1957 Fords [HD]
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Channel: Michael Smalley
Views: 100,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1957 Ford (Automobile Model), Ford, Custom, Custom 300, Tudor, Fordor, Fairlane, Fairlane 500, Club Sedan, Club Victoria, Town Sedan, Town Victoria, Sunliner, Skyliner, Starliner, Retractable, Country Sedan, Country Squire, Ranch Wagon, Del Rio, Ambulwagon, Ambulance, 1858 Ford, 1959 Ford, Business Sedan, Business Coupe, Y-Block, 312, 292, 272, 223, Mileage Maker Six, F Code, Supercharged, E Code, Dual Quad, D Code, Post, Automobile (TV Genre), Coupé (Automotive Class), Courier
Id: GyycoBNZIj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 01 2014
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