in those last 21 seasons and made it on the wing feed of number 29 eric dickerson coming up new york in los angeles in the california sunshine [Music] we're live at anaheim stadium in ala anaheim california the level of intensity goes up the atmosphere changes because this is the playoffs from here on in it's sudden death the wild card game between the giants and the rams good afternoon i'm pat summer along with my regular colleague john madden john robinson the ram coach was talking with us yesterday we asked him how he's going to approach the game and he said we will continue to do what we think we do best how does he approach this game john well of course what he does best is run eric dickerson right and left 46 gap 47 gap plays like that now what he says that he has to do he said if they only have seven up that means there are three linemen and four linebackers they'll run dickerson all day now he said if they get the safety up but they put eight guys up he said we're going to have to pass now we talked to bill parcells they do have a plan where they're going to put their strong safety bill courier up in the line of scrimmage they're also going to use a four-man line against them and slant everything towards number 81 david hill because as bill parcell said he said we know eric dickerson's always going to carry the ball the other thing we know is he always carries it towards david hill when the giants and the rams played in regular season game the giants were held are only eight yards rushing they obviously were beaten soundly in that game now how does bill parcells how did the giants plan to execute today attack iran well of course he said one thing that we want to get a little more running he said we were just terrible that day one thing he's going to play tony galbraith more now he's been the receiver coming out of the backfield but today he's going to be more of a true running back that's one thing he wants to do he says we just have to be able to run a little the other thing is not have phil sims hold the ball so long he said the last time he was trying to throw deep too much so the medium range passes he said today he said especially to start we want to throw those short little things where he can come back set up boom get rid of the ball right now so i think we're going to see that type of the game at least early in the game it is a beautiful day in southern california temperature 67 degrees humidity 45 winds southeast at five miles an hour it's supposed to stay beautiful couldn't ask for better than that bright sunshine the giants will kick off that's ali sheikh who's ready to do it drew hill and barry redden are back deep for the rams it'll be written at the ram 15 and it can be dangerous at the 30. the lineups in this playoff game wild card game the rams offensive backs and receivers jeff the quarterback eric dickerson the running back the u-back is james mcdonald there's a penalty on the play by the way drew hill and henry ellard are wide up front at tight end is david hill or panky kent hill doug smith dennis harrah and bill payne the offensive layman and they're all huge that penalty is going to be against the rams pat it'll be one of those holding penalties or blocking from behind above the waist that'll put the rams 10 yards deeper in the hole after i get through the next voice you hear is from penn drive 51 is robbie jones there is john robinson the head coach of the lost los angeles rams and what a class guy he is well you know the one thing he's a little happy on that play because it's a better start than they had the last time they played the giants they let the ball sit in the end zone and the giants recovered for a touchdown the rams go with two wide receivers flipped to the left mcdonald went in and there goes eric dickerson swarmed on by carl banks on the first play a loss of about four on defense the giants will operate with a three-man front curtis mcgriff jim bird in the middle as the nose tackle on the other defensive end is leonard marshall banks starting at linebacker alone with reasons carson and taylor in the secondary mark haynes of course is out kenny daniel takes his place perry williams at the other corner bill courier and terry canard the satan they go with a standard defense [Music] and motion is mcdonald back to throw his cannon incomplete intended for true hill harry williams and terry canard over to defend it was interesting pat the way the ram started the giants were seven up they didn't have a secondary man up they did run they did run towards david hill on the first play now with jeff kemp being the young quarterback that he has the rams don't like to force in this situation so even though they're third and long this could very well be a running down to eric dickerson they don't like him to throw what it seems he would have to throw blue hill is wide to the right henry ellen wide to the left and they do run for dickenson and they get about 30 yards they'll have to find lawrence taylor and jim bird on the stop of dickerson that's something we'll be watching something that john madden pointed out to you the giants had gone through six game films and every time the rams run that sweep that they ran on first down except once they ran it at number 81 or in the direction of where drew uh kent hill was lined up david hill lionel manuel is chased all the way back to the 30-yard line as misco is happy about a 49-yard punt no return so that's the net that's a good stop for the kicker ben trife is asking for things to slow down a little bit bill parcells looking on he said to us yesterday i think we're going to play well i've just got that feeling ben drives they want to make misco kick it again so they'll bring the whole thing back he had a 49-yard punt with no return a good net a good kick but he'll have to do it again i'm sure that john robinson wasn't happy about that because he was telling us the other day that his partner john misco number six here has been in a little slump he said it's funny you know in the the closer you get to the playoffs it seems like a lot of punters are in a slump i think that's true a lot of reasons for it due to pressure maybe pressure weather end of the season tired leg i don't know but you see it all over the league keep in mind that the giants would have had the ball at their own 31. well they didn't bring the football back they're all lined up here but the official with the football is still up here on the 30. they have two footballs on the field there's one the other one's way up here bagel formation five men in the backfield now they got a different penalty and another penalty at least they're down to one football misco now spotting out of his own end zone gets off a fair kick this time not as good ryan emanuel [Music] said he was down before the fumble lionel manuel has just started uh returning punch phil mcconkey has been out for three weeks a regular punt returner he catches the ball fine now they say that he was down before the ball came out now that's possible that the whistle could have blown before that ball popped out well it turned out that the giants pick up 15 yards by making a punt again and here's phil simpson he has rob carpenter out of the backfield when they move into ram territory let's check the giant offense phil sims the quarterback joe morris rob carpenter the runners ernest gray back at wide receiver along with bobby johnson the offensive line for the giants has zeke moa to tight end william roberts at left tackle brad benson kevin belcher chris godfrey and carl nelson the rest second down and two as phil simms gets the giants out of the huddle quickly [Music] about to the line of scrimmage before greg meisner and mel owens make the stop the rams will start jack youngblood there was some doubt about that at left defensive end greg meisner is the nose tackle and reggie doss on the other side the linebackers mel owens carl eckern jim collins and mike wilcher in the secondary it's gary green and leroy irvin the cornerbacks vince newsom one of the safeties and johnny johnson the other [Music] looking and hitting for a giant first down at the ram 38 lionel manuel let's see how he got open excuse me i was just going to say that both of those first two passes have been of the short variety where sims can come back the first one was to carpenter here a little a little quick pass you see manuel starts out it's a little hook then he slides to the outside right in front of gary green first down giants at the ram 38. [Music] in motion [Music] ernest gray close to another first down and is in a gain of 11. they'll move the sticks jim collins on the stop these were the type of passes that we were talking about the thing where he doesn't have to get back hold the ball and wait and wait you see and he's he's mixing up his receivers he started off with carpenter then he went to manual now here it's ernest gray he just comes in delays works to the outside catches the ball underneath the defense bill parcells was saying yesterday repeatedly we have to execute the passing game we have to get it done a yard perhaps no more mike wilshere was the first man to make contact he played behind lawrence taylor at north carolina he was a sophomore when lawrence was graduating and that he replaced him his last two years here he's replaced george andrews who went down with knee surgery big linebacker 6-3 and 240 at least regular grass no artificial turf here at anaheim stadium the home of the ram wild card game is back to throw has time now has to come out of that pocket now goes deep flag is down it was intended for bobby johnson penalty marker and sims is clapping his hand leroy irvine on the defense well the flag is way over here on the other side opposite the throw so it's probably defensive holding [Music] [Music] illegal contact that's five yards and that's the first down collins the leading tackler for the rams he's had a super year matt robinson was saying that jim collins is his best defensive player right now first down giants at the ram 21 with 9 59 left in the first quarter and rob carpenter is the lone setback albrecht goes in motion [Music] carpenter who barreled down to about the 15 a pickup of about six this i like what the giants are doing here early on this drive they have very good mixture you know they're throwing the ball right they're throwing it left they're throwing it inside they're running they they're really having a nice mix up lots of play coming right here it's a little trap and then on the other side galbraith clapped the other side and then carpenter was able to cut back [Music] here comes in motion again sims lost it giants got it back wasted a play [Music] kevin belcher made the recovery after sims couldn't handle the snap from center [Music] you can see it here the ball never got up it could have hit belt belcher on the right knee as it went up i've never seen that one before i've seen him where where they don't get the hand all the way up but i've never seen him hit his leg moat is lined up in the backfield lionel manuel is wide to the left flags go down everywhere youngblood jumped but it looked like he might have been pulled off side sims never got the offense 63 offense carl nelson moved early i think carl nelson moved real early he was about four steps into his back pedal see if we can watch it here's carl nelson right here now he has to block jack youngblood he's thinking about it he's already back a little he's going to get an early start see him one two three he was forced to say that's a way to keep him off me that's what youngblood's reputation will do to you third down and nine rams show a blitz and they don't come and sins goes and complete no penalty flags ernest gray the intended receiver sims think interference should be called he runs down field to talk to the officials gary green was the defender and we'll have to have a look at ali hajishik i guess that's a negative approach have to have a look it's been a bad year did you see phil sims run down there though remember a game about a month ago he ran down there and he got a penalty call on him doing that so he pulled off a little today that was against philadelphia 37 attempt by ali sheet with jeff rutledge holding this part of the field is rather slippery that looks like it's plenty far enough and it's pretty good enough the giants move on top rather odd opening series but it's three nothing giants with 8 28 left first eyes quarter your smiles let your arms undo the miles bring your heart back home and find that special face in the past 40 years chevrolet has brought more people home for the holidays than anyone have a happy new year america the phones you release from a t and t have to earn the name all reliable we test them to make sure they're tough enough to survive almost anything you can dish out [Music] and that's why if there ever is trouble at t will replace your leased phones free at our phone center or just call toll free a t and t will worry about the hangouts so you won't have to t consumer sales and service we're at anaheim stadium pat summerall and john madden not too far away the snow-capped mountains orange county on a beautiful southern california afternoon three nights and giants says the sheep kicks off barry redden at the goal line he had a little alley but it was shut down in a hurry by larry flowers who really put a wham on barry your special teams is always a big part of football but when you get into playoffs and championship games these are the areas where games can be won and lost you need guys like flowers you know they get down there get away from blocks just as that thing just search out the ball carrier feel for it and then come in and do something about it larry flowers four years approach from texas tech one of the things that the rams said john robinson said yesterday is our special teams outplayed their special teams when we beat him the first time larry flowers doesn't know about that back to throw on first down throws it out to dickerson who heard the footsteps of lawrence taylor and couldn't hang on hey now that's some match-up you talk about players and stars in this league and who could be the best player well right here is a matchup of two of the best players in the game dickerson says well even if i did catch that one i'm not going to go much farther than that anyway so why bother catching it remember what you asked dickerson yesterday who's the best linebacker in the league he didn't hesitate very much but he said it's lawrence taylor second down gives to dickerson penalty markers down dickenson looking for some place to go can't find it jim burt knocked him forward with their flags on the play that's going to be against the rams it was number 86 mike barber he was the left tight end here and he jumped off side before the ball was snapped well of course that means go before the snap been a tough start to rocky stark for the rams penalty wise and losing the ball wise and having to re-kick he's been driving illegal motion offense two men moving at the same time there it is right here we'll see mike barber the end man the nearest guy right here you see him jump there yeah can't do that a little nervous you know a lot of that has to do with being in a playoff game everyone's in the locker room they get excited come on let's go let's go and i got those little things that you usually get early in the game that's the fourth penalty against the rams already they give to dickerson he gets nothing as jim burton and leonard marshall knock him down yo we were talking about seven and eight here's what we're talking about you see we have one two three four five six seven now that's seven now that means that the rest of the secondary is back off so this is the look that the rams really want want to run again now if they get another safety up here then it's a tough thing see so that's the seven look an eight look would be that look with a safety up on third down here the rams running and here comes dickenson he barrels after the 25 harry carson puts him down a gain of about six but not enough for the first down the rams will send misco on to punt again they're going to have number 53 carson shadowing dickerson all day here's misco lionel manuel back deep for the giants standing at his own 34. this goes in over in it'll bounce bounces to lionel manuel rams special teams are the best in the nfl ivory sully was the first man down and it usually is ivory sully 31-yard net on the punt 657 left in the first quarter three-nothing giants although it's across the country there are still some giant fans here some giant hats right in the middle of the crowd in anaheim california first down for their team at their own 42 they leave three nothing dollars [Music] enough for a first down at about midfield just shy of midfield it is not enough for a first down peggy parton it's a gain of about seven yeah i i don't know if they have a a deal in this league where they give a most improved player in the league but if they did this guy here zeke moab would probably get it well he's gotten some recognition in the voting for the pro bowl he finished fourth two guys who are going to the pro bowl are paul kaufman and doug cosby here's carpenter straight ahead midfield jimmy collins stopped in there it'll be a third down and about two you know pretty soon i think someone will start airing it out maybe not in this quarter but what we see here thus far is two very cautious football teams you know they're starting out they don't want to make a mistake they're not going to force anything they don't want to do anything dangerously all they're doing is just kind of feeling each other out sparring like the first few rounds eric dickerson looking on third and two and the giants will go with a spread formation tony galbraith back there with phil simm here comes the blitz sims chased and hit him down carl eckern with the rams first sink watch carl eckert he's right up over the right guard right in front of us now what happens the guard blocks down he's going to help the center on the nose tackle so eckern comes right through free why did he block down i can't figure that out i don't know chris godfrey did that but you can't do that when the man's over you if the linebacker's off you can do that but if he's up there you have to check him first dave jennings back to punt for the giants and the dangerous henry ellard who leads the league in punt returns back off the side of his foot a horrible kick gets away from it jennings gets a good roll it goes down to the 19-yard line if it hadn't been for that bounce that would have been uh dreadful but as it ends up it's a 41-yard punt with no return well it wasn't as bad as the one we saw last week in charlotte songs but it was close to it this is what we were talking about punters just aren't punting the way they did early in the season watch that thing he just didn't get that maybe it was the sun three nothing giants the giants three the rams nothing last time the giants were here it was disaster for dave jennings he had two punts blocked here's one of them for the safety i'll tell you punters remember those punts that they had blocked don't they jennings wasn't thinking about that you know and thinking trying to get the ball away maybe too quickly failure has a way of sticking in your head brown and ellard are wide to the left [Music] the giants have players swarming all around it and they're going to have it yes sir dickerson has a bad hand a bad left hand that ball really popped out of there looks like somehow it got up on his chest now here he is he's running that counter play he leaves his blocker and starts to cut back the ball was in his left arm and it just bounced out that was the hand that you were talking about he had a cut between his left thumb and first finger and that was the hand he was holding it with because he got hit that thing just bounced right out of there so the giants get the turnover and have it first and ken at the ram 23. and sims fakes the target just barely gets it away incomplete they had the heat on again it was carl ekern who was close to sims and ernest gray was the intended [Music] receiver what they're trying to do is run a a bootleg now watch sims he fakes to the right now he has his right guard chris godfrey leading him out there but just as he gets the throw there he has he has eckerd right on hard to throw that way gray might have been open but the heavy pressure by the ram sims was incomplete galbraith and carpenter the two setbacks as sims looked over the defense on second and ten this time he has time he gets it to moan and about the 16-yard line jim collins is right there a pickup of about five or six it'll be third down well you know the difference between zeke moat this year and last year is his use as a receiver he came in as a free agent out of florida state and he was always a heck of a blocker you know darn near a great blocker he didn't even think he was a receiver himself and then the whole offseason he just worked on receiving and now he's really a a top two dimensional tight end so it'll be third down and about two or three the giants are at the ram 15. they lead three nothing the winner moves on the loser is home for christmas and sims coming out in the backfield he'll have the first down this part of the field is part of the baseball infield and it's very soft of course it's been resolded that's new side and it was very wet damp earlier in the week and yesterday they tried to keep the giants off of it when they were practicing they did keep them off of it in fact but this is a soft part of the field right here where they are now that was good coverage by the ram defense sims was trying to throw to his right couldn't find anything except the hole to run in emanuel and gray are wide to the left on first and ten from the rams 12. joe morris and morris gets down to about the seven johnny johnson tripped him up johnson made the stop five yard gain by joe morris the second and five at the seven 301 left to play first quarter bright bright sunshine on most of the field but right now the giants are in the shadows of the ram goal line just seven yards away from a 10-0 lead is almost caught then lost rob carpenter was the intended receiver he was hit by eckerd and they say it's incomplete okay and that's why it was lost that was a great hit by carl ecker number 55. i'll tell you because that would have been a touchdown we'll see rob carpenter he's going to be right on the goal line now what's 55 echo in here he starts to his lefty reason now watch him as he puts that hit in there and there was another one from the other side that also got him about the same time by jim collum both of the inside guys eckerd and colin just sandwiched carpenter third down and five at the seven sims will have to put it up wide left and complete it is complete to bobby johnson that should be enough for a first down he's going to be very close to a first down let's see these these young wide receivers of the giants have really made them a different team this year like bobby johnson had both feet in and then look he dives you can see that he has the first down there he knew where that marker was and he made a nice catch on that ball but even a better run and a dive at the end to get the first down first and goal at the one [Music] to go doesn't get it harford backwards at the one right at the line of scrimmage reggie doss was the first man to hit him they come in there and they're going to trap djna in their number seven you see they let them go they get the trap there but there's no hole for carpenter the linebackers just fill right over the top there was just no place for him to go and nothing for him to jump over and was the first man to make contact [Music] doesn't get it again stop short again by the ram defense he tried to go airborne and was grounded and there was nothing to jump at that was carl ecker and again what a series he's having on this on this form of plays here but watching it carpenter jump watch echo and jump right there that they meet and he doesn't get any penetration at all he gets nothing out of that arpeggio tried to go over the top but there was some bad weather up there there was a high top rob this time he gets in over the top over the right side a gallon stand by the rams but the giants get the touchdown from rob carpenter three cracks at it that was a nice move by carpenter this time because he'll come in here square now he jumps and then he turns his body i think that's how he gets in you see as he jumps now that little turn there is a thing that just found enough of a crack to get that ball over the goal line see that that was kind of what you'd call a twisting jump or something that used in the nba they probably got words for that you know jump twist turn fall drop touchdown and carpenter had the good hang time give credit to carl nelson for a good block on that touchdown too the sheik is good and it's ten nothing giants with a minute and ten seconds left to play in the first quarter look at the block by nelson on youngblood [Music] nelson would be the second guy in next to 84 moat he really does he gets he gets young blood going back and that's the thing that lets carpenter get his body in sideways into the end zone the whole thing set up by a fumble backwards and that touchdown and this fan's extra point ali sheik about to kick off makes it 10-0 giants [Music] this time as lawrence taylor playing on special teams makes the tackle 27-yard return by redden here comes lawrence taylor when the other team has the ball he's in on most of the tackles bill parcell says i'm going to put him on the kickoff coverage and the punt coverage because we need this one and there's nothing to save these guys for he's a pretty guy he's a pretty good guy not to say why not go with your best when the stakes are this high first and ten for the rams at their own 32 they trailed 10 nothing [Music] outside the 40. close to a first down gary reasons have to make the stop this is the thing that john robinson was saying and he wants to do it we want to be able to get the ball to ron brown because he has that great speed remember him from the olympics get the ball out there on a screen get the line out in front of him and maybe a little short pass can turn into a big game that time it's just about 10 yards but you throw enough of those to ron brown and one should go 70 or 80. good block by doug smith the ram center out there first down and that's the rams first first down 42 seconds left in the first quarter well the rams just haven't gotten going yet you know they're just like they're still in the pre-game warm-up penalties dickerson fumbles and this and that and they haven't gotten any any fluidness to tool yet brown and ellard posted it wide to the left this time lawrence taylor showing switch and here he comes this time he's picked up by panky fires deep for henry ellard complete but there's a flag on the play they're going to call it against the rams kenny daniel on the coverage is down i think the holding penalty is going to be against number 62 bill payne i think it is too it was a late call pat it was holding number 62. now there's a big guy when you talk about big you're talking big you're talking like 330 pounds let's see if we can see him right here bill bain here's mcgriff here's who he'll be blocking against but it happens deep here as kemp starts to scramble let's say he starts out pretty good pass protection mcgriff starts beyond them now as kemp starts to scramble it was a late hold it was after that it was at the end of the play he did everything right in the beginning didn't he he sure did i mean you talk about having to get around the guy how'd you like to have to get around a guy like that on pass rush that's like that's like going to mexico to get to new york from here let's just hit on ellard but kenny daniel that's the way you draw up packing that's your midsection here's allard up and cutting off the field but you'd be okay john robinson says someday henry eller and ron brown are going to be the two premier wide receivers in this league eller just acknowledging to the medical staff that he's okay just had the wind knocked out of me 20-yard gain wiped out that'll be first and twenty brands at their own 32 with time for one more play in the first quarter 13 seconds left dickerson of course the lone setback and now he moved george farmer has taken the place tries to cut back inside leonard marshall right there to take care of it leonard marshall played that play perfectly he hit into irv panky and just held him off ran right down the line of scrimmage and then he was able to come off on the tackle that's the way a defensive end is supposed to play a sweep you see watch he gets his hands up on tanki plays him off just pushes him to the side and comes back in and makes the tackle on digger that's perfect defensive and fly the end of one at anaheim stadium and the giants lead the rams by the score of 10 to nothing ready to go with the second quarter at anaheim stadium where the giants lead the rams 10 to nothing second down and 19 eric dickerson six carries 12 yards [Music] this is the play that the rams call gap we see gooman starts in he's going to block taylor starts a block then he goes to a hole taylor gets off that look at that extension he has loses his helmet but he still gets eric dickerson down and it'll be third down and 15. [Music] henry ellard packing the game he just had the win knockout kemp retreats to throw the giants on a blitz of penalty markers down as kent scrambles doesn't get the first down gets out to about the 46 before harry carson trips him up but there's going to be a holding call i'm sure against the rams there's two flags on it lawrence taylor is playing the left side he usually plays the right defensive side i think they expect more at dickerson from this side the giants are playing taylor over on this side number again was against bill bain giants take the penalty bill bain has had a good year picked on some of the all pro teams going to the pro bowl done a good job six penalties against the rams they've lost 45 yards and they've been crucial let's watch it again there's 62 bane there again it looks like he just as as he started to go down he just pulled george martin down with him that was a take down a tackle third and 27. now george martin finally takes him down good rush by the giants and the ram just can't get anything going miss go on to punt well as you said in the first six carries eric dickerson only had 12 yards that's not establishing that and that's their offensive football the giants are playing very good defense against the run making the rams pass and the rams right now are not a passenger correct what i said about bill bain he was picked to some pro bowl teams he is not going to the pro bowl however [Music] [Music] james mcdonald chases him out of bounds 40-yard punt but a 17-yard return so the giants once again get the ball in good shape 13 minutes 42 seconds left to play in the first half nothing giants the giants ten the rams nothing giants have the ball at the ram 48 they've had great field situations so far started at their own 47 their own 42 and at the ram 23 now there's the ram 48 a lot of chances they've been able to take advantage of two of them over the right side for a gain of about eight i really think the rams pretty soon after take jack youngblood out as we see carl nelson here blocking 163 on 85. he drives out on him youngblood tries to spin they get him knocked out darn near double team but youngblood has been a great player over the years one of the greatest that ever played this game is a defensive end but he has a bad fact that has gone into a sciatic nerve down his leg and it's hard to play defensive end one leg although he did play one time with a broken leg first down giant by carpenter i think this is a different type he did in fact the year the rams went to the super bowl jack young played that game with a broken leg but this is sciatica i've never had one of those but they say they're one of the most powerful painful things that you can have and you just don't have any power in your leg you just can't push off 14 years and he's been great i asked him yesterday if he was going to play said it's sunday ain't it here they come at him again from the rams defended joe morris [Music] nose tackle over on the bench well padded that's what a nose tackle looks like on the bench you always try and stay cool you know those guys bigger guys sweat a lot more so you always like cold towels oxygen drinks stuff like that because you have to wear all those pads and stuff and your body has to freeze you have to pour coal stuff on the outside of it came to play come the rams on the pitch sims in trouble gets rid of it throws it on the ground incomplete that'll bring up third long lionel manuel i think was the intended receiver but he was nowhere in the area sims did get the ball up field that's all sims was trying to do was avoid the sack on that one because the rams had him surrounded he had no receivers open the only alternative he had was either take that sack or try and get the ball on the ground up field third and eight as the rams put in eric harris as the fifth defensive back and they go with four down linemen now he puts them or attempt to put some heat on the passer out of the spread now this time he has time this time he goes with an attempt to ernest gray there are no penalty markers they're too far out for ali sheik i think and the giants will have to punt gary green was the defender well phil sims tried to get the ball to ernest gray that was a good news the bad news is ernest gray was double covered and he couldn't get away from the coverage and out comes dave jennings but here it is right here you see they have them short and they have them deep two guys on them so sims had no place to throw the ball he could have just thrown it away there jennings 41-yard punt is the first time running down from midfield aiming for the left sideline hangs this one high the rams won't try to handle it out of bounds way out of bounds rams at their own fifteen first and ten well the officials work that the deep guy runs up the referee watches he tells them when to stop that's how they mark it 20-yard punt by jennings nothing giant over the rams but i guess that's his with the defensive coordinator giants really haven't done too much different except they're throwing the ball shorter and quicker which is what they said they had to do ram first down at their own 15. 11 36 left to play in the first half well the other thing is you know he's always has big second halves and he has big fourth quarters we're telling you a while ago just a minute ago where the giants had started their offensive drives look at the la the rams last four possessions where they started their own 20 they're on 20 they're on 19 they're on 32. they haven't had a score yet they've been penalized a lot they've got very little going so far mcdonald in motion to get to the outside does not get a first down carl banks chasing him down gary reasons also on the tackle well you know the other thing we were talking about is david hill now watch on the end of the line 81 david hill against lawrence taylor john robin said david hill is one of the best blockers in the league but i'll tell you lawrence taylor really strings it out he'll has him about as good as you can block a guy but the whole giant line was down there and hill didn't get much help that wasn't a bad block but he just didn't there was no priest for dickenson taylor's play enabled banks to chase him down fakes through hillard has the first down at the 43-yard line kenny daniel on the coverage good throw by kevin for the gain of 20. something about henry ellard you know we saw him go off earlier with that shot that he took by daniel comes back comes back now he runs the same pattern he's going to be an in-pattern you see him come in come up come in snap that ball off go down catch that ball just off the ground no way those are intercepted those are very safe passes rarely is jeff kemp intercepted very efficient second in the nfl in terms of passes intercepted mcdonald's curtis mcgriff got there about the same time the handoff to crutchfield got there much mcgriff number 76 here he starts outside now he comes right in you see he gets crutchfield about the same time crutchfield got the ball i think he was on a stunt he started to stunt to that inside and look at that look here's a quarterback a ball and a ball carrier all in one nice little package ellard and brown on second and nine come wide to the right now david hill comes to that side now brown goes it motion the other way here comes dickerson dickerson [Music] close to a first down but once again there's a flag down on the play anytime the rams just have a little inkling of getting something started that flag goes down and that's what the third holding penalty no the fourth holding penalty i think they've had that is indeed the number 60. [Music] this time it's against dennis harrah well the ball was run to that side it wasn't run over here it was run outside of fame off tackle that would have been dickerson's longest gain of the day but it's holding against harrow there's harris right here right there on number 70 marshall see he has that right hand up there that doesn't look like a hole the pushing is okay that didn't look like a bad hole you know it's probably good old battle that wasn't bad though not a severe violation second down and 19 the rams at their own 34. to mike barber gets back to about the original line of scrimmage before reasons and carson bring it down let's see who picked up the blitzing lawrence taylor well it's usually an offensive lineman watch number 56 and it's going to be irv frankie starts out you see the left tackle 75 he slides out now that's a big thing now with the new rule you see a guy can hit then he can extend his arm so now what they do is they just get them going and these big guys just push those guys right beyond the quarterback third and nine rams their own 44 24 henry eller way over his head terry canard goes close but the rams one more time will have to punt it looks like ellard was going inside and kept was throwing outside some kind of miscommunication john misco on it three times final manual standing at his own 16-yard line we have 750 left to play in the first half and the giants leading 10-00 biscoe gets off a good one this time stay in the air a long time manual for signals for the fair catch does it at his own 25 31 yards net on that punt giants will take over at their own 25 yard line 10 nothing they leave what happens on a and a punt coverage team now here's mike pleasant he's a rookie from oklahoma now he's the only guy that can go when the ball is snapped so you always have two guys on him now these two are going to be on him now watch that battle as they go downfield when they knocked him down see pleasant starts to the inside he's still got the double team they knock him down now all three now they're all bounce up now they hit him again that's pete shaw there elvis patterson is getting hit there by pleasant but that's the type of thing that goes on all the way down the field to the outside guy on punt coverage that was not a very pleasant trip he's intended for galbraith incomplete sims indicating at the sideline that he was open but it was my fault i just missed him bad throw or maybe a bad read i think he was saying that the pattern was okay it was a good call i like that play and it was just my fault it didn't work so don't give up on that one you know a quarterback will do that ron earhart the offensive coordinator of the giants is up in the press box he calls a play and a quarterback will like to well let him know when he likes them you know i like that one stay with it come back again sims is six out of twelve at second and ten you're trying to throw again and does this one's caught by moan scrambling for a first down he might be a little bit short of nine they might be a yard short looks like a different guy this year last year you know he's just happy to be there he was a blocker now just the way he runs the patterns the way he carries himself look double coverage guy slides down catches it turns dips the shoulder you can just see confidence in that guy now he looks like a different person on the field three receptions 23 yards they need a yard for a first down young blood by the way is out of the game now and doug reed is taking his place as they hammer the right side joe morris does for a first down the giants who aren't supposed to be able to run they only had eight yards in the regular season meeting between these two have 35 and the rams who have eric dickerson who's broken all kinds of records have only got 25 but john robinson was saying yesterday if we can stay close we can wear you down dickenson is very durable [Music] who alternates with greg meisner at nose tackle for the rams made the stop that's one of john robinson's philosophies and it always has been that you get the ball and you use the first quarter in the first part of the third quarter to wear the defense down wear them down wear them then and then at the end of the third quarter and in the fourth quarter that's when you really get them that carries over from the days of usc when they had all those great tail backs and here again he has a great tailback sends back to throw runs on a blitz sends his case gets it out to chased down by mel owens good play by owens because carpenter had some green grass in front of him i think owens saw that and also realized it and he knew that if i don't get him no one's going to get him for a while no gain he really bursted on that thing number 58 owens watch us we see carpenter see he's fakes like he's going to block then he slips out there owens sees it and watch him now he knows it i'd better get him so he gives that full extension to get rob carpenter down third and 12. the giants at their own 36 put sims back in the spread formation he has time this time now he doesn't he's taken down by d second sack of sims d journey came flying out of nowhere it looked like sims was going to have a lot of time and all of a sudden he didn't but they did just right over the center it's just a three-man rush now watch him he breaks through right off the bat he starts in he just goes right to the left then he does the spinner see he had a double team comes off the spinners first to the left spins around and when he got finished spinning he was right in front of phil sim that was one of the best spinning moves we've seen ever it was a great spinner against the double team jennings gets off a good kick henry hillard [Music] 33 yards net jennings punt was 47. the return was 14 10 nothing giants leading at summerhall and john madden at anaheim stadium where the wave is flowing around and iran will operate in their best at least start from their best field position of the day their own 41-yard line ten-nothing giants leading dickerson over the right side has some room and dickerson has a ram first down in giant territory before harry carson can take him down again they finally broke that plate that's that 47 gap where they have the off tackle irv panky and the off guard kent hill you see them calling they're going to come here little counter by dickerson makes the thing comes off the second block right there a panky now he has a big wide hole and got him through there for the first down as an overpowering block by pinkie [Music] one tackle breaks another stays on his feet inside the giant 30 to the 28th leonard marshall finally took him down these are the types of passes that jeff kept throws the best you see ron brown out there the left he's just gonna run a about a ten yard out it's up over lawrence taylor's head and then he has the good move there he has a spinner gets about two more yards and he has another spinner we had a double spinner on that that's pretty good for a guy coming from the olympics first and cannon brown is out drew hill has replaced him dickenson the only running back [Music] they only have about four plays to each side in their repertoire but they're running well well it's dickerson right dickerson left 46 and 47 gap that's the off tackle this is toss 48 and 49 49 here just toss it out there to dickerson and he just runs around the outside gets a big push of good blocks out there second down and about three at the giant 22 clock running with 214 this will be the last play before the two minute warning hammered leonard marshall played it extremely well the interesting thing is they are running that toss right and left but it always is to david hill's side john robinson was saying that david hill is probably the best blocking tight end in football he weighs 250 pounds let's watch him here now the thing you can't have on any run is penetration leonard marshall had penetration he played it well two minute warning 10 nothing giants for the rams at the giant 27 new york giants 10 the rams nothing dickerson malone setbacks david hill is flanked to perry williams was out there with him in the giant zone setup they're gonna go with a field goal unit lansford who's sick 16 out of his last 18 on the kick that was a double slip on that play the covergate gary williams slipped first hill saw that thought he was going to break it for a first down and in doing so he slipped nolan cromwell is lansford's regular holder he is out so steve dill for the backup quarterback number eight will put it on the ground for a 38-yard attempt by the barefooted lansford 16 out of his last 18. 41 yards away naked and good rams are on the board ten for the giants three for the rams both teams have all of their timeouts remaining a minute left first half [Music] giants 10 rams three field goal by lansford who's about to kick off [Music] kenny hill giants will take over with 52 seconds left on the clock in the first half and they lead 10-3 it was morris who came up with it [Music] might have been a fumble [Music] jim collins made the stop he's your name was in there he he penetrated he hit carpenter in the backfield before he got started looks like the giants are going to be content to take that 10-3 lead to the locker room i think so i think when you play a fur a whole first half and you have that conservative type thing where you're not going to force it you don't wait until the last you know inside of a minute and go for everything in 80 yards [Music] 10 seconds now as they try to get over the left side carl eckern on the stop along with reggie doss flop continues to run that's what the score is going to be well let's stop the clock now with four seconds remaining ten to three [Music] rams take this time out don't know why giving that extra effort makes winners be all you can be sponsored by the us army the same dogged perseverance that typifies the play of number 82 paul kaufman is also symbolic of his career after signing out as a free agent with green bay in 1978 the big tight end spent a full season on the sidelines but through sheer tenacity kaufman worked his way into the starting line and into two pro bowls by always striving for that second effort paul kaufman has become the best keeper behind stadium where the giants lead the rams 10-3 watch this act they're going to try and strip the ball the guys down watch number 55 carl eckerner he's still he's still trying to strip the play's over today the coach told me to try and strip the ball get that thing out of there the other coach told rob carpenter to keep it close third and nine four seconds left first [Music] sims back to throw got it complete the carpenter that will be the last play of the first half mellow has knocked him out of bounds and the giants and rams will head for the locker room coming up at the half [Music] coming up at the half time landry will be live from dallas with brett musberger and a first half analysis with brent and dick vermeel right here at anaheim stadium at summer roll and john madden where the giants leave ten so the giants with the lead here dick vermeel at the half ten three important for the rams to get that field goal on the board tell me is the next coach do you miss it this time of year the feeling not being out there well i misleading people you know you're used to driving people coaching them get them going firing them up and i miss that part of the game but really i don't miss all the highs and lows all right well let's welcome another man who's missing the playoffs for the first time in a decade who is home with us right now the coach of the dallas cowboys tom landry tom how unusual does it feel for you not to be either preparing the cowboys for a divisional playoff or actually in the wild card game well it feels really different uh brent you know we've been in it for many years and and now to be out of it and everything come to a quick stop it's very unusual for us tom i know this was an unhappy moment for you but we're going to roll up in that key play of dan marino to mark clayton what were your thoughts when you realized that he was loose on you and about to win the ball game and knock you out of the playoffs well i couldn't believe it really i think after tony hill made his great play i thought we were destined maybe to win this game but amanda has a great team and of course that particular play there was a big play for him both of our defensive backs ended up on the ground but it was a you have to give them credit they're excellent tom next year will you make many changes with the cowboys and i suppose i should specifically ask you about the quarterback spot gary hogan when we signed the new contract and he said that he'd like you to come down to either he or danny white what are your feelings about that right now well i think we should uh this year was a very unusual year for us and the way we we went through this year but i think i think next year you must have a quarterback that he knows it's his job and uh when it starts and we're hoping to find that uh through the training camp now i know you watched the first half along with dick vermeel and uh dick what about eric dickerson's big turnover in this game well you know brent you can never turn the ball over in that part of the field come out looking very good and that hurt and that gave me the giants a field position to go ahead and get that score and that's the difference in the game right now all right tom let's take a look at that uh particular play that we have and what were your thoughts about the rams against that giant defense in the first half well you know i thought that the giants had a tremendous psychological advantage in this ball game brent because they got beat so badly by the rams earlier and then they played so poorly against new orleans so i thought they had a psychological advantage i think that's what's happening in the first half the rams don't realize how tough they're gonna have to play to win this game all right well we're gonna come back with dick and tom and we'll talk about the second half right after these messages [Music] we are at halftime along with dick vermeel and dallas cowboy coach tom landry and dick did you think the rams started to come alive in the second quarter of the game i felt the second part of that second quarter you could feel the rams maybe getting into the game plan getting the ball to dickerson like they wanted to short passing game picking up momentum definitely felt that tom how about you what were your feelings about that second quarter well i think they picked up uh brandt the thing that you can't do when you have a running football team is you can't be in first and fifteen or second and twenty and that's where the rams have spent most of the game but in that last part of the second quarter they eliminated the penalties and they were able to move the football dick you have noticed a key matchup we want to roll up the tape here leonard marshall has been doing an outstanding job for the giants well the defensive line has been controlling the line of scrimmage and you'll see here that leonard marshall on earth panky number 75 controlling him and then working upfield and forcing dickerson back into the pursuit and they're doing a good job of that all the way along the line of scrimmage you know coach landry how do you feel about a single running back like eric dickerson if you shut him down you haven't got too many weapons to go to in that backfield do you no you really don't but when you have an eric dixon you don't need more than one he's a tremendous runner and if and my feeling is the second half if they can eliminate their their penalties and they're gonna they're gonna put a lot of pressure on new york before the game's over with you feel the same way there yes i feel actually the los angeles rams are a little more talented through that total roster and it could show in the second half all right well coach landry happy holidays to you and the lovely wife down there in dallas and we certainly look forward to seeing what you finally do with the dallas cowboys during the off season thank you brandon it's been a pleasure to be with you good now let's send everybody out live to our colleague irv cross who is standing by at halftime in anaheim and urban the giants ahead 10-3 take it away you know we've talked about the battle of the superstars early in the pregame show with lawrence tater going against eric dickerson and so far kayla's won the battle with four tackles holding dickerson the 12th carries and 37 yards in the first half but you know jack youngblood went out of the ball game late in the second quarter but he was expected to be substituted free today i talked to him before he went in the locker room before halftime and asked him if he would be back in the game and if his legs were holding up he said yup i'll be back you know john i can't remember too much exciting about that first half it seemed like the nothing really happened the giants league obviously ten to three so something did happen but i don't remember much of any consequences it was a very funny first half and i don't even look at it like it was the first half of playing football i think it was more like sparring i think they they sparred the whole first half and tried to establish something really didn't and are going to get together at halftime and then come back and see what they want to do because the first half really didn't make a lot of sense and there wasn't much happen john you had your teams in playoffs when you were coaching the raiders you've been in situations like this playoffs wild card games what have you do you think when you get in a situation like this there's a possibility a tendency that that some coaches might be too conservative might try to be too careful i have the feeling that both of these coaches and both of these teams are a little too conservative i also had the feeling that that both teams were a little tight especially in that first quarter that's when we had the penalties guys jumping offsides those little things that shouldn't happen in championship football i think that maybe in the second half both teams will settle down and maybe both coaches will open up a little more i have that same feeling right now both teams are back out of the locker room the giants leave the ramps 10-3 we have another half of this wild card game coming ready to go with the second half that's the matterhorn at disneyland over in the distance here from anaheim not too far away first half statistics eight first downs for the giants just four for the rams 38 yards rushing they are pretty well contained eric dickerson and that's what you have to do if you're going to beat the rams well you know the other thing the the giant's passing was only 35 yards i look at this second half that one or two guys have to get hot i think if phil sims gets hot for the giants that's what they need that'll be enough for them to win this game on the other side eric dickerson has to get hot for the rams i think if the first guy that does that is going to win this game these two guys mike lansford back to kick off as you look at dickerson frank cephas on the far side kenny hill in the middle number 48 and joe morris back there with him for the giants it goes in the direction of secrets and he'll handle at the 10. hammered but gets out to the 30 hit by ivory sully [Music] 10-3 quarter but he was expected to be substituted free today i talked to him before he went in the locker room before halftime and asked him if he would be back in the game and if his legs were holding up he said yup i'll be back you know john i i can't remember too much exciting about that first half it seemed like the nothing really happened the giants league obviously ten to three so something did happen but i don't remember much of any consequences it was a very funny first half and i don't even look at it like it was the first half of playing football i think it was more like sparring i think they they sparred the whole first half and tried to establish something really didn't uh and are going to get together at halftime and then come back and see what they want to do because the first half really didn't make a lot of sense and there wasn't much happen john you had your teams in playoffs when you were coaching the raiders you've been in situations like this playoffs wild card games what have you do you think when you get in a situation like this there's a possibility a tendency that that some coaches might be too conservative might try to be too careful i have the feeling that both of these coaches and both of these teams are a little too conservative i also had the feeling that that both teams were a little tight especially in that first quarter that's when we had the penalties guys jumping offsides those little things that shouldn't happen in championship football i think that maybe in the second half both teams will settle down and maybe both coaches will open up a little more i have that same feeling right now both teams are back out of the locker room the giants leave the rams 10-3 we have another half of this wild card game coming ready to go with the second half that's the matterhorn at disneyland over in the distance here from anaheim not too far away first half statistics eight first downs for the giants just four for the rams 38 yards rushing they have pretty well contained eric dickerson and that's what you have to do if you're going to beat the rams well you know the other thing the the giants passing was only 35 yards i look at this second half that one or two guys have to get hot i think if phil sims gets hot for the giants that's what they need that'll be enough for them to win this game on the other side eric dickerson has to get hot for the ram i think if the first guy that does that is going to win this game these two guys mike lansford back to kickoff as you look at dickerson frank cephas on the far side kenny hill in the middle number 48 and joe morris back there with him for the giants it goes in the direction of seafood and he'll handle at the 10. hammered but gets out to the 30 hit by ivory sully [Music] 10-3 giants in this wild card game the winner if it's the giants will go to san francisco if it's the rams they'll go to washington there's a little different deal there they're trying to get when they tape over the markings that are on the shoe then they make the markings around the shoe before they put the tape over the markings are on the shoe that has to do with some kind of a deal manual in motion back to throw and we'll try to throw quickly into it [Music] again of eight carl baker 47 42 the la-23 that led to the touchdown the la-48 [Music] already never did have very bad field positions near first round yardage vince newsom made the stop and i think he got the first well they move it back a little bit might be a foot short and it might be there it is a first down joe morris out to the right side one thing i think the giants somewhere in this second half to me they they play the best offensive football when they have one tight end three ride receivers one back in the backfield they're using more two back today and i think if and when they decide to open it up the best way they do it is three wide receivers now they go with the one back again and they send call breathing motions show [Music] guy that can get hot too and he success builds success in him if he can get the ball off if he has his protection find his guys he hits a couple like this then the more confidence he gets the deeper and deeper he starts going and the giant offensive line did a good job of picking up that ram grits they made all the right adjustments second down to 49. bobby johnson is the man that was gary green the cornerback was coming on the blitz let's watch meisner number 67 the nose tackle over the center he starts on near 69 i mean meisner he starts on the center starts ryden belcher down and then plays off him to his right side the four-year pro from pittsburgh third down and a foot or less morris hammers over the right side of penalty markers down i think it might have been the young blood who jumped it was it was jack youngblood that'll be against the rams it'll be a first down for the giants and youngblood was trying to get down there low get some penetration get in that backfield and he just started a little early defense 85 that'll be a first down the rams have been penalized here's young blood again i watched him say he was trying to get down and hit that gap between the center and the tight end just got started a little early you know sometime when you have an injury you talked about young blood having that sciatic nerve thing you lose a little your concentration before johnny johnson can bring him down gary green we're talking about zeke moat and how much more confidence he has phil sims also has a lot more confidence in moab you see that counter play they fake the counter the guard pulls out brad benson pulls out in front boat comes across sims was looking for zeke moad all the way and he hits him for a big play darn here down to the 20-yard line that's a play that the redskins discovered last year now everybody runs it moats caught five this is johnson in motion to give a handoff tomorrow stopped in the backfield by reggie dawes good play by reggie doss number 71. reggie doss did the same thing that leonard marshall did to the rams again you get that penetration you get the defensive end into the backfield watch reggie doss here you see he starts riding down and then he gets up into the backfield you see it morris has no place to go he's just standing there waiting for him he was working on william roberts number 66 of the giants second down and 11 line of scrimmage is the rank 24 [Music] knocked down in the end zone no penalty marker intended for ernest gray johnny johnson was the defender that was an interesting matchup there but two guys just coming off in reserve johnny johnson had a broken leg earlier he was on the injured reserve ernest gray just came off the injured reserve left this now they're going man on man step for step in the end zone look at that four hands going up at once that's good coverage that is good coverage he's right there he's looking up at the ball he knows where gray is gets his hands on the ball a third and 11 situation from the ram 24. now they have those three wide receivers in the game and since starts to show him spread and they start back up and now he backs up again gets it outside shakes one tackle takes another is brought down at the ramp 20 by greg meisner with an assist from jim collins here's what a nose tackle has to do on a on a pass watch meisner 69 there he starts a rush now he sees it to pass down the line so you don't run in behind you just lumber right down the line and see if you can find something down there he did that time he finally found galbraith up and from getting the first down they can pick a field goal that's a pretty good hustle you gotta want to get there to do that 39 yards away good 13-3 [Music] giants robinson looking on he can't be too unhappy with his defense although the giants did get a field though out of it marcel is looking on anxiously thank you sir thank you sheik 13-3 wild card game the giants over the rams 13-3 third quarter if the giants win they're going to spend christmas on the west coast ali chic knuckle ball handled speaking of christmas day christmas day on cbs you can see many of the nation's top college players take part in the blue grey game and the nba on cbs returns with a matchup of eastern conference powers the philadelphia 76ers against the detroit piston julius irving and isaiah thomas that's christmas day with and on cbs sports injured ram is very redden he's the gentleman who's down right now barry redden was a number one draft choice of the university of richmond and uh when eric dickerson came here and john robinson came and they only use the one back in the backfield barry redden hasn't gotten an awful lot of playing time but he's in his third year and he really is a good running back like it might be his left knee it got twisted i think so we'll see right here at the end of the pile you know so many things happen once all these bodies start to collide once they all get to the same point around the same time let's see if we can see it he's still dragging now and it looks like his left foot gets caught in the ground and then his his leg is going to get pushed back on him i think that's barry redden number 30 who is limping off now jeff kemp just trotted into the ram huddle britain looks like he might be okay it's been a tough time here for barry red you know you come out you're the number one draft choice you're going to be the big running back probably capable of it and then in comes an eric dickerson who's maybe one of the greatest of all time and he only used one back so what [Music] you know the one thing we talked about earlier is that if the giants can hold them with the seven you see the three down linemen then you have four linebackers there they're able to hold them just with that seven-man front so far but now you see what happened the eighth guy the defensive back sneaked up there and he was outside so they they've really done a good job of that inside those three down linemen of four linebackers of containing eric dickerson stopping that dangerous cutback move with his [Music] he takes him down from behind i don't know how curtis mcgriff sneaked in there because that was that counter play that gap play where kent hill and irv panky pull from the outside and mcgriff somehow just sneaked in under you see here comes the garden tackle from the left now how does mcgriff get in it underneath those guys he started inside worked back out and he got dickerson from behind just made a very good play watch him he has to go in there on bill bain the 330 pound guy get off of him and then grab a hold of dickerson that's a heck of a play against the run they stop dickerson again as kent goes back to throw and goes deep for drew hill flag is down a penalty flag goes down carrie canard back there on defense they're going to call it i think against the giants they are did you see jared kernard he was pulling his jersey and show him he was saying that he held me he was trying to get offensive pass interference that's more than a first down that's a lot of yardage watching a double coverage 43 canard is running right there he gets his left arm around and he gets his left arm up that's not going to i don't think that's pass interference a guy has to be able to play you got to let him play he didn't do any he just covered him yeah that's wrong a penalty of 45 yards as you said a lot more than the first down rams go with dickerson again he is hit after a gain of maybe two kenny daniel made the contact ourselves really upset with the officiating and the call against terry canard well he has a right to be upset on that one he just put his arm in there he was just defending parcells he's down there sweating man we're in the trenches now we're getting here in the second half we're getting a little excitement see he just has his left arm up there as he's running and then and then he's going up there to catch the ball i don't know that and if that is it shouldn't be i don't know that the ball was catchable even you guys have to be able to do something on defense you got to let them play outside mcdonald mcdonald will have the ram first down at about the giant 17-yard line harry williams knocked him out again out of bounds a gain of 11. hey we see this more and more these quarterbacks right now they have to be tough guys watch here comes lawrence taylor he loops around comes right in on jeff kemp hits him with that right arm and hand and shoulder and he he looked like a little doll when he hit him the way he flopped to the ground it was just him with one arm six out of nine is kent for 76 yards first down rams at the giant 16 13-3 the giants lead it brown in motion looking got no place to go and he gets slung to the ground back at the line of scrimmage by [Music] banks [Music] you know the one thing about the playoffs we saw coach bill parcells over there he was yelling and sweating and the the intensity is picking up now there's so much finality about this thing i mean we all know that the winner goes on they're playing next week and the losers just everything in for struggling sometimes you have to keep in mind that to be here you have to have a good year here to the outside and he's going to score macdonald got the key 14-yard touchdown run for eric dickerson well that was all 46 gap i think that's the first time they ran it to that side today look what they found lansford with dales hoving trying to make it 13-10 [Music] and good 78 yards in sixth play they kept the ball three minutes 25 the secondary block on that touchdown was from number 83 watch him here james mcdonald didn't play college football he was a basketball player at sc watch that block in the corners he gets the corner man and dickerson gets a step through there's no one going to catch him to that flag eric dickerson from 14 yards out and the rams move closer 13-10 saw the block on james mcdonald the block that he got but watch the block that guard dennis harrigan he and bill bain are going to pull now that's a real load coming around this side but hera right here is going to get lawrence taylor right here now watch this block as they come around here you get the two big guys there's about 600 pounds pulling to the left 600 pounds turning up see right there see here it got eric got lawrence taylor the guy who makes most of the tackles james mcdonald got the corner and dickerson took it in and it's 13-10 the giants over the rams with 6 25 left to play third quarter around the corner flag is down as hill with a good return and gets out to about the 42 before ed brady knocks him out of bounds but a penalty marker a flag back at the 30. are you sure it's going to be against the giants it's going to be one of those holding or blocking from behind above the waist you see that so often on the kickoff returns it seems like just about all kick returns or some type of flag on a receiving team once again on the ram defense doug reed has taken the place of jack youngblood jack just not quite able to go he's gone for 14 years as well as anyone better than most from the 20 the giants put joe morris in motion and they send sims back to throw and he gets it out quickly johnny johnson takes a ride on the back of moat jim collins finally gets there and they get him down but he got a giant first down jack playing young blood zeke moad on that play reminded me a lot of dave casper when he used to catch a ball in the oakland in the open field he just loved that he loved to just get his shoulder square turn up find a defensive back hoping he'd jump on him and see how that then he would measure how far he gave the guy a ride get reference to stuff like that morris motion again sends back to throw again has time again to carpenter who gets about three for mike wilshere cuts him down gary jeter checks in for the rams that'll mean a four-man front for them as they think the giants are gonna have to throw ex-giant gary jeter gary jeter plays inside and out he'll play some at left defensive end when he comes in as a four-man line he usually plays a a tackle position but they switch him around up and down the line of scrimmage i think on this place the right defensive end he is he replaces reggie doss the ex-giant gary jeter jackson was the man in motion the handoff is to morris hit in the backfield and now smothered finally by jeter hit first by de-journey okay that's the guy who's made a lot of big plays today for this ram defense is charles d he doesn't even start at nose tackle he's an alternate in there but that's about the third or fourth time watch him over the center he starts over belcher makes a move to the outside and he gets joe morris before he can get to that corner and then of course the whole defense collapses on him the djna the nose tackle is the guy that made that happen third down and long 12 to be exact as the giants move into the spread sims is at his own 24-yard line in the pocket is sims he has a man open at final manual and he'll move into ram territory first down johnny johnson was the nearest defender good throw by sims i think they have to get the ball more and more to lionel manuel to me he's the most exciting player on this giant team because he has a speed and he has equipment and that's the type of guy you want to handle the ball do that he comes in he was going to go inside he read something in the defense works back out but this little guy can do it all he can run fast he has good quickness good hands he's an exciting player he's a game breaker i think you have to get the ball in his hands as much as he can to sims credit he figured out where he was going got it to him mars breaks to about the 41 and pick up picks up about five yards before jim collins stopped him giant lead is three points running with 340 left third quarter this is a good cutback by joe morris i bet you kevin belcher did a good job of blocking on the nose tackle that time because the play started off over the right tackle morris cut it back over the center second and six at the ram 40. [Music] gary green and johnny johnson the defenders the rams are pretty much a 100 zone pass defense team you know i think with those type of defensive backs they've had and all the injuries they've had that they've had to go to that thing it looks like that sims taken a little off of that ernest gray did beat that coverage looks like he split it and was behind it sims is 16 out of 24 for 126 yards and he's hit 10 out of his last 12. 136 36 [Music] [Music] sims really took a wallop there's a giant player down 20-yard pickup phil sims is going off the field he really took a shot after he threw that ball and it looks like it's his left arm or shoulder he's saying he's all right now budget he's looking for lionel manuel on the right side he finds it he takes a jolt right there just as he throws the ball i don't think he realized that he was hurt yet until he got up and he told the referee right behind him he took a timeout he's looking all the way he really takes a shot by number 71 reggie dawson was and the giant who's down is the right tackle carl nelson i believe that he's still down 13-10 giants over the rams carl nelson who is on the bottom of that pile after sims got hit took the blow to the ribs his replacement is conrad goody number 62 and he'll be facing doug reed first down giants ram 20. byron williams flick one of the receivers to give this to mars he's hit by dejourney back at the line of scrimmage again if the giants are going to get some running going the one thing they have to do is start getting degenerate blocked he's the guy that really caused him trouble no problem watch him in here he's over the center starts to the left just follows brad fenton number six he just follows him and says look here's joe morris i'll take him i don't want that guard anyway nobody blocked him up he ran around the center to the right and followed the left guard pulling a lot of guys around who'll be problems if you don't block him before collins arrives a minute 48 left third quarter giants 13 rams 10. they go rob carpenter took a little extra dance here and he's like all he did was let some more rams arrive on the scene had he made one cut take it up the field it wouldn't have been as many blue jerseys block still running with a minute and 25 seconds now left to play third quarter as bobby johnson checks in with the play and tells phil simpson did you get the play off sims in the grasp of jim collins a mix-up sims either misses the handoff or he is going to roll i out know if that was a mixed play or whether or whether it was going to be a bootleg because jim collins was on a blitz and we'll see him he's going to come right up the middle and see the guard pulls sims was faking i think he wanted the bootleg but collins was coming on a blitz the guard pulled the other way and there was no one to block him and he got a handful of jersey pulled it right over that shoulder pad and here comes the sheet and the sheik has been good twice already from 37 and 39 this one's from 36. and he's good again three for three is ali sheik and the giant lead now [Music] is 16 to 10 over the rams and we have 40 seconds left to play in the third game frank cephas and elvis patterson really put a shellac on barry redden [Music] there's a lot of white jerseys that converge on this play watch there's patterson right there mclaughlin who's there what about three guys crap phil sims was shaken in the series before so was carl nelson and they're putting a flank jacket on the offensive right tackle but he should be back at least that's our information eric dickerson again is the long setback as the rams take over at their own 17. kemp goes back to throw it's tight end mike carver outside the 20 about the 22 about a five yard gain lawrence taylor on the stop [Music] 12 seconds now 10 left to play in the third quarter and the giants lead by six phil sims on the telephone on the other side hoping say mom i won't be home for christmas going to stay out here if they do time of possession third quarter the giants had at 10 55 the rams 405 that's the end of the third quarter now with the score the giant 16 the rams 10 and we now pause for a word from your local station one more quarter to go of this wild card game pat sumrall and john madden at anaheim stadium where the giants lead it 16-10 rams have the ball at their own 23-yard line second and you know the five only got three points out of that drive they kept the ball out of the rams hand they can't wear them down they kept it out of eric dickerson's hand now it's in his hand dickenson hammers over the right side only got a couple it'll be third in about three or four ernest mcgriff who's had a good game made the tackle i'm surprised that they keep running that play to the right i'm surprised if they haven't come back more to the left with it and they've only run it one time to the left and they got big yardage over here and they keep running it to the right at curtis mcgriff who i think is the giant's best defensive lineman against the run as bill parcell said to us yesterday afternoon mcgriff and bain that's going to be a battle and it has been a gain of 16. watch mike barber here he's going to come on in on a crossing pattern pretty good pass protection here you see kemp is able to look out to the right find barber as a second receiver barbara catches the ball turns it up says ah there's a defensive back let me give him a clap with his right shoulder the other thing is it was terry canard who could whack pretty good himself jeff kemp is 8 out of 11 for 99 yards he gives fakes to dickerson now he's being chased by bert now again by marshall he throws in the direction of dickenson incomplete and now here comes the penalty flag down harry carson the defender and they'll call it against carson and i don't think there's much doubt about that one it is that it has to be interference because the ball is in the air when the quarterback starts to run he loses his protection and then the guys field can bump the receiver but not when the ball's in the air carson hooked him with his arm trying to make the adjustment was dickerson when you're in the open field passing at turn 53 at the first down you're in the open field with eric dickerson and there's no one else there with you you're going to do that type of thing look there's harry carson it's just the two of them there here he said i'll get it any way i can he natalie hooked him he spun him took him to the ground can't argue about that one and then first down rams at the giant 48. they've got some room but there's a penalty flag already down henry ellert wound up with the ball as a flag down again two penalty markers down flags all over the [Music] i think place bain pulled early for the first flag and there must been some sort of personal foul for the second one involving doug smith i think you're right i think the first one was illegal motion on the ram and the second one was later and down here look here's a little group down here see they're keeping track of the ball also illegal hands on the offense two penalty on the same team that's serious that is more service it's the same guy [Music] it couldn't have been the same guy i think bain moved early the first thing and then i think the other one was down field on a block later let's see if we can see it here the first one it looked like bane fired out a little early and the guy that looks like he has a hole there is david hill number 81 he had a hold of carl banks's shirt and i think they still had yet another penalty on that that's the one they called against doug smith getting back to dickerson [Music] so you talk about big plays in a game jerry canard has to have the biggest so far they're going to the right he starts in he just jumps over mcgriff he has a tackle there by reasons he goes outside of that makes one miss here canard just barely got those ankles right at the end that's the block here by james mcdonald 83 he gets a good one to let dickerson break it to the outside now once he gets to the outside as john robinson says when he straightens up he's gone he started displaying canard carter if kenar doesn't catch him it's good night nurse the fake is the dickerson him carl banks was out there facing him dickerson 18 carries for 83 yards now james mcdonald has had some big plays blocking he just caught a pass here it was interesting he was a basketball player at usc when john robinson was a head football coach robinson at usc tried to talk mcdonald into coming out and playing football he wouldn't do it for him finally he got here with the rams and he got him to play for the rams that's an easy way you know don't play college i want to save it for pro it helps with durability they say he has a chance to be a great one here is a great one dickerson but it's a ran first down inside the 20. david hill good luck up in front they do wear you down don't they that's what they try and do david hill this time number 81. he's the wingback watch him he's he's the outside guy he works out he's going to get the support guy see it right there he just he just turns kenny daniel out what a lane that gives for eric dickerson to run in until terry canard gets there david hill hills brother who is the cbs sports anchor man here in los angeles and of course david had a great many good years in detroit before he came here you know david hill he's a tight end both tight ends around 225 230 235 david hill weighs over 250 pounds bill parcells with cause for the concern at the moment wild card game at anaheim stadium where the rams are on the move for the first and ten at the giant 19. dickerson [Music] to the corner to the 11. lawrence taylor on the stop the other guy that was on the stop was jerry canard you know the giants didn't have canard on this series the rams could have scored at least two touchdowns what's the job that they do here on taylor mike barber 86 keeps him out there i want you to cut back there's canard he makes the tackle there again i'll tell you he's been all over the field at canardas we can look here at lawrence baylor but but canards the guys have been making the tackles on this crowd again they went in the direction of david hill who's on the right side this time second and two and up and dickerson gets the first down inside the tent where it'll be first and goal banks tripped him up and dickerson's over 100 yards you see that he was following her frankie and kent hill on that play when i asked him yesterday i said who do you key what do you look at who do you follow he said i don't know and i think most great running backs are that way they don't know what they do all their runs are just instinct injured giant player dickerson now 21 carries 103 yards the rams total is 106 so dickerson has all but three hurrier number 29 was the injured giant now he heads off the field seemingly okay there he is right there 29 it looked like he just got dickerson's knee either on his shoulder in the head as he walked off he said it's my head first and goal from the seven nine and a half minutes left to play the rams trying to take the lead giants dooley by 16-10 wayne crutchfield in the backfield in front of dickerson he hammers to about the three carl banks on the stop from the other side of the field i guarantee you dwayne crutchfield number 45 is a short yardage guy but noah john robinson from now on every play that they call is just going to be a call that's not going to go to crutchfield it's going to go to dickerson give him the ball every time the rest of the game until you're winning remember the last week when they lost to the 49ers they didn't have dickerson in that last series and they went to crutchfield they didn't have red and they went to crutchfield and they didn't get it they had to get the field goal and they lost to the 49ers dickenson is deep they operate from the four and a handoff is the front deal and he is smothered by leonard marshall why do that i mean i'm sure that crutchfield's a good player a good guy we have eric dickerson the guy's all world he's broken every record in russia all you have to do is flip from the ball and let them go i mean i don't know why it is i don't understand this i really don't i mean john robinson's a good friend of mine clutch feels good but not gone what you dance with the girl you brought you give it to the guy who's the best the one who got you there he's set in the open opening the wing defeat of number 29. jeff campbell [Music] about the five yard line they're gonna have to go field goal here comes lansford this is what cost in the game against san francisco they got down there and they couldn't get in this is one of the things that robinson said they had to be able to do that's right and against san francisco they didn't have eric dickerson remember he had gotten kicked in the foot and so they couldn't use them this time they had eric dickerson and they didn't use them i'm surprised if a guy is going to break records and you know of all time when you get down there close he has to get the ball this will be from 22 yards out lansford has hit from 38 already kills holden is good again and it's 16-13 a field goal battle between ali sheep and mike lansford 16 13 giants over the rams are in front of us that's a horizontal bar i mean you have to just put your head down and put it on a swivel right kenny hill for the rams number 46 down to make the tackle john come on out 16 13 6 53 left in the football game scoring drive took the rams a long time to get there 8 38 lansford hit the field goal and the rams are down by three the giants trying to hold on to the ball and trying to get into the playoffs sam just had a good day 18 out of 26 a lot of short passes the giants will stay here in fresno all week if they win before they play the 49ers next week they're up by three sims are not going to sit up he gets it out to go mars mars you know the way this game has been going pat and the field goals you said the holly chic ali sheik in the lansford field goes this looks like to me like an overtime game i think we're set for overtime here well just a thought you know yeah [Music] it makes sense because they get down there and they can't take it in from first down you know it's going to be a field goal first and goal at the seven they couldn't get in second and eight right now for the giants 6 15 left to play giants up 16-13 since again back to throw gets [Music] was the first man to hit him young blood back in the game number 85. you can just see with that sciatic thing that he can't push off he's going you know with that injury carl nelson was going with his injury he has the ribs third down and about a yard and a half big down carpenter is the lone setback and culprit goes in motion sends back to throw gets it out the carpenter and rocks with her lunges for the first down in the grasp of collins and leroy irvine first down giants and a big one 507 left to play you know that's when they rob carpenter doesn't have great speed but he has those little moves where he just moves the head and shoulders enough he's good with that quickness in line and once you get the ball out to him the open field he has that same little wiggle that can pick up a first down for you very important time to watch the clock now sims has hit 15 out of his left last 17. 4 40 left to play giants at their own 36. they lead by three sims tomorrows morris out of the pack and he could be gone there's a penalty marker down it's against the giants a gain of 61 yards by joe morris watch washed out that was an inside play the guy that they caught for holding is number 73 the center kevin belcher and that's right where joe morris ran you talk about big plays this is the biggest one and it's by the officials watch belcher looks good to me so far now you can't see could have held their right hand back there greg meiser i'll tell you it's still a heck of a run by joe morris let's see if you can see at the left side of the picture you see his right hand there he has it on meisner's right arm i don't know first and 20 back at the 26 now pick up about six carl ecker on the stop and the clock is still going winding down at 4 15. moan has seven catches for 73 yards zeke moab didn't make the pro ball this year but i bet he'll give it a good run next year he gave it a good run this year he was fourth into voting i wouldn't be surprised if next year if he's not in the pro bowl second down and 14. giants operating at their own 32 with phil simm dealing with a hot hand right now they sent galbraith in motion that usually means they'll throw again and they will and he has some time sam's looking now he doesn't have any time that down he goes mike wiltshire up to knock him down the fourth time sings his bend down i'll tell you jack youngblood just can't run it's lucky the wheelchair is coming here youngblood was trying to chase him he just didn't get over there and wiltshire makes a heck of a move here at the end but watch 85 youngblood he just can't push off of his leg now as he starts to run there's no way that he's going to get out there but here comes number 54 he was in coverage he saw sims and he comes running up the field that'll bring up a big third down with a clock still running at 3 15 left to play one thing sims did do with that scramble was use up some of the clock third down and 16. for the four-man front trying to put some heat on sim they do and it's all on that holding penalty of belcher the holding call i'll tell you the giants did what they had to they got a big run out of there it was fall back and then they couldn't overcome that penalty and now the rams get a shot here henry ellard is back deep and dave jennings is also back in the punt for the giant that doesn't count i think they blew the whistle before the ball was snapchat i think they might have run out the 30-second block right because the official who was deep started to run up before the ball was snapped it's against the giants they used too much time henry ellard made no move and maybe now they're saying they never started the 30-second flop well i know it was the official who was down there deep with ellard he started to run up waving his arms before the ball was snapped so he caught something he caught something going on that must be what happened that they never started the clock because there is no penalty well penalty clock operator didn't start for 30 seconds we're gonna kick over and we're gonna put three seconds back on the clock [Music] they're gonna put three seconds back on the clock they say on the game clock taking a second to do that everyone gets into these games and you got guys to blame you know the officials they stopped the clock it's a 30-second clock operator now well that's the playoffs there it is 16-13 the score giants over the rams henry ellert back deep jennings clutch situation gets off a good check ellen's gonna try to get around the corner can't do it the giants sling him down at the 25 frank cephas the man who does it a 47-yard good punt by jennings three-yard return by ellard it's 16-13 giants on kevin belcher against meisner one more time here's meisner right here this is where it happened now this is a big run of joe morris the 70-yard run you see meisner trying to number 69 trying to come off the block and you see belcher's right arm on his jersey it's kind of tough because you can put your hand on him you can push him you just can't grab or hold him that was kind of that was fight that was very tight keep in mind that though the rams have the ball they only have two timeouts remaining and of course the two minute warning they have two minutes and 48 seconds left to get something done and to get lansford in reign fake to dickerson out to brown brown dancing out of bounds at about the 30 for a gain of about five the elvis kenny daniels patterson also on the play kenny daniel knocked him out of bounds brown the sprinter out of bounds stops the clock with 242 gained at four make it second and six you know the rams now they have to be thinking field goal so they don't have to think of going 70 yards but they have to think in going 40 yards 40 yards will put them in field goal range they also have to be thinking first down somewhere along the line to dickenson outside the 30 about the 31 harry potter and gary reasons converge to stop him and they face a third down situation right here well they better hurry up and huddle they're not going to take the time out i'm surprised they didn't have two plays falls this is taking an awful lot of time to get out of that play in the huddle and back to the line of scrimmage third and six maybe a little bit shy of six but still it's considerable yardage can't back the throw trying to find somebody david hill had it and let him get away he's got a punt now do you not this is a tough thing i don't think he will the guy who made the biggest play on that was the left defensive end it was george martin they tried to get dickerson out and george martin started his rush and came off on him and the rams have taken a timeout with two minutes and two seconds left on the clock jeff kemp comes over to the sideline to talk to john robinson watch him here now jeff camp is going to try and throw the ball out to his right to dickerson see him right here he's trying to come off here right right there george martin came off with him he didn't let dickerson get out there now he had to come back to hill he threw the ball a little behind david hill and he couldn't handle it this is a very tough call you know you you only have one timeout left plus the two minute warning do you punt but if you punt you can't use your timeouts because you don't have your timeouts so i think that they darn here do have to go for it right here in fourth down as they're doing i think they do especially since they're down to one time out and see if they had their timeouts they'd be able to do it they'd be able to punt then use their timeouts to get the ball back but here now the whole season for the rams was boiling down to this one flight that's the situation i think that when you say exactly what you say is true that this whole season for the rams boils down to this one play in many ways it seems unfair because they have had a good year both teams it could be over on one play they're going for it they have to after this they'll have a two-minute warning taylor showing blitz and cummings and camp is hit from behind the ball comes loose and the giants will get it and it appears that the giants will be going to san francisco and staying in california for it was rule christmas fumble of the giants come up with it this is bill bain rolling on the ground and hurt him hey the giant sure got the pass russia when they needed it both ends he's going to get it from his right side and his left side as the thing starts to collapse on him about right now here they come one tailor from the backside barton from the backside and someone right up the front hit him he had three on one there andy hitton was the third man bill parcells has reason to smile the giants take over at the ram 34. bill bain lumping off the field the giants leading 16-13 here's the big fourth down pass rush lawrence taylor coming from the outside here in the right the bottom of the screen george martin 75 up there in the top we get the big push pushes in i watch taylor gets free off of panky he's coming from behind here's martin coming from the other side and hidden is in there also it was ruled a fumble and a giant bench is a place that you'd go right now if you wanted to celebrate a minute 58 left to play and over there things are not quite so happy first down giants the ram 33. [Music] the rams fire is just about out it's taylor over on the sideline happy about what's going on rams call their last timeout and now it's just a waiting game next the nfl today the post game show a look ahead to divisional games next week we'll have some live interviews irv cross of course is here with players from this game and then a feature on a look at coaching changes around the nfl right now it's 1613. the giants over the rams the rams out of timeouts the minute 49 left on the clock but there's no way that the rams can stop it all they can hope for now is the fumble terry carson looking on second and two harpender hit in the backfield short of the first down greg meisner hit him they might get the ball back for maybe one play perhaps two well i'm sure that the that the giants would go for it on fourth down anyway so they have they have two yards to go but they really have two downs to do it in the rams can't stop the clock one minute 23 seconds to go if they don't get the first down the rams could get another shot at it because if they stop on fourth down that's automatic timeout change of possession so this indeed is a big play again third down and three they get to carpenters flag is down flag is down i think the rams were offside and that would be enough for the first down and that would do it reggie toss on the stop it might have been meisner who jumped either misner and inside linebacker coming on a blitz trying to get a jump but it will be against the rams then it'll be a first down then it's all over been a bad weekend for los angeles pro football the raiders losing offside and now there is an authentic reason to celebrate see it right there in the middle of the screen meisner of course lined up over the center belcher he just got a little jump on and hit that gap on the right before the ball was snapped there's bill parcells the man on his right and with the red hat is bill marcel's high school coach his high school basketball coach sims just deals and the giants can get it done [Music] day of sorrow for the rams jack youngblood possibly the last game for him depending upon how his back heals and a sad day for all in los angeles 67 000 in attendance today largest in anaheim stadium history here for this playoff game it was not a sellout in time to lift the blackout as seen just deals [Music] up in fresno and get ready to play the 49ers up at candlestick next week where john madden and i will be parcels in robinson 16 13 giant victory it means the bears go to washington next saturday the nfl today will begin it all the nfc divisional playoff between the new york giants and the 49ers live at 3 30 eastern time that's where coach madden and i will be and on sunday again the nfl today and the redskins and the bears the winners of the nfc central and the nfc east
Channel: 80s Football Cards
Views: 5,786
Rating: 4.8378377 out of 5
Id: x_4sM77Xfzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 55sec (8275 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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