1967 Niners at Redskins GOTW week 9

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the san francisco 49ers led by head coach jack christensen invade dc stadium for a crucial game with the washington redskins on this hot sunday afternoon both teams must play without their top receivers all pro dave parks is hobbled by a hamstring and is forced to counsel from the sidelines the redskins will miss their main offensive threat charlie taylor who is bench bound with a series of leg ailments this is the nfl game of the week the san francisco 49ers versus the washington redskins on the first offensive play of the day quarterback sonny jurgensen fires a bomb to flanker bobby mitchell whose only enemy on the play is the sideline good pursuit by number 80 stan hinman cancels the redskins thrust and forces them to attempt a field goal with their fourth different place kicker of the year gene mingo's kick is wide as the three-pointer continues to be a fictional part of the attack later the redskins regain possession as 49er safety alvin randolph steals himself for combat bobby mitchell the 32 year old veteran still retains the flashy moves that had made him a danger to defenses for a decade the ground game or small back attack is led by a.d whitfield and number 20 jerry allen a seldom used setback once again the erratic attack fizzles as goose gonsulin breaks up jurgensen's pass to tight end jerry smith and washington is forced to punt pat richter's punt rolls toward the end zone but linebacker jim carroll makes a great save and san francisco must start their offense from the one power running ken willard moves the 49ers out of danger with a five-yard burst on a play-action pass quarterback john brody fools everyone but number 47 jim shorter who almost makes the interception on a simple square out bob windsor beats brig owens for the first down at the san francisco 25. the 49ers show why they disguise and affect the screenplay better than any other team in football as brody connects with john david crowe the screenplay like all others relies on good blocking number 76 tackle len roadie shows why and how to carl camera from the 45 brody steps into the pocket and finds sonny randall for another first down number 42 swift doug cunningham is a dramatic counterpoint to the 49er fleet of huge running backs the 99-yard drive culminates when brody is forced to flee from the pocket finding no receivers open brody tightropes down the sideline for a touchdown as the 49ers draw first blood on that touchdown a key block was supplied by number 40 ken willard who knifed down brody's last obstacle to six points the slumbering giant of a ground attack finally awakens as jerry allen weaves his way to the 49er 33 as the first period ends rookie bob windsor offers vocal encouragement to the 49er defense as the redskins face an important third and three situation jurgensen goes to bobby mitchell but a last-second deflection by kermit alexander saves the 49ers from the 33 gene mingo's second field goal try goes astray as the drive is again unrewarded once again the defense holds and gives the offense a chance to tie the game at seven on third and one the 49er defense submarines expecting a run but jurgensen surprises them with a pass to jerry smith at the 49er 38 the first half becomes a nightmare of wasting opportunities for washington as a harry jurgensen passes off balance and clark miller intercepts the ill-time pass trying to capitalize quickly brody's bomb is broken up nicely by brig owens split end sunny randall again proves unsolvable for washington on even the simplest pattern utilizing a play-action fake to number 22 gary lewis brody spears the wily randall for the second san francisco touchdown and a 14 to nothing 49er advantage displaying elusive moves once past the scrimmage line jerry allen has instilled life into the redskins non-existent ground game on a draw a.d whitfield slithers seven yards for a first down mixing runs with short swing passes the redskins mount their first attempt for a consistent drive built low to the ground a.d whitfield's crab-like stride carries washington to the 49ers 16. jurgensen must throw into a 49er secondary that has proved porous in certain situations mitchell runs a quick post but jim johnson batters both mitchell and the ball senseless on third down linebacker matt hazeltine number 55 makes another great saving play and forces washington into trying the impossible a field goal sonny randall appears even disdainful about the field goal but coach otto graham hasn't run out of surprises mingo fakes the field goal and jim nanowski throws to chris hamburger but alvin randolph collars him short of the first down with less than two minutes to play in the first half the 49ers seem content on running out the clock brody tries to exploit this thinking by firing a surprise bomb to randall but his pass is underthrown and intercepted by paul krauss who wisely runs out of bounds with 51 seconds remaining with mitchell receiving double coverage jurgensen continues to connect with whitfield for big first downs when mitchell finally breaks free jurgensen spears him at the 49er 30-yard line jurgensen tries to kill the clock by throwing to the sideline and alexander helps him with a costly interference penalty non-combatant dave parks has to vet his aggression somehow and the officials bear the brunt of it behind faultless protection jurgensen goes for a touchdown but his pass to johnny burrell is just off the big end's fingertips jurgensen tries for good position for a field goal attempt as he hooks up with jerry smith with only four seconds left in the half as time runs out gene mingo salvages three points as the redskins trail at the half 14-3 for washington the first half was a dismal tale of missed opportunities given the ball time and time again by a staunch defense they could not deliver in the clutch the second half was less than a half minute old when number 26 paul krauss went for the ball carrier and number 47 jim shorter went for the ball number 63 ed brenning's alert recovery put the redskins on the 49ers 26 with an early chance to lessen their halftime deficit the right side pulled a number 25 a.d whitefield turned left for six yards to the 20. with second and short yardage jurgensen found tight end jerry smith at the five brute strength and cat-like quickness by number 50 ed beard stopped 80 whitfield six-point drive number 20 jerry allen found no daylight at the same portal with fourth and two at the two jurgensen rolled right and pitched perfectly to tight end jerry smith for washington's 10th point thumb lightest spread in the 49er camp from ground level we see that it wasn't 49er ineptitude which caused their costly errors jerry smith's jarring tackle opened the way for gene mingo to display his alertness jurgensen wasted little time capitalizing a slant into bobby mitchell had touchdown written on it until number 20 george donnelly wrapped mitchell illegally from the seven yard line jerry allen followed his pulling guards into the end zone and the redskins have their first lead of the day inspired to maintain their advantage the skin's defense hit harder confused by the heavy traffic and bounding ball number 46 ricky harris was unable to feel spurrier's punt number 57 frank nunley did harris and his fellow past defenders tightened up and the rush got to brody tommy davis tried to salvage three points from the 39-yard line but this effort too was aborted the fumbling epidemic spread jerry allen having his finest day was plagued next ed beard recovered number 68 howard mudd wipes out the cornerback and springs rookie speedster doug cunningham for 11 yards and a first down at the five ken willard's first effort to score was neutralized at the line of scrimmage number 67 walt rock provided the extra effort needed to put willard across the goal line and the 49ers into a new 21-17 lead ricky harris is a determined young man his 180 pound stature does not reflect his desire determination or balance in a perfect protective cup jurgensen sets up and fires a strike to jerry smith as the quarter ends rookie steve spurrier wonders when his chance will come given time to select his receiver jurgensen usually can connect only great defensive plays such as this one by kermit alexander thwart his efforts jurgensen's whiplash arm is rarely shut out he comes right back to alexander and combines with smith to sting him for 11 yards a nifty fate right deceives the secondary jerry allen is left unattended and jurgensen's floater is on target jurgensen was able to isolate allen with a linebacker the deceptive fake intelligent call and over-the-shoulder catch added up to the redskins three-point lead at 24-21 rookies make mistakes good rookies like doug cunningham don't make the same one twice jolted savagely by number 24 pete larson cunningham maintains possession at the 20. running is not john brodie's style survival is more important than style however the ground game is handled by the 49ers big back offense number 44 john david crowe and number 40 ken willard grind out the tough yards and render any defense more vulnerable to the past on this play brody's perceptiveness and experience enables him to isolate doug cunningham on a linebacker off play action brody selects sonny randall on a post pattern the infraction is obvious and the 49ers are at the scoring door again at the six inch line the sure hands of center bruce bosley flex in preparation number 55 chris hamburger's jolting tackle is a split second late and the 49ers go back into the lead 28-24 the flying wedge was outlawed years ago the redskins have their own version but rookie dave hedema penetrates the blockers to nail ricky harris at the 27. the trap play jams but 80 whitfield reads his blocks and gets loose for 15. from the sideline we can see that whitfield's ability to start quickly and run intelligently serves him well the redskins are on the move jurgensen is on target over the middle to john love great interior blocking springs jerry allen for five more now the momentum is washington's a sideline pattern to jerry smith goes to the 20. seemingly stopped at the scrimmage line 80 whitfield sneaks through for precious yards verbal encouragement won't be enough for the 49ers now under a heavy rush jurgensen coolly sets and fires to jerry smith the redskins have a three-point lead with seven minutes remaining 31-28 it's been six weeks since washington has won a football game they've been agonizingly close in all of their losses as ken willard easily pounds for 12 yards rooter sense another letdown the identical play fails a second time and san francisco is forced to punt with no place to run and no place to hide ricky harris is dropped at his own 35. the redskins want insurance jurgensen calls on the day's leading rusher jerry allen to provide 17 yards worth with two minutes remaining coach jack christensen surveys his defense and knows they must assert themselves for the first time in the game jurgensen is dumped washington must surrender the football now it's beat the clock and pressure error on ken willard washington's prevent defense can't prevent this diving eight-yard catch by bob windsor it's time to score john david crow beats his man but the anxious receiver drops the perfectly thrown bomb the next error is brody's rattled he overthrows sunny randall down the sideline third and ten and dick witcher has speared on a rollout for eight yards fourth and two at the skins 41 a swing to willard fails and the 49ers goose is cooked the redskins third win all but eliminates san francisco as contenders in the tough coastal division as they lose their fourth against five wins hmm you
Channel: Comrade Dobler
Views: 4,490
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Id: _wt2_AeeL8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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