1967 Redskins at Browns Game 11

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the NFL game of the week the Washington Redskins against the Cleveland Brown Leeroy Kelly carries number 44 and a tradition of great running backs on his shoulders against the Washington Redskins Kelly will amass 163 yards and be the first runner of the 67 season to top 1,000 yards in the opening moments the Cleveland strategy reveals its first phase of attack establish a ground game if the theory is basic the execution is ruthlessly direct Kelly behind blast blocking Ryan shows us fullback Ernie Green Green stabs the right side for six yards Jeanne Hickerson is number 66 his trap block ensures another five yards the Browns come at the Redskins with excellent line play and determined running Kelly spots the crease of daylight that will give him the outside 42 yards and a touchdown Cleveland seven Washington nothing the ancient Lou Groza kicks off Jon love is on the receiving end love starts up feel with a weary picking stride just looking for an opening number 27 Carl ward abruptly puts a stop to the big return Sonny Jurgensen will have a splendid afternoon he'll pass three separate receivers over the hundred yard mark the running game starts quickly but as the case all year there will be no parity with the passing attack Jerguson works the sideline to tailor the gain amounts to seven yards but the real significance lies in the Cleveland rush watch number 80 bill glass it's a hands up rush sideline passes are thrown with a flat trajectory they can be blocked a sideline pass to the right is block number 82 Jim Houston gets up in the air a hand on the ball and disaster strikes for the Redskins John Brewer pulls in the deflection and goes 70 unobstructed yards for the touchdown but Browns lead 14 to nothing after a touchback the Redskins begin again the sporadic ground game hits and Jerry Allen turns the corner some nifty running results in a 30-yard game the second quarter opens with the Redskins in possession on the Cleveland 23 Charlie Taylor has cleared his man on a flag pattern it's Taylor's first of two touchdowns for the afternoon a seesaw series of breaks will dominate the ensuing action Jim shorter deflects Ryan's pass directly to Paul Warfield a seemingly sure interception turns into a 33 yard game the scale is balanced immediately bad timing on a handoff sends the football squirting into the arms of Ricky Harris number 74 Jim Snowden and the Redskins suffer a very bad break a DeWitt field ops for the outside he finds the corner and begins the 46 yard sprint to the end zone an illegal procedure penalty will nullify the play Whitfield is hot he circled over the middle and pulls in the pass for a nine yard game jürgenson comes back to Whitfield again this time on a square of Whitfield picks up 24 yards before Ernie Kellerman gets the angle the Browns hold on the next three down Jean Mingo kicks a 20-yard field goal and the score is Browns 14 Redskins 10 Mingo kicks off to Carl ward four yards deep in his own end zone it was a mistake 104 yards later the score is 21 to 10 late in the second quarter the Browns are in possession Ryan swings Ernie green over the middle for an 18-yard game not only did the Browns advance past midfield on Green's reception but Paul Warfield tactically sets up Jim shorter Warfield runs a fly pattern hiding his speed letting shorter stay close on the next play a confident shorter is working single coverage on Warfield again the difference is that this time it's for real shorter had inched up and given Warfield the step from the top camera it's evident that in a 50 yard footrace between two fine sprinters a stride is an irrevocable disadvantage the Redskins have possession on their 20 after a touchback jergensen screens to Whitefield breaking back across the middle he picks up 18 yards after today's game Charlie Taylor is leading the league's receivers this past run combination is unusual but nonetheless effective Charlie Taylor breaks up field and Dale Lindsey number 51 takes a shot at the ball Taylor fumbled but Jerry Smith is there to pick up the pieces carrying to the Cleveland 37 Jerguson picks up taylor on a quick square now a pair of splendid moves gives the Redskins another six points from the halftime score Browns 28 Redskins 17 in the third quarter Leroy Kelly continues his magnificent play on a quick screen he rambles 48 yards to the 20 Frank Ryan throws the homerun ball to catfish Smith the pass Falls harmlessly incomplete but Ricky Harris is called for pass interference and its first and goal from the one on a power sweep ernie green forces into the end zone as the Browns take a 3517 lead behind by 18 points the Redskins can ill afford to grind out yardage jergensen shows the run only to make Cleveland secondary play title juergen 'sons pastor jerry smith is nullified by a penalty which brings up a crucial third and nine situation with brown defenders flooding back an ally is created up the middle for jürgenson who takes advantage of it for 21 yards and a first down with double coverage on Charlie Taylor jergensen selects his backs on swing passes ad Whitfield bulls past two defenders and surges to the Cleveland 31 this time Whitfield swings to the right as jergensen picks apart the Cleveland defense these short passes set up the longer throw caught out of position Ben Davis's only recourse is to grab Mitchell the penalty sets up Jerry Allen's one-yard plunge as Washington claws back to 3524 Leroy Kelley turns the corner but pursuit allows him only five yards on a quick post to Gary Collins the Browns cross midfield as we review that last play we see that Collins has beaten his defender by a wide margin Brian's pass is perfect but Colin stumbles and breaks stride allowing defenders time to stop a possible touchdown the drive stalls when Ryan's protection breaks down for that vital instant and Collins is played tough by Ricky Harris and is unable to embrace the ball forced to kick Colin's punt caroms off the pads Vicki Harris bill Andrews catches it in full stride and goes in for his first NFL touchdown but Andrews joy is short-lived as the Browns are penalized for illegal procedure and are forced to punt again Collins goes into his famous swan dive to draw a roughing the kicker penalty but the officials of CAUTIs act before and the Redskins take over behind number 62 Vince Camuto Jerry Allen slashes for seven watch number 69 Jim Kenickie who fights off a block and collars ad Whitfield for a four yard law forced to punt the Redskins commit a killing penalty number 28 then Davis has not given adequate room to field the punt and the Redskins lose a touchdown Leeroy Kelly exhibits the power which has made him the number-one rusher in the NFL Earnie Green is the other half of the devastating tandem and a tour de force by himself the third quarter closes as the Browns reached the 23 on a Ryan to Collins connection a 3524 lead is tenuous at best and the Browns must build on it on the first play of the final period Kelley shocks Washington with a blazing touchdown on the Browns patented power sweep the cleveland sweep works for two reasons picture blocking and fine individual running number sixty John Wooten provides the blocking and Kelly on his way to 163 yards today smites downpour Kraus with a crushing straight arm from there at sheer power and a winner's desire to score as Cleveland's lead virgins 242 24 the Redskins retaliate in one swift maneuver jürgenson Spears Mitchell at the sidelines and the flashy flanker walks in with a 48 yard touchdown when Ben Davis underestimated Bobby Mitchell speed on the last play it proved to be the key to the touchdown number 28 Davis rookie cut his tackling angle down to two final margin and allowed Mitchell to gain the sidelines his only hope then was a desperation tackle which barely failed but allowed Mitchell access to the end zone and a narrower Brown advantage 42 31 Cleveland needs an insurance score but the Redskins will prove to be zealous defenders when Kelly tries to sweep again the Redskins defense it perfectly Jim shorter number 47 comes up fast to slow him down and Carl camera finalizes the tackle on second and 15 shorter makes another big-play his fierce tackle stops catfish Smith short of the first down number 72 Jo rut khun's cancels Ryan's third-down plans as he inundates the Cleveland quarterback for an 8 yard loss trailing 40 to 31 with only six and a half minutes left every play jürgenson calls must be the right one throwing short passes to set up the bomb Jurgensen dismembers the brown zone defense though double covered jergensen goes to Charlie Taylor jürgenson spaz is underthrown and Taylor must come back for the ball when he does the Browns are caught for interference reviewing the play we see the number 20 raw sweetener loses his balance in his haste to recover feat nur charges into Taylor and Washington has a big first down at the brown 13 though almost decapitated by number 83 John brewer ad Whitfield recovers and almost goes in for a touchdown behind zone blocking Jerry Allen dives over for a touchdown the cleveland lead has been reduced to 42 37 when the defense holds the Redskins get their final opportunity with less than two minutes to play Washington must drive 77 yards to victory but jergensen and his band of merry men have proved equal to the task on other Sundays slipping on the wet ground jergensen loses his balance and nine precious yards on third and 15 jergensen displays his all-pro credentials by locating Jerry Smith who evades Dale Lindsay and streaks 21 yards to a first down Charlie Taylor catches his xi pass and weaves through the shell-shocked brown defense for 19 yards to set up the crucial play of the game going for broke Jurgensen throws a bomb too speedy rookie john love but the brown pass defense dormant all afternoon makes the big play when it really counts Aric Parnes breaks up the pass and the scoreboard is the beacon of the redskins destiny number 84 Paul Wiggin assaults Jerguson having run out of miracles and receivers jürgenson succumbs to a fierce blindside tackle by bill glass as the clock mercifully runs out the 42:37 victory keeps Cleveland at the top of the century division after a miserable start the Browns seem to have found the ingredients of victory on both sides of the scrimmage line for Washington the defeat almost surely canceled all their hopes of catching the resurgent Dallas Cowboys in the capital division for both Cleveland and Washington it might have been the biggest game of the season
Channel: Comrade Dobler
Views: 13,341
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Id: yuUDG8coJfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2016
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