1978 AL East Tiebreaker (Red Sox vs. Yankees) | #MLBAtHome

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with a taste that takes you off to the ballgame. Got NASA serving nine million people in New York in Westchester in the 70s. Greater New York area Midas dealers who say when it comes to your car don't compromise minus side Panasonic. Just slightly ahead of our time with a full lineup quality homey electronics products and the New York Yankees have fun with Diana and her game. Good afternoon everybody. I'm Frank Messer along with the scooter Phil Rosedale. We'll be joined later by Bill White on a beautiful beautiful fall day here at Fenway Park. Phil Rosato. This is something I've never been through you've never been through a one game playoff to decide. The American League Eastern Division champion. It's a shame it has to come down to that Frank really. I mean they're two great teams and to finish with ninety nine wins both of them in one year it's gonna be fantastic. You know it was 30 years ago almost to the day action is October 4th when the only other playoff was here and Bob Lemon was involved in that one too and that time he was a player. He was a player so was Al Rosen who is now the president of the Yankees had as I recall the Cleveland Indians won that ballgame here I the Boston Red Sox. What about this after those games good are the Yankees are going with Ron Guidry again starting with only three days rest. Well if history repeats itself the Yankees should win because the Indians went with a left hander Jean Bearden and the Red Sox went with a right handed. Denny Gatehouse at that time Joe McCarthy was managing in Gale house was the only pitcher to volunteer to pitch that playoff game. And I remember talking to McCarthy later on he had been the Yankee manager I have played under Joe and he was very upset. Let's hear some other stories we thought were better than Gayle house. But Gayle House wanted to pitch and unfortunately he lost to the Indians. Right on paper the Yankees Guidry better record for the year than the Red Sox. Mike Torres who really is not the number one pitcher on that staff but that is not to say that he might not go out the South Dakota pitcher no hitter. I think perhaps season records have little to do with this one ballgame. You're absolutely right Frank most of the times you get throw the records right out the window. The only thing in the Yankees favor I think is that Terry's through his career with whatever team he's been with has only defeated the Yankees one time and lost to them five times now this is a big pressure ballgame. We know that Ron Guidry is a kid seems to have ice water flowing through his veins. On the other hand Torrey is very excitable Latin type and if things happen early in the ballgame we've seen it can get to him. So I think both clubs have to get to the starting pitchers early otherwise it's going to be a very low scoring game. All right again traditionally the Yankees this year have not been a club to come from behind that often the Red Sox have been a club that can come from behind. My thought is if you got on the scoreboard first year if the Yankees get on the scoreboard first they could be in pretty good shape. I think you're right Frank and that's one reason I'm happy that the Yankees are leading off in this ball game and of course Mickey rivers the big man for the Yankees unfortunately he didn't get on against the Indians in the game they lost but if he can start things off we'll see a ballgame we'll see a lot of excitement. Right another boy Bill the Yankees are playing without their regular second baseman Willie Randolph a claim by most experts as one of the best if not the best in the American League by the same token the Red Sox are playing without their regular third baseman Butch Hobson who is their designated hitter but can't throw Well I don't think either position is going to be hurt too much defensively. I think Brian Doyle covers a lot of ground that kid can make the double play. He's not nearly as good a hitter we know is Willie Randolph and throw him in the same way. He can field third base he can hit. But they do have Hopson in the lineup. He's the designated hitter whereas the Yankees are going to miss Willie altogether. All right what about emotions for this ball game. I visited the clubhouse briefly and thought about the Arab quiet anticipation of the other guys trying to relax. But I know I don't see how anybody could really relax before this game. You can't Frank. I know the first game before any World Series I wouldn't sleep all night. We never had playoffs in those days. I'm sure a lot of the Yankee ballplayers had very restless nights. The Red Sox of course got a reprieve. Never thinking they'd be in this playoff thinking that the Yankees were going to sweep Cleveland and win the pennant. All right. And we'll be all set for this very important ball game when we come back. And just wonder if this program was authorized other rights granted by the New York Yankees solely for the entertainment of our audience that a publication reproduction or other use of the descriptions and accounts of this game without the express consent of the New York Yankees is prohibited. Are the two dugouts cracking up on the top step of the Yankee dugout Mickey rivers will lead the ball game off of the ban this and Ron Guidry right there. The camera just past him Brian Doyle Dick Howser. You can pick them out probably just as well as we can from the number of Yankee games you've watched on television or out at Yankee Stadium this year. There's Ron Guidry with a jacket. Kid looks like he's very relaxed down there and Reggie Jackson up there in the upper part of the steps to the left of your screen as you look and we're waiting now for the Red Sox to take the field. And I guess they're waiting on a cue from somebody down there because we are now past the advertised starting this game as you can see is an absolute 100 percent sellout. They could have sold twice maybe three times maybe four times the number of tickets they were able to put up for this stadium crowd. I'm going to ask him a thirty six thousand and may go even more than that. I do not know how many stand is the safety commissioner here in Boston would allow into Fenway for the ball game like Tara has during the season 116 he lost well his record this year one win and three losses against the New York Yankees as Phil was at I told you in his career he has beaten the Yankees only one time and lost to them by this As tar as thirty sixth start last time out he beat the Tigers on Thursday with a three header. So he is pitching on three days rest but that is the way he likes it. That was a big bone of contention with Torres when he was with the Yankees. He wanted to pitch every fourth day at the Yankee rotation that was not always possible. Torres let it upset me but I'll tell you one thing about this bad Phil Rosenthal he came back last year in the playoffs and the World Series and did just an outstanding job as a New York Yankee pitcher and he really did. He's very surprising figures. He's a great pitcher in the month of September and won only one game in the month of September this year at Fenway Park. Torres has won eight and he has lost six in four and 17 starts prior to Thursday's win over the Tigers he went 0 4 6 and 8 starts after winning his 15th game of the year August 18th out in Oakland. This will be the first time that Torres this year has been matched up against Ron Guidry. His only win this year against the Yankees and the only win in his career against the Yankees came August 3rd in New York at 8 to 1 range shot and 6 setting ballgame to overall Toros has pitch 98 on this year against the Yankees 28 hit 16 riders eight blocks eleven strikeouts on an earned run average of six point one six babe. Ladies and gentlemen let me go on record right now saying if you don't believe baseball is our national pastime you should be here at Fenway Park this afternoon. Absolutely nothing like it. I've seen playoff games I've seen World Series. This has got to top anything I've seen in my baseball career Becky rubber is laid off for the Yankees and leading off with a play by play here's Bill Rosewood Oh hi Frank Mick batted sixty four in the air eleven homers 28 runs batted in and this very important ball game will be officially started with his first pitch and it's low ball wide you saw the third baseman Abraham is sneaking in on the grass absolutely beautiful day as Frank told you couldn't ask for a better day. Mickey using the crowd stands today by doing nothing. Both pitchers trying to be very calm but there's an awful lot of pressure. They know that every pitch in the ball players know every play is so important. The whole season resting on this one ball game ball 3 3 and nothing. And it's strange to see Mickey try to work his way on with a walk. He has gotten more walks this year than any other year as a Yankee and that's not many though it is twenty seven. So Mike Tarr has 3 and oh my ball for. He didn't come close for a strike and we told you when rivers get signed. Things happen. I guess the Red Sox this year. Rivers has stolen two bases and there's only two attempts George Scott's coming over to talk with Charles and settle him down a little bit. You cannot imagine the tremendous amount of pressure at the ball players feel in a game like this now. Charles wants a new ball. I don't blame him. He didn't get that one near the strike zone. Thurman Munson batting ninety seven six homers and 70 runs batted in Berlin came up 32 times against the Red Sox pitching or 10 base hits nine singles one home run by the win by the way blowing quartering from left center over towards right field and a lot of balls were hit on the screen against the wall in batting practice Rivers leads the way Barry goes and it's time to throw to second he's safe. Holy cow. Mickey Revis surprised everybody. Perfect throw by fist but on stolen bases. Watch it HERE. WATCH THE JUMP Rivers gaffs he steals that base on toys look at him going before Torres even releases the ball vest made a perfect throw and didn't even come close rubber he stole that base on Torres and had it not been for one of the best throws you'll see ever from a catcher get wouldn't even have been that close. All right Frank. So revenues at second in the pitch by the way was the ball that's five straight balls that Torres has delivered to the Yankees playing wide open baseball here in the first inning he held Oh he called it a strike luncheon I believe held up at a must to nick the corner Thurman S to play it umpire by the way the umpires Don dunking her behind the play Jim Evans at first out clock at second and Steve pull him over at third outside to him on rest of the Yankee order will be Piniella batting third in right field Reggie Jackson the designated hitter best cleanup. Greg Nettles and third Chris Chambliss at first Roy white and left Brian Doyle at second and Bucky Dennis short Burleson trying to sneak in back rivers and Munson swings and misses two balls two strikes. Merriman a big man here now either a base hit or hits on the right side to advance Revis to third first run of the ballgame so important Frank I've got to think much of there's a key match for Torres. This is this was the big bang. Torres gets much pretty much settled out and Munson held up all the block nicely by Fisk Rivers had a hole at second first one of the best in the business at blocking ball's bouncing in the dirt. Watch it again on the replay. Look at that change the glove around blocked it with his chest really mask went off he was ready to grab that ball and throw rubbers not gambling at all down at second base held his ground tell it's good to have Tara has got some months and it could be a big boost to have a Munson gets the base that are able to walk could be at early turning point in the game all right and they've got action in the Red Sox bullpen taking no chances he wheels draws rivers back. Good play it and that was a time play Torres did not tip it off. In other words the shortstop gives his sign he counts to two and breaks the second. The pitcher counts to one and wields around and throws three and two on much. And coming in with a good slider let's watch it again. This was a big pitch for CHA as both while Munson really did not come close to it at all on his way Torres gets the man that he had to get right there Bob Stanley is out there in their bullpen Scooter had his Lou Piniella Lou has had a great year. Three 14 average 34 doubles leads the Yankees their five Triple Six homers sixty nine runs batted in bounce in that third row Hammer has hit thoroughly Abrahamic and feel that position and now the crowd building up their bows for Reggie Jackson I watch that last play again that's a good pitch for another to hit it on top of it. Good play by Brian hammer to his left those he has plenty of time to get Bardella who is not fleet of foot to start with and still has an injured heel to run. Tara is really following that slide and now he didn't have control of his fastball and that's the pitch you got to go in the opposite field on your right hand batter Reggie Jackson batting 270 for twenty six homers and ninety six runs batted in two men out here in the top of the first looked like the Yankees are going to get on the scoreboard right away they still have an excellent chance that was right over the plate not in on Reggie they had a clean swing out and he was not tentative on his swings so he makes contact he can make the ball go but he's got to get hold of it usually lag it is as broad as Phil told you quarter and got tired from the left field corner sort of toward right field it's strong enough to be a factor in this game too could hurt a left hand that could blow a ball foul that could stay fair on the right be alive Hi Reggie trying to get comfortable at the plate and hits one to left. Well it Carrie. Yes Transkei No. He's there. He's put the pressure on Torres at the top half of the first inning but could not score rivers with a walk stole second but the big play by Torres when he struck out Thurman Munson with the slider Devin try to pull it struck out didn't really come close to hitting the ball the ball hit by Jackson as Phil told you. Held up by the wind. So now the Red Sox have a boost as they come to bat here in the bottom half of the first half Burleson ready and rice. Coming up the guys left out Ron Guidry running over the year. Twenty four wins three losses to UNO this season against the Boston Red Sox tied Frank Benson batting to forty eight thirty one doubles five triples five homes and forty nine runs batted in. He likes to swing at that first pitch and does fouls it back up on the roof on a play strike one get ready. This was his 30 foot start. He last pitched Thursday at Yankee Stadium beat the Blue Jays three to what out of four hit Earth a little bit higher with a breaking pitch one on on Louisiana lightning Ron Guidry strike to a sharp breaking pitch by Guidry ball and two strikes down Burleson Munson and Guidry wanted that one look at the Don tanking I said no as Munson questions image 2 and 2 Strike 3 tentative A before that boom was a better one than that one but he struck out every once in a while when you argue just a little bit of good watch the last pitch again that pitch came down more as we saw on the replay when I saw it originally I thought the pitcher was coming in higher it did break down just a bit on his Jerry Remy the second baseman batting 276 he had a fine year Baldwin got twenty three double six triples to home homes and forty four runs batted in he was injured the last time the Yankees came up here to Fenway to play I fly the windmill Hall that went up RA white moving in under it and there are two away you see the wind playing tricks with that ball and now the man who most people think will be the most valuable player in the American League although there's been a lot of votes I think we'll be cast for Ron Guidry Jim Rice and the fans stand up paying tribute what a year. FRANK Yes he has he's had an excellent year. GUIDRY and Rice are going to finish 1 2 in the voting for the most valuable player in the American League. That from people I've talked to and it would appear that Rice has the slight edge in the voting among the writers on the committee. And Frank strike one on rice gone for the net. He's batted 315 this year. Twenty five Ws 15 triples forty six homers and one hundred and thirty eight runs batted in strike to Jenny Guidry is just throwing his power against Rice's power and so far Guidry is out in front. Nothing in two low for a little extra on that one got away a ball and two strikes. Here's an almost unbelievable load. Fourteen of Rice's homers have come in the first study. Now listen to this 30 of his home runs have either tied the score or put the Red Sox ahead. You want to know something Frank. Let's see. Just outside. 2 and 2 just as Rice came up that when he shifted in his blowing twins left field. Would you believe it. The Red Sox even control the wind. I believe have believe anything I've seen. Holy cow. That is slugger a strike I'm out on a good slider. Oh holy cow. Three up three down and no one no score. Had a quick look into the Yankee dugout skipper Bob Lemon with his troops. That's Clyde King on the left Bucky down number 20 with his back to you. But your gosh Fowler Reggie Jackson Thurman Munson with the gear still on that line. I just love it right there in the middle. Fowler just moved down the line. The Yankees have the left and hitters coming up Nettles Chambliss out of course Roy white. All batting lefty and that wind fell. It's strange it's still blowing out toward the left field wall adjusted a matter of like one minute. It completely turned around here. It's unbelievable. The pitching is going to have to be on the ball now both Guidry and Char as if that wind had been blowing like that when Jackson was up his ball would have been either on the screen or high up off the wall. I think it would have been on the screen. That was high enough. It only had to carry about another couple of feet Phil would have made a big difference that it wasn't to get the ball on the screen. You got to hit it high the air that wall is only threaded 15 feet down there but you got to get it up 60 feet high when it comes down out of it go at that screen the top the left field wall. We're waiting for those signs to be taken down. First time I've ever seen them or heard them on the P.A. system say take the signs down evidently just in direct line with a header what bother the hitter. There is no batter's eye as such here when they put fans in the bleacher seats the direct center. Now the security people are out there requesting the fans to take their batters down. That is just a courtesy of course they're not hanging over the wall. But as a courtesy to the hitters in this case the Yankee hitters they will ask him to take him down. Hi Greg medalist steps in great effort Greg. Highest he's ever batting in the big leagues to 78 leads the Yankees in homers and ball one from Big Mike Taras that holds twenty three doubles two triples Twenty seven homes and ninety three runs batted in Czech swing pop up that person moving back shading his eyes and makes the catch as Nettles could check the swing and the ball was out of the strike zone one away. Here it is again. You'll see a very furtive swaying on metal spark not aggressive at all. They tried to stop the bat but he made contact indication he was fooled on that pitch completely and here's a guy could be a key figure he has not been swinging about that well the last few game No and he's seen a lot of left hand pitching Frank Chris Chambliss and he takes the ball Chris the lowest I've ever seen him two seventy four twenty six doubles three triples twelve home is 90 runs batted in Mike Tyree no wind up delivery and that breaking pitches over one on one is having problems with the fastball Buddy has been getting this slider and the curve ball over and as long as you're having success just stick with it as a fast ball inside to him on pass I've seen a pitcher start out in the game not have one of his pitches that will come to him later on as he goes along in the course of the game right if he's lucky enough to stay in there. Yeah but Randy George Scott Chambliss hit a bullet by Scott guarding the line as well he should yet a single but not a double Vollmer comes up let's see where this pitch is right down over the heart of the plate tablets. That little step back at it right out Scott. I tell you you got that guy in there you got a good defensive first baseman. I'd rather wait the better right. Batting 68 13 doubles three triples eight homers forty two runs batted in two out nobody on and no score in the top of the second. Not only has the wind shifted it's getting chillier up here. Ball one arrived in Boston doesn't take long for the weather to change good pitch that thing really broke off the end of a table one to one due out nobody on foul as Roy went to left field with a breaking pitch away ball and two strikes great weather for the ball players this little nip in the air makes you feel a little stronger a little faster we're ready for the bottom half of the second on a dirt runway far another ball game let's I to remember the time fella I know you can do yes but not here everybody. Even at his own ballpark. Frank I think it's a great great thing that the fans have swung their allegiance back to one of the five ballplayers of our era. Absolutely. Yes sense that this is the most important ball game he's played in in his 18 years in a Red Sox uniform. Strike one he adds batting 276. Twenty one doubles two triples 16 homers seventy nine runs batted in. We have no score in the bottom of the second Ryan Guidry on the mound for the Yankees that is out there again fill up with the boy like it was in the first inning that would have been a foul ball the win for the moment has just about died completely watched the pitch again it's up to Ostrovsky jump from crowd went wild up here in Fenway as the Red Sox take a 1 nothing Lane Here's Carlton Fisk hitting two eighty three thirty nine WS five triples twenty home is eighty eight RBI small wide victory now last two pitches have been up been successful keeping that ball down to the Red Sox setters right away will get this one they're not traveling the left field Roy makes the catch Guidry now will work to Fred Lynn Lin batted 298 with 33 doubles straight triples 22 homers 81 runs batted in he was a hothead for the Red Sox and hits one deep Vicki rivers back back on the track and makes the catch in deep Centerfield Holy cow that's three hot hit balls off Guidry in this inning so far only one has heard him you have to feel that Guidry may have lost Josh Groban off his fastball he earlier in the year he'd get by with that but he's gone and now they've got to go to his slider more fill and keep the ball down and that's what he did to Burleson and rice but Thompson the better strike line option that batted 250 with twenty six doubles to triples 17 homers 80 runs batted in foul back strike to somebody a strange thing about Guidry we've noticed it in several games this year as the game goes along he will start drawing harder. That's right he gets by the first couple innings fouled back again still nothing and two Red Sox in front one to nothing on a homer by a stretch scheme Guidry wasting no time his high one ball to strike Thompson's played with a bad elbow quite a bit of the air that is swinging and throwing bouncing ball a third. Nice play by nettles and the Golden Glove throws them out one run on a homer by at the end of two Boston one and the Yankees nothing This Bud's for the blues the reds and the Warriors This Bud's for the Giants the jazz and the magic this Bud's for the home team Fletcher seats for the American League Championship Series in New York are now on sale at more than one hundred Textron outlets the price is four dollars plus a service charge with eleven of four seats per game per customer to find the Textron outlet nearest you call 2 1 2 9 7 7 9 0 2 0 that number again 2 1 2 9 7 7 9 0 2 0 the 3 Championship Series games will be this Friday Saturday and Sunday there is a man who but the Red Sox ahead with his 17th home run of the air left fielder call your scrum scheme an institution in Boston baseball for 18 years Brian Doyle Bucky dad and Mickey rivers will be at the Yankee batters here as we go to the third inning the Red Sox lead one nothing by Frank Brian Doyle batted two hundred on the air been about only 50 times 10 hits no extra base hits no RBI and a pops one in shallow right. Remy is back there calling for it and makes the catch. Once again we mentioned the wind has completely turned around 100 degrees from the way it was blowing at the beginning of the game. Make that 180 degrees I'll let you set my compass hired Bucky Dent Bucky batting 240 311 doubles and triple for homers thirty seven runs batted in fireball one on the corner with a slight 0 on him on Bucky choking up and the bat wearing two golf gloves hi to him on beautiful sunshiny day here in Beantown Looper and a right center right digging and Rice makes the was playing dead shallow the only reason he was able to come up with that ball they had positioned him perfectly watch it again defense so much a part of the game of baseball got it in down the bottom ATL Rice coming on from the right hand side of your picture to make the catch Glenn would not have gotten to that ball neither would the second baseman Remy going back if Rice had not caught the ball would have fallen in line the only Yankee to get on base now against stars Mickey Rivers after that turn has retired the next day bad as Mickey walked and stole a base first time on strike line Red Sox leading one nothing in the top of the third go hammer continues to play in a third I want I'm on you walk Mickey on four straight pitches ball and mix gonna get at least the double out of this one it hit the wall and almost stopped a weird bounce off that wall and Rivers gets the first Yankee end of the ball game a double pass George Scott let's watch it again rivers down on that Crouch strides into it and drills it just pass got fair ball by about a foot or so he saw the ball kick back and not to the right fielder rice so he started running hard again and made it easily into second base Heidi's team now in a base in said that Boston's was a homer by a strip scheme now Thurman Munson has struck out his first time up so with two out rivers will be running with a crack at the bat and Yaz is cheating a couple of steps in left field hoping to throw rivers out on a base hit and munch and fouls it back on the roof out of play stripe one Berman figures he's going to continue to get that slider from tar as he kind of walked up on that pitch Good block again by fist. That ball bounced about three feet in front of Home plate one on one Charles try to relax out there it's tough. Mean getting that neck loosened up all that time ferryman went with the slider just a little late landed in the seats one ball two strikes on the Yankee captain that got to think now with Torres come back with that slider again knowing now that Thurman will try to go to right field whether or when he come in on him try to throw one by him that year has the advantage right now with a one and two count of course he can fool around with a couple of pitches and firm and hit straight away that's when he's dangerous he held up a little high two and to avoid Torres had a little mustard on that pitch he had advised Furman but a little bit high kind is even at 2 and 2 with two out Red Sox and front 1 nothing top of the third in the all important game. Well the American League East divisional title Fisk has the throw to first and they get Munson at the end of two and a half innings. The Red Sox won in the Yankees enough well the co-owners of the American League Pitcher of the Week award for the past week Austria at Fenway Park. That figure for the Yankees and other suckers lay off the Boston Red Sox both of whom became 20 game winners for the first time in their career. That's always a big thrill. Right now the boomer George Scott batting 230 on the air and Guidry is pitch high ball while Scott entered the air with 15 doubles four triples twelve homers fifty four runs batted and I shouldn't say end of the year because these stats count for the regular season game this Revis will not get this one and a double for Scott Brown as well. Rivers there realizes that it's gonna be over his head. He did say it. Got it back in the sky was not a little closer to second base although that ball was well hit. Yep Mickey now might be coming in for his helmet. I don't want anybody feel anything or is it his glasses not his glasses. Man he through glasses down on the ground to Adam you know he might have had problems with that Frank because it did hit near the base of the wall. I thought the ball was catching but really Phil I don't know. I don't think the rubber saw it at first. I know you're right. Not at first. Then as you say he played as well as he saw it was gone. We look at it again. I watch where this ball hits right there it looks like he's in Qatar right now. Watch where it heads right there. It was it was catch a boy has gotten a good break and run back on it. Nobody out now. I'm sure that I shouldn't say I'm sure about him his job is to get Scott over to fur and the Yankees will have to look for the bunny he squares and bunch. It's a good one. Once he started a third throws the first and they get him on a beautiful matter where they might not have had that playing third base to. You know you saw Munson throw his hands up in the air. He started to throw. We watch. Let's watch it. Good boxing out there. Quickly looks the third double bumps and throws on the first base and a play like that. The pitcher has to help the catcher out late. Tell me where to throw the ball. Right again. The Yankees have to look for a possible squeeze but they've got to bring the infield in the Red Sox lead one nothing with one out in the bottom of the third. Rick bounces struck out his first time up let alone Ball one. Ron Guidry had a little bit of a jam to hit. So if Guidry had been bullets homer by Yaz and a double by Scott little low to nothing else and wants the umpire to look at the ball he's gonna throw it out of play. Right. GUIDRY has two strikeouts in the ballgame Bob said they're going to hold Scott at Third and nettles stalls Burleson out and that is a big big play two out. Scott remains at third base and about an hour Jerry Remy once again the Yankee infield has to be alert. This kid can bunt can handle the bat well Rivers playing very shallow and setup and slightly towards left centerfield on the left hand batter Remy strike one breaking pitch nicked the corner just missed one I'm on kind of a delayed call by the plane on fire Don thanking her again Remi a little unhappy. Three very close pitches all three could have gone either way. One ball two strikes fly ball. And let's see rivers white wide white called and makes the catch Frank message will carry along the next three at the end of three Red Sox 1 Yankees. Nothing will meet again. I don't know where Don't know when we'll meet again some sunny day join us and Bill we've seen some clutch pitching on both sides early in this ballgame. Torres looks like he's got an excellent slider he got much in place with that slider. I don't know how long he'd get away to pitches off like he's throwing a fastball and a slider. One key point here that shadow via the ball game the Yankees were complaining they couldn't see well in batting practice was that shadow moves up toward the mound. I think both teams once again will have trouble seeing the baseball because that'll be in the Red Sox favor because they already lead one to nothing so important to get that early score especially in a ball game like this looping Lupin leads off for the Yankees as we go to the fourth look grounded after the third baseman bro hammer strike one Red Sox one run to the Yankees no runs one hit and it's off the glove but set a base set for another lose died and 12 straight and he continues a hit let's watch again the pitch is right down the middle of patella chops it pass bro hammer hit the ball hit and Brosnan's webbing and bounced off base it for a loop and Ella but I'll hit that ball just like you did the first time up only he got it to the left side of the third baseman where he could not reach it chopped down on the ball the first time off and granted right to borrow hammer Reggie Jackson missed a home run with the wind blowing against him I think that when held his ball in play in the first inning. Now the wind is blowing toward left field as it has turned around since the start of the game Oh it was a breaking ball flying gets the first curve ball that Torres is throwing all afternoon he's been throwing it hard slider inside and that hard high fastball was down at first nobody up Red Sox lead 1 nothing he had it well by Rice's there and fix it up Rice made a good throw back to first base well you can't hit the ball the art with that flag measure the Red Sox fortunate that they definitely have the Fulton Jackson had rice just where he should be bang right there he didn't get under the ball and he gotten under the ball might hit that Prudential building about five miles that's a Rice made a strong throw back to Scott at first base try to double pin up Jim Rice not noted for his outfield play and noted for his bat well he's made to that play he has made a good play on Bucky dad running into right center field back in the third inning he's the only one that could've caught that ball good defensive bug right fields a tough field here in Boston too it is the son field Bragg Nuttall's takes a ball a shade Nettles just a bit to the right side vanilla at first one out in front of it and followed by a laugh at bitch like tar as his thirty sixth style that's two hundred and forty three innings and his first thirty starts to out in sixty seven hits struck out a hundred and sixteen walk ninety six men really brought his earned run average down even though he had a bad losing streak late in the season and the R.A. Well over four for most of the year that always takes him the other way foul one ball and two strikes Nuttall's popped up for the shortstop his first time at bat on a half swing Red Sox relating one I think on a stretch musky homerun popped him up again in his shadow left out again the shortstop where else is there. Qatar has twice as much stuff to Nuttall's Trollope inside Frank. Fisk gave the sign of a fastball inside. He gets it right in there right there. Nettles got it in on the back just a little bit too much and popped it up. I don't think you can consistently pitch Nettles there especially as a ball game whereas a long and fast ball lose a little bit of the velocity but Chambliss steps in. Chambliss hit the ball hard but right at George Scott he had a good swing farther back Yankees have two hits a double by rivers and a single by Vanilla and had rivers at second base twice but unable to score in well times Munson struck out as the next hitter the shortstop also because at the end of three and a half hits Boston on the arc nothing now's the time to start thinking about season tickets for the 1979 Yankee games. Be assured of the best seats for all the action next year by having your own full season or combination plan. For more information call a group and season sales at 2 1 2 2 9 3 6 out. That number again 2 1 2 2 9 3 6 thousand always see the flag right lesser blowing a bit toward the left field instead of toward rising right field as it was earlier in the ballgame and I think each time Rice has been up that wind has turned around and blown toward left you're absolutely right. Well that was the first time during rounds when Rice came to bat in the first inning but nonetheless Guidry struck him out. Ray struck out. Two of the three hitters and the first. He has not struck out a man since the has ski hit a home run to right. Scott has doubled. Those are the only two Boston hits file back out of play on the right side. Perfectly clear day here in Boston Jim Rice has had an outstanding year Australia an almost unbelievable year out of play Guidry is a kind of pitcher Frank that gives rice a lot of trouble. He can't afford to wait back on the ball. He's got to hurry because he knows that ball's coming in there 95 96 miles an hour. He's a better hitter when he can sit back and wait on the ball. That will be a foul ball and it's gonna be out of play. Ron get ready throughout the year pitched on four days rest. Now he is pitching on three days rest as it comes down to the end of the campaign bucket at bat throw a Chambliss at a tag rise lucky dad has had trouble with his throws quite a few occasions this year let's watch it again it's a grass cut it a bucket and he's got plenty of time comes up with the ball here throws it Hi how lucky channels keep that ball in first base is that sometimes you hit. Like that the ball flies out first. Big guy like rice right. There is one away in the batter. Carly Ostrovsky gets quite an ovation. His homerun leading off the second the only score in this game. Ball on it was his 17th homerun of the year 39 years old just signed a new five year contract hits here. He has used a total five years he had said that next year might be his last year but that at least changed his mind. Maybe that's year playing and four years of PR like Willie McCullum he got with the San Francisco Giants what the fine print says but you got a guy like your streams get around I think you give him just about anything he wants out of town eventually catches up with you when you can't contribute anymore I think he has no one he should quit though probably better than I balls and two strikes on him Ted Williams played into his forty for the year Stan Musial played to his forty fourth year Ted had all those years off for military service and what that would add to our subtract had a way out on Friday he filed it off strands guys play it hurt a lot this year he's got a back problem you know that had to yeah. You know Bill White the team that's benefiting setting back lot of chuckling over the whole thing with the Kansas City Royals down front again Paul a foul over the roof Royals now that whether they meet the Yankees or the Red Sox they'll come in one pitcher shy for the championship series having to play this extra game they've already put out their pitching rotation to the royals Leonard Goran splits for the first three ballgames he's struck him out he tried to check the swag and could not Guidry gets his third strike strikeout I'd heard Whitey Herzog say earlier that if he played the Red Sox he would strike Leonard but if he played the Yankees he would start split off in the first game he notes sheet here in Boston says as ball game to a Leonard Gora and split Here's Colin Fisk an invaluable man to the Boston Red Sox he's played hurt a lot this year an outstanding catcher got header to eighty three averaged twenty homers eighty eight runs about it in the strike line and I see the shadow Bill's talking about from that angle you can see the shadow coming out toward the home plate area another inning I saw the hitters will be in the shade and the pitcher will be thrown out of the bright sunshine advantage pitcher all I talk about that so often right because it's so important you know as a hitter you hate to see those shadows move in on you voice if you're a pitcher you don't mind. Now pitchers rather say every game start about 3:00 in the afternoon when they 330 no ball to strike out on Carlton Fisk two outs not on their feet is going to get tired he can and he makes the catch deep three up three down into four it's Boston one the Yankees nothing way go to the fifth inning here at Fenway Park the Yankee is well bad right away Brian Doyle and Bucky down the lower third of the batting order against Juarez that is still in sunshine the shadows get closer and closer impossible to get a ticket for this ballgame stadium completely sold out. Roy white struck out his first trip guys has walked one struck out three allowed two heads double by rivers and a single by Fenella balls and strikes on Roy white rice made such a great contribution down the stretch Bill on you. I don't I know I like to see the veteran player come through and clutch situations. He has done that didn't get a chance play early but he has really made his presence felt lately. No question about it. That's ball three Drano that he has to duck away from Ball for second walk by tar as far as walk Rivers leading off the ballgame. Mickey stole second and died there as the next three others could not move him up months and struck up another ground down Jackson flat out. This is the third inning out of five the Yankees have at the leadoff man on Brian Doyle as the batter slap hitter chokes way up on the bat handle strike line. Ryan's older brother played right here for the Red Sox Roy white at first Scott holding whites going guy said sharply to the second baseman Remy throws out. Doyle had they not had wide going that would have been a double play but why it broke and don't throw to second base. Here it is again. Bryant hits the bar hard one operator Remy who thinks about going to second but changes his mind and makes a short play at first base. Yankees hit the ball hard but hit the ball right at people. I don't think any ball has been a harder hit all afternoon the ball Reggie Jackson hit Jim Rice. You don't hit a ball any on that lucky dad fly to write his first trip pops this one up out behind second Burleson as their lights off the side as he makes the catch list is going to be a little or some kind of confrontation here. Frank Messer with Mike tour is pitching to make sure it was Mike's been trying to get away with two pitches the fastball which he normally leads the batter up and he throw it up and in on your break you off then he'll throw the slider. Watch us play again with debt popping it up. Mickey a pretty good fastball hitters he sat over there and he's seen the tour as it's not only one change up all ballgame and one curveball. And let's see what Torres does with him. First of all they're going to move Scott back and are going to play him and Charlotte with first base. Mickey has walked and doubled slaps on the left side Roy white almost hit bottom and they make the throw to third and widens out. Ryan White is not a third on the field his choice to retire the side at the end of four and a half. Boston one of the burly throws a ball a third white had to change direction and he's kind of loopy every tag him. But he's called out easily their third base by the third base umpire Steve Palermo for a heads up play by the Red Sox. It was you who saw Bronson just take a quick glance over toward first base as he fielded that ball and realized his best play was to go for the lead runner and he got quite easily. He just had a glance quickly first base his ball not him was carrying away from that play ball he would have had to stop. Sutton himself and throw good play by Burleson. All right. We go to the bottom half of the fifth Freddy Lann Lee job to be followed by Hobson and Scott wrecking ball and this is Lin at the ball deep to center field and rivers caught it back in the second inning. Boston leads one nothing Johnny Pesky who still has good hands. He played in the last American League playoff game against the Cleveland Indians with Cleveland Indians President Al Rosen and the present Cleveland skipper Bob Lemon. That's right. Lemon sat on the bench. It was not in that game but he was in uniform with the Indians Jack swaying round the right back to get. I believe as I recall that game in 1948 Johnny Pesky and Bobby Dorr were the only two red sox to get extra base hits in the game. And they were that year considered to be an outstanding hitting ballclub. Here Jean Baird had a pretty good knuckleball. That's right left hander watch Hobson as the batter. Lou Boudreau had a couple of home runs on that game as the playing manager of the Indian Hopson grabbed it after third his first time up. Get ready starts him off of the strike now the heat misses Mrs. Walton one Boston leads one to nothing on a second inning laid off home run by Kyle. Yes Trump's game ball back outside got much a rising fastball Frank seeking slider catcher gets beaten up quite a bit get on top of that slider underneath the rising fastball that will be out of play catcher really works for this job not only physical but it takes a tremendous mental toll here blame for his many long balls as a pitcher now sacrifice Asian to call it pitch let's watch it again the ball is down on hops and he goes down on the ball and pulls it third base umpire Steve. I'm all right on the play. The ball just outside the bag Nettles diving enough to get dirty that's good race favorite to strike pitch ball moving down into the right hand after he struck out more man on that pitch this year I think than any other one Hobson got enough of it to stay alive let's watch it again. I thought it was between hops here same kind of pitch up a little bit more Nettles backs off just a little here and the ball comes up and it hits the webbing of the glove and doesn't stay in tops and decides to hold it first base I thought he might have had a shot of going to second side let's say the Red Sox with one out of hops and that is their third hit in the game George Scott the batter doubled off the center field wall his first time up Scott was benched for a while but not hitting that when he came back on the lineup he has been hitting the ball better one ball one strike and he got the play out by Don decking her ball two strikes. Get ready gets his fourth strike up. Boston is leading one to nothing here in the fifth inning. A home run by a strums ski on the second the only scoring in this game Jack bro hammer sacrificed in the third inning following a double by Scott ball on a strike. Television replays last night when I came into Boston. I'm bro hammer catching the final out of the ball game yesterday for the Red Sox against Iran. Oh you think it was the final game of the World Series as he laid it as he was and as his teammates were revolves on a strike. Well they hung. Frank is like the Yankees coming from 14 games back. They could have given up they did not Red Sox you got to give them credit they hung around on the egg and blinked. They took advantage of it Ray just lobs that over their rock to good ball club. The other one gave up at a time during the year foul back Red Sox had the strong first half the Yankees the strong second half then Boston came back strong in the last week or so and they are left field wide will be there and that retires the side at the end of five it's Boston won the Yankees nothing. I'm sorry go on. I've just got to get the batting order here for the sixth inning Bill. I was going to say same thing they've got to me to their batting order coming up against Mike door as much in Piniella Jackson and under Mike will continue pitching the same pattern so far has been successful for him. He's only giving up two base hits to the Yankees he's got Munson in two key situations in the first inning with rivers at second and nobody out Tara has struck him out in the third inning with rivers of second and two outs. Tara has again struck Munson out at the Yankees won this game and go on to Kansas City. We will be televising tomorrow night's game here on 11 Alive WPI X at 8:00 and as they say in the trade. No road company. The original cast outside of third strike was on Munson but right now the Red Sox have a 1 nothing lead built around a home run by a strums game. Foul ball again as much fun as lunging at the. He's got him throwing that slider Frank low on it and blowing away and Thurman obviously I think is having trouble picking the baseball up now Bill the shadow you talked about before has reached the home plate area well he had told before when he struck out the two times that shadow wasn't there you're still lunging for the ball struck out once on a very bad pitch blown away in the dirt. Yep try to take that one to right field and file it away certain parks just give you trouble. I remember Houston I never daytime games there was a seldom played but in the Astrodome that was not registered on center field the sun shown would shine through there never could hit their way I stood at the plate file this one back. Nobody else had any job. I think over the course of baseball there have been some parks that hitters could hit it no matter who pitched the box they couldn't get a base in and save their life no matter who pitch and you think about it. You psych yourself out. Torres has Munson down the balls two strikes ball away from bats and going down and the bat crossed the play the play sometimes that's one of the points they look at. And evidently Jim Evans felt that that was far enough to call Munson out or strike up for Mike Torres he has made Munson look bad at the plate in this game. Struck him out three times in a row now looping at 1 4 2 I feel Lana's after it never took his eye off the ball and he's got it. A long way from now when it was hit high never took his eye off of it. Scott saying something to Mike Torres is Reggie Jackson stands and he wants to be a little more careful with Jackson. Groove the fastball. Reggie last time up and Jackson got it off he didn't get out of the ball just hit it solidly and drove it to the gym rice in right field really playing it safe Frank Scott's going to just the sixth inning of Scott's going to guard the line at first base. Normally you wait till the eighth ninth inning to do that and the dirt bounces back on the screen first time up. Reggie had a fly ball to left field the wind was blowing from left to right at that time. And I've got to feel the wind held the ball up. It was caught right at the foot of the wall by a stretch ski a towering fly. Then Reggie lined up for the right fielder Bryce the Red Sox are out in front one up a we're in the sixth inning Mike Torres was allowed the Yankees only to hit the last two strikes very seldom hit a home run. Frank when you swing that way normally you keep your eye on the ball and just carry it through and that's when you hit the ball well and you end up spinning around like that. Very very very seldom hit the home run pitch almost as did your bat last thought he had that one for a strike. It was one of the dugout curve ball loaded try to buy one second breaking ball. So in this ballgame He could tell him I'll be Zach's medals. Next up he's got a pitch will stretch should he not get jack this Bud's for the blues the reds and the Warriors This Bud's for the Giants the jazz and the magic this Bud's for the home team jam was the charge never was brought back cover third base opened up a force play really did what he wanted it made Nuttall's field that ball no chance of a play by a third that's how they feel about Jim Rice here in Boston infielders and whether a the runner a third one out got to play him in tight in all probability Jim Rice will be the most valuable player in the American League I have to feel he and get ready well finish one two not necessarily in that order but leaning yes toward Rice again Blake looked like he might end up right for this fella strong he got the back way in and then got the head of the bad out reading open his arms up and get it goes way he really dead as you said on the replay just muscle that ball pure straight Yes drums came up one out rice at first just Trump's game Homer leading off the second he struck out on the floor Boston leads to nothing dreamscape batting to seventy seven for the air now seventeen homers rice at first the plate on fire. Take a look at the baseball Don. I can hear calls for it rubs it out and gives it back. But socks. Now I have two runs on five hits and lead to nothing. Had I'm gone for a big breaking ball. What happens Frank as you get older you become a one pinch hitter either hit the fastball he hit the curve you've got to make up your mind at one or the other. Hard to handle both the older you get. That's why I question whether Karl really wants to play five more years. Once you become more susceptible injuries as you go along. Runner goes after the Chambliss no played a second he'll take it back to first to get your strengths keep that well bring Bob Lemon up. I'll discuss Carlton Fisk throughout a pitch to faster pitch to Len Levin with his very low key approach to baseball making a decision as to whether or not to pitch to Fisk. It's also a long yarn right feel he's got God he's throwing out there. I don't think that Len wants to make a pitching change here. But no he isn't going gonna go on by the last two American League playoffs to decide the season. Whatever Bob left on his watch the games from the dugout in 1948 as a pitcher for the Cleveland Indians in 1978 as the manager of the Yankees in the same ballpark. And it looks like they're going to put Fisk gone. That was the decision they made out on the mound. They would rather pitch to the left hand hitting land this will be the first block given up by Guidry and it is an intentional walk. GUIDRY has struck out four man headland while staff and with runners at first and second ball for his thrown and first goes the first runner's first and second two outs Boston leading to nothing. Here in the bottom half of the sixth Fretilin the bottom line in the second inning had a ball the deep center field Mickey rivers ran down and crossed that on the fifth he grabbed it back to the pitcher. Good read Boston and broad tuna a two on two out of the bottom half of the six slicing fowl. Well back in the seats and left one ball one strike. Foul ball on the right side and it's one and two runners first and second to out. Three balls and two strikes. Like that two balls and two strikes on land two and two Rice will break from second first from first penalties after it and he's got it. What a catch by Vanilla. I made a basket catch going back toward the corner and that three this side Bill I will carry along end of six Boston to New York nothing sitting now and Greg Nettles will lead off against Mike Torres Mendoza has been up twice against his former teammate popped up the shortstop both times it'll be Neto Chambliss and then Roy White the curve was strike Torres as not use a curve ball too often this afternoon he's only throwing it three or four times he's gone basically with the fastball and the slider one or two change ups so far he's pitched an excellent ball games good ball game giving the Yankees just to base its that's in the right field should be easy for the right fielder Jim Rice and the batters Chris we'll see Yankee first baseman they line hard to first base the George Scott in the second inning and forced a runner in the fourth inning so Chambliss is over 2 He's batting 273 now with a dozen home runs and 90 runs batted in strike one on Chambliss base set for Chambliss as he goes the other way and your jet ski will block the ball and get it in and Chambliss hold it first. That's Yankees first base it off Mike Torres since the fourth inning when Fernando let off with a single so jam was on at first with one away and here's Roy White he struck out and walked weights all four one in this ballgame batting a 267 pointers at a great second half did not get much chance to play in the first half but as really come on and done an excellent job with the Yankees here in the second half of the season base at Fenway Chambliss will hold its second base so back to back singles by Chris Chambliss and Roy White the Yankees have two men on base with just one away year in the seventh inning and Andy Hasler a left hander gets up and starts warming up and the Boston Red Sox bullpen and he's joined by right hander Bob Stanley so Stanley the right hander on the left of your screen and the left hander Andy Hassler as Fisk wants to talk to Mike Torres tonight we're going to get a pinch hitter for Brian Doyle Jim Spencer being sent out by Bob Lemon so Jim Spencer will bat for Brian Doyle Yankees down to nothing they need the long ball here in the seventh inning wow factor Spencer batting two at twenty eight overall he's been up a hundred forty nine times at 34 base at seven home runs twenty four runs batted in as a pinch hitter he's batting 3 0 4 7 base it's twenty three times up the homerun nine runs batted in Spencer normally a pretty good fastball hitter and here comes Don Zimmer the Red Sox skipper. Oh Zimmer and lemon beginning to play a little chess here at Fenway Park. Zim sent stories has not given up four base sets might be just telling him to stay away from that low fastball was better. Maybe keep the ball out over the plate. Use a breaking ball. Ah let's see. Does he want the left hander evidently not this expands and goes back to home plate. So he's going to let Torres stay in the ball game suspension. Red Sox have a two loving lead here in the seventh inning. Yankees are runners at first and second and one away. Zimmer goes back to the Red Sox bench Spencer has won four games for the Yankees this year with base its got a fastball and fouled it back in fifth surly did not like that pitch he would go out and talk to Torres think he threw a pitch that Mike threw a pitch that this certainly did not like he got that fastball in there Spencer got a good read about it no balls and a strike. Probably get Fred Stanley in its second base. Bottom half of the city Willie Randolph is here. He's in uniform. Of course he's still bothered by that pulled hamstring and his left leg low. That's more like what this wants. He wants a breaking ball. Ball a strike on Spencer in the dirt again with a curve ball. It's two and one. Oh he's got to come in with a fastball or a slider or the go two balls one strike on Jim Spencer. Chris Chambliss is at second base. Roy white at first. There's one out here at the top of the seventh. The Red Sox lead to nothing in the left field just jumps. He's right there. Yes. Had he played perfectly all the batters bucket at the Yankee shortstop he's by derived and popped a short dense over to buck. He got a key base hit here against any Eckersley and the Yankees won four in a row year. Last time they played Fenway Park backwards we had two strikes on it. This is another key situation for Bucky Dent runners in first and second two outs. Yankees down do nothing to lowball one door has given up back to back saying goodbye charmless and wide. Here in the seventh inning he got pinch hitter Jim Spencer and he's down one ball no strikes to a Bucky Dent all of us. But it's one and one. Bucky's giving up wearing that protection on his left ankle. Well a lot of balls down there. He had been wearing a shin guard just where he's touching Jeanne Monahan the Yankee trainer now talking to Dennis stop the left in step right there and we'll get the upper floor right off spread big house or the Yankee third base coach in their locker. That's only temporary relief but sometimes I wonder which relief at all pairs again did getting on top of the ball right off the left in step and that's Mark's the bat boy brings back a new bat. Needle exchange bats counts one and one two outs and two on the Red Sox lead to nothing in the seventh inning here at Fenway. Deep the yes trap scheme will not go at all. Three run home run for Bucky. Then the Yankees now lead 5 4 3 to 2. Bucky Dennis just hit his fifth home run of the year end of history. Look at our Yankee bench led by Bob LeVert great player Johnson there and happy fucking damn Yankees down a 3 to 2. For the last guy on the ballclub it expected all right. Yes it went into this green bucket and now comes Miller time when you've got the time to celebrate something special. Head for the best tasting beer you can find. Miller highlighted there's that ball going up on the screen. And Mickey Rivers just filed one by Chambliss Gore. Roy white scored bucket and flown at all and the Yankees lead a 3 to 2 rivers as walk double and forced to runner one and one Bucky Dent hitting white. What has to be the biggest home run of his career. Lipton went on a screen against Mike Torres with two runners on and the Yankees lead by curve balls to strike 1 and two Yankees now have three runs on five sets hits Red Sox two runs on five base hits 2 and 2 and the Yankees have rich Gossage loosening up in the bullpen. The Red Sox will have hops and Scott and broil him or two right handers and a left hander do in the bottom of this inning and we might get Gossage in the ballgame. Good pitching with just three days rest. I don't kick foul. Better get discouraged and fix it up before it goes back there. Doing to don't ask me to say anything I've been holding my breath Bill White. I'm not going to as you say. How do you like that ball up on that screen. You know I was in the pressroom with all those Red Sox fans and when Bucky hit it I let out three holy cows and I thought Frank Miles home was going to bite me on the ankle of Three balls two strikes on Mickey Rivers big home run by Bucky Dent foul so grand to you know I think Scooter had the Yankees and experience shortstop that might not have gotten a chance better. You know you're absolutely right they had a go for pinch hit is there but they are strapped with the injury to Willie Randolph Stanley a play second bay out and the only other shortstop is Domingo Ramos. Denny Sherrill was signed as his last stop while Rivers locks. That's gonna be all for Torres. Don Zimmer. Coming out of the dugout and looks like he waved the right and he watched Bob Stanley so Rivers walks and Mike Torres will take a walk. He has pitched a pretty good ball game except here in listening. Given the Aggies just two base sets coming into the seventh inning he got nachos on a fly ball and gave up a single left fielder Chris Chambliss Roy white single to center Jim Spencer batting for Brian Doyle tried to call his jumps get left field then Bucky did lifted one onto the screen in left field to give the Yankees a 3 to 2 lead And Mike Torres gets a hand as a lead generated jacket. I think Mike certainly wanted to beat his former major he said a few things about him over the year career wise against Yankees Torres has had trouble he's only won one game and lost five and here in 78 he's 1 in 3. So Torres gives way to Bob Stanley who will pitch to Thurman much much as one guy is glad Dora is gone for he. I never saw monsters look that bad at the plate and strike out three times and twice on Czech swings where he try to check himself firm like a lot of the hitters this afternoon having trouble picking the bat up picking the ball up at bat I'm going to keep talking I'm going to stay to shock Bill light so I'm not going to be much help up here you're no I'll be happy Yeah but I'm like a hand on a hot rock I don't know whether to jump or sit or lay an egg. Yeah. You know at least when you're playing you can your energy you can use it up when you just sit and hear biting your nails Well Stanley's finish he's making a 70 second appearance for the Boston Red Sox he's won 15 ballgames and lost just two and he's picked up 10 saves so he'll pitch to Thurman much that would make your rivers on it first base and to beat out here in the seventh inning with the Yankees leading the Red Sox bias for 3 to 2 the last time Rivers walked back in the first inning he stole second he almost threw that one away he's gonna go right. Well I think he's gonna go at some point while much ends up there stole his twenty fourth base back in the first inning. Hope he didn't hurt himself. Jean Michael concern he or himself would you let Scott hit him with a tag. That's what he's got to worry about. Rivers with twenty four stolen bases and he is going and he's safe again a second best through our one operator Jerry Remy rivers is something everybody knows look at that jump he's got and fast this time bounces one turns into a good throw. But is just too quick it on its second base with a second stolen base of the ball game. He now has twenty five on the air. He's only been throwing out five times Willie Randolph e.g. Aggies have stolen bases he has thirty six of course he cannot play and just might not play the rest of the year. Should the Yankees hang on and win this ballgame. Well he's stolen 36 bases he's been caught seven times bad omen scooter though much is swinging through that slider yep he's gonna go to right field that's good that might be trouble it's going to fall. Bay said Rivers will score much and will try for two as Lin bubbles the ball out of left center and he's there with a double Yankees now lead by a score 42. That's what I said he's gonna go to right field here it is again it looked like is it that hard. No but it was in a perfect spot. Right. Between Yazan Lin as Lin having problems picking it up but Rivers would have scored months and would have been in second anyway. Well not so much the record of Mike door as anything the Yankees get now the setting will be on the record of Bob Stanley as Looper now as a better he's bounced out single fly to Centreville in the right field and Rice is there and the is retired. Yankees score four times the top of the seventh the end of six to half the Yankees for the Red Sox to really great day here at Yankee Stadium while that young man said his day made by Brett Gardner. Look at the reaction fan for life first baseball. That's the first that's a nice way to spend your anniversary as a happy man. That'd be fun. Nicely done. And how about the elation pure bliss kicks in to third innings five hits three walks four strikeouts and four runs allowed and Guidry is still out there William. Yes he is. Let's see. Gosh he's still throwing on the bullpen. I don't know why go through all the way through the top of this sitting while the Yankees are batting unless you want to make sure he's good. Loose. Ryan Guidry celebrating Stanley Crouch down he moves on to play second base for Brian Doyle Guidry celebrating being named the Cole winner of the player of the week in the American League along with Danny accurately the pitcher from the Boston Red Sox Butch Hobson bounce the third single oh he's won four to the bottom of the seven the Yankees had 4 2 over the Sox two strikes a little fella from Lafayette Louisiana pitching with just three days rest just missed outside one and two Gary stayed away from him struck out hops and went away. You're in the seventh inning. That's all I got. Number five. Forget Rick. And he now has two hundred forty three plus five two hundred forty eight. Then again a reminder that everything that happens in this game is added to the statistics of this year. Ron Guidry now will pitch to George Scott the first baseman. That might go through it'll go through the right side at Stanley set up playing Scott the ball he hit a ground ball through the right side is second base at the ball games or he's hurt first base and run away and here comes Bob Lemon. Jack roll him or do on they had Bob Bailey at their I don't know Bailey had been now a lot. I'm sure he had. I don't think Lemon would make the change unless Bailey were announced he was Gossage anyway Gossage is coming on. We did not hear about Bailey now supports if he has not been announced he's not officially in the ballgame now Zimmer is going to come on he's going to ask Dakin Jr whether or not Bailey had been officially put in the ballgame as get relief and bacon Jr. Well get his leaving this conversation going on on the third base side think he told Zimmer that he had already waived Bailey in the ballgame so he's officially in the ballgame now has George Steinbrenner applauding the man is putting all that money in the bank for him Ron Guidry and the Yankee bench congratulating Guidry he works six in a third innings giving up six hits walked only one man and that was intentionally last inning struck out five and has allowed to run so Guidry cannot be the losing pitcher to the winning pitcher or no decision no good eleven must have talked on a bench and Guidry probably told him Hey I'm getting a little bit tired of get a runner on base perhaps you'd better come on get me I guess you're right Bill that's why Gossage continue to warm up so he would be ready. I didn't think it would start deserting because my not knowing all the while the the batting and scoring therefore runs at the top of the inning and we thought the he'd come on beginning of the inning but Lemon tried to sneak through with them he got hops and on strike but then giving up the opposite field single Scott Lamb decided to go to a well rested Goose Gossage these conditions ought to be pretty good for the goose and Bailey is going to have to bat so Bob Bailey who had been way into the ballgame officially by Don Nick and you're now we're back for Jack bro however looks a little out of shape Danny Bill how beetles been around awhile now I normally was up to sixty nine but 17 18 got a lot of money and the pirates put it all in California real estate done right. You got that big big right. Big bank account you got out. How to play it one and one Bailey has always been a pretty good high fastball it never did like the breaking ball where's Gossage will throw a mostly heat that was a good hitter a ball and two strikes on Bailey you saw George Scott at first base is one away Yankees leading four to two with the Red Sox batting in the bottom half the seventh inning Gossage leads the American League in save with twenty six called strike three just started looking cozy right at home play two outs of Exum got finesse at times good or had he kept barely back a little in the dugout he might have been able to hit pro hammer against Garza Abraham or that kid Hancock or some other left hand batter so it could have said Hancock up for Bailey but he would have lost two men Yep here's Burleson his truck got bounced a third double and score for Olsen is one for three right one on Burleson Yankee's lead for two scoring four big runs stop with this any highlighted by a three run home run by Bucky Dent is fourth fifth home run of the year and the biggest one of the year two strikes on Pearl's perfect pitch came inside with a fastball on the corner then went outside fastball on a corner down around the knees ball gets by much it looked like he tried to throw a breaking pitch there. That time Bill and it really got away from me the cross months and upper weird pitch term is going to be charged with a pass ball. Watch this now Munson wants it outside watch Gossage where it goes so good for me. He reacted very slowly. Never thinking the ball to be that far inside a ball and two strikes on Burleson bucket charging he's got time sides retired no runs one base hit a man left on base at the end of seven the Yankees for the Red Sox to have got a new third baseman for the Boston Red Sox Frank Duffy comes on to play third base for Jack. Bill Hemmer Bob Bailey had pitched for Bill Hemmer and struck out bottom of last inning not Reggie Jackson will lead off against Bob Stanley and the Yankees lead 42. Jackson is over 3 he's at the bar hard once and almost loop on the wall in the first inning wind blowing toward right field held the ball up time for his jumps to pick it up he line hard to Rice in the fourth and bounce to second in the sixth one and so on Jackson 2 and 0 as Stanley tries to keep the ball away. Here's Duffy the third baseman that's out of play two balls and a strike on Jackson right center. Let's say that ball is out here the egg with a five to two. Jackson a towering drive straight away center field. Hopefully Garnett he hit that nine mile. Look at that Yankee bench. What a comeback by this team that has comeback all year long Bill. Yes sir. Jackson's twenty seventh home run of the year and he now has 97 runs batted it and now comes Miller time. When you've got the time to celebrate something special. Head for the best tasting beer you can find Miller High Life. Now Zimmer is back on the mound again. He's got Hasler and he has more left hander throwing along with Dick drag and that's going to be all for Stanley Stanley Pitts The three men gave up a double Madsen driving in a run he got Penelope the Third on here's a home run by Jackson. Boy this is really high. Bill this is unbelievable right out over the plate. Oh Len know it all the time oh the left hander as we watch Jackson circle the bases again. Oh he's happy right here. I say by Reggie Lee about a happy Aggie but he gets around. He takes a long time leave. Oh yes. Once he starts he gets around. Yeah. Once he starts running you're right but he throws that bad down and admires it which you can blame him because when he hits him that tape measure jobs and you know for Jackson that's his twenty seventh home run that ties him now with Greg Nettles for the team leading home runs as we mentioned all the averages in today's game count on the regular season even though it is an extra game in the schedule so Andy asked what will come on now and pitch to Greg Nettles. Yankees have Nettles Chambliss do it and they're both left handed hitters and is watching Roy white. So the Yankees now lead at 5 to do the home run by Jackson as Bill mentioned his twenty seventh of the year and the Yankees seventh base it in this ballgame in five runs on seven base it's the Red Sox two runs on six base hits Hasler has done well against the Yankees overall this year Hasler is making his 24th appearance is 13th relief appearance he's won three ballgames and lost five and he's picked up one say for the Yankees striking with a long ball the last two innings a three run home run by Bucky debt with two outs in the seven giving the Yankees a 3 to 2 lead and a solo shot leading off here in the eight by Reggie Jackson and the Yankees lead 5 to 2 and the batters Greg Nettles he's popped a short ways and fly to right field meadows with twenty seven home runs ninety three runs batted in and strike one on Nettles for the Red Sox. Bottom of this inning it'll be Jerry Remy Jim Rice and Karl Yes Jim ski against rich Gossage a check to swing it's one and one Yankees with a little breathing room he call that a strike I think he did finally call it delayed them Yeah they didn't ask right away well it's two strikes on Nettles 1 and two the ball wasn't really that close must be tough to pick up then I think it is that's the reason Munch is having so much trouble therm waits on the ball well so normally would just file a pitch job but firm hadn't come close so doubled in a run last any doing two medals got a Nettles goes down swinging for the first up I'll bring on Chris jam was a first baseman he's Ryan the first was a runner and single to left and scored he started the Yankees on their fourth run seventh inning after Nettles applied out his singles sharply to left field went to second base on a single by a wide after Spencer flied out batting for Doyle Bucky Dent at a ball on a screen and left field when he comes up get him argument there is just put him back out Jane Michael makes her the Tampa doesn't put the first base umpire Good play by Remy great play Lemond started off but he just want to make sure Chambliss was not ejected here it is never thought Remy had a chance this is really a great play. Watch how far he dives right there and then comes up doesn't waste any time very close but no time to get kicked out of a ball game stop right there he nudged him a little but well it got in there and got between him the other two outs now nobody on base batters Roy White he has struck God walked and single he's won for two remain at second base has another chance he's got plenty of time here and the side is retired Yankees for a run on Reggie Jackson what he said was over the year not getting enough seven and a half a Yankees five Red Sox two while the Red Sox fans haven't given up Bill White trying to cheer their champions on Yankees with a three run lead. All right. Good. Here's Jerry Remy's 0 to and the goal get to first pitch in Remy's fly twice wide in left field and he sacrificed Burleson over the sixth and also scored the Red Sox second run two strikes Ghazi each coming on last innings striking out Bob Bailey getting breathless not a bounce up in relief of Ron Guidry still two strikes on Remy that's a variable amazing Ramey gets around on this ball was down and then no remain leads out of the double here in the eighth inning the batters Jim Rice the right fielder Rice has struck out He's bounced out and single A he's won four three low ball on rice batting 316 now he has forty six home runs in one hundred thirty nine runs batted in but just good when he takes wings like that you very seldom connect that's right it looks good everybody who's in eyes but you very seldom hit it Reggie had done that earlier but on the home run he stayed with the ball in the right field Panola has a long run but he's there and the ball be cut off by Bucky dead one away. Let's head to that Pinellas unbelievable he's not the most graceful outfielder in the world but when he gets to a ball he catch you know that play he made on Lynn was a game saver right back in the sixth inning Lin drove that ball in the corner hit it hard to nullify the win Anderson made the catch down around his knees here's Karl is dreamscape veteran as Homer struck out in bounds to first base. He's 1 for 3 Yeah he's got the red sox up and running in the second inning with a solo home on his 17th year that game a 1 to nothing lead they added a second run on the six but the Yankees came up with four in this three four in the seventh to take a four to two lead and they added one in the eight top of this running and that's a big run right now Bill to at 0 on your fifth key of course you got to make yes swing the bat guy run in the on deck circle that's Karl Fisk here's Benalla see Lou having trouble with his son just before the bet you a shade his eyes two on one on this trim scheme Hi Teddy. He has an amazing average build in playoff games and world series game. His strength always coming through in the play. This just might feel obliged to serve. He's been intense and fast. He's open to low ball. He mentioned these bad not giving up. They're making a lot of noise here about this year. That fall foul. Getting up in front of a side hour fastball lets up in the lights a ball two strikes Gossage not just ran back and throwing that fastball. Still wanted to Ron Guidry weren't the first six to third and e gave up two runs on six plays. He walked one man intentionally and struck out five breaking balls by a low ball just hung up there. Yeah. Leave a little shop rate has struck him a. Goes Fisk is looking for nothing but fastballs right now. God remains one ball two strikes on Carlton Fisk with one on one on Yankees ahead five to three in the bottom of the eighth. That's out of play. Here's one away on the scrubs in the first place. Yeah the red sox play it probably or they could play it safe keep Yaser they're playing it safe ball outside. Dirk Darcy trying to keep the ball down. Yes. Walk slowly back to first base. He's had an excellent afternoon a home run on a single two runs but it is play up growing in the Yankee bullpen along with Sparky Lyle. Yes at first phase went away they thought Who's got the jersey Yankee fans. Yogi Berra Flynn is right of center field past the first made a good catch on his drive back in the sixth inning runners at first and second won away Yankees ahead 5 three in the eighth inning Red Sox start to come back in the ballgame strike one sure he's not going take us to a job with two right hand baddies coming up wants to know what the story is you're not getting that fast ball by those hitters Oh the Red Sox coming right back here and yet scoring two runs on the gap to just one. Now the Yankees lead 5 4 in the batter's which Thompson if he doesn't get himself in trouble by getting behind and having to come in with a fastball in the right field. Vanilla glasses down almost dropped that ball got a ball on the heel of the glove there too. He just got the ball on the heels of love down here it was his single back in the seventh inning that lemon went to Gaza. You probably stuck out Bob Bailey batting for Bill Hemmer and got. Not a bounce. Well here's God. Once again guys he gets behind one ball and those strikes and it's one and one start with a big sweeping swing we've lost over one ball one strike on George got two outs two on the Yankees ahead five four at the bottom of the eighth inning games got goes down swinging ever Saudis retire the Red Sox come back with two runs in the bottom of the eight Yankees by Boston for the enemy one and one for Blair you'll be batting for Mickey rivers that's foul plucky a second home run it's just one foul up on the roof down well I feel like wanted to have got him sitting on top of the roof here at Fenway I hear the announcer crowd at thirty two Yeah I couldn't believe that still a ball and two strikes on debt I've got to stay away from race and Yaz and Fisk Yeah. Gotta have a one two three any. Or pick up a couple of insurance runs here. Got a good breaking ball. This guy looking to us here's ball player batting for mega rivers. He just had the volume of course to watch center field by God to play Blair on the air batting 160. He's been up one hundred and twenty four times and 73 ballgames as twenty one base. It's two home runs and 13 runs about it in one and one two bars and a strike on player 1948 the last time the American League had a playoff. In fact the only other time I've had to play are Cleveland Indians came in here and beat Boston past the third baseman Duffy base hit the player and outcomes Don Zimmer much is due on Zimmer. It's like he wants Dre go to come on. He's already made the move right handed Dick Drago will come on and pitch against Munster watching all this action screwed up back again to the Kansas City Royals. They're happy to see everybody using everybody get Ryan Gossett Jr. too but pitchers and Zimmer's had to go through Torres Stanley Hasler not Drago. That's true. Kansas City is really sitting in the catbird seat for sure. And of course today the Yankees had hoped to go out there and work out the Cleveland Indians changed all their plans. They still hope to go out there of course but the game will be played tomorrow night so they won't have a chance to work out at all. Don't forget the Yankees hold this one run lead and win this ballgame every game in the playoffs will be brought to you right here on WPI x eleven alive. Remember that will also be on ABC. But you can hear the regular announcers like Bill White Frank Messer do the Games right here on 9/11 alive. I'm not gonna make it. He was just too much I'm too old. I just had my birthday on Monday and I know whether I get lost or another. You're full of baloney. Or another senior look got a nice birthday cake you gave away cause you bought a slab. Bring that up again. Jake is leading here five to 4. I know but you're happy they I'm happy. But the hair is getting gray and the nails are getting shorter and the stomach is churning and I got I. Know what I did. That's an upset stomach in Italian. Oh prego. Coming on budget. He's making his 37 appearances 36 brief appearance. He's won four and lost four picked up seven saves cause he's got it much the last time the Yankees were in years good that much and just under the helmet. Yeah that's true. And you know is a little unusual right after that drag I was talking about what remarkable control he has and that's why he likes to come in and pressure games because he can throw strikes and he's gonna be facing much and as you mentioned right now. As strange this ballpark. The sun is shining only on home plate and out in right field Rodrigo taking plenty time getting Lucy supposed to be limited to just eight throws and that must be his eight when they're at third much ado about against him once and he struck out three times and double in a run at a key RBI double in the seventh inning when the Yankees went ahead four to two over Boston firm and had a lot of trouble with Mike Torres tourists hauling him sinkers down and away now he'll bat against Rango with Blair on it first base and two men out in the ninth inning the Yankees lead by four and Drago chases Blair back to first base Hey what's God doing. Picking up dirt put it on the ball that's what he did and give giving the ball back a DRE go see the dailies do that for way Gordon Yeah to low ball one was only would rub it in the dirt scuff it up a little bit get it back the way you throw that big curve ball that sinker what gets you out to balls no strikes too much Andre go numbers on the pitch too much and gets immediately behind to it on but also a play at the second base they just hit flair for the four and the side was retired or runs a base at one man left through eight and a half Yankees five. The Red Sox for having your own fourth season or domination plan for more information call open season sales at 2 1 2 2 9 3 6 thousand that number again 2 1 2 2 9 3 6 fouls called Blair in the ball game to play center field for the Yankees Gary Thomas over in left field open Allen still in right player and center we got a glimpse of Tom and wide Evans world back for Frank Duffy here in the bottom half the ninth inning the Yankees lead by one at Yankees 5 the Boston Red Sox for Red Sox are I wonder nothing leading to the second inning they add up to nothing lead after six Yankees brought four big was in the seventh three run home run by Bucky Dent responsible for three of those runs had an insurance run on the eight a home run by Reggie Jackson in the center field Red Sox game back with two in the bottom of the eight The Yankees lead by four here's White Evans Evans batting to forty eight twenty four home run sixty three runs batted in and time is called Gate loose out in the red sox bullpen in the air left field Roy No. That's Gary Thompson. Just in for white and there's one away Evans tried to pull one out of here and hit it near left field for the first eight years. Rick Carlson the shortstop five home runs forty nine runs batted in 1 4 4 this afternoon. Low again. This has got to start getting ahead of some batters 3 and one person taking all away. A short while a lefty might be cutting on this one a look at his third base coach Eddie Yost for side oh there is a tying around their first base one out Jerry Remy's a batter really has slides left why sacrifice and double and scored he's 1 4 3 out of play off the left no chance for Nettles although he goes way in the corner back in the seats right went on Renee strike two on Remy a big part here with Morales walking that'll bring on unless Remy bounces into a double play Jim Rice will get a chance to hit still two strikes on Remy Yankees of course would like to get the ground ball turned to and don't give Rice a chance to swing the bat he's dangerous forty six home runs one hundred thirty nine run batted in the runner at second base Wolf did not see the ball forcefully farmers in right at but then luckily he gets the ball and burrows decides oh there he might have been out anyway had he gone on to third base a wise choice by adios and falls by we saw earlier on the screen for not trying to shade his eyes the sun with each each pitch was just tough to see runners at first and second went away Red Sox down a run here in the ninth inning and the ball was high enough for me to see a tag in second base is on the third person to throw game going right down to the wire. BOB LEMON coming out as the batter is fouled your steps. Runners at first and third two for the veteran outfielder first baseman he's Homer struck out bounced first and singles diving in two runs overall. His solo home run on the second any single and around the eight and that's a tough one on a real set out right field. Bonilla can't see anything at all out there. I've got to get that ball up in the air and the right feel it frozen hits it on the line will be tough to see. Two outs two on Yankee Stadium five for the bottom half of the ninth inning at Fenway Park. Yankees five runs eight hits Red Sox four runs on 11. That might be a narrows over at third base. He'll squeeze it in it's over. Yes JFK fouls up the Yankee third baseman Greg Darrow and Yankee may have come here in Boston and beat the Red Sox again. Everybody's happy the final score of the Yankees by the Red Sox for and the Yankees win the 1978 American League Eastern Bennett wow the Yankees going down to the wire here they were down to nothing and picked up four big runs at the top of the seven that Bucky Dent at a three run home run to give the Yankees a three to two lead then Mickey Rivers walked and scored on a double by third much and that made it for two Yankees. Yankees got an extra run in the eighth inning when Reggie Jackson hit is twenty seventh homerun of the year. That made it five to Yankees Red Sox picking up two runs in the eighth inning making it close 5 4. Is getting behind the Red Sox batters most of the ballgame running into trouble in the ninth inning. He got Dwight Evans a flat left field for round number one and Rick Brosnan walked Jerry Remy a single in front of Benalla Panola making a fine recovery as he could not see the ball. Fortunately for him the ball was at arm's length and he reached up and got it and held Brosnan at second base Brosnan had thoughts about going to third but stayed there and put Alameda Fire over there and Jim Risch fly the right field Panola And Karl just Chayefsky popped up to Greg Nettles and it was all over and we hope to get Phil Rasool in the dugout soon souls. So stay tuned and we'll be back. We hope with some interviews with the Yankee players right after this while it's all over here the fans still here. They gave their club the Red Sox a an ovation as a left Courser certainly saddened by the loss of the Yankees and the Red Sox fighting all the way down to the wire at one point in July. The Yankees 14 games back caught the Red Sox winning four in a row one as it went ahead as far as three and a half games the Red Sox hung in and finally the last day of the season it was all tied and here we are now the Yankees the champions once again in the American League East for the third straight year and don't forget that the Yankees and fix will send the playoffs to you and we'll be on the air tomorrow from Kansas City right now. Let's go down to the field to Phil risotto. He never broke any call. Wait a minute. But we're on the air right now. What tell us what happened now on you when your medal broke on that land. I'm the last player to gain the balls spot since I left Darren Nettles my recent Mom. Let's come down to dropped it. Well Bucky Dent you know I had to be one of the most dramatic home runs ever hit in any game. And for a season to come down with two teams one ninety nine games you normally win the pennant and a playoff game like this with all the excitement in the world. You I just found a ball off that vulnerable spot on your leg. And then whether that confused Mike Chalmers and I do remember the pitcher hit. Yeah it was a fastball. It was a fastball. It was a fastball. Did you know it was gone as soon as you hit it. No I didn't. I didn't think I hit it good enough. I thought he hit it good enough to hit the wall but it was just blowing and hoping he would get over there. Bucky I said yes. You know you need a shortstop to shortstop always come through in the clutch. Well I've been trying to but lately I'm driven in many big run sports and I was just hoping that I could hit the ball somewhere and get us one run because good was throwing real well today and I to see the guy lose a game like that to do nothing or two to one 0 Bucky. They were the three biggest derby eyes. You know I almost had really a heart attack that when you hit that ball. Plus it looked like Tara's was going along and might have had a to nothing shut out. I mean I had to be the last thing in your mind a homerun right. That's right. I've been dreaming of this for about a month now to be able to hit a home run to maybe win a game for us or something like that. And I'm just glad I came today. I'm lucky. I want to congratulate you again. Really a great great playoff game and continued good luck in the playoffs at Kansas City. Thank you very much. Lucky. And now with us the president of the New York Yankees our roads in and out. You've got to remember 1948 the last time they had a playoff. We did a little bit easier. Then we won eight to three. I know but at that time no. You were kind of riding the bench and I was I was going to Conor's caddy. I know Kenny Collins was a great third baseman but it seems strange that you and Bob Lemon both were in the 48 playoffs and here you are with the Yankees in 78 play. Lemon I are celebrating our 30th anniversary student April. I got a bad stomach. I'm throwing all these lame but there was a great game and the thing that stands out is you know these fellows are all professional they played like it and they got their act together. They just came on and when you throw them in the ninth inning today you knew that they were pros. You know I've got George Steinbrenner saw me in the lobby this morning. I was biting my nails and he said Phil don't worry we're going to win it. Now I don't know how a man under that much pressure could be that opportunistic and you don't think that much. I want to tell you something Phil. You know what this game is all about and when those dollars went out to do their job today they had one thing in mind that was winning. When you see a young man like Bucky again come through in the clutch when he hasn't been hitting well you've got to understand that Bucky has all the professionalism in the world and he reminds me a great deal of builders. I was the president of the Yankees and let's send it back up to Bill White. All right scooter a couple of happy Yankees. Bucky Dent with the three run home run that gave the Yankees a 3 2 lead in that seventh inning and Al Rosen who won his first year as president of the Yankees of course is very very happy or the Yankees are just won their one ball ballgame they've lost 63. The Red Sox have just lost 64. They've won ninety nine and the
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Length: 160min 6sec (9606 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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