1984 Citrus Bowl - Georgia vs. Florida State (Kevin Butler's 71-yard FG attempt - barely missed)

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under a minute to play though well under it benches are being informed at the rates player they should be they will be by the officials yes although there's only one guy on the field when he hates all that's left Chumlee mm thrill again Dan'l's Emily was the first man through to step Eric Thomas the sixth sack of this game of Thomas by the Georgia defense timeout taken what end in a standoff Florida State a long way from field goal range and fourth down coming up they send the punting unit out or do they yep yeah they send them out but do they put well the problem is if you don't make it go thought was gonna come right in at you're right you're right I don't think they have much choice and I think that's the that's the disappointment on the face of Bobby Bowden they not only need a punt they need a darn good punt here just keep that of a rage drop the Clemson game revisited 61 yards they've they credited with 60 but it was actually over 60 yards he's had a virus all week Terry is number five standing on the sidelines that's his holder right there this could be like rocky to for Kevin but he Clemson with a 60 yarder and Florida State is going to really have to cover this kick 21 seconds left they kick down the field the 46 yard line John Lord the president of the Florida Citrus Bowl commission was talking about how they've upped the prize money it's up to six hundred thousand to four years ago I think it was something like another thousand next year it's going up to a menu at half the two of split thank you for playing games like that a lot of people down here pay a lot of money to see this has it if Butler would try right there that would be a my correct 63 yard attempt 7 yards plus 10 to the endzone to get a first down and field goal - this house born pretty for the ball and can't get to it there's Butler the clock has been out the whole fourth quarter so we have to get reports in the field and how much official time is left is about ten seconds left how much time he's asking finding out how much time doing some research on Kevin Butler of Georgia he has scored 14 points kicking in three games this season Kevin Butler 79% of his career field goals have been made only 21 misses in Terezin over 50 are picked up by whistle now we've been out of bounds anyway well here he comes super late Kevin Butler mr. B is autography hits this we did a tape with him earlier in the week he said he doesn't watch the kick he lets the crowd telling if it's gonna go in five seconds left line of scrimmage the 46-yard line it's believable the whole will be fine a 71 yard kick that's been believable this goes through Trump I do a double gainer right I've seen Dempsey kick one from 63 yards the National Football League record Garda Station put anybody it's either way just short of it furniture he made us believe it 71-yard attempts did in the middle yards short and he's mad at himself I think the game is over the officials are heading for the tunnel 71-yard attempt and so difficult ending for both teams who cut every doubt of the way only to end in a tie the first meeting between Florida State and Georgia since 1965 Devin Butler came close neither guard in the Hall of Fame he hit that one and he didn't miss it by much he's good Doug Flutie in the kicking world if he makes that way so the final numbers around the board a 1717 games been a lot of years since we've had a high Florida Citrus Bowl listen to these names 1956 Juanita versus Missouri Valley 66 1954 East Texas State versus Arkansas state seven seven o'clock better football game today executive producer of NBC Sports Michael Weissman and the coordinating producer of football NBC tech Nathanson our producer Peter all our director Richard Klein now for Bob Trumpy this is Don pricky at tied game 1717 then let's go to NFL 84 in New York more football coming
Channel: carlmilton
Views: 34,537
Rating: 4.9652176 out of 5
Keywords: Football;, University, of, Georgia, Football (ball), Kevin, Butler;, Vince, Dooley;, UGA
Id: rJuZbP3faD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2012
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