July 1978 - Mets vs Phillies (ABC Sports)

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again everyone I'm how it goes sell this is Monday night baseball on ABC the Mets against the Phillies but in truth the two biggest stories in baseball Pete Rose and is 43 game consecutive hitting streak and have cost the continuing saga of Billy Martin the manager of the Yankees who have had so much turmoil and turbulence this year when one thinks about Pete Rose one thinks about a gritty little guy with the skills that aren't quite what the superstars is supposed to be but he's the right guy to break DiMaggio's record if he can when one thinks about Billy Martin one thinks about a day a week ago in the second-floor mezzanine of a Kansas City hotel when the troubled manager as you look at the split screen before you rose to your left and Billy that in your right the truffle manager left the Yankees don't want to hurt this team's chances for the pennant with his undue publicity the team has a shot at the pennant and I hope they win it I owe it to my health to my mental well-being to resign I would like to thank the a key management depress the news media my coaches my players and most of all five days later though there was this scene at Yankee Stadium in New York the Yankees would like to announce at this time introducing and announce at the same moment that the manager of the Yankees for the 1980 season and hopefully for many years after that will be number one Billy this was the most extraordinary ovation I've seen in my 25 years on the sports be quick note we'll be cutting during the night to Pete Rose in Atlanta to follow whether or not he can achieve what we twilly killer has already achieved but for Billy Martin a moment that he'll never forget and maybe New Yorkers will never forget because in a strange way this man a dead end kid who turned good a depression kid a kid without the great skills who somehow typified the Yankees reach the soul of a city and you're looking at him right now live in this booth Billy Martin Billy some quick questions you know our time problems item number 1 your health is there a spot on your lip as a slight spot but it's nothing serious how quickly can it be removed will it stop you from manager he'll never stop in managing Howard I could manage tomorrow if I wanted to my doctors tell me in a couple of muscles going ok next question how do you know have you signed the contract for 1980 I've agreed with George Steinbrenner on 19 1881 and his words is born but not in writing well we haven't got to that yet what would you do the next year and a half on Elly back well I want to do a lot of fishing on a hunt and get to know my son a lot better and be with him a lot more and most of all I'm going to do some scouting for the Yankees also now you have admitted you made the statements attributed to you Steinbrenner has accepted that you work on try and he says he understood the mood and what you made them but there is another problem that problem is Reggie Jackson if he was still with the Yankees if and when you come back would you manage the club oh definitely I'll manage anybody how in order to win and as you know a manager doesn't always get along with all of his players but the most important thing is to motivate him and get him to win do you feel that Jackson was a factor at the very least in what happened to you last week well I think it was because of what happened my emotions maybe say things that I shouldn't have said and I'm very sorry I said them but and I think that everybody at one time or another does make a mistake your relationship with the owner George Steinbrenner has been a series of ups and downs in the long run for a period of time you were able to ameliorate them but what about now in spite of the apparent agreement how do you know you'll be back in 80 because after talking with George and seeing how he felt and how his emotion was when I got that ovation he had tears in his eyes like I did I just can't thank the man enough I think he's just a great individual and I'm gonna break my neck for and that's the way it's gonna be is it true that you had other job offers well yes I guess I could have Howard but my one love is the Yankees where I first started and I I wanted to do it for the people there I understand that but having had other job offers and without a contract in writing isn't there a lingering worry in your mind and view of past discard with the owner well how I think I'm like you I never run scared okay good luck to you thank you for being with us Billy's gonna be with us all evening right here in Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia with the Mets going against the fells and with Nino Espinosa going against Ruthven but right now let's go to Jim Lampley in Atlanta and the Pete Rose story hello everybody this is Atlanta Fulton County Stadium where one of the biggest Atlanta Braves crowds of the entire year has turned out to follow one of the biggest sports stories of recent years and that story of course is the story of Pete Rose there's a good look at Pete Rose as he steps in and the graphic tells the whole story attempting to tie the 44 game hitting streak which was completed in 1897 by Wee Willie Keeler playing for the Baltimore Oriole and there is the hand from the Atlanta crowd as Rose steps in against Phil Niekro I'm Jim Lampley reporting to you and I will be here all night to keep you abreast of developments in the Pete Rose story which has become as I said before one of the biggest sports stories of recent years 43 game hitting streak on the line as Rose steps in against Phil Niekro he's faced micro only once this year on May 30th here at Atlanta Rose led off the game with a single against Niekro and went on to go 1 for 3 in the ballgame the first pitch is called strike one looked like a knuckleball and Rose expects to get a steady diet of knuckle balls from Mike Rowe 13 times in the streak Rose has had hits in his first time at bat inside the count is now 1 & 1 I said 13 I should say 14 times on the streak rose as hatchets in his first time at that pitch is low and now the count is two and one rose generally very tough on Braves pitching but Negro is the Braves pitcher he least likes to face 3 & 1 now the count to Pete Rose [Applause] so beep Rose gets the base lawn balls in his very first appearance at the plate tonight and you can hear the reaction from the Atlanta crowd not happy about seeing the ball up out of the strike zone against Pete Rose there will be more chances but the first chance is gone so we'll be back when Pete Rose hits again now we return you to your ball game [Music] ABC's Monday Night Baseball buy from Federman Stadium in Philadelphia Pennsylvania tonight the New York Mets take on the Eastern Division leaders of the National League the Philadelphia Phillies this ABC Sports exclusive brought to you by Chevrolet like baseball hot dogs and apple pie Chevrolet is an American big read by Gillette makers a great guard deodorant available in stick or spray don't get dressed without it Texaco also brings you quality automotive products you can trust and by Allstate insurance companies you're in good hands with Allstate [Music] honey this homeowners insurance hi compare with Allstate compare bring in your policy and compare rates if you have a good deal will tell you but for many chances are we've got a better deal we've got a better deal Allstate might save you some money but you'll never know until you bring in your policy and compare oh that's a good deal what do you want to save on homeowners insurance yeah Allstate wants to help that's a promise from us the good hands people day with the kids and you want to be buried at sea did you take those pictures today can't wait to get these developed that's Polaroids in film it develops twice as fast now in just a few minutes the world's simplest camera Polaroid's one-step these are the blueprints for an automotive revolution this is the JCPenney shock absorber its unique patented metering pin adjusts the ride automatically while you drive so you get the control of heavy-duty shocks when they're going it's rough and the ride of original equipment shocks when the road is smooth and if it ever fails returned it will replace it free for as long as you own your car the JCPenney shock absorber it's the last shock absorber your car will ever need Major League Baseball presents big-league tips look what you can learn about a baseball game from reading the box score each player's times at bat run scored hits and runs batted in the inning by inning score who made heirs and extra-base hits how each pitcher did how long the game took and the attendance facts scores help you spot the hot pitchers and hitters add to your baseball enjoyment read a box score today baseball fever catch it the preceding was a message on behalf of Major League Baseball on a hot muggy night in Philadelphia Pennsylvania the New York Mets have come south to take on the Phillies as you look at the standings of the Eastern Division of the National League you can see the Phillies are not pulling away from the rest of the pack in the National League East as many people thought they might the Chicago Cubs though have stumbled recently at 51 51 and 500 the Cubs with a young strong pitching staff may not fade away in Pittsburgh perhaps getting ready to make themselves a run hello again everybody I'm Keith Jackson back from some 17 days in the Hawaiian Sun and I must tell you that I enjoyed it I have come back to rather quick rationale of a reality here in Philadelphia though when you look at and listen to all the problems that are rampant in the game of baseball with healthy people this year you just can't seem to find a ballclub that is solid through the ranks with all of its starters in good shape to play the game and here we come up on dog days the time when pellets are won and lost take the Phillies fine record at home a record of 36 and 15 but can't win a lick on the road and they come up next week play nine games against Pittsburgh which could be a very decisive time in the 1978 season for this Philadelphia ballclub the other part of our story tonight will be Pete Rose let's get to that right now with Howard Cosell and Don Drysdale well thank you very much Keith and yes Pete Rose is the overriding story in baseball tonight you just saw him walk his first time up down at Atlanta I'm with two men who understand something about the problems of continuing a hitting streak like this Billy Martin and Don Drysdale Don why don't you and Millett huh Billy discussed those problems well thank you very much showered and of course when you talk about hitting streaks or streaks of any kind Billy I know I've had a lot of streaks and many of them bad but of course right now you're talking about Pete Rose and you know I saw Pete the other day and what he made he made a statement I believe this is so true the one time that you get a chance to relax and that appears is when you put the uniform on the game starts and you go out across the lines no doubt about it Don you know the question has a period in the clubhouse by the press putting the pressure on you do you think you can do it can break Joe DiMaggio's record and actually that keeps building up and then when you get out in the field it's you Petros out there now it's all they got a different game you're relaxing yourself again and of course you and Joe DiMaggio great friends and there has to be things in the back of your mind about this streak that's going on well there he is you know I love Joe D so much and of course there's a lot of nostalgia there and I'm not saying I'm against Pete Rose but I just kind of reached for that low fashion Italian from San Francisco fellas who are about ready for the ballgame the Mets against the Phills let's give it back to Keith Jackson will resume at appropriate moments during the course of the game we'll be cunning of course to Atlanta and the Pete Rose story all right gentlemen thank you very much on the mound tonight for the Philadelphia Phillies as you see the lineup the batting order for the New York Mets Elliott Maddox is over at third base tonight he'll be looking at dick Ruthven the big right-hander Tim Foley hit second and the order at shortstop Steve Henderson in left field Willie Martinez at first base is hitting cleanup bat dude Stearns Big John back at the plate number 12 he's going to be a good one everybody seems to think labor silly of course in the batting order for the number-6 position Joel Youngblood will hit number 7 Doug Flynn will bat eighth and Nino Espinosa will do the pitching for the Mets tonight 7 and 8 on the season for the big right-hander Ruthven he is however 5 and 2 since coming to the Philadelphia Phillies from the Atlanta Braves and the first pitch is called bet one by Paul Runge during the plate umpiring tonight [Applause] fouled at the plate by Elliott Maddox and it is strike two Maddox at 265 on the season with a couple of home runs and 24 runs batted in he has some cartilage trouble sore knees and playing at third-base they give him a little respite with those saw of wheels lead on the ground at the right side are very high hopper and the play made by licking Hefner one gone here in the top of the first inning and family in Philadelphia Veterans Stadium remember we're playing on astroturf so very quick improves as you look at the Philadelphia defense with luzinski Maddox Martin Schmidt bone Sizemore Abner a Boone and Ruthven Sizemore is also the name of a brilliant offensive lineman on the Eagles but this is quick turf and the banner has a big lift dick Ruthven delivers the pitch to Tim Foley for Brooklyn I think the big thing you have to think about here it's rained all day in Philadelphia the rain lit up about three o'clock this afternoon you see the wet spots on that infield of course the outfield is all wet they had the big machine out there sucking off a lot of that water here prior to the game tonight and that's where you have to think about the ball skidding on you a little bit on that artificial turf it won't take you take a true hop but it'll come out there a line drive it'll skid onion if you're not careful it can scoot by it at 1 & 2 Foley hits it to the left side flat by Hafner too that Philadelphia defense you looked at a few moments ago has fewer errors in the National League than any other team they have committed only 71 the Dodgers 80 in the Mets are next with 82 which tells you something about an improving New York Met ballclub as Joe Torre indicated it's a bunch of youngsters beginning get their act together beginning to mail some maybe so I was amused by the Sun on the Philadelphia scoreboard great hands when Hefner played third for the Pirates he was renowned for poor throws here is young Steve Henderson 273 hitter nine home runs and ruthless lone away Ruthven was originally scheduled to pitch Saturday but he has a sore right side tightens up on him through an awkward pitch stumbled on the man pulled a rib muscle and if you're earning your living throwing a baseball that's 85 90 miles an hour you're not gonna be very successful the serife get on the ground to the second baseman Teddy Sizemore close enough and so the New York Mets are gone in order the top of the first inning and the Philadelphia Phillies will be coming right up you know a lot of people think Billy and I argue all the time actually we agree on just about everything right bill are you Betsy George we even drink the same beer Light beer from Miller's lights got 1/3 less calories in their regular beer it's less filling and the best thing is it tastes so great no George the best thing is no bill is tastes great less filling George Billy it tastes great less filling George Billy like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless [Music] [Music] you sure do have a taste for Chevy's America come on over to your Chevy dealer and see what's new today [Music] the lineup for the Philadelphia Phillies leaning off Gary Mannix ending at 290 for 8 home runs after him there's Gary Maddox right now 294 8 home runs and a swifty but not stealing recently the glue of the ballclub Larry Bowa the shortstop at 309 and then Mike Schmidt still trying to make it a decent season for himself and only 256 with 13 homers luzinski very hot now 263 25 homeless Ricci hadna always at class hidden at 270 with 12 home runs Bobbie poon and all-star catcher at 268 with nine homers then Jerry Martin at 287 six homers Teddy Sizemore back in the lineup 225 finally dick truth now the master of a hesitation in his delivery with a suddenly a quiet control that makes him effective on the mound for the New York Mets young right-hander Nino Espinosa six-foot 180 five pounder 24 years of age out the Dominican Republic his record reflected there he has however had very little success against these Philadelphia Phillies oh and one in 1978 and and five in his lifetime he lost nine for last outing here in Philadelphia and the first pitch is going away through the leadoff man for the Phillies Gary Maddox I think that's a tip-off right there to some of the problems that the Phillies have been having in adding match leading off he hits the ball to the right side moving over and making the catch of Joel Youngblood for out number one but bake McBride is normally the man that Danny Ozark would have in the leadoff position he's laid up can't play right now and so it means that they have to put the valuable mr. Maddux at the top the New York defense shapes up that way the outfield Henderson mozillian Youngblood inside it's Maddox Foley Flynn Montaner Stearns back at the plate Espinoza on the man [Music] Lindsey Nelson had a perhaps a revealing comment a little while ago when he did we want a game in Philadelphia last year sprayed foul left side over in the picnic area we can't talk enough about that guy Larry Bowa at the plate Billy Martin with us was the American League Manager in the all-star game and he talked with me before the game about the way Bowa holds the Phillies together and respected him as the all-star shortstop I think he's right now in the lead to as the potential golden Glover finally in the National League concepción has had a few more bobbles this year at Cincinnati than normal on that kit is Mike Schmidt and bought exit low I like him done because Bowa was outspoken about the fact that he's fell he's always been under publicized and overlooked not given the credit that was his due if to the left side should be playable easily enough for Henderson he's there and who down [Applause] I think really the big thing that Howard said a little while ago but boy is kind of the backbone he's the glue of this ballclub he's certainly the glue of that infield where's he's had some tough shortstops to go ahead and head against a national league but I think over through the hall the long haul why his name stands right up there amongst all the fine ones that they have in this National League here's the key man for Philadelphia of Mike Schmidt pitch Tim Espinoza is outside Schmidt at a 2 5 6 batting average he frankly admits he's trying to salvage the season but against Espinoza this year 9 of 19 with four home runs each that one on the ground the third baseman Matt Hossack throws and gets in and so the Philadelphia Phillies are going in order after one inning of play there is no score at veteran's stadium we'll be back with more baseball after this word from our local station this is ABC the manager of the New York Mets Joe Torre grim-visaged much of the time because he's deeply involved before the game he talks with Howard about his team Joe capsulize for me if you will where you think you've established improvement this year well Harold when we started the season I never made Primus was about wins or losses I just felt that we're gonna have a good ball club and we're going to fight and be close and we played about forty six or seven one-run games and I think we've established an infield it turns the double play helps our young pitches get out of jams and a club that's only a little experience away from being very competitive pregame comments of Mets manager Joe Torre at the plate William on tania's John Stearns will follow Lee Mazzilli will be the third man one of his best seasons in baseball for Willie right here 1971 at 30 home runs and 99 runs batted in for the Phillies runner-up to Earl Williams of Atlanta for the National League Rookie of the Year voting that year he's well-traveled he played in Atlanta a year ago came to the Mets he's hitting at 271 with 14 home runs so a pair of former Braves involved here Paul by Paul Runge 2 & 2 Pete Rose got a free pass to first base first time up he figures to be up in the top of the 3rd inning if he does come at that time we'll be able to go show you what happened inside rose 43 straight games in which he has had a base hit against Phil Niekro is 1 for 3 in 1978 the tough knuckleballer that is found in okayed last week while you were sunning yourself in Hawaii working stiffs like Drysdale and me were talking about individual achievement records we talked about the difficulty in the specialized age of the game with relief is being brought on so promptly of winning 300 but one record will never be broken Luke Garrett 2130 consecutive games at ball is hit high in the air to the left side third baseman Schmidt comes into the foreground of the coaching box thanks again one down Keith you know you and Howard have heard me on these Monday night games talk about how the game is different on this astroturf or the artificial turf whatever it might be and in my opinion it is a different game but I just wondered with Billy Martin in the booth right now Billy do you have to manage different on this type of artificial turf I guess I believe you do I think your outfielders got to be a little more careful on Bob's balls there you know five balls to drop out there infielders can play a little deeper you have to because the ball is gonna get by a little quicker [Music] John Stearns at bat with one out of nobody on against Ruthven John used to bust helmets Betty Crowder - Colorado Buffaloes out in Boulder but on Joe's professional baseball for his career Joe Torre likes his chances for being very successful [Applause] he's hit 11 home runs 277 average and he's knocked across 47 [Applause] Ruthven having his first start tonight in nine days having a little trouble finding the strike zone at ball as well hip to the left side hooking and at home run death [Applause] now you talk about John Stern busting helmets out there at Colorado one man that'll say amen to that and that's a big man over Pittsburgh by the name of mr. Parker and they collision that they had at home plate broke his cheekbone button it to John Stearns his head thing about Stern says he's an all-around athlete fifteen stolen bases all ready for a catch up Billy Martin he's closing in on Roger Bresnahan Zurich not too shabby 3 2 pitch punched up the middle little handle hit Sizemore gets him that was a punch to nine just short a second base the batter is Lee Mazzilli 265 hitter and the center fielder for the New York Mets this kid Keith you can see in the process of development how to reap he's a good fly catcher to begin with but he had a recent home run burst in these beginning to develop a sense of power after all 11 home runs 44 rip ease a most respectable young player with possibly a big potential only 23 years of age and a right out of Brooklyn never strike Bob Engel is the first base umpire jury Dale is at second John McSherry at third man behind the plate all rocky Denny summers coaching at first down maxvill at third that's foul keep remembering Daryl maxvill in the 67 World Series playing for the Cardinals at Fenway against the Red Sox never known for being able to hit the ball much past the infield he shot one off the wall at the 420-foot mark for a triple and still recounts the event as it as if it were a daily occurrence in his baseball I told down before the game as you look at some of the scores right there's a voice that you're wearing a bad number he says you're telling me said someone booed me the other day said I didn't know why you can't be wearing that 53 like that [Applause] new baseball rubbed into play and Ruth 'ln delivers and Mazzilli takes it and the count is 1 & 2 [Applause] [Music] Ruthven came back to the Phillies from Atlanta on June 15 gene GARP moved down south to the Braves Garber since going to Atlanta as a record of 1 & 1 but he has saved 12 game right now the Phillies in particular are hoping that roofin finds his stride and can pick him up through the tough months ahead August and September at pitch high case I mentioned earlier the hesitation that's been developed in Ruth Ben's wind up Billy Martin when you quickly explain what it's doing for well it's letting his body get into the in front of him where before Bobby his armors always late come around now his arms coming out in front ball is hit high in the air to right field playable furred Martin besides retired Luther put six Mets down in order and we have no score after one and a half it's gonna be a little short about 70 miles this is Bob for Texaco hope in the Gulf of Mexico this water is 260 feet deep it can cost up to six times more to drill for oil out here than on land but we've got to do this if Americans have become less dependent on unreliable sources of oil from abroad at Texaco we're working to keep your trust listen up team it's a long ride to hog flats yeah all day long so starch is gonna pass out the right yardie odor we got stick or spray with right guard deodorant stick or spray protects all day they don't just cover up odor they help stop older before it starts all day long and it's gonna be a long day right guard deodorant don't get dressed without it impossible America's waking up to the impossible shave Gillette atra the first razor with a head that pivots to follow every contour of your face for closeness with comfort you never thought possible impossible this after a face hugging action keeps twin blades at the perfect angle such closeness with so much comfort it's impossible gillette AFTRA yes the impossible shave is here Petros steps into the box here in Atlanta for his second appearance of the evening against Phil Niekro a walk in the first inning there's the attempted but or fake but whichever way you interpret it and now that brings rookie third baseman Bob Horner of the Braves in on the grass lime drive right back Gary rush to the shortstop his first swing of the bat tonight he throws makes contact and hits the ball hard but right at Gary Royce through the atlanta shortstop and two chances have gone for Pete Rose to match the 44 game hitting streak of Willie Keeler we take you back to your normal ballgame and so Pete Rose is opal one having walked the first time in line to shortstop the second time where's on and we'll continue to keep you apprised of his progress as he sits through it in his 44th consecutive game Greg luzinski the bull for Philadelphia takes a strike good slider on the outside corner 25 home runs Greg now tied with George Foster for the lead in the National League [Music] but easily playable for the rightfielder Youngblood and the luzinski is gone Ritchie Hoeppner now and Bob Boone to follow I understand that foster hit his shot yesterday 25th and Cincinnati and they're still looking for Huebner a dead pull hitter [Applause] Nino Espinosa [Applause] as a story on Petros the Reds are in Atlanta against the Braves the pitch is lone away after Hebner I tell you if you gone against Phil Niekro it's advisable to get to him early later on that neckla its bounces at the plate the alignment by the New York Mets very interesting the shortstop is to the right side right field side of second base the third baseman is almost in the normal shortstops position and Hebner it's at high in the air sifting back into the stands and Cincinnati yesterday the Reds put three infielders on the right side put Petros the third baseman of the shortstop slot so what didn't Ricci happen to do he punted three times for three they said he went five for five actually in the ball game his first five hit game in the major league fans just had a quick gander at some of the National League's cause Pittsburgh leaning Montreal which only scored 19 yesterday the Reds leading the Braves one to nothing although Petey rose is hopeful one having walked and lined out he pulled it good play to the second baseman Clara and he can't find the ball [Applause] that young man but plan was of course acquired in the deal for Tom Seaver an interesting late when I talked with Joe charge before the game as you look at this again sorry said I don't care whom you named there is no better defensive second baseman in our league than Doug play he's the kind wet building huh now there was a case right there Billy Morton there's where he got on that wet turf and I think he just over he actually over slid the ball really no question about he actually went by the ball and he looked like it was gonna make the plays he put the ball got behind him the first pitch to Bob Boone Philly catcher strike that was the base hit for hip nur first hit of the ballgame he'll they remembers Boone from the all-star game 9s favorably it and his dad hitting pitchers Lowell that was a nice scene in San Diego Keith remember Grabow himself an all-star once posing with his son Bob now at the plate I like the way Bob Boone is structured his life though he stayed with his studies got his degree in psychology from Stanford back in 1969 those spots the discoloration out on the field is from rain and it's rain most of the day in Philadelphia the infield was covered but some of the water sifted off the tarp when it was taken away that's why you have the different colors the runner goes the pitch is swung off at the center field and playable [Applause] you've gotta go they mm at first base and so after two complete innings of play here in Veterans Stadium we have no score between the medicine affiliates the new Chevy Monza is one car that's really three when you look at it this way Mons is a sporty car when you look at it this way Mons is a well-equipped car and when you look at it this way Mons is an economical car so for one car that's really three sporty well-equipped and economical get a Chevy Monza it's really three cars lowest price instant camera nothing to focus just aimed cute and up pops what nobody else can give you bright brilliant cover by Kodak and after all is some color the way to choose an instant camera have fun with a handle all the kids do even kids like us I'm bringing an appetite we're in a smile cuz you got so many good things to eat and when I top it with tasty freeze its mother right now a Tastee Freez and big t family restaurants we're preparing all your favorite cookin with a little something extra a good old-fashioned tasty freeze dessert it's a treat let's go through that double play one more time watch the action and listen to the comments of Billy marque Kate you can see these are the little things in baseball sometimes I miss there's Tim Foley given a beautiful decoy like he's going to receive the ball at second base he decoyed hit me right out of the play and then course set up for the double play first base thank goodness a picture back there that's where a little reluctant to capitalize on the opportunity one no I look at it all he's making out that he's gonna catch the ball kepner's heading her slides into the play I stand by my original statement Ritchie would sleep he didn't know how many outs there I think after that right now as you look at it again from another egg and I watch fully come across like Billy Martin is saying like he receives the ball getting ready to throw to first base with a double play a great job by Foley he is a fine young shortstop that's why Terry called some mine my manager on the feet but belly was right of course it was a beautiful big boy we go to the top of the third inning for Joel Youngblood Doug Flynn and Nino Espinosa Youngblood and Flynn both coming from the Cincinnati organization to the Mets [Applause] quick note Keith in the San Fran Houston San Francisco Houston game being carried in another region of the country let's look at the pitch and since thoughts quickly show the struggling Red Sox slumping as nobody thought they would without rooster Burleson facing the Bell those who beat Texas twice yesterday the Yankees leading the ranges for shockingly to stump with it and no walking Baltimore tied at 2 and 2 POW collided in that Houston San Francisco game with Whitfield has been taken to the hospital for stitches Doug Glenn Texas fight from Ruthven Andrew Flynn is popping the ball tonight he's quick he's throwing well Keith I have not seen Ruthven thrilled that much but he's shown as well the night is as well tonight is what I've ever seen him through the jugs gun tells us 89 miles an hour on the last fastball I think the kids what Billy Martin said with that hesitation and delivery he's getting the arm out there he gets his whole body thus into the pitch and B he's got control that he didn't use down [Music] [Applause] I would think too though Don coming from Atlanta which is a launching pad to this ballpark where the ball doesn't carry quite as well and with a ballclub that probably figures to get you more runs to that's been able to clean him up a little bit he's concentrating and actually using more fastball but that one has stroked it into right-center field for a base hit well I'm sure that he has a little more peace of mind up here when he goes and looks at that lineup that is playing behind him but Billy has hit it really right on the nose because I think a lot of people in the viewing audience can kind of go and side it with a golf swing or something like that and what you're doing you're taking me to the club back you're taking your body and turning your body you're hesitating just a little bit to where you get that forward motion all coming together Espinoza puts it down Flynn breaks to second Espinoza tagged out sacrificing himself with two-out the Mets have a base runner at second [Applause] Elliott Maddox [Applause] the top of the order in the top of the third no score well he's played for you belly it's been charged by him who didn't like it seemed like he was going to trade and this is too bad the way worked out but he's a he's a real fine ballplayer Ruthven checks the runner Flynn mrs. Cole one [Applause] [Music] I'm time good evening well if you're not awake by now that will wake you up he's you look at Joe Toye in his pitching coach rube Walker that pitch does get your attention Charlie Dressen called high-neck in takes him outside misses the one thing about Maddux tonight fellas is that he is playing third base a position that we haven't seen him play that much before but it is certainly no stranger to him because he played that in college so he is well aware of what goes on down there how did he play it in the college that one's tight and the Elliott Maddox walks I don't know that is the first walk issued tonight by dick Ruthven and for the first time in tonight's game we have two baserunners with two out the batter is Foley Tim shortstop you're not going to believe me guys but Billy Martin's with us tonight and Tim Foley reminds me of Billy moth he's not Billy Martin not as good but he's kind of kid who gets more from himself than the skills would lead you to believe he could as well look at a call stock and that's the story of Billy Martin of players thank you there's a lot of people that would like to have this young man right here because you mentioned about Torre saying he's a captain of that infield he knows how to play the game swings through a high fastball maybe the one bad faults that Tim has instead of using the whole ballpark to hit with he'll sometimes try and over swing and he's not the kind of hitter that can swing that hard he must use a complete ball court shark shot third base Schmidt goes too short wait a second and gets the third out of the New York whether tonight's ballgame but they come away empty and the score continues nothing nothing except for the insurance and closing oh my did insurance company aah all states different different how we give a 10% discount for newer homes oh it's a 10% discount about 10% off our rate on basic homeowners insurance for houses 5 years old or less all states different all right good hand what it takes being different to be better all state will do it that's a promise from us good hands people you got the advantage I certainly do the advantage is the new tire from day observe it it's everything Goodrich has ever learned about making radial tires and they made the first American radio Goodrich hey remember when I was fighting a kid looked up in the 5th and K winner he's not BF Goodrich the other guys in the latter part of the 20th century a medication was created that killed athlete's foot fungus on the contact this medication is found in a state for athlete's foot and take relieves burning it you cranking after Tate for athlete's foot with a medication that kills athlete's foot fungus on contact it'll be the bottom third of the order for the fillers Jerry Martin Ted Sizemore and dick Ruthven and it was Jerry Martin who was almost the villain yesterday in Cincinnati because before Pete Rose got his base hits Martin Robb roles as he went deep in right made a great backhanded catch off a driver IP a functional ballplayer Keith can do a lot of things catch the ball occasional power he says Paul Runge that means strike folks that's one on one I like way is dead I'm fired he said that a lot II think I heard him more than anybody else you know Billy Martin's in the booth with us done I go back to the 66 World Series Labine had shut out the Yankees in the sixth game Jackie that was one to nothing Jackie had hit the line shot over 56 I said 56 down get to it later that's hard to the right side and the centerfielder Lee Mazzilli calls off the Youngblood and makes the cat Jackie and hit the line drive over slaughters head to win the game I'll never forget Billy Martin in the clubhouse singing the hit song of the day stays sera sera whatever will be will be well what was was Johnny cuts the next day shutting out the dodges and yoky hitting a grand slammer off Don Newcombe else in Howard also hit a homer and I believe most guard and Ropin also Espinoza pitches now - Ted Sizemore whose mountain of scrap in the infield for the Philadelphia Phillies but still struggling with that hand that he broken three places [Applause] daddy figures he has 70% strength back in the hand that he broke it took the sponge off the handle of the bat last week but he is still using the sponge in the glove while he works a few scores from about the American League Ankush to zip over Texas after three no score White Sox Red Sox National League that's what's going on that ball is hit right centerfield making it look easy asthma Mazzilli all seem to get up and then kind of hung there for I like that kid done Mazzilli I do too he's just a young boy and he's you know he had a month or so and it wasn't that long ago where he every time I looked at the box scores why he had a few home runs going for him he had a burst he's up to 11 and says he can hit 20 a year at least he really believes it a 150 hitter loosened the pitcher right grew up in Brooklyn Espinosa throwing hard low I like Espinosa - he's throwing well he's nice free and easy and it appears it he's got good stuff hello Terry has some very interesting things to say about Espinosa and what has brought months have been Pabst Chuck Howard our producer we'll find it time to play at Lake [Music] [Applause] - to account two out nobody on no score village batting bottom 2/3 just glancing in Espinoza facially looks a little bit like Juan Marichal when you first glance at non of here John Rose pearl yeah I think Juan had his hair that long but he does he's got kind of he sure does [Music] [Applause] gets the second hit of the night for the Phillies [Applause] [Music] up comes Gary Maddox Gary Maddox who was a running theme earlier in the season when we were here you'll remember Keith Larry Bowa said let's start running because the fields weren't winning and so they did but Gary Maddox troubled recently by a bad ankle and suddenly the base stealing has stopped only two stolen bases in the last 36 games Pete Rose will bat on the top of the fifth and we'll be reporting to you on it immediately pitch to Maddux we're gonna mess growth in the pitcher is on first base having singled up the middle I still think Gary Maddox is worth more to you down in the bottle your batting order though he's in the leadoff position because of bake McBride's injury and that's fouled away and McBride has not started since July 17 he jammed the right wrist when he drove back in the second base in a game against Houston he's had his hand in the cast for 10 days he took it off last Thursday oh and to pitch to Maddux high worth remembering too that when the McBride came over from st. Louis a year ago to join this ball club he were to Jack them up they got things going and Maddox is out of there and so are the Phillies so we've traveled along through three innings of play the tough pitching game going on between two big right-handers last spring 227 specially-equipped Chevy Nova police cars were delivered to the Jacksonville Florida Sheriff's Department that's a tall order but no surprise there's law enforcement agencies in 47 states that made Chevy Nova America's best selling police compound now a lot of the things the police look for in a new car are the same things you'd look for a new car liability performance and value Chevy Nova a wanted car now more than ever you know a lot of people think Billy and I argue all the time actually we agree on just about everything right bill are you Betsy George we even drink the same beer Light beer from Miller's lights got 1/3 less calories in their regular beer and it's less filling and the best thing is it tastes so great you know George the best thing is less filling no bill is tastes great less filling George Billy it tastes great less filling George Billy like beautiful Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless can you believe it I've really gone and got many school enjoy but cannery an economy well I think I'm gonna get the education of my life if you're out of high school and you're ready for the education of your life join the people who've joined the army [Music] we've already mentioned this young man Larry for shortstop all-star for the Philadelphia Phillies before the ball game Howard Cosell talked with Larry Bowa Larry it's been said that your team somehow plays only hard enough to make sure you win the pennant that basically there's no competition in your division I've been reading a lot about that and I hope some of the ballplayers aren't reading it it seems like sometimes we do go through the motions some guys aren't motivated enough and I don't know what the problem is but if we continue to do this we're going to be pressed by the Cubs and pirates so it's it's very important that we get our act together against these second division ball clubs because if we continue to lose against them we're going to be watching the playoffs in October Steve Henderson William on tania's and John Stearns are the scheduled hitters and Henderson's up there with a one strike count and Randy lurch is warming up in the Philadelphia bullpen just in case Ruthven has some trouble without a sore ribs exactly so Keith and Henderson of course regarded by most as the key figure in the Sieben trade shoots a bullet to right-center basic he's a good hitter but in truth not a complete ballplayer he cannot throw you don't win pennants with half ball players is that right Billy Monty that's the other half is real good I'm addicted [Applause] Willie Montaigne has taken his time coming to the plate you know if anything about this game of baseball too you get somebody that's a little short on one side of the other and there's an old shame about this game of baseball you can't hide them it'll always the ball will always find them they'll always come up in a crucial situation or whatever it is it just happens invariably high bouncer to the right side that really was a great place had to make an instant reflex decision deal at the ball play you do you play the ball and try it on the short hop right belly you never let the ball play you always play the ball that too is what Billy was talking about earlier on this artificial turf you let that ball take that second hop and you don't know where it's gonna bounce to right there you know you've got the little short in-between hop you know you can plant and Teddy made a fine play on John Stearns up one out baserunner Henderson at second base John steps out of the batter's box time was not called and I do believe now that Paul Runge is saying son if you don't want those pitches to count you better tell me well he does not call time and of course that's not automatic and you see so many umpires today that as soon as a hitter will step out without even calling time right away they call time but that is not all automatically when that pitcher is out there and he's ready to throw and in motion to pitch you're supposed to stay in the box you're not supposed to step out it was however blowing away ball one they go to second no Anderson back pretty close [Applause] Rosen's pitch breaking pitches in for strike its 1 and 1 Keith Billy Martin just remark his observation the ballgame the pickoff attempt was good stopped any attempt to steal Wow I really trying to pick him off he just hold him close enough so he won't steal third base with one out [Applause] you never saw a Jackson play in Washington State count your blessings [Laughter] go across inside a hole Henderson thank judge are judging on his history and I just looked through the the numbers at the Mets furnished us Anderson has attempted 14 steals he's batting 500 on the bases so he's seven been caught seven times stealing but he does have the quickness perhaps it is just a matter of becoming a little more student of the circumstance which was the story of your career [Music] [Applause] got to work at it whatever you're doing here's Mozilla dare to fly ball to right field mouse to Sizemore [Applause] [Music] tonight at second base this ball game rolls right along to play at no school fixing up your house bozo the top pink this time thank you blue sides plenty tough it resists peeling and cracking for one thing it's got my cup like mm-hmm Mike is a mineral that reinforces the pain by forming overlapping plates to help make it tough seal so it resists peeling and cracking he means lucite lasts now get a dollar refund from DuPont on every gallon of tough ceiling lucite look at all the ways heads are turning to Vitalis now that I shampoo more I use Vitalis to keep my hair in condition I tell us before I blow dry helps keep my hair under control by aerosol felt stiff Vitalis I'm a softer touch these days heads are turning to Vitalis in more ways than one [Music] you know me as mr. Goodwrench the professional mechanic who cares about you GM cars but your participating GM dealer also has a mr. Goodwrench who cares at the service right up desk and in the parts department we're all over the service department just to be sure your GM car gets mr. Goodwrench professional care you never had it so good with mr. Goodwrench that's Espinoza and Ruthven both pitchers have allowed two hits of the ball game we go to the bottom of the fourth inning for Larry bull Mike Smith and Greg luzinski and the other part of the story tonight Pete Rose in Atlanta all right let's get into that story again everybody knows Joe DiMaggio is hit in 56 consecutive games some baseball people feel it's the greatest individual achievement in history under any circumstances phenomenal but Pete Rose everybody's little guy everybody's guy who dicks the most out of what he has has hit incredibly in 23 straight games if he gets it tonight it's 44 he dies Willie killer Wee Willie who's accredited with the line hit him when they ain't but some feel that Honus Wagner was the author of that line no Matt we're keeping you abreast of the scene with Jim Lampley in Atlanta Don Drysdale and Billy Martin have previously talked about at length Barry boy hits the ball high in the air to the the shortstop pulley goes back and makes the catch for out number one Bowa came to the ballpark look in his locker you find a bunch of Petros t-shirts in there he impeded been buddies for a long time most people don't even know the real record and Washington state Jackson hit me 72 straight right over 72 Mike Schmidt Greg luzinski and Mike pops it up the first freshman [Music] [Applause] [Music] hot dog but for the Mets this year very very effective that's the story on Petros [Music] [Applause] so far [Applause] at the plate Greg luzinski [Applause] with 25 home runs Texas strike and he continues to work with Billy DeMars using the videotape trying to get himself into a solid hitting posture so that muscle memory takes over with the low hot day is coming and what a doubleheader facing the Philippines blooded of age seven of them and five on the road one into the count now [Applause] [Music] John's parents affection by the cream and so Espinosa gets the fillers in order one more time and we continue scoreless after four hey if you're gonna travel on the interstate highways this year you want good gasoline mileage well that's where the good guys who wear the star come in just about wherever you go you'll find them ready with top-quality Texaco products to help your car run more efficiently so it can give you better mileage so travel with the good guys they're number one on the interstate highways and being in business for themselves makes them work even harder for you the Dutch masters buyers are in France for the international auction of rare African Cameroon tobacco there are two secrets they must keep to win some of the best lead for Dutch masters the exact leaf they want and the price they'll pay it's a nice colour when their bid is opened by the French auctioneers they'll learn if they've won some of the best I should H master taste the taste the world competes for in a Dutch masters Cameroon whiff there really are masters at Dutch masters [Music] you look like you could use there are many ways to work up a thirst but fun way to really quench it with Gatorade thirst quencher the one drink scientifically designed to give you a bunny what it's thirsty for the players of the week in the national league Pete Rose of the Cincinnati Reds in the American League al Oliver of the Texas Rangers you know the story of Pedro if you haven't you been in a hole in the ground sniffing el Oliver at 32 years of age has been wearing them out for the last few days with the Texas Rangers beginning to pay dividends on the big investment well this an all-purpose ball player Keith always has been good ball player Rick Richey Hefner over and background he makes the catch on Youngblood for out number one what I like about Oliver is has a good mind a sense of who yes what he can do where he's at no Dover got the bonus payment but understood the pressures that would be placed upon now respond Doug Flynn gets up all the way 70 Maddox back in the center pretty hard over his head if you don't hit it out of the ballpark so Nino Espinosa and Nino Espinosa comes to the plate gross will be leading off in the sixth inning Atlanta and we'll be keeping you abreast of that September 14 1977 young Espinosa came into this ballpark pitched a three-hitter it beat Steve Carlton one nothing I believe that's the only game the Mets won in Philadelphia 1977 [Applause] there's reason perhaps for him having mannerisms on the mound that reminds you to Don Juan Marichal because he too is from the Dominican Republic and I would think when he was growing up and learning to play the game of baseball Marichal had to be the biggest hero in that country if you were a pitcher I'm sure that he was on had a great career well I was a pitcher but from Brooklyn at the Dominican Republic 92 miles an hour that last pitch by Ruth that he's throwing you know one thing that I've been watching and watching how many balls have been popped in the air kind of gives you a clue of two things that are happening either that ball is moving upstairs or they're getting it in on the hitters and they've been trying to fight it off on them popping it up [Applause] Espinosa is gone with a strikeout let's go in order and we roll along scoreless [Applause] pullover text phone surf these Marvel radio Maddox right so smooth you can't even tell your speed right goody-good read this if it's 60 day you don't agree for radio matter give you the best ride ever Monroe will replace him at no charge with any comparative ride shop get it set for your car sheriff sure will boys say Tex what's a car we cook something special for dinner we have the house now what we can't stay here can you insurance oh that fixed time Allstate helps were right away our first concern is to take care of you there's an advance for food and a place to stay Allstate homeowner's insurance takes care of the damage thank you can we get a place with the kitchen sure but let's eat out tonight nope when you need it back Allstate and that's a promise from us the good hands people Chevy Chevette is the best-selling small car in America because it's a lot of car for the money you Chevette standard equipment includes a radio whitewall tires console sports steering wheel 1.6 liter engine 18 new standard features in all grunt bucket seats plus a wide hatch carpeting front disc brakes rack and pinion steering and more the 78 Chevy Chevette it's a lot of car for the money no score in this ballgame both pitchers working with two hitters Joe Torre high on this young right-hander Nino Espinosa well you know he probably for a young pitcher has about as good of control as you can have his problem has been inconsistency and Nino has been one thing I try to stay on him about is he doesn't challenge the hitters enough he doesn't get on top he he works from behind it's ball one ball two and he just tries to be too cautious and too careful and he's got the fastball in the slider in the curveball I just like to see him get ahead of more hitters pregame comment of Joe Torre on his young right-hander Richie Hebner is the batter the infield is swung way around to the right side with only one defensive player on the left field side of second base so Tim Foley occasionally will wander back over just on the left side of second abner had a base hit but he did pull it to the right side and Doug Flynn slid across it otherwise he'd had it count us two and one the ball is hit to left behind the air to the left fielder Steve Henderson [Applause] one of the worries and things I would think for the Philadelphia Phillies will be they series they have coming up where the schedule is drawn they've got to play the Mets tomorrow than have a day off then they play the Pirates nine times in a period of 10 days and they also play st. Louis four times during that same period and I saw Chuck Tanner at the all-star game and Chuck's out who got all of his people back healthy that he might have enough pitching to make a run in August and September at the Phillies unless they got their act together starting pitching core for the Phillies been having their troubles some of those pitchers are going to have to work for three days rest very shortly because they do have so many ball games stacked up including back-to-back double headers for example on September 3 and 4 against San Francisco and the st. Louis [Applause] Pete Rose tonight in Atlanta against Phil Niekro the knuckleballer has walked lined out he will be coming to the plate again shortly and we will cover it live for you I'm called on the field the umpires Paul Runge walking down toward the first base umpire Bob Engel to have a talk about something Tony Taylor the first base coach over there for the Phillies the DeMars the third-base coach and Taylor joins the conversation bow right here Billy Martin of course this is a good friend of yours Tony Taylor but I think what Paul Runge does he wants him in the box so he's not gonna try and steal any signs as one of the finest players brendensen have been father of the planet never had the pleasure of managed he just had a terrific individual lot of those first base and third base coaches he'll move out of that box a little bit to try and get a better angle at those signs if they possibly can especially if the catcher opens one leg where you can see his hands fouled away by Bob boom the village catcher with Jerry Martin now on that they're having shirt night Sunday hard you don't come back what sensor t-shirt night Sunday I'm coming back with a shirt that says 53 Drysdale wins the mall inside that remember Drysdale belly what a hand under he was not spring training [Music] [Applause] that shows you a little bit of the strength of babul that pitch was up but it was in a little bit and he managed to get his hands out through that ball and hit that line drive right out of here we talked about how the ball at times will carry in this ballpark that got out of here in a hurry and the batter is Jerry Martin Phillies on top one to nothing finally getting some scoring in the bottom of the fifth inning this is what's driving Joe Torre crazy one mistake he has to put together a ballclub [Applause] [Music] right there you saw a fine play by Maddox who did play third base in college as Don dries down noted earlier but who's basically in outfield but Tory has to put together architecture a ballclub but the personnel given Jule he must adapt that personnel to that talent and they make uh gnarrk attack should really because it's a number of incomplete ball players they reveal their vulnerability at given points true Billy I think a manager has duty has do best and put everybody out there complain that Joe Torre is gonna be one fine manager it is one of the finest was right now [Music] [Applause] that Sizemore found that away in trying to strengthen the hand left the bunt takes it away hi he has been squeezing puddy for one thing but something new I didn't know about he puts his hand in a bucket of rice and exercises in the bucket of ripe never heard cooked or uncooked doesn't say Jerry Klein came up with that piece of astounding information now fires had to file again he made a comment when he was playing with the doctors that I thought was very revealing done he said shortly after he actually had gone to st. Louis that living and playing in st. Louis he seemed to be more a part of the team because living in Los Angeles everybody was spread out so far somebody would live Thousand Oaks and somebody would live in Orange County near 55 miles apart notice each other once in a while cuts it up to the first baseman Martinez and the inning is over but Bob Boone step home out of the year against the philia one nothing lead and we'll be back with more at its word from our local station this is ABC Lions score in the ball game here in Philadelphia Boone's home run gives the Phillies a one nothing lead both pitchers still locked up in an outstanding effort Espinoza for the Mets and dick Ruthven for the Philadelphia Phillies and so with our score one nothing here we turn our attention once more to the Gateway to the South Atlanta Georgia where Petros to the plate let's document the story now with Jim Lampley reporting live from Atlanta getting ready to go to the top half of the sixth inning here in Atlanta where Pete Rose will be leading off for the Cincinnati Reds it will be his third appearance of the evening against Phil Niekro there you see the story so far the ball game of the first inning he walked in the third inning he lined out this is a one-to-one ball game between Cincinnati and Atlanta the Reds got their run on a home run by Johnny Bench in the second inning the Braves came back to tie it in the bottom of the fourth on a sacrifice fly by 5th poker open Rose has had hits in 43 consecutive games if he can get a hit tonight he will tie the all-time national league record of 44 which was compiled in 1897 by Wee Willie Keeler of the Baltimore Orioles who were then playing in the National League Keeler played at a time when a foul ball was not charged against a hitter as a strike so the rules were somewhat different for Keeler Keeler were alive today he would be a hundred six years old he was 25 when he compiled that 44 game hitting streak there's a look at the man who in that year 1897 went on to bat for 32 to lead the National League in hitting Pete Rose as I mentioned has had hits and 43 consecutive games Wee Willie Keeler at 44 is the next goal for Rose and beyond that there is only one number one name 56 Joe DiMaggio the last two weeks and he has been under intense scrutiny man ever since passing Tommy Holmes for the modern national league record a week ago in New York two times to the plate tonight in the first inning and he walked on a three in one pitch a knuckleball high from Negro this time he takes ball one in the third inning he bunted at the first pitch it was a strike and then hit the Owen one pitch on a line to Gerry Royster at shortstop pitch is low in the countess now to a toe crowd of over 40,000 here in Atlanta Fulton County Stadium they began arriving here at the ballpark at 5 o'clock this afternoon they were here on mass to watch Pete Rose take batting practice hard-hit ball past the second baseman Gilbreth and Pete Rose has that a base hit in the 44th consecutive game and Pete Rose moves up rest of Wee Willie Keeler on the all-time list and everyone and Atlanta Stadium is on their feet a momentary pause in the game Gary Royce for the Atlantic it's the ball to eat rose the base hit which ties rose at 44 with Wee Willie Keeler and now as I mentioned before there is only one number one name left us a goal for Pete Rose 56 games Joe DiMaggio 1941 here's another look at the two Oh Finch from Phil Niekro a knuckleball up past second baseman rod Gilbert a clean single into right field no trouble for the official score on that one and Pete Rose has kept it alive he's been hitting over 400 from the left side of the plate during the streak with the walk and the line out to Royster he is now 1 for 2 on the evening so that's the story from Atlanta Petros facing a tough pitcher Phil Niekro has done his job he has the base hit and now we return you to the ball game in your area all right Jim so Petros marches on consecutive game they top of the sixth inning for the Mets Elliott Maddox walked him talling it into a sharp eye for three third second first DoublePlay Henderson grounded to the shortstop was thrown out the inning is over and the score continues Philadelphia won the New York Mets nothing and it's still very much a pitcher's duel Sears national automotive values the Sears 48 of maintenance-free battery a battery loaded with starting power is now on sale the Sears 48 now only 36 99 you save eight dollars from the people who brought you the diehard battery comes the mus ler the aluminized muffler from Sears only $19.99 installed at Sears one thing cigar lovers agree on is this House of Windsor cigars even Cooper knows they're made from select important domestic tobacco's chef did I likes the choice Palmer sportsman or panatela and Freddie the freeloader can tell a House of Windsor cigar is quality and value all rolled into one and who knows more about value in packer box house the Windsor where quality still counts but Kelly's have a way to save gasoline from the ground a [Music] steel-belted radial called the Callen - measure when we tested a set of gas patches against our lawn radials the gas patches pinched up the 31.7 more miles out of a tank of gas that's hundreds of more miles a year with a gas pitchers mets retired key double play in the top of the sixth inning the big play for dick Ruthven as the score continues Philadelphia one New York Mets nothing and now with dick Ruthven at the plate here's another big right-hander Don Drysdale all right Keith Brooklyn single his first time at bat and pulley a fine play Rose before getting see [Applause] we're going second bag that's got to be credited a hit and an error on the shortstop as you look at it one more time bowling made a good play just getting to the ball Billy Martin playing a person about it he came up throwing very tough Boateng slipped out of his hand I'd have been a little wet now you look at it one more time that ball hit to the hole fully a long way to go and had he not even had the ball slip out of his hand you see their little parachute throw over there and Montanez no chance to get it it hopped against the fans in that first base side and roof ins at second base and we go to the top of the order here's Gary Maddox the right-field deep enough it should advance will cook the catch by Youngblood and rook then let him go that's wrong Ruthven stays its second base there's one gone and here's Larry Bowa [Applause] boa tonight is flied to left and he's popped this yard so Larry's Ophir - it's one to nothing Philadelphia John Stehr in the catcher looking into the dugout and trying to get some long-distance communications with his catcher Joe Torre left-hander Jim kaat throwing in the bullpen and Jim might be just getting in a little exercise a warm night in Philadelphia [Applause] that's not a bad play Billy with Maddox over at third you've got a good runner bola Maddox in an unfamiliar position you've got roots minute second base any chance to have runners at the corner first and why would you bring up and attempted Punk what spelling mark well I think it is a smart play you got Smith coming up who can hit the long fly ball score the Rondon and of course Mike Schmidt on deck [Applause] gets it in it goes by [Applause] the second energy inning there's a case of how little things do mean a lot that'll be an error on the right fielder did not have to make the throw that way actually could have ran the ball all the way back call by the official scorer oh it has to be an error right here well that's missing the cutoff man those are the little that's right very aggressive beautiful baseball plan by the shortstop there's the Petros star I just can't believe he's tied Wee Willie Gillan Billy your observation Billy Martin that's just sensational you know watch it beat wolves play every child united states to try to copy his style just by being a hustler does not take any ability to hustle and I'm very proud of you here's Mike Smith the infield about halfway he's bounced at 3rd and popped at first they will walk him intentionally go to the goal Hinske [Applause] myself have been talking about John Stearns and how he sets up behind the plate and how at times cancers can give a sign away whether it be a fastball or a curveball in this case yet almost have a pretty good idea where the way Stern's is moving around Billy about when the fastball is coming Craig darn when he wants to ball inside the hitter he moves inside and the on-deck hitter can actually give the sign to the battle but he watch the ball outside he stands up some pitchers actually jump up out of their squat for a fastball step out slow for the curveball so there are some ways you could pick up the sign by just watching a catcher and of course if you're at second base you can give the locations because here you have a right-handed hitter you have a right-handed pitcher and it turns sits that glove inside you know you're not gonna throw a curveball in there you better be looking for some heat about lewinsky's a hitter bases-loaded a Phillies a chance to break it open Lozinski has four career grand slam home run [Music] there [Music] now he's inside he was inside on that pitch and it was a fastball in on loser skier little check swing foul away and we'll see where he goes this time [Applause] some basketball [Applause] for the score Schmidt and it's really nothing you've got to say that the picture ruphylin actually helped himself quite a bit now watch stir watch where he's located there it is Billy just we talked about basketball and the bull got around on it it wasn't a good location to look at that that's not even a strike and just inside the bag that's how strong that big guy is now they're going to walk him now homered his last time at Beth that same pitch would have been a thumb buster for me [Applause] now two runs in for the Phillies here in the last half of the sixth inning two runs on three hits there have been two New Yorkers [Applause] now that is just an idea right there little things happen games are won and lost ow tennis or wanted lost the difference between a first division ball club and a second division ball club step into little things and you know a lot of people think it's the whole nut are the other things it's rid of the little things in baseball I remember one year Muk Myers was pitching to the World Series we had every pitch control and Mickey Mantle do it when he saw that curveball coming hitting the upper deck in the Brooklyn city well right now they're having a little conference at the mound as right-hander Dale Murray gets up and starts to throw in the Met bullpen there's some scores in the National League Pittsburgh two to nothing over Montreal Cincinnati Atlanta tied up 1-1 the story their feet Rose has it in his 44th consecutive game and Houston two to nothing over San Francisco in the fifth inning that wild wild west in the National League drawing ever closer there is the American League scores six of three over Detroit the Blue Jays are playing good ball right now the big game two to nothing Cleveland over Kansas City Boston one to nothing over Chicago this is Bob Boone with the bases loaded he has one career grand slam home run Toronto's winning done Toronto defeating Detroit was a guy sitting next to Maine might have been the manager of Toronto there's a manager that's a little edgy that's Joe Torre with account two balls and no strikes ball three here's a case belly you've got somebody on that you can't go back out there again you got to take him out but someone's going to call time and just go out and slowing them someone's got to take charge to have science with my in feelers the third baseman the second base man the first baseman give him a sign would let him to go out there slow him down give him some time to you know get control of himself again and I got grieving 100% one of the infielders have to do it if the catcher doesn't want to interfere after Espinosa right now the last count has thrown 78 pitches as Danny Ozark you saw a green light at boom three and all and the Philly fans have come alive [Applause] Smit this store as [Music] [Applause] second RBI of the Lewinsky's driven into luzinski zat third at second base is richie Hebner at first base is Bob Boone and talking with Jill Torre as the pitching change will now be made Jill making his way he has not had good luck in that bullpen now we have a pitching change here in Philadelphia with Philadelphia leading the New York Mets four to nothing [Applause] hey Pete Rose what two men really watch from his aftershave no fancy perfumes for fancy Paulo man what's this know I can make he sure does and Aqua Velva congratulate spiit Bros on his record-breaking hitting streak we're proud of the never that Pete Rose is an actor available man you know my new Chevy Monza Wagon has more cargo room than any American sedan even with the back seat up and Montes priced lower than any wagon sold in America Marty Monza wagon has an impressive EPA mileage rating 34 highway 24 City it has standard bucket seats I want to marry your daughter in white stripe tires sir he likes you because of a certain ability I possess I've been asked to tell you all the useful shopping information you can find in the Bell System Yellow Pages names addresses phone numbers maps directions credit cards items for sale charge accounts to for a payment plans brand names regular valet parking custom work machine wear quantity discounts colors days and hours of business insurance bonding deliveries endorsements cash-and-carry 24-hour Service estimates illustrations yours in business name date when you need to know who what where when and why let your fingers do the walking through the bell system yellow pages [Music] this is Atlanta Fulton County Stadium in Atlanta Georgia we're just about 15 minutes ago baseball history was made he pros going for a hit in his 44th consecutive game the one that would tie him on the all-time consecutive game hitting streak list with Wee Willie Keeler in 1897 and there it was leading off the sixth inning Rose hit the 2 and oh from Phil Niekro past second baseman Rod Gilbreth of the Braves in the right field for the single that brought him a breast of wheel Willie Keeler in baseball history healer who compiled his 44 game hitting streak in the first 44 games the 1897 season has been matched by Rose and now Rose has only Joe DiMaggio to try to catch now we take you back to the ball game in your area now there is the new pitcher for the New York Mets right-hander Dale Murray and overall record of 5 wins 4 losses with the New York Mets ease 4 & 3 coming from Cincinnati this year in ER a a four point five hole and that's kind of a little scary number right there to look at if you're a relief pitcher there's Jerry Martin goddamnit by the end centerfielder even a long way for that ball since P scores it is fine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the ninth man that come to bat here in the Philadelphia sixth inning that will be Teddy Sizemore with two outs and runners remain at first and second base at second base is Richie Hebner at first bases Bob Boone as Philadelphia has broken it open here in the sixth scoring four times sighs moral for to is flied to Center and he's popped to first look out Don I'm looking at a score that says Chicago nothing Boston I think in the fourth I can't understand the sudden paucity of runs at Fenway Park well it had to come sometime how are you check swing and this will end it for Philadelphia as Sizemore's retired the Phillies are gone but they score four runs now take a commanding by a school of five Jennifer a lot of motor oils offer you protection some offer you gasoline mileage to travel and super-premium has been tested for both tests and state trooper cars for over 4 million miles pre travelin really protects and in a test against the leading pin w4t oil advertising extra gasoline mileage couldn't be beat so get an oil that's been true for testing and mileage tested get Haviland super premium from Texaco from the top man right down to the bottom man his face is right down the line everybody pushes for quasi Willy Rawls utility man this is who we are and what we do at General Motors my job is to replace any absent T's I'm yeah they're all over the plane yeah you know you're not tied down to one job all the time you around different jobs no finishing well soldering but startling I think I enjoy soldering more than any other job like that because there's a lot of skill in that it feels keep something going all the time then it's never dull around there yeah I'll get along very good yeah you you it's good yeah the people on the line they have a lot of interest in the car go out the back course what you're looking for John was car because I'm right at great data plate and I see how they are built you know see the closet that goes into it General Motors people building transportation to serve people now some of the crowd here of 21,000 133 at the vet tonight and there's a story of Pete Rose he was over won his third time at bat after walking and lining out to the shortstop he had a base hit his 44th straight game to time with Waverly Keeler and as you see just 12 short of the great streak of the Yankee Clipper Joe DiMaggio well the more and more you think about that streak Billy Martin it is it's amazing it's just amazing I'll tell you what I play with just amazing playing that many ball games don't be modest honey without getting hurt right now the New York Mets are at bat in the top half of the seventh inning it'll be Willie Montanez and then John Stern and Lee Mazzilli let me tell you about number 44 Ruth's fan he was helped a great deal by Andy Messersmith now with the Yankees and currently disabled and II got a motivated relaxed organized and roofin now says this we look at a good called strike pitching is an art and Messersmith thought you know Messersmith goodie Billy Martin oh very much so a Mira nice pitching feel such a dedicated [Music] [Applause] he just concentrates so much he doesn't want anybody to talk to him you have to admire a man like that Martinez lining to the first baseman and here's John Stearns use me art after the sworn that I saw and invested with running on a golf course at Princeville whe well-known Andy here he hasn't given up their comeback we brought in just our golf court was going as fast as going in with Jim right by me so it must have been him I hope he makes it cuz he's part of comparing the count one two - Johnny Stearns the Met catcher bounced to 2nd and bounced to third he's over to tonight now the wait Ruthven is throwing tonight you've got to be impressed with this young man at a Fresno State College two balls and two strikes account that's Fresno State University Fresno State University just because you went to Van Nuys high school [Laughter] [Applause] that line and there is Maddox and that is that the Mattoon you know just looking at a scouting report here that Jerry Klein's dug up for us on dick Ruthven when he was in college and the man that you know Billy Martin Eddie Bachman was the scout at the time and the remarks right here says Simon three innings last week as a major league plus curveball fastball above average good pitch in the big leagues right now with improvement and control one of the great best breaking balls that we've seen on a right-handed pitcher you know Don here a lot of a lot about baseball players but the real unsung heroes and baseball that Scouts they do a fantastic job well that's true it's kind of like the sergeant's in the army there and they they just kind of the backbone and see the ball clubs at our pennant winners and contenders throughout the years they're the ones that have the fine scouting staff to find scouting departments well Billy is on hiatus let's watch this pitch this is Mazzilli Billy's on hiatus from the Yankees until 1980 as the manager Billy as the manager until a few days ago knows very well that it was Bertie Tibbetts the super Scout of the Yankees the old manager who said about a kid named Mike Heath who was a shortstop if he's to make it in the big lace it'll be a catcher and that's how it became a catcher June very true where's birdie is one of the better Scouts in baseball also there's Hebner and the New York Mets are retired one two three in the seventh inning and after six and a half it remains Philadelphia five and the New York Mets nothing there are lots of things to munch on to feed your hungry crew burgers tacos pizza pie just to name a few but I come for good fresh [Music] impossible America's waking up to the impossible shave Gillette Afra the first razor with a head that pivots to follow every contour of your face for closeness with comfort you never thought possible impossible this after a face hugging action keeps twin blades at the perfect angle I've never shaved this close with this much comfort Gillette AFTRA yes the impossible shave is here listen up team it's a long ride to hog flats yeah all day long so starch is gonna pass out the right guard deodorant we got stick or spray with right guard deodorant stick or spray protects all day they don't just cover up odor they help stop odor before it starts all day long and it's gonna be a long day right guard deodorant don't get dressed without it [Applause] and right now let's go to Fenway Park in Boston and now Michaels to update the Boston Red Sox and the Chicago White Sox game for those of you watching the Philadelphia New York game welcome to Fenway Park in Boston the game is tied one apiece breaking ball is loan inside and sat aromas on to it on for the White Sox here in the sixth inning with a run in to update you on the scoring tonight the Black Sox scored a run in the fourth inning aa run scoring single from Fred Lynn to take a one nothing lead but the White Sox have tied the game are these six stunning a leadoff single by Bosley a sacrifice by catch with Kessinger and then a run-scoring single by Jorge Portland the white Evans made a perfect throw to the plate on Bosley trying to score but Carlton Fisk couldn't hang on Bosley scored to tie the game and here is Ralph Carr now with runners at first and second and only one man out and also for our Phillies Mets viewers of course as far as this one is concerned the Red Sox have been slumping they've lost tenth of their last 12 their lead has been shaved two four and a half games in the American League East the white sox meanwhile 14 and a half games back coming in they've won three in a row gar has a single in tetris today he sailed his first time up to Center and the fourth inning he flied to Center one ball and no strikes to Ralph's garb lifetime 3:13 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] changeup counters even the guy are ball one strike one the runner at second base is Jorge Orta and at first base Erik's on her own game tied one apiece Dennis Eckersley after his 12th win of the year he has lost four times [Music] play by agar on a check swing it's a ball and two strikes they'll told you the Red Sox have had problems scoring runs at his Ralph's car over the last four seasons 353 in 1974 he tailed off in 75 back to 376 and 77 1974 when the batting championship a ball and two strikes from Eckersley tapped on the first page side and it's a foul ball so it's still one and two on Ralph guard the Red Sox problems coming in tonight as we've documented during the course of our telecast offense the pitching has been good and again Eckersley turning in a good performance tonight they've got no gripes as far as their rotation is concerned the bullpen has done an adequate job of late it's simply been the hitting and it's punctuated by the fact that George Scott is now old for his last 25 and Jim Rice who is old for 2 tonight his 1 for his last 23 and Carl Yastrzemski is injured a ball and two strikes to gar Eckersley again inside ball two strike two [Applause] but there's no panic in Boston now I think more the panic you're out comes from the fans not from the players that's not to say they don't think about the other ball clubs behind him Milwaukee Baltimore New York got him good fastball strikes out guys that is a sixth strikeout for Dennis Eckersley to man out one one ballgame so that's the story from Fenway Park in Boston now back to Don Drysdale in Philadelphia Joel Youngblood deleted off for the Mets in the top half of the eighth inning Philadelphia went 1-2-3 in their last half of the seventh it is five to nothing Philadelphia five runs seven it snores yawns blue tonight has been caught looking and he popped it first and the count of ball and two strikes roofing in a very strong performance tonight going back a little more to that scouting report did any Bachmann hat on Ruth and he had his fastball gauged it good curveball good and control it an a meaning average [Applause] well we'll have to take a no look at the Scout now this is quite a while ago has to be it whereas fall looks better than good at that time a6 395 counter as a matter of fact this was on November 9th of 1972 that this report was dated out David that'll be a base hit left field by a young boy now that's it that's an artificial turf hit right felling did get through there quickly you can see the infielders they're playing back and they'll play back a little deeper than usual as Billy Martin has noted at the offset of the ball game comes on as you know Don some pictures when they first start up they will get a little faster later in life but I think this is true right here there's some of the scores for you Pittsburgh 2 to 1 over Montreal the night Cincinnati Atlanta won one in the seventh and three to nothing now Houston over San Francisco in the seventh [Applause] [Music] so American League scores Toronto six to five over the Tigers in the ninth and Kansas City's come back to take the lead over Cleveland 3 to 2 as another base hit and Lozinski will chase this one down and play here's he came over he goes to third and dal maxvill holds him up right there and we're gonna have a pinch-hitter for the pitcher Eddie King pool as this pitch now is up and Billy Martin as a manager that's the first thing that you look for isn't on a sinker ball pitcher that's correct on he was starting to get up last inning once a pitcher starts getting the ball up he's losing velocity he's reached him back for a little bit extra which he has lost and that's understandable he hasn't pitched to nine days now here's the veteran Eddie Kranepool [Music] and they start to stir around out of the Philadelphia bullpen with Philadelphia leading by a score of five to nothing that is hit number five for the Mets tonight left the other Tug McGraw gets up and starts it throw and Joe Torre talks about the development of his team in spite of the team standings he's talking about what you're saying now the not given up attitude of this diamond the ability to make a close game of it at the very least and they've won some very important [Music] Boston got out man half-inning we're lucky out without any runs god it's one one ran full exit to the alley but Lozinski they're the runners tag it comes on when the score is 5 to 1 Philadelphia holding at second base is Flynn [Applause] so the sacrifice fly RBI by Eddie Kranepool will go to the top of the order here's Elliott Maddox for train pool that's his 14th RBI of the year Maddox tonight has walked twice and he's bounced to the first baseman as a matter of fact the only two walks that roofin has issued tonight have been to Elliott medics at second base that is Doug Flynn that could drop here comes the other Maddox and in Pleasant nobody can do anywhere [Applause] second base good boy I thought that was extorting you goodbye man that was a great play he charged the ball you know he's hot he's gonna catch the ball he had enough runs in the league so he didn't worry about the ball getting by and wouldn't hurt nothing he played the ball where I thought and the true hop on the artificial turf as you look at it one more time at ball sinking and dying in a hurry plus the fact that a Maddox plays the shallowest centerfield I guess and nationally I think it was a close ballgame he might have laid back and played a little bit differently all right now Tim Foley is a scheduled hitter but we will have a pinch-hitter [Music] don't forget folks if I did you've got a scoop but I know you did national golf championship Friday night the highlights as you see that Saturday third round coverage Sunday final round coverage and of course Keith is talking about Oakmont we're almost incredibly in the 30s an unknown named Sam box suddenly captured the Open Championship I was there the day that Johnny Miller shopped at 63 Gus what longing in your arms and here's Bruce Baclaran he's gonna hit for Tim phooey that was the air I predicted gold doll would win it when Cox won it Joe Torre won big swinging away from getting right back in it well Claire heading to 40 for 3 home runs 14 RBIs on deck the left fielder Steve Henderson runners at first and second Flynn at second and Maddux at first [Applause] oh and to that last pitch clocked at 88 miles an hour so he's just about on par hasn't slowed up much of any billing Lawton well sometimes when the balls up high their speed can be deceiving that's an interest income [Applause] that wasn't deceiving he turned it loose this program is being brought to you as an exclusive presentation of ABC sports now let's pause five seconds to allow our local stations to identify themselves [Applause] [Applause] on one the Henderson he's 1 for 3 tonight Henderson is bouncy sick and he's single and he's bounced ashore Anderson starting at 273 nine home runs and 51 RBIs whoop adiy dropped a little bit from the side and for those of you who might be joining us late Petros as hip in his 44th consecutive game that was in his third time at bat he walked his first time at bat he lined the shortest second time at bat so at old 4-1 he had a base hit and now just 12 behind the Yankee Clipper [Applause] Philadelphia you look as though you could use some excitement America something new something fresh something is fresh as new as exciting as the new Chevrolet Monte Carlo the new Monte Carlo surrounds you with personal luxury with quiet comfort with a surprising amount of room but most of all it surrounds you with genuine driving pleasure so come driveline and put a little distance between yourself and the crowd at one time imported oil was no problem to America today we important 45% of our oil if our supplies are ever cut off again it could affect your driving your eating your job Texaco believes conservation must be increased alternate energy sources developed exploration and production stepped up because none of us want to be caught over a barrel at Texaco we're working to keep your trust now I gotta face the insurance hassle you don't with the good hands people we take the hassle out of claims sure you do Allstate people treat you right I have a little problem to camp it was a tree and we settle most damage claims on the spot this will fix it do we take the hassle out of claims you bet we do I kind of people when there's a way to take the hassle out of claims Allstate will do it and that's a promise from us the good hands people there's a new pitcher for the New York Mets our right we'll get to that in a moment tomorrow night because every fan America shouldn't know this at 10 o'clock Eastern Time 20 20 but highlands of Petros and action who tonight tied Wee Willie kill with his hit from the 44th consecutive game Billy Martin's with us in the booth tonight Billy tell the Johnny Babbitt story on Joe DiMaggio has the record at 56 well I believe that one time when Jodie was going for a streak Johnny Babbage tried to actually picture round Joe and the ball was about a foot outside and Jodie was it got a little mad to hit a line drive right through the box and got a base hit Pete Rose may yet have to do that done okay Howard and that's very true that's not a possible with a cup reason really somebody might say well I'm gonna Maggio fan that a rose fan and turn around and do it the other way you never know well would you go around saying I'm the guy that gave him the hit the beat Jody that is gonna be a lot of talking about it think about Roger Maris and Tracy Stallard you think about Kenny Keltner and Joe DiMaggio we made the two great plays on DiMaggio right on the line this is Mike Schmidt [Music] you're older than I thought two balls and two strikes to schmidty's Oh for two tonight there's a sure [Applause] a third heir the Mets Billy I believe you tagged him on top they have I think his foot was already on the base that's a tough play for the shortstop right there there's that in between hop and then the high have to lay back and played on the high hop now once you see Montanez come down but he's on the bag that's the kind of Rizzuto and Reese always me they're both amazing Howard última having both them should be in the Hall of Fame grocery bag great little lads have brought it up there's Lozinski to the second baseman young Blair to Clinton it's off [Applause] now they get the late man at second base the bull Greg luzinski on at first with a fielder's choice and here's Richie Hebner Youngblood looked pretty smooth making that play didn't if we're not building he's at second with lennox york trane bull stayed in the game and he's in right field he thought football player in him fearless you're also he did a super job for me he was he was over there at second base where he had him a third year at him all over he can do it all and there's Danny oh sorry flub professional great pick up last in yes he was and I tell you his mother kept calling me all doing here want to know when his boys gonna play and Paul kept telling me I'm ready skip put me in there in time you wanted you put him in there on that final game of the playoffs against Kansas City when he got the hit to get you alive he's a clutch player [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Vasili he was right centerfield we've talked all night long about how they played Hebner to pull as you look at it again now this ball is going to slice just see the way that ball came off his bat and it's always going away from Mazzilli and then he can to meet you there's that IHOP Billy you're talking about great job by the left fielder and also a great job by the shortstop and second baseman lining up for the now Bob boom it's the little thing that can make you or break you word had something up on that pitch for the pitch app you know dawn that's one thing we worked on a lot of spring training pitch house where the pitcher like to have a pitch holler fellows going to be running the catch of jumps out and not this type of pitch hop but a regular pitch out and you'd be surprised how many pitchers and catchers can't do it it's amazing to see the number of pitchers that can't throw easy they can only throw one way they either have to throw from a window and it's noticeable in a position just like this either walking a man intentionally for a little tough ball that they come in and get and then just going to make an easy play it first amazing to me on a Billy we watch you a lot we've always talked about that pitcher once you turn that ball loose you're not just a pizza you'll get you you better be a good one because if the closest man of the plate let's just pathetic here's Jerry Martin [Applause] Brewer expending part of the year time water or is three and one born and still makes his home in Jamaica New York at six six 220 pounder [Applause] more action in the mint bullpen Bernard right back up the middle base hit no spoilers [Applause] the young singer fielder Lee Mazzilli in a good boy Billy Martin that bought the middle and he's charged and turns one played all the way great playing a super play by the catcher he stayed right in there looks like he got spiked he might have got spiked here comes Lozinski to score but look where Mazzilli is in regards to second base one hop off of the carpet there's Hebner and Stearns and from the home play a beautiful job of blocking it as we look at it again Billy Martin just sent a beautiful job at home plate one of the points of difference between Joe Torre about what sees Frank the Mets manager and Stearns has been stirred his failure to cover that plate to block it and make the tag so Charlie's lessons are taking home Stern's on that flight leaving no room for the runner luzinski to get inland great job that runners at first and second and here's Teddy Sizemore one more time as Stern gone back over and he's got the shin guards off whether he's gonna come back at it looks like it just tore the straps off bill or maybe cut part of the shin guard probably did I wish I had them a second base my knees wouldn't look like a road [Laughter]
Channel: ClassicPhilliesTV
Views: 41,201
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Id: 8irNzceZWJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 1sec (7741 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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