1982 ALCS Game 5 Angels @ Brewers

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the fifth game in this championship series live from County Stadium in Milwaukee let's bring you up to date recapping what has happened in the first two games they opened in Anaheim and the Angels won both 8 3 & 4 to moving to Milwaukee the Brewers responded winning 5 3 & 9 5 but they're walking Brewers defense F Cecil Cooper at first base Jim Gantner at second Robin Yount at Short Paul Molitor at third the outer perimeter it's been openly back in left field was supposed ribs and set a field at his Gorman Thomas fine defensive centerfielder he is hobbled his knee is very sore and he may not be able to play the whole ballgame we'll have to see in right field it is Charley Mora back in the plate Ted Simmons and the pitcher Pete Vukovich well Pete 18 and 6 on the year he was three and OH until last Wednesday night against the Angels this year and he's basically a sinker ball pitcher has a fork ball on his slider and he's a type of the guy that's not get in front of the hitters very often and the other night he got hurt on a lot of belt high pitches we're just going to have to see this is his second start this season with only three days rest though and as the other start when seven innings gave up 10 hits and ended up losing 3-2 to the first pitch of the ballgame to Brian downing is outside for ball one the only comment I would make about peekaboo kovitch Jim Palmer is he is a competitor well there's no doubt about it he's been 32 and 10 for the Brewers over the last two years had some good years with the Cardinals in st. Louis after coming over from Toronto and he battles you moves the ball around his theory on pitching is very simple he doesn't want to throw any two pitches in a row to any hitter the same speed so you'll see a lot of off-speed sliders hard sliders and the sinking fastball pitch - all right there the count Vallon Brian downing one ball and two strikes in yesterday's ballgame downing chasing a foul ball ran into the tarp roller which lies against the wall down the left-field line he banged his right knee it is swollen it is sore it is left that's all he had to say about it that shot down the right side it's going to drop in the corner and go to the wall downing turns first base he's going for two and he'll make extending downing leads off with a double [Applause] a manager is anxious to see what his pitcher is going to show them in the first inning because a lot of times it's going to dictate the type of ballgame that you're going to manage and here you see it's a pretty good pitch out her half down browning a Brian Downey who's hit very well to 81 on the year can hit the ball to left as well as right field goes right down the right-field line and the ball blows away from Charlie Moore who makes a nice play hold him to a double though the Angels leadoff man is on second base and the batter is Rod Carew with Molitor stepping in on the grass at third to take away as much of the bunt as possible let's see if jean-marc tries to move him up it's just high and away football one Earl what do you think Earl Weaver would you move them over try to get that one on the board I myself would let rod and he hit here try it I'd let him try to pull the ball if I could I think they'll be going for some big runs because you don't know what your pitchers actually going to have during the ball game and you don't know if one run will make it or you need more then it didn't work because Ben Ogilvie drifting to the line makes the catch in left field not able to move over they still have two big men coming up and Reggie Jackson and Redlands they've got a shot I've got a shot but I hate to argue this early into the game but I'll tell you what if if I'm the California pitcher I'd like to see that one run on the board and they can of course I know your theory is to put two or three runs up there but it's nice to get that early lead I think you'd like two or three better than one Jackson stands in Reggie to 415 one home run and Vukovich is high to him for ball one the wind blowing toward left a fly ball hit down the left-field line is going to get a lot of help right field you're gonna have to hit it they were flying out of here pretty good and batting practice again but these are the type of hitters that can make the ball get out in a hurry I talked to Reggie during batting practice and I said this is your kind of day and at reg and he said well it's supposed to be so we'll have to wait and see what he does look the starts him outside then goes inside and he's behind two balls and no strikes and this is similar the situation when he hit the home run off Pete the other night he got behind in the count threw him a high fastball I think one of the reasons Reggie's had so much difficulty in this series the two 4:15 as you said he struck out six times and five of those times they've gotten ahead with either the count 1 2 or 1 into it so they've been getting ahead of him and he hasn't been hitting the pitches they've been getting into him ship ship right to the third baseman military goes to second hits the baseline of the ball rolls out into the outfield and it was a bad play by Paul who should not have filmed the ball that way because getting there was nowhere near the bag there was no one to throw it to but Molitor who is learning to play third base just reflexively vying for the DoublePlay those are the type of things that happen in the big ball game the right Keith he had no chance the ball hit the runner in the back and now he saw at third base where he can score on past ball or an infield air Molitor will get an error on advancing Brian downing over to third and the batter now is Fred Lynn here's another look at the Play to see the ball rolling out Jimmy Kent are getting back to it as quickly as possible but downing moved quickly over to third and he edges off the bag as Fred Lynn steps in UNC his 8th for 14 in the championship Chile's this year Freddy swinging the bat awfully well he hit a curveball in LA for a home run yesterday the curveball to break up a no-hitter and I'd be very careful with him here the end the only problem of course is that you have Don Baylor who has 10 RBIs in the series right behind him and that's that's what makes it so tough to pitch against both of these lineups if you pitch around one guy and again Freddy Lynn with eight hits you have Don Baylor to answer for it now if you look out there if you're on the mound you're looking at that win not too good a win for the pitchers today whooping it's moving the ball around against Lin has missed the strike zone now and he's behind three balls and no strike and I think you'll get the green light here if it's a pitch that he can hit three and one he change speeds on three you know so he was thinking right along with us ok well this goes out to the game back in Wednesday night did gene Mauch led a couple hitters swinging away three and Owen that's a base hit down the line left field scores downing from third both of he bobbles the ball and Lin keeps right on hustling the second base angels break on top one to nothing well anybody can say they're not nervous if they want to but I'll tell you one thing a ballgame like this you almost have to be here you see Freddy Lynn just going with the pitch lukovitch got him a fastball away and he just poked it to left field and when Freddy Lynn's hot seen him do that many times the Bell bulky Brewers have committed two errors here in the top of the first inning will be charged with an error in allowing wind to go to second base and hoping it gets a strike on his first pitch to big Don Baylor 10 RBIs or the Big Texan [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it is glow then on second base with a single to left are not gonna run and then moved a second when overly bobble the ball we would think that Linn and Baylor of both probables in the MVP voting to each set foul bounces up in the air to fair ball that's a fair ball and Simmons frozen are gone looked at it and in realized adage that far out in front of him the privately was gonna be fair took off Simmons put it on the first hop throw him out but California exercising opportunity as the Brewers commit two errors they had a double and they had a single and they take the lead in the top of the first inning 1 to nothing for the new Waukee Brewers it'll be Molitor Yount and Cooper to lead off the bottom of the first the defense for California as we have seen it before Rod Carew at first base with Bobby Grich at second base and the shortstop is Tim Foley at third base Doug to sense a nose Pro not quite a sore after having broken it on Friday Brian downing will be in left field and we'll see how mobile he is out there with a sore knee Freddy Lynn in center and over and right field it is Reggie Jackson behind the plate Bob Boone will do the catching and on the mound Bruce Kison warming up [Applause] well Bruce Kison what a marvelous game he pitched on Wednesday nine innings five hits no walks two earned runs one of them maybe been averted by the fact that Freddy Lindo for a ball and a ball one for the inside-the-park home run eight strikeouts again doing something today that he's kind of unfamiliar with which is pitching on three days rest even though a lifetime and he has not done it since 1979 lifetime he's 10 and 1 with an earned run average under two and a half runs a game pitching with three days rest and I think the only reason it's that by the urine run average is the fact that he gave up seven runs in one of those ball games I think he's only lost so I think the big question today is number one will he be able to pitch as well as it the other night where he had great command of his pitches got his breaking ball over when he needed to he threw his fastball as Earl Weaver set up and away and also in on some of the hitters and I think the toughest thing about Bruce Kison and Bob Luna said this he gives you so many different angles because he throws three quarters and then he also drops down and throws sidearm and up the hitters have a lot of different areas to look from where the ball is coming on the five hits he allowed in game number two three and he was ahead particularly through the first six inning even virtually overdid it I don't think three days rest is going to bother Kissin because he's done a considerable amount of relief work and probably has been used on back-to-back days out of the bullpen in his life now he will pitch to Paul Molitor who is four for 16 with two runs batted in where the two home runs and the five runs batted in and multiple takes ball one from Kisha it is a soreness around the fingernail index finger that is a bother to learn more than a blister and it's something that he has been troubled by throughout his major-league career a lot of times you put a lot of pressure on your both your forefinger and your middle finger and remember a playoff game I pitched where I think I struck out 12 batters in 1973 and the back of my middle finger the nail underneath the skin underneath the now turne black and blue just trying to maybe overthrow Molitor hit took the left-field base hit and it trucks in there like an 8-iron and lower this boy to second base said he's in there little hustle he start running from the minute he hit that ball as hard as he could and if we had not he would not have been able to take that extra base and here you see the some of the effects of the rain yesterday and the wind blowing out and here you see the ball it's kind of hooked into left field downing because of the wind to left field plane a little bit deeper he's hustles on the ball maybe a little bit slower because of his knee Mulder is going for the double all the way into second base easily so the boys respond as Molitor stands at second base with a leg double and a Robin Yount steps in be interesting to see if Robin Yount who tried to go to right field to get him over to third base here or if Harvey thinks that he would prefer the beginning himself Robin is not knocked in a run so far in the series he does go to the right side and his foul in the seats Robins one of the fellas have can do that as well as anybody in in the American League in in our last series every time we threw him a good pitch on the outside half of the plate it looked like it went for a base hit into the into right field he's hit 14 balls and all of them and been in the alleys or up the middle in this series and a lot of people wonder why Robin Yount could have 46 doubles and 12 cripples mainly because he hits the ball in the gaps he's the type of guy that hits the ball up the middle and he's strong enough to hit 29 home runs to it sounds a little like the most valuable players fate well I think that the reason that they they yell at MVP here obviously when you hit over 300 you get over 200 hits yet 29 home runs you lead the league in doubles have 12 triples and you're probably more you might most likely win a Golden Glove at shortstop they consider you for the Most Valuable Player Award and the ability to move the runners over get and run one ball and one strike don't rob and out decent X the runner and the outfits it's likely at the Grich rich wanted to go to a third decided against the vertical limit first that one who moves over with one out the ball was hit hard I'd like the fans to realize just how tough a play that is a good play that Bobby Grich made on a short hop you'll see it hit right at his feet he had thoughts of going to third it was hit so hard but if PETA thrown and it would have been a silly play Cecil Cooper now with an opportunity to get the Brewers even the tying run in this first inning is over the Prairie mullet hook speed Cooper at the plate 2 for 16 and they're gonna play the infield back a wise decision is the pitcher you don't want to have that big inning and if you play the infield in and they get a single then you have Simmons coming up another Manning's position at first base so given that run now and stay away from the beginning and the hope that your bachelor come alive especially since you have one on the board already Bruce came out of pesco Washington thought his major-league career and it skewed slowly to the senso at third he chases the runner back and they just kept Cooper at first place look the changes had dropped the ball drop the ball the umpire head and called out already and Cooper was going to argue the play if we can see it again you'll see Cooper jump up Cooper did not know that the first baseman had dropped the ball and a wise base running play by Paul Molitor our third base caused that to happen he gave Doug a fake as if he was going Doug to sense a a fake as if you were going to go home Doug had a stop watching he gives him a fake Doug had to stop he had to stop from it and it caused a bad flow to first taste it's an error on to sense a on the Cooper play at first base the flow was in the dirt so we've had three errors in the ball game already two by Milwaukee and now one by California and Simmons hits the lower right section although gloves it and wallet they're tags and he's coming and it's cut off backe and we'll even at warning people holding at first place Reggie showed a strong arm but it was just hip t deep fell to have a chance to fill a man out of home plate Reggie hit the cutoff man perfectly that Simmons wasted no time we liked what he saw on the first pitch and nailed it well the ball was hit hard keep and it doesn't seem the key sin is throwing as well as he was in California the ball doesn't to be seemed to be sinking his most sinker ballers as we saw in Tommy John yesterday you want to try to get him early in the ballgame and we're just gonna have to wait and see if he starts making a little bit better pitches I'll agree with you I don't right now think he's slowing that as well as he did in California but he might be trying to establish his pitches teach him then oh go be left-hander to the plate 1 for 11 Wow they've had some pretty good cuts up to this point and there have been some balls hit hard already well that will happen in the first inning as a starting pitcher or any pitcher I think the first thing is most difficult one you're going to have in many cases mainly because you don't know the mound the mound here in Milwaukee does not slope as well as the one out in California and this takes a while to get accustomed see what pitch is working for you what about the difference in both down mountains compared to the lounge you're gonna catch on in the game well they all differ a perfect sample going up in the Kingdome in Seattle is looks like a ski slope when you warm up and you get out on the regular amount it's much flatter so you have to adjust and that's one thing that a starting pitcher has to Duke's and even a relief pitcher in fact a relief pitcher has even less time this is usually coming in a situation where the ball games on the line one ball and one strike tap to open a sharply struck Carew look what I found grab at first base steps on the bag to the sighs well this first-inning opens up like we are gonna have some fun this afternoon in the American League Championship game of 1982 after one it's tied at 1-1 it's a little shaky in the picture but there's a look at downtown Milwaukee with Lake Michigan out there in the background and we pull back that picture coming from a top County Stadium we back out here and now you see the helicopter flying around up there battling the elements and the elements are decreasing in quality I should say as they tell us another storm is on the way Don denkinger back at the plate calling the balls and strikes al Clark at first base Larry Barnett second bill Kunkel third left-field line rich Garcia Steve Palermo right the align this is the third big ball game in recent years for Don denkinger he was behind the plate last Sunday in the Baltimore Milwaukee showdown he was also back at the plate in that playoff game between the anchors of the Red Sox in 78 and distensae bunts it perfectly for a base hit on the first pitch dark dissin say had the third baseman Molitor well back of the bag at third and he just lays it down and taking advantage of Molitor playing deep maybe this is advantage of a five-game series to the groin pull the Doug had in the first game in the second game has seemed to have gotten a lot better batter now is Bobby Grich as de sensee has tied a League Championship Series record and you see reflected there and which squares to bunt and it's up high Molitor in on the grass at third base now as Rick showed bunt on the first pitch and Vukovich lobs it over to first base Tim Foley is on deck this is the portion of the batting order that jean-marc uses for what he calls little ball Rubin runners around and it's been productive for him all season long which fouls it off at the plate and the count is 1 & 1 I'll tell you as far as as a sacrifice is concerned or if you're going to bunt for a base hit with the rain that fell yesterday the infield is soft and it's going to kill a ball and it's going to make it easy easier to sacrifice and also easier to bunt for a base hit I think the infielders are going to have to come up because the grass is a little bit slow [Applause] the way Kayson looked I'm not sure that I wouldn't for a few innings at least go for the big heavy [Applause] leigh-anne catch at first base the whole doesn't say as close as possible not listed as a speed man but he reads pictures well it has better than average speed which against wearing the month and the pitches up high and away two balls and one strike we've now moved into a pretty good hit and run situation Vukovich is going to have to come into Bobby Grich to sense a showed us that he's feeling a lot better and Doug can steal some bases [Applause] listen say goes the pitch outside the throne they get it Cummins put it right where it had to be either getting a perfect throw and evidently it was more of the runnin hip rather than a hit and run because if it was a hit and run Bobby was supposed to help mountain and try to get the bat on the ball Bobby took a high fastball I think it was a fastball and Simmons put the ball right there anything else and descents a would have been safe to count to three balls and two strikes and again you saw Vukovich coming back three and one with a slider he does not mind pitching with three balls on the hitter he does it almost all the time in 223 innings he walked 102 batters this year so I think a total of maybe 300 and some runners in 223 innings and yet he still had a fantastic year 18.6 well that's why you win 18 games if you can get a breaking ball over when you're behind you're going to be a successful pitcher rich breaking his bat gonna go get it at Lisa lumber one of the things we saw in Vukovich is performance in game number two he was unsettled rocky in the first four innings of that ballgame but from that point on the final four innings that he faced he got into his pattern and he got tougher and tougher and tougher a big guy from western Pennsylvania Jim do you think he looks a little more rustic than the other games that we've watched by topic and pizza nah ready to get off the mound he thought that was strike three I wonder if we could today if we had a camera on the pitcher right after Bobby Grich swung at that pitch he'll be pitching now to Tim Foley with two down any 2 for 13 little high [Applause] that's what one in one this is one of those games where if plan a isn't working for you see you later there's no time for Plan B there's another stock on the outside corner 1 & 2 [Applause] over-the-topness Twitter to entry [Applause] [Music] working quickly three and two so two successive hitters he's gone to three and two it's the same thing Jim's been talking about he makes his best pitches when he's behind Olli throws the bat at the ball strikes out on a breaking pitch and he is gets him thrown out after one and a half of one one game Gorman Thomas comes to the plate and this will be a very interesting moment in this ball game receive just how he performs at the plate just how much that very very sore knee is going to affect his work at the plate it didn't seem to bother the batting practice swing of course a little bit different once the game starts it is his right knee it's interesting in the interview he said he talked to Mike Schmidt and they kind of have contrasting styles Mormons got a little bit up on the plate trying to pull the ball and there you see a good fastball by Keystone on the outside part of the plate yet Gorman always seems to be a pull hitter it's trying to jerk the ball and it's a good day for him to be hitting today because of the wind blowing in the left-field seats 1 & 1 I wonder how much his Neel affect him defensively if he can get to the same balls today that he could have before he heard it [Music] Don money waiting on Beckman then Charlie more gets loose Kishin here in the bottom of the second inning in a 1-1 ballgame and that's a foul ball [Applause] he looked he looked down the first base line and he's limping a little bit on his way back the Lemp is very noticeable ever [Applause] one ball two strikes check swing roller second baseman grits limping the first base thrown out limp is very very obvious [Applause] and this is the I think the first lineup surprise we've had all series a normally Roy Hal would be playing against the right-handed Bruce Kison first a home run stats have gone money 16 and 275 times at bat and Roy only hit four and 300 so with the wind blowing out and being a pull hitter maybe is going with Don hunt money because he's number one probably had more experience and in big games and also as a pole hitter with the the wind aiding his swing today he's done well against right-handed pitchers one ball in one strike the inside corner Jim I don't know if you'll believe this or not but I have had the wind influenced me when I've made up lineups and especially in Fenway Park 1 2 pitch the money daddy so Thiessen gave him some good pitches one he didn't like very much and specs it up and here you see the sidearm breaking ball not much of a swing definitely fooled on that pitch quality pitch Sally Moore right fielder number eight man in the order by for 10 in the series nothing big but pesky that's type E hitter he is seems like pitchers have settled down we've had three strikeouts out of the last five men that went to the bat more hits it up in the air for the right side carrying out in short the right-field area where Reggie Jackson and Fred Lynn Buck together and Fred Lynn makes the catch cutting in front of Reggie and once again we had players bumped together we had a ball fall yesterday in the infield as Milwaukee messed it up they get away with this one and we're 1-1 at the end of two innings this really shouldn't happen ball players running into each other Bobby Grich is standing there in the circle calling one of the one of the two of the players I don't know who he's calling but with the crowd noise they just can't hear him sometimes and they're lucky that they got the out on the play also lucky they didn't hang hard enough to turn her song Bob Boone leads off for California at the top of the third inning with Brian downing and Rod Carew to follow Vukovich delivers and he shoots it up the middle into the left-center field area where Gorman Thomas hobbles over and picks it up and Bob Boone's aboard with a single and it kind of continues the pattern the food povich's had with Bob Boone hit the ball hard on Wednesday night three times and they were all fast balls in the middle of the plate he just threw him another one and he hit the ball hard into centerfield released him to left-center and for the third successive inning the California Angels have the leadoff man aboard downing coming to the plate now doubled to lead the ballgame and came around to score California's run we're even at 1-1 [Applause] whereas two but puts it down on the first base side guru I read the Cooper and Cooper going to get there as booth scampers on down to second base and stands there so with one out here is Peru [Music] downing leading off moved around to come on and score the first run now Boone's out at second base and guru who hit a flyball to left field his first time up stands at the plate with one out this one is for the American League pennant the fifth game of the championship series each is won twice on the home field and Booker that's delivers to the roof inside ball one [Applause] I became the manager of the Bruins [Applause] he's outside with a pitch and goes to two balls in those strikes [Applause] gene Mauch is going to be content trying to get him one at a time but really if you can get one an inning that's nine for the game [Applause] danger speed it slow three balls and no strikes took a rule Reggie Jackson is waiting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] watch him first walk in truth well here's wedgie runners on first and second one out this is Reggie situation he certainly loves to hit well I found it interesting that the first time up Molitor made a great play of his line drive he was going to left-field good the pitch pitch to Moy and Reggie was content going with that way and I think the reason is if in batting practice with innumerable balls on left-center field today he knows that he can hit the ball to left into some home runs he drives the ball awfully well that way foul ball just barely down the right side as Cooper way to dive for it Vukovich might have the same feeling he went in with the net time Jim Reggie can hit the ball over the left field fence as well as any left-handed hitter in the league and he's getting a little bit of help with the wind blowing out that way today he broke his back you'll get a new one [Applause] redlund standing there he is the next scheduled hitter one out lukovitch has been behind an account on eight of the 1st 11 hitters it's not the way I'd like to pitch but again as we said he could be redundant that's his style and it's been a very effective over the last couple years [Applause] well let's see if he's got himself in a hole here one strike on Reggie runners are Joe [Applause] comes inside again backs him off a little bit make it one in one Bob Boone at second rod guru at first [Music] Wow at the plate it's Milkovich now 1 & 2 [Applause] the score tied at one here in the top of the third inning [Music] the ball bounced up off Reggie's me now that I have to play I don't think death fits me as well wait the bench the present in or it was enough with just the high breaking ball in the middle to play put the speed pool Reggie you just got a little bit on top of it here you can see move Simmons moving in [Applause] well goes right where Simmons moved in I think after you see so many breaking balls and he pops the ball high in the strike zone and Reggie being a much better lowball hitter unless you do they'll get the ball out over the plate and here you see the high fastball Reggie just can't quite get to it swings right through it and with two out now and two own and a 1-1 ballgame Fred Lynn coming to the plate [Applause] [Applause] but first like Fred Lynn single his first time up moved up the second when Ogilvie bobbled the ball and he expired there I think an interesting thing on Fred Lynn Earle is that they are pitching him contrary the way we pitch him we've had a lot of success going in on him and they've been staying away and you can see the stats 9 for 15 are not been very successful doing that well it took us three years to find out that the best place was under his hands and if you have any success I think that's what we found we had the most but heap Fred don't have a lot of holds at home plate and there's just not many places to throw the ball that he can't hit him [Applause] [Music] but two strike pitch to that room reaches out snaps it into left field for a base hit boom comes alone over-over ones the ball and the California Angels go back on top to the one then continues with his Macbeth [Applause] [Music] it looks like an off-speed pitch away kind of gets fool he's out on his front foot he just pokes it in the left field and again they went away with him with a breaking ball and he got another base hit and then Ogilvie has his second error as he overruns the ball Baelor ladies on a little file to Fitzsimmons petty or threat warning the conditions will have a little bit to do with that they're trying to get into the ball it's not rolling all the way out to him like it would do if the grounds were dry and they're running right past it I really thinking if thought he might have a play at home plate with the speed of Bob Boone and discharged and wasn't able to come up with it Baylor makes it high or one ball and one strike [Applause] Rod Carew moving around a third base has over the over and the ball Don Baylor at the plate was dead Lynn out there at second and the 1-1 pitch is hit high in the air for the left side Robin Yount going back for then taking it back taking it back and he makes the catch for the third out so Milkovich is able to get Baylor but California gets one run and fix the leaves to the one in the middle of the third that picture from a helicopter carrying one of our ABC cameras up above county stadium in Milwaukee and gives you not only a perspective of the area and the ballpark but I think also gives you some idea how missed the wind is blowing just a few hundred feet up in the air and it's pretty brisk down here to is a glory it just stretched flat out on the left-field wall yeah we will move now to the bottom half of the third inning with Milwaukee and Jim Gantner will lead off to be followed by Molitor and yellow get Mary yesterday for his first base hits of the championship series got two and they were productive matter of fact the bottom of this Milwaukee line up yesterday was very productive real hard more and get more accounting for five runs sex for 10 it was really impressed to how much confidence gene Mauch had in Bruce Kison wood we might have something to do with the fact he's 31 and 7 and September and October but he had perfect confidence that Bruce Kison will do whatever it takes to win today two balls and no strikes that one is outside in a way [Applause] [Music] punishment aside misses three balls and no strikes to get really the bottom 1/3 it's not kissing style the pitch from behind now [Applause] we watch Dettman on four pitches now the second time around for the top of the order Molitor and meow and Cooper with Gantner on first case the temperature 58 degrees and the wind gusting up to 25 miles an hour but drive thank goodness yes and this is the part of the order that they will hit me run with rise to but it it was not a sacrifice he was going for they said on that he didn't score around at all he dropped the bat he didn't want to give away the fact that he was funny and he's a good one there is a along the lines both the first place of Burgos it is sloped further suffering yes it does and again I would like to mention that the infield is a little damp and it slows up all up swagan a mess by Molitor he's an aggressive hitter and he's behind now two strikes now the sensei can move back at third base [Applause] he's back off of the grass now about two or three steps behind third-base deadly breaking off first let's the Molitor bowel tip stays alive [Applause] being up in the booth the first time thief on the low pitches I really have trouble seeing whether they're fouled off or not it's hard the sight line to we're not exactly behind home plate here so the umpire and a right-handed batter makes evasion particularly difficult see where the moon who sets the target which goes inside I'm not so sure Jim that boon is always able to set a target here unless he is insisting on it because of all of the various angles that you said Pisan creates with his varying style of delivery well he tries to give him a location he doesn't want to do it too early because then the hitter can see that but there you'll just see he just kind of leans in on mall door and you kind of throw for the back of the glove and some catcher's I mean everybody's different and some catcher's give a much more obvious target he looks like he just kind of gives him the back of the glove and he sand his ball runs so much and he as you said throws from so many angles that he gets the ball in the inner part of the plate the ball is gonna do some kind of movement and that's what you want one ball in two strikes now to Paul Molitor really looks like goons an excellent catcher to throw to we talked about his ability to throw runners out but gives a nice target a nice low target and moves very well one two the hole left here basic military gettin their turns at second for Scottsdale [Applause] so the bull is falling behind to the one come battling back now with gentler at second molecule first for robbing me up at an exuberant fan exhorting the cloud to let's make more noise well we'll see if our be keen is going to movers runners over right now Doug the sensei is giving a few bunt signs each club in the American League has defenses that you work on in situations like this sometimes the third baseman will charge sometimes the first baseman will charge and you work on him a lot in spring training now it's getting harder and harder to get the ball down but RB keen just decided that he was gonna let him swing away on that pitch it was high and tight Harry Warner the man at third coaching their passing on the science and Ron Hanson over at first base and Andy Hassler and Steve Waco have now begun to move around in fact we're now rolling in the California bullpen a slur on the Waco the out hits it suffered essentially on the bag at third over the second one and a good hard slide by Molitor at second base takes Bobby Grich down and Harvey gambled dug descents they made a very good play it was a hard hit fall down third he thought he thought very quickly once he got it he got the lead runner a lot of times a third baseman will go to first on this point but Doug knew he had time to throw the runner out at second and now there are no runners in scoring position I tell you they came pretty dadgum close to a triple play if Molitor doesn't take rich down at second base they might have been able to wheel three count runs pretty good but he certainly did get taken out of the play the out on first base on the fielder's choice in Cecil Cooper stands at the plate hoop only two for 17 [Applause] runner goes he swings in it's foul out will come back that's the run and hit right there in place of the hit and run that was they were going for a stolen base but at the same time they hitters got the go-ahead if it's a pitch he likes and he wants to swing out the hip run would be that when the runner takes off the hitter has to protect him by trying to hit the ball no matter where the pitch might be deep breath by those Creason a one strike pitch the coop of the runner goes again and coop again fouls it away he might have had a whack at a bad pitch there and looked like it might have been a little outside and low well is a good lowball hitter and I think one of the reasons that a Cecil Cooper would be hitting and struggling in a playoff like this they've seen so many left-handers if there's any if he has any weakness and it doesn't mean that he cannot hit left-handed pitching because he does Tommy John did pretty good job of making good pitches with him there's the bullpen Esler is the left-hander steve Rinko the right-hander Franco was a very important member of that California pitching staff particularly in the early going this year the two strike pitch to Cooper Yount does not go and the pitches outside and low if the game stays the way it is there'll be a little second guessing as to the bunt situation there and and Harvey Keane letting out swing away but I'd like to go on record saying I would have let young get in that situation myself [Applause] swirling dust light now Cooper comes back in to up now the first one tooth the pitchers best friend helping boost Goosen here at a double-play Robin Yount is going to run if he gets half a chance if keaston forgets about him or isn't too quick with this delivery to home plate gouge is going to try it out but to get down in scoring position for Cooper one two the book [Music] again of this being a situation where even if you own would be thrown out you don't mind having anybody it's 3:13 on a year leading off the next inning you're going to make a good manager that pitch is outside it's going to they can second-guess all they want but if I was managing and I had a guy like Robin Yount up 210 hits on the year I think I'd let him hit away to keaston just made a good pitch got a sinker down and in and Robin get it right to the sensei and as you well know where we be if you're intimidated by second guessers up here in the wrong does that's exactly right swinging in emotion specks him out so Cooper strikes out on a fastball thrown to the outside and the Milwaukee Brewers are turned away thanks to the double play California leading two to one full County Stadium in Milwaukee for the championship game of the American League season for 82 and for the California Angels here in the top of the fourth inning which tugged the since a Bobby Grich and Tim Foley this in say a base hit first time up and then was thrown out by Ted Simmons as he tried to go to second base and he Key's that foul Vukovich has thrown 50 pitches in this any 50 pitches in this team did say well he's the type of pitcher that throws a lot innings maybe that's why he's had some problems with his shoulders 130 140 pitches is nothing mainly because as we've said all day he pitches from behind doesn't mind a 3-2 count spends - sensei around as he buzzes in high and tight to go to balls and a strike toward the corner sambar ricochet by Ogilvy this inside a second double [Applause] I thought the pitch was happening we've mentioned this before but that de sensei is a real good hybrid and it's the force successive inning in which the California Angels have had their leadoff man aboard watch it just fair about a foot the game of inches they say [Applause] and now Bobby Grich Bobby hitting in the number seven spot when Jean marks batting order today with Tim Foley moving for the on-deck circle again he'll be interesting to see if gene Mauch decides to bunt even with Tim Foley coming up next that's in which lever full swing at it slightly now Jim Slayton right-hander and left-hander Bob McClure up in the Milwaukee bullpen Bobby Grich goes to right field pretty good he can get the runner over in that manner a feat there's the sacrifice right down to Cooper and he tags blitz going by as the sensei moves over to third Grich is going to tell him that Cooper tagging with the with well but he had the ball in his hand and I don't think al Clark in at first saw that Don denkinger the home plate umpire coming and declares him safe that's what the umpire should do they should confer and get the play right that's the most important thing Ted Simmons Jim Gantner Harvey Keene have a look at it I don't know if we can see from this angle exactly which hand he has the ball in all right he's got it and he's got the ball in his left hand and tags him with a club your right hoof Oh baby I have never seen it I have never seen that before there's the glove on the right hand the ball clearly is in his left hand now Cooper reaches out and tags him with an empty glove are you telling me how many times you've seen that earlier it happened in a World Series Elrod Hendricks Jagd I forget the runner Jim do you remember the runner I was pitching those Bernie carbo who tried to come in from the third base but what happened was that Ken Burkhart Hellfire got in the way so he didn't have much choice he tried to reach around him with the glove and the in the ball but here and Bobby regrets running hard right there as you'll see Cecil figures he has a chance to tag him but as it turns out probably kind of a out of the baseline and that causes the problem I'm sure that the Brewers are arguing that he was out of the baseline that contact was made by Cooper and probably helped to affect it it will go as a sacrifice and an error on the first baseman Cooper Merle knows the ruling but if it I would imagine if a base runner goes out of the base line to avoid the tag he's automatically out automatically out you're allowed three feet and that's what that we call it the 45-foot right down the first base line the runner is obligated to run inside of that the last 45 feet from home plate to first base Tim Foley if that now is lukovitch pitches to him high on away there's the fortify that's a double line the 45-foot line coming down the runner is obligated to stay in there [Applause] [Music] Rich's on first base and that the sensei is on third base nobody out California leading to the one batting here in the top of the fourth inning and the American League season is over after this ballgame in fields back they're going to go for the double play and concede another run look at it good pitch inside corner to I think zdenka Jude did a good job in overruling the Clark on the plate the object for an umpire in crew is to get the play right even if you have to change your decision now in m-21 pets and Foley fouls it away into the stands out of play [Applause] [Music] well Jenkins your if he thought he was out of the baseline and denken juror evidently didn't could have ruled could have ruled him out for being outside of the 45-foot line and I'm really when we saw the replace it seemed as if he were outside the baseline the two toothpicks to Tim Foley popped up in the air Cooper going back down next above what a holes occurred what up now the important thing I think here is where gritch was before contact is made by Cooper and where he is when contact is made for Cooper and I think that's what you want to try to watch now he's on the line now here's Cooper coming across that's a 45 foot line there that's a restraining border okay now Cooper coming across with the empty glove he's on the line contact is made he is cusco that's one argument that could be an argument yes I agree with that now we have time called as the plate umpire Don denkinger is being administered to by plenty Federico there was he nicked by the foul ball the one I didn't see anything there the ball went off sailing away I wonder if something came out of the stands it was a catcher's mask arrested mice batted him around a little bit [Applause] well that's what happened Ted Simmons took his mask off and whacked him alongside the head unintentionally of course on the foul ball oh he's all right and let's resume now with one out ha boom the better there are a couple of things we can look for here in the second game they squeezed in this situation that's good thinking Bob Boone can handle the back at the if I were in the dugout I'd be ashamed of myself for not thinking about it - it is past the pitcher hard play Cooper goes to second man a safe run scores from third 3-1 California and it was the suicide squeeze the ball got passed through kibbutz keeper coming of course being a left-hander could have no play at first base here comes descents a from third and the bunt is right past the pitcher's mound and the sensei just walks home and the reason Cooper you'll see Cooper go to second here on this play is that Gantner even though they did do it in the second game doesn't anticipate it I doubt if he could have gotten first in time and Cooper tried to get the only out he could got a big inning building right now Grich at second base Boone at first base top of the order Brian Downey and the sky getting very dark it's another storm coming [Music] that's a strike that's Gretchen second and that's bone at first [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] counting shoots it foul ask for space and into the crowd [Applause] some of the angel coaches have an interesting theory on Brian downing here's a man who 28 home runs to 81 hit 326 back in 79 he's extremely strong went on a way to building program they feel he has a tendency sometimes to swing too hard he's too strong to have to do that maybe with a bad deed he might be trying to go a little bit more to right-field who saw him double down the right-field corner of the first time also see that he's wearing his regular glasses today yesterday in the rain he went to contact lenses and then when the rain stopped late in the game he went back to the glasses he just said depends on sometimes the weather conditions sevens and Vukovich will talk now through either one California on Thursday after too close for comfort here on ABC Richard Crenna and Patty Duke Destin returned to television for an outstanding new family comedy called it takes two you can have a power of laugh this coming Thursday at 9:00 8:00 central and mountain downing stands in as the runners edge off Richard second boom at first what people could that you would love to have here as a ground ball of one of his infielders for a double play get out of this inning and hoping his team can get back in the game could be volunteered a second for one bought the first so lukovitch gets the DP boy as downing shoots it's ugly down to third Molitor and get an eternity and in the middle of the fourth it is three to one in California well after an unusual half inning in this fourth as California then a Cecil Cooper tagged a man without the ball in the glove California able however because of the double play to squirrel me one time to take a three to one lead now it's Ted Simmons Ben Ogilvie and Gorman Thomas for the Milwaukee Brewers and summons at a sacrifice fly his first time up to knock in Milwaukee's run California now seven hits off Vuckovich the Brewers the truth office do see and they've done a good job on consent to Ted Simmons super hitter in the hole in the three singles 15 times at bat good pitching him well first baseman Carew does it himself then overly coming to the plate bruised his ribs two days ago play at left field this morning I talked to him did you how badly banged up are you well I'm not really banged up that much I think when I run into the wall I checked it out with the vouchers and what I'm experiencing right now it's just a couple of bruised ribs against Kisa he was tough the first time out what are you looking for today well I know he's not going to change his style and I'm not going to change my style so and we're just gonna go out there and do my best and a little fastball and he makes it up a little bit some ball speed pitches and sliders so I think he basically gonna try to fish me same morning and Giessen gets the first pitch in for a strike on over hood he's been pretty quiet with the back man is at 34 home runs this year that ball is well hit for the outside Reggie Jackson looks out let's go look like a nonce off-speed pitch to me look like a bell high changeup in the middle of the plate and as we've said load will be moved off the plate he says he looks fastball but he hit the breaking ball very well this year if you made a mistake with it I know he had a home run off me here in the county sitting on a high changeup after I got him out with the same pitch and Bruce just got it in you'll see right here goes a mile speed pitch and it's just kind of Delhi in the middle Leyton Moldova gets his arms extended and hits the ball solid goes a long way and it's a 3-2 ballgame Norman Thomas now comes to the plate let's um read here on the composer of his PC that's a strike that set low outside breaking ball that they that he threw Thomas in the last game and that pitch is just tough to hit throw away especially a guy like woman who is basically a home run hitter he the calls he really wish you on are the balls in the middle of the plate and talking about composure Bruce Kison I imagine knows he made a bad pitch and you know you expect those pitches to be hit by the good hitters it's when you throw the good pitches and they hit him that's when you start worrying now Noah Thomas one ball in one step I can go back to last Sunday I hit future out to two pretty good pitches and he hit ball so when I got a little bit nervous those inside where the moment when in gets bright too and here we're in the situation that Gorman said he didn't want to be in one ball two strikes situation if he takes that pitch which threw the ball that's enough his third strikeout for peace on his knee is bothering there as he swings he just looks like he's afraid to put any weight on it at all there he helped to come out of it I really don't think one this is not the type of game that Gorman comes out of but I think really what's going to happen is Harvey team's gonna have to make a decision if he doesn't think that he can do the job especially out in the output it's one of the tougher decisions when you want to take out the manager has to make her want to take out somebody that has been an integral part of your success all year you certainly can't let your heart interfere we know Carmen wants to play it but is he capable with the bad knee two balls in those sights now - Don money and we have the first rain of the bay but we'll use to it so starting this play we got used to that yesterday and for 13 hours popped up third baseman two cents a bow Graham as it they're gone money and pounds out to dr. sensei at the end the inning Milwaukee kept Iran on Oak at his home run after 4x3 to California that's where I'm going next Saturday down to Charlotte Bernard Taylor against the Savio Pedrosa at a Panama but our tailor used to be a cameraman for our affiliate station down anywhere Charlotte when he was an amateur boxer now is a very successful professional career going challenging for the title and right now in this challenge for title in the American League Rob curry sits it back to the picture that the VIX knocks it down and throws him out pretty close Reggie Jackson coming to the plate now and earlier today I've had a visit with red here it is one more time Reggie the Heat's on well Keith I think that if baseball dreamed up a story ending that this is the way they'd have every series wrap up the World Series playoffs end of the season in Baltimore with Milwaukee into the season with us over against Texas a second of the last game of the year it just seems funny that you play a hundred and sixty-six ball games and come down the one to decide who the better team is so I guess it really does show you that professional talent is pretty even a match to me Reggie is lined out to the third baseman Molitor and struck out swinging in two trips today California leading three two and you can hit a home run to the right side we saw then Ogilvy pleaded that ball seems to be jumping all over the park wasn't batting practice when disquieted down just a little bit look forth good one Reggie always goes for it very rarely will you ever get it get him to take a swing at his doesn't have the potentiality of a homerun if he makes contact [Applause] by out of the plate and both of which is even at 2-2 he's really unloading Voki changing speeds a little bit [Applause] I'll count three two Reggie's got himself in a position at two only two hits and 17 at-bats in the series where he wants to show everybody that he can contribute expanding Jackson winding-up who could just let him wind up and find her Reggie steps out on ray toothpicks walking [Applause] second walk by the kibbutz here comes trouble Fred Lynn Milwaukee both corners active behind lukovitch McClure and Slayton up throwing again and Rolla fingers is going down there he is not throwing his yet and we'll see if they adjust on Fred Lynn they pitched him away twice he's hit two singles and this is a way a Reggie can contribute by getting on base for a guy that's really hot behind him all the way off his foot Reggie can still steal a base in fact the year that he was with us he stoled 27 I believe it was in 29 attempts and Reggie still runs good this year he only stole four out of nine attempts but this is not the kind of ballclub that runs a lot Don Baylor in the on-deck circle who won out for California top of the fifth inning we have had a little sprinkle of rain but if they stopped for the moment top of the fifth be able to get in it often puts two hits today he has gone to left field both time so he is taking what lukovitch is given it [Applause] Game three of the National League Championship Series tonight 8 o'clock here on ABC it'll be played in Atlanta between the blades and the Cardinals the net birds are up two games to none Jackson our first pitch to latest hi 1 & 2 [Applause] [Music] at one time two balls and two strikes one in two times in a row pitched him inside the last two pitches now what do you do well if he goes out he's gonna see another ball go into left field old in Jackson closer first [Music] [Applause] team one California - the whole basic right field Jackson around second row in the 3rd the throw by Moore he's out Morris convinced me he's got a pretty good on chin well he just convinced everybody because he came charging in that made a perfect throw to Molitor and he's taken Pete Vukovich out in the beginning there you see the bounding ball no chance for Cooper and Charlie more what's this throw right on the money oh I'll say it was only money and that's a catcher playing right field of course he's been out there all season long and they finally took his name off of the catcher's position on the official American League roster but not right to Lee under the season as a catcher I need to say [Applause] so Milwaukee comes up with a big defensive play two down Fred Lynn at first base in the matter is Don Baylor Lynn now with 11 hits and that ties the league championship series record held by Chris Chambliss he set it back in 1976 11 hits or that is and California has eight hits yet only three runs so Vukovich has been able to get out of some pretty big jams and that's what it takes well so far he's been able to keep the ball in the ballpark Kim can scatter those singles and I think a typical live score in lukovitch is nine innings about 11 hits for walks and only two runs he does it all the time and he's able to pitch that way with the swinging strike on Don Baylor like the 2 & 1 looked like he put a little extra on that pitch when I talk to Donnie he said he throws so much garbage I want to move up on the plate because I can look for that kind of stuff and I don't think he meant that disrespectfully because I think everybody that hits off Pete Vukovich knows that if go up they're not expecting the way he can pitch you're gonna make a lot out Lola Texan what if Vuckovich is the only Milwaukee starter in this series that has been able to hold Baylor's back silently so far [Applause] 31 count two out and win off first base and he hits at the right field Baylor just sort of cheated off to the imita back Moore comes in and Fred Lynn spots at second moats and rightly so because if he de attempted to go to third he would have been out also you can see Baylor hitting fighting up a high fastball and Charlie Moore coming in just like you did on the previous play course there's no reason to go to third base in this situation when Reggie tried to go to the third base you had a one-out situation and if you can set up a first and third situation you can score in a fly ball or attempt to double play or a ground ball at the right side I think we're getting a little bit of a sprinkle again over the ballpark I told you well ago it had stopped now I can see a few scattered drops falling again it's still not a complete game [Applause] vodka sensei stands in for California two out and two on look at its bitter strike the center and a bubble in the score to run they have to play five complete innings in order for it to be a complete game we're in the top half for the fifth Milwaukee would be entitled to their at-bat in the bottom of the fifth before this game would be an official ballgame the only way that's different is if Milwaukee would be ahead then the bottom of the fifth would become unimportant as we had yesterday once we got past the top of the fifth yesterday the Brewers were leading and we had that circumstance where the game could have been called a complete game but I would wager this but if we are stopped by rain we would wait very long long time because this is the championship game one strike Doug de sensei peaceful the kids love it when I look at it spin concentrate and yet how seldom he really does wispy pictures to the clip well I guess he has a lot of confidence in his ability to make good pitches when he has to and you seen many times today he gets ahead in this situation he usually throws a breaking ball you can kind of the outside corner that's the pass ball the way up you think that the sense I couldn't reach that outside pitch but he steps right toward the Pentagon at the plate with his left foot he he has the home plate covered well run hitters he likes to get his arms extended and 30 on the year there's a kill heartbreaking ball of no chance the sensei's fights out to end the inning as Charlie Mora comes into my field having made a big play in the ballgame and it's California 3 and he'll walk it to in the middle of the fifth Charlie more right fielder for the Milwaukee Brewers five hits and 11 trips to the plate and one big defensive play to throw at Reggie Jackson Fred Lynn a bouncing single to right field more charging it all the way Jackson boring around second and more shot him down in without depth type of throw they'd now be two runs down in place along those keys into the mound now for California to pitch to more Jim Gantner and Paul Molitor [Music] Vuckovich in the ball game has been touched for nine base hits Milwaukee has committed four errors behind him and yet California has scored only three run and piece him now ready to go as Morris gets in if you wind up playing for one raga you're more than likely going to get one run [Music] hope you heard what he said if you play for one run will more than likely gonna wind up with one run it sounds like an understatement but it's really true thanks Jim that's why we always never got one run we always got more than that a strike tomorrow Pisan comes right back at him and goes rolling away more than one [Music] [Applause] sidearm little okay right to fix one out [Applause] coming up on that's incredible ABC's Monday presentation and Burt Reynolds Candice Bergen and Jill Clayburgh starting over network television premiere on the Monday night movie tomorrow night beginning at 8:00 7:00 central and mountain [Applause] [Music] Jim Gantner like Jane strike alone it was good pitch and Gantner couldn't have been looking for [Applause] arts at cooks foul right side two strikes on get there [Applause] Gantner has all and I do mean all of the right-field line he also has all of right-center field as Lin is shaded well over a board left-center defensively through the biggest big opening on the right side for Jimmy and I look over there in right-center when he first came to the big leagues he tried to pull the ball a lot more than he does now it's it up in the air to the right side now the winds got it I'm going to take it right almost back to second base for Bobby Grich is catch two down and Molitor will come up now from the water and this is the kind of this is the way definitely that you want Paul Molitor coming to play two outs nobody on when he leads off the inning and gets on it just makes the out and Cooper and and Simmons much better hitters he had your druthers this is the way you want him coming up remember Monica has home run power shot set one foul [Applause] [Music] if 19 during the course of the season and he is aggressive very much so I think that of course you can't complain about a guy that got 201 hits but as he gets older he'll probably become a little bit more patient at the plate when he gets the count 203 one he'll even hit more homers fouls it away and advantage teasing with two strikes he'll also continue to get stronger Dennis minke who worked with him when he was in the minor leagues 1977 at Burlington was the man who helped in a great deal and learning to use the entire field take the pitch go with it well that he does if you would say head the only witness that that Paul really has is the fastball up and in and he fights it off ball he puts the new rule bloopers over the infield just because he is strong and he can fight that pitch off that's up around the bull of a gap one ball and two strikes he's one of the real nice people in baseball he's such a nice person to balls into his bikes the pitch was low it away [Applause] [Music] if California gets fallout it will become a complete game and rain will not have an effect if it were called because of rain that would go in the record books as a three-to-two victory for California as the party shits everybody it's not raining it's not raining all right Molitor now bring a little more patient let's key some tries to get him to bite on a low pitch Bruce is now gone to 3 2 with Molitor it's a book eviction the Milwaukee dug up he has struggled today as he struggled in Game two miss being a rematch took a few pictures from game two-in-one back eastern fortitude full count pitch sidearm dinghy fouls it all there's the fellow who was quite a hero yesterday Mark Breaux heart had not played in the series went into left field against Tommy John left-hander Ben Ogilvie bruised ribs he had three baseships including a two-run home run and the two-run homer slammed the door on California and he scored four times why today why didn't afternoon builder in 1980 more confidence he's strong at home plate side arms him on 13 watch him now it will be robbing me out that is the second walk by kissing this is a running situation I wouldn't be surprised if Paul Molitor tries to steal the base in California three runs nine hits in an era Milwaukee two runs three hits and four errors [Applause] Luers have only left two on base so far because it had only three hits and Molitor goes the throw is high to hostel in the base and had a very good jump I thought key Singh would throw over there once or twice in this situation it's a running situation and there's no reason for Molitor not to try to get the second base he had a very good job Simmons really had no chance at it as long as Jim summers been around in that situation I try to get up on the edge of the steps which he hates me to do and try to remind him that the runner might be running I can't tell you what I'd be telling myself out there now you know he's gonna be running you just want to get rid of the ball quickly and give your chest catcher a chance now Robin yeah with two out we'll try to bring him home and tired of all game at three two balls and no strikes the count [Applause] but again to go back to why he stands in this gym is you have Molitor up at the plate he has home run power you try to make a good pitch to Rancho you end up walking him and then he stole 41 bases on the year he steals second and now you have a situation where they conceivably could tie up the ballgame with a single step go ahead with a home run that pickoff play you just witnessed is not necessarily intended to pick the runner off but to keep him close so that it might give you a road feel there's a chance to throw the run he's some down without two balls and no strikes now Cleo no with Cecil Cooper in the on-deck circle that kind of hit it and I think he'll be swinging in this situation if he gets a pitch he likes we took a weird one he was taken all the way to take sign headed beyond because he didn't make any attempt to go after the ball at all it is now 3 and 2 and he had a downtown swing or nothing there's to know a lot of exciting moments in this ball game already pitchers always seem to be in trouble three two Fitz coming with two out and he'll go he runs him back into second volts there's no play on that time in just Kishin Jason Wahler Quebec Wow took him to the hands and down out in front jerked it foul in the dugout we all know that Kisa does not want Cecil Cooper walking to the plate with two men on face and Cecil Cooper swinging from the left side is due [Applause] very quiet - for 18 Robin Yount looking for his first RBI three toothpicks ball four [Applause] so Molitor walked steals second the out has now walked pitching on three days rest will come into the picture as the game progresses here's Cecil Cooper [Applause] [Music] [Applause] law of averages sticking its head in to the circumstances here Cecil Cooper was too good of a hitter to be quiet too long as Hassler and Renko get up for the second time in the California bullpen there is a strike Oliver at second the out of first California leading 3 to 2 their walk to hitting at the bottom of the 5th inning hue Cecil Cooper student took that pitch he's got something in mind he's looking for something special right here right away one anxiety pressing Tenten but other words are like yeah all of it use anyone you want [Applause] oh he went fishing for an outside pitch that's anxiety ku probably isn't s selected because he would be during the ordinary C season he hasn't been in this series up till now and there you see something unusual a right-hander sign arming the left-hander but the reason that Bruce Kison does this is because he's ball runs so well and it just kind of ran away from Cooper knee couldn't quite foul it off angel owner Gene Autry sitting right behind him president general manager buzzy the lazy we need to stay here yesterday and just took the rain that's gonna bounce right back out here this morning Cooper fouls it back I ducked on Apple I saw that the crews the reflexes aren't all gone out of the game a week in his ducking well I wasn't a very good ballplayer I was out at second base and that was it at me I might have ducked a graphic reflected there that was something of the Cooper's history which is why we have to worry about the law of averages in the man one toothpicks fouls it back out of play Pearson's making some good pitches [Applause] where's Octavia she's his wife [Applause] from Brigham Texas living with Milwaukee's suburbs now conflicts on the mound and this conference could be about the fact that a lot of times the Milwaukee hitters will give location the runner on second base will through a series of hand signals sometimes tell the hitter at the plate where the catcher is moving it's kind of hard sometimes to pick up the signals but you can let the hitter know if the pitcher is going to either move away or they're trying to come in on you well they've just switched their signs because after Foley left the mound he ran out and told Bobby Grich what set of signs that Boone would be using one two pitch to Cooper two out of two or fouls it away since it goes over to the rail to have a look wind gets it and bought it back some but not enough the wind swirls around here at County Stadium and it brought that ball back about four rows but it still fell about four rows deep Sanchez is now up in the California bullpen Rico has stopped Sanchez replaced in Hassler continues [Applause] it'll be a one-on-one situation from here on any by that I mean the managers will have a special pitcher up for a special hitter and they'll have to go to everybody in work or want to go to everybody in the bullpen if they have to strike him out so he sure gets Cooper and Milwaukee's strands to and after five complete innings of play that California Angels lead the Milwaukee Brewers in this championship game three to two back with more after this word from our local station the ribbons of concrete that ring County Stadium oh come on I know it's getting cool but that's ridiculous for the California Angels going to the top of the sixth inning it's Bobby Grich Tim Foley and Bob Boone bottom third of the order and they've been trouble today got grits so much as boom I've never seen Bobby Grich just went through more balls than I've seen him in this this series just too good a hitter to do that but then again get a lot of guys that are straight hitters and Bobby's that type of guy just don't see the ball as well as as they might be seeing other stretches during the season we post around a lot this season in stand location and so forth they finally wound up going back to holding his hands right back on that hip well the Yuriy have 30 home runs he had his harms hands over his head and it was very successful that year Molitor knocks it down got a hurry pitching that was a tough hop right there that's a ball that's very easily booted you'll see the last shard hop right in front of them it came well it bounced to his right a little bit third baseman ought to be entitled to have his bigger glove as a first baseman it's not a bad rule change Tim Foley and the pitch to Tony is high ball one the third baseman is just as close [Applause] pop-up see how far it carries woman Thomas is pumping in and you have a small gathering as the catch is made by Robin young ordinarily Grumman would be standing under that ball that's the way I feel about it empty would be the seething out right to it Gantner came over to help as well as they know full well Norman is playing with a very sore leg now Bob Boone has been mr. trouble today for Pete Vuckovich it's the ball in the air to right for you but tell me more so both events gets California in order in the top of a six inning and in the middle of six the Angels lead it 3-2 to [Applause] Luis Sanchez has come on here in the bottom of the sixth inning in relief of Bruce Kison CSUN would a strong five innings leading in the ballgame three to two remember coming into the game he had a very sore middle finger and I would imagine that's the problem that has taken him out of the ball game it's not exactly a blister it just gets very sure the mail from the pressure that he applies on the ball and it just got so sure that he didn't feel he could come out Sanchez had been warming up in the pen as Bruce had courted danger and probably had told gene Mauch perhaps even well as long ago as the third inning that it was getting sold and once it reached that point they had a man ready to come in this youngster can throw hard but I would not think that gene is depending on him to finish the game because he doesn't have that kind of a history he'll go to as many as he has to go to last Sunday when we played for the Eastern Division championship I had Dennis Martinez Flanagan Palmer everybody I hadn't evolved Simmons goes to the other side of the plate now to hit left-handed again Sanchez and Lewis has ball one that's fouled away one in one disseminates then Ogilvy who has homered today will follow and then Gorman Thomas that is outside the book on Kishin five innings three hits two runs one earned walk three struck out three three balls and a strike for seven well he throws very hard but you also have to throw it in the strike zone it took the left Brian downing whole disposition and makes the cats took about two steps [Applause] one out now for Ben Ogilvie as road after the first baseman to rule accidently hit a sex shop for to rob made a good play on and Dennis hit a homerun hit that one the right [Applause] the Angels up by one rulers at the plate in the bottom of the second then jumped on that first one then sorter reached over to that right ribcage that he banged into the wall on Friday and making the play and wound up it's a double for Fred Lynn late on that one there you see the good fastball Sanchez kind of evolved as the short man that he was pitching long relief early in the year and the Angels had trouble all year trying to find something that could come in and put out the fire and release did an excellent job down the stretch one ball and two strikes to over they seemed to me early in the year that he was very inconsistent because he threw a lot of breaking balls he has a hard slider he just occasionally make bad pitches with that and get hurt that's foul coming back to the left side the sense a gives it a look and it's well back out of play a short reliever if used properly by the manager can come in and just throw fast balls for an inning or two usually your short relievers will be two pitch pitchers either fastball and hard slider fastball curve they don't usually go to all four basic pitches Ogilvie hard swing or what looked like a very low pitch and got just enough it to stay alive which piece and were told now does have a full finger but he also informed his manager gene Mauck that he was just simply getting tired Beijing with three days rest he got one big out Cecil Cooper right before he came out here all he did teacher now to overly [Applause] Ed's been flailing away has not been terribly selected in this at-bat against Sanchez to - that's foul fouled off a pitch out of the strike zone and swung through one that was way high he could be on first base with a base on balls what out it's the overly struck him out to down [Applause] here you see a good running fastball if he goes how to get it just runs a little bit away and Ogilvy who's a better lowball hitter just can't handle a pitch up in the strike zone there can't catch up he's he's also showing a little pain it looks like to me there that he's feeling pain here's a man we know is feeling pain Gorman Thomas two out the bases empty at California leading three two in the bottom of the sixth inning that was not a good hard swing by Thomas no I was a good hard slider by Sanchez and he's thrown all fast balls is inning until he got to Gorman and he has the ability to make the good pitch with a slider and this is what's made him effective down the stretch one-on-one I would like my hitters now to try to get the long ball out of their mind if they could and try not to swing at bad pitches try to get on base and get a rally started [Music] third baseman dissing say in the dirt but guru handles it and Roman Thomas really hobbling on that sore right leg watching as he makes the move toward first base just dragging the leg Sanchez gets him in order after six three two angels the seventh is on for California here's Dwayne all right thank you Bob and the first pitch is popped foul by downing back behind home plate ingest to our right here a long broadcast Rome strike one [Music] [Applause] who kovitch ready back with the o1 pitch swinging a moon strike two nothing into now two down in California three in Milwaukee to the Brewers have been out out hit a bit out hit today nine to three by the Angels Brian downing today has been on base once and he has scored to run he doubled back in the first inning the O 2 pitch downing lifts in the air foul right-field side this ball headed for the seats and it's back out of play and it's down nothing into the count remains oh yeah break ride NF ocation we'll send that to you shortly Rod Carew to follow Brian downing here in the 7th EO to back down a check swing bouncer back to the mound on the hill booked fields roads in time 10 for identification you're listening to the brewer radio network WISN radio 11 Milwaukee true tempers heavy-duty lawn rake on sale for only 688 at Kim's pro hardware 56 57 South 27th your professionals in the hardware business [Applause] here's rod carew against Pete Vuckovich monitor plays up at third for Carew here is the pitch and Rodney takes inside low ball one [Music] Rod Carew today walked back in the third has flied to left and grounded out trying to jack of the ball inside missing two and on Carew in the series has three hits he has been to bat sixteen times hitting at one eighty eight high ball to ball three rather three and all one out nobody on angel half of the seventh inning simmons the target up the three old pitch strike one call went inside in caught the corner three and one the pitch low ball four second walk today by Vukovich to Carew and overall his third walk this afternoon [Applause] and here comes brewer manager Harvey Keene out of the dugout and heading to the mom [Applause] [Music] Don Sutton is throwing in the Breuer bullpen along with Bob McClure Don Sutton and Bob McClure warming up with the brewer bullpen Harvey keen on his way to the mound to be joined he will join Ted Simmons in Bukavu ch here in the seventh inning the Angels have a runner on there's one out Reggie Jackson the scheduled batter tell you Jackson long overdue in this series it only hope that he can go back to the bench hitless once again and the pitching change is being made Harvey Keane is going to the brewer bullpen he's asking for the left-hander Bob McClure so here in the seventh inning with the Angels with a runner on and one out leading three to Vukovich leaves through a big round from a crowd and we'll be back right after this let's see Bob McClure is been summoned out of the bull pen by the Milwaukee manager Harvey a team principal a two-faced left-hander swinging for Reggie Jackson I think what they're trying to do here is stay away from the long ball McClure being left-handed Reggie being left-handed you think I guess you kind of somewhat erased the chances of adding another two runs of the Angels for Rod Carew having been walked by a rookie is on first base and the pitch detection ground ball over to Gant there one over taeyang DoublePlay [Applause] Souma for come again and quickly does his job and he throws one pitch up there Jackson bounces it sharply into a double-play yeah I had a little trouble getting out of the grub over the young when he was over do it bring it up and throw it three through California middle of the seventh back before Africans were from Innokin taking a replay on Bob McClure essentially into the ballgame as we've got our picture back for you a bouncer to the second baseman get there a double play at first place and the happiest person of the ballpark where maybe Bob McClure maybe Harvey Keane maybe 50 odd thousand people but transcending all of them Jody McClure as Bob gets the double play now we will go with the Milwaukee Brewers and gone money Charlie Moore Jim Gantner with the bottom of the seventh inning in a 3-2 ballgame California leading Luis Sanchez and relief of Bruce Kison the winner of this one when's the American League pennant and goes to the world's here neither one of these teams ever been with the world's here but a good pitch just miss and now is when the crowd comes in to focus with the loud cheering that could start the adrenaline adrenaline flowing in the Milwaukee flavors right down the line wow just wow National League tonight the Cardinals in the Braves game number three Atlanta a Cardinals lead that series two games to none 1 for 3 in a winning run bottom of the 9th last night a 2-2 count on DOM money him up first basement guru comes in and makes the cat right at the pitcher's mound one down [Applause] Charlie Moore who has had one of the big plays of the ball game defensively for Milwaukee he is hitless at the plate looking back on apt it certainly is a big play and it avoided a big inning sorry 5 to 12 in the series as well as over to today Eric darkspin gray and threatening now as Sanchez is high and tight to Charlie more I don't think that said Sanchez is pitching with any pattern I think he's just throwing hard trying to get it over the plate what do you think he's got a good live fastball the only pitches that he seems to throw consistently or the sliders away and there's a jam shot a ball in on Moore's fist I don't believe he caught the don't believe he caught the ball Don denkinger the plate umpire says no he didn't al Clark the first baseman he was sealed and away from it a little bit but the third-base umpire bill Kunkel could see from where he was at Don denkinger the plate umpire could see from where he was that he did not catch the ball the first base umpire could not well if this keeps up we're liable to see one umpire throw another umpire around the game it's their face it or that and that is to no man's land right there won't be throwing each other out of the game but I would like to point out that again they got the play right and that's the important thing there's a man on first base now Milwaukee has the winning run at the plate I have a go ahead at least you on the bottom of the seventh the time running tell him or out there at first base Jim Gantner the hitter the manager stayed out the argument strictly the argument strictly the argument was between the Empire Hotel a more family watching as it goes up the middle base hit forget Mary Charlie more turn second and stuffs like there as Fred Lynn is in in a hurry that's the back singles now one kind of different from Charlie more but that was a live shot from getting there was a fastball in the middle the plate and Gander tries to hit the ball up the middle and and you'll see the fastball outside middle it's the right back at Louie Chan says who gets down one of the first things they teach you in the minor leagues you can begin kitchen you'd have caught that back the sensei comes in compared to visit with Sanchez the tying run now with one out is at second base in Charlie Mora go-ahead runs Gantner at first base the batter the top of the order Paul Molitor and Hassler throwing in the California bullpen along with Winco bottom of the seventh Molitor swings and fouls it off in bet one bit Don denkinger the home plate umpire who's had a rough day back there there's the bullpen left-hander Hassler right-hander Renko you see the high fastball right off the umpires mask he's had a tough day first Simmons through his mask at him and these had to overrule twice that pitch is high and away one ball and one strike on the cloud standing and alluring on every pitch now everyone it comes out of a box of farad Molitor looks at it new couple relate the day that's one for the walking popped him up coming back Bob Boone coming back distances there it's goodie for the catch and two down now an opportunity for Robin young [Applause] they's hypocrite I the ball game Jim Gantner at first base has speed an extra-base hit Milwaukee could go ahead but it's that first thing that's the problem for the Brewers the base hit Yop today was rolled a second when a board on a fielder's choice and walked he does not have a run batted in in the championship series like it looks like he's just firing a ball right for the center of the plate and letting you go wherever it goes outside ball one strike one but count on Yelp Charlie more at second get a gander at first rod carew comes in from first Bob Boone comes up from behind the plate to talk to Sanchez they want to keep him calm whoever wins this ballgame will go against the National League champion in the World Series scheduled to start next Tuesday one one way out inside two and one angels three floors to bottom of the seventh time run second base Cecil Cooper who had an opportunity earlier with people on base was waiting again in the on-deck circle off the hands foul back out of play [Applause] Milwaukee has just not been able to come up with that big hit in this ballgame so far they've had a few opportunities and if you keep giving this dub opportunities the beach if they can do it Robin Yount grandmother sitting watching some anxiety on her face too and if you're again you've got a conference on the mound with Boone and kuru talking to Sanchez and denkinger the plate umpire now going out to say hey let's play ball guys Ron Hansen the space-boat stalking will get every time every time that Sanchez throws a pitch and it's not in the proper area just through a high slider that um fouled off Rodney gets concerned and of course Boone has gone out there twice mainly because I think that maybe they're not communicating very well and I think in this particular case they want to be sure what's going on news coming in to help to with the English Spanish problem that might well have just do it well Rodney Dean to to Pitts job fouls it off fought off a pretty good pitch that time well he does he just had Sanchez just has a fastball that is so alive that as Earl has said going back to the variable chance deviation theory we sprung on you a couple of days ago he throws the ball for the middle of the plate sometimes it's going to sail time sometimes it's going to run in on the right handers away from the left handers he just got good natural stuff - to fix the out again fouls it away Sanchez from Venezuela course rocked the roof being a native Panamanian having moved in New York corner to the boy no speaks the language you better be communicating the way another we're gonna get in trouble that's true two to two out two on three to California high ball three excitement Michelle Yeoh a prayerful attitude all the pink letters go inside ball four you go ahead run is not second base tying run is at third and once again Cecil Cooper comes to the plate with opportunities staring him in the face your base lineage back in the fifth inning and here you see the 3-2 pitch it's a high slider just hangs inside for ball four back in the fifth inning Cecil Cooper at Molitor at second base after Yan had walked and didn't get him home struck out swinging for the third out now the bases are loaded with two out and that's foul chuckling get it right off the end of the bat and shut it on the ground bouncing up into the stand there's the tying run Charlie more the go-ahead run get me and the out at first [Applause] yes stops I was all in one spike this is very hard to do Cecil Cooper has to remain patient in this situation and try to get a strike again he can tie this ballgame up with ball four he can work the pitcher in that and being patient you want to get a good pitch to hit or if they're going to let you walk to first do it left field base hit tie run Morris comes to score get her on his way to the plate frou-frou Brewers lead I just can't keep them in Cecil cook their opportunities to beat you because he will beat you a fastball up on the outside part of the play Cooper just goes right with it you'll see downing charged the ball trying to keep the winning run or the go-ahead run from scoring the throws just off a little bit now what's the man who delivered the big base hit Cecil Cooper oh yeah he's happy very much so and the Milwaukee Brewers have taken the lead four to three and Dean Walker's on his way to the man with a hook he's got a switch hitter at the plate and a tough one in Ted Simmons a very tough he seemed tired plus a sore middle finger on his pitching hand came out after 5:00 and when he left it was three to California Sanchez came in and got him an order in the six but has not been able to do it in the seventh and Andy Hassler is called in from the bullpen for three Milwaukee's back after this word and the message on behalf of Major League Baseball hardly necessary to point out delirium reigns at County Stadium in Milwaukee are crowd of fifty four thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight thundering their appreciation as Andy Hassler comes on to pitch and relief Luis Sanchez who had relieved this Kishin so he is the third to California pitcher making his second appearance of the Seas milwauke getting the lead here in the bottom of the seventh inning four to three you have two out Cecil Cooper delivered the big base hit robbing out now we're at walkers at second base and the batter is Ted Simmons hitting from the right side event to the left window Haas road a little more power from this side just about the same average if anybody watch the playoff last Sunday kind of get us in with a home run late in the ballgame on a curveball he trips that one foul down the left side it was the eighth inning that they really pulled away from us they've gone ahead in the seventh inning here Astra trying to keep them closed for three Milwaukee strike Zemin's fried the check for the beard went too far Andy Hassler out in front one two anyhow there's done a fine job for him this year many years ago head elbow surgery clinic once lost 17 straight games for the angels get the goods live armed the good sinker and the hard slider that's a foul suck into the stands back a third-base [Applause] Marianne Simmons [Applause] - up the two strike pitch the Simmons with down on second and Cecil Cooper on first and no coop feels pretty good and he struggled all the way through the series but then delivered the base hit to left field for home two runs to give the Bulls the lead here in the bottom of the seventh inning that pitch is low one ball and two strikes a lot of hot happy fans right now one two two seven fouled off caught off a pretty fair pitch there all gratiné both the pendulum of emotions how it can swing it'll be in the dugout it's like a roller coaster and then many games where you you get late in the game and you're trailing by a run and then your team ties it up and then you go down by a run and it's never know what's gonna happen in this game especially when you pit - fine teams like one two pitch to simin struck him out on snapped it off inside on the hands and dead couldn't get it and so the Milwaukee Brewers are out of there but they score two and take the lead after seven innings of play over the California Angels for the three full Freddy walks to the plate now the leadoff in the top of the eighth inning with his ball club down by a run and Marshall Edwards flyer has gone to center field replacing the game legged Gorman Thomas it has to be a real good move [Applause] and there you see the sharp breaking ball that Bob McClure has similar the pitch that he threw Reggie for the double play to end the last inning the floor goes just outside lukovitch six and a third innings nine hits three runs and incredibly all of them earn despite for Milwaukee errors and the ploy relieving in the seventh and got the DoublePlay boil the herbs on Fred Lynn now as it takes him inside one and two Don Baylor is waiting on deck Doug the sensei will follow any one of these three scheduled hitters can take it up Flynn wrists the ball out in the left field the wind carries it out to been opening just lifting the ball after the left fielder Ogilvie first inning downing double Lind single angels let it one nothing third inning another run Boone single downing sacrifice Lynn single fourth inning another run descents a doubled which sacrificed Boone squeezed for a bunt single Lewis scoring Molitor double Simmons sacrifice fly oval the home run of the fourth for the Brewers more and get distinguish how to walk Cooper a two-run single that's the scoring summary on the ballgame as Baylor swings and misses at a pitch in on the hand but clears gonna have to put the ball in good spots to the next three hitters because as you pointed out they all can go downtown one and one Devon Baylor Baylor has had one hit a single but to write to you they said today and three trips the Angels out anymore standing there lost away whose cars taken efficient there he was tough yesterday in the rain Baelor foul ball left side pit's before that Baylor fouled off was right there where he had an outstanding cutout I'd have to say McClure is a control pitcher and relies on a change of speeds right Jim well yeah he tries to run his fastball in him away his curveball has gotten a lot better there you see the high fastball as we've said all series if you want to get Baylor out on a fastball you want to kind of get it up in the strike zone here I think the most important thing is you don't want to be that fine that you end up walking Baylor and having to sense they hit a two-run home run that's a foul ball and there's a breaking ball I think many times girl you said you can't get beat two you get a man on and that's true in this case pensive looking fellow all decked out in his height two balls and two strikes wallet Arthur is more or less boarding the line but there's still room to get in hard hit ball in between he and Baelor hits it to left wind helps it out there national add words to the wall jumps may expect that Norman Thomas is in centerfield that's off the wall for excavation I have to believe that the way Gorman was limping today and they got him out there just at the right time now ordinarily they'd never replace Gorman with another defensive player because Gorman himself is an outstanding centerfielder but today with the injury it's questionable whether he would have gotten there or not I don't see how he could possibly have dragged that two leg that far because Edward is a speech that he can really run and he gave it a long run and goes rule right up and then hits the wall hard so Marshall Edwards comes out of the shadows and makes a big play as bro hard did yesterday with two out here is toughness insane and he shoots at the right field for a base hit going toward the corner takes a big turn and Charlie Moore whips it back in I run for the angels now on first base with two out de sensee went right with the pitch on the outside half of the plate again it was up and doug's a very good high ball hitter Cecil Cooper on the right side and obviously Molitor on the left side as you get into this point sitting on a one-run lead you are protecting the lines who might have had a chance at that had he been playing his normal position at first base so we're winding this one down with every nerve stretching second in time they are waiting in Atlanta for Game three of the National League Championship Series between the Braves and the Cardinals and we'll have it for you here on ABC tonight at 8:00 Eastern Time Redbirds leading the Braves two games to none having been rained out twice in st. Louis now it's Bobby Grich the angels second baseman number seven man in the order you have to think about a healthy Rowley fingers in this situation Butler goes outside the goods football one excuse me Keith this is a Bobby Grich situation of all the players the two of the most intensity that I've ever played with drew Frank Robinson and Bobby Grich Shane Bobby's always have patients at home plate he tries to get that good pitch to him the sensei all first rich hits a ball in the air to centerfield Edwards backs up on it in it well and makes the catch Marshall hundreds get into the ballgame for defensive purposes in relief of Wolman Thomason made to put outs in the inning one of them a big woman in Milwaukee holds on for three bottom of the eighth inning California with one more turn at the plate and it'll be Foley Boone and downing scheduled and put scheduled in quotes but it might change Andy Hassler delivers to ogle they've been hits it in the air to right-center coming in Fred Lynn one out Edwards will get an ovation he hasn't won the back in this championship series but he made a huge defensive play this woman the ball going to the wall off the bat of Don Baylor and Marshall Edwards pulled it down so he has contributed mightily and he has been blowing away the ball one Marshall Evers has an unusual as watching to take batting practice he keeps his he splits his hands kind of like Pete Ward used to do he was played for the White Sox he seemed too many hitters do that shocked at that one in mr. Jacob hit like that and I don't believe there was another one until Pete Pete Ward did it Tommy John has now joined Steve Renko in the California bullpen yesterday a starting pitcher that's fouled off its staff day now staff time [Applause] because this is the championship game the American League season is done for Palooza holy to the heart one two filigree [Applause] detsen ball rolls back to Hessler and Hassler throws him out the pitch was high and tight Edwards pulling out of the way of it the ball hit the bat roll back to the pitcher you've got to look to me like the ball was going to hit him to continue hit the back no he started his swing just a little bit inside now Donn money see the finish of the play the retire head leads in the second out money quiet today but always dangerous I think he'll have some good good swings in the situation inside two balls in those tight two balls and one strike to godmother make it one in one two gunmen for they're too nervous men up there [Applause] five ball centerfield Fred Lynn makes the cats and the Nestle does his job he gets Milwaukee in order so the Angels have one turn left in the top of the ninth inning trailing four to three back after this message and a word from our local station we know that Ron Jackson he is going to come up and hit for Tim Foley Ron Jackson hits with some power Bob Boone is scheduled behind him and you can see against one of Bob McClure Ron Jackson has done very well it's his first appearance in the 1982 championship series yet very well during the time that it was used in the regular season you've got a good ballclub when you can have around Jackson come off the bench Lake McClure and I'm trying to slam the door on California here in the top of the night and win the ballgame that is Audrey Cain the manager of manager Harvey Keens wife and Jody McClure and immediately Ron Jackson on the first pitch drills it to centerfield and so here at the top of the ninth inning the Angels have the tying run on first base the Bob Boone will hit as Ted Simmons goes to the mound and Harvey Keane comes out of the dugout that could be it for Bob McClure Caldwell might call well has been in the pen Peter Ladd has been in the bullpen Bob Boone is standing at the plate holding a bat it would I would think me lad because he's been impressive in two appearances in this series and it's also a punch situation Boone who had 23 sacrifices during this season it's a little bit harder to bunt off a high ball pitcher in a bunting situation you want to throw the ball up in the strike zone hoping that you can get the pop fly and keep the runner from advancing so we've had the call for the new pitcher for the Milwaukee Brewers and it looks like they're going to take this one to the very last outlet coming in in relief for Milwaukie the third brewer pitcher Peter Ladd making his third appearance in the series they called him Bigfoot he wears a size 15 shoe he stands big square and he has already seen could be very tough I've got an excellent fastball a good hard slider that he showed on on Friday he struck out the side in his first appearance even though it was an on pressure situation then in a pressure situation in the five to three win got him out when he had to and also has a kind of a blooper pitch Ron Jackson hitting for Tim Foley grilled a single on the first pitch getting mcclure out of the game Jackson now is taken off the bases and going in to run for him is Rob Wilfong more speed Babacan up first base coach talking to it Rob gonna loosen up a little bit run down the right-field line question Gomes third-base coach waiting hoping to Wade somebody around in that corner well California Peter Ladd coming in now Bob Boone is scheduled to come up with Brian downing to follow nobody out and boonie is going to come up [Applause] Ron Jackson came to the plate that top singer to Center [Music] Michela her would be the man travel critical to shortstop if we have to go farther than the top of the ninth inning Milwaukee is leading in a ball game four to three a crowd of fifty four thousand nine hundred and sixty eight watching today the series has drawn two hundred and forty eight thousand six hundred and ninety one and that is a record at all-time record for either championship feels amazing and baseball fans are wonderful all right with Wilfong on first base will show you that because that's what we piece perfectly right here is get that time run down to second base [Applause] squares puts it down lab peels it underhand first base when I get the out as bill Fong goes ii sacrifice for bone and bob made it look so easy he went after the one shore I thought he might had a play at second place to here you see Bob he squares around the last moment he gets the bat out and firm the ball and that's what you have to do in the bunt situation you don't want to get the bat behind home plate cuz then the ball has a tendency to bounce off the plate just get it out be nice and relaxed and as Keith told you 23 sacrifices on the year very adept Bunter excellent Brian bounty this big picnic youngster out on the mound trying to getting the tying run Rob browbone at second base top of the ninth inning and Peter Ladd is high inside for ball one without it the baseball's are flying around in both bullpens [Applause] one in one but you can forget about hitting that fits because that pitch is unhittable but he can make similar pitches Downing's going to have a tough job getting the runner in from second base should he get this man out there'll be a big decision to make whether to let him stay in and pitch to Carew I think they have Cardwell loose in the bullpen and it's all up to Harvey key no fall-off second one one two down e 1 & 2 there's no doubt in my mind it well the Earl Weaver's that there was a hit out of the ballpark relax they used to tell me that in the dugout but I just couldn't do it it's been a great ballgame done a great series this is what baseball is all about so many times during the season where you rely on your short man like Peter Ladd to come in and do the job and you have to wait to see if he does it the third baseman mullet or his throw is all matter to you down neither one of these teams ever participated in the World Series the winner of this one will and the Milwaukee Brewers have just one out away and that one out was named Rod Carew well here's a man that's hit over 300 14 years in a row we've always said on the bench that it seems like he can get a hit anytime he wants to and they're gonna let Peter Ladd pitch to it well that's why I retired you get away from those type of decisions blow hitting left-handed against the right-hander lab the tying run edging on second base and Rob Wilfong fouled away strike one what Amanda after pitch two do you not see reflecting a passive attitude external this was normally when Rodney hits the ground ball up the middle just a nice three or four hopper all on just this and you turn around you wonder why I couldn't have been hit at somebody one one fouled on the right side at one who [Music] one jean-marc he couldn't have a better man up in rodney crew I think I take Freddie one wait you're going you're right again in this one two the shortstop [Applause] the players may not survive the crush as the crowd is over running the field the ball players will have to fight their way to the clubhouse as the Milwaukee baseball fans who have not had this kind of a base since the Milwaukee Braves played here back in the 60 and my wife is in the booth with Bud Seelig and I'm really glad that Milwaukee one because Ben I know is as nervous as anybody in the area the Brewers still have not been able to reach the dugout struggling through this enormous outpouring of appreciative fans who have been swarming onto the field but the Milwaukee Brewers have won the first American League pennant defeating the California Angels in the final game of the championship series four to three before will win it lad will get the save and Luis Sanchez will take the loss
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 18,441
Rating: 4.8800001 out of 5
Id: LWzjkzcoUxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 59sec (8999 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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