1981 NLDS Game 1 - Phillies vs Expos
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: ClassicPhilliesTV
Views: 20,512
Rating: 4.9757576 out of 5
Id: X5cwIOsj75E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 17sec (7877 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 22 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
that was the first division series ever right? after a splitted season in 2 ''halves'', Phillies won one half Montreal the other...
That chicken actually looked pretty tasty. Or maybe I just have been stuck in my apartment for 10 days, that I’m forgetting what real food looks like.
If you want a good chuckle, skip to about 6:20 for the commercial.