1960 Championship Game Eagles vs Greenbay Packers

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well we're gonna have a full house here Frank will fill this afternoon for their state game between the Western Conference winners the Green Bay Packers the Philadelphia Eagles a sellout crowd over 67,000 Franklin Field here the prominent grandstand holds about sixty one thousand we've added approximately 7,000 seats around the fact and every seat will be taken for today's game this will be the largest crowd ever to see if pro championship game we have an early starting time today because we do not have White's here in case the good game should go long barson the championship game we will fight a few moments ago and we can report it this time it is like concrete it is frozen solid my sunshine here in Philadelphia as far they surfaced somewhat it is slippery going the Packers and egos were not for their pregame warmups they were testing gym shoes and the regular football shoes but they were sliding around and it's going to be kind of slow going now as the game goes on the field may become a little bit a better footing because the sunlight probably will get down in there a little bit and far the service even more we're ready for cold weather was afternoon however the temperatures only about 40 degrees but throughout this week here in Philadelphia the Eagles worked out and extremely cold weather and of course up at Green Bay the Packers had to work out in zero weather the game today is billed as a test of Eagle air power with norm van Blokland the National Football League veteran throwing and Packard Browns Frank featuring the hard running of Jimmy Taylor and Paul Hornung this will be true to a certain extent no doubt but believe me the Eagles have a ground game too with both like Billy Barnes and Teddy Dean other good runners in there too Clarence Bates who was injured early in the year might be ready to go today and the Packers will present an overhead press with Bart Starr throwing to max McGee Gary cannibal and boy dollar while the defensive units of both clubs will have to be alert today and how well they do their work probably will decide the outcome of the game the other night football boy the Philadelphia Eagles Jack Whittaker morning goes up to the ball they kick that end-over-end down the middle of the game is underway and finally knocked out of bounds at the 22 yard line Van Brocklin at quarter comes back fakes a handoff full by Bill Quinlan breaking in from his riding position on the first play of the game Green Bay pushed in Kent on the 19 yard line the past high intended for Barnes the swing pass in the left flank intercepted by Bill Quinlan and the Packers are in business a handoff goes to Taylor he's across the 15 yard line before he sit down there by Chuck Bednarik number 16 and Chuck Weber number 51 the middle linebacker a pickup on the play of about five yards it'll be second and five the ball just across the 10 after nine McGee out about five yards to the last Jim tonight for the first time the Eagles fall first and ten on their own five this is an indication of what it's going to be like today we're in for a great ballgame McDonald blanks wide to the right and rich laughs to the left back on it the way let's see who's got it Dean was up plenty for a first down across the 20-yard line but it's recovered by Green Bay bill Forrester number 71 calls on it and it'll be green baseball at the 22 and once again Green Bay has taken over a deep in Philadelphia territory first and ten at the Eagle 22 and off the horny he's coming around the left side hit by crook giant on about the 17 yard line pick up on the play of about five yards second and five at the 17 an interception and a fumble both recovered by Green Bay in the opening moments of the first period no score yet the handoff the tailor across the 15 and down to about the 12 yard line hit by Chuck Weber and Maxie Vaughn now they're getting close to a first down and I believe they'll bring the chains in to measure and off the Horning going around the right side he's hit by pandaren across the 10 yard line but nari pulls him down at about the 8 yard line Trent Thurston leading away with a nice block a pickup on the play of about three yards the ball at the 20 style hold it's down a kick is up it is good and there's time out on the field with the score Green Bay 3 Philadelphia nothing slaps quit left and McDonald writes finds and Dean in the back Vale Van Brocklin back right down the middle number 45 or bumped into Bobby pass interference at the 35 a Philadelphia first down a quick look into Austin across the 40-yard line at about the 43 but not quite enough for a first down let's see where they place it at the 44 they may have a measurement sit there by Ray Nitschke there's a snap and the booth my spiral going down a Willie West walk down there by jelly right now and John witan born who covered the front beautifully and the ball will be placed at the 17 yard line of the Packers by dropping back to throw jerrican Apple up at the 35 yard line across the 35 to about the 37 hit by Jimmy Carr dine pros a beautiful platter than Ken Apple was wide open the ball at 4:37 first down and ten at the Green Bay 37 boy dollar find out to the right the key to the last two fish act here to Taylor coming across before my maxi bar on an ankle tack oh and Taylor gets to about the 42 doesn't go very far coming over to the left side it takes a bounce tall for the Packers and goes out of bounds inside the 20-yard line at the 17th and Philadelphia will take over first and ten on their own seventeen right in front of our NBC microphones and he goes once more go on the offensive Green Bay leading free nothing four minutes and ten seconds left in this first period and office the Billy Barnes is cutting back in gets up to about the 20 yard line where they sit by Henry Jordan and Willie Davis and we'll wait for the officials to market just over the 20-yard line pick up a free second and seven the ball at the Philadelphia 20 he ran with a BA and he gets it up to the 20 40 yard line and the parson Philadelphia giving up Rocklin a big hands that's very possibly the first time in the three years the Dutchman's been in Philadelphia but he's been with the ball though Green vans accomplished something today the 24 yard line pick up a four on the play third down and three to go Green Bay lady beautiful highs finally fight going to Willy would have taken at the 40 on a rocking tackle air by John Wilcox the rookie from Aragon six-foot-five 235 Richi Lucas who is down on there is whipping off for Philadelphia the Packers will put the ball in play first and ten at around 37 Boyd our blanked out to the ride and last weekly to the left Cameron Horning in the backfield a fake shot the horny he goes on a second too late handoff to Tanner who gets across the 40-yard line it there by Bob Freeman number 41 and I'm buzzed the left wing and safety Manor Philadelphia money and terror in the backfield star gives at the horniest I get outside gets across the 45 to about the 46 yard line at the lay handoff to hunting that time if I just Richardson and my camel all right tackle and end on that foot out beautiful Boyd our going out to the right side I'm Maggie Frank top to the left are going back the fastest I'm going out into five here at the John canal Oh who gets the ball at the Eagle 43 yard line hit down by Tom Brookshire of Italy facials facing the ball up at the 42 second down at Warren max McGee again comes out to the left and Boyd alley to the right this is the NBC radio network complete Sacco by Bobby Freeman the past completed the Eagle 15 first out of 10 for the Packers the opening moments of the second period Sarah tried to get right through the middle of the line and he gets yardage daddle about the 11 yard line hit their bikes suck Webber Taylor fold it right through the middle of the line a sly angle from the 24-yard line the snap the ball is up it is good on the field with the score Green Bay six kick the field goal for the 24 for that second score six nothing may we the hand off this time to find second first time for it Philadelphia in the ballgame and Brocklin going out to the flag and again almost back into it again and it's incomplete intended protecting early in the ballgame as matter of fact the first play from scrimmage for Philadelphia it was intercepted by Quinlan that's lying to the left to McDonald to the right a handoff I can carry set Dean on a delay handoff slamming off right tackle brings the ball up to the 45 yard line of Philadelphia 11 minutes and 20 seconds left to play in the second period off the bar playing it beautifully there refused to be turned in and held off long enough for Jesse Whitman to come up the spill Barnes for a loss of two three yards so to be fourth down and five the ball at the 43 and again pull it off your face what a funny situation leading six to nothing and Brockman waits a moment and then boots our eyes file back at single Willie where slips and falls down on the block a single boy and his would signal for the fair catch he slip as the field is getting slick here but they're giving it to Green Bay at the point of the fair catch which is at the 20-yard line Bart Starr drops back and fires in the flat to tailor maxi bond and Tom Brookshire make a high and low tackle and Gahan burrows slips in to make sure the backers fall short and Max McGee is back to kick max gets off a low boot that Ron Kramer downs on the Eagle 43 Eagle fans begin to get restless as then Brocklin gets McDonald's sliding across the middle the eagle speed merchant races to the pack of 39 before he stopped by Hank Grimm injure again Van Brocklin goes back and looks for McDonald Tommy's opened on the 7 to take Van Brocklin spaz into the endzone for the first touchdown of the game Bobby walleston adds the point and the Eagles go ahead 7 to 6 let's take a look at the pattern run by McDonald Tommy almost loses his footing but he regains his balance in time to take the pass Hank Grimm injure falls off and McDonald goes across with the touchdown the quick striking power of the Eagles changes the complexion of the game the practice failed to move after the kickoff and the Eagles take over on their own 26 Brockman going to the air again a sweet 13 8 a big play for Philadelphia a rush is on here complete it'll be fourth down and goal to go from the 8 yard line now the Philadelphia field goal team comes in Bobby walked into kicks and Sonny Jurgensen to hold it'll be a slight angle from the left okay it's from the 15-yard line with a slight angle there's a snap take us up for station identification Philadelphia leading 10:00 to 6:00 a handoff here to Horning he gets a big hole and bolts right up the middle and is still going across the 35 yard line it's finally by Bednarik and Vaughn a beautiful run by call honey and they call a nice blocking work in the line thereby search turned Kramer's the ball gets across the 35 first and ten for Green Bay minutes and 50 seconds left to play in the half he goes to Taylor he is stopped at the line of scrimmage but then slides off magnificently to the right side and gets enough for the first down I would think finally hit by Chuck Bednarik a first down for Green Bay the ball at the 48 yard line fine second effort there by the straight pull back of the Packers Jim Taylor 60 students 15 pound from LSU first and 10 black the gear to the left firing out the pass completed the seller and he's going down the sideline finally knocked out at the 20 yard line by Tom Brookshire beautiful run there is Tara with that magnificent balance of his almost cup on his feet and could have gone all the way the ball is being placed at the Philadelphia 20 dollars to the right back to Maggie to the left awning and Taylor in the backfield star going way back to pass now down the center he hit Horning Barney's got a little home but he finally offended by Bobby Freeman number 41 at the Eagle 15-yard line a pickup of seven yards on the play and I believe timeout is called now by Green Bay 45 seconds left in this half and of course Green Bay would like to touch down and for Bart Starr that's his eighth completion out of 16 tribes in this first half which gives the clackers time to get the play off the kick has done pointing to temp from the 9-yard on is so good left the ballgame but he goes off the field under his own power seems to be okay in about two or three vain the referee Ronnie Gibson there places but firmly says he got this far we might have to measure it is very close shut weather teamed up with but not that time to make the tackle we will have an official's timeout for a measurement the backers driving down inside the Eagle 45 yard line Julie Taylor going out there having a little difficulty getting out a start but he managed to get a little head of steam that time we've got a step in there first down Davis Tanner Jordan Quinlan Van Brocklin the man with the ball driving back to pass he looks he throws one up the middle it is complete silly game 43 yards on that play 1st down and 10 for the Eagles the ends are in close been in Rocklin thanks the ball gives to Billy Barnes behind the right side he can't Willie Dennis Bertie bring online and free all that we'll say goes the ball is snapped giving this time to teddy he goes out of the huddle again Van Brocklin takes the ball drops back to pass he looks he throws the passion the first and goal to go third quarter Van Brocklin touching the ball back to ten Dean he lied to the lie to his hip the line history describes across the five about the 4 yard line these Eagles who leave the Packers by four points ten to six driving deep in the Packer territory the ball stop by Bill pullin at the 40-yard line second and goal to go down the green shirt he goes break out of the huddle why to the right a little center Bednarik is a big center the ball is snapped fake handoff Van Brocklin rolling out of the right let's scratch the crap reception behind Johnny Simon the pass intended for Tommy McDonald in the end zone intercepted by Simon now the score remains Philadelphia 10 lean basics Packers take over the first down and 10 their own 20-yard line give a star take will the ball dropping back to pass throws when complete keep Taylor at the line of scrimmage he's hit him down Burroughs whoa little safety valve fast there from start to the full by Jimmy Fallon to the 30 for the first down he made that easily he was killing tops we'd tear into the 40 then across the midfield stripe and garner the eagle 45 yard line egle 45 one of the disabled for the Eagles made the tackle falls out the signal takes the ball drops back to pass looking for receiver he throws one up the middle he's complete the plan falls out of the 35 yard line he is hit immediately at the 34 Step five boroughs and Freeman and a first down for Greene 34 yard line the guns down bending the third quarter at the end of the third period here at - fela Philadelphia the score is the fourth quarter underway finders head the ball first down at ten Dhar more just carried the ball down inside of the philadelphia 25 to the 23 yard line and a first down for Green Bay first down and ten for the Packers with charm or carry for 11 yards some Green Bay trailing by 4 points as we start the fourth quarter is down deep in Philadelphia territory are down on the center call signals makes the ball gives to Jimmy Taylor who finds an opening in the middle goes across down inside the 20 stopped at the 18 yard line Bednarik and Weber with Marion Campbell also in on the play he carries to the 18 yard line a gain of five second down and five for the Packers on the Philadelphia 18 yard line the back rows back in the wood huddle just into the fourth quarter now out of the huddle the gang down to the center cause they go takes the ball goes to Tom more come around the left side cuts back in he's not across the 15 and to the 10 yard line before he stopped Bednarik in time Brookshire closing in to make the tackle right at the 10-yard line add another first down for Green Bay nice block that time by Gary Canaveral another by Jerry Kramer balls out the signals again takes the ball is to Jimmy Taylor who finds an opening on the left side runs into one that was down burrows listen help from Tom Brookshire's made the stop and it looks as though an eagle was hurt on the play burrows is getting up slowly and the timeout is called by the eagle you go 7 yard line start some of the center calls out Lachey go take them all which four receivers horrible so when you're scoring pass from Bart Stargell fm the Packers he led at one point six to nothing then trail some of the six and ten to six regain the lead by a score of 12 to 10 the backers out of the huddle they're lined up the ball is placed and kick the kick is perfect the extra point by Horning is go to the score now the green backers first down a tenth of Eagles here and Rockland giving you 15 to the 46 yard line kickoff factors leave 13 to 10 Van Brocklin down to the center again makes the bog is to beam Rocklin hit by ray HD important for a loss of about eight yards out to the 28 yard line laughs wives of the left McDonald's to the right here's been back from acrobats down inside the 15 to the 13 years live then black one again all valve the thing goes here is a handoff to positive inside the 10 first down in gold Van Brocklin calls the signals gives you Teddy beam line of Green Bay right down field after a nice return of ray last kickoff here is we stopped in the 35 the 36 yard line by flavor and Bobby Freeman dollar wide to the light piggy wine to the left-center takes the ball gives to Jimmy Taylor guard for about four yards of close to a 40-yard line stop there by John Burroughs and Jeff Richardson the middle and we might have to have another measurement they need it just inches and we are going to have another measurement they put the chain down Bart Starr brings the Packers out of the huddle there is Bart to back the past he looks Eve open up the middle complete from the game he's hitting Danny was complete to makes the gay but he was hit hard and fumble the ball was recovered by Maxie bond Rocklin brings the Eagles out of the huddle he's down onto the center takes the ball fakes the pitch champ gives to be who is hit at the line of scrimmage but manages to get the first lady 50-yard line and two of the Green Bay 48 tempting powering his way for about four yards second and six for the Eagles Franklin brings the model Tommy McDonald split 50 yards to the right here's a handoff to inside the 45 to about the 43 yard line getting about six yards third down and about one for the Eagles on the Green Bay 43 yard line the ends are enclosed there is a handoff to Tempe who was hit at the line of scrimmage but rolls away from his man and might have picked up the first time let's see we're gonna have to have another measurement it is very close he got just about a yard we'll find out at a moment if he's got enough for the first down it was third about one my chain gang goes down it is short of the first down forty-five vampy for green by our Willie Wood and Lou carpenter Van Brocklin ditched the kick away hi wobbly spiral coming down to would F a 10-yard line between a couple of inhabited hit him down at the 12 five in back was taken by Willy water returns just a couple of yards so the Packers have a ball first out of ten on their own yard line takes the ball drops back to fast rolls to the left he loves he draws the pass at the side - to Tom Moore he gets away from one man that runs into a couple of others Chuck Weber and joe/rob line they move the ball in and spotted down at Bay 17 a gain of about five yards bubble swing pass from star to Tom Moore second down of five for Green Bay on its own 17 yard line more and Taylor are back here is Bart Starr getting to Tom Moore time the right side he runs into somebody right in the line of scrimmage holding in for no game third down and five for Green Bay on a song 17 yard line four minutes and ten seconds remaining to be played this is the big one again you for the championship the Green Bay Packers and the Philadelphia Eagles there is Bart Starr dropping back to pass thanks protection whoops throws in that infant blades straight up the middle so it'll be fourth down a fire for eBay and it's all 17 yard line turn back with me back into information backers went ahead 30 lieutenant now they don't leave 17 to 13 here's a high pass to Center with McGee gets to kick away wobbly spiral are gonna let it roll a boxer's down to the 35 the 30 rolling down still at the 26 yard line nice punt by Max McGee's Bednarik down over the ball Van Brocklin falls down the signal takes the Mongoose to be going wide to the left turns that corner puts his head down and drives to the 30-yard line been driving for four yards up to the 30-yard line second down and six for the Eagles the scoreboard clock shows three minutes remaining to me play that is unofficial time of course Altima gives to deed again who prize rolls away from the pilot fair a couple of extra yards up very close to the 35 yard line and that might be enough for a first down Johnny Simon closed in for the secondary in Stockton they have to get just outside the 35 sort of a 35 this is a big play right here backers trying to get possession of that ball a handoff to Billy Barnes who tries the center the line is hit right on the line of scrimmage he's fighting for yardage and the Packers are fighting trying to hold him back big pile up in there bill Forrester bill Quinlan and we Jordan all making the stop and let's see where it was stopped now he's short of a first down so it is fourth down well he would and Luke carpenter back deep for Green Bay land Rockland takes the pass through Center gets the kick away hi wobbly Spyro coming down to Lou carpenter at bay 30-yard line he's gonna be hit blue carpenter hit by huge down at the 35 yard line let's pause right here 10 seconds for station identification he looks he froze one is complete to Jimmy juniors of the 40-yard line our game of the past from star to tailor that stops the clock with 55 seconds remaining to be play that Merrick was the man who for stealer on Abajo second down and five backers on their own 40-yard line he was lead by four points here's our model again tire down a little Center fake the ball drops back to pass he looked he froze when complete the term moorings at the 40 is hit just about enough for a first down as we call by Green Bay to stop the clock just about 45 seconds remaining to be played maxi born in town Brookshire made the stop that time hey short of a first down by about a yard when players resumed it'll be third down and one for the Packers the ball is FA 44 yard line dollar wide to the lake the g-spot to the left here is star giving to Jimmy Kayla well he put his head down and charged very hard into town Brookshire and without a bounds a 47-yard line of Philadelphia Center again he takes the ball drops back to pass he looked he threw up on his completion get him down at the 30-yard line thirty seconds remaining to be played and again the path is full of timeout to stop the fire they have a first down out of ten on the Eagle 30-yard line Jimmy Carr lays the tackle for the Eagles the Eagle 30-yard line tire down on the center all down the signal takes the ball and drops back to pass get full taxi look for the Longwood intended for Bowery it is incomplete gasps antenna for Boyd dollar is incomplete Jimmy Carr and burrows both were back there with dollar black stops automatically it shows 25 seconds remaining to be played second down and 10 for Green Bay they have the ball on the ego hoodie yard-line takes the ball drops back so fast he looks he throws the pass was complete 43 yard line is him down immediately his complete off the field let's go over here Franklin Field in Philadelphia the Eagle II defeats the Green Bay Packers by a score of 17 to 30 quite an afternoon we are Franklin Field in Philadelphia tremendously exciting football game and of course we have to congratulate bucks all the Philadelphia Eagles for a fine season in a fine game the winners of National Football League's playoff game the new world champion
Channel: Tarik Dean
Views: 58,086
Rating: 4.8763795 out of 5
Id: p28YtLCI2Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 36sec (2976 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2015
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