1969 Indianapolis 500 | Official Race Film

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Watched the whole thing yesterday while in gridlock traffic.

I’m not sure if Mario won the race or if everyone just broke down and he was the last one standing. Also didn’t realize he won by two whole laps.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] if this isn't a Midwestern American city then God didn't make little green apples and it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime any lapis on the surface is completely typical of its part of the world with a normal quota of churches and monuments once each year however Indianapolis is different when the quiet of the surrounding farms is shattered by this sound the Indianapolis 500 what does it mean to win it listen to the drivers winning Indianapolis 500 to me mean a great deal first of all would mean the second win second of all it means an awful lot of money and third I guess it just means an awful lot of prestige and meeting a lot of nice people like I had happened this last year to me well that would mean a lot but I wouldn't be unhappy if I don't win reading I said I've had my chances three times and enjoyed each and every one oh so it can't be too piggish about a thing like this I know every driver that's ever even thought about coming to Speedway is really looking forward to winning it I've been cheated twice and I hope this is a third time I don't get cheated out of it in many ways it's it's the biggest everything really is it's not only the biggest race is the biggest paying race is the toughest one to win and a lot of times it's the biggest pain in the neck I'd like to win it get it over with I would hold it very dear if I could run it 200 laps and really given a fighting chance at winning this race in the 1969 America's greatest race you'll see you today on ABC's Wide World of Sports spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat the human drama of athletic competition this is ABC's Wide World of Sports brought to you by Allstate insurance companies for insurance to protect your car your whole your life and health business - you're in good hands with Allstate by the shale oil company makers of super Shell gasoline for good mileage super shell in the clean white pump wherever you see the Sun and by warehouser the company that's working on tomorrow's ideas in pulp paper packaging lumber plywood and other building materials there are very few of the great sports events of the world where the crowd itself becomes an important part of the occasion something that helps to lend the excitement and the enchantment to what is going on so it is at the Indianapolis 500 each year people come from all over America some 300,000 of them on this Memorial Day to see the big race at Indy they particularly come from the Midwest because this is the way mid-america celebrates the first big holiday of the summer it's hot today the way it ought to be for such an occasion they come from the farms from the small towns and from the big cities as always 33 cars are poised for the start on the first row a most interesting combination on the pole fastest qualifying speed AJ Foyt he's won the race three times no man has ever won at four times next to him probably the greatest driver of this day who's never won the race Mario Andretti and on the outside the defending champion 1968 winner Bobby unser working with me will be two-time Indy champion Roger Ward and Chrissy cada Mackey also on today's program you'll be seeing a preview of the United States Open Golf Championship featuring the defending champion Lee Trevino now the story here at Indy is one that began way back early in the month of May let's go back now traditionally the track opens on May 1st for practice car testing and drivers tests rookies must pass a series of exhaustive trials before they're eligible to qualify mollifying itself takes place on two weekends as practice speeds increase during the month so to incidents like these spins are only for rookies that's Bobby unser the champ the veteran capable driver Graham Hill in fact if there is a single word to sum up Indianapolis it's unpredictable like last year Joe Leonard leading the race with ten laps to go and suddenly his turbine car stopped suddenly and mysteriously just stopped it was the heartbreak of a lifetime for owner Andy Granatelli who had experienced many other disappointments in 22 years of coming to Indianapolis Leonard walked back to the pits as his car was pushed in the Indian Krissy Connor Mackey talked to an deity what about your luck in this business over the years it's really been bad hasn't it what's that look what's that said Andy Granatelli well luck figures in qualifying at India's positions in the starting line are drawn out of a hat first spot on Saturday May 17th went to rookie jiggers serese it rained in the morning and through the early afternoon then it cleared the moment of a rookie drivers career had arrived for jeter serese [Applause] my number 14 was on the track ready to give it a try took three of the required four laps then however his owner and chief mechanic were dissatisfied with the speed and they gave him the yellow plaque stopping the qualification attempt Arnie connector was next in line but it began to rain again then the rain really came down and the day was a complete washout so was Sunday May 18th for the first time in history the entire first weekend was rained out as cars were pushed back to the garages the gasoline alley gossip was about the accident the previous evening Al Unser a favorite broke his leg while fooling around on a motorcycle that left the two cars of the Parnelli Jones team without a driver right now those right cards may no no actually the rain really helped us today because it's been late before wicked he got out I mean we bought it we drawed number 32 to qualify and the way it looks it's afternoon they've just got the qualifier a few so I actually kept me for this week it was finished for that day the pole position would still be up for grabs the following weekend Monday May 19th the Sun shone again on Indianapolis and the low-slung race cars moved out onto the track for more practice Roger Ward 2 time in the winners with me now Roger you might make a comment on the incredibly small road clearance of these cars well actually as the years have progressed the cars have gotten lower and lower primarily due to aerodynamic but along with that people are working towards getting a lower center of gravity which in the opinion of many would make a car handle actually better this car as you can see is about two and a half inches off the ground or that's how much Road clearance whereas where his finger was there at the last moment was 13 inches above the ground and when I first came to an Annapolis that's about the amount of we have the change in tires through the years on the left is the tire that you ride your one with in 1962 in the middle is the present-day tire and on the right is the tire that Ray Haroon rode on in the first Indianapolis 500 when he was the way a tremendous amount of progress in terms of tire development well there were new arrivals also on Monday Jochen Rindt and there's Colin Chapman - the designer and former Indian Graham Hill arrived back from the ground Prix of Monaco which had been won by Hill for a record fifth time back at the track Mario Andretti was out to practice in a Lotus one of the cars prepared and designed by Colin Chapman a beautiful looking thing as Clint Broder watched suddenly there was a crack it was like real disaster for Mario Andretti and the cars hard Pollard was right behind there in a very dangerous situation well here it is again Roger into the wall they nose flew off completely wheels off and you can see Mario jumping out almost before the car is stopped and running to the wall with only minor burns and here's the way the car turned out a miracle that he could walk away from such a fantastic accident boys a tough little guy isn't he really didn't look too shaken about it either he certainly has a tremendous amount of courage and when you look at that automobile you'll wonder how anyone could have survived such a crash this broken hub caused the crash it was Mario's reaction well that was it it meant that Andretti would have to go with his backup car the Bronner hawk in which he won a major race in California recently well Jim this is a fine race car but it's a two-wheel drive race car and Mario had picked the four-wheel-drive Lotus because he honestly felt it would give him some advantages on race day well as he went out the next day and he was right back at it Mario put on a fire repellent facemask that gives almost complete protection I think if he'd have warned that facemask yesterday probably he would not have had those facial burns but as we said Mario was right back at it practicing getting the hulking shape with only three days to go suddenly it was Saturday May 24th the pole position still undecided the stage today is different than the stage a week ago today first of all the sun is shining but the drivers and owners are under the gun for if they don't qualify by six o'clock tomorrow they may not get in the Indianapolis 500 there are 64 cars on the grounds 51 of which have practiced and only 51 eligible drivers the first driver to go will be our Nica Knepper in number 29 Culebra was in the unusual position of having known for almost a full week that he would in fact be first in line first to take to that racetrack and try to qualify for the Indianapolis 500 Arne moved out of the pits and qualify he did at one sixty six point two two of Gordon Johncock qualified it better than 168 in a car representing the Gilmore Broadcasting Company and ABC affiliate complete with a wide world of sports ticker then it was the turn of AJ Foyt the picture of concentration free time winner of the race and one of those men who really wants that pole position grabbing his own orange coyote car and ready waited in line and watched Ajay's time 170 point 5 6 8 easily the best time of the day his reaction okay 70 and a half are you pleased with it no Chris we're not I felt sure we'd break the record the 1 in 4 lap record we've been running fast enough but the wastegate actually broke on it is what happened to it well if it was all that bad maybe Mario Andretti could beat it and take the pole position away from AJ Foyt remember this part only had three days of preparation specifically for Indianapolis and along with that Mario had a lot of work to do in himself emotionally because after that kind of an accident you certainly couldn't be as ready as you might be AJ watched as Mario did 160 9.85 one not good enough to beat out fight it was second best to this point on Mario had a few words on his performance manner you know it's been a long month for you are you Pappy or are you down right now well I'm happy we're in the show naturally I thought we'd be able to go a little quicker but how do you feel marry after that crash the other day I feel fine physically I don't think I should have any problem that just that all of a sudden we had this setback and the equipment had to be prepared in time and in other words all of a sudden we were back to the 5th of May actually and only two days to get up to speed so all in all as I said I'm happy so was Andy Granatelli the answer went out the defending champion an Allen sir he of the motorcycle ride and the broken leg watched as his brother tried to qualify [Applause] in his checkered racer he did one sixty nine point six eight three third fastest Bobby he put it in the front row do you think he'll stay there well I doubt it Chris I gotta say I'm still not happy with the time but it's a whole lot better I've been running all month so I sure not complaining Roger McCluskey did one sixty eight point three he was in the second row Leroy Yarborough stock car driver made the third row Dan Gurney in the fourth row with his stock Bock engine only one in the race Joe Leonard right next to gurney on the start and art Pollard right next to Leonard on the other side rookie Mark Donohue right behind AJ Foyt Mel Kenyan back in the eighth row Lloyd Ruby and disappointing 20th position Dennis home Gurney's teammate in the ninth row one man who was not disappointed with his speed in any way however was young Gary Benton Heusen son of the great Tony who was killed in practice on this track yeah everybody I've talked to today he's been complaining about losing speed and you've come in here faster than you've ever gone what was the difference well Chris I don't really know I felt like it was actually running slower I thought I was around about 165 miles an hour we had problem this morning the car wouldn't even run so we made some changes in the ignition and went back out and when I went out to qualify I didn't even know if the engine would run and it didn't have a real bad mess in it coming off the corners but it didn't it didn't really hurt me and and also down in number one corner is pushing the front end real bad so I really can't figure out why I ran as fast as I did here I ever think your dad when you're out there yes I I thought I'm just before I went out to qualify I think maybe you help me a little bit pity all in all in that day 25 cars qualified for the race eight spots were left to build on the next day Sunday May 25th the final day of qualifying with 8 places in the field still open for the great race the two remaining lotuses would not be making the attempt designer Colin Chapman explained exactly why : why were the cars withdrawn I'm afraid is a combination of circumstances really but the main factor is that as you know we had an accident with Mario's sister car last Wednesday and investigations of the car showed that there was a suspected heat treatment on some of the hub parts and we couldn't be sure that this same problem wouldn't affect the the other two cars in the team we tried to have new parts made any time but at 5 o'clock this morning it just became evident that the new parts we hoped the would arrive weren't in fact going to arrive and we had no alternative but to withdraw the cars it was back to Britain and wait till next year on this day Bill Vukovich qualified first in JC agajanian number 98 others who filled out the field where George farmer Bruce woke up Jack Brabham Carl Williams Larry Dixon Bobby John's the final spot however was still in doubt Rick Muller had qualified 33rd but any car that could go faster than he had in the remaining time was bump him from the and late in the day one went out to try to do it it was number 92 a replica Brabham driven by Peter Revson Uther sweating it out resin one of the heirs to the Revlon cosmetics fortune giving it his all to try to qualify at Indy when a checkered flag went out there was no question Uther knew it he had been bumped resin into the pits the dream of a young drivers lifetime he had qualified to race in the Indianapolis 500 a happy young man and a few other was crushed what about Sirois who would be on the pole if he had completed his run last week I'm gonna go get a gun no sadder words were ever spoken we'll be back in a minute [Music] there are certain songs in sport that stir the emotions my old Kentucky home at the Derby the Notre Dame victory song after a touchdown and here the playing of back home in Indiana before the start of the 500 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Memorial Day in Indianapolis in 33 brave men ready to try to win it all now we arrive at the moment that believe me brings butterflies to the stomach of the bravest most experienced race driver in the world we're about to hear the traditional words from Tony Hulman owner of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway [Applause] these strange specialized machines ready to go now and capable of starting themselves they'll need a push to get going but then they fulfill their only purpose for existence to race little water on the hands helps the grip on the wheels [Music] moving into motion now ready to start the pace lap [Music] wild sound of these turbocharged Fords and Offenhauser engines for the most part one stock black engine driven by Dan Gurney and as always Roger somebody can't get started yes it is Leroy Yarborough he's right at this moment a very anxious young man the fears over having a problem with his starter and the procedure now of course well he'll have to push his car off the racetrack in the finale and hopefully there get the car spattered in time to rejoin the fear meanwhile the other 32 cars are trying to form themselves in unique rows of free in their previously assigned positions the positions that they won in all that competition during qualification this huge crowd of more than 300,000 staring right now mostly a Leroy opera's car on the right on the pole three-time winner AJ Foyt next to him Mario Andretti looking for his first win and on the outside the defending champion Bobby unser and Jim Leroy's car is being pushed now to the pit alley where hopefully they could get started of course a very strict rule the race will not wait for you and they are not allowed to push the car to start it so he's hoping if they can get it started right away meanwhile the rest of the cars are getting pretty well lined up they could get the green flag this time in the third row that empty space is for Yarbrough doesn't look like he could possibly get up there even and he does get started he has started and out of the pits now at the end of the back straight away so he could conceivably catch the field but whether he can get into this position is rather doubtful okay there's gurney number 48 right alongside of him Leonard and Pollard and here is Yarborough moving past row after row frantically trying to get up to that third row is assigned position there on this chart straightaway before it turned four and now entering turn four towards the front straightaway there's the first row the second and you see the empty spot for Leroy in the third row and Leroy still jockeying for a position they're going to get the green flag this time pace car is off the track standby for the start at Indianapolis mario andretti instantly diving for that corner and he's got point in the first turn and ready has taken the lead point is second Bobby unser is third and Roger McCluskey is poor just what you would expect out of Mario on that first turn wasn't a runner well yes it is however with points experience you might actually feel it position he could grab the lead but Mario and Boyd are both very clever race drivers that it's hard to say who can out guess the other right now Roger McCloskey and passing last year's winner Bobby unser so we have three reddish cars and appearance up on front Mario and Freddy and car number two is the leader car number six AJ point is in second place and whoops there is Bruce woke up in car number 16 looks like he's headed for the day and the race has hardly begun and the car season rookie so he actually still hasn't driven even one lap of competition a very disappointing breakdown for him 32 cars left in the field out and thready really stretching it out a little bit right now in his car number two remember point is number six in second place I McCluskey number 82 is a very close third right now Unser dropping back a little bit in the fourth place actually the first four cars have moved away from the field just a little bit so the little gap between the fourth and fifth place cars but a lot of traffic behind the fourth place card Indianapolis 500 one of so many great races sponsored by the United States Auto Club and here now a look at the artistry of taking turn one in almost dreamlike slow motion it looks as though they're almost floating through that term when you realize how much effort goes into making a turn at speeds like this it's unbelievable that the cars could come through there so smoothly there's Mark Donohue an extremely talented young race driver we see them as we say an ultra slow motion how fast are you really going going through turn one here they're actually averaging through that turn about a hundred and fifty-five miles an hour so at the slowest point perhaps 150 the speeds of course have grown incredible here at Indianapolis I was struck by that when starter Harlan finger told him to slow down 225 under the yellow flag into the pits comes jack brabham in his own car and Billy Vukovich has had it filled Bucca vich the son of a great race driver who was killed on this track after winning the race twice in a row is out of the race and now there goes AJ Foyt passing and ready Boyd in car number six taking the lead as they go through turn one again this is what you might expect AJ is one of those race drivers who certainly doesn't like to run second and his car is performing well perhaps a chance to get the tires properly seated in and now he's after him and we'll have to wait to see what happens whether he can open up a lead on Mario or not and here is one of the great sights in sport today any time that AJ Foyt and Mario Andretti get hooked up in a battle for the lead and look at this Roger Hart powered in an Andy Granatelli car is slowing down and it looks like he'll be out of the race shades of last year in the year before and now into the pits there's Gordon Johncock apparently with a tire problem well they may have cut that tire or perhaps he's experiencing some kind of problem with the tires and of course if he is that could certainly change the complexion of this race very rapidly and here is art Pollard limping into the pits smoke coming from the back of the car real tough break for our Dino he was looking forward to this race and of the three Granatelli cars that started this race now there are only two Andy Granatelli must be thinking of last year and the year before let's get out a Krissy Conor Mackie in the pits now well we developed something in the drivetrain or the driveshaft with started clunking and rattling and diving all over the track so I thought if Interpol in there was no way I could keep it on the track at all and now another car into the pits this is Bobby unser the defending champion here at his car number one you second national champion into the pits for an unscheduled pit stop yes this is much too early for a scheduled pit stop apparently has got some kind of a problem looks as though they're gonna change a tire on his automobile too so apparently there are going to be some tire problems today and now Jim is a three-way battle for the lead developing as Roger McCluskey joins into the battle and of course Bob uses car is moving back onto the racetrack that's right it is AJ point in car number 6 mile and ready in car over to Jim McElroy scars on fire McIlroy heading into the first turn I hope you can stop that thing get out of it Roger yeah she sometimes worry about a person moving towards the outside you wonder if his steering is working or not but if Bernie is he just pulled out of the traffic so as not to involve anyone else and of course he's working frantically to get out of that automobile boy I better get a quick and he's out of the car Macca read out of the car safely that was a wild incident it was so sudden let's hope they get the fire out before it gets to the fuel tank that must be an oil fire because you can see the fire and of course there's a lot of black smoke AJ point leads and ready second McCluskey third from high overhead you're looking down on the 1969 running of the Indianapolis 500 more than 300,000 people gathered to watch this year's event and look at this battle for the lead it's AJ Foyt in car for six in first place followed by car number two Mario Andretti and then car number 82 Roger McCluskey teammate of fight in fourth place is Gary Benton Heusen fifth Wally Dallenbach six Lloyd Ruby and seventh Joe Leonard that's the way they stand great racing right now and pulling down is the fourth place car Gary Benton Heusen who had moved up very well with driving a fine race the son of the late Tony Benton housen but it looks like he's out of it for 1969 and there goes McCluskey passing Mario Andretti McCroskey has moved in a second place AJ Foyt is still a leader real find Chris and then all of a sudden pistons dropped out of the engine broke a piston back out on the track there's a tremendous battle now for fourth place between Lloyd Ruby and car number 4 and Walid Allen back in car number 22 Ruby started in 20th place he's really been moving he certainly has he made a tremendous charge in the early stages of the race and now you see Talon backed back out in front of him again battling for fourth position and here is Roger McCluskey slowing down the third place car and Jim the way he was shaking the automobile it would appear as though he might be out of fuel he'll have to coast all the way to the pit that's gonna cost him a lot of time what had been a three-way battle is now a two-way battle then with AJ Foyt and Mario Andretti and now here comes the leader Floyd into the pits for his first scheduled pit stop of the afternoon and jimmies followed Bragg closely by mario andretti tried both leaders into the pits here comes Mario and his car number 2 Clint Brawner with the handkerchief around his neck there waiting for him is chief mechanic this will be a race on the pit stop see who gets out first McCluskey has reached the pits he is out of gas it looks like may take him a little bow before he gets back out again meanwhile the leader is now Lloyd Ruby who has just passed wall-e Talon back again they'll both have to make pit stops very soon there is fight going back out there's Mary working on Maya's cars a little slow this time Jim the important thing is that they give a full load of fuel because fuel is very marginal in today's race and these men have to know that the tank is completely full dala back is back out in front of ruby again now you'll find battle between these two cars [Music] I'll be down back number 22 Lloyd Ruby number 4 and into the pizzas Carl Williams in car number 57 that's an important development because that is another Andy Granatelli car now there is one as far as Granatelli is concerned his only hope is Mario Andretti it stops till he come for Lloyd Ruby and Ruby into the pits now Talon bath the leader all by himself at the moment but he'll have to come in very shortly I think and now for a word with carl williams let's go down to the pits and brisee condom every year Granatelli more grief for him at indy yet one car left remember now into the pits comes talon back the only one of the leaders who has not made his first pit stop so far this is going to put AJ Foyt into the lead right there with a pretty good lead at the moment over Lloyd Ruby and Mario Andretti who are side by side right now and there goes Andretti has truly into second place [Music] Joe Leonard has moved up into fourth he's closing it and getting into the battle and Jim Dwight Ruby just passed Mario and read again so we have a real battle as these cars all moved in on AJ point apparently AJ has slowed down some and these cars are gaining almost a second allow very shortly we're going to have a four-way battle for the lead again it looks like there is Leroy Yarborough into the pits and this looks like a permanent pit stop because he's taking off his helmet and leaving the car as it does become a four-way battle for the lead AJ Foyt still in first place again a look at Leonard who's in fourth just ahead of him the only card and now here his bunt Engelstad smoking and this looks like another one's leaving Jack Brabham's still in the pits keep it in there for a long long time now but you know they're putting his card back together so apparently he plans to go back out and now look at this Park for car race AJ Boyd in the lead in second place is Lloyd Ruby challenging him for the lead third place Mario Andretti and fourth place Joe Leonard the three-time winner and three fellas chasing him who have never won the race each one of them of course trying desperately to get into that leader you should have come of that much coveted lap prize money look at this you'll seldom see there's a four-way and there goes Ruby in the first place boy boobie who's twice has been denied victory here when it seemed he had it in his hand has taken the lead again AJ Foyt seems to be slowing down Roger he certainly is and there's Mario Andretti moving inside yet with Joe Leonard right behind apparently he's got some kind of a problem either some tire problem or something has gone wrong with his engine he stretches his lead just a little bit and your letter now passes AJ boy and boy was forced out of the groove momentarily that was kind of a thrill I'm sure look at the crowd of more than 300,000 and here comes Mario Andretti going for the lead right alongside Ruby and Andretti has the lead again [Music] though the best racing we've seen on a long time it's a party cut off our end of the wall in the fourth turn you say me he's upright he's moving around he's gonna be able to get out of the car he's really hitting pretty hard though I think he did a standing on his Dynamo bill waving at the oncoming traffic trying to keep them for money into the automobile I gotta say he's got a lot of courage to do that yellow flag is out again at Indy the yellow flag is still out at Indianapolis as AJ Foyt rolls in for another pit stop the quick reminder here that there will be more motor racing on ABC's Wide World of Sports next week live and in color by satellite you'll see the famous Lamar 24-hour Grand Prix of endurance from Lamar France at a month pitstop Roger yes it is and act just a little bit early however he's probably trying to take advantage of the yellow flag okay the standings in the race then Mario Andretti in the lead Lloyd Ruby second Joe Leonard third and Wally Dallenbach Walid Allen back is slowing down he was in fourth position and now as the green flag goes out Alan Bank is out of the race it looks like and ready still the leader with Ruby second Leonard third they're all in the same lap but they're the only three cars on the same lap now moving into fourth position is this car number 48 Dan Gurney there's AJ back in the pits again so he must have real problems Roger yes I'm sure he does and with the speed with which he came in he overshot his pit stop error his pits and actually he is very upset by the development I'm sure that and tread he's still the leader in the race Rubi second and Leonard third off all three of those cards quite closely bunch that into the pits comes the leader Mario Andretti and car number two the only remaining car of the Andy Granatelli entry trying to break that 23 year drought for the Granatelli brothers as car owners and mechanics they've had long pit stops every time Roger yes they have but they they have to be extremely careful and make certain that he gets a full load of fuel because he went out there without a full lot of fuel he would have to make an extra pit stop and he can't give that much time away to Lloyd Rubin out of the track ruby has taken the lead of course with Leonard's second at the moment as Mario is starting back out on his way here comes Ruby into the bench now of course the question is how fast will Lloyd's pitstop be actually if he could have a real fast one he could go back onto the racetrack and retain the lead right behind him pulling in is the fourth place car Dan Gurney and Joe Leonard is also into the pits can't watch everybody at once here Canyon certainly a lot of action going on right at the moment routine stops however Floyd Robey finishing up his right now starting back out on the track something look Roger there's fuel pouring at the side of the car looks like he started too soon while the hose was still in there yes apparent the hose was still attached either they couldn't get it loose or they didn't have it all the way full and he started to leave the pits and it appears as though they've torn the fuel tank loose from the side and of course Floyd is getting out and you know he's got to be a very very disgusted race driver at the moment in 1966 he was black flagged near the end while leading the race last year he led until near the end his car broke down and now that pure alcohol which is what they use for fuel in these cars is just running out and with it his hopes and as he walks around Mario Andretti goes by in the lead and certainly a comfortable lead at this point so Mario Andretti again is the leader in the race ahead of Joe Leonard Lloyd Ruby has had it again we return to Indianapolis where Mario Andretti is the leader in the Indianapolis 500 there is his car number to the broader hawk owned by Andy Granatelli in gasoline alley crystianna makya is standing by with Lloyd Ruby in 1966 Lloyd Ruby was leading the 500 when his engine developed an oil leak and he was Black Flag while leading last year he was leading the race when his coil failed this year he's out of the race while leading because of a malfunction in the pits Lloyd what happened down there well we just come in for regular pit stop and they already put the fuel in and they closed the cap and usually when they close the cap I mean they're too few and just I just took off too quick and then one hose wasn't disconnected we pulled out a little bit and just pulled a whole section of tar out the fuel tank what do you think about your luck here I just don't believe Lady Luck ever rides me at this place yes more than thing Lloyd will be one of the top drivers he can't seem to get to the finish line yes it's all over again for the man from Texas Lloyd Ruby on the track Joe Leonard has been black-flagged and his into the pits in other words they said he had to come in looks like he's been dropping water Roger yes it appears as though that's what the problem is the car is steaming they've taken the hood off they're our men and motion chris has down with him now second place Joe and then the black flag why I think one of their little chicken duties safety guards was down on Dragon I must have hit a piece of contemporary thought it thumping Chris you go get back in get back in I don't know I wish we could hurry up otherwise we're gonna lose everything it's always both Ruby and Leonard out of the race and Freddy is all by himself in the lead Jimmy's almost out of control why he lost it there momentarily and almost hit the wall however is mario andretti nobody on the same lap with him Dan Gurney a second and Gurney's teammate Dennis home is third and there's AJ Foyt out of the pits again but far behind we'll be back for the finish of the Indianapolis 500 of course he'll win the race he's laps ahead of his nearest pursuers in second place at the moment is Dennis home and in third place Holmes teammate Dan Gurney there they aren't running together 48 there is gurney in just ahead of him 42 is Dennis home there's Mike Mosley who's been going well and smoke coming out of his car now yesterday person so he's got some very serious problems [Music] and coming into the pizzas Denis home his teammate Dan Gurney had just nip past him as home slowed down and came into the pits coming into the pits now the leader it's Mario Andretti in for his final pit stop of the day and there is Mike Mosley number 90 it looks like he's out of the race okay again about a forty second pit stop for Mario Andretti but looks like they're just about set now there he goes Flynn fell down and apparently got either run over his foot or knocked out of the way Clint Brawner the chief mechanic down there sitting on the fifth wall now doesn't look like a serious thing but he was momentarily knocked down by his own automobile and so the day ended for Dennis home of New Zealand with a few laps to go Chris Akana Mackey is with Andy Granatelli it's that time of the day the small board shows 190 laps what's on your mind right now with a car leading what do you think should make us now I mean it Andy you've got to be thinking about something just the one to think about anything is all I could pay yeah the standings Mario Andretti far out in front second now remember mark Donohue is third and Bobby unser last year's winner is fourth we'll be back for the closing laps of the 1969 Indianapolis 500 in a minute [Music] Mario Andretti is running away with the 1969 edition of the Indianapolis 500 if his car will just hold together for a few more laps he's got it wrapped up into the pits now is Mark Donohue who had been running third it looks like they have problems now it's almost over again with the Granatelli car driven by Mario Andretti in the lead that was Bobby unser they're number one who is now in third place Dan Gurney a second fourth as Mel Kenyan there and in fifth place surprisingly car number 92 Peter Revson the young man from the road courses of the world man of the hour it appears is Mario Andretti here's his chief mechanic Clint Brawner checking things over let there be no last-minute mistake not this year at a time like this Jim all you hear are those phony noises that come up into the automobile and make you think something is going wrong I bet that's right this huge crowd getting ready to welcome Mario as a champion he has been the USAC United States Automobile Club champion couple of times before but never a winner at Indianapolis this is the scene in the closing moments the white flag one lap for Mario Andretti and Andy Granatelli can hardly stand it finally slipping on his red victory jacket he still won't talk to anybody and the crowd beginning to pay its tribute to Andretti the young man who came to this country at the age of 14 as an immigrant from Italy he had driven racing cars even before he came over here this was the one he wanted more than anything else in the world and here it comes Mario the checkered flag of victory he's done it and look at this scene in the pit [Applause] [Music] [Music] unbelievable that's for sure the Granatelli brothers have finally done it with the most able assistance of a man in the car [Applause] race driver and of course this will be a very popular victory because he's one of the most popular race drivers in the world today race goes on technically for five minutes other placings are concerned that's what the checkered flag is about now is uncertain takes third you saw Bernie take second but passing through the pits on his way to victory lane is Mario [Applause] here is Victory Lane what a church place that is here in Indiana it certainly is and you got to know that at this moment he still doesn't believe it to read the victory coming in a BorgWarner trophy emblematic of victory behind him that huge trophy [Music] the traditional sip of milk no champagne here at Indianapolis its milk and now for the first time in history the winning driver has been kissed first not by the beauty queen but by the winning owner Mario you have won the Indianapolis 500 you've run it wanted like a champion in every respect what thoughts are going through your mind now in the moments after victory Jim just thoughts of happiness believe me I have been won in to win this race so bad that you can't believe it and I can't I still can't believe it's true I'm just I'm gonna have to be pinching myself all night until tomorrow when that Lotus racer went into the wall and destroyed itself a week or so ago did you think you still had a solid shot well I thought here it is you know this all our hopes were shattered but we had a spare car and a very capable car as you can see so once we get it out on the track and we were able to see how fast we could go then all of a sudden I became the full confidence again and I guess that paid off it sure did Mario and here you said I think with two of the most nervous people in this racetrack especially to the last ten laps Andy Granatelli and of course Mario's white and either Granatelli jinx is dead you know it always was I figured that Mario and I had two negatives like this but two negatives together to make a plus was there any problem any worry during the race in the pits I'm still worried it's impossible there must have been a mistake in the scoreboard can you put it into words now what does it mean which means a wonderful wonderful feeling but more than that I feel so happy to be associated with Mario because we think a lot and do a lot like each other and we just it's great to win together great mrs. Andretti can you put it in words at all no no way I can't believe it yet just very very happy if the Granite's helis and the Andretti's aren't the happiest families in racing then God didn't make little green apples and it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime [Music] the executive producer of ABC's Wide World of Sports is Roone Arledge the coordinating producer Jim Spence Indianapolis 500 produced by Chet 40 and directed by Louisville pucelli US Open preview produced and directed by Fred Hutchison our Associate Director at Indianapolis was Don ohlmeyer remember next Saturday on ABC's Wide World of Sports live from France the 24 Hours of LeMans operation classic also next Saturday here on ABC the US Open Golf Championship from Houston for now this is Jim McKay along with Roger Ward and Chrissy cada Mackey saying so long from Indianapolis air travel arrangements for ABC's Wide World of Sports made through United Airlines who also furnished promotional consideration today's program was pre-recorded spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat the human drama of athletic competition this has been ABC's Wide World of Sports [Music]
Channel: Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Views: 182,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indy, indy 500, indianapolis, indianapolis 500, ims, indianapolis motor speedway, brickyard, race, racing, full, full race, broadcast, race film, film, 1969, 1969 indy 500, 1969 indianapolis 500, mario, mario andretti, andy granatelli, brawner hawk, ford, firestone, andretti, indycar, indy car, usac, f1, formula 1, formula one, telecast, abc, espn, 53rd indy 500, 53rd, 53rd indianapolis 500
Id: BNJvoxScBaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 6sec (3006 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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